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2020-07-06 23:53:20 +00:00
! Through the Looking-Glass
! An Inform tutorial by Gareth Rees
! All rights given away
! Version 3
! 5/1/2003 - Updated to Inform 6.21 Library 6/10
Constant Headline "^An Interactive Tutorial^by Gareth Rees^";
Include "parser";
Include "verblib";
Include "grammar";
[ Initialise;
location = Drawing_Room;
print "^^^^^It's a cold winter day outside, but in the
looking-glass house it's summer. All you need to do is
pretend there's a way of getting through into it
[ UntangleSub; "What curious ideas you have!"; ];
[ ReflectSub;
if (second ~= mirror) "What a strange idea!";
if (noun == hearth or mirror || (player notin mantelpiece &&
player notin armchair))
"You can't see that in the looking-glass.";
print "The looking-glass ";
if (noun == player) print "Alice";
else PrintShortName(noun);
if (player in mantelpiece) " looks very misty and blurred.";
print " looks just like the real ";
if (noun == player) print "Alice";
else PrintShortName(noun);
" only all reversed, left for right.";
Extend "look"
* "at" noun "in" noun -> Reflect;
Extend "examine"
* noun "in" noun -> Reflect;
Verb "roll" "untangle" "wind"
* noun -> Untangle
* "up" noun -> Untangle
* noun "up" -> Untangle;
Object Drawing_Room "Drawing room"
has light
with name "snow",
description "The gentle sound of snow against the window pane
suggests that it's cold outside, and you're glad to be
here in the warmth. The drawing-room is reflected in the
large looking-glass on the wall above the mantelpiece,
and a very comfortable room it is too, with a warm
hearth, a soft rug and an arm-chair that you can curl up
and sleep in.",
before [;
if (player in mantelpiece && (action == ##Exit ||
(action == ##Go && noun == d_obj or out_obj)))
"That's not the way to get down from a mantelpiece!";
if (player in mantelpiece &&
action ~= ##Examine or ##Enter or ##Go &&
action ~= ##ThrownAt or ##ThrowAt or ##Reflect)
if ((noun > 0 && noun notin mantelpiece &&
noun ~= mantelpiece or mirror && noun notin player) ||
(second > 0 && second notin mantelpiece &&
second ~= mantelpiece or mirror && second notin player))
"Not from up here you can't!";
Object red_queen "red queen"
has female
with name "red" "queen",
describe [;
if (white_kitten.state == 1 || black_kitten.state == 1)
description "She's a fierce little chess piece.",
after [;
if (white_kitten.state == 1)
white_kitten.state = 3;
if (black_kitten.state == 1)
black_kitten.state = 3;
if (second == chess_board)
"Alone on the chess board, the red queen is monarch of
all she surveys.";
Object chess_board "chess board" Drawing_Room
has supporter
with name "chess" "board" "checker" "chequer" "chessboard",
initial "An abandoned chess board lies on the floor.",
description "It's left here from the game you were playing
just now, but the pieces are all missing - the kittens
will insist on playing with them.";
Object hearth "hearth" Drawing_Room
has scenery
with name "hearth" "fire" "place" "fireplace";
Object rug "rug" Drawing_Room
has concealed static supporter enterable
! general if you've found the red queen under it
with name "hearthrug" "hearth-rug" "rug" "indian" "arabian" "beautiful"
description "It's a beautiful rug, made in some far off
country, perhaps India or Araby, wherever those might
before [;
Take: "The rug is much too large and heavy for you to carry.";
Push,Pull: "But a hearth-rug is meant to be next to the
if (player in mantelpiece || player in armchair)
"You're unable to reach the rug from here.";
if (player in self)
"You try to lift up a corner of the rug, but fail. After
a while, you realise that this is because you are
standing on it. How curious the world is!";
if (self hasnt general) {
give self general;
move red_queen to player;
"You lift up a corner of the rug and, peering
underneath, discover the red queen from the chess
Object armchair "arm-chair" Drawing_Room
has static concealed supporter enterable
! general if its by the mantelpiece
with name "arm" "chair" "armchair" "arm-chair",
description [;
print "It's a huge arm-chair, the perfect place for a kitten
or a little girl to curl up in and doze. It has been
pushed over to the ";
if (self has general) "fireplace.";
before [ i;
if (player notin Drawing_Room)
print_ret "You'll have to get off ", (the) parent(player),
" first.";
if (white_kitten in player || black_kitten in player)
"Not with a kitten in your arms!";
if (white_kitten.state == 3) i = white_kitten;
else if (black_kitten.state == 3) i = black_kitten;
if (i ~= 0)
print_ret "You are about to start moving the chair when you
notice that ", (the) i, " is right in the way. It's a
good thing you spotted it, or you would have squashed
flat the poor little thing.";
if (self has general) {
give self ~general;
"You push the arm-chair away from the hearth.";
give self general;
"You push the arm-chair over to the hearth.";
move player to armchair;
"You jump into the warm and comfortable arm-chair.";
Object mantelpiece "mantelpiece" Drawing_Room
has concealed supporter enterable
with name "mantel" "mantelpiece",
description "It's higher off the ground than your head, but
it looks wide enough and sturdy enough to support you.",
before [;
if (player notin armchair)
"The mantelpiece is much too high to climb up onto.";
if (armchair hasnt general)
"You can't reach the mantelpiece from here.";
if (children(player) > 0)
"Your hands are too full.";
move player to mantelpiece;
"You scramble up onto the mantelpiece.";
if (player notin self && (player notin armchair ||
armchair hasnt general))
"The mantelpiece is so high that you can't reach.";
Object mirror "looking-glass" Drawing_Room
has static concealed
with name "mirror" "looking" "glass" "looking-glass",
description [;
if (player in mantelpiece)
"Strangely, the glass is beginning to melt away,
just like a bright silvery mist.";
if (player in armchair)
"In the looking-glass you can see the drawing-room of
the looking-glass house. What you can see is very
much the same as this drawing-room, only all
reversed, left for right. But you are sure that out
of the corners of the glass, where you can't see, the
looking-glass world is quite different from yours.";
"In the looking-glass you can see the ceiling of the
drawing-room of the looking-glass house. It looks much
the same as the ceiling of your drawing-room.";
before [;
if (action ~= ##Examine or ##ThrownAt or ##Reflect &&
player notin mantelpiece)
"You can't reach the looking-glass from where you're
"Your hand goes right through the silvery mist!";
ThrownAt: "You don't want seven years' bad luck, do you?";
! Really, move Alice to the looking-glass house.
deadflag = 2;
"Your hand goes right through the silvery mist, and in
another moment the rest of you follows, and you are
through the glass...";
Object worsted "ball of worsted" Drawing_Room
! general if its in a tangle
with name "ball" "of" "worsted" "fine" "blue" "wool",
describe [;
if (white_kitten.state ~= 2 &&
black_kitten.state ~= 2)
"^A discarded ball of worsted lies on the floor here.";
description [;
if (self has general)
"It's in a terrible tangle. All that time you spent
rolling it up, and now look at it!";
"It's a ball of fine blue wool, all rolled up in preparation
for some embroidery.";
before [;
give self ~general;
"You're as quick as can be at rolling up balls of wool,
though you say so yourself! Soon it's neat and tidy again.";
after [;
if (white_kitten.state == 2)
white_kitten.state = 3;
if (black_kitten.state == 2)
black_kitten.state = 3;
Object chess_pieces "chess pieces" Drawing_Room
has scenery
with parse_name [ w colour n;
w = NextWord();
if (w == 'white' or 'red') {
n ++;
colour = w;
w = NextWord();
if (w == 'pawn' or 'rook' or 'castle' ||
w == 'knight' or 'horse' or 'bishop' ||
w == 'king' || (w == 'queen' &&
(colour == 'white' || rug hasnt general))) return n + 1;
return 0;
before [;
"Alas, that chess piece seems to be missing. Those
naughty kittens!";
Object window "window" Drawing_Room
has scenery
with name "window" "pane",
description "Outside the window it's snowing gently, and you're
glad to be in here in the warmth.",
before [;
Open: "You wouldn't want to catch a chill, would you? Better
leave the window shut.";
Search: <<Examine self>>;
Property other_kitten;
Property state; ! 1=red queen, 2=ball of wool, 3=arm-chair, 0=held
Class Kitten_Class
has animate
! general if it's been described this turn
with parse_name [ w ok n;
do {
ok = 0;
w = NextWord();
if (w == 'kittens' or 'cats') {
ok = 1; n++; parser_action=##PluralFound;
if (w == 'kitten' or 'kitty' or 'cat' ||
w == ((self.&name)-->0)) {
ok = 1; n++;
} until (ok == 0);
return n;
state 3,
describe [ i;
switch (self.state) {
1: print_ret "^A ", (name) self, " is playing with the red
2: print_ret "^A ", (name) self, " is playing with a ball of
3: if (self has general) rtrue;
if ((self.other_kitten).state == 3) {
i = self.other_kitten;
give i general;
"^Two kittens, one white and one black, are playing
together by the arm-chair.";
print_ret "^A ", (name) self, " is playing by the
default: rtrue;
description [;
print_ret "What a beautiful kitten ", (the) self, " is. Why,
it's quite definitely your favourite of the pair, and
much prettier than that naughty ", (name)
self.other_kitten, ".";
life [;
print_ret (The) self, " twitches its whiskers and looks at
you with such a clever expression that you are certain it
understands every word you are saying.";
print_ret "You give ", (the) self, " a little kiss on its
nose, and it looks sweetly and demurely at you.";
Attack: "You would never do such a beastly thing to such
a defenceless little animal!";
print_ret (The) self, " bats a paw at ", (the) noun, ".";
if (noun ~= red_queen or worsted) {
if (action == ##ThrowAt) {
move noun to Drawing_Room;
print "You toss ", (the) noun, " onto the floor, but ",
(the) self;
else print (The) self;
print_ret " just examines ", (the) noun, " with a
quizzical expression.";
print "You toss ", (the) noun, " onto the floor and ", (the) self;
if (self in player)
print " squirms out of your grasp and";
move noun to Drawing_Room;
move self to Drawing_Room;
print " scampers after it";
if (noun == worsted) {
give worsted general;
self.state = 2;
print ", quickly turning the neat ball into a tangle";
else self.state = 1;
before [;
if (self.other_kitten in player)
"You can't hold two kittens at once!";
self.state = 0;
move self to player;
print_ret "You pick up ", (the) self, ". What a beautiful
creature it is!";
after [;
self.state = 3;
move self to Drawing_Room;
print_ret (The) self, " squirms out of your arms and scampers
self.state = 3;
print (The) self, " jumps off ", (the) parent(self);
move self to Drawing_Room;
", landing lightly on the floor before scampering away.";
daemon [ i;
give self ~general;
self.number = 1 - self.number;
if (self.number == 1 || random(3) == 2) rtrue;
print (The) self;
switch (self.state) {
0: switch(random(5)) {
1: " mews plaintively.";
2: " purrs quietly to itself.";
3: " purrs contentedly to itself.";
4: " rubs its ears against you.";
5: move self to Drawing_Room;
self.state = 3;
" squirms out of your arms and scampers away.";
1: switch (random(5)) {
1: " bats at the red queen with its paw.";
2: " stops playing and sits up, pretending to be
innocent of any kittenish tendancies.";
3: " knocks the red queen across the floor and chases
after it.";
4: " stops to wash itself.";
5: " bites the red queen and shakes it to make sure that
it's dead.";
2: give worsted general;
switch (random(5)) {
1: " bats at the ball of worsted with its paw.";
2: " pushes the ball of worsted across the floor and
chases after it.";
3: " leaps onto the ball of worsted and grapples bravely
with it.";
4: " jumps into the ball of worsted and gets tangled up
in a mess of threads.";
5: " stops playing and scratches its ears.";
3: if ((self.other_kitten).state == 3 && random(2) == 1) {
i = random(5);
switch (i) {
1: print " chases after ";
2: print " jumps on top of ";
3: print " washes ";
4: print " scampers around the arm-chair and ";
5: print " bats at ";
print (the) self.other_kitten;
switch (i) {
1,3: ".";
2: " and they roll around on the floor.";
4: " chases after it.";
5: " with its paw.";
switch (random(5)) {
1: " scampers after a speck of dust.";
2: " rolls around on the floor.";
3: " sits up and washes its tail.";
4: " scratches its head on the arm-chair.";
5: " chases its tail.";
Object white_kitten "white kitten" Drawing_Room
class Kitten_Class
with name "white",
number 0,
other_kitten black_kitten;
Object black_kitten "black kitten" Drawing_Room
class Kitten_Class
with name "black",
number 1,
other_kitten white_kitten;