mirror of https://github.com/fadden/6502bench.git synced 2024-07-30 15:29:01 +00:00
Andy McFadden 81157b6b47 Implement text export
This feature "exports" the source code in the same format it appears
in on screen.  The five columns on the left are optional, the four
on the right can be resized.  Exported text can span the entire file
or just the current selection.  Output can be plain text or CSV.
(I still haven't figured out a good use for CSV.)

The old copy-to-clipboard function is now implemented via the export

This adds a new clipboard mode that includes all columns.  Potentially
useful for filing bug reports against SourceGen.
2019-09-12 13:57:52 -07:00

358 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright 2019 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Asm65;
using CommonUtil;
namespace SourceGen {
/// <summary>
/// Source code export functions.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The five columns on the left (offset, address, bytes, flags, attributes) are optional,
/// and have a fixed width. The four columns on the right (label, opcode, operand, comment)
/// are mandatory, and have configurable widths.
/// </remarks>
public class Exporter {
/// <summary>
/// Optional selection specifier. If null, the entire file is included.
/// </summary>
public DisplayListSelection Selection { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Should notes be included in the output?
/// </summary>
public bool IncludeNotes { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Bit flags, used to indicate which of the optional columns are active.
/// </summary>
public enum ActiveColumnFlags {
None = 0,
Offset = 1,
Address = 1 << 1,
Bytes = 1 << 2,
Flags = 1 << 3,
Attr = 1 << 4,
ALL = 0x7f
/// <summary>
/// Flags indicating active optional columns.
/// </summary>
private ActiveColumnFlags mLeftFlags;
/// <summary>
/// Project reference.
/// </summary>
private DisasmProject mProject;
/// <summary>
/// List of formatted parts.
/// </summary>
private LineListGen mCodeLineList;
/// <summary>
/// Text formatter.
/// </summary>
private Formatter mFormatter;
/// <summary>
/// The cumulative width of the columns determines the end point.
/// </summary>
private int[] mColEnd;
private enum Col {
Offset = 0,
Address = 1,
Bytes = 2,
Flags = 3,
Attr = 4,
Label = 5,
Opcode = 6,
Operand = 7,
Comment = 8,
COUNT // number of elements, must be last
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
public Exporter(DisasmProject project, LineListGen codeLineList, Formatter formatter,
ActiveColumnFlags leftFlags, int[] rightWidths) {
mProject = project;
mCodeLineList = codeLineList;
mFormatter = formatter;
mLeftFlags = leftFlags;
ConfigureColumns(leftFlags, rightWidths);
private void ConfigureColumns(ActiveColumnFlags leftFlags, int[] rightWidths) {
mColEnd = new int[(int)Col.COUNT];
int total = 0;
int width;
// offset "+123456"
if ((leftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Offset) != 0) {
total = mColEnd[(int)Col.Offset] = total + 7 + 1;
} else {
mColEnd[(int)Col.Offset] = total;
// address "1234:" or "12/4567:"
if ((leftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Address) != 0) {
width = mProject.CpuDef.HasAddr16 ? 5 : 8;
total = mColEnd[(int)Col.Address] = total + width + 1;
} else {
mColEnd[(int)Col.Address] = total;
// bytes "12345678+" or "12 45 78 01+"
if ((leftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Bytes) != 0) {
// A limit of 8 gets us 4 bytes from dense display ("20edfd60") and 3 if spaces
// are included ("20 ed fd") with no excess. We want to increase it to 11 so
// we can always show 4 bytes. Add one for a trailing "+".
width = mFormatter.Config.mSpacesBetweenBytes ? 12 : 9;
total = mColEnd[(int)Col.Bytes] = total + width + 1;
} else {
mColEnd[(int)Col.Bytes] = total;
// flags "NVMXDIZC" or "NVMXDIZC E"
if ((leftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Flags) != 0) {
width = mProject.CpuDef.HasEmuFlag ? 10 : 8;
total = mColEnd[(int)Col.Flags] = total + width + 1;
} else {
mColEnd[(int)Col.Flags] = total;
// attributes "@H!#>"
if ((leftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Attr) != 0) {
total = mColEnd[(int)Col.Attr] = total + 5 + 1;
} else {
mColEnd[(int)Col.Attr] = total;
total = mColEnd[(int)Col.Label] = total + rightWidths[0];
total = mColEnd[(int)Col.Opcode] = total + rightWidths[1];
total = mColEnd[(int)Col.Operand] = total + rightWidths[2];
total = mColEnd[(int)Col.Comment] = total + rightWidths[3];
//Debug.WriteLine("Export col ends:");
//for (int i = 0; i < (int)Col.COUNT; i++) {
// Debug.WriteLine(" " + i + "(" + ((Col)i) + ") " + mColEnd[i]);
/// <summary>
/// Converts the selected lines to formatted text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fullText">Result; holds text of all selected lines.</param>
/// <param name="csvText">Result; holds text of all selected lines, in CSV format.</param>
public void SelectionToString(bool addCsv, out string fullText, out string csvText) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
StringBuilder plainText = new StringBuilder(Selection.Count * 50);
StringBuilder csv = null;
if (addCsv) {
csv = new StringBuilder(Selection.Count * 40);
for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < mCodeLineList.Count; lineIndex++) {
if (!Selection[lineIndex]) {
if (GenerateTextLine(lineIndex, sb)) {
if (addCsv) {
GenerateCsvLine(lineIndex, sb);
fullText = plainText.ToString();
if (addCsv) {
csvText = csv.ToString();
} else {
csvText = null;
/// <summary>
/// Generates a full listing and writes it to the specified file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pathName">Full path to output file.</param>
/// <param name="asCsv">Output as Comma Separated Values rather than plain text.</param>
public void OutputToText(string pathName, bool asCsv) {
// Generate UTF-8 text. For plain text we omit the byte-order mark, for CSV
// it appears to be meaningful (tested w/ very old version of Excel).
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(pathName, false, new UTF8Encoding(asCsv))) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < mCodeLineList.Count; lineIndex++) {
if (Selection != null && !Selection[lineIndex]) {
if (asCsv) {
GenerateCsvLine(lineIndex, sb);
} else {
if (GenerateTextLine(lineIndex, sb)) {
/// <summary>
/// Generates a line of plain text output. The line will not have EOL markers added.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">Index of line to output.</param>
/// <param name="sb">String builder to append text to. Must be cleared before
/// calling here. (This is a minor optimization.)</param>
private bool GenerateTextLine(int index, StringBuilder sb) {
Debug.Assert(sb.Length == 0);
// Width of "bytes" field, without '+' or trailing space.
int bytesWidth = mColEnd[(int)Col.Bytes] - mColEnd[(int)Col.Address] - 2;
LineListGen.Line line = mCodeLineList[index];
DisplayList.FormattedParts parts = mCodeLineList.GetFormattedParts(index);
switch (line.LineType) {
case LineListGen.Line.Type.Code:
case LineListGen.Line.Type.Data:
case LineListGen.Line.Type.EquDirective:
case LineListGen.Line.Type.RegWidthDirective:
case LineListGen.Line.Type.OrgDirective:
case LineListGen.Line.Type.LocalVariableTable:
if (parts.IsLongComment) {
// This happens for long comments embedded in LV tables.
if (mColEnd[(int)Col.Attr] != 0) {
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(sb, string.Empty, mColEnd[(int)Col.Attr]);
if ((mLeftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Offset) != 0) {
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(sb, parts.Offset,
if ((mLeftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Address) != 0) {
string str;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parts.Addr)) {
str = parts.Addr + ":";
} else {
str = string.Empty;
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(sb, str, mColEnd[(int)Col.Address]);
if ((mLeftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Bytes) != 0) {
// Shorten the "...".
string bytesStr = parts.Bytes;
if (bytesStr != null && bytesStr.Length > bytesWidth) {
bytesStr = bytesStr.Substring(0, bytesWidth) + "+";
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(sb, bytesStr, mColEnd[(int)Col.Bytes]);
if ((mLeftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Flags) != 0) {
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(sb, parts.Flags, mColEnd[(int)Col.Flags]);
if ((mLeftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Attr) != 0) {
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(sb, parts.Attr, mColEnd[(int)Col.Attr]);
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(sb, parts.Label, mColEnd[(int)Col.Label]);
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(sb, parts.Opcode, mColEnd[(int)Col.Opcode]);
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(sb, parts.Operand, mColEnd[(int)Col.Operand]);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parts.Comment)) {
// Trim trailing spaces off opcode or operand. Would be more efficient
// to just not generate the spaces, but this is simpler and we're not
// in a hurry.
} else {
case LineListGen.Line.Type.LongComment:
case LineListGen.Line.Type.Note:
if (line.LineType == LineListGen.Line.Type.Note && !IncludeNotes) {
return false;
if (mColEnd[(int)Col.Attr] != 0) {
// Long comments aren't the left-most field, so pad it out.
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(sb, string.Empty, mColEnd[(int)Col.Attr]);
case LineListGen.Line.Type.Blank:
return true;
private void GenerateCsvLine(int index, StringBuilder sb) {
LineListGen.Line line = mCodeLineList[index];
DisplayList.FormattedParts parts = mCodeLineList.GetFormattedParts(index);
if ((mLeftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Offset) != 0) {
sb.Append(TextUtil.EscapeCSV(parts.Offset)); sb.Append(',');
if ((mLeftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Address) != 0) {
sb.Append(TextUtil.EscapeCSV(parts.Addr)); sb.Append(',');
if ((mLeftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Bytes) != 0) {
sb.Append(TextUtil.EscapeCSV(parts.Bytes)); sb.Append(',');
if ((mLeftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Flags) != 0) {
sb.Append(TextUtil.EscapeCSV(parts.Flags)); sb.Append(',');
if ((mLeftFlags & ActiveColumnFlags.Attr) != 0) {
sb.Append(TextUtil.EscapeCSV(parts.Attr)); sb.Append(',');
if (parts.IsLongComment) {
// put the comment in the Label column
sb.Append(TextUtil.EscapeCSV(parts.Comment)); sb.Append(",,,");
} else {
sb.Append(TextUtil.EscapeCSV(parts.Label)); sb.Append(',');
sb.Append(TextUtil.EscapeCSV(parts.Opcode)); sb.Append(',');
sb.Append(TextUtil.EscapeCSV(parts.Operand)); sb.Append(',');
public void OutputToHtml(string pathName, bool overwriteCss) {
Debug.WriteLine("HTML"); // TODO