mirror of https://github.com/fadden/6502bench.git synced 2024-07-30 15:29:01 +00:00
Andy McFadden a4f5d19295 Improve 64tass output
DCI is handled with the ".shift" pseudo-op.  The .null, .ptext,
and .shift operators all work correctly with escaped characters,
so we no longer redo those.
2019-08-09 19:13:58 -07:00

733 lines
30 KiB

* Copyright 2019 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Asm65;
using CommonUtil;
namespace SourceGen.AsmGen {
#region IGenerator
/// <summary>
/// Generate source code compatible with Brutal Deluxe's Merlin 32 assembler
/// (https://www.brutaldeluxe.fr/products/crossdevtools/merlin/).
/// </summary>
public class GenMerlin32 : IGenerator {
private const string ASM_FILE_SUFFIX = "_Merlin32.S"; // must start with underscore
private const int MAX_OPERAND_LEN = 64;
// IGenerator
public DisasmProject Project { get; private set; }
// IGenerator
public Formatter SourceFormatter { get; private set; }
// IGenerator
public AppSettings Settings { get; private set; }
// IGenerator
public AssemblerQuirks Quirks { get; private set; }
// IGenerator
public LabelLocalizer Localizer { get { return mLocalizer; } }
/// <summary>
/// Working directory, i.e. where we write our output file(s).
/// </summary>
private string mWorkDirectory;
/// <summary>
/// If set, long labels get their own line.
/// </summary>
private bool mLongLabelNewLine;
/// <summary>
/// Output column widths.
/// </summary>
private int[] mColumnWidths;
/// <summary>
/// Base filename. Typically the project file name without the ".dis65" extension.
/// </summary>
private string mFileNameBase;
/// <summary>
/// StringBuilder to use when composing a line. Held here to reduce allocations.
/// </summary>
private StringBuilder mLineBuilder = new StringBuilder(100);
/// <summary>
/// Label localization helper.
/// </summary>
private LabelLocalizer mLocalizer;
/// <summary>
/// Stream to send the output to.
/// </summary>
private StreamWriter mOutStream;
/// <summary>
/// Holds detected version of configured assembler.
/// </summary>
private CommonUtil.Version mAsmVersion = CommonUtil.Version.NO_VERSION;
// Semi-convenient way to hold all the interesting string constants in one place.
// Note the actual usage of the pseudo-op may not match what the main app does,
// e.g. RegWidthDirective behaves differently from "mx". I'm just trying to avoid
// having string constants scattered all over.
private static PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames sDataOpNames = new PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames() {
EquDirective = "equ",
OrgDirective = "org",
RegWidthDirective = "mx",
DefineData1 = "dfb",
DefineData2 = "dw",
DefineData3 = "adr",
DefineData4 = "adrl",
DefineBigData2 = "ddb",
Fill = "ds",
Dense = "hex",
StrGeneric = "asc",
StrGenericHi = "asc",
StrReverse = "rev",
StrReverseHi = "rev",
StrLen8 = "str",
StrLen8Hi = "str",
StrLen16 = "strl",
StrLen16Hi = "strl",
StrDci = "dci",
StrDciHi = "dci",
// IGenerator
public void GetDefaultDisplayFormat(out PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames pseudoOps,
out Formatter.FormatConfig formatConfig) {
// This is not intended to match up with the Merlin generator, which uses
// the same pseudo-op for low/high ASCII but different string delimiters. We
// don't change the delimiters for the display list, so instead we tweak the
// opcode slightly.
char hiAscii = '\u2191';
pseudoOps = new PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames() {
EquDirective = "equ",
OrgDirective = "org",
DefineData1 = "dfb",
DefineData2 = "dw",
DefineData3 = "adr",
DefineData4 = "adrl",
DefineBigData2 = "ddb",
Fill = "ds",
Dense = "hex",
StrGeneric = "asc",
StrGenericHi = "asc" + hiAscii,
StrReverse = "rev",
StrReverseHi = "rev" + hiAscii,
StrLen8 = "str",
StrLen8Hi = "str" + hiAscii,
StrLen16 = "strl",
StrLen16Hi = "strl" + hiAscii,
StrDci = "dci",
StrDciHi = "dci" + hiAscii,
formatConfig = new Formatter.FormatConfig();
SetFormatConfigValues(ref formatConfig);
// IGenerator
public void Configure(DisasmProject project, string workDirectory, string fileNameBase,
AssemblerVersion asmVersion, AppSettings settings) {
Debug.Assert(project != null);
Project = project;
Quirks = new AssemblerQuirks();
Quirks.TracksSepRepNotEmu = true;
Quirks.NoPcRelBankWrap = true;
mWorkDirectory = workDirectory;
mFileNameBase = fileNameBase;
Settings = settings;
mLongLabelNewLine = Settings.GetBool(AppSettings.SRCGEN_LONG_LABEL_NEW_LINE, false);
AssemblerConfig config = AssemblerConfig.GetConfig(settings,
mColumnWidths = (int[])config.ColumnWidths.Clone();
/// <summary>
/// Configures the assembler-specific format items.
/// </summary>
private void SetFormatConfigValues(ref Formatter.FormatConfig config) {
config.mForceDirectOpcodeSuffix = string.Empty;
config.mForceAbsOpcodeSuffix = ":";
config.mForceLongOpcodeSuffix = "l";
config.mForceDirectOperandPrefix = string.Empty;
config.mForceAbsOperandPrefix = string.Empty;
config.mForceLongOperandPrefix = string.Empty;
config.mEndOfLineCommentDelimiter = ";";
config.mFullLineCommentDelimiterBase = ";";
config.mBoxLineCommentDelimiter = string.Empty;
config.mAllowHighAsciiCharConst = true;
config.mExpressionMode = Formatter.FormatConfig.ExpressionMode.Merlin;
// IGenerator; executes on background thread
public List<string> GenerateSource(BackgroundWorker worker) {
List<string> pathNames = new List<string>(1);
string fileName = mFileNameBase + ASM_FILE_SUFFIX;
string pathName = Path.Combine(mWorkDirectory, fileName);
Formatter.FormatConfig config = new Formatter.FormatConfig();
GenCommon.ConfigureFormatterFromSettings(Settings, ref config);
SetFormatConfigValues(ref config);
SourceFormatter = new Formatter(config);
string msg = string.Format(Res.Strings.PROGRESS_GENERATING_FMT, pathName);
worker.ReportProgress(0, msg);
mLocalizer = new LabelLocalizer(Project);
if (!Settings.GetBool(AppSettings.SRCGEN_DISABLE_LABEL_LOCALIZATION, false)) {
mLocalizer.LocalPrefix = ":";
// Use UTF-8 encoding, without a byte-order mark.
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(pathName, false, new UTF8Encoding(false))) {
mOutStream = sw;
if (Settings.GetBool(AppSettings.SRCGEN_ADD_IDENT_COMMENT, false)) {
// No version-specific stuff yet. We're generating code for v1.0.
OutputLine(SourceFormatter.FullLineCommentDelimiter +
"Merlin 32", new CommonUtil.Version(1, 0), string.Empty));
GenCommon.Generate(this, sw, worker);
mOutStream = null;
return pathNames;
// IGenerator
public void OutputDataOp(int offset) {
Formatter formatter = SourceFormatter;
byte[] data = Project.FileData;
Anattrib attr = Project.GetAnattrib(offset);
string labelStr = string.Empty;
if (attr.Symbol != null) {
labelStr = mLocalizer.ConvLabel(attr.Symbol.Label);
string commentStr = SourceFormatter.FormatEolComment(Project.Comments[offset]);
string opcodeStr, operandStr;
FormatDescriptor dfd = attr.DataDescriptor;
Debug.Assert(dfd != null);
int length = dfd.Length;
Debug.Assert(length > 0);
bool multiLine = false;
switch (dfd.FormatType) {
case FormatDescriptor.Type.Default:
if (length != 1) {
length = 1;
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.DefineData1;
int operand = RawData.GetWord(data, offset, length, false);
operandStr = formatter.FormatHexValue(operand, length * 2);
case FormatDescriptor.Type.NumericLE:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.GetDefineData(length);
operand = RawData.GetWord(data, offset, length, false);
operandStr = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(formatter, Project.SymbolTable,
mLocalizer.LabelMap, dfd, operand, length,
case FormatDescriptor.Type.NumericBE:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.GetDefineBigData(length);
if (opcodeStr == null) {
// Nothing defined, output as comma-separated single-byte values.
GenerateShortSequence(offset, length, out opcodeStr, out operandStr);
} else {
operand = RawData.GetWord(data, offset, length, true);
operandStr = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(formatter, Project.SymbolTable,
mLocalizer.LabelMap, dfd, operand, length,
case FormatDescriptor.Type.Fill:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.Fill;
operandStr = length + "," + formatter.FormatHexValue(data[offset], 2);
case FormatDescriptor.Type.Dense:
multiLine = true;
opcodeStr = operandStr = null;
OutputDenseHex(offset, length, labelStr, commentStr);
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringGeneric:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringReverse:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringNullTerm:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL8:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL16:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringDci:
multiLine = true;
opcodeStr = operandStr = null;
OutputString(offset, labelStr, commentStr);
opcodeStr = "???";
operandStr = "***";
if (!multiLine) {
opcodeStr = formatter.FormatPseudoOp(opcodeStr);
OutputLine(labelStr, opcodeStr, operandStr, commentStr);
private void OutputDenseHex(int offset, int length, string labelStr, string commentStr) {
Formatter formatter = SourceFormatter;
byte[] data = Project.FileData;
int maxPerLine = MAX_OPERAND_LEN / 2;
string opcodeStr = formatter.FormatPseudoOp(sDataOpNames.Dense);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += maxPerLine) {
int subLen = length - i;
if (subLen > maxPerLine) {
subLen = maxPerLine;
string operandStr = formatter.FormatDenseHex(data, offset + i, subLen);
OutputLine(labelStr, opcodeStr, operandStr, commentStr);
labelStr = commentStr = string.Empty;
// IGenerator
public string ModifyOpcode(int offset, OpDef op) {
if (op.IsUndocumented) {
return null;
// The assembler works correctly if the symbol is defined as a two-digit hex
// value (e.g. "foo equ $80") but fails if it's four (e.g. "foo equ $0080"). We
// output symbols with minimal digits, but this doesn't help if the code itself
// lives on zero page. If the operand is a reference to a zero-page user label,
// we need to output the instruction as hex.
// More info: https://github.com/apple2accumulator/merlin32/issues/8
if (op == OpDef.OpPEI_StackDPInd ||
op == OpDef.OpSTY_DPIndexX ||
op == OpDef.OpSTX_DPIndexY ||
op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.DPIndLong ||
op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.DPInd ||
op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.DPIndexXInd) {
FormatDescriptor dfd = Project.GetAnattrib(offset).DataDescriptor;
if (dfd != null && dfd.HasSymbol) {
// It has a symbol. See if the symbol target is a label (auto or user).
if (Project.SymbolTable.TryGetValue(dfd.SymbolRef.Label, out Symbol sym)) {
if (sym.IsInternalLabel) {
return null;
return string.Empty;
// IGenerator
public void GenerateShortSequence(int offset, int length, out string opcode,
out string operand) {
Debug.Assert(length >= 1 && length <= 4);
// Use a comma-separated list of individual hex bytes.
opcode = sDataOpNames.DefineData1;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length * 4);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
sb.Append(SourceFormatter.FormatHexValue(Project.FileData[offset + i], 2));
operand = sb.ToString();
// IGenerator
public void OutputAsmConfig() {
// nothing to do
// IGenerator
public void OutputEquDirective(string name, string valueStr, string comment) {
OutputLine(name, SourceFormatter.FormatPseudoOp(sDataOpNames.EquDirective),
valueStr, SourceFormatter.FormatEolComment(comment));
// IGenerator
public void OutputOrgDirective(int offset, int address) {
OutputLine(string.Empty, SourceFormatter.FormatPseudoOp(sDataOpNames.OrgDirective),
SourceFormatter.FormatHexValue(address, 4), string.Empty);
// IGenerator
public void OutputRegWidthDirective(int offset, int prevM, int prevX, int newM, int newX) {
// prevM/prevX may be ambiguous for offset 0, but otherwise everything
// should be either 0 or 1.
Debug.Assert(newM == 0 || newM == 1);
Debug.Assert(newX == 0 || newX == 1);
if (offset == 0 && newM == 1 && newX == 1) {
// Assembler defaults to short regs, so we can skip this.
"%" + newM + newX, string.Empty);
// IGenerator
public void OutputLine(string fullLine) {
// IGenerator
public void OutputLine(string label, string opcode, string operand, string comment) {
// Split long label, but not on EQU directives (confuses the assembler).
if (mLongLabelNewLine && label.Length >= mColumnWidths[0] &&
!string.Equals(opcode, sDataOpNames.EquDirective,
StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
label = string.Empty;
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(mLineBuilder, label, mColumnWidths[0]);
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(mLineBuilder, opcode, mColumnWidths[0] + mColumnWidths[1]);
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(mLineBuilder, operand,
mColumnWidths[0] + mColumnWidths[1] + mColumnWidths[2]);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment)) {
// Trim trailing spaces off of opcode or operand. If they want trailing
// spaces at the end of a comment, that's fine.
} else {
private void OutputString(int offset, string labelStr, string commentStr) {
// This gets complicated.
// For Dci, L8String, and L16String, the entire string needs to fit in the
// operand of one line. If it can't, we need to separate the length byte/word
// or inverted character out, and just dump the rest as ASCII. Computing the
// line length requires factoring delimiter character escapes. (NOTE: contrary
// to the documentation, STR and STRL do include trailing hex characters in the
// length calculation, so it's possible to escape delimiters.)
// For Reverse, we can span lines, but only if we emit the lines in
// backward order. Also, Merlin doesn't allow hex to be embedded in a REV
// operation, so we can't use REV if the string contains a delimiter.
// For aesthetic purposes, zero-length CString, L8String, and L16String
// should be output as DFB/DW zeroes rather than an empty string -- makes
// it easier to read.
// NOTE: we generally assume that the input is in the correct format, e.g.
// the length byte in a StringL8 matches dfd.Length, and the high bits in DCI strings
// have the right pattern. If not, we will generate bad output. This would need
// to be scanned and corrected at a higher level.
Formatter formatter = SourceFormatter;
byte[] data = Project.FileData;
Anattrib attr = Project.GetAnattrib(offset);
FormatDescriptor dfd = attr.DataDescriptor;
Debug.Assert(dfd != null);
Debug.Assert(dfd.Length > 0);
bool highAscii = false;
bool reverse = false;
int leadingBytes = 0;
string opcodeStr;
switch (dfd.FormatType) {
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringGeneric:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric;
highAscii = (data[offset] & 0x80) != 0;
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringReverse:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrReverse;
highAscii = (data[offset] & 0x80) != 0;
reverse = true;
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringNullTerm:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric; // no pseudo-op for this
highAscii = (data[offset] & 0x80) != 0;
if (dfd.Length == 1) {
// Empty string. Just output the length byte(s) or null terminator.
GenerateShortSequence(offset, 1, out string opcode, out string operand);
OutputLine(labelStr, opcode, operand, commentStr);
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL8:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrLen8;
if (dfd.Length > 1) {
highAscii = (data[offset + 1] & 0x80) != 0;
leadingBytes = 1;
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL16:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrLen16;
if (dfd.Length > 2) {
highAscii = (data[offset + 2] & 0x80) != 0;
leadingBytes = 2;
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringDci:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrDci;
highAscii = (data[offset] & 0x80) != 0;
// Merlin 32 uses single-quote for low ASCII, double-quote for high ASCII. When
// quoting the delimiter we use a hexadecimal value. We need to bear in mind that
// we're forcing the characters to low ASCII, but the actual character being
// escaped might be in high ASCII. Hence delim vs. delimReplace.
char delim = highAscii ? '"' : '\'';
CharEncoding.Convert charConv;
if (highAscii) {
charConv = CharEncoding.ConvertHighAscii;
} else {
charConv = CharEncoding.ConvertLowAscii;
StringOpFormatter stropf = new StringOpFormatter(SourceFormatter, delim,
StringOpFormatter.RawOutputStyle.DenseHex, MAX_OPERAND_LEN, charConv);
if (dfd.FormatType == FormatDescriptor.Type.StringDci) {
// DCI is awkward because the character encoding flips on the last byte. Rather
// than clutter up StringOpFormatter for this rare item, we just accept low/high
// throughout.
stropf.CharConv = CharEncoding.ConvertLowAndHighAscii;
// Feed bytes in, skipping over the leading length bytes.
stropf.FeedBytes(data, offset + leadingBytes,
dfd.Length - leadingBytes, 0, reverse);
Debug.Assert(stropf.Lines.Count > 0);
// See if we need to do this over.
bool redo = false;
switch (dfd.FormatType) {
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringGeneric:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringNullTerm:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringReverse:
if (stropf.HasEscapedText) {
// can't include escaped characters in REV
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric;
reverse = false;
redo = true;
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL8:
if (stropf.Lines.Count != 1) {
// single-line only
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric;
leadingBytes = 1;
redo = true;
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL16:
if (stropf.Lines.Count != 1) {
// single-line only
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric;
leadingBytes = 2;
redo = true;
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringDci:
if (stropf.Lines.Count != 1) {
// single-line only
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric;
stropf.CharConv = charConv;
redo = true;
if (redo) {
//Debug.WriteLine("REDO off=+" + offset.ToString("x6") + ": " + dfd.FormatType);
// This time, instead of skipping over leading length bytes, we include them
// explicitly.
stropf.FeedBytes(data, offset, dfd.Length, leadingBytes, reverse);
opcodeStr = formatter.FormatPseudoOp(opcodeStr);
foreach (string str in stropf.Lines) {
OutputLine(labelStr, opcodeStr, str, commentStr);
labelStr = commentStr = string.Empty; // only show on first
#endregion IGenerator
#region IAssembler
/// <summary>
/// Cross-assembler execution interface.
/// </summary>
public class AsmMerlin32 : IAssembler {
// Paths from generator.
private List<string> mPathNames;
// Directory to make current before executing assembler.
private string mWorkDirectory;
// IAssembler
public void GetExeIdentifiers(out string humanName, out string exeName) {
humanName = "Merlin Assembler";
exeName = "Merlin32";
// IAssembler
public AssemblerConfig GetDefaultConfig() {
return new AssemblerConfig(string.Empty, new int[] { 9, 6, 11, 74 });
// IAssembler
public AssemblerVersion QueryVersion() {
AssemblerConfig config =
AssemblerConfig.GetConfig(AppSettings.Global, AssemblerInfo.Id.Merlin32);
if (config == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ExecutablePath)) {
return null;
ShellCommand cmd = new ShellCommand(config.ExecutablePath, string.Empty,
Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), null);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd.Stdout)) {
return null;
// Stdout: "C:\Src\WorkBench\Merlin32.exe v 1.0, (c) Brutal Deluxe ..."
// Other platforms may not have the ".exe". Find first occurrence of " v ".
const string PREFIX = " v "; // not expecting this to appear in the path
string str = cmd.Stdout;
int start = str.IndexOf(PREFIX);
int end = (start < 0) ? -1 : str.IndexOf(',', start);
if (start < 0 || end < 0 || start + PREFIX.Length >= end) {
Debug.WriteLine("Couldn't find version in " + str);
return null;
start += PREFIX.Length;
string versionStr = str.Substring(start, end - start);
CommonUtil.Version version = CommonUtil.Version.Parse(versionStr);
if (!version.IsValid) {
return null;
return new AssemblerVersion(versionStr, version);
// IAssembler
public void Configure(List<string> pathNames, string workDirectory) {
// Clone pathNames, in case the caller decides to modify the original.
mPathNames = new List<string>(pathNames.Count);
foreach (string str in pathNames) {
mWorkDirectory = workDirectory;
// IAssembler
public AssemblerResults RunAssembler(BackgroundWorker worker) {
// Reduce input file to a partial path if possible. This is really just to make
// what we display to the user a little easier to read.
string pathName = mPathNames[0];
if (pathName.StartsWith(mWorkDirectory)) {
pathName = pathName.Remove(0, mWorkDirectory.Length + 1);
} else {
// Unexpected, but shouldn't be a problem.
Debug.WriteLine("NOTE: source file is not in work directory");
AssemblerConfig config =
AssemblerConfig.GetConfig(AppSettings.Global, AssemblerInfo.Id.Merlin32);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ExecutablePath)) {
Debug.WriteLine("Assembler not configured");
return null;
worker.ReportProgress(0, Res.Strings.PROGRESS_ASSEMBLING);
// Wrap pathname in quotes in case it has spaces.
// (Do we need to shell-escape quotes in the pathName?)
// Merlin 32 has no options. The second argument is the macro include file path.
ShellCommand cmd = new ShellCommand(config.ExecutablePath, ". \"" + pathName + "\"",
mWorkDirectory, null);
// Can't really do anything with a "cancel" request.
// Output filename is the input filename without the ".S". Since the filename
// was generated by us we can be confident in the format.
string outputFile = mPathNames[0].Substring(0, mPathNames[0].Length - 2);
return new AssemblerResults(cmd.FullCommandLine, cmd.ExitCode, cmd.Stdout,
cmd.Stderr, outputFile);
#endregion IAssembler