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; ****** HVGLIB.H (formally called ballyequ.h) (C)1977,78
; *** Bally Astrocade Equates and Macros Header File ***
; From the nutting_manual and reformatted using Mixed Case
; Version 3.01 - thru December 29, 2010
; by Richard C Degler, from scratch
; > Retyped and proofread by Adam Trionfo and Lance F. Squire
; > Version 1.0 (as ballyequ.h) - January 17, 2002
; > Version 2.52 (Version 1.0 of HVGLIB.H) - March 28, 2003
; > Version 2.6 - March 2, 2004 - as seen on BallyAlley.com
; > Version 3.0 - 2009
; > Version 3.01 - Changed "FonT BASE character" comment
; >
; > This file contains the equates and macros that Bally
; > programs require for assembly. This file has been
; > written to assemble with ZMAC 1.3 (a freely distribut-
; > able Z-80 assembler (with C source), that has a 25-year
; > history. ZMAC can be compiled under just about any O.S.
; > in existence, so try it out. This file will probably
; > require changes to be assembled under other assemblers.
; >
; > To assemble your Z-80 source code using ZMAC:
; >
; > zmac -d -o <outfile> -x <listfile> <filename>
; >
; > For example, assemble this Astrocade Z-80 ROM file:
; >
; > zmac -d -o BallyROM.bin -x BallyROM.lst BallyROM.asm
; >
; > Currently the Listing file is full of 'Undeclared'
; > errors. When all of the source is typed-in, these will
; > vanish. I'm leaving the others until all the source is
; > re-typed.
; >
; ***************************
; * Home Video Game =ates *
; ***************************
; General goodies (HEX and Decimal values):
NORMEM = 0x4000 ; 8192 ; NORmal MEMory start
FIRSTC = 0x2000 ; 4096 ; FIRST address in Cartridge
SCREEN = 0x0000 ; 0 ; magic SCREEN start
BYTEPL = 0x28 ; 40 ; BYTEs Per Line
BITSPL = 0xA0 ; 160 ; BITS Per Line
; Stuff in SYSTEM DOPE VECTOR (valid for ALL system ROMs):
STIMER = 0x0200 ; Seconds and game TIMER, music
CTIMER = 0x0203 ; Custom TIMERs
FNTSYS = 0x0206 ; FoNT descriptor for SYStem font
FNTSML = 0x020D ; FoNT descriptor for SMaLl font
ALKEYS = 0x0214 ; ALl KEYS keypad mask
MENUST = 0x0218 ; head of onboard MENU STart
MXSCR = 0x021E ; address of 'MaX SCoRe' text string
NOPLAY = 0x0228 ; address of 'Number Of PLAYers' string
NOGAME = 0x0235 ; address of 'Number Of GAMEs' string
PSWCY = 0 ; Processor Status Word, CarrY bit
PSWPV = 2 ; Processor Status Word, Parity or oVerflow bit
PSWZRO = 6 ; Processor Status Word, ZeRO bit
PSWSGN = 7 ; Processor Status Word, SiGN bit
GSBTIM = 0 ; Game Status Byte, if TIMe is up set end bit
GSBSCR = 1 ; Game Status Byte, if SCoRe reached set end bit
GSBEND = 7 ; Game Status Byte, END flag bit
; Standard VECTOR DISPLACEMENTS and bits:
VBMR = 0x00 ; +0 ; Vector Block, Magic Register
VBSTAT = 0x01 ; +1 ; Vector Block, STATus byte
VBTIMB = 0x02 ; +2 ; Vector Block, TIMe Base
VBDXL = 0x03 ; +3 ; Vector Block, Delta for X Low
VBDXH = 0x04 ; +4 ; Vector Block, Delta for X Hi
VBXL = 0x05 ; +5 ; Vector Block, X coord Low
VBXH = 0x06 ; +6 ; Vector Block, X coord Hi
VBXCHK = 0x07 ; +7 ; Vector Block, X CHecK flags
VBDYL = 0x08 ; +8 ; Vector Block, Delta for Y Low
VBDYH = 0x09 ; +9 ; Vector Block, Delta for Y Hi
VBYL = 0x0A ; +10 ; Vector Block, Y coord Low
VBYH = 0x0B ; +11 ; Vector Block, Y coord Hi
VBYCHK = 0x0C ; +12 ; Vector Block, Y CHecK flags
VBOAL = 0x0D ; +13 ; Vector Block, Old Address Low
VBOAH = 0x0E ; +14 ; Vector Block, Old Address Hi
VBDCL = 0x00 ; +0 ; Vector Block, Delta for Coord Low
VBDCH = 0x01 ; +1 ; Vector Block, Delta for Coord Hi
VBCL = 0x02 ; +2 ; Vector Block, Coord Low
VBCH = 0x03 ; +3 ; Vector Block, Coord Hi
VBCCHK = 0x04 ; +4 ; Vector Block, Coord CHecK flags
; BITS in STATUS byte:
VBBLNK = 6 ; Vector Block status, BLaNK bit
VBSACT = 7 ; Vector Block Status, ACTive bit
; BITS in (X or Y) VB CHECK FLAG bit mask:
VBCLMT = 0 ; Vector Block Check, LiMiT bit
VBCREV = 1 ; Vector Block Check, REVerse delta on limit attain
VBCLAT = 3 ; Vector Block Check, coordinate Limit ATtained
FTBASE = 0x00 ; +0 ; FonT BASE character (normally 0xA0)
FTFSX = 0x01 ; +1 ; FonT Frame X Size width
FTFSY = 0x02 ; +2 ; FonT Frame Y Size height
FTBYTE = 0x03 ; +3 ; FonT X size for char in BYTEs
FTYSIZ = 0x04 ; +4 ; FonT Y SIZe height in rows
FTPTL = 0x05 ; +5 ; FonT Pattern Table address Low
FTPTH = 0x06 ; +6 ; FonT Pattern Table address Hi
; BITS for MAGIC REGISTER (write option) byte:
MRSHFT = 0x03 ; Magic Register, mask of SHiFT amount 0-3
MRROT = 2 ; Magic Register, write with ROTata bit
MRXPND = 3 ; Magic Register, write with eXPaND bit
MROR = 4 ; Magic Register, write with OR bit
MRXOR = 5 ; Magic Register, write with eXclusive-OR bit
MRFLOP = 6 ; Magic Register, write with FLOP bit
; BITS of CONTROL HANDLE Input port:
CHUP = 0 ; Control Handle, UP bit
CHDOWN = 1 ; Control Handle, DOWN bit
CHLEFT = 2 ; Control Handle, joystick LEFT bit
CHRIGH = 3 ; Control Handle, joystick RIGHT bit
CHTRIG = 4 ; Control Handle, TRIGger bit
CBIYL = 0x00 ; +0 ; Context Block, IY register Low
CBIYH = 0x01 ; +1 ; Context Block, IY register Hi
CBIXL = 0x02 ; +2 ; Context Block, IX register Low
CBIXH = 0x03 ; +3 ; Context Block, IX register Hi
CBE = 0x04 ; +4 ; Context Block, E register
CBD = 0x05 ; +5 ; Context Block, D register
CBC = 0x06 ; +6 ; Context Block, C register
CBB = 0x07 ; +7 ; Context Block, B register
CBFLAG = 0x08 ; +8 ; Context Block, FLAGs register
CBA = 0x09 ; +9 ; Context Block, A register
CBL = 0x0A ; +10 ; Context Block, L register
CBH = 0x0B ; +11 ; Context Block, H register
; SENTRY RETURN Codes =ates:
SNUL = 0x00 ; Sentry return NULl, nothing happened
SCT0 = 0x01 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 0 has counted down
SCT1 = 0x02 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 1 has counted down
SCT2 = 0x03 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 2 has counted down
SCT3 = 0x04 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 3 has counted down
SCT4 = 0x05 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 4 has counted down
SCT5 = 0x06 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 5 has counted down
SCT6 = 0x07 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 6 has counted down
SCT7 = 0x08 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 7 has counted down
SF0 = 0x09 ; Sentry, Flag bit 0 has changed
SF1 = 0x0A ; Sentry, Flag bit 1 has changed
SF2 = 0x0B ; Sentry, Flag bit 2 has changed
SF3 = 0x0C ; Sentry, Flag bit 3 has changed
SF4 = 0x0D ; Sentry, Flag bit 4 has changed
SF5 = 0x0E ; Sentry, Flag bit 5 has changed
SF6 = 0x0F ; Sentry, Flag bit 6 has changed
SF7 = 0x10 ; Sentry, Flag bit 7 has changed
SSEC = 0x11 ; Sentry, SEConds timer has counted down
SKYU = 0x12 ; Sentry, KeY is now Up
SKYD = 0x13 ; Sentry, KeY is now Down
ST0 = 0x14 ; Sentry, Trigger 0 for player 1 has changed
SJ0 = 0x15 ; Sentry, Joystick 0 for player 1 has changed
ST1 = 0x16 ; Sentry, Trigger 1 for player 2 has changed
SJ1 = 0x17 ; Sentry, Joystick 1 for player 2 has changed
ST2 = 0x18 ; Sentry, Trigger 2 for player 3 has changed
SJ2 = 0x19 ; Sentry, Joystick 2 for player 3 has changed
ST3 = 0x1A ; Sentry, Trigger 3 for player 4 has changed
SJ3 = 0x1B ; Sentry, Joystick 3 for player 4 has changed
SP0 = 0x1C ; Sentry, POTentiometer 0 has changed
SP1 = 0x1D ; Sentry, POTentiometer 1 has changed
SP2 = 0x1E ; Sentry, POTentiometer 2 has changed
SP3 = 0x1F ; Sentry, POTentiometer 3 has changed
; ********************************
; * Home Video Game PORT =ates *
; ********************************
COL0R = 0x00 ; &(0)= ; write COLor 0 Right
COL1R = 0x01 ; &(1)= ; write COLor 1 Right
COL2R = 0x02 ; &(2)= ; write COLor 2 Right
COL3R = 0x03 ; &(3)= ; write COLor 3 Right
COL0L = 0x04 ; &(4)= ; write COLor 0 Left
COL1L = 0x05 ; &(5)= ; write COLor 1 Left
COL2L = 0x06 ; &(6)= ; write COLor 2 Left
COL3L = 0x07 ; &(7)= ; write COLor 3 Left
HORCB = 0x09 ; &(9)= ; write HORizontal Color Boundary
VERBL = 0x0A ;&(10)= ; write VERtical Blanking Line
COLBX = 0x0B ;&(11)= ; write COLor BloCK multi-port
; OUTPUT Ports for MUSIC and SOUNDS:
TONMO = 0x10 ;&(16)= ; write TONe Master Oscillator
TONEA = 0x11 ;&(17)= ; write TONe A oscillator
TONEB = 0x12 ;&(18)= ; write TONe B oscillator
TONEC = 0x13 ;&(19)= ; write TONe C oscillator
VIBRA = 0x14 ;&(20)= ; write VIBRAto frequency & range
VOLC = 0x15 ;&(21)= ; write VOLume of tone C
VOLAB = 0x16 ;&(22)= ; write VOLumes of tones A & B
VOLN = 0x17 ;&(23)= ; write VOLume of Noise
SNDBX = 0x18 ;&(24)= ; write SouND BloCK multi-port
CONCM = 0x08 ; &(8)= ; write 0 for CONsumer, 1 for CoMmercial mode
MAGIC = 0x0C ;&(12)= ; write MAGIC register
INFBK = 0x0D ;&(13)= ; write INterrupt FeedBacK
INMOD = 0x0E ;&(14)= ; write INterrupt MODe
INLIN = 0x0F ;&(15)= ; write INterrupt LINe
XPAND = 0x19 ;&(25)= ; eXPANDer pixel definition port
INTST = 0x08 ; =&(8) ; read INTercept STatus
VERAF = 0x0E ;=&(14) ; read VERtical Address Feedback
HORAF = 0x0F ;=&(15) ; read HORizontal Address Feedback
SW0 = 0x10 ;=&(16) ; read SWitch bank 0 for player 1 hand control
SW1 = 0x11 ;=&(17) ; read SWitch bank 1 for player 2 hand control
SW2 = 0x12 ;=&(18) ; read SWitch bank 2 for player 3 hand control
SW3 = 0x13 ;=&(19) ; read SWitch bank 3 for player 4 hand control
POT0 = 0x1C ;=&(28) ; read POTentiometer 0 for player 1 knob
POT1 = 0x1D ;=&(29) ; read POTentiometer 1 for player 2 knob
POT2 = 0x1E ;=&(30) ; read POTentiometer 2 for player 3 knob
POT3 = 0x1F ;=&(31) ; read POTentiometer 3 for player 4 knob
KEY0 = 0x14 ;=&(20) ; KEYboard column 0 (right side)
KEY1 = 0x15 ;=&(21) ; KEYboard column 1 (center right)
KEY2 = 0x16 ;=&(22) ; KEYboard column 2 (center left)
KEY3 = 0x17 ;=&(23) ; KEYboard column 3 (left side)
; ***************************************
; * Home Video Game SYSTEM CALL Indexes *
; ***************************************
; USER PROGRAM Interface:
INTPC = 0x00 ; # 0 ; INTerPret with Context create
XINTC = 0x02 ; # 2 ; eXit INTerpreter with Context
RCALL = 0x04 ; # 4 ; Real CALL asm language subroutine
MCALL = 0x06 ; # 6 ; Macro CALL interpreter subroutine
MRET = 0x08 ; # 8 ; Macro RETurn from interpreter subroutine
MJUMP = 0x0A ; # 10 ; Macro JUMP to interpreter subroutine
SUCK = 0x0C ; # 12 ; SUCK inline args into context block
; SCHEDULER Routines:
ACTINT = 0x0E ; # 14 ; ACTivate sub timer INTerrupts
DECCTS = 0x10 ; # 16 ; DECrement CT'S under mask
BMUSIC = 0x12 ; # 18 ; Begin playing MUSIC
EMUSIC = 0x14 ; # 20 ; End playing MUSIC
SETOUT = 0x16 ; # 22 ; SET some OUTput ports
COLSET = 0x18 ; # 24 ; COLors SET
FILL = 0x1A ; # 26 ; FILL memory with data
RECTAN = 0x1C ; # 28 ; paint a RECTANgle
VWRITR = 0x1E ; # 30 ; Vector WRITe Relative
WRITR = 0x20 ; # 32 ; WRITe Relative
WRITP = 0x22 ; # 34 ; WRITe with Pattern size lookup
WRIT = 0x24 ; # 36 ; WRITe with sizes provided
WRITA = 0x26 ; # 38 ; WRITe Absolute
VBLANK = 0x28 ; # 40 ; Vector BLANK area
BLANK = 0x2A ; # 42 ; BLANK area
SAVE = 0x2C ; # 44 ; SAVE area
RESTOR = 0x2E ; # 46 ; RESTORe area
SCROLL = 0x30 ; # 48 ; SCROLL area of screen
CHRDIS = 0x32 ; # 50 ; CHaRacter DISplay
STRDIS = 0x34 ; # 52 ; STRing DISplay
DISNUM = 0x36 ; # 54 ; DISplay NUMber
RELABS = 0x38 ; # 56 ; RELative to ABSolute conversion
RELAB1 = 0x3A ; # 58 ; RELative to non-magic ABSolute
VECTC = 0x3C ; # 60 ; VECTor move single Coordinate
VECT = 0x3E ; # 62 ; VECTor move coordinate pair
KCTASC = 0x40 ; # 64 ; Key Code in B To ASCii
SENTRY = 0x42 ; # 66 ; SENse TRansition Y
DOIT = 0x44 ; # 68 ; DOIT table, branch to translation handler
DOITB = 0x46 ; # 70 ; DOIT table, use B instead of A
PIZBRK = 0x48 ; # 72 ; take a PIZza BReaK
MENU = 0x4A ; # 74 ; display a MENU
GETPAR = 0x4C ; # 76 ; GET game PARameter from user
GETNUM = 0x4E ; # 78 ; GET NUMber from user
PAWS = 0x50 ; # 80 ; PAUSE
DISTIM = 0x52 ; # 82 ; DISplay TIMe
INCSCR = 0x54 ; # 84 ; INCrement SCoRe
; MATH Routines:
INDEXN = 0x56 ; # 86 ; INDEX Nibble by C
STOREN = 0x58 ; # 88 ; STORE Nibble in A by C
INDEXW = 0x5A ; # 90 ; INDEX Word by A
INDEXB = 0x5C ; # 92 ; INDEX Byte by A
MOVE = 0x5E ; # 94 ; MOVE block transfer
SHIFTU = 0x60 ; # 96 ; SHIFT Up digit in A
BCDADD = 0x62 ; # 98 ; BCD ADDition
BCDSUB = 0x64 ;# 100 ; BCD SUBtraction
BCDMUL = 0x66 ;# 102 ; BCD MULtiplication
BCDDIV = 0x68 ;# 104 ; BCD DIVision
BCDCHS = 0x6A ;# 106 ; BCD CHange Sign
BCDNEG = 0x6C ;# 108 ; BCD NEGate to decimal
DADD = 0x6E ;# 110 ; Decimal ADDition
DSMG = 0x70 ;# 112 ; Decimal convert to Sign MaGnitude
DABS = 0x72 ;# 114 ; Decimal ABSolute value
NEGT = 0x74 ;# 116 ; decimal NEGaTe
RANGED = 0x76 ;# 118 ; RANGED random number
QUIT = 0x78 ;# 120 ; QUIT cassette execution
SETB = 0x7A ;# 122 ; SET Byte
SETW = 0x7C ;# 124 ; SET Word
MSKTD = 0x7E ;# 127 ; MaSK joystick in B To Deltas
; ***************************
; ***************************
SYSRAM = 0x4FCE ; Resides at the highest possible address
BEGRAM = SYSRAM ; typically used for initial Stack Pointer
MUZPC = 0x4FCE ; MUSic Program Counter
MUZSP = 0x4FD0 ; MUSic Stack Pointer
PVOLAB = 0x4FD2 ; Preset VOLume for tones A and B
PVOLMC = 0x4FD3 ; Preset VOLuMe for tone C and Noise Mode
VOICES = 0x4FD4 ; music VOICES mask
CT0 = 0x4FD5 ; Counter Timer 0
CT1 = 0x4FD6 ; Counter Timer 1
CT2 = 0x4FD7 ; Counter Timer 2
CT3 = 0x4FD8 ; Counter Timer 3
CT4 = 0x4FD9 ; Counter Timer 4
CT5 = 0x4FDA ; Counter Timer 5
CT6 = 0x4FDB ; Counter Timer 6
CT7 = 0x4FDC ; Counter Timer 7
;Used by SENTRY to track controls:
CNT = 0x4FDD ; Counter update & Number Tracking
SEMI4S = 0x4FDE ; SEMAPHORE flag bitS
OPOT0 = 0x4FDF ; Old POT 0 tracking byte
OPOT1 = 0x4FE0 ; Old POT 1 tracking byte
OPOT2 = 0x4FE1 ; Old POT 2 tracking byte
OPOT3 = 0x4FE2 ; Old POT 3 tracking byte
KEYSEX = 0x4FE3 ; KEYS-EX tracking byte
OSW0 = 0x4FE4 ; Old SWitch 0 tracking byte
OSW1 = 0x4FE5 ; Old SWitch 1 tracking byte
OSW2 = 0x4FE6 ; Old SWitch 2 tracking byte
OSW3 = 0x4FE7 ; Old SWitch 3 tracking byte
COLLST = 0x4FE8 ; COLset LaST address for P.B. A
; Used by STIMER:
DURAT = 0x4FEA ; note DURATion
TMR60 = 0x4FEB ; TiMeR for SIXTY'ths of sec
TIMOUT = 0x4FEC ; TIMer for blackOUT
GTSECS = 0x4FED ; Game Time SECondS
GTMINS = 0x4FEE ; Game Time MINuteS
; Used by MENU:
RANSHT = 0x4FEF ; RANdom number SHifT register
NUMPLY = 0x4FF3 ; NUMber of PLaYers
ENDSCR = 0x4FF4 ; END SCoRe to 'play to'
MRLOCK = 0x4FF7 ; Magic Register LOCK out flag
GAMSTB = 0x4FF8 ; GAMe STatus Byte
PRIOR = 0x4FF9 ; PRIOR music protect flag
SENFLG = 0x4FFA ; SENtry control seizure FLaG
; User UPI Routines, even numbers from 0x80 to 0xFE ( + 1 for SUCK):
UMARGT = 0x4FFB ; User Mask ARGument Table + (routine / 2)
USERTB = 0x4FFD ; USER Table Base + routine = JumP address
URINAL = 0x4FFF ; WASTER flushes here!
; MACROs to generate SYSTEM CALLs:
rst 0x38
; .endif
; MACRO to generate SYSTEM CALL with SUCK option ON:
rst 0x38
.db UMBA + 1
; .if UMBA = INTPC
; .endif
;;; C functions
.area CODE
; activate interrupts
.globl _activate_interrupts
; set INMOD
ld a,#0x8
out (INMOD),a
; wait for next interrupt
.globl _wait_for_vsync
; this is faster than PAWS
ld hl,#TMR60
ld a,(hl)
.1: cp a,(hl)
jp z,.1
; .db 1
; build a SYSSUK block on the stack
; <return addr> <5 bytes>
; <endsuk5> <oldret> rst <cmd> <5 bytes> ret
.globl _display_string
ld h,#(STRDIS+1)
pop de ; return address
ld l,#0xff ; RST 0x38
push hl ; SYSSUK <command>
ld iy,#0
add iy,sp ; SP -> IY
ld ix,#7
add ix,sp ; SP+7 -> IX
push de ; push return addr
ld e,(ix) ; load what's there
push de ; push it
ld d,#0xc9 ; ret opcode
ld (ix),d ; store after params
ld hl,#endsuk5
push hl
ld ix,#0x20d ; alternate font desc.
jp (iy) ; jump to RST
pop de ; old ret value
pop hl ; return address
ld ix,#7
add ix,sp ; SP+7 -> IX
ld (ix),e ; restore old ret value
pop de ; get rid of SYSSUK cmd
jp (hl) ; caller takes care of rest
; RECTAN x y w h colormask
.globl _paint_rectangle
ld h,#(RECTAN+1)
jp syssuk5
; WRITP x y magic pattern
.globl _write_relative
ld h,#(WRITR+1)
jp syssuk5