mirror of https://github.com/fadden/6502bench.git synced 2024-07-31 07:29:00 +00:00
Andy McFadden 463a0cc561 Progress toward OMF file handling
Added generation of the relocation dictionary and constant body for
segments in Load files.

Also, don't reject files with v1 segments (whose length is specified
as a block count) just because the EOF isn't a multiple of 512 bytes.
Some executables don't pad out the last block.

Various tweaks to output formatting.
2020-06-28 21:10:53 -07:00

753 lines
33 KiB

* Copyright 2020 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using Asm65;
using CommonUtil;
namespace SourceGen.Tools.Omf {
/// <summary>
/// Apple IIgs OMF file segment.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Three versions of OMF were used for Apple IIgs binaries: v1.0, v2.0, and v2.1. (There's
/// also a "v0" used for older Orca/M 8-bit products.) The Apple IIgs Programmer's
/// Workshop Reference says:
/// "This section describes Version 2.0 of the Apple IIGS object module
/// format(OMF). The System Loader supports files written in either Version 2.0 or
/// Version 1.0 of the OMF. The APW Linker, however, creates load files that
/// conform to Version 1.0 of the OMF. Notes in this section describe the differences
/// between Version 1.0 and Version 2.0 of the OMF. The Compact utility program,
/// described in Chapter 3, converts load files from Version 1.0 to Version 2.0."
/// Most IIgs binaries are v1.0 or v2.0.
/// You'd hope that parsing segments would be unambiguous, but that is not the case.
/// From the same reference:
/// "In Version 1.0, [the first] field is described as follows. For object files
/// and load files, BLKCNT is a 4-byte field containing the number of blocks in the file
/// that the segment requires. Each block is 512 bytes. The segment header is part of
/// the first block of the segment. Segments in an object file or load file start on block
/// boundaries. For library files (ProDOS 16 file type $B2), this field is BYTECNT,
/// indicating the number of bytes in the segment. Library-file segments are not
/// aligned to block boundaries."
/// This choice means it's impossible to unambiguously parse a v1 OMF file without knowing
/// its ProDOS file type, which we don't have access to. In most cases we can make a
/// reasonable guess.
/// Documentation bugs:
/// - GS/OS ref: table F-2 says "blockCount" where it should say "SEGNAME", and shows the
/// offset of "tempOrg" as $2a (should be $2c).
/// - GS/OS ref: appendix F refers to a "REVISION" field, which does not seem to exist.
/// </remarks>
public class OmfSegment {
// v0.0: Original Orca/M OMF format. 0x24 bytes followed by variable-length SEGNAME.
public const int MIN_HEADER_V0 = 0x24 + 1;
// v1.0: Initial IIgs OMF format. Adds LCBANK, SEGNUM, ENTRY, DISPNAME, DISPDATA, and
public const int MIN_HEADER_V1 = MIN_HEADER_V0 + 8 + LOAD_NAME_LEN;
// v2.0: Updated IIgs OMF format. Removes LCBANK, redefines KIND, and embraces BYTECNT.
public const int MIN_HEADER_V2 = MIN_HEADER_V1 + 4;
// v2.1: adds TEMPORG and a couple of attribute flags. No "min" constant needed.
// Length of LOADNAME field.
private const int LOAD_NAME_LEN = 10;
private const int DISK_BLOCK_SIZE = 512;
public class NameValueNote {
public string Name { get; private set; }
public object Value { get; private set; }
public int Width { get; private set; }
public string Note { get; private set; }
public NameValueNote(string name, object value, int width, string note) {
Name = name;
Value = value;
Width = width;
Note = note;
/// <summary>
/// Values pulled from file header. Useful for display.
/// </summary>
public List<NameValueNote> RawValues = new List<NameValueNote>();
/// <summary>
/// All known OMF versions.
/// </summary>
public enum SegmentVersion { v0_0, v1_0, v2_0, v2_1 }
/// <summary>
/// All known segment kinds.
/// </summary>
public enum SegmentKind {
Code = 0x00,
Data = 0x01,
JumpTable = 0x02,
PathName = 0x04,
LibraryDict = 0x08,
Init = 0x10,
AbsoluteBank = 0x11, // v1.0 only; became a flag
DpStack = 0x12
/// <summary>
/// Segment attribute flags, included in the Kind field.
/// </summary>
public enum SegmentAttribute {
BankRel = 0x0100, // v2.1
Skip = 0x0200, // v2.1
Reloadable = 0x0400, // v2.0
AbsBank = 0x0800, // v2.0
NoSpecial = 0x1000, // v2.0
PosnIndep = 0x2000, //
Private = 0x4000, //
Dynamic = 0x8000 //
private byte[] mFileData;
// Header fields and header-derived values.
public int FileOffset { get; private set; }
public int RawFileLength { get; private set; } // from BLKCNT or BYTECNT
public int FileLength { get; private set; } // last block may be short
public int ResSpc { get; private set; }
public int Length { get; private set; }
public int LabLen { get; private set; }
public SegmentVersion Version { get; private set; }
public int BankSize { get; private set; }
public SegmentKind Kind { get; private set; }
public SegmentAttribute Attrs { get; private set; }
public int Org { get; private set; }
public int Align { get; private set; }
public int LcBank { get; private set; } // v1.0 only
public int SegNum { get; private set; }
public int Entry { get; private set; }
public int DispData { get; private set; }
public int TempOrg { get; private set; } // v2.1; only used by MPW IIgs
public string LoadName { get; private set; } // unused in load segments
public string SegName { get; private set; }
// According to GS/OS ref, an OMF file is considered "foreign" unless:
// - the NUMSEX field is 0
// - the NUMLEN field is 4
// - the BANKSIZE field is <= $10000
// - the ALIGN field is <= $10000
// So we don't need to store NUMLEN or NUMSEX. According to the GS/OS ref,
// "The BANKSIZE and align restrictions are enforced by the linker, and violations
// of them are unlikely in a load file."
/// <summary>
/// Record list, from body of segment.
/// </summary>
public List<OmfRecord> Records = new List<OmfRecord>();
/// <summary>
/// Relocation list, for segments in Load files.
/// </summary>
public List<OmfReloc> Relocs = new List<OmfReloc>();
// Constructor is private; use ParseHeader() to create an instance.
private OmfSegment() { }
public enum ParseResult {
Unknown = 0,
/// <summary>
/// Parses an OMF segment header. If successful, a new OmfSegment object is created.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">File data.</param>
/// <param name="offset">Offset at which to start parsing.</param>
/// <param name="parseAsLibrary">Set to true to parse the header as if it were part
/// of a library file. Affects parsing of v1 headers.</param>
/// <param name="msgs">Notes and errors generated by the parser.</param>
/// <param name="segResult">Completed object, or null on failure.</param>
/// <returns>Result code.</returns>
public static ParseResult ParseHeader(byte[] data, int offset, bool parseAsLibrary,
List<string> msgs, out OmfSegment segResult) {
segResult = null;
//Debug.WriteLine("PARSE offset=" + offset);
Debug.Assert(offset < data.Length);
if (data.Length - offset < MIN_HEADER_V0) {
// Definitely too small.
AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "remaining file space too small to hold segment");
return ParseResult.Failure;
OmfSegment newSeg = new OmfSegment();
newSeg.mFileData = data;
newSeg.FileOffset = offset;
// Start with the version number. The meaning of everything else depends on this.
int minLen, expectedDispName;
switch (data[offset + 0x0f]) {
case 0:
newSeg.Version = SegmentVersion.v0_0;
minLen = MIN_HEADER_V0;
expectedDispName = 0x24;
case 1:
newSeg.Version = SegmentVersion.v1_0;
minLen = MIN_HEADER_V1;
expectedDispName = 0x2c;
case 2:
newSeg.Version = SegmentVersion.v2_0;
minLen = MIN_HEADER_V2;
expectedDispName = 0x2c;
// invalid version, this is probably not OMF
AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid segment type " + data[offset + 0x0f]);
return ParseResult.Failure;
if (data.Length - offset < minLen) {
// Too small for this version of the header.
AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "remaining file space too small to hold " +
newSeg.Version + " segment");
return ParseResult.Failure;
int blkByteCnt = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x00, 4, false);
newSeg.ResSpc = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x04, 4, false);
newSeg.Length = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x08, 4, false);
newSeg.LabLen = data[offset + 0x0d];
int numLen = data[offset + 0x0e];
newSeg.BankSize = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x10, 4, false);
int numSex, dispName;
if (newSeg.Version == SegmentVersion.v0_0) {
newSeg.Org = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x14, 4, false);
newSeg.Align = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x18, 4, false);
numSex = data[offset + 0x1c];
// 7 unused bytes follow
dispName = 0x24;
if (newSeg.LabLen == 0) {
newSeg.DispData = dispName + data[offset + dispName];
} else {
newSeg.DispData = dispName + LOAD_NAME_LEN;
} else {
newSeg.BankSize = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x10, 4, false);
newSeg.Org = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x18, 4, false);
newSeg.Align = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x1c, 4, false);
numSex = data[offset + 0x20];
newSeg.LcBank = data[offset + 0x21]; // v1.0 only
newSeg.SegNum = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x22, 2, false);
newSeg.Entry = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x24, 4, false);
dispName = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x28, 2, false);
newSeg.DispData = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x2a, 2, false);
// The only way to detect a v2.1 segment is by checking DISPNAME.
if (newSeg.Version == SegmentVersion.v2_0 && dispName > 0x2c) {
newSeg.Version = SegmentVersion.v2_1;
expectedDispName += 4;
if (data.Length - offset < minLen + 4) {
AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "remaining file space too small to hold " +
newSeg.Version + " segment");
return ParseResult.Failure;
newSeg.TempOrg = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x2c, 4, false);
// Extract Kind and its attributes. The Orca/M 2.0 manual refers to the 1-byte
// field in v0/v1 as "TYPE" and the 2-byte field as "KIND", but we're generally
// following the GS/OS reference nomenclature.
int kindByte, kindWord;
if (newSeg.Version <= SegmentVersion.v1_0) {
kindByte = data[offset + 0x0c];
if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SegmentKind), kindByte & 0x1f)) {
// Example: Moria GS has a kind of $1F for its GLOBALS segment.
AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid segment kind $" + kindByte.ToString("x2"));
return ParseResult.Failure;
newSeg.Kind = (SegmentKind)(kindByte & 0x1f);
int kindAttrs = 0;
if ((kindByte & 0x20) != 0) {
kindAttrs |= (int)SegmentAttribute.PosnIndep;
if ((kindByte & 0x40) != 0) {
kindAttrs |= (int)SegmentAttribute.Private;
if ((kindByte & 0x80) != 0) {
kindAttrs |= (int)SegmentAttribute.Dynamic;
newSeg.Attrs = (SegmentAttribute)kindAttrs;
} else {
// Yank all the attribute bits out at once. Don't worry about v2.0 vs. v2.1.
kindWord = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x14, 2, false);
if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SegmentKind), kindWord & 0x001f)) {
AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid segment kind $" + kindWord.ToString("x4"));
return ParseResult.Failure;
newSeg.Kind = (SegmentKind)(kindWord & 0x001f);
newSeg.Attrs = (SegmentAttribute)(kindWord & 0xff00);
// If we found a library dictionary segment, and we're not currently handling the
// file as a library, reject this and try again.
if (newSeg.Kind == SegmentKind.LibraryDict && !parseAsLibrary) {
AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "found Library Dictionary segment, retrying as library");
return ParseResult.IsLibrary;
// We've got the basic pieces. Handle the block-vs-byte debacle.
int segLen;
bool asBlocks = false;
if (newSeg.Version == SegmentVersion.v0_0) {
// Always block count.
segLen = blkByteCnt * DISK_BLOCK_SIZE;
asBlocks = true;
} else if (newSeg.Version >= SegmentVersion.v2_0) {
// Always byte count.
segLen = blkByteCnt;
} else /*v1.0*/ {
// Only Library files should treat the field as bytes. We can eliminate Load
// files by checking for a nonzero SegNum field, but there's no reliable way
// to tell the difference between Object and Library while looking at a segment
// in isolation.
if (parseAsLibrary) {
segLen = blkByteCnt;
} else {
segLen = blkByteCnt * DISK_BLOCK_SIZE;
asBlocks = true;
newSeg.RawFileLength = newSeg.FileLength = segLen;
// Perform validity checks. If any of these fail, we're probably reading something
// that isn't OMF (or, if this isn't the first segment, we might have gone off the
// rails at some point).
if (numLen != 4) {
AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "NUMLEN must be 4, was " + numLen);
return ParseResult.Failure;
if (numSex != 0) {
AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "NUMSEX must be 0, was " + numSex);
return ParseResult.Failure;
if (offset + segLen > data.Length) {
if (asBlocks && offset + segLen - data.Length < DISK_BLOCK_SIZE) {
// I have found a few examples (e.g. BRIDGE.S16 in Davex v1.23, SYSTEM:START
// on an old Paintworks GS disk) where the file's length doesn't fill out
// the last block in the file. If we continue, and the segment actually
// does pass EOF, we'll fail while reading the records.
AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset,
"file EOF is not a multiple of 512; last segment may be truncated");
newSeg.FileLength = data.Length - offset;
} else {
// Segment is longer than the file. (This can happen easily in a static lib if
// we're not parsing it as such.)
AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "segment file length exceeds EOF (segLen=" + segLen +
", remaining=" + (data.Length - offset) + ")");
return ParseResult.Failure;
if (dispName < expectedDispName || dispName > (segLen - LOAD_NAME_LEN)) {
AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid DISPNAME " + dispName + " (expected " +
expectedDispName + ", segLen=" + segLen + ")");
return ParseResult.Failure;
if (newSeg.DispData < expectedDispName + LOAD_NAME_LEN ||
newSeg.DispData > (segLen - 1)) {
AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid DISPDATA " + newSeg.DispData + " (expected " +
(expectedDispName + LOAD_NAME_LEN) + ", segLen=" + segLen + ")");
return ParseResult.Failure;
if (newSeg.BankSize > 0x00010000) {
AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid BANKSIZE $" + newSeg.BankSize.ToString("x"));
return ParseResult.Failure;
if (newSeg.Align > 0x00010000) {
AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid ALIGN $" + newSeg.Align.ToString("x"));
return ParseResult.Failure;
if (newSeg.BankSize != 0x00010000 && newSeg.BankSize != 0) {
// This is fine, just a little weird.
AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "unusual BANKSIZE $" + newSeg.BankSize.ToString("x6"));
if (newSeg.Align != 0 && newSeg.Align != 0x0100 && newSeg.Align != 0x00010000) {
// Unexpected; the loader will round up.
AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "unusual ALIGN $" + newSeg.Align.ToString("x6"));
if (newSeg.Entry != 0 && newSeg.Entry >= newSeg.Length) {
// This is invalid, but if we got this far we might as well keep going.
AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid ENTRY $" + newSeg.Entry.ToString("x6"));
// Extract LOADNAME. Fixed-width field, padded with spaces. Except for the
// times when it's filled with zeroes instead.
string loadName = string.Empty;
int segNameStart = dispName;
if (newSeg.Version != SegmentVersion.v0_0) {
loadName = ExtractString(data, offset + dispName, LOAD_NAME_LEN);
segNameStart += LOAD_NAME_LEN;
// Extract SEGNAME. May be fixed- or variable-width.
string segName;
if (newSeg.LabLen == 0) {
// string preceded by length byte
int segNameLen = data[offset + segNameStart];
if (segNameStart + 1 + segNameLen > segLen) {
AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "var-width SEGNAME ran off end of segment (len=" +
segNameLen + ", segLen=" + segLen + ")");
return ParseResult.Failure;
segName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, offset + segNameStart + 1, segNameLen);
} else {
// fixed-width string
if (segNameStart + newSeg.LabLen > segLen) {
AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "fixed-width SEGNAME ran off end of segment (LABLEN=" +
newSeg.LabLen + ", segLen=" + segLen + ")");
return ParseResult.Failure;
segName = ExtractString(data, offset + segNameStart, newSeg.LabLen);
//AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "GOT LOADNAME='" + loadName + "' SEGNAME='" + segName + "'");
newSeg.LoadName = loadName;
newSeg.SegName = segName;
// Populate the "raw data" table. We add the fields shown in the specification in
// the order in which they appear.
if (newSeg.Version == SegmentVersion.v0_0 ||
(newSeg.Version == SegmentVersion.v1_0 && !parseAsLibrary)) {
newSeg.AddRaw("BLKCNT", blkByteCnt, 4, "blocks");
} else {
newSeg.AddRaw("BYTECNT", blkByteCnt, 4, "bytes");
newSeg.AddRaw("RESSPC", newSeg.ResSpc, 4, string.Empty);
newSeg.AddRaw("LENGTH", newSeg.Length, 4, string.Empty);
if (newSeg.Version <= SegmentVersion.v1_0) {
string attrStr = AttrsToString(newSeg.Attrs);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrStr)) {
attrStr = " -" + attrStr;
newSeg.AddRaw("KIND", data[offset+0x0c], 1,
KindToString(newSeg.Kind) + attrStr);
} else {
newSeg.AddRaw("undefined", data[offset + 0x0c], 1, string.Empty);
newSeg.AddRaw("LABLEN", newSeg.LabLen, 1,
(newSeg.LabLen == 0 ? "variable length" : "fixed length"));
newSeg.AddRaw("NUMLEN", numLen, 1, "must be 4");
newSeg.AddRaw("VERSION", data[offset + 0x0f], 1, VersionToString(newSeg.Version));
newSeg.AddRaw("BANKSIZE", newSeg.BankSize, 4, string.Empty);
if (newSeg.Version >= SegmentVersion.v2_0) {
string attrStr = AttrsToString(newSeg.Attrs);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrStr)) {
attrStr = " -" + attrStr;
newSeg.AddRaw("KIND", RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x14, 2, false), 2,
KindToString(newSeg.Kind) + attrStr);
newSeg.AddRaw("undefined", RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x16, 2, false), 2,
} else {
newSeg.AddRaw("undefined", RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x14, 4, false), 4,
newSeg.AddRaw("ORG", newSeg.Org, 4, (newSeg.Org != 0 ? "" : "relocatable"));
// alignment is rounded up to page/bank
string alignStr;
if (newSeg.Align == 0) {
alignStr = "no alignment";
} else if (newSeg.Align <= 0x0100) {
alignStr = "align to page";
} else {
alignStr = "align to bank";
newSeg.AddRaw("ALIGN", newSeg.Align, 4, alignStr);
newSeg.AddRaw("NUMSEX", numSex, 1, "must be 0");
if (newSeg.Version == SegmentVersion.v1_0) {
newSeg.AddRaw("LCBANK", newSeg.LcBank, 1, string.Empty);
} else {
newSeg.AddRaw("undefined", data[offset + 0x21], 1, string.Empty);
if (newSeg.Version >= SegmentVersion.v1_0) {
newSeg.AddRaw("SEGNUM", newSeg.SegNum, 2, string.Empty);
newSeg.AddRaw("ENTRY", newSeg.Entry, 4, string.Empty);
newSeg.AddRaw("DISPNAME", dispName, 2, string.Empty);
newSeg.AddRaw("DISPDATA", newSeg.DispData, 2, string.Empty);
if (newSeg.Version >= SegmentVersion.v2_1) {
newSeg.AddRaw("TEMPORG", newSeg.TempOrg, 4, string.Empty);
newSeg.AddRaw("LOADNAME", loadName, 10, string.Empty);
newSeg.AddRaw("SEGNAME", segName, 0, string.Empty);
segResult = newSeg;
return ParseResult.Success;
public bool ParseBody(Formatter formatter, List<string> msgs) {
int offset = FileOffset + DispData;
while (true) {
bool result = OmfRecord.ParseRecord(mFileData, offset, Version, LabLen,
formatter, msgs, out OmfRecord omfRec);
if (!result) {
// Parsing failure. Bail out.
return false;
if (offset + omfRec.Length > FileOffset + RawFileLength) {
// Overrun.
AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "record ran off end of file (" + omfRec + ")");
return false;
if (omfRec.Op == OmfRecord.Opcode.END) {
// v0/v1 pad to 512-byte block boundaries, so some slop is expected there,
// but v2.x should be snug. Doesn't have to be, but might indicate a
// bug in the parser.
int remaining = (FileOffset + FileLength) - (offset + omfRec.Length);
Debug.Assert(remaining >= 0);
Debug.WriteLine("END record found, remaining space=" + remaining);
if (remaining >= DISK_BLOCK_SIZE ||
(Version >= SegmentVersion.v2_0 && remaining != 0)) {
AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "found " + remaining + " bytes past END record");
return true;
offset += omfRec.Length;
/// <summary>
/// Tests to see whether the record collection is congruent with a Load file.
/// </summary>
public bool CheckRecords_LoadFile() {
bool constSection = true;
foreach (OmfRecord omfRec in Records) {
switch (omfRec.Op) {
case OmfRecord.Opcode.LCONST:
case OmfRecord.Opcode.DS:
if (!constSection) {
Debug.WriteLine("Found LCONST/DS past const section");
return false;
case OmfRecord.Opcode.RELOC:
case OmfRecord.Opcode.cRELOC:
case OmfRecord.Opcode.INTERSEG:
case OmfRecord.Opcode.cINTERSEG:
case OmfRecord.Opcode.SUPER:
constSection = false;
// incompatible record
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Tests to see whether the record collection is congruent with an Object or Library file.
/// </summary>
public bool CheckRecords_ObjectOrLib() {
foreach (OmfRecord omfRec in Records) {
switch (omfRec.Op) {
case OmfRecord.Opcode.RELOC:
case OmfRecord.Opcode.cRELOC:
case OmfRecord.Opcode.INTERSEG:
case OmfRecord.Opcode.cINTERSEG:
case OmfRecord.Opcode.SUPER:
case OmfRecord.Opcode.ENTRY:
return false;
return true;
public void GenerateRelocDict() {
foreach (OmfRecord omfRec in Records) {
switch (omfRec.Op) {
case OmfRecord.Opcode.RELOC:
case OmfRecord.Opcode.cRELOC:
case OmfRecord.Opcode.INTERSEG:
case OmfRecord.Opcode.cINTERSEG:
case OmfRecord.Opcode.SUPER:
OmfReloc.GenerateRelocs(this, omfRec, mFileData, Relocs);
private byte[] mConstData;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a reference to the unpacked constant data from the body of a Load segment
/// (i.e. the LCONST/DS part).
/// </summary>
public byte[] GetConstData() {
if (mConstData != null) {
return mConstData;
// We haven't generated this yet; do it now. Start by determining the length.
int totalLen = 0;
foreach (OmfRecord omfRec in Records) {
if (omfRec.Op != OmfRecord.Opcode.LCONST && omfRec.Op != OmfRecord.Opcode.DS) {
// safe to assume NUMLEN=4, NUMSEX=0
totalLen += RawData.GetWord(mFileData, omfRec.FileOffset + 1, 4, false);
byte[] data = new byte[totalLen];
int bufOffset = 0;
foreach (OmfRecord omfRec in Records) {
if (omfRec.Op == OmfRecord.Opcode.DS) {
int len = RawData.GetWord(mFileData, omfRec.FileOffset + 1, 4, false);
bufOffset += len; // new buffers are zero-filled
} else if (omfRec.Op == OmfRecord.Opcode.LCONST) {
int len = RawData.GetWord(mFileData, omfRec.FileOffset + 1, 4, false);
Array.Copy(mFileData, omfRec.FileOffset + 5, data, bufOffset, len);
bufOffset += len;
} else {
Debug.Assert(bufOffset == totalLen);
Debug.WriteLine("Generated " + totalLen + " bytes of LCONST/DS data for " + this);
mConstData = data;
return data;
// Helper functions.
private void AddRaw(string name, object value, int width, string note) {
if (value is byte) {
value = (int)(byte)value;
RawValues.Add(new NameValueNote(name, value, width, note));
public static void AddInfoMsg(List<string> msgs, int offset, string msg) {
msgs.Add("Note (+" + offset.ToString("x6") + "): " + msg);
public static void AddErrorMsg(List<string> msgs, int offset, string msg) {
msgs.Add("Error (+" + offset.ToString("x6") + "): " + msg);
/// <summary>
/// Extracts a fixed-length ASCII string, stopping early if a '\0' is encountered.
/// </summary>
private static string ExtractString(byte[] data, int offset, int len) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = offset; i < offset + len; i++) {
byte b = data[i];
if (b == 0) {
return sb.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Converts a segment version to a human-readable string.
/// </summary>
public static string VersionToString(SegmentVersion vers) {
switch (vers) {
case SegmentVersion.v0_0: return "v0.0";
case SegmentVersion.v1_0: return "v1.0";
case SegmentVersion.v2_0: return "v2.0";
case SegmentVersion.v2_1: return "v2.1";
default: return "v?.?";
/// <summary>
/// Converts a segment kind to a human-readable string.
/// </summary>
public static string KindToString(SegmentKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case SegmentKind.Code: return "Code";
case SegmentKind.Data: return "Data";
case SegmentKind.JumpTable: return "Jump Table";
case SegmentKind.PathName: return "Pathname";
case SegmentKind.LibraryDict: return "Library Dict";
case SegmentKind.Init: return "Init";
case SegmentKind.AbsoluteBank: return "Abs Bank";
case SegmentKind.DpStack: return "DP/Stack";
default: return "???";
public static string AttrsToString(SegmentAttribute attrs) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int bit = 1 << i;
if (((int)attrs & bit) != 0) {
SegmentAttribute attr = (SegmentAttribute)bit;
sb.Append(' ');
return sb.ToString();
public override string ToString() {
return "[OmfSegment " + SegNum + " '" + LoadName + "' '" + SegName + "']";