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2016-12-15 20:21:51 -05:00
processor 6502
include "vcs.h"
include "macro.h"
org $f000
2018-09-30 21:07:45 -04:00
2016-12-15 20:21:51 -05:00
; We're going to use a more clever way to position sprites
; ("players") which relies on additional TIA features.
; Because the CPU timing is 3 times as coarse as the TIA's,
; we can only access 1 out of 3 possible positions using
; CPU delays alone.
; Additional TIA registers let us nudge the final position
; by discrete TIA clocks and thus target all 160 positions.
2018-09-30 21:07:45 -04:00
2016-12-15 20:21:51 -05:00
counter equ $81
; 34 lines of VBLANK
ldx #34
2016-12-15 20:21:51 -05:00
lvblank sta WSYNC
bne lvblank
; Instead of representing the horizontal position in CPU clocks,
; we're going to use TIA clocks.
lda counter ; load the counter as horizontal position
and #$7f ; force range to (0-127)
; We're going to divide the horizontal position by 15.
; The easy way on the 6502 is to subtract in a loop.
; Note that this also conveniently adds 5 CPU cycles
; (15 TIA clocks) per iteration.
sta WSYNC ; 35th line
2016-12-15 20:21:51 -05:00
sta HMCLR ; reset the old horizontal position
sbc #15 ; subtract 15
bcs DivideLoop ; branch until negative
; A now contains (the remainder - 15).
; We'll convert that into a fine adjustment, which has
; the range -8 to +7.
eor #7
asl ; HMOVE only uses the top 4 bits, so shift by 4
; The fine offset goes into HMP0
sta HMP0
; Now let's fix the coarse position of the player, which as you
; remember is solely based on timing. If you rearrange any of the
; previous instructions, position 0 won't be exactly on the left side.
sta RESP0
; Finally we'll do a WSYNC followed by HMOVE to apply the fine offset.
sta WSYNC ; 36th line
2016-12-15 20:21:51 -05:00
sta HMOVE ; apply offset
; We'll see this method again, and it can be made into a subroutine
; that works on multiple objects.
; Now draw the 192 scanlines, drawing the sprite.
; We've already set its horizontal position for the entire frame,
; but we'll try to draw something real this time, some digits
; lifted from another game.
ldx #192
lda #0 ; changes every scanline
ldy #0 ; sprite data index
sta WSYNC ; wait for next scanline
sty COLUBK ; set the background color
sta GRP0 ; set sprite 0 pixels
cpy #60
bcc wrap1
ldy #0
bne lvscan
; Clear the background color and sprites before overscan
stx GRP0
; 30 lines of overscan
ldx #30
lvover sta WSYNC
bne lvover
; Cycle the sprite colors for the next frame
inc counter
lda counter
sta COLUP0
jmp nextframe
; Bitmap pattern for digits
NUMBERS ;;{w:8,h:6,count:10,brev:1};;
.byte $EE,$AA,$AA,$AA,$EE,$00
.byte $22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$00
.byte $EE,$22,$EE,$88,$EE,$00
.byte $EE,$22,$66,$22,$EE,$00
.byte $AA,$AA,$EE,$22,$22,$00
.byte $EE,$88,$EE,$22,$EE,$00
.byte $EE,$88,$EE,$AA,$EE,$00
.byte $EE,$22,$22,$22,$22,$00
.byte $EE,$AA,$EE,$AA,$EE,$00
.byte $EE,$AA,$EE,$22,$EE,$00
2019-03-21 12:13:27 -04:00
;; end
2016-12-15 20:21:51 -05:00
; Epilogue
org $fffc
.word start
.word start
; QUESTION: What if you don't set the fine offset?
; QUESTION: What if you don't set the coarse offset?