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import { CodeListingMap } from "../../common/workertypes";
2023-11-29 20:36:58 +00:00
import { BuildStep, BuildStepResult, gatherFiles, staleFiles, populateFiles, putWorkFile, populateExtraFiles, anyTargetChanged, getWorkFileAsString } from "../builder";
import { parseListing, parseSourceLines, msvcErrorMatcher } from "../listingutils";
import { EmscriptenModule, emglobal, execMain, loadNative, moduleInstFn, print_fn, setupFS, setupStdin } from "../wasmutils";
import { preprocessMCPP } from "./mcpp";
function hexToArray(s, ofs) {
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length / 2);
var arr = new Uint8Array(buf);
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = parseInt(s.slice(i * 2 + ofs, i * 2 + ofs + 2), 16);
return arr;
function parseIHX(ihx, rom_start, rom_size, errors) {
var output = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(rom_size));
var high_size = 0;
for (var s of ihx.split("\n")) {
if (s[0] == ':') {
var arr = hexToArray(s, 1);
var count = arr[0];
var address = (arr[1] << 8) + arr[2] - rom_start;
var rectype = arr[3];
if (rectype == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var b = arr[4 + i];
output[i + address] = b;
if (i + address > high_size) high_size = i + address;
} else if (rectype == 1) {
} else {
console.log(s); // unknown record type
// TODO: return ROM anyway?
if (high_size > rom_size) {
//errors.push({line:0, msg:"ROM size too large: 0x" + high_size.toString(16) + " > 0x" + rom_size.toString(16)});
return output;
export function assembleSDASZ80(step: BuildStep): BuildStepResult {
var objout, lstout, symout;
var errors = [];
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" });
var objpath = step.prefix + ".rel";
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
if (staleFiles(step, [objpath, lstpath])) {
//?ASxxxx-Error-<o> in line 1 of main.asm null
// <o> .org in REL area or directive / mnemonic error
// ?ASxxxx-Error-<q> in line 1627 of cosmic.asm
// <q> missing or improper operators, terminators, or delimiters
var match_asm_re1 = / in line (\d+) of (\S+)/; // TODO
var match_asm_re2 = / <\w> (.+)/; // TODO
var errline = 0;
var errpath = step.path;
var match_asm_fn = (s: string) => {
var m = match_asm_re1.exec(s);
if (m) {
errline = parseInt(m[1]);
errpath = m[2];
} else {
m = match_asm_re2.exec(s);
if (m) {
line: errline,
path: errpath,
msg: m[1]
var ASZ80: EmscriptenModule = emglobal.sdasz80({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn('sdasz80'),
noInitialRun: true,
print: match_asm_fn,
printErr: match_asm_fn,
var FS = ASZ80.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS);
execMain(step, ASZ80, ['-plosgffwy', step.path]);
if (errors.length) {
return { errors: errors };
objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
putWorkFile(objpath, objout);
putWorkFile(lstpath, lstout);
return {
linktool: "sdldz80",
files: [objpath, lstpath],
args: [objpath]
//symout = FS.readFile("main.sym", {encoding:'utf8'});
export function linkSDLDZ80(step: BuildStep) {
var errors = [];
var binpath = "main.ihx";
if (staleFiles(step, [binpath])) {
//?ASlink-Warning-Undefined Global '__divsint' referenced by module 'main'
var match_aslink_re = /\?ASlink-(\w+)-(.+)/;
var match_aslink_fn = (s: string) => {
var matches = match_aslink_re.exec(s);
if (matches) {
line: 0,
msg: matches[2]
var params = step.params;
var LDZ80: EmscriptenModule = emglobal.sdldz80({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn('sdldz80'),
noInitialRun: true,
print: match_aslink_fn,
printErr: match_aslink_fn,
var FS = LDZ80.FS;
setupFS(FS, 'sdcc');
populateFiles(step, FS);
populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_link_files);
// TODO: coleco hack so that -u flag works
if (step.platform.startsWith("coleco")) {
FS.writeFile('crt0.rel', FS.readFile('/share/lib/coleco/crt0.rel', { encoding: 'utf8' }));
FS.writeFile('crt0.lst', '\n'); // TODO: needed so -u flag works
var args = ['-mjwxyu',
'-i', 'main.ihx', // TODO: main?
'-b', '_CODE=0x' + params.code_start.toString(16),
'-b', '_DATA=0x' + params.data_start.toString(16),
'-k', '/share/lib/z80',
'-l', 'z80'];
if (params.extra_link_args)
args.push.apply(args, params.extra_link_args);
args.push.apply(args, step.args);
execMain(step, LDZ80, args);
var hexout = FS.readFile("main.ihx", { encoding: 'utf8' });
var noiout = FS.readFile("main.noi", { encoding: 'utf8' });
putWorkFile("main.ihx", hexout);
putWorkFile("main.noi", noiout);
// return unchanged if no files changed
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, ["main.ihx", "main.noi"]))
// parse binary file
var binout = parseIHX(hexout, params.rom_start !== undefined ? params.rom_start : params.code_start, params.rom_size, errors);
if (errors.length) {
return { errors: errors };
// parse listings
var listings: CodeListingMap = {};
for (var fn of step.files) {
if (fn.endsWith('.lst')) {
var rstout = FS.readFile(fn.replace('.lst', '.rst'), { encoding: 'utf8' });
// 0000 21 02 00 [10] 52 ld hl, #2
var asmlines = parseListing(rstout, /^\s*([0-9A-F]{4})\s+([0-9A-F][0-9A-F r]*[0-9A-F])\s+\[([0-9 ]+)\]?\s+(\d+) (.*)/i, 4, 1, 2, 3);
var srclines = parseSourceLines(rstout, /^\s+\d+ ;<stdin>:(\d+):/i, /^\s*([0-9A-F]{4})/i);
putWorkFile(fn, rstout);
// TODO: you have to get rid of all source lines to get asm listing
listings[fn] = {
asmlines: srclines.length ? asmlines : null,
lines: srclines.length ? srclines : asmlines,
text: rstout
// parse symbol map
var symbolmap = {};
for (var s of noiout.split("\n")) {
var toks = s.split(" ");
if (toks[0] == 'DEF' && !toks[1].startsWith("A$")) {
symbolmap[toks[1]] = parseInt(toks[2], 16);
// build segment map
var seg_re = /^s__(\w+)$/;
var segments = [];
// TODO: use stack params for stack segment
for (let ident in symbolmap) {
let m = seg_re.exec(ident);
if (m) {
let seg = m[1];
let segstart = symbolmap[ident]; // s__SEG
let segsize = symbolmap['l__' + seg]; // l__SEG
if (segstart >= 0 && segsize > 0) {
var type = null;
if (['INITIALIZER', 'GSINIT', 'GSFINAL'].includes(seg)) type = 'rom';
else if (seg.startsWith('CODE')) type = 'rom';
else if (['DATA', 'INITIALIZED'].includes(seg)) type = 'ram';
if (type == 'rom' || segstart > 0) // ignore HEADER0, CABS0, etc (TODO?)
segments.push({ name: seg, start: segstart, size: segsize, type: type });
return {
output: binout,
listings: listings,
errors: errors,
symbolmap: symbolmap,
segments: segments
export function compileSDCC(step: BuildStep): BuildStepResult {
gatherFiles(step, {
mainFilePath: "main.c" // not used
var outpath = step.prefix + ".asm";
if (staleFiles(step, [outpath])) {
var errors = [];
var params = step.params;
var SDCC: EmscriptenModule = emglobal.sdcc({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn('sdcc'),
noInitialRun: true,
noFSInit: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: msvcErrorMatcher(errors),
var FS = SDCC.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS);
// load source file and preprocess
var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path);
var preproc = preprocessMCPP(step, 'sdcc');
if (preproc.errors) {
return { errors: preproc.errors };
else code = preproc.code;
// pipe file to stdin
setupStdin(FS, code);
setupFS(FS, 'sdcc');
var args = ['--vc', '--std-sdcc99', '-mz80', //'-Wall',
//'-S', 'main.c',
//'--max-allocs-per-node', '1000',
'-o', outpath];
// if "#pragma opt_code" found do not disable optimziations
if (!/^\s*#pragma\s+opt_code/m.exec(code)) {
args.push.apply(args, [
if (params.extra_compile_args) {
args.push.apply(args, params.extra_compile_args);
execMain(step, SDCC, args);
// TODO: preprocessor errors w/ correct file
if (errors.length /* && nwarnings < msvc_errors.length*/) {
return { errors: errors };
// massage the asm output
var asmout = FS.readFile(outpath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
asmout = " .area _HOME\n .area _CODE\n .area _INITIALIZER\n .area _DATA\n .area _INITIALIZED\n .area _BSEG\n .area _BSS\n .area _HEAP\n" + asmout;
putWorkFile(outpath, asmout);
return {
nexttool: "sdasz80",
path: outpath,
args: [outpath],
files: [outpath],