mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:29:02 +00:00
1373 lines
62 KiB
1373 lines
62 KiB
; Copyright 2018 faddenSoft. All Rights Reserved.
; See the LICENSE.txt file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0).
; Adapted from NiftyList, by Dave Lyons.
*SYNOPSIS IIgs ROM symbols
Toolbox @ $e1/0000 ;System tool dispatcher
UserTool @ $e1/0008 ;User tool dispatcher
OSKind @ $e1/00bc ;1=GS/OS
; This was converted directly from NList.Data.TXT.
*TAG AppleIIgs-Toolbox-Functions
; === System Tools ===
; === tool locator ===
TLBootInit = $0101 ;()
TLStartUp = $0201 ;()
TLShutDown = $0301 ;()
TLVersion = $0401 ;():Vers
TLReset = $0501 ;()
TLStatus = $0601 ;():ActFlg
GetTSPtr = $0901 ;(SysFlg,TS#):@FPT
SetTSPtr = $0A01 ;(SysFlg,TS#,@FPT)
GetFuncPtr = $0B01 ;(SysFlg,Func):@Func
GetWAP = $0C01 ;(SysFlg,TS#):@WAP
SetWAP = $0D01 ;(SysFlg,TS#,@WAP)
LoadTools = $0E01 ;(@ToolTable)
LoadOneTool = $0F01 ;(TS#,MinVers)
UnloadOneTool = $1001 ;(TS#)
TLMountVolume = $1101 ;(X,Y,@L1,@L2,@B1,@B2):Btn#
TLTextMountVolume = $1201 ;(@L1,@L2,@B1,@B2):Btn#
SaveTextState = $1301 ;():StateH
RestoreTextState = $1401 ;(StateH)
MessageCenter = $1501 ;(Action,Type,MsgH)
SetDefaultTPT = $1601 ;()
MessageByName = $1701 ;(CreateF,@inpRec):Created,Type
StartUpTools = $1801 ;(MemID,ssDesc,ssRef/4):ssRef/4
ShutDownTools = $1901 ;(ssDesc,ssRef/4)
GetMsgHandle = $1A01 ;(Flags,MsgRef/4):H
AcceptRequests = $1B01 ;(@NameStr,UserID,@ReqProc)
SendRequest = $1C01 ;(ReqCode,How,Target/4,@In,@Out)
; === memory manager ===
MMBootInit = $0102 ;()
MMStartUp = $0202 ;():MemID
MMShutDown = $0302 ;(MemID)
MMVersion = $0402 ;():Vers
MMReset = $0502 ;()
MMStatus = $0602 ;():ActFlg
NewHandle = $0902 ;(Size/4,MemID,Attr,@loc):H
ReAllocHandle = $0A02 ;(Size/4,MemID,Attr,@loc,H)
RestoreHandle = $0B02 ;(H)
AddToOOMQueue = $0C02 ;(@header)
RemoveFromOOMQueue = $0D02 ;(@header)
DisposeHandle = $1002 ;(H)
DisposeAll = $1102 ;(MemID)
PurgeHandle = $1202 ;(H)
PurgeAll = $1302 ;(MemID)
GetHandleSize = $1802 ;(H):Size/4
SetHandleSize = $1902 ;(Size/4,H)
FindHandle = $1A02 ;(@byte):H
FreeMem = $1B02 ;():FreeBytes/4
MaxBlock = $1C02 ;():Size/4
TotalMem = $1D02 ;():Size/4
CheckHandle = $1E02 ;(H)
CompactMem = $1F02 ;()
HLock = $2002 ;(H)
HLockAll = $2102 ;(MemID)
HUnlock = $2202 ;(H)
HUnlockAll = $2302 ;(MemID)
SetPurge = $2402 ;(PrgLvl,H)
SetPurgeAll = $2502 ;(PrgLvl,MemID)
PtrToHand = $2802 ;(@Src,DestH,Count/4)
HandToPtr = $2902 ;(SrcH,@Dest,Count/4)
HandToHand = $2A02 ;(SrcH,DestH,Count/4)
BlockMove = $2B02 ;(@Source,@Dest,Count/4)
RealFreeMem = $2F02 ;():Size/4
SetHandleID = $3002 ;(newMemID,theH):oldMemID
; === misc tools ===
MTBootInit = $0103 ;()
MTStartUp = $0203 ;()
MTShutDown = $0303 ;()
MTVersion = $0403 ;():Vers
MTReset = $0503 ;()
MTStatus = $0603 ;():ActFlg
WriteBRam = $0903 ;(@Buff)
ReadBRam = $0A03 ;(@Buff)
WriteBParam = $0B03 ;(Data,Parm#)
ReadBParam = $0C03 ;(Parm#):Data
ReadTimeHex = $0D03 ;():WkDay,Mn&Dy,Yr&Hr,Mn&Sec
WriteTimeHex = $0E03 ;(Mn&Dy,Yr&Hr,Mn&Sec)
ReadAsciiTime = $0F03 ;(@Buff)
SetVector = $1003 ;(Vec#,@x)
GetVector = $1103 ;(Vec#):@x
SetHeartBeat = $1203 ;(@Task)
DelHeartBeat = $1303 ;(@Task)
ClrHeartBeat = $1403 ;()
SysFailMgr = $1503 ;(Code,@Msg)
GetAddr = $1603 ;(Ref#):@Parm
ReadMouse = $1703 ;():X,Y,Stat&Mode
InitMouse = $1803 ;(Slot)
SetMouse = $1903 ;(Mode)
HomeMouse = $1A03 ;()
ClearMouse = $1B03 ;()
ClampMouse = $1C03 ;(Xmn,Xmx,Ymn,Ymx)
GetMouseClamp = $1D03 ;():Xmn,Xmx,Ymn,Ymx
PosMouse = $1E03 ;(X,Y)
ServeMouse = $1F03 ;():IntStat
GetNewID = $2003 ;(Kind):MemID
DeleteID = $2103 ;(MemID)
StatusID = $2203 ;(MemID)
IntSource = $2303 ;(Ref#)
FWEntry = $2403 ;(A,X,Y,Address):P,A,X,Y
GetTick = $2503 ;():Ticks/4
PackBytes = $2603 ;(@StartPtr,@Sz,@OutBf,OutSz):Size
UnPackBytes = $2703 ;(@Buff,BfSz,@StartPtr,@Sz):Size
Munger = $2803 ;(@Dst,@DstL,@t,tL,@Rpl,RplL,@Pad):N
GetIRQEnable = $2903 ;():IntStat
SetAbsClamp = $2A03 ;(Xmn,Xmx,Ymn,Ymx)
GetAbsClamp = $2B03 ;():Xmn,Xmx,Ymn,Ymx
SysBeep = $2C03 ;()
AddToQueue = $2E03 ;(@newTask,@queueHeader)
DeleteFromQueue = $2F03 ;(@task,@queueHeader)
SetInterruptState = $3003 ;(@stateRec,NumBytes)
GetInterruptState = $3103 ;(@stateRec,NumBytes)
GetIntStateRecSize = $3203 ;():Size
ReadMouse2 = $3303 ;():xPos,yPos,StatMode
GetCodeResConverter = $3403 ;():@proc
GetROMResource = $3503 ;(???,???/4):???H
ReleaseROMResource = $3603 ;(???,???/4)
ConvSeconds = $3703 ;(convVerb,Secs/4,@Date):SecondsOut/4
SysBeep2 = $3803 ;(beepKind)
VersionString = $3903 ;(flags,Version/4,@Buffer)
WaitUntil = $3A03 ;(WaitFromTime,DelayTime):NewTime
StringToText = $3B03 ;(flags,@String,StrLen,@Buffer):ResFlags,PrntLen
ShowBootInfo = $3C03 ;(@String,@Icon)
ScanDevices = $3D03 ;():DevNum
AlertMessage = $3E03 ;(@Table,MsgNum,@Subs):Button
DoSysPrefs = $3F03 ;(bitsToClear,bitsToSet):SysPrefs
; === QuickDraw II ===
QDBootInit = $0104 ;()
QDStartUp = $0204 ;(DirPg,MastSCB,MaxWid,MemID)
QDShutDown = $0304 ;()
QDVersion = $0404 ;():Vers
QDReset = $0504 ;()
QDStatus = $0604 ;():ActFlg
GetAddress = $0904 ;(what):@Table
GrafOn = $0A04 ;()
GrafOff = $0B04 ;()
GetStandardSCB = $0C04 ;():SCB
InitColorTable = $0D04 ;(@Table)
SetColorTable = $0E04 ;(Tab#,@SrcTab)
GetColorTable = $0F04 ;(Tab#,@DestTbl)
SetColorEntry = $1004 ;(Tab#,Ent#,NewCol)
GetColorEntry = $1104 ;(Tab#,Ent#):Color
SetSCB = $1204 ;(Line#,SCB)
GetSCB = $1304 ;(Line#):SCB
SetAllSCBs = $1404 ;(SCB)
ClearScreen = $1504 ;(Color)
SetMasterSCB = $1604 ;(SCB)
GetMasterSCB = $1704 ;():SCB
OpenPort = $1804 ;(@Port)
InitPort = $1904 ;(@Port)
ClosePort = $1A04 ;(@Port)
SetPort = $1B04 ;(@Port)
GetPort = $1C04 ;():@Port
SetPortLoc = $1D04 ;(@LocInfo)
GetPortLoc = $1E04 ;(@LocInfo)
SetPortRect = $1F04 ;(@Rect)
GetPortRect = $2004 ;(@Rect)
SetPortSize = $2104 ;(w,h)
MovePortTo = $2204 ;(h,v)
SetOrigin = $2304 ;(h,v)
SetClip = $2404 ;(RgnH)
GetClip = $2504 ;(RgnH)
ClipRect = $2604 ;(@Rect)
HidePen = $2704 ;()
ShowPen = $2804 ;()
GetPen = $2904 ;(@Pt)
SetPenState = $2A04 ;(@PenSt)
GetPenState = $2B04 ;(@PenSt)
SetPenSize = $2C04 ;(w,h)
GetPenSize = $2D04 ;(@Pt)
SetPenMode = $2E04 ;(Mode)
GetPenMode = $2F04 ;():Mode
SetPenPat = $3004 ;(@Patt)
GetPenPat = $3104 ;(@Patt)
SetPenMask = $3204 ;(@Mask)
GetPenMask = $3304 ;(@Mask)
SetBackPat = $3404 ;(@Patt)
GetBackPat = $3504 ;(@Patt)
PenNormal = $3604 ;()
SetSolidPenPat = $3704 ;(Color)
SetSolidBackPat = $3804 ;(Color)
SolidPattern = $3904 ;(Color,@Patt)
MoveTo = $3A04 ;(h,v)
Move = $3B04 ;(dh,dv)
LineTo = $3C04 ;(h,v)
Line = $3D04 ;(dh,dv)
SetPicSave = $3E04 ;(Val/4)
GetPicSave = $3F04 ;():Val/4
SetRgnSave = $4004 ;(Val/4)
GetRgnSave = $4104 ;():Val/4
SetPolySave = $4204 ;(Val/4)
GetPolySave = $4304 ;():Val/4
SetGrafProcs = $4404 ;(@GrafProcs)
GetGrafProcs = $4504 ;():@GrafProcs
SetUserField = $4604 ;(Val/4)
GetUserField = $4704 ;():Val/4
SetSysField = $4804 ;(Val/4)
GetSysField = $4904 ;():Val/4
SetRect = $4A04 ;(@Rect,left,top,right,bot)
OffsetRect = $4B04 ;(@Rect,dh,dv)
InsetRect = $4C04 ;(@Rect,dh,dv)
SectRect = $4D04 ;(@R1,@R2,@DstR):nonEmptyF
UnionRect = $4E04 ;(@Rect1,@Rect2,@UnionRect)
PtInRect = $4F04 ;(@Pt,@Rect):Flag
Pt2Rect = $5004 ;(@Pt1,@Pt2,@Rect)
EqualRect = $5104 ;(@Rect1,@Rect2):Flag
NotEmptyRect = $5204 ;(@Rect):Flag
FrameRect = $5304 ;(@Rect)
PaintRect = $5404 ;(@Rect)
EraseRect = $5504 ;(@Rect)
InvertRect = $5604 ;(@Rect)
FillRect = $5704 ;(@Rect,@Patt)
FrameOval = $5804 ;(@Rect)
PaintOval = $5904 ;(@Rect)
EraseOval = $5A04 ;(@Rect)
InvertOval = $5B04 ;(@Rect)
FillOval = $5C04 ;(@Rect,@Patt)
FrameRRect = $5D04 ;(@Rect,OvalW,OvalHt)
PaintRRect = $5E04 ;(@Rect,OvalW,OvalHt)
EraseRRect = $5F04 ;(@Rect,OvalW,OvalHt)
InvertRRect = $6004 ;(@Rect,OvalW,OvalHt)
FillRRect = $6104 ;(@Rect,OvalW,OvalHt,@Patt)
FrameArc = $6204 ;(@Rect,Ang1,ArcAng)
PaintArc = $6304 ;(@Rect,Ang1,ArcAng)
EraseArc = $6404 ;(@Rect,Ang1,ArcAng)
InvertArc = $6504 ;(@Rect,Ang1,ArcAng)
FillArc = $6604 ;(@Rect,Ang1,ArcAng,@Patt)
NewRgn = $6704 ;():RgnH
DisposeRgn = $6804 ;(RgnH)
CopyRgn = $6904 ;(SrcRgnH,DestRgnH)
SetEmptyRgn = $6A04 ;(RgnH)
SetRectRgn = $6B04 ;(RgnH,left,top,right,bot)
RectRgn = $6C04 ;(RgnH,@Rect)
OpenRgn = $6D04 ;()
CloseRgn = $6E04 ;(RgnH)
OffsetRgn = $6F04 ;(RgnH,dh,dv)
InsetRgn = $7004 ;(RgnH,dh,dv)
SectRgn = $7104 ;(Rgn1H,Rgn2H,DstRgnH)
UnionRgn = $7204 ;(Rgn1H,Rgn2H,UnionRgnH)
DiffRgn = $7304 ;(Rgn1H,Rgn2H,DstRgnH)
XorRgn = $7404 ;(Rgn1H,Rgn2H,DstRgnH)
PtInRgn = $7504 ;(@Pt,RgnH):Flag
RectInRgn = $7604 ;(@Rect,RgnH):Flag
EqualRgn = $7704 ;(Rgn1H,Rgn2H):Flag
EmptyRgn = $7804 ;(RgnH):Flag
FrameRgn = $7904 ;(RgnH)
PaintRgn = $7A04 ;(RgnH)
EraseRgn = $7B04 ;(RgnH)
InvertRgn = $7C04 ;(RgnH)
FillRgn = $7D04 ;(RgnH,@Patt)
ScrollRect = $7E04 ;(@Rect,dh,dv,UpdtRgnH)
PaintPixels = $7F04 ;(@ppParms)
AddPt = $8004 ;(@SrcPt,@DestPt)
SubPt = $8104 ;(@SrcPt,@DstPt)
SetPt = $8204 ;(@Pt,h,v)
EqualPt = $8304 ;(@Pt1,@Pt2):Flag
LocalToGlobal = $8404 ;(@Pt)
GlobalToLocal = $8504 ;(@Pt)
Random = $8604 ;():N
SetRandSeed = $8704 ;(Seed/4)
GetPixel = $8804 ;(Hor,Vert):Pixel
ScalePt = $8904 ;(@Pt,@SrcRect,@DstRect)
MapPt = $8A04 ;(@Pt,@SrcRect,@DstRect)
MapRect = $8B04 ;(@Rect,@SrcRect,@DstRect)
MapRgn = $8C04 ;(MapRgnH,@SrcRect,@DstRect)
SetStdProcs = $8D04 ;(@StdProcRec)
SetCursor = $8E04 ;(@Curs)
GetCursorAdr = $8F04 ;():@Curs
HideCursor = $9004 ;()
ShowCursor = $9104 ;()
ObscureCursor = $9204 ;()
SetMouseLoc = $9304 ; ???
SetFont = $9404 ;(FontH)
GetFont = $9504 ;():FontH
GetFontInfo = $9604 ;(@InfoRec)
GetFontGlobals = $9704 ;(@FGRec)
SetFontFlags = $9804 ;(Flags)
GetFontFlags = $9904 ;():Flags
SetTextFace = $9A04 ;(TextF)
GetTextFace = $9B04 ;():TextF
SetTextMode = $9C04 ;(TextM)
GetTextMode = $9D04 ;():TextM
SetSpaceExtra = $9E04 ;(SpEx/4f)
GetSpaceExtra = $9F04 ;():SpEx/4f
SetForeColor = $A004 ;(Color)
GetForeColor = $A104 ;():Color
SetBackColor = $A204 ;(BackCol)
GetBackColor = $A304 ;():BackCol
DrawChar = $A404 ;(Char)
DrawString = $A504 ;(@Str)
DrawCString = $A604 ;(@cStr)
DrawText = $A704 ;(@Text,Len)
CharWidth = $A804 ;(Char):Width
StringWidth = $A904 ;(@Str):Width
CStringWidth = $AA04 ;(@cStr):Width
TextWidth = $AB04 ;(@Text,Len):Width
CharBounds = $AC04 ;(Char,@Rect)
StringBounds = $AD04 ;(@Str,@Rect)
CStringBounds = $AE04 ;(@cStr,@Rect)
TextBounds = $AF04 ;(@Text,Len,@Rect)
SetArcRot = $B004 ;(ArcRot)
GetArcRot = $B104 ;():ArcRot
SetSysFont = $B204 ;(FontH)
GetSysFont = $B304 ;():FontH
SetVisRgn = $B404 ;(RgnH)
GetVisRgn = $B504 ;(RgnH)
SetIntUse = $B604 ;(Flag)
OpenPicture = $B704 ;(@FrameRect):PicH
PicComment = $B804 ;(Kind,DataSz,DataH)
ClosePicture = $B904 ;()
DrawPicture = $BA04 ;(PicH,@DstRect)
KillPicture = $BB04 ;(PicH)
FramePoly = $BC04 ;(PolyH)
PaintPoly = $BD04 ;(PolyH)
ErasePoly = $BE04 ;(PolyH)
InvertPoly = $BF04 ;(PolyH)
FillPoly = $C004 ;(PolyH,@Patt)
OpenPoly = $C104 ;():PolyH
ClosePoly = $C204 ;()
KillPoly = $C304 ;(PolyH)
OffsetPoly = $C404 ;(PolyH,dh,dv)
MapPoly = $C504 ;(PolyH,@SrcRect,@DstRect)
SetClipHandle = $C604 ;(RgnH)
GetClipHandle = $C704 ;():RgnH
SetVisHandle = $C804 ;(RgnH)
GetVisHandle = $C904 ;():RgnH
InitCursor = $CA04 ;()
SetBufDims = $CB04 ;(MaxW,MaxFontHt,MaxFBRext)
ForceBufDims = $CC04 ;(MaxW,MaxFontHt,MaxFBRext)
SaveBufDims = $CD04 ;(@SizeInfo)
RestoreBufDims = $CE04 ;(@SizeInfo)
GetFGSize = $CF04 ;():FGSize
SetFontID = $D004 ;(FontID/4)
GetFontID = $D104 ;():FontID/4
SetTextSize = $D204 ;(TextSz)
GetTextSize = $D304 ;():TextSz
SetCharExtra = $D404 ;(ChEx/4f)
GetCharExtra = $D504 ;():ChEx/4f
PPToPort = $D604 ;(@SrcLoc,@SrcRect,X,Y,Mode)
InflateTextBuffer = $D704 ;(NewW,NewHt)
GetRomFont = $D804 ;(@Rec)
GetFontLore = $D904 ;(@Rec,RecSize):Size
Get640Colors = $DA04 ;():@PattTable
Set640Color = $DB04 ;(color)
; === desk manager ===
DeskBootInit = $0105 ;()
DeskStartUp = $0205 ;()
DeskShutDown = $0305 ;()
DeskVersion = $0405 ;():Vers
DeskReset = $0505 ;()
DeskStatus = $0605 ;():ActFlg
SaveScrn = $0905 ;()
RestScrn = $0A05 ;()
SaveAll = $0B05 ;()
RestAll = $0C05 ;()
InstallNDA = $0E05 ;(ndaH)
InstallCDA = $0F05 ;(cdaH)
ChooseCDA = $1105 ;()
SetDAStrPtr = $1305 ;(AltDispH,@StrTbl)
GetDAStrPtr = $1405 ;():@StrTbl
OpenNDA = $1505 ;(ItemID):Ref#
CloseNDA = $1605 ;(Ref#)
SystemClick = $1705 ;(@EvRec,@Wind,fwRes)
SystemEdit = $1805 ;(eType):Flag
SystemTask = $1905 ;()
SystemEvent = $1A05 ;(Mods,Where/4,When/4,Msg/4,What):F
GetNumNDAs = $1B05 ;():N
CloseNDAbyWinPtr = $1C05 ;(@Wind)
CloseAllNDAs = $1D05 ;()
FixAppleMenu = $1E05 ;(MenuID)
AddToRunQ = $1F05 ;(@taskHeader)
RemoveFromRunQ = $2005 ;(@taskHeader)
RemoveCDA = $2105 ;(cdaH)
RemoveNDA = $2205 ;(ndaH)
GetDeskAccInfo = $2305 ;(flags,daRef/4,BufSize,@Buffer)
CallDeskAcc = $2405 ;(flags,daRef/4,Action,Data/4):Result
GetDeskGlobal = $2505 ;(selector):Value/4
; === event manager ===
EMBootInit = $0106 ;()
EMStartUp = $0206 ;(DirPg,qSz,Xmn,Xmx,Ymn,Ymx,MemID)
EMShutDown = $0306 ;()
EMVersion = $0406 ;():Vers
EMReset = $0506 ;()
EMStatus = $0606 ;():ActFlg
DoWindows = $0906 ;():DirPg
GetNextEvent = $0A06 ;(evMask,@EvRec):Flag
EventAvail = $0B06 ;(evMask,@EvRec):Flag
GetMouse = $0C06 ;(@Pt)
Button = $0D06 ;(Btn#):DownFlg
StillDown = $0E06 ;(Btn#):Flag
WaitMouseUp = $0F06 ;(Btn#):Flag
TickCount = $1006 ;():Ticks/4
GetDblTime = $1106 ;():Ticks/4
GetCaretTime = $1206 ;():Ticks/4
SetSwitch = $1306 ;()
PostEvent = $1406 ;(code,Msg/4):Flag
FlushEvents = $1506 ;(evMask,StopMask):F
GetOSEvent = $1606 ;(evMask,@EvRec):Flag
OSEventAvail = $1706 ;(evMask,@EvRec):Flag
SetEventMask = $1806 ;(evMask)
FakeMouse = $1906 ;(ChFlg,Mods,X,Y,BtnStat)
SetAutoKeyLimit = $1A06 ;(NewLimit)
GetKeyTranslation = $1B06 ;():kTransID
SetKeyTranslation = $1C06 ;(kTransID)
; === scheduler ===
SchBootInit = $0107 ;()
SchStartUp = $0207 ;()
SchShutDown = $0307 ;()
SchVersion = $0407 ;():Vers
SchReset = $0507 ;()
SchStatus = $0607 ;():ActFlg
SchAddTask = $0907 ;(@Task):Flag
SchFlush = $0A07 ;()
; === sound manager ===
SoundBootInit = $0108 ;()
SoundStartUp = $0208 ;(DirPg)
SoundShutDown = $0308 ;()
SoundVersion = $0408 ;():Vers
SoundReset = $0508 ;()
SoundToolStatus = $0608 ;():ActFlg
WriteRamBlock = $0908 ;(@Src,DOCStart,Count)
ReadRamBlock = $0A08 ;(@Dest,DOCStart,Count)
GetTableAddress = $0B08 ;():@JumpTbl
GetSoundVolume = $0C08 ;(Gen#):Vol
SetSoundVolume = $0D08 ;(Vol,Gen#)
FFStartSound = $0E08 ;(GenN&mode,@Parms)
FFStopSound = $0F08 ;(GenMask)
FFSoundStatus = $1008 ;():ActFlg
FFGeneratorStatus = $1108 ;(Gen#):Stat
SetSoundMIRQV = $1208 ;(@IntHandler)
SetUserSoundIRQV = $1308 ;(@NewIRQ):@OldIRQ
FFSoundDoneStatus = $1408 ;(Gen#):Stat
FFSetUpSound = $1508 ;(ChannelGen,@Parms)
FFStartPlaying = $1608 ;(GenWord)
SetDocReg = $1708 ;(@DocRegParms)
ReadDocReg = $1808 ;(@DocRegParms)
; === desktop bus ===
ADBBootInit = $0109 ;()
ADBStartUp = $0209 ;()
ADBShutDown = $0309 ;()
ADBVersion = $0409 ;():Vers
ADBReset = $0509 ;()
ADBStatus = $0609 ;():ActFlg
SendInfo = $0909 ;(NumB,@Data,Cmd)
ReadKeyMicroData = $0A09 ;(NumB,@Data,Cmd)
ReadKeyMicroMemory = $0B09 ;(@DataOut,@DataIn,Cmd)
; 0C09 [resynch--don't call]
AsyncADBReceive = $0D09 ;(@CompVec,Cmd)
SyncADBReceive = $0E09 ;(InputWrd,@CompVec,Cmd)
AbsOn = $0F09 ;()
AbsOff = $1009 ;()
RdAbs = $1109 ;():Flag
SetAbsScale = $1209 ;(@DataOut)
GetAbsScale = $1309 ;(@DataIn)
SRQPoll = $1409 ;(@CompVec,ADBreg)
SRQRemove = $1509 ;(ADBreg)
ClearSRQTable = $1609 ;()
; FF09 [OBSOLETE: Use 09FF]
; === SANE ===
SANEBootInit = $010A ;()
SANEStartUp = $020A ;(DirPg)
SANEShutDown = $030A ;()
SANEVersion = $040A ;():Vers
SANEReset = $050A ;()
SANEStatus = $060A ;():ActFlg
FPNum = $090A ; (...)
DecStrNum = $0A0A ; (...)
ElemNum = $0B0A ; (...)
; === integer math ===
IMBootInit = $010B ;()
IMStartUp = $020B ;()
IMShutDown = $030B ;()
IMVersion = $040B ;():Vers
IMReset = $050B ;()
IMStatus = $060B ;():ActFlg
Multiply = $090B ;(A,B):Prod/4
SDivide = $0A0B ;(Num,Den):Rem,Quot
UDivide = $0B0B ;(Num,Den):Rem,Quot
LongMul = $0C0B ;(A/4,B/4):Prod/8
LongDivide = $0D0B ;(Num/4,Denom/4):Rem/4,Quot/4
FixRatio = $0E0B ;(Numer,Denom):fxRatio/4
FixMul = $0F0B ;(fx1/4,fx2/4):fxProd/4
FracMul = $100B ;(fr1/4,fr2/4):frRes/4
FixDiv = $110B ;(Quot/4,Divisor/4):fxRes/4
FracDiv = $120B ;(Quot/4,Divisor/4):frRes/4
FixRound = $130B ;(fxVal/4):Int
FracSqrt = $140B ;(frVal/4):frRes/4
FracCos = $150B ;(fxAngle/4):frRes/4
FracSin = $160B ;(fxAngle/4):frRes/4
FixATan2 = $170B ;(In1/4,In2/4):fxArcTan/4
HiWord = $180B ;(Long/4):Int
LoWord = $190B ;(Long/4):Int
Long2Fix = $1A0B ;(Long/4):fxRes/4
Fix2Long = $1B0B ;(Fix/4):Long/4
Fix2Frac = $1C0B ;(fxVal/4):Frac/4
Frac2Fix = $1D0B ;(frVal/4):fxRes/4
Fix2X = $1E0B ;(Fix/4,@Extended)
Frac2X = $1F0B ;(frVal/4,@Extended)
X2Fix = $200B ;(@Extended):fxRes/4
X2Frac = $210B ;(@Extended):frRes/4
Int2Hex = $220B ;(Int,@Str,Len)
Long2Hex = $230B ;(Long/4,@Str,Len)
Hex2Int = $240B ;(@Str,Len):Int
Hex2Long = $250B ;(@Str,Len):Long/4
Int2Dec = $260B ;(Int,@Str,Len,SgnFlg)
Long2Dec = $270B ;(Long/4,@Str,Len,SgnFlg)
Dec2Int = $280B ;(@Str,Len,SgnFlg):Int
Dec2Long = $290B ;(@Str,Len,SgnFlg):Long/4
HexIt = $2A0B ;(Int):Hex/4
; === text tools ===
TextBootInit = $010C ;()
TextStartUp = $020C ;()
TextShutDown = $030C ;()
TextVersion = $040C ;():Vers
TextReset = $050C ;()
TextStatus = $060C ;():ActFlg
SetInGlobals = $090C ;(ANDmsk,ORmsk)
SetOutGlobals = $0A0C ;(ANDmsk,ORmsk)
SetErrGlobals = $0B0C ;(ANDmsk,ORmsk)
GetInGlobals = $0C0C ;():ANDmsk,ORmsk
GetOutGlobals = $0D0C ;():ANDmsk,ORmsk
GetErrGlobals = $0E0C ;():ANDmsk,ORmsk
SetInputDevice = $0F0C ;(Type,@drvr|Slot/4)
SetOutputDevice = $100C ;(Type,@drvr|Slot/4)
SetErrorDevice = $110C ;(Type,@drvr|Slot/4)
GetInputDevice = $120C ;():Type,@drvr|Slot/4
GetOutputDevice = $130C ;():Type,@drvr|Slot/4
GetErrorDevice = $140C ;():Type,@drvr|Slot/4
InitTextDev = $150C ;(dev)
CtlTextDev = $160C ;(dev,code)
StatusTextDev = $170C ;(dev,request)
WriteChar = $180C ;(Char)
ErrWriteChar = $190C ;(Char)
WriteLine = $1A0C ;(@Str)
ErrWriteLine = $1B0C ;(@Str)
WriteString = $1C0C ;(@Str)
ErrWriteString = $1D0C ;(@Str)
TextWriteBlock = $1E0C ;(@Text,Offset,Len)
ErrWriteBlock = $1F0C ;(@Text,Offset,Len)
WriteCString = $200C ;(@cStr)
ErrWriteCString = $210C ;(@cStr)
ReadChar = $220C ;(EchoFlg):Char
TextReadBlock = $230C ;(@Buff,Offset,Size,EchoFlg)
ReadLine = $240C ;(@Buff,Max,EOLch,EchoFlg):Count
; === reserved ===
; === window manager ===
WindBootInit = $010E ;()
WindStartUp = $020E ;(MemID)
WindShutDown = $030E ;()
WindVersion = $040E ;():Vers
WindReset = $050E ;()
WindStatus = $060E ;():ActFlg
NewWindow = $090E ;(@Parms):@Wind
CheckUpdate = $0A0E ;(@EvRec):Flag
CloseWindow = $0B0E ;(@Wind)
Desktop = $0C0E ;(Oper,param/4):result/4
SetWTitle = $0D0E ;(@Title,@Wind)
GetWTitle = $0E0E ;(@Wind):@Title
SetFrameColor = $0F0E ;(@NewColTbl,@Wind)
GetFrameColor = $100E ;(@Table,@Wind)
SelectWindow = $110E ;(@Wind)
HideWindow = $120E ;(@Wind)
ShowWindow = $130E ;(@Wind)
SendBehind = $140E ;(@BehindWho,@Wind)
FrontWindow = $150E ;():@Wind
SetInfoDraw = $160E ;(@Proc,@Wind)
FindWindow = $170E ;(@WindVar,X,Y):Where
TrackGoAway = $180E ;(X,Y,@Wind):Flag
MoveWindow = $190E ;(X,Y,@Wind)
DragWindow = $1A0E ;(Grid,X,Y,Grace,@bRect,@Wind)
GrowWindow = $1B0E ;(mnW,mnH,X,Y,@Wind):nSize/4
SizeWindow = $1C0E ;(w,h,@Wind)
TaskMaster = $1D0E ;(evMask,@TaskRec):Code
BeginUpdate = $1E0E ;(@Wind)
EndUpdate = $1F0E ;(@Wind)
GetWMgrPort = $200E ;():@Port
PinRect = $210E ;(X,Y,@Rect):Point/4
HiliteWindow = $220E ;(Flag,@Wind)
ShowHide = $230E ;(Flag,@Wind)
BringToFront = $240E ;(@Wind)
WindNewRes = $250E ;()
TrackZoom = $260E ;(X,Y,@Wind):Flag
ZoomWindow = $270E ;(@Wind)
SetWRefCon = $280E ;(Refcon/4,@Wind)
GetWRefCon = $290E ;(@Wind):Refcon/4
GetNextWindow = $2A0E ;(@Wind):@Wind
GetWKind = $2B0E ;(@Wind):Flag
GetWFrame = $2C0E ;(@Wind):Frame
SetWFrame = $2D0E ;(Frame,@Wind)
GetStructRgn = $2E0E ;(@Wind):StructRgnH
GetContentRgn = $2F0E ;(@Wind):ContRgnH
GetUpdateRgn = $300E ;(@Wind):UpdateRgnH
GetDefProc = $310E ;(@Wind):@Proc
SetDefProc = $320E ;(@Proc,@Wind)
GetWControls = $330E ;(@Wind):CtrlH
SetOriginMask = $340E ;(Mask,@Wind)
GetInfoRefCon = $350E ;(@Wind):Refcon/4
SetInfoRefCon = $360E ;(Val/4,@Wind)
GetZoomRect = $370E ;(@Wind):@zRect
SetZoomRect = $380E ;(@zRect,@Wind)
RefreshDesktop = $390E ;(@Rect)
InvalRect = $3A0E ;(@Rect)
InvalRgn = $3B0E ;(RgnH)
ValidRect = $3C0E ;(@Rect)
ValidRgn = $3D0E ;(RgnH)
GetContentOrigin = $3E0E ;(@Wind):Origin/4
SetContentOrigin = $3F0E ;(X,Y,@Wind)
GetDataSize = $400E ;(@Wind):DataSize/4
SetDataSize = $410E ;(w,h,@Wind)
GetMaxGrow = $420E ;(@Wind):MaxGrow/4
SetMaxGrow = $430E ;(maxWidth,maxHeight,@Wind)
GetScroll = $440E ;(@Wind):Scroll/4
SetScroll = $450E ;(h,v,@Wind)
GetPage = $460E ;(@Wind):Page/4
SetPage = $470E ;(h,v,@Wind)
GetContentDraw = $480E ;(@Wind):@Proc
SetContentDraw = $490E ;(@Proc,@Wind)
GetInfoDraw = $4A0E ;(@Wind):@Proc
SetSysWindow = $4B0E ;(@Wind)
GetSysWFlag = $4C0E ;(@Wind):Flag
StartDrawing = $4D0E ;(@Wind)
SetWindowIcons = $4E0E ;(NewFontH):OldFontH
GetRectInfo = $4F0E ;(@InfoRect,@Wind)
StartInfoDrawing = $500E ;(@iRect,@Wind)
EndInfoDrawing = $510E ;()
GetFirstWindow = $520E ;():@Wind
WindDragRect = $530E ;(@a,@P,X,Y,@R,@lR,@sR,F):M/4
Private01 = $540E ;():@func [GetDragRectPtr]
DrawInfoBar = $550E ;(@Wind)
WindowGlobal = $560E ;(Flags):Flags
SetContentOrigin2 = $570E ;(ScrollFlag,X,Y,@Wind)
GetWindowMgrGlobals = $580E ;():@Globals
AlertWindow = $590E ;(AlertDesc,@SubArray,AlertRef/4):Btn
StartFrameDrawing = $5A0E ;(@Wind)
EndFrameDrawing = $5B0E ;()
ResizeWindow = $5C0E ;(hidden,@ContRect,@Wind)
TaskMasterContent = $5D0E ;
TaskMasterKey = $5E0E ;
TaskMasterDA = $5F0E ;(evMask,@bigTaskRec):taskCode
CompileText = $600E ;(subType,@subs,@text,size):H
NewWindow2 = $610E ;(@T,RC/4,@draw,@def,pDesc,pRef/4,rType):@W
ErrorWindow = $620E ;(subType,@subs,ErrNum):Button
GetAuxWindInfo = $630E ;(@Wind):@Info
DoModalWindow = $640E ;(@Event,@Update,@EvHook,@Beep,Flags):Result/4
MWGetCtlPart = $650E ;():Part
MWSetMenuProc = $660E ;(@NewMenuProc):@OldMenuProc
MWStdDrawProc = $670E ;()
MWSetUpEditMenu = $680E ;()
FindCursorCtl = $690E ;(@CtrlH,x,y,@Wind):PartCode
ResizeInfoBar = $6A0E ;(flags,newHeight,@Wind)
HandleDiskInsert = $6B0E ;(flags,devNum):resFlags,resDevNum
UpdateWindow = $6C0E ;(flags,@Wind)
; === menu manager ===
MenuBootInit = $010F ;()
MenuStartUp = $020F ;(MemID,DirPg)
MenuShutDown = $030F ;()
MenuVersion = $040F ;():Vers
MenuReset = $050F ;()
MenuStatus = $060F ;():ActFlg
MenuKey = $090F ;(@TaskRec,BarH)
GetMenuBar = $0A0F ;():BarH
MenuRefresh = $0B0F ;(@RedrawProc)
FlashMenuBar = $0C0F ;()
InsertMenu = $0D0F ;(MenuH,AfterWhat)
DeleteMenu = $0E0F ;(MenuID)
InsertMItem = $0F0F ;(@Item,AfterItem,MenuID)
DeleteMItem = $100F ;(ItemID)
GetSysBar = $110F ;():BarH
SetSysBar = $120F ;(BarH)
FixMenuBar = $130F ;():Height
CountMItems = $140F ;(MenuID):N
NewMenuBar = $150F ;(@Wind):BarH
GetMHandle = $160F ;(MenuID):MenuH
SetBarColors = $170F ;(BarCol,InvCol,OutCol)
GetBarColors = $180F ;():Colors/4
SetMTitleStart = $190F ;(hStart)
GetMTitleStart = $1A0F ;():hStart
GetMenuMgrPort = $1B0F ;():@Port
CalcMenuSize = $1C0F ;(w,h,MenuID)
SetMTitleWidth = $1D0F ;(w,MenuID)
GetMTitleWidth = $1E0F ;(MenuID):TitleWidth
SetMenuFlag = $1F0F ;(Flags,MenuID)
GetMenuFlag = $200F ;(MenuID):Flags
SetMenuTitle = $210F ;(@Title,MenuID)
GetMenuTitle = $220F ;(MenuID):@Title
MenuGlobal = $230F ;(Flags):Flags
SetMItem = $240F ;(@Str,ItemID)
GetMItem = $250F ;(ItemID):@ItemName
SetMItemFlag = $260F ;(Flags,ItemID)
GetMItemFlag = $270F ;(ItemID):Flag
SetMItemBlink = $280F ;(Count)
MenuNewRes = $290F ;()
DrawMenuBar = $2A0F ;()
MenuSelect = $2B0F ;(@TaskRec,BarH)
HiliteMenu = $2C0F ;(Flag,MenuID)
NewMenu = $2D0F ;(@MenuStr):MenuH
DisposeMenu = $2E0F ;(MenuH)
InitPalette = $2F0F ;()
EnableMItem = $300F ;(ItemID)
DisableMItem = $310F ;(ItemID)
CheckMItem = $320F ;(Flag,ItemID)
SetMItemMark = $330F ;(MarkCh,ItemID)
GetMItemMark = $340F ;(ItemID):MarkChar
SetMItemStyle = $350F ;(TextStyle,ItemID)
GetMItemStyle = $360F ;(ItemID):TextStyle
SetMenuID = $370F ;(New,Old)
SetMItemID = $380F ;(New,Old)
SetMenuBar = $390F ;(BarH)
SetMItemName = $3A0F ;(@Str,ItemID)
GetPopUpDefProc = $3B0F ;():@proc
PopUpMenuSelect = $3C0F ;(SelID,left,top,flag,MenuH):id
DrawPopUp = $3D0F ;(SelID,Flag,right,bottom,left,top,MenuH)]
NewMenu2 = $3E0F ;(RefDesc,Ref/4):MenuH
InsertMItem2 = $3F0F ;(RefDesc,Ref/4,After,MenuID)
SetMenuTitle2 = $400F ;(RefDesc,TitleRef/4,MenuID)
SetMItem2 = $410F ;(RefDesc,Ref/4,Item)
SetMItemName2 = $420F ;(RefDesc,Ref/4,Item)
NewMenuBar2 = $430F ;(RefDesc,Ref/4,@Wind):BarH
HideMenuBar = $450F ;()
ShowMenuBar = $460F ;()
SetMItemIcon = $470F ;(IconDesc,IconRef/4,ItemID)
GetMItemIcon = $480F ;(ItemID):IconRef/4
SetMItemStruct = $490F ;(Desc,StructRef/4,ItemID)
GetMItemStruct = $4A0F ;(ItemID):ItemStruct/4
RemoveMItemStruct = $4B0F ;(ItemID)
GetMItemFlag2 = $4C0F ;(ItemID):ItemFlag2
SetMItemFlag2 = $4D0F ;(newValue,ItemID)
GetMItemBlink = $4F0F ;():Count
InsertPathMItems = $500F ;(flags,@Path,devnum,MenuID,AfterID,StartID,@Results)
; === control manager ===
CtlBootInit = $0110 ;()
CtlStartUp = $0210 ;(MemID,DirPg)
CtlShutDown = $0310 ;()
CtlVersion = $0410 ;():Vers
CtlReset = $0510 ;()
CtlStatus = $0610 ;():ActFlg
NewControl = $0910 ;(@W,@R,@T,F,V,P1,P2,@p,r/4,@C):cH
DisposeControl = $0A10 ;(CtrlH)
KillControls = $0B10 ;(@Wind)
SetCtlTitle = $0C10 ;(@Title,CtrlH)
GetCtlTitle = $0D10 ;(CtrlH):@Title
HideControl = $0E10 ;(CtrlH)
ShowControl = $0F10 ;(CtrlH)
DrawControls = $1010 ;(@Wind)
HiliteControl = $1110 ;(Flag,CtrlH)
CtlNewRes = $1210 ;()
FindControl = $1310 ;(@CtrlHVar,X,Y,@Wind):Part
TestControl = $1410 ;(X,Y,CtrlH):Part
TrackControl = $1510 ;(X,Y,@ActProc,CtrlH):Part
MoveControl = $1610 ;(X,Y,CtrlH)
DragControl = $1710 ;(X,Y,@LimR,@slR,Axis,CtrlH)
SetCtlIcons = $1810 ;(FontH):OldFontH
SetCtlValue = $1910 ;(Val,CtrlH)
GetCtlValue = $1A10 ;(CtrlH):Val
SetCtlParams = $1B10 ;(P2,P1,CtrlH)
GetCtlParams = $1C10 ;(CtrlH):P1,P2
DragRect = $1D10 ;(@acPr,@P,X,Y,@drR,@l,@slR,F):M/4
GrowSize = $1E10 ;():Size/4
GetCtlDpage = $1F10 ;():DirPg
SetCtlAction = $2010 ;(@ActProc,CtrlH)
GetCtlAction = $2110 ;(CtrlH):Action/4
SetCtlRefCon = $2210 ;(Refcon/4,CtrlH)
GetCtlRefCon = $2310 ;(CtrlH):Refcon/4
EraseControl = $2410 ;(CtrlH)
DrawOneCtl = $2510 ;(CtrlH)
FindTargetCtl = $2610 ;():CtrlH
MakeNextCtlTarget = $2710 ;():CtrlH
MakeThisCtlTarget = $2810 ;(CtrlH)
SendEventToCtl = $2910 ;(TgtOnly,@Wind,@eTask):Accepted
GetCtlID = $2A10 ;(CtrlH):CtlID/4
SetCtlID = $2B10 ;(CtlID/4,CtrlH)
CallCtlDefProc = $2C10 ;(CtrlH,Msg,Param/4):Result/4
NotifyCtls = $2D10 ;(Mask,Msg,Param/4,@Wind)
GetCtlMoreFlags = $2E10 ;(CtrlH):Flags
SetCtlMoreFlags = $2F10 ;(Flags,CtrlH)
GetCtlHandleFromID = $3010 ;(@Wind,CtlID/4):CtrlH
NewControl2 = $3110 ;(@Wind,InKind,InRef/4):CtrlH
CMLoadResource = $3210 ;(rType,rID/4):resH
CMReleaseResource = $3310 ;(rType,rID/4)
SetCtlParamPtr = $3410 ;(@SubArray)
GetCtlParamPtr = $3510 ;():@SubArray
InvalCtls = $3710 ;(@Wind)
; 3810 [reserved]
FindRadioButton = $3910 ;(@Wind,FamilyNum):WhichRadio
SetLETextByID = $3A10 ;(@Wind,leID/4,@PString)
GetLETextByID = $3B10 ;(@Wind,leID/4,@PString)
SetCtlValueByID = $3C10 ;(Value,@Wind,CtlID/4)
GetCtlValueByID = $3D10 ;(@Wind,CtlID/4):Value
InvalOneCtlByID = $3E10 ;(@Wind,CtlID/4)
HiliteCtlByID = $3F10 ;(Hilite,@Wind,CtlID/4)
; === loader ===
LoaderBootInit = $0111 ;()
LoaderStartUp = $0211 ;()
LoaderShutDown = $0311 ;()
LoaderVersion = $0411 ;():Vers
LoaderReset = $0511 ;()
LoaderStatus = $0611 ;():ActFlg
InitialLoad = $0911 ;(MemID,@path,F):dpsSz,dps,@l,MemID
Restart = $0A11 ;(MemID):dpsSz,dps,@loc,MemID
LoadSegNum = $0B11 ;(MemID,file#,seg#):@loc
UnloadSegNum = $0C11 ;(MemID,file#,seg#)
LoadSegName = $0D11 ;(MemID,@path,@segn):@loc,MemID,file#,sg#
UnloadSeg = $0E11 ;(@loc):seg#,file#,MemID
GetLoadSegInfo = $0F11 ;(MemID,file#,seg#,@buff)
GetUserID = $1011 ;(@Pathname):MemID
LGetPathname = $1111 ;(MemID,file#):@path
UserShutDown = $1211 ;(MemID,qFlag):MemID
RenamePathname = $1311 ;(@path1,@path2)
InitialLoad2 = $2011 ;(MemID,@in,F,Type):dpsSz,dps,@l,MemID
GetUserID2 = $2111 ;(@path):MemID
LGetPathname2 = $2211 ;(MemID,file#):@path
; === QuickDraw Aux ===
QDAuxBootInit = $0112 ;()
QDAuxStartUp = $0212 ;()
QDAuxShutDown = $0312 ;()
QDAuxVersion = $0412 ;():Vers
QDAuxReset = $0512 ;()
QDAuxStatus = $0612 ;():ActFlg
CopyPixels = $0912 ;(@sLoc,@dLoc,@sRect,@dRct,M,MskH)
WaitCursor = $0A12 ;()
DrawIcon = $0B12 ;(@Icon,Mode,X,Y)
SpecialRect = $0C12 ;(@Rect,FrameColor,FillColor)
SeedFill = $0D12 ;(@sLoc,@sR,@dLoc,@dR,X,Y,Mode,@Patt,@Leak)
CalcMask = $0E12 ;(@sLoc,@sR,@dLoc,@dR,Mode,@Patt,@Leak)
GetSysIcon = $0F12 ;(flags,value,aux/4):@Icon
PixelMap2Rgn = $1012 ;(@srcLoc,bitsPerPix,colorMask):RgnH
IBeamCursor = $1312 ;()
WhooshRect = $1412 ;(flags/4,@smallRect,@bigRect)
DrawStringWidth = $1512 ;(Flags,Ref/4,Width)
UseColorTable = $1612 ;(tableNum,@Table,Flags):ColorInfoH
RestoreColorTable = $1712 ;(ColorInfoH,Flags)
; === print manager ===
PMBootInit = $0113 ;()
PMStartUp = $0213 ;(MemID,DirPg)
PMShutDown = $0313 ;()
PMVersion = $0413 ;():Vers
PMReset = $0513 ;()
PMStatus = $0613 ;():ActFlg
PrDefault = $0913 ;(PrRecH)
PrValidate = $0A13 ;(PrRecH):Flag
PrStlDialog = $0B13 ;(PrRecH):Flag
PrJobDialog = $0C13 ;(PrRecH):Flag
PrPixelMap = $0D13 ;(@LocInfo,@SrcRect,colorFlag)
PrOpenDoc = $0E13 ;(PrRecH,@Port):@Port
PrCloseDoc = $0F13 ;(@Port)
PrOpenPage = $1013 ;(@Port,@Frame)
PrClosePage = $1113 ;(@Port)
PrPicFile = $1213 ;(PrRecH,@Port,@StatRec)
PrControl = $1313 ; [obsolete]
PrError = $1413 ;():Error
PrSetError = $1513 ;(Error)
PrChoosePrinter = $1613 ;():DrvFlag
PrGetPrinterSpecs = $1813 ;():Type,Characteristics
PrDevPrChanged = $1913 ;(@PrinterName)
PrDevStartup = $1A13 ;(@PrinterName,@ZoneName)
PrDevShutDown = $1B13 ;()
PrDevOpen = $1C13 ;(@compProc,Reserved/4)
PrDevRead = $1D13 ;(@buffer,reqCount):xferCount
PrDevWrite = $1E13 ;(@compProc,@buff,bufLen)
PrDevClose = $1F13 ;()
PrDevStatus = $2013 ;(@statBuff)
PrDevAsyncRead = $2113 ;(@compPr,bufLen,@buff):xferCount
PrDevWriteBackground = $2213 ;(@compProc,bufLen,@buff)
PrDriverVer = $2313 ;():Vers
PrPortVer = $2413 ;():Vers
PrGetZoneName = $2513 ;():@ZoneName
PrGetPrinterDvrName = $2813 ;():@Name
PrGetPortDvrName = $2913 ;():@Name
PrGetUserName = $2A13 ;():@Name
PrGetNetworkName = $2B13 ;():@Name
PrDevIsItSafe = $3013 ;():safeFlag
GetZoneList = $3113 ; [obsolete?]
GetMyZone = $3213 ; [obsolete?]
GetPrinterList = $3313 ; [obsolete?]
PMUnloadDriver = $3413 ;(whichDriver)
PMLoadDriver = $3513 ;(whichDriver)
PrGetDocName = $3613 ;():@pStr
PrSetDocName = $3713 ;(@pStr)
PrGetPgOrientation = $3813 ;(PrRecH):Orientation
; === line edit ===
LEBootInit = $0114 ;()
LEStartUp = $0214 ;(MemID,DirPg)
LEShutDown = $0314 ;()
LEVersion = $0414 ;():Vers
LEReset = $0514 ;()
LEStatus = $0614 ;():ActFlg
LENew = $0914 ;(@DstRect,@ViewRect,MaxL):leH
LEDispose = $0A14 ;(leH)
LESetText = $0B14 ;(@Text,Len,leH)
LEIdle = $0C14 ;(leH)
LEClick = $0D14 ;(@EvRec,leH)
LESetSelect = $0E14 ;(Start,End,leH)
LEActivate = $0F14 ;(leH)
LEDeactivate = $1014 ;(leH)
LEKey = $1114 ;(Key,Mods,leH)
LECut = $1214 ;(leH)
LECopy = $1314 ;(leH)
LEPaste = $1414 ;(leH)
LEDelete = $1514 ;(leH)
LEInsert = $1614 ;(@Text,Len,leH)
LEUpdate = $1714 ;(leH)
LETextBox = $1814 ;(@Text,Len,@Rect,Just)
LEFromScrap = $1914 ;()
LEToScrap = $1A14 ;()
LEScrapHandle = $1B14 ;():ScrapH
LEGetScrapLen = $1C14 ;():Len
LESetScrapLen = $1D14 ;(NewL)
LESetHilite = $1E14 ;(@HiliteProc,leH)
LESetCaret = $1F14 ;(@CaretProc,leH)
LETextBox2 = $2014 ;(@Text,Len,@Rect,Just)
LESetJust = $2114 ;(Just,leH)
LEGetTextHand = $2214 ;(leH):TextH
LEGetTextLen = $2314 ;(leH):TxtLen
GetLEDefProc = $2414 ;():@proc
LEClassifyKey = $2514 ;(@Event):Flag
; === dialog manager ===
DialogBootInit = $0115 ;()
DialogStartUp = $0215 ;(MemID)
DialogShutDown = $0315 ;()
DialogVersion = $0415 ;():Vers
DialogReset = $0515 ;()
DialogStatus = $0615 ;():ActFlg
ErrorSound = $0915 ;(@SoundProc)
NewModalDialog = $0A15 ;(@bR,vis,refcon/4):@Dlog
NewModelessDialog = $0B15 ;(@R,@T,@b,fr,rf/4,@zR):@D
CloseDialog = $0C15 ;(@Dlog)
NewDItem = $0D15 ;(@Dlog,dItem,@R,ty,Des/4,V,F,@Col)
RemoveDItem = $0E15 ;(@Dlog,dItem)
ModalDialog = $0F15 ;(@FilterProc):Hit
IsDialogEvent = $1015 ;(@EvRec):Flag
DialogSelect = $1115 ;(@EvRec,@Dlog,@Hit):Flag
DlgCut = $1215 ;(@Dlog)
DlgCopy = $1315 ;(@Dlog)
DlgPaste = $1415 ;(@Dlog)
DlgDelete = $1515 ;(@Dlog)
DrawDialog = $1615 ;(@Dlog)
Alert = $1715 ;(@AlertTmpl,@FiltProc):Hit
StopAlert = $1815 ;(@AlertTmpl,@FiltProc):Hit
NoteAlert = $1915 ;(@AlertTmpl,@FiltProc):Hit
CautionAlert = $1A15 ;(@AlertTmpl,@FiltProc):Hit
ParamText = $1B15 ;(@P0,@P1,@P2,@P3)
SetDAFont = $1C15 ;(FontH)
GetControlDItem = $1E15 ;(@Dlog,dItem):CtrlH
GetIText = $1F15 ;(@Dlog,dItem,@Str)
SetIText = $2015 ;(@Dlog,dItem,@Str)
SelectIText = $2115 ;(@Dlog,dItem,start,end)
HideDItem = $2215 ;(@Dlog,dItem)
ShowDItem = $2315 ;(@Dlog,dItem)
FindDItem = $2415 ;(@Dlog,Point/4):Hit
UpdateDialog = $2515 ;(@Dlog,UpdtRgnH)
GetDItemType = $2615 ;(@Dlog,dItem):type
SetDItemType = $2715 ;(type,@Dlog,dItem)
GetDItemBox = $2815 ;(@Dlog,dItem,@Rect)
SetDItemBox = $2915 ;(@Dlog,dItem,@Rect)
GetFirstDItem = $2A15 ;(@Dlog):dItem
GetNextDItem = $2B15 ;(@Dlog,dItem):dItem
ModalDialog2 = $2C15 ;(@FilterProc):HitInfo/4
GetDItemValue = $2E15 ;(@Dlog,dItem):Val
SetDItemValue = $2F15 ;(val,@Dlog,dItem)
GetNewModalDialog = $3215 ;(@DlogTmpl):@Dlog
GetNewDItem = $3315 ;(@Dlog,@ItemTmpl)
GetAlertStage = $3415 ;():Stage
ResetAlertStage = $3515 ;()
DefaultFilter = $3615 ;(@Dlog,@EvRec,@Hit):Flag
GetDefButton = $3715 ;(@Dlog):dItem
SetDefButton = $3815 ;(BtnID,@Dlog)
DisableDItem = $3915 ;(@Dlog,dItem)
EnableDItem = $3A15 ;(@Dlog,dItem)
; === scrap manager ===
ScrapBootInit = $0116 ;()
ScrapStartUp = $0216 ;()
ScrapShutDown = $0316 ;()
ScrapVersion = $0416 ;():Vers
ScrapReset = $0516 ;()
ScrapStatus = $0616 ;():ActFlg
UnloadScrap = $0916 ;()
LoadScrap = $0A16 ;()
ZeroScrap = $0B16 ;()
PutScrap = $0C16 ;(Count/4,Type,@Src)
GetScrap = $0D16 ;(DestH,Type)
GetScrapHandle = $0E16 ;(Type):ScrapH
GetScrapSize = $0F16 ;(Type):Size/4
GetScrapPath = $1016 ;():@Pathname
SetScrapPath = $1116 ;(@Pathname)
GetScrapCount = $1216 ;():Count
GetScrapState = $1316 ;():State
GetIndScrap = $1416 ;(Index,@buffer)
ShowClipboard = $1516 ;(flags,@rect):@Wind
; === standard file ===
SFBootInit = $0117 ;()
SFStartUp = $0217 ;(MemID,DirPg)
SFShutDown = $0317 ;()
SFVersion = $0417 ;():Vers
SFReset = $0517 ;()
SFStatus = $0617 ;():ActFlg
SFGetFile = $0917 ;(X,Y,@Prmpt,@FPrc,@tL,@Reply)
SFPutFile = $0A17 ;(X,Y,@Prompt,@DfltName,mxL,@Reply)
SFPGetFile = $0B17 ;(X,Y,@P,@FPrc,@tL,@dTmp,@dHk,@Rp)
SFPPutFile = $0C17 ;(X,Y,@P,@Df,mxL,@dTmpl,@dHk,@Rply)
SFAllCaps = $0D17 ;(Flag)
SFGetFile2 = $0E17 ;(X,Y,prDesc,prRef/4,@fProc,@tList,@rep)
SFPutFile2 = $0F17 ;(X,Y,prDesc,prRef/4,nmDesc,nmRef/4,@rep)
SFPGetFile2 = $1017 ;(X,Y,@draw,prD,prRf/4,@fP,@tL,@d,@hk,@rep)
SFPPutFile2 = $1117 ;(X,Y,@draw,prD,prRf/4,nmD,nmRf/4,@d,@hk,@rep)
SFShowInvisible = $1217 ;(InvisState):OldState
SFReScan = $1317 ;(@filterProc,@typeList)
SFMultiGet2 = $1417 ;(X,Y,prDesc,prRef/4,@fP,@tL,@rep)
SFPMultiGet2 = $1517 ;(X,Y,@draw,prD,prRf/4,@fP,@tL,@d,@hk,@rep)
; === note synthesizer ===
NSBootInit = $0119 ;()
NSStartUp = $0219 ;(Rate,@UpdProc)
NSShutDown = $0319 ;()
NSVersion = $0419 ;():Vers
NSReset = $0519 ;()
NSStatus = $0619 ;():ActFlg
AllocGen = $0919 ;(Priority):Gen#
DeallocGen = $0A19 ;(Gen#)
NoteOn = $0B19 ;(Gen#,Semitone,Vol,@Instr)
NoteOff = $0C19 ;(Gen#,Semitone)
AllNotesOff = $0D19 ;()
NSSetUpdateRate = $0E19 ;(NewRate):OldRate
NSSetUserUpdateRtn = $0F19 ;(@New):@Old
; === note sequencer ===
SeqBootInit = $011A ;()
SeqStartUp = $021A ;(DirPg,Mode,Rate,Incr)
SeqShutDown = $031A ;()
SeqVersion = $041A ;():Vers
SeqReset = $051A ;()
SeqStatus = $061A ;():ActFlg
SetIncr = $091A ;(Increment)
ClearIncr = $0A1A ;():OldIncr
GetTimer = $0B1A ;():Tick
GetLoc = $0C1A ;():Phrase,Patt,Level
SeqAllNotesOff = $0D1A ;()
SetTrkInfo = $0E1A ;(Priority,InstIndex,TrkNum)
StartSeq = $0F1A ;(@ErrRtn,@CompRtn,SeqH)
StepSeq = $101A ;()
StopSeq = $111A ;(NextFlag)
SetInstTable = $121A ;(TableH)
StartInts = $131A ;()
StopInts = $141A ;()
StartSeqRel = $151A ;(@errHndlr,@CompRtn,SeqH)
; === font manager ===
FMBootInit = $011B ;()
FMStartUp = $021B ;(MemID,DirPg)
FMShutDown = $031B ;()
FMVersion = $041B ;():Vers
FMReset = $051B ;()
FMStatus = $061B ;():ActFlg
CountFamilies = $091B ;(FamSpecs):Count
FindFamily = $0A1B ;(Specs,Pos,@Name):FamNum
GetFamInfo = $0B1B ;(FamNum,@Name):FamStats
GetFamNum = $0C1B ;(@Name):FamNum
AddFamily = $0D1B ;(FamNum,@Name)
InstallFont = $0E1B ;(ID/4,Scale)
SetPurgeStat = $0F1B ;(FontID/4,PrgStat)
CountFonts = $101B ;(ID/4,Specs):N
FindFontStats = $111B ;(ID/4,Specs,Pos,@FStatRec)
LoadFont = $121B ;(ID/4,Specs,Pos,@FStatRec)
LoadSysFont = $131B ;()
AddFontVar = $141B ;(FontH,NewSpecs)
FixFontMenu = $151B ;(MenuID,StartID,FamSpecs)
ChooseFont = $161B ;(CurrID/4,Famspecs):NewID/4
ItemID2FamNum = $171B ;(ItemID):FamNum
FMSetSysFont = $181B ;(FontID/4)
FMGetSysFID = $191B ;():SysID/4
FMGetCurFID = $1A1B ;():CurID/4
FamNum2ItemID = $1B1B ;(FamNum):ItemID
InstallWithStats = $1C1B ;(ID/4,Scale,@ResultRec)
; === List Manager ===
ListBootInit = $011C ;()
ListStartUp = $021C ;()
ListShutDown = $031C ;()
ListVersion = $041C ;():Vers
ListReset = $051C ;()
ListStatus = $061C ;():ActFlg
CreateList = $091C ;(@Wind,@ListRec):CtrlH
SortList = $0A1C ;(@CompareProc,@ListRec)
NextMember = $0B1C ;(@Member,@ListRec):@NxtMemVal
DrawMember = $0C1C ;(@Member,@ListRec)
SelectMember = $0D1C ;(@Member,@ListRec)
GetListDefProc = $0E1C ;():@Proc
ResetMember = $0F1C ;(@ListRec):NxtMemVal/4
NewList = $101C ;(@Member,@ListRec)
DrawMember2 = $111C ;(itemNum,CtrlH)
NextMember2 = $121C ;(itemNum,CtrlH):itemNum
ResetMember2 = $131C ;(CtrlH):itemNum
SelectMember2 = $141C ;(itemNum,CtrlH)
SortList2 = $151C ;(@CompareProc,CtrlH)
NewList2 = $161C ;(@draw,start,ref/4,refKind,size,CtrlH)
ListKey = $171C ;(flags,@EventRec,CtrlH)
CompareStrings = $181C ;(flags,@String1,@String2):Order
; === Audio Compression/Expansion ===
ACEBootInit = $011D ;()
ACEStartUp = $021D ;(DirPg)
ACEShutDown = $031D ;()
ACEVersion = $041D ;():Vers
ACEReset = $051D ;()
ACEStatus = $061D ;():ActFlg
ACEInfo = $071D ;(Code):Value/4
ACECompress = $091D ;(SrcH,SrcOff/4,DestH,DestOff/4,Blks,Method)
ACEExpand = $0A1D ;(SrcH,SrcOff/4,DestH,DestOff/4,Blks,Method)
ACECompBegin = $0B1D ;()
ACEExpBegin = $0C1D ;()
GetACEExpState = $0D1D ;(@Buffer)
SetACEExpState = $0E1D ;(@Buffer)
; === Resource Manager ===
ResourceBootInit = $011E ;()
ResourceStartUp = $021E ;(MemID)
ResourceShutDown = $031E ;()
ResourceVersion = $041E ;():Vers
ResourceReset = $051E ;()
ResourceStatus = $061E ;():ActFlag
CreateResourceFile = $091E ;(aux/4,fType,Access,@n)
OpenResourceFile = $0A1E ;(reqAcc,@mapAddr,@n):fileID
CloseResourceFile = $0B1E ;(fileID)
AddResource = $0C1E ;(H,Attr,rType,rID/4)
UpdateResourcefile = $0D1E ;(fileID)
LoadResource = $0E1E ;(rType,rID/4):H
RemoveResource = $0F1E ;(rType,rID/4)
MarkResourceChange = $101E ;(changeFlag,rType,rID/4)
SetCurResourceFile = $111E ;(fileID)
GetCurResourceFile = $121E ;():fileID
SetCurResourceApp = $131E ;(MemID)
GetCurResourceApp = $141E ;():MemID
HomeResourceFile = $151E ;(rType,rID/4):fileID
WriteResource = $161E ;(rType,rID/4)
ReleaseResource = $171E ;(PurgeLevel,rType,rID/4)
DetachResource = $181E ;(rType,rID/4)
UniqueResourceID = $191E ;(IDrange,rType):rID/4
SetResourceID = $1A1E ;(newID/4,rType,oldID/4)
GetResourceAttr = $1B1E ;(rType,rID/4):Attr
SetResourceAttr = $1C1E ;(rAttr,rType,rID/4)
GetResourceSize = $1D1E ;(rType,rID/4):Size/4
MatchResourceHandle = $1E1E ;(@buffer,H)
GetOpenFileRefNum = $1F1E ;(fileID):RefNum
CountTypes = $201E ;():Num
GetIndType = $211E ;(tIndex):rType
CountResources = $221E ;(rType):Num/4
GetIndResource = $231E ;(rType,rIndex/4):rID/4
SetResourceLoad = $241E ;(Flag):oldFlag
SetResourceFileDepth = $251E ;(Depth):oldDepth
GetMapHandle = $261E ;(fileID):MapH
LoadAbsResource = $271E ;(@loc,MaxSize/4,rType,rID/4):Size/4
ResourceConverter = $281E ;(@proc,rType,logFlags)
LoadResource2 = $291E ;(flag,@AttrBuff,rType,rID/4):H
RMFindNamedResource = $2A1E ;(rType,@name,@fileID):rID/4
RMGetResourceName = $2B1E ;(rType,rID/4,@nameBuffer)
RMLoadNamedResource = $2C1E ;(rType,@name):H
RMSetResourceName = $2D1E ;(rType,rID/4,@name)
OpenResourceFileByID = $2E1E ;(reqAcc,userID):oldResApp
CompactResourceFile = $2F1E ;(flags,fileID)
; === MIDI ===
MidiBootInit = $0120 ;()
MidiStartUp = $0220 ;(MemID,DirPg)
MidiShutDown = $0320 ;()
MidiVersion = $0420 ;():Vers
MidiReset = $0520 ;()
MidiStatus = $0620 ;():ActFlg
MidiControl = $0920 ;(Function,Argument/4)
MidiDevice = $0A20 ;(Function,@DriverInfo)
MidiClock = $0B20 ;(Function,Argument/4)
MidiInfo = $0C20 ;(Function):Info/4
MidiReadPacket = $0D20 ;(@buff,size):Count
MidiWritePacket = $0E20 ;(@buff):Count
; === Video Overlay ===
VDBootInit = $0121 ;()
VDStartUp = $0221 ;()
VDShutDown = $0321 ;()
VDVersion = $0421 ;():Vers
VDReset = $0521 ;()
VDStatus = $0621 ;():ActFlg
VDInStatus = $0921 ;(Selector):Status
VDInSetStd = $0A21 ;(InStandard)
VDInGetStd = $0B21 ;():InStandard
VDInConvAdj = $0C21 ;(Selector,AdjFunction)
VDKeyControl = $0D21 ;(Selector,KeyerCtrlVal)
VDKeyStatus = $0E21 ;(Selector):KeyerStatus
VDKeySetKCol = $0F21 ;(Red,Green,Blue)
VDKeyGetKRCol = $1021 ;():RedValue
VDKeyGetKGCol = $1121 ;():GreenValue
VDKeyGetKBCol = $1221 ;():BlueValue
VDKeySetKDiss = $1321 ;(KDissolve)
VDKeyGetKDiss = $1421 ;():KDissolve
VDKeySetNKDiss = $1521 ;(NKDissolve)
VDKeyGetNKDiss = $1621 ;():NKDissolve
VDOutSetStd = $1721 ;(OutStandard)
VDOutGetStd = $1821 ;():OutStandard
VDOutControl = $1921 ;(Selector,Value)
VDOutStatus = $1A21 ;(Selector):OutStatus
VDGetFeatures = $1B21 ;(Feature):Info
VDInControl = $1C21 ;(Selector,Value)
VDGGControl = $1D21 ;(Selector,Value)
VDGGStatus = $1E21 ;(Selector):Value
; === Text Edit ===
TEBootInit = $0122 ;()
TEStartUp = $0222 ;(MemID,DirPg)
TEShutDown = $0322 ;()
TEVersion = $0422 ;():Vers
TEReset = $0522 ;()
TEStatus = $0622 ;():ActFlg
TENew = $0922 ;(@parms):teH
TEKill = $0A22 ;(teH)
TESetText = $0B22 ;(tDesc,tRef/4,Len/4,stDesc,stRef/4,teH)
TEGetText = $0C22 ;(bDesc,bRef/4,bLen/4,stDesc,stRef/4,teH):L/4
TEGetTextInfo = $0D22 ;(@infoRec,parmCount,teH)
TEIdle = $0E22 ;(teH)
TEActivate = $0F22 ;(teH)
TEDeactivate = $1022 ;(teH)
TEClick = $1122 ;(@eventRec,teH)
TEUpdate = $1222 ;(teH)
TEPaintText = $1322 ;(@Port,startLn/4,@R,Flags,teH):NextLn/4
TEKey = $1422 ;(@eventRec,teH)
; 1522 [not supported]
TECut = $1622 ;(teH)
TECopy = $1722 ;(teH)
TEPaste = $1822 ;(teH)
TEClear = $1922 ;(teH)
TEInsert = $1A22 ;(tDesc,tRef/4,tLen/4,stDesc,stRef/4,teH)
TEReplace = $1B22 ;(tDesc,tRef/4,tLen/4,stDesc,stRef/4,teH)
TEGetSelection = $1C22 ;(@selStart,@selEnd,teH)
TESetSelection = $1D22 ;(selStart/4,selEnd/4,teH)
TEGetSelectionStyle = $1E22 ;(@stRec,stH,teH):comFlag
TEStyleChange = $1F22 ;(flags,@stRec,teH)
TEOffsetToPoint = $2022 ;(offset/4,@vertPos,@horPos,teH)
TEPointToOffset = $2122 ;(vertPos/4,horPos/4,teH):textOffset/4
TEGetDefProc = $2222 ;():@defProc
TEGetRuler = $2322 ;(rulerDesc,rulerRef/4,teH)
TESetRuler = $2422 ;(rulerDesc,rulerRef/4,teH)
TEScroll = $2522 ;(scrDesc,vertAmt/4,horAmt/4,teH):Offset/4
TEGetInternalProc = $2622 ;():@proc
TEGetLastError = $2722 ;(clearFlag,teH):lastError
TECompactRecord = $2822 ;(teH)
; === MIDI Synth ===
MSBootInit = $0123 ;()
MSStartUp = $0223 ;()
MSShutDown = $0323 ;()
MSVersion = $0423 ;():Vers
MSReset = $0523 ;()
MSStatus = $0623 ;():ActFlg
SetBasicChannel = $0923 ;(Channel)
SetMIDIMode = $0A23 ;(Mode)
PlayNote = $0B23 ;(Channel,NoteNum,KeyVel)
StopNote = $0C23 ;(Channel,NoteNum)
KillAllNotes = $0D23 ;()
SetRecTrack = $0E23 ;(TrackNum)
SetPlayTrack = $0F23 ;(TrackNum,State)
TrackToChannel = $1023 ;(TrackNum,ChannelNum)
Locate = $1123 ;(TimeStamp/4,@SeqBuff):@SeqItem
SetVelComp = $1223 ;(VelocityOffset)
SetMIDIPort = $1323 ;(EnabInput,EnabOutput)
SetInstrument = $1423 ;(@InstRec,InstNum)
SeqPlayer = $1523 ;(@SeqPlayerRec)
SetTempo = $1623 ;(Tempo)
SetCallBack = $1723 ;(@CallBackRec)
SysExOut = $1823 ;(@Msg,Delay,@MonRoutine)
SetBeat = $1923 ;(BeatDuration)
MIDIMessage = $1A23 ;(Dest,nBytes,Message,Byte1,Byte2)
LocateEnd = $1B23 ;(@seqBuffer):@End
Merge = $1C23 ;(@Buffer1,@Buffer2)
DeleteTrack = $1D23 ;(TrackNum,@Seq)
SetMetro = $1E23 ;(Volume,Freq,@Wave)
GetMSData = $1F23 ;():Reserved/4,@DirPage
ConvertToTime = $2023 ;(TkPerBt,BtPerMsr,BeatNum,MsrNum):Ticks/4
ConvertToMeasure = $2123 ;(TkPerBt,BtPerMsr,Ticks/4):Ticks,Beat,Msr
MSSuspend = $2223 ;()
MSResume = $2323 ;()
SetTuningTable = $2423 ;(@Table)
GetTuningTable = $2523 ;(@Buffer)
SetTrackOut = $2623 ;(TrackNum,PathVal)
InitMIDIDriver = $2723 ;(Slot,Internal,UserID,@Driver)
RemoveMIDIDriver = $2823 ;()
; === Media Controller ===
MCBootInit = $0126 ;()
MCStartUp = $0226 ;(MemID)
MCShutDown = $0326 ;()
MCVersion = $0426 ;():Vers
MCReset = $0526 ;()
MCStatus = $0626 ;():ActFlg
MCGetErrorMsg = $0926 ;(mcErrorNo,@PStringBuff)
MCLoadDriver = $0A26 ;(mcChannelNo)
MCUnLoadDriver = $0B26 ;(mcChannelNo)
MCTimeToBin = $0C26 ;(mcTimeValue/4):result/4
MCBinToTime = $0D26 ;(mcBinVal/4):result/4
MCGetTrackTitle = $0E26 ;(mcDiskID/4,mcTrackNo,@PStringBuff)
MCSetTrackTitle = $0F26 ;(mcDiskID/4,TrackNum,@title)
MCGetProgram = $1026 ;(mcDiskID/4,@resultBuff)
MCSetProgram = $1126 ;(mcDiskID/4,@mcProg)
MCGetDiscTitle = $1226 ;(mcDiskID/4,@PStringBuff)
MCSetDiscTitle = $1326 ;(mcDiskID/4,@title)
MCDStartUp = $1426 ;(mcChannelNo,@portName,userID)
MCDShutDown = $1526 ;(mcChannelNo)
MCGetFeatures = $1626 ;(mcChannelNo,mcFeatSel):result/4
MCPlay = $1726 ;(mcChannelNo)
MCPause = $1826 ;(mcChannelNo)
MCSendRawData = $1926 ;(mcChannelNo,@mcNative)
MCGetStatus = $1A26 ;(mcChannelNo,mcStatusSel):result
MCControl = $1B26 ;(mcChannelNo,ctlCommand)
MCScan = $1C26 ;(mcChannelNo,mcDirection)
MCGetSpeeds = $1D26 ;(mcChannelNo,@PStringBuff)
MCSpeed = $1E26 ;(mcChannelNo,mcFPS)
MCStopAt = $1F26 ;(mcChannelNo,mcUnitType,mcStopLoc/4)
MCJog = $2026 ;(mcChannelNo,mcUnitType,mcNJog/4,mcJogRepeat)
MCSearchTo = $2126 ;(mcChannelNo,mcUnitType,searchLoc/4)
MCSearchDone = $2226 ;(mcChannelNo):result
MCSearchWait = $2326 ;(mcChannelNo)
MCGetPosition = $2426 ;(mcChannelNo,mcUnitType):result/4
MCSetAudio = $2526 ;(mcChannelNo,mcAudioCtl)
MCGetTimes = $2626 ;(mcChannelNo,mctimesSel):result/4
MCGetDiscTOC = $2726 ;(mcChannelNo,mcTrackNo):result/4
MCGetDiscID = $2826 ;(mcChannelNo):result/4
MCGetNoTracks = $2926 ;(mcChannelNo):result
MCRecord = $2A26 ;(mcChannelNo)
MCStop = $2B26 ;(mcChannelNo)
MCWaitRawData = $2C26 ;(mcChannelNo,@result,tickWait,termMask)
MCGetName = $2D26 ;(mcChannelNo,@PStringBuff)
MCSetVolume = $2E26 ;(mcChannelNo,mcLeftVol,mcRightVol)
; === Male Voice ===
MaleBootInit = $0132 ;()
MaleStartUp = $0232 ;()
MaleShutDown = $0332 ;()
MaleVersion = $0432 ;():Vers
MaleReset = $0532 ;()
MaleStatus = $0632 ;():ActFlg
MaleSpeak = $0932 ;(Vol,Speed,Pitch,@PhonStr)
; === Female Voice ===
FemaleBootInit = $0133 ;()
FemaleStartUp = $0233 ;()
FemaleShutDown = $0333 ;()
FemaleVersion = $0433 ;():Vers
FemaleReset = $0533 ;()
FemaleStatus = $0633 ;():ActFlg
FemaleSpeak = $0933 ;(Vol,Speed,Pitch,@PhonStr)
; === TML Speech Toolkit parser ===
SpeechBootInit = $0134 ;()
SpeechStartUp = $0234 ;(MemID)
SpeechShutDown = $0334 ;()
SpeechVersion = $0434 ;():Vers
SpeechReset = $0534 ;()
SpeechStatus = $0634 ;():ActFlg
Parse = $0934 ;(@EnglStr,@PhonStr,Start)
DictInsert = $0A34 ;(@EnglStr,@PhonStr)
DictDelete = $0B34 ;(@EnglStr)
DictDump = $0C34 ;(@EnglStr,@PhonStr):@Str;
SetSayGlobals = $0D34 ;(Gend,Tone,Pitch,Spd,Vol)
DictInit = $0E34 ;(Flag)
Say = $0F34 ;(@EnglishStr)
Activate = $1034 ;...
; === Finder (error codes only) ===
; === GSBug ===
DebugVersion = $04FF ;():Vers
DebugStatus = $06FF ;():ActFlg
DebugStr = $09FF ;(@PStr)
SetMileStone = $0AFF ;(@PStr)
DebugSetHook = $0BFF ;(@hook)
DebugGetInfo = $0CFF ;(selector):Info/4
DebugControl = $0DFF ;(data/4,extraData/4,operation,type)
DebugQuery = $0EFF ;(data/4,operation,type):Info/4