mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-10-05 15:58:13 +00:00

150 lines
3.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

`include "hvsync_generator.v"
`include "cpu16.v"
// uncomment to see scope view
//`define DEBUG
module frame_buffer_top(clk, reset, hsync, vsync, hpaddle, vpaddle,
address_bus, to_cpu, from_cpu, write_enable
`ifdef DEBUG
, output [15:0] IP
, output carry
, output zero
, rgb
input clk, reset;
input hpaddle, vpaddle;
output hsync, vsync;
wire display_on;
wire [8:0] hpos;
wire [8:0] vpos;
`ifdef DEBUG
assign IP = cpu.regs[cpu.IP];
assign carry = cpu.carry;
assign zero = cpu.zero;
output [3:0] rgb;
parameter IN_HPOS = 8'b01000000;
parameter IN_VPOS = 8'b01000001;
parameter IN_FLAGS = 8'b01000010;
reg [15:0] ram[0:32767];
reg [15:0] rom[0:1023];
output wire [15:0] address_bus;
output reg [15:0] to_cpu;
output wire [15:0] from_cpu;
output wire write_enable;
CPU16 cpu(.clk(clk),
always @(posedge clk)
if (write_enable) begin
ram[address_bus[14:0]] <= from_cpu;
always @(*)
if (address_bus[15])
to_cpu = rom[address_bus[9:0]];
else if (&address_bus[14:8]) begin
casez (address_bus[7:0])
// special read registers
IN_HPOS: to_cpu = {8'b0, hpos[7:0]};
IN_VPOS: to_cpu = {8'b0, vpos[7:0]};
IN_FLAGS: to_cpu = {11'b0,
vsync, hsync, vpaddle, hpaddle, display_on};
default: to_cpu = 0;
end else
to_cpu = ram[address_bus[14:0]];
hvsync_generator hvsync_gen(
// video DMA access
reg hold;
wire busy;
reg [15:0] vline[0:31]; // 32x16 bits = 256 4-color pixels
reg [4:0] vindex; // index into line array
reg [15:0] vshift; // shift register with current word to output
reg [3:0] palette[0:3] = '{0,1,4,7}; // simple palette
always @(posedge clk) begin
// has CPU released the bus?
if (busy) begin
// write from main RAM -> scanline RAM
vline[vindex] <= ram[{2'b10,vpos[7:0],vindex}];
// end of scanline read?
if (&vindex)
hold <= 0; // release CPU
vindex <= vindex + 1; // next address
end else if (hpos >= 256 && hpos < 256+4 && vpos < 240) begin
hold <= 1; // start DMA mode, hold CPU
end else if (!hpos[8] && vpos < 240) begin
// load next word from vline buffer
if (0 == hpos[2:0]) begin
vshift <= vline[vindex];
vindex <= vindex + 1;
end else
vshift <= vshift >> 2;
// decode scanline RAM to RGB output
rgb <= palette[vshift[1:0]];
end else
rgb <= 0;
initial begin
rom = '{
.arch femto16
.org 32768
.len 1024
.define IN_HPOS $7f00
.define IN_VPOS $7f01
.define IN_FLAGS $7f02
.define F_DISPLAY 1
.define F_HPADDLE 2
.define F_VPADDLE 4
.define F_HSYNC 8
.define F_VSYNC 16
mov ax,#0
mov bx,ax
xor ax,[bx]
mov [bx],ax
inc bx
inc ax
bnz Loop