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Andy McFadden bc4326c5a4 Add ${ROOT} substitution
Doesn't really affect the pages on the web, but it's easier to
preview them in the filesystem when linked to "../main.css" rather
than "/main.css".

The common portion of the <head> section is now in a separate
"include" file.

Added some indentation to masthead/topnav/sidenav so it looks nicer
in the merged source listing.
2021-06-28 13:39:41 -07:00

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8.6 KiB

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<h2>Digging Deeper</h2>
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<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>This tutorial will walk you through some of the fancier things SourceGen
can do. We assume you've already finished the basic features tutorial,
and know how to create projects and move around in them.</p>
<p>Start a new project. Select <samp>Generic 6502</samp>. For the
data file, navigate to the Examples directory, then from the Tutorial
directory select "Tutorial2".</p>
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid-item-image">
<img src="images/t2-tutorial-top.png" alt="t2-tutorial-top"/>
<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>Looking at the code list, the first thing you'll notice is that we
immediately ran into a
<code>BRK</code>, which is a pretty reliable sign that we're not in
a code section. This particular file begins with <code>00 20</code>, which
could be a load address (e.g. some C64 binaries look like this). So let's start
with that assumption.</p>
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>As discussed in the introductory material, SourceGen separates code
from data by tracing all possible execution paths from declared entry
points. The generic profiles mark the first byte of the file as an entry
point, but that's wrong here. We want to change the entry point to
be after the 16-bit load address, at offset +000002.</p>
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid-item-image">
<img src="images/t2-1000-edit1.png" alt="t2-1000-edit1"/>
<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>Click on the first line of code at address $1000, and select
<samp>Actions &gt; Remove Analyzer Tags</samp>
(<kbd class="key">Ctrl+H</kbd> <kbd class="key">Ctrl+R</kbd>).
This removes the "code entry point" tag.
Unfortunately the $20 is still auto-detected as being part of a string
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid-item-image">
<img src="images/t2-1000-edit2.png" alt="t2-1000-edit2"/>
<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>The string is making it hard to manipulate the next few bytes,
so let's fix that by selecting <samp>Edit &gt; Toggle Data Scan</samp>
(<kbd class="key">Ctrl+D</kbd>). This turns off the feature that
automatically generates string and <code>.FILL</code> directives,
so now each uncategorized byte is on its own line.</p>
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid-item-image">
<img src="images/t2-1000-fmt-word.png" alt="t2-1000-fmt-word"/>
<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>You could select the first two lines and use
<samp>Actions &gt; Edit Operand</samp> to format them as a 16-bit
little-endian hex value, but there's a shortcut: select the first
line with data (address $1000), then <samp>Actions &gt; Format As Word</samp>
(<kbd class="key">Ctrl+W</kbd>).
It automatically grabbed the following byte and combined them.</p>
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid-item-image">
<img src="images/t2-1000-setcode.png" alt="t2-1000-setcode"/>
<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>Since we believe $2000 is the load address for everything that follows,
click on the line with address $1002, select
<samp>Actions &gt; Set Address</samp>, and enter "2000". With that line
still selected, use <samp>Actions &gt; Tag Address As Code Start Point</samp>
(<kbd class="key">Ctrl+H</kbd> <kbd class="key">Ctrl+C</kbd>) to
tell the analyzer to start looking for code there.</p>
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid-item-image">
<img src="images/t2-1000-ready.png" alt="t2-1000-ready"/>
<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>That looks better, but the branch destination ($203D) is off the bottom of the
screen (unless you have a really tall screen or small fonts) because of
all the intervening data. Use <samp>Edit &gt; Toggle Data Scan</samp>
(<kbd class="key">Ctrl+D</kbd>)
to turn the string-finder back on. Now it's easier to read.</p>
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