mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2025-02-16 17:30:27 +00:00

added tms9918a

This commit is contained in:
Steven Hugg 2018-11-18 19:39:04 -05:00
parent ca0c7cf045
commit 30ac9a3509

src/video/tms9918a.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
* js99'er - TI-99/4A emulator written in JavaScript
* Created 2014 by Rasmus Moustgaard <rasmus.moustgaard@gmail.com>
* TMS9918A VDP emulation.
* https://github.com/Rasmus-M/Js99er
* GNU General Public License v2.0
'use strict';
enum TMS9918A_Mode {
TEXT = 1,
* @constructor
export function TMS9918A(canvas, cru, enableFlicker) {
this.canvas = canvas;
this.cru = cru;
this.enableFlicker = enableFlicker;
this.ram = new Uint8Array(16384); // VDP RAM
this.registers = new Uint8Array(8);
this.addressRegister = null;
this.statusRegister = null;
this.palette = [
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[33, 200, 66],
[94, 220, 120],
[84, 85, 237],
[125, 118, 252],
[212, 82, 77],
[66, 235, 245],
[252, 85, 84],
[255, 121, 120],
[212, 193, 84],
[230, 206, 128],
[33, 176, 59],
[201, 91, 186],
[204, 204, 204],
[255, 255, 255]
this.latch = null;
this.prefetchByte = null;
this.displayOn = null;
this.interruptsOn = null;
this.screenMode = null;
this.bitmapMode = null;
this.textMode = null;
this.colorTable = null;
this.nameTable = null;
this.charPatternTable = null;
this.spriteAttributeTable = null;
this.spritePatternTable = null;
this.colorTableMask = null;
this.patternTableMask = null;
this.ramMask = null;
this.fgColor = null;
this.bgColor = null;
this.flicker = null;
this.redrawRequired = null;
this.canvasContext = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
this.imageData = null;
this.width = null;
this.height = null;
//this.log = Log.getLog();
TMS9918A.prototype = {
reset: function () {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < this.ram.length; i++) {
this.ram[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < this.registers.length; i++) {
this.registers[i] = 0;
this.addressRegister = 0;
this.statusRegister = 0;
this.prefetchByte = 0;
this.latch = false;
this.displayOn = false;
this.interruptsOn = false;
this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.GRAPHICS;
this.bitmapMode = false;
this.textMode = false;
this.colorTable = 0;
this.nameTable = 0;
this.charPatternTable = 0;
this.spriteAttributeTable = 0;
this.spritePatternTable = 0;
this.colorTableMask = 0x3FFF;
this.patternTableMask = 0x3FFF;
this.ramMask = 0x3FFF;
this.fgColor = 0;
this.bgColor = 0;
this.flicker = this.enableFlicker;
this.redrawRequired = true;
this.canvas.width = 304;
this.canvas.height = 240;
this.canvasContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + this.palette[7].join(',') + ',1.0)';
this.canvasContext.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
// Build the array containing the canvas bitmap (256 * 192 * 4 bytes (r,g,b,a) format each pixel)
this.imageData = this.canvasContext.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
this.width = this.canvas.width;
this.height = this.canvas.height;
drawFrame: function (timestamp) {
if (this.redrawRequired) {
for (var y = 0; y < this.height; y++) {
this.redrawRequired = false;
initFrame: function (timestamp) {
drawScanline: function (y) {
var imageData = this.imageData.data,
width = this.width,
imageDataAddr = (y * width) << 2,
screenMode = this.screenMode,
textMode = this.textMode,
bitmapMode = this.bitmapMode,
drawWidth = !textMode ? 256 : 240,
drawHeight = 192,
hBorder = (width - drawWidth) >> 1,
vBorder = (this.height - drawHeight) >> 1,
fgColor = this.fgColor,
bgColor = this.bgColor,
ram = this.ram,
nameTable = this.nameTable,
colorTable = this.colorTable,
charPatternTable = this.charPatternTable,
colorTableMask = this.colorTableMask,
patternTableMask = this.patternTableMask,
spriteAttributeTable = this.spriteAttributeTable,
spritePatternTable = this.spritePatternTable,
spriteSize = (this.registers[1] & 0x2) !== 0,
spriteMagnify = this.registers[1] & 0x1,
spriteDimension = (spriteSize ? 16 : 8) << (spriteMagnify ? 1 : 0),
maxSpritesOnLine = this.flicker ? 4 : 32,
palette = this.palette,
collision = false, fifthSprite = false, fifthSpriteIndex = 31,
x, color, rgbColor, name, tableOffset, colorByte, patternByte;
if (y >= vBorder && y < vBorder + drawHeight && this.displayOn) {
var y1 = y - vBorder;
// Pre-process sprites
if (!textMode) {
var spriteBuffer = new Uint8Array(drawWidth);
var spritesOnLine = 0;
var endMarkerFound = false;
var spriteAttributeAddr = spriteAttributeTable;
var s;
for (s = 0; s < 32 && spritesOnLine <= maxSpritesOnLine && !endMarkerFound; s++) {
var sy = ram[spriteAttributeAddr];
if (sy !== 0xD0) {
if (sy > 0xD0) {
sy -= 256;
var sy1 = sy + spriteDimension;
var y2 = -1;
if (s < 8 || !bitmapMode) {
if (y1 >= sy && y1 < sy1) {
y2 = y1;
else {
// Emulate sprite duplication bug
var yMasked = y1 & (((this.registers[4] & 0x03) << 6) | 0x3F);
if (yMasked >= sy && yMasked < sy1) {
y2 = yMasked;
else if (y1 >= 64 && y1 < 128 && y1 >= sy && y1 < sy1) {
y2 = y1;
if (y2 !== -1) {
if (spritesOnLine < maxSpritesOnLine) {
var sx = ram[spriteAttributeAddr + 1];
var sPatternNo = ram[spriteAttributeAddr + 2] & (spriteSize ? 0xFC : 0xFF);
var sColor = ram[spriteAttributeAddr + 3] & 0x0F;
if ((ram[spriteAttributeAddr + 3] & 0x80) !== 0) {
sx -= 32;
var sLine = (y2 - sy) >> spriteMagnify;
var sPatternBase = spritePatternTable + (sPatternNo << 3) + sLine;
for (var sx1 = 0; sx1 < spriteDimension; sx1++) {
var sx2 = sx + sx1;
if (sx2 >= 0 && sx2 < drawWidth) {
var sx3 = sx1 >> spriteMagnify;
var sPatternByte = ram[sPatternBase + (sx3 >= 8 ? 16 : 0)];
if ((sPatternByte & (0x80 >> (sx3 & 0x07))) !== 0) {
if (spriteBuffer[sx2] === 0) {
spriteBuffer[sx2] = sColor + 1;
else {
collision = true;
spriteAttributeAddr += 4;
else {
endMarkerFound = true;
if (spritesOnLine > 4) {
fifthSprite = true;
fifthSpriteIndex = s;
// Draw
var rowOffset = !textMode ? (y1 >> 3) << 5 : (y1 >> 3) * 40;
var lineOffset = y1 & 7;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (x >= hBorder && x < hBorder + drawWidth) {
var x1 = x - hBorder;
// Tiles
switch (screenMode) {
case TMS9918A_Mode.GRAPHICS:
name = ram[nameTable + rowOffset + (x1 >> 3)];
colorByte = ram[colorTable + (name >> 3)];
patternByte = ram[charPatternTable + (name << 3) + lineOffset];
color = (patternByte & (0x80 >> (x1 & 7))) !== 0 ? (colorByte & 0xF0) >> 4 : colorByte & 0x0F;
case TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP:
name = ram[nameTable + rowOffset + (x1 >> 3)];
tableOffset = ((y1 & 0xC0) << 5) + (name << 3);
colorByte = ram[colorTable + (tableOffset & colorTableMask) + lineOffset];
patternByte = ram[charPatternTable + (tableOffset & patternTableMask) + lineOffset];
color = (patternByte & (0x80 >> (x1 & 7))) !== 0 ? (colorByte & 0xF0) >> 4 : colorByte & 0x0F;
case TMS9918A_Mode.MULTICOLOR:
name = ram[nameTable + rowOffset + (x1 >> 3)];
lineOffset = (y1 & 0x1C) >> 2;
patternByte = ram[charPatternTable + (name << 3) + lineOffset];
color = (x1 & 4) === 0 ? (patternByte & 0xF0) >> 4 : patternByte & 0x0F;
case TMS9918A_Mode.TEXT:
name = ram[nameTable + rowOffset + Math.floor(x1 / 6)];
patternByte = ram[charPatternTable + (name << 3) + lineOffset];
color = (patternByte & (0x80 >> (x1 % 6))) !== 0 ? fgColor : bgColor;
case TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP_TEXT:
name = ram[nameTable + rowOffset + Math.floor(x1 / 6)];
tableOffset = ((y1 & 0xC0) << 5) + (name << 3);
patternByte = ram[charPatternTable + (tableOffset & patternTableMask) + lineOffset];
color = (patternByte & (0x80 >> (x1 % 6))) !== 0 ? fgColor : bgColor;
name = ram[nameTable + rowOffset + (x1 >> 3)];
lineOffset = (y1 & 0x1C) >> 2;
tableOffset = ((y1 & 0xC0) << 5) + (name << 3);
patternByte = ram[charPatternTable + (tableOffset & patternTableMask) + lineOffset];
color = (x1 & 4) === 0 ? (patternByte & 0xF0) >> 4 : patternByte & 0x0F;
case TMS9918A_Mode.ILLEGAL:
color = (x1 & 4) === 0 ? fgColor : bgColor;
if (color === 0) {
color = bgColor;
// Sprites
if (!textMode) {
var spriteColor = spriteBuffer[x1] - 1;
if (spriteColor > 0) {
color = spriteColor;
else {
color = bgColor;
rgbColor = palette[color];
imageData[imageDataAddr++] = rgbColor[0]; // R
imageData[imageDataAddr++] = rgbColor[1]; // G
imageData[imageDataAddr++] = rgbColor[2]; // B
imageDataAddr++; // Skip alpha
// Top/bottom border
else {
rgbColor = palette[bgColor];
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
imageData[imageDataAddr++] = rgbColor[0]; // R
imageData[imageDataAddr++] = rgbColor[1]; // G
imageData[imageDataAddr++] = rgbColor[2]; // B
imageDataAddr++; // Skip alpha
if (y === vBorder + drawHeight) {
this.statusRegister |= 0x80;
if (this.interruptsOn) {
if (collision) {
this.statusRegister |= 0x20;
if ((this.statusRegister & 0x40) === 0) {
this.statusRegister |= fifthSpriteIndex;
if (fifthSprite) {
this.statusRegister |= 0x40;
updateCanvas: function () {
this.canvasContext.putImageData(this.imageData, 0, 0);
writeAddress: function (i) {
if (!this.latch) {
this.addressRegister = (this.addressRegister & 0xFF00) | i;
else {
switch ((i & 0xc0) >> 6) {
// Set read address
case 0:
this.addressRegister = ((i & 0x3f) << 8) | (this.addressRegister & 0x00FF);
this.prefetchByte = this.ram[this.addressRegister++];
this.addressRegister &= 0x3FFF;
// Set write address
case 1:
this.addressRegister = ((i & 0x3f) << 8) | (this.addressRegister & 0x00FF);
// Write register
case 2:
case 3:
this.registers[i & 0x7] = this.addressRegister & 0x00FF;
switch (i & 0x7) {
// Mode
case 0:
this.updateMode(this.registers[0], this.registers[1]);
case 1:
this.ramMask = (this.registers[1] & 0x80) !== 0 ? 0x3FFF : 0x1FFF;
this.displayOn = (this.registers[1] & 0x40) !== 0;
this.interruptsOn = (this.registers[1] & 0x20) !== 0;
this.updateMode(this.registers[0], this.registers[1]);
// Name table
case 2:
this.nameTable = (this.registers[2] & 0xf) << 10;
// Color table
case 3:
if (this.bitmapMode) {
this.colorTable = (this.registers[3] & 0x80) << 6;
else {
this.colorTable = this.registers[3] << 6;
// Pattern table
case 4:
if (this.bitmapMode) {
this.charPatternTable = (this.registers[4] & 0x4) << 11;
else {
this.charPatternTable = (this.registers[4] & 0x7) << 11;
// Sprite attribute table
case 5:
this.spriteAttributeTable = (this.registers[5] & 0x7f) << 7;
// Sprite pattern table
case 6:
this.spritePatternTable = (this.registers[6] & 0x7) << 11;
// Background
case 7:
this.fgColor = (this.registers[7] & 0xf0) >> 4;
this.bgColor = this.registers[7] & 0x0f;
// this.logRegisters();
// this.log.info("Name table: " + this.nameTable.toHexWord());
// this.log.info("Pattern table: " + this.charPatternTable.toHexWord());
this.redrawRequired = true;
this.latch = !this.latch;
updateMode: function (reg0, reg1) {
this.bitmapMode = (reg0 & 0x02) !== 0;
this.textMode = (reg1 & 0x10) !== 0;
// Check bitmap mode bit, not text or multicolor
if (this.bitmapMode) {
switch ((reg1 & 0x18) >> 3) {
case 0:
// Bitmap mode
this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP;
case 1:
// Multicolor mode
this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP_MULTICOLOR;
case 2:
// Text mode
this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP_TEXT;
case 3:
// Illegal
this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.ILLEGAL;
} else {
switch ((reg1 & 0x18) >> 3) {
case 0:
// Graphics mode 0
this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.GRAPHICS;
case 1:
// Multicolor mode
this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.MULTICOLOR;
case 2:
// Text mode
this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.TEXT;
case 3:
// Illegal
this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.ILLEGAL;
if (this.bitmapMode) {
this.colorTable = (this.registers[3] & 0x80) << 6;
this.charPatternTable = (this.registers[4] & 0x4) << 11;
} else {
this.colorTable = this.registers[3] << 6;
this.charPatternTable = (this.registers[4] & 0x7) << 11;
this.nameTable = (this.registers[2] & 0xf) << 10;
this.spriteAttributeTable = (this.registers[5] & 0x7f) << 7;
this.spritePatternTable = (this.registers[6] & 0x7) << 11;
updateTableMasks: function () {
if (this.screenMode === TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP) {
this.colorTableMask = ((this.registers[3] & 0x7F) << 6) | 0x3F; // 000CCCCCCC111111
this.patternTableMask = ((this.registers[4] & 0x03) << 11) | (this.colorTableMask & 0x7FF); // 000PPCCCCC111111
// this.log.info("colorTableMask:" + this.colorTableMask);
// this.log.info("patternTableMask:" + this.patternTableMask);
else if (this.screenMode === TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP_TEXT || this.screenMode === TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP_MULTICOLOR) {
this.colorTableMask = this.ramMask;
this.patternTableMask = ((this.registers[4] & 0x03) << 11) | 0x7FF; // 000PP11111111111
else {
this.colorTableMask = this.ramMask;
this.patternTableMask = this.ramMask;
writeData: function (i) {
this.ram[this.addressRegister++] = i;
this.addressRegister &= this.ramMask;
this.redrawRequired = true;
readStatus: function () {
var i = this.statusRegister;
this.statusRegister = 0x1F;
if (this.interruptsOn) {
this.latch = false;
return i;
readData: function () {
var i = this.prefetchByte;
this.prefetchByte = this.ram[this.addressRegister++];
this.addressRegister &= this.ramMask;
return i;
getRAM: function () {
return this.ram;
colorTableSize: function () {
if (this.screenMode === TMS9918A_Mode.GRAPHICS) {
return 0x20;
else if (this.screenMode === TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP) {
return Math.min(this.colorTableMask + 1, 0x1800);
else {
return 0;
patternTableSize: function () {
if (this.bitmapMode) {
return Math.min(this.patternTableMask + 1, 0x1800);
else {
return 0x800;
getRegsString: function () {
var s = "";
for (var i = 0; i < this.registers.length; i++) {
s += "VR" + i + ":" + this.registers[i].toHexByte() + " ";
s += "\nSIT:" + this.nameTable.toHexWord() + " PDT:" + this.charPatternTable.toHexWord() + " (" + this.patternTableSize().toHexWord() + ")" +
" CT:" + this.colorTable.toHexWord() + " (" + this.colorTableSize().toHexWord() + ") SDT:" + this.spritePatternTable.toHexWord() +
" SAL:" + this.spriteAttributeTable.toHexWord() + "\nVDP: " + this.addressRegister.toHexWord();
return s;
hexView: function (start, length, anchorAddr) {
var text = "";
var anchorLine = null;
var addr = start;
var line = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length && addr < 0x4000; addr++, i++) {
if ((i & 0x000F) === 0) {
text += "\n" + addr.toHexWord() + ":";
text += " ";
if (anchorAddr && anchorAddr === addr) {
anchorLine = line;
var hex = this.ram[addr].toString(16).toUpperCase();
if (hex.length === 1) {
text += "0";
text += hex;
return {text: text.substr(1), lineCount: line, anchorLine: anchorLine - 1};
getWord: function (addr) {
return addr < 0x4000 ? this.ram[addr] << 8 | this.ram[addr+1] : 0;
getCharAt: function (x, y) {
x -= 24;
y -= 24;
if (!this.textMode) {
return this.ram[this.nameTable + Math.floor(x / 8) + Math.floor(y / 8) * 32];
else {
return this.ram[this.nameTable + Math.floor((x - 8) / 6) + Math.floor(y / 8) * 40];
setFlicker: function (value) {
this.flicker = value;
this.enableFlicker = value;
getState: function () {
return {
ram: this.ram,
registers: this.registers,
addressRegister: this.addressRegister,
statusRegister: this.statusRegister,
latch: this.latch,
prefetchByte: this.prefetchByte,
displayOn: this.displayOn,
interruptsOn: this.interruptsOn,
screenMode: this.screenMode,
bitmapMode: this.bitmapMode,
textMode: this.textMode,
colorTable: this.colorTable,
nameTable: this.nameTable,
charPatternTable: this.charPatternTable,
spriteAttributeTable: this.spriteAttributeTable,
spritePatternTable: this.spritePatternTable,
colorTableMask: this.colorTableMask,
patternTableMask: this.patternTableMask,
ramMask: this.ramMask,
fgColor: this.fgColor,
bgColor: this.bgColor,
flicker: this.flicker
restoreState: function (state) {
this.ram = state.ram;
this.registers = state.registers;
this.addressRegister = state.addressRegister;
this.statusRegister = state.statusRegister;
this.latch = state.latch;
this.prefetchByte = state.prefetchByte;
this.displayOn = state.displayOn;
this.interruptsOn = state.interruptsOn;
this.screenMode = state.screenMode;
this.bitmapMode = state.bitmapMode;
this.textMode = state.textMode;
this.colorTable = state.colorTable;
this.nameTable = state.nameTable;
this.charPatternTable = state.charPatternTable;
this.spriteAttributeTable = state.spriteAttributeTable;
this.spritePatternTable = state.spritePatternTable;
this.colorTableMask = state.colorTableMask;
this.patternTableMask = state.patternTableMask;
this.ramMask = state.ramMask;
this.fgColor = state.fgColor;
this.bgColor = state.bgColor;
this.flicker = state.flicker;
this.redrawRequired = true;