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;; Draw a grayscale mandelbrot fractal
;; i compiled with yasm: yasm -o mandel.com mandel.asm
;; but i think it should be quite portable to other assemblers.
;; from: https://www.reddit.com/r/asm/comments/8o8c0b/mandelbrot_x86_asm_w_vga/
maxi: equ 128 ; upto maxi iterations per pixel
palscale: equ 1 ; ammount to shift to fit maxi onto palette
crestep: equ 2 ; x (mandelwidth/320) * 2^shift
cimstep: equ 3 ; y (mandelheight/200) * 2^shift
one: equ 256 ; fixed point 1.0
n15: equ -450 ; start of left side
two: equ 512 ; fixed point 2.0
four: equ 1024 ; fixed point 4.0
cim: dw 300 ; imaginary part of Y
cre: dw 0 ; imaginary part of X
x: dw 0 ; real part of X
y: dw 0 ; real part of Y
xx: dw 0 ; x*x placeholder
yy: dw 0 ; y*y placeholder
twox: dw 0 ; 2*x placeholder
xnew: dw 0 ; temporary x placeholder
row: dw 0 ; current row
col dw 0 ; current col
ORG 0x100 ; dos .com file starts at 0100h
call setup ; setup screen mode
call draw ; draw the fractal
call waitkey ; wait for a keypress
mov ax, 3 ; back to text
int 0x10 ; mode
mov ax, 0x4c00 ; clean dos
int 0x21 ; exit
mov ax, 0x13 ; setup screen mode 13
int 0x10 ; 320x200x256
mov ax, 0 ; setup grayscale palette
mov dx, 0x03c8 ; setup register to receive
out dx, al ; full palette (768bytes of rgb data)
inc dx ; the next register expects data
out dx, al ; red value
out dx, al ; green value
out dx, al ; blue value
inc al ; next 'color'
jnz setpalette
mov ax, 0xa000 ; point es:di to
mov es, ax ; 0a000:0000
xor di, di ; so stos functions write to vram
cld ; we move forward in memory
xor ax,ax ; clear
mov cx,32000 ; screen
rep stosw
xor di, di ; restore di to start of vram
mov ax, 0 ; wait for
int 0x16 ; keypress
jnz waitkey ; none received, start over
mov word [row], 200 ; 200 rows
mov ax, n15
mov [cre], ax ; start of left side
mov word [col], 320 ; 320 columns
xor ax, ax
xor cx, cx ; iter = 0
mov [x], ax ; x = 0
mov [y], ax ; y = 0
whileloop: ; while ( iter < maxi && x*x + y*y < 4)
cmp cx, maxi ; if iter == maxi
je escape ; escape
mov ax, [x] ; x*x
mov bx, ax
imul bx
mov bx, one
idiv bx
mov [xx], ax
mov ax, [y] ; y*y
mov bx, ax
imul bx
mov bx, one
idiv bx
mov [yy], ax
add ax, [xx] ; if x*x + y*y ==
cmp ax, four ; four
jge escape ; escape
mov ax, [xx] ; xnew = x*x - y*y + cre
sub ax, [yy]
add ax, [cre]
mov [xnew], ax
mov ax, [x] ; x * 2 * y
mov bx, two
imul bx
mov bx, one
idiv bx
mov bx, [y]
imul bx
mov bx, one
idiv bx
add ax, [cim] ; + cim
mov [y], ax ; y = x * 2 * y + cim
mov ax, [xnew] ; x = xnew
mov [x], ax
inc cx ; ++iter
jmp whileloop
mov al, cl ; copy color index (iter)
cmp al, maxi ; plot pixel
jne color ; w/ black if maximum reached
xor al, al
color: ; otherwise w/ palette value
shl al, palscale ; scale to fit palette
stosb ; write pixel
add word [cre], crestep ; cre += crestep
dec word [col]
jnz xloop ; next column
sub word [cim], cimstep ; cim -= cimstep
dec word [row] ; next row
jnz yloop