mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2025-02-19 07:30:55 +00:00

ecs: refactor into ActionEval

This commit is contained in:
Steven Hugg 2022-02-01 08:16:53 -06:00
parent 10784585d9
commit 40cc5ee118

View File

@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ export class Dialect_CA65 {
readonly ASM_ITERATE_JOIN = `
readonly ASM_ITERATE_JOIN = `
ldy #0
ldx {{%joinfield}},y
@ -380,6 +380,182 @@ function getPackedFieldSize(f: DataType, constValue?: DataValue): number {
return 0;
class ActionEval {
readonly scope: EntityScope,
readonly sys: System,
readonly action: Action) {
this.em = scope.em;
this.dialect = scope.em.dialect;
codeToString(): string {
const tag_re = /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g;
const label_re = /@(\w+)\b/g;
let action = this.action;
let sys = this.sys;
let code = action.text;
let label = `${sys.name}__${action.event}`; // TODO: better label that won't conflict (seq?)
let atypes = this.em.archetypesMatching(action.query);
let entities = this.scope.entitiesMatching(atypes);
// TODO: detect cycles
// TODO: "source"?
// TODO: what if only 1 item?
let props: { [name: string]: string } = {};
if (action.select == 'foreach') {
code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, action, entities);
if (action.select == 'join' && action.join) {
let jtypes = this.em.archetypesMatching(action.join);
let jentities = this.scope.entitiesMatching(jtypes);
if (jentities.length == 0)
throw new ECSError(`join query for ${label} doesn't match any entities`, action.join); // TODO
let joinfield = this.getJoinField(action, atypes, jtypes);
// TODO: what if only 1 item?
// TODO: should be able to access fields via Y reg
code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, action, entities, joinfield);
atypes = jtypes;
entities = jentities;
props['%joinfield'] = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(joinfield.c, joinfield.f, 0);
props['%efullcount'] = entities.length.toString();
if (action.limit) {
entities = entities.slice(0, action.limit);
if (entities.length == 0)
throw new ECSError(`query for ${label} doesn't match any entities`, action.query); // TODO
// define properties
props['%elo'] = entities[0].id.toString();
props['%ehi'] = entities[entities.length - 1].id.toString();
props['%ecount'] = entities.length.toString();
// replace @labels
code = code.replace(label_re, (s: string, a: string) => `${label}__${a}`);
// replace {{...}} tags
code = code.replace(tag_re, (entire, group: string) => {
let cmd = group.charAt(0);
let rest = group.substring(1);
switch (cmd) {
case '!': // emit event
return this.scope.generateCodeForEvent(rest);
case '.': // auto label
case '@': // auto label
return `${label}_${rest}`;
case '$': // temp byte (TODO: check to make sure not overflowing)
let tempinc = parseInt(rest);
if (isNaN(tempinc)) throw new ECSError(`bad temporary offset`, action);
if (!sys.tempbytes) throw new ECSError(`this system has no locals`, action);
if (tempinc < 0 || tempinc >= sys.tempbytes) throw new ECSError(`this system only has ${sys.tempbytes} locals`, action);
return `TEMP+${this.scope.tempOffset}+${tempinc}`;
case '=':
// TODO?
case '<': // low byte
return this.generateCodeForField(sys, action, atypes, entities, rest, 0);
case '>': // high byte
return this.generateCodeForField(sys, action, atypes, entities, rest, 8);
case '(': // higher byte (TODO)
return this.generateCodeForField(sys, action, atypes, entities, rest, 16);
case ')': // higher byte (TODO)
return this.generateCodeForField(sys, action, atypes, entities, rest, 24);
case '^': // resource reference
return this.scope.includeResource(rest);
let value = props[group];
if (value) return value;
else throw new ECSError(`unrecognized command {{${group}}} in ${entire}`);
return code;
wrapCodeInLoop(code: string, action: Action, ents: Entity[], joinfield?: ComponentFieldPair): string {
// TODO: check ents
// TODO: check segment bounds
// TODO: what if 0 or 1 entitites?
let s = this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_EACH;
if (joinfield) s = this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_JOIN;
s = s.replace('{{%code}}', code);
return s;
generateCodeForField(sys: System, action: Action,
atypes: ArchetypeMatch[], entities: Entity[],
fieldName: string, bitofs: number): string {
var component: ComponentType;
var qualified = false;
// is qualified field?
if (fieldName.indexOf(':') > 0) {
let [cname, fname] = fieldName.split(':');
component = this.em.getComponentByName(cname);
fieldName = fname;
qualified = true;
if (component == null) throw new ECSError(`no component named "${cname}"`)
} else {
component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName(atypes, fieldName, `${sys.name}:${action.event}`);
// find archetypes
let field = component.fields.find(f => f.name == fieldName);
if (field == null) throw new ECSError(`no field named "${fieldName}" in component`)
// see if all entities have the same constant value
let constValues = new Set<DataValue>();
for (let e of entities) {
let constVal = e.consts[mksymbol(component, fieldName)];
constValues.add(constVal); // constVal === undefined is allowed
// is it a constant?
if (constValues.size == 1) {
let value = constValues.values().next().value as DataValue;
// TODO: what about symbols?
// TODO: use dialect
if (typeof value === 'number') {
return `#${(value >> bitofs) & 0xff}`;
// TODO: offset > 0?
// TODO: don't mix const and init data
let range = this.scope.bss.getFieldRange(component, fieldName) || this.scope.rodata.getFieldRange(component, fieldName);
if (!range) throw new ECSError(`couldn't find field for ${component.name}:${fieldName}, maybe no entities?`); // TODO
let eidofs = range.elo - entities[0].id;
// TODO: dialect
let ident = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(component, field, bitofs);
if (qualified) {
return this.dialect.absolute(ident);
} else if (action.select == 'once') {
if (entities.length != 1)
throw new ECSError(`can't choose multiple entities for ${fieldName} with select=once`);
return this.dialect.absolute(ident);
} else {
// TODO: right direction?
if (eidofs > 0) {
ident += '+' + eidofs;
} else if (eidofs < 0) {
ident += '' + eidofs;
return this.dialect.indexed_x(ident);
getJoinField(action: Action, atypes: ArchetypeMatch[], jtypes: ArchetypeMatch[]): ComponentFieldPair {
let refs = Array.from(this.scope.iterateArchetypeFields(atypes, (c, f) => f.dtype == 'ref'));
// TODO: better error message
if (refs.length == 0) throw new ECSError(`cannot find join fields`, action.query);
if (refs.length > 1) throw new ECSError(`cannot join multiple fields`, action.query);
// TODO: check to make sure join works
return refs[0]; // TODO
let match = refs.map(ref => this.em.archetypesMatching((ref.f as RefType).query));
for (let ref of refs) {
let m = this.em.archetypesMatching((ref.f as RefType).query);
for (let a of m) {
if (jtypes.includes(a.etype)) {
export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
$loc: SourceLocation;
childScopes: EntityScope[] = [];
@ -423,19 +599,19 @@ export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
*iterateArchetypeFields(arch: ArchetypeMatch[], filter?: (c:ComponentType,f:DataField) => boolean) {
*iterateArchetypeFields(arch: ArchetypeMatch[], filter?: (c: ComponentType, f: DataField) => boolean) {
for (let i = 0; i < arch.length; i++) {
let a = arch[i];
for (let c of a.etype.components) {
for (let f of c.fields) {
if (!filter || filter(c,f))
if (!filter || filter(c, f))
yield { i, c, f };
entitiesMatching(atypes: ArchetypeMatch[]) {
let result : Entity[] = [];
let result: Entity[] = [];
for (let e of this.entities) {
for (let a of atypes) {
// TODO: what about subclasses?
@ -451,25 +627,6 @@ export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
hasComponent(ctype: ComponentType) {
return this.componentsInScope.has(ctype.name);
getJoinField(action: Action, atypes: ArchetypeMatch[], jtypes: ArchetypeMatch[]) : ComponentFieldPair {
let refs = Array.from(this.iterateArchetypeFields(atypes, (c,f) => f.dtype == 'ref'));
// TODO: better error message
if (refs.length == 0) throw new ECSError(`cannot find join fields`, action.query);
if (refs.length > 1) throw new ECSError(`cannot join multiple fields`, action.query);
// TODO: check to make sure join works
return refs[0]; // TODO
let match = refs.map(ref => this.em.archetypesMatching((ref.f as RefType).query));
for (let ref of refs) {
let m = this.em.archetypesMatching((ref.f as RefType).query);
for (let a of m) {
if (jtypes.includes(a.etype)) {
buildSegments() {
// build FieldArray for each component/field pair
// they will be different for bss/rodata segments
@ -490,9 +647,9 @@ export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
allocateSegment(segment: DataSegment, readonly: boolean) {
let fields : FieldArray[] = Object.values(segment.fieldranges);
let fields: FieldArray[] = Object.values(segment.fieldranges);
// TODO: fields.sort((a, b) => (a.ehi - a.elo + 1) * getPackedFieldSize(a.field));
let f : FieldArray | undefined;
let f: FieldArray | undefined;
while (f = fields.pop()) {
let rangelen = (f.ehi - f.elo + 1);
let alloc = !readonly;
@ -552,7 +709,7 @@ export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
// more than 1 entity, add an array
if (range.ehi > range.elo) {
if (!range.access) throw new ECSError(`no access for field ${cfname}`)
let base = segment.allocateBytes(range.access[0].symbol, range.ehi-range.elo+1);
let base = segment.allocateBytes(range.access[0].symbol, range.ehi - range.elo + 1);
for (let a of range.access) {
let ofs = segment.getByteOffset(range, a, e.id);
segment.initdata[ofs] = v;
@ -581,7 +738,7 @@ export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
if (typeof initvalue === 'number') {
for (let a of range.access) {
let offset = segment.getByteOffset(range, a, e.id);
initbytes[offset] = (initvalue >> a.bit) & ((1 << a.width)-1);
initbytes[offset] = (initvalue >> a.bit) & ((1 << a.width) - 1);
} else if (initvalue instanceof Uint8Array) {
// TODO???
@ -606,14 +763,14 @@ export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
return code;
setConstValue(e: Entity, component: ComponentType, fieldName: string, value: DataValue) {
let c = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName([{etype: e.etype, cmatch:[component]}], fieldName, "setConstValue");
let c = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName([{ etype: e.etype, cmatch: [component] }], fieldName, "setConstValue");
e.consts[mksymbol(component, fieldName)] = value;
if (this.em.symbols[mksymbol(component, fieldName)] == 'init')
throw new ECSError(`Can't mix const and init values for a component field`, e);
this.em.symbols[mksymbol(component, fieldName)] = 'const';
setInitValue(e: Entity, component: ComponentType, fieldName: string, value: DataValue) {
let c = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName([{etype: e.etype, cmatch:[component]}], fieldName, "setInitValue");
let c = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName([{ etype: e.etype, cmatch: [component] }], fieldName, "setInitValue");
e.inits[mkscopesymbol(this, component, fieldName)] = value;
if (this.em.symbols[mksymbol(component, fieldName)] == 'const')
throw new ECSError(`Can't mix const and init values for a component field`, e);
@ -649,9 +806,9 @@ export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
// TODO: use Tokenizer so error msgs are better
let code = this.replaceCode(action.text, sys, action);
s += this.dialect.comment(`<action ${sys.name}:${event}>`);
s += code;
let codeeval = new ActionEval(this, sys, action);
s += this.dialect.comment(`<action ${sys.name}:${event}>`); // TODO
s += codeeval.codeToString();
s += this.dialect.comment(`</action ${sys.name}:${event}>`);
// TODO: check that this happens once?
@ -666,151 +823,10 @@ export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
this.maxTempBytes = Math.max(this.tempSize, this.maxTempBytes);
if (n < 0) this.tempOffset = this.tempSize;
replaceCode(code: string, sys: System, action: Action): string {
const tag_re = /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g;
const label_re = /@(\w+)\b/g;
let label = `${sys.name}__${action.event}`; // TODO: better label that won't conflict (seq?)
let atypes = this.em.archetypesMatching(action.query);
let entities = this.entitiesMatching(atypes);
// TODO: detect cycles
// TODO: "source"?
// TODO: what if only 1 item?
let props : {[name: string] : string} = {};
if (action.select == 'foreach') {
code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, action, entities);
if (action.select == 'join' && action.join) {
let jtypes = this.em.archetypesMatching(action.join);
let jentities = this.entitiesMatching(jtypes);
if (jentities.length == 0)
throw new ECSError(`join query for ${label} doesn't match any entities`, action.join); // TODO
let joinfield = this.getJoinField(action, atypes, jtypes);
// TODO: what if only 1 item?
// TODO: should be able to access fields via Y reg
code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, action, entities, joinfield);
atypes = jtypes;
entities = jentities;
props['%joinfield'] = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(joinfield.c, joinfield.f, 0);
props['%efullcount'] = entities.length.toString();
if (action.limit) {
entities = entities.slice(0, action.limit);
if (entities.length == 0)
throw new ECSError(`query for ${label} doesn't match any entities`, action.query); // TODO
// define properties
props['%elo'] = entities[0].id.toString();
props['%ehi'] = entities[entities.length - 1].id.toString();
props['%ecount'] = entities.length.toString();
// replace @labels
code = code.replace(label_re, (s: string, a: string) => `${label}__${a}`);
// replace {{...}} tags
code = code.replace(tag_re, (entire, group: string) => {
let cmd = group.charAt(0);
let rest = group.substring(1);
switch (cmd) {
case '!': // emit event
return this.generateCodeForEvent(rest);
case '.': // auto label
case '@': // auto label
return `${label}_${rest}`;
case '$': // temp byte (TODO: check to make sure not overflowing)
let tempinc = parseInt(rest);
if (isNaN(tempinc)) throw new ECSError(`bad temporary offset`, action);
if (!sys.tempbytes) throw new ECSError(`this system has no locals`, action);
if (tempinc < 0 || tempinc >= sys.tempbytes) throw new ECSError(`this system only has ${sys.tempbytes} locals`, action);
return `TEMP+${this.tempOffset}+${tempinc}`;
case '=':
// TODO?
case '<': // low byte
return this.generateCodeForField(sys, action, atypes, entities, rest, 0);
case '>': // high byte
return this.generateCodeForField(sys, action, atypes, entities, rest, 8);
case '(': // higher byte (TODO)
return this.generateCodeForField(sys, action, atypes, entities, rest, 16);
case ')': // higher byte (TODO)
return this.generateCodeForField(sys, action, atypes, entities, rest, 24);
case '^': // resource reference
return this.includeResource(rest);
let value = props[group];
if (value) return value;
else throw new ECSError(`unrecognized command {{${group}}} in ${entire}`);
return code;
includeResource(symbol: string): string {
return symbol;
wrapCodeInLoop(code: string, action: Action, ents: Entity[], joinfield?: ComponentFieldPair): string {
// TODO: check ents
// TODO: check segment bounds
// TODO: what if 0 or 1 entitites?
let s = this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_EACH;
if (joinfield) s = this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_JOIN;
s = s.replace('{{%code}}', code);
return s;
generateCodeForField(sys: System, action: Action,
atypes: ArchetypeMatch[], entities: Entity[],
fieldName: string, bitofs: number): string {
var component : ComponentType;
var qualified = false;
// is qualified field?
if (fieldName.indexOf(':') > 0) {
let [cname,fname] = fieldName.split(':');
component = this.em.getComponentByName(cname);
fieldName = fname;
qualified = true;
if (component == null) throw new ECSError(`no component named "${cname}"`)
} else {
component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName(atypes, fieldName, `${sys.name}:${action.event}`);
// find archetypes
let field = component.fields.find(f => f.name == fieldName);
if (field == null) throw new ECSError(`no field named "${fieldName}" in component`)
// see if all entities have the same constant value
let constValues = new Set<DataValue>();
for (let e of entities) {
let constVal = e.consts[mksymbol(component, fieldName)];
constValues.add(constVal); // constVal === undefined is allowed
// is it a constant?
if (constValues.size == 1) {
let value = constValues.values().next().value as DataValue;
// TODO: what about symbols?
// TODO: use dialect
if (typeof value === 'number') {
return `#${(value >> bitofs) & 0xff}`;
// TODO: offset > 0?
// TODO: don't mix const and init data
let range = this.bss.getFieldRange(component, fieldName) || this.rodata.getFieldRange(component, fieldName);
if (!range) throw new ECSError(`couldn't find field for ${component.name}:${fieldName}, maybe no entities?`); // TODO
let eidofs = range.elo - entities[0].id;
// TODO: dialect
let ident = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(component, field, bitofs);
if (qualified) {
return this.dialect.absolute(ident);
} else if (action.select == 'once') {
if (entities.length != 1)
throw new ECSError(`can't choose multiple entities for ${fieldName} with select=once`);
return this.dialect.absolute(ident);
} else {
// TODO: right direction?
if (eidofs > 0) {
ident += '+' + eidofs;
} else if (eidofs < 0) {
ident += '' + eidofs;
return this.dialect.indexed_x(ident);
analyzeEntities() {
this.allocateSegment(this.bss, false);
@ -847,9 +863,9 @@ export class EntityManager {
components: { [name: string]: ComponentType } = {};
systems: { [name: string]: System } = {};
scopes: { [name: string]: EntityScope } = {};
symbols: { [name: string] : 'init' | 'const' } = {};
symbols: { [name: string]: 'init' | 'const' } = {};
event2systems: { [name: string]: System[] } = {};
name2cfpairs: { [name: string]: ComponentFieldPair[]} = {};
name2cfpairs: { [name: string]: ComponentFieldPair[] } = {};
constructor(public readonly dialect: Dialect_CA65) {
@ -864,7 +880,7 @@ export class EntityManager {
for (let field of ctype.fields) {
let list = this.name2cfpairs[field.name];
if (!list) list = this.name2cfpairs[field.name] = [];
list.push({c: ctype, f: field});
list.push({ c: ctype, f: field });
return this.components[ctype.name] = ctype;
@ -878,7 +894,7 @@ export class EntityManager {
return this.systems[system.name] = system;
addArchetype(atype: EntityArchetype) : EntityArchetype {
addArchetype(atype: EntityArchetype): EntityArchetype {
let key = atype.components.map(c => c.name).join(',');
if (this.archetypes[key])
return this.archetypes[key];