mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-09-28 15:54:40 +00:00

344 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"use strict";
// TODO: must be a better way to do all this
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.compileSilice = exports.compileYosys = exports.compileVerilator = exports.compileJSASMStep = void 0;
const assembler_1 = require("../assembler");
const vxmlparser = __importStar(require("../../common/hdl/vxmlparser"));
const workermain_1 = require("../workermain");
function detectModuleName(code) {
var m = /^\s*module\s+(\w+_top)\b/m.exec(code)
|| /^\s*module\s+(top|t)\b/m.exec(code)
|| /^\s*module\s+(\w+)\b/m.exec(code);
return m ? m[1] : null;
function detectTopModuleName(code) {
var topmod = detectModuleName(code) || "top";
var m = /^\s*module\s+(\w+?_top)/m.exec(code);
if (m && m[1])
topmod = m[1];
return topmod;
// cached stuff (TODO)
var jsasm_module_top;
var jsasm_module_output;
var jsasm_module_key;
function compileJSASM(asmcode, platform, options, is_inline) {
var asm = new assembler_1.Assembler(null);
var includes = [];
asm.loadJSON = (filename) => {
var jsontext = (0, workermain_1.getWorkFileAsString)(filename);
if (!jsontext)
throw Error("could not load " + filename);
return JSON.parse(jsontext);
asm.loadInclude = (filename) => {
if (!filename.startsWith('"') || !filename.endsWith('"'))
return 'Expected filename in "double quotes"';
filename = filename.substr(1, filename.length - 2);
var loaded_module = false;
asm.loadModule = (top_module) => {
// compile last file in list
loaded_module = true;
var key = top_module + '/' + includes;
if (jsasm_module_key != key) {
jsasm_module_key = key;
jsasm_module_output = null;
jsasm_module_top = top_module;
var main_filename = includes[includes.length - 1];
// TODO: take out .asm dependency
var voutput = compileVerilator({ platform: platform, files: includes, path: main_filename, tool: 'verilator' });
if (voutput)
jsasm_module_output = voutput;
return null; // no error
var result = asm.assembleFile(asmcode);
if (loaded_module && jsasm_module_output) {
// errors? return them
if (jsasm_module_output.errors && jsasm_module_output.errors.length)
return jsasm_module_output;
// return program ROM array
var asmout = result.output;
// TODO: unify
result.output = jsasm_module_output.output;
// TODO: typecheck this garbage
result.output.program_rom = asmout;
// TODO: not cpu_platform__DOT__program_rom anymore, make const
result.output.program_rom_variable = jsasm_module_top + "$program_rom";
result.listings = {};
result.listings[options.path] = { lines: result.lines };
return result;
else {
return result;
function compileJSASMStep(step) {
(0, workermain_1.gatherFiles)(step);
var code = (0, workermain_1.getWorkFileAsString)(step.path);
var platform = step.platform || 'verilog';
return compileJSASM(code, platform, step, false);
exports.compileJSASMStep = compileJSASMStep;
function compileInlineASM(code, platform, options, errors, asmlines) {
code = code.replace(/__asm\b([\s\S]+?)\b__endasm\b/g, function (s, asmcode, index) {
var firstline = code.substr(0, index).match(/\n/g).length;
var asmout = compileJSASM(asmcode, platform, options, true);
if (asmout.errors && asmout.errors.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < asmout.errors.length; i++) {
asmout.errors[i].line += firstline;
return "";
else if (asmout.output) {
let s = "";
var out = asmout.output;
for (var i = 0; i < out.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
s += ",";
if ((i & 0xff) == 0)
s += "\n";
s += 0 | out[i];
if (asmlines) {
var al = asmout.lines;
for (var i = 0; i < al.length; i++) {
al[i].line += firstline;
return s;
return code;
function compileVerilator(step) {
(0, workermain_1.loadNative)("verilator_bin");
var platform = step.platform || 'verilog';
var errors = [];
(0, workermain_1.gatherFiles)(step);
// compile verilog if files are stale
if ((0, workermain_1.staleFiles)(step, [xmlPath])) {
// TODO: %Error: Specified --top-module 'ALU' isn't at the top level, it's under another cell 'cpu'
// TODO: ... Use "/* verilator lint_off BLKSEQ */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.
var match_fn = (0, workermain_1.makeErrorMatcher)(errors, /%(.+?): (.+?):(\d+)?[:]?\s*(.+)/i, 3, 4, step.path, 2);
var verilator_mod = workermain_1.emglobal.verilator_bin({
instantiateWasm: (0, workermain_1.moduleInstFn)('verilator_bin'),
noInitialRun: true,
noExitRuntime: true,
print: workermain_1.print_fn,
printErr: match_fn,
wasmMemory: (0, workermain_1.getWASMMemory)(), // reuse memory
var code = (0, workermain_1.getWorkFileAsString)(step.path);
var topmod = detectTopModuleName(code);
var FS = verilator_mod.FS;
var listings = {};
// process inline assembly, add listings where found
(0, workermain_1.populateFiles)(step, FS, {
mainFilePath: step.path,
processFn: (path, code) => {
if (typeof code === 'string') {
let asmlines = [];
code = compileInlineASM(code, platform, step, errors, asmlines);
if (asmlines.length) {
listings[path] = { lines: asmlines };
return code;
(0, workermain_1.starttime)();
var xmlPath = `obj_dir/V${topmod}.xml`;
try {
var args = ["--cc", "-O3",
"-DEXT_INLINE_ASM", "-DTOPMOD__" + topmod, "-D__8BITWORKSHOP__",
"--x-assign", "fast", "--noassert", "--pins-sc-biguint",
"--top-module", topmod, step.path];
(0, workermain_1.execMain)(step, verilator_mod, args);
catch (e) {
errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "Compiler internal error: " + e });
(0, workermain_1.endtime)("compile");
// remove boring errors
errors = errors.filter(function (e) { return !/Exiting due to \d+/.exec(e.msg); }, errors);
errors = errors.filter(function (e) { return !/Use ["][/][*]/.exec(e.msg); }, errors);
if (errors.length) {
return { errors: errors };
(0, workermain_1.starttime)();
var xmlParser = new vxmlparser.VerilogXMLParser();
try {
var xmlContent = FS.readFile(xmlPath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
var xmlScrubbed = xmlContent.replace(/ fl=".+?" loc=".+?"/g, '');
// TODO: this squelches the .asm listing
//listings[step.prefix + '.xml'] = {lines:[],text:xmlContent};
(0, workermain_1.putWorkFile)(xmlPath, xmlScrubbed); // don't detect changes in source position
if (!(0, workermain_1.anyTargetChanged)(step, [xmlPath]))
catch (e) {
console.log(e, e.stack);
if (e.$loc != null) {
let $loc = e.$loc;
errors.push({ msg: "" + e, path: $loc.path, line: $loc.line });
else {
errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "" + e });
return { errors: errors, listings: listings };
finally {
(0, workermain_1.endtime)("parse");
return {
output: xmlParser,
errors: errors,
listings: listings,
exports.compileVerilator = compileVerilator;
// TODO: test
function compileYosys(step) {
(0, workermain_1.loadNative)("yosys");
var code = step.code;
var errors = [];
var match_fn = (0, workermain_1.makeErrorMatcher)(errors, /ERROR: (.+?) in line (.+?[.]v):(\d+)[: ]+(.+)/i, 3, 4, step.path);
(0, workermain_1.starttime)();
var yosys_mod = workermain_1.emglobal.yosys({
instantiateWasm: (0, workermain_1.moduleInstFn)('yosys'),
noInitialRun: true,
print: workermain_1.print_fn,
printErr: match_fn,
(0, workermain_1.endtime)("create module");
var topmod = detectTopModuleName(code);
var FS = yosys_mod.FS;
FS.writeFile(topmod + ".v", code);
(0, workermain_1.starttime)();
try {
(0, workermain_1.execMain)(step, yosys_mod, ["-q", "-o", topmod + ".json", "-S", topmod + ".v"]);
catch (e) {
(0, workermain_1.endtime)("compile");
return { errors: errors };
(0, workermain_1.endtime)("compile");
//TODO: filename in errors
if (errors.length)
return { errors: errors };
try {
var json_file = FS.readFile(topmod + ".json", { encoding: 'utf8' });
var json = JSON.parse(json_file);
return { output: json, errors: errors }; // TODO
catch (e) {
return { errors: errors };
exports.compileYosys = compileYosys;
function compileSilice(step) {
(0, workermain_1.loadNative)("silice");
var params = step.params;
(0, workermain_1.gatherFiles)(step, { mainFilePath: "main.ice" });
var destpath = step.prefix + '.v';
var errors = [];
var errfile;
var errline;
if ((0, workermain_1.staleFiles)(step, [destpath])) {
//[preprocessor] 97] attempt to concatenate a nil value (global 'addrW')
var match_fn = (s) => {
s = s.replaceAll(/\033\[\d+\w/g, '');
var mf = /file:\s*(\w+)/.exec(s);
var ml = /line:\s+(\d+)/.exec(s);
var preproc = /\[preprocessor\] (\d+)\] (.+)/.exec(s);
if (mf)
errfile = mf[1];
else if (ml)
errline = parseInt(ml[1]);
else if (preproc) {
errors.push({ path: step.path, line: parseInt(preproc[1]), msg: preproc[2] });
else if (errfile && errline && s.length > 1) {
if (s.length > 2) {
errors.push({ path: errfile + ".ice", line: errline, msg: s });
else {
errfile = null;
errline = null;
var silice = workermain_1.emglobal.silice({
instantiateWasm: (0, workermain_1.moduleInstFn)('silice'),
noInitialRun: true,
print: match_fn,
printErr: match_fn,
var FS = silice.FS;
(0, workermain_1.setupFS)(FS, 'Silice');
(0, workermain_1.populateFiles)(step, FS);
(0, workermain_1.populateExtraFiles)(step, FS, params.extra_compile_files);
const FWDIR = '/share/frameworks';
var args = [
'-D', 'NTSC=1',
'--frameworks_dir', FWDIR,
'-f', `/8bitworkshop.v`,
'-o', destpath,
(0, workermain_1.execMain)(step, silice, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors: errors };
var vout = FS.readFile(destpath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
(0, workermain_1.putWorkFile)(destpath, vout);
return {
nexttool: "verilator",
path: destpath,
args: [destpath],
files: [destpath],
exports.compileSilice = compileSilice;
//# sourceMappingURL=verilog.js.map