import sublime import sublime_plugin import os import re import sys import time class MerlinMacGen(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): opcodes = { 'BRL', 'COP', 'JML', 'JMPL', 'JSL', 'MVN', 'MVP', 'MX', 'PEA', 'PEI', 'PER', 'REP', 'SEP', 'WDM', 'XCE', 'ADR', 'ADRL', 'ASC', 'AST', 'BRK', 'CHK', 'CYC', 'DA', 'DAT', 'DB', 'DCI', 'DDB', 'DEND', 'DFB', 'DL', 'DS', 'DSK', 'DUM', 'DW', 'END', 'ENT', 'EQU', 'ERR', 'EXP', 'EXT', 'FLS', 'HEX', 'INV', 'KBD', 'LST', 'LSTL', 'LUP', 'OBJ', 'ORG', 'PAG', 'PAU', 'PMC', 'PUT', 'REL', 'REV', 'SAV', 'SKP', 'STR', 'TR', 'TTL', 'TYP', 'USE', 'USR', 'VAR', 'XC', 'XREF','=', '>>>', 'DO', 'ELS', 'EOM', 'FIN', 'IF', 'MAC', '--^', '<<<', 'CLC', 'CLD', 'CLI', 'CLV', 'DEX', 'DEY', 'INX', 'INY', 'NOP', 'PHA', 'PHB', 'PHD', 'PHK', 'PHX', 'PHY', 'PLA', 'PLB', 'PLD', 'PLP', 'PLX', 'PLY', 'RTI', 'RTL', 'RTS', 'SEC', 'SED', 'SEI', 'STP', 'SWA', 'TAD', 'TAS', 'TAX', 'TAY', 'TCD', 'TCS', 'TDA', 'TDC', 'TSA', 'TSC', 'TSX', 'TXA', 'TXS', 'TXY', 'TYA', 'TYX', 'WAI', 'XBA', 'BCC', 'BCS', 'BEQ', 'BGE', 'BLT', 'BMI', 'BNE', 'BPL', 'BRA', 'BVC', 'BVS', 'ADCL', 'ANDL', 'CMPL', 'EORL', 'LDAL', 'ORAL', 'SBCL', 'STAL', 'ADC', 'AND', 'ASL', 'BIT', 'CMP', 'CPX', 'CPY', 'DEC', 'EOR', 'INC', 'JMP', 'JSR', 'LDA', 'LDX', 'LDY', 'LSR', 'ORA', 'ROL', 'ROR', 'SBC', 'STA', 'STX', 'STY', 'STZ', 'TRB', 'TSB', 'PHP', 'STRL', 'FLO', 'EXD', 'CAS', '' } re_pmc = re.compile('^[^.,/\\- ]*') re_dot_s = re.compile('\\.S$', re.IGNORECASE) re_ws = re.compile('[\t ]+') re_comment = re.compile('^[\t ]*[;*]') def front_matter(self): buffer = "" name = self.view.file_name() if name: buffer += "* Generated from " + os.path.basename(name) + " on " + time.asctime() + "\n" else: buffer += "* Generated on " + time.asctime() + "\n" buffer += "\n" return buffer def missing_matter(self, missing): buffer = "" if len(missing) == 0: return "" buffer = "* Missing Macros\n" missing = list(missing) missing.sort for macro in missing: buffer += "* " + macro + "\n" buffer += "\n" return buffer def run(self, edit): missing = set() known = set() view = self.view all = sublime.Region(0, view.size()) for r in view.lines(all): text = view.substr(r).rstrip() if text == "" or self.re_comment.match(text): continue line = re.split(self.re_ws, text, maxsplit=2) if len(line) < 2: continue # _macro args # PMC _macro,args << . / , - ( Space are separtors. # >>> _macro label = line[0].upper() opcode = line[1].upper() if opcode == "" or opcode[0] == ";": continue if opcode == 'MAC': # label MAC if label != "": known.add(label) continue if opcode in {'PMC', '>>>'} and len(line) > 2: tmp = line[2].upper() opcode = self.re_pmc.match(tmp).group(0) if opcode == "": continue if opcode in self.opcodes: continue if opcode in known: continue missing.add(opcode) if len(missing) == 0: return # buffer = "" root = "/tmp/supermacs" for e in os.listdir(root): if not continue path = os.path.join(root, e) if not os.path.isfile(path): continue with open(path,'r') as file: # print(e + "\n",file=sys.stderr) buffer += self.one_macro_file(file, known, missing) if len(missing) == 0: break buffer = self.front_matter() + self.missing_matter(missing) + buffer view = view.window().new_file() view.insert(edit, 0, buffer) # p = 0 # for m in missing: # p = p + view.insert(edit, p, str(m) + "\n") def one_macro_file(self, file, known, missing): inmac = False buffer = "" while True: text = file.readline() if not text: return buffer text = text.rstrip() if inmac: buffer += text + "\n" if text == "" or self.re_comment.match(text): continue line = re.split(self.re_ws, text, maxsplit=2) if len(line) < 2: continue # if line[0] == "_MMStartUp": # print(line, file=sys.stderr) label = line[0].upper() opcode = line[1].upper() if opcode == "" or opcode[0] == ";": continue if opcode == "MAC" and label != "": # print(label,file=sys.stderr) # print(label in missing, file=sys.stderr) if inmac: known.add(label) missing.discard(label) elif label in missing: inmac = True known.add(label) missing.discard(label) buffer += text + "\n" continue if opcode in { '<<<', 'EOM' }: inmac = False continue if not inmac: continue if opcode in {'PMC', '>>>'} and len(line) > 2: tmp = line[2].upper() opcode = self.re_pmc.match(tmp).group(0) if opcode == "": continue if opcode in self.opcodes: continue if opcode in known: continue missing.add(opcode)