mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 22:32:23 +00:00
added xasm6809 USE directive support; atari7800: fixed header
This commit is contained in:
@ -348,6 +348,10 @@ if (window.location.host.endsWith('8bitworkshop.com')) {
1 2 3 ,<br>
\ 0 . =</span> Keypad</span>
<div class="emucontrols-vectrex text-center small control-insns" style="display:none">
<span class="control-def"><span class="control-key">←↑↓→</span> Joystick</span>
<span class="control-def"><span class="control-key">Z X C V</span> Buttons</span>
<!-- -->
<div id="emuoverlay" class="emuoverlay" style="display:none">
@ -2,11 +2,8 @@
Intensity_5F EQU $F2A5 ; BIOS Intensity routine
Print_Str_d EQU $F37A ; BIOS print routine
Wait_Recal EQU $F192 ; BIOS recalibration
music1 EQU $FF8F ; address of a (BIOS ROM)
; music
USE vectrex.inc ; include file
; start of vectrex memory with cartridge name...
@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
Intensity_5F EQU $F2A5 ; BIOS Intensity routine
Print_Str_d EQU $F37A ; BIOS print routine
Wait_Recal EQU $F192 ; BIOS recalibration
music1 EQU $FF8F ; address of a (BIOS ROM)
; music
USE vectrex.inc ; include file
; start of vectrex memory with cartridge name...
@ -8,16 +8,6 @@
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "bios.h"
char rectangle[10] = {
// These are relative coordinates.
50, 0,
0, 50,
-50, 0,
0, -50,
// We also take the middle point of the rectangle which we move to before drawing.
-25, -25
typedef struct {
sbyte m[3][3];
} Matrix;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
; this file is part of vectrex frogger, written by Christopher Salomon
; in March-April 1998 all stuff contained here is public domain (?)
; Fixed to compile with AS6809 by Joakim Larsson Edström 2015.
; this file contains includes for vectrex BIOS functions and variables ;
; it was written by Bruce Tomlin, slighte changed by Christopher Salomon ;
Vec_Snd_Shadow EQU $C800 ;Shadow of sound chip registers (15 bytes)
Vec_Btn_State EQU $C80F ;Current state of all joystick buttons
Vec_Prev_Btns EQU $C810 ;Previous state of all joystick buttons
Vec_Buttons EQU $C811 ;Current toggle state of all buttons
Vec_Button_1_1 EQU $C812 ;Current toggle state of stick 1 button 1
Vec_Button_1_2 EQU $C813 ;Current toggle state of stick 1 button 2
Vec_Button_1_3 EQU $C814 ;Current toggle state of stick 1 button 3
Vec_Button_1_4 EQU $C815 ;Current toggle state of stick 1 button 4
Vec_Button_2_1 EQU $C816 ;Current toggle state of stick 2 button 1
Vec_Button_2_2 EQU $C817 ;Current toggle state of stick 2 button 2
Vec_Button_2_3 EQU $C818 ;Current toggle state of stick 2 button 3
Vec_Button_2_4 EQU $C819 ;Current toggle state of stick 2 button 4
Vec_Joy_Resltn EQU $C81A ;Joystick A/D resolution ($80=min $00=max)
Vec_Joy_1_X EQU $C81B ;Joystick 1 left/right
Vec_Joy_1_Y EQU $C81C ;Joystick 1 up/down
Vec_Joy_2_X EQU $C81D ;Joystick 2 left/right
Vec_Joy_2_Y EQU $C81E ;Joystick 2 up/down
Vec_Joy_Mux EQU $C81F ;Joystick enable/mux flags (4 bytes)
Vec_Joy_Mux_1_X EQU $C81F ;Joystick 1 X enable/mux flag (=1)
Vec_Joy_Mux_1_Y EQU $C820 ;Joystick 1 Y enable/mux flag (=3)
Vec_Joy_Mux_2_X EQU $C821 ;Joystick 2 X enable/mux flag (=5)
Vec_Joy_Mux_2_Y EQU $C822 ;Joystick 2 Y enable/mux flag (=7)
Vec_Misc_Count EQU $C823 ;Misc counter/flag byte, zero when not in use
Vec_0Ref_Enable EQU $C824 ;Check0Ref enable flag
Vec_Loop_Count EQU $C825 ;Loop counter word (incremented in Wait_Recal)
Vec_Brightness EQU $C827 ;Default brightness
Vec_Dot_Dwell EQU $C828 ;Dot dwell time?
Vec_Pattern EQU $C829 ;Dot pattern (bits)
Vec_Text_HW EQU $C82A ;Default text height and width
Vec_Text_Height EQU $C82A ;Default text height
Vec_Text_Width EQU $C82B ;Default text width
Vec_Str_Ptr EQU $C82C ;Temporary string pointer for Print_Str
Vec_Counters EQU $C82E ;Six bytes of counters
Vec_Counter_1 EQU $C82E ;First counter byte
Vec_Counter_2 EQU $C82F ;Second counter byte
Vec_Counter_3 EQU $C830 ;Third counter byte
Vec_Counter_4 EQU $C831 ;Fourth counter byte
Vec_Counter_5 EQU $C832 ;Fifth counter byte
Vec_Counter_6 EQU $C833 ;Sixth counter byte
Vec_RiseRun_Tmp EQU $C834 ;Temp storage word for rise/run
Vec_Angle EQU $C836 ;Angle for rise/run and rotation calculations
Vec_Run_Index EQU $C837 ;Index pair for run
;* $C839 ;Pointer to copyright string during startup
Vec_Rise_Index EQU $C839 ;Index pair for rise
;* $C83B ;High score cold-start flag (=0 if valid)
Vec_RiseRun_Len EQU $C83B ;length for rise/run
;* $C83C ;temp byte
Vec_Rfrsh EQU $C83D ;Refresh time (divided by 1.5MHz)
Vec_Rfrsh_lo EQU $C83D ;Refresh time low byte
Vec_Rfrsh_hi EQU $C83E ;Refresh time high byte
Vec_Music_Work EQU $C83F ;Music work buffer (14 bytes, backwards?)
Vec_Music_Wk_A EQU $C842 ; register 10
;* $C843 ; register 9
;* $C844 ; register 8
Vec_Music_Wk_7 EQU $C845 ; register 7
Vec_Music_Wk_6 EQU $C846 ; register 6
Vec_Music_Wk_5 EQU $C847 ; register 5
;* $C848 ; register 4
;* $C849 ; register 3
;* $C84A ; register 2
Vec_Music_Wk_1 EQU $C84B ; register 1
;* $C84C ; register 0
Vec_Freq_Table EQU $C84D ;Pointer to note-to-frEQUency table (normally $FC8D)
Vec_Max_Players EQU $C84F ;Maximum number of players for Select_Game
Vec_Max_Games EQU $C850 ;Maximum number of games for Select_Game
Vec_ADSR_Table EQU $C84F ;Storage for first music header word (ADSR table)
Vec_Twang_Table EQU $C851 ;Storage for second music header word ('twang' table)
Vec_Music_Ptr EQU $C853 ;Music data pointer
Vec_Expl_ChanA EQU $C853 ;Used by Explosion_Snd - bit for first channel used?
Vec_Expl_Chans EQU $C854 ;Used by Explosion_Snd - bits for all channels used?
Vec_Music_Chan EQU $C855 ;Current sound channel number for Init_Music
Vec_Music_Flag EQU $C856 ;Music active flag ($00=off $01=start $80=on)
Vec_Duration EQU $C857 ;Duration counter for Init_Music
Vec_Music_Twang EQU $C858 ;3 word 'twang' table used by Init_Music
Vec_Expl_1 EQU $C858 ;Four bytes copied from Explosion_Snd's U-reg parameters
Vec_Expl_2 EQU $C859 ;
Vec_Expl_3 EQU $C85A ;
Vec_Expl_4 EQU $C85B ;
Vec_Expl_Chan EQU $C85C ;Used by Explosion_Snd - channel number in use?
Vec_Expl_ChanB EQU $C85D ;Used by Explosion_Snd - bit for second channel used?
Vec_ADSR_Timers EQU $C85E ;ADSR timers for each sound channel (3 bytes)
Vec_Music_Freq EQU $C861 ;Storage for base frEQUency of each channel (3 words)
;* $C85E ;Scratch 'score' storage for Display_Option (7 bytes)
Vec_Expl_Flag EQU $C867 ;Explosion_Snd initialization flag?
;* $C868...$C876 ;Unused?
Vec_Expl_Timer EQU $C877 ;Used by Explosion_Snd
;* $C878 ;Unused?
Vec_Num_Players EQU $C879 ;Number of players selected in Select_Game
Vec_Num_Game EQU $C87A ;Game number selected in Select_Game
Vec_Seed_Ptr EQU $C87B ;Pointer to 3-byte random number seed (=$C87D)
Vec_Random_Seed EQU $C87D ;Default 3-byte random number seed
;* $C880 - $CBEA is user RAM ;
Vec_Default_Stk EQU $CBEA ;Default top-of-stack
Vec_High_Score EQU $CBEB ;High score storage (7 bytes)
Vec_SWI3_Vector EQU $CBF2 ;SWI2/SWI3 interrupt vector (3 bytes)
Vec_SWI2_Vector EQU $CBF2 ;SWI2/SWI3 interrupt vector (3 bytes)
Vec_FIRQ_Vector EQU $CBF5 ;FIRQ interrupt vector (3 bytes)
Vec_IRQ_Vector EQU $CBF8 ;IRQ interrupt vector (3 bytes)
Vec_SWI_Vector EQU $CBFB ;SWI/NMI interrupt vector (3 bytes)
Vec_NMI_Vector EQU $CBFB ;SWI/NMI interrupt vector (3 bytes)
Vec_Cold_Flag EQU $CBFE ;Cold start flag (warm start if = $7321)
VIA_port_b EQU $D000 ;VIA port B data I/O register
;* 0 sample/hold (0=enable mux 1=disable mux)
;* 1 mux sel 0
;* 2 mux sel 1
;* 3 sound BC1
;* 4 sound BDIR
;* 5 comparator input
;* 6 external device (slot pin 35) initialized to input
;* 7 /RAMP
VIA_port_a EQU $D001 ;VIA port A data I/O register (handshaking)
VIA_DDR_b EQU $D002 ;VIA port B data direction register (0=input 1=output)
VIA_DDR_a EQU $D003 ;VIA port A data direction register (0=input 1=output)
VIA_t1_cnt_lo EQU $D004 ;VIA timer 1 count register lo (scale factor)
VIA_t1_cnt_hi EQU $D005 ;VIA timer 1 count register hi
VIA_t1_lch_lo EQU $D006 ;VIA timer 1 latch register lo
VIA_t1_lch_hi EQU $D007 ;VIA timer 1 latch register hi
VIA_t2_lo EQU $D008 ;VIA timer 2 count/latch register lo (refresh)
VIA_t2_hi EQU $D009 ;VIA timer 2 count/latch register hi
VIA_shift_reg EQU $D00A ;VIA shift register
VIA_aux_cntl EQU $D00B ;VIA auxiliary control register
;* 0 PA latch enable
;* 1 PB latch enable
;* 2 \ 110=output to CB2 under control of phase 2 clock
;* 3 > shift register control (110 is the only mode used by the Vectrex ROM)
;* 4 /
;* 5 0=t2 one shot 1=t2 free running
;* 6 0=t1 one shot 1=t1 free running
;* 7 0=t1 disable PB7 output 1=t1 enable PB7 output
VIA_cntl EQU $D00C ;VIA control register
;* 0 CA1 control CA1 -> SW7 0=IRQ on low 1=IRQ on high
;* 1 \
;* 2 > CA2 control CA2 -> /ZERO 110=low 111=high
;* 3 /
;* 4 CB1 control CB1 -> NC 0=IRQ on low 1=IRQ on high
;* 5 \
;* 6 > CB2 control CB2 -> /BLANK 110=low 111=high
;* 7 /
VIA_int_flags EQU $D00D ;VIA interrupt flags register
;* bit cleared by
;* 0 CA2 interrupt flag reading or writing port A I/O
;* 1 CA1 interrupt flag reading or writing port A I/O
;* 2 shift register interrupt flag reading or writing shift register
;* 3 CB2 interrupt flag reading or writing port B I/O
;* 4 CB1 interrupt flag reading or writing port A I/O
;* 5 timer 2 interrupt flag read t2 low or write t2 high
;* 6 timer 1 interrupt flag read t1 count low or write t1 high
;* 7 IRQ status flag write logic 0 to IER or IFR bit
VIA_int_enable EQU $D00E ;VIA interrupt enable register
;* 0 CA2 interrupt enable
;* 1 CA1 interrupt enable
;* 2 shift register interrupt enable
;* 3 CB2 interrupt enable
;* 4 CB1 interrupt enable
;* 5 timer 2 interrupt enable
;* 6 timer 1 interrupt enable
;* 7 IER set/clear control
VIA_port_a_nohs EQU $D00F ;VIA port A data I/O register (no handshaking)
Cold_Start EQU $F000 ;
Warm_Start EQU $F06C ;
Init_VIA EQU $F14C ;
Init_OS_RAM EQU $F164 ;
Init_OS EQU $F18B ;
Wait_Recal EQU $F192 ;
Set_Refresh EQU $F1A2 ;
DP_to_D0 EQU $F1AA ;
DP_to_C8 EQU $F1AF ;
Read_Btns_Mask EQU $F1B4 ;
Read_Btns EQU $F1BA ;
Joy_Analog EQU $F1F5 ;
Joy_Digital EQU $F1F8 ;
Sound_Byte EQU $F256 ;
Sound_Byte_x EQU $F259 ;
Sound_Byte_raw EQU $F25B ;
Clear_Sound EQU $F272 ;
Sound_Bytes EQU $F27D ;
Sound_Bytes_x EQU $F284 ;
Do_Sound EQU $F289 ;
Do_Sound_x EQU $F28C ;
Intensity_1F EQU $F29D ;
Intensity_3F EQU $F2A1 ;
Intensity_5F EQU $F2A5 ;
Intensity_7F EQU $F2A9 ;
Intensity_a EQU $F2AB ;
Dot_ix_b EQU $F2BE ;
Dot_ix EQU $F2C1 ;
Dot_d EQU $F2C3 ;
Dot_here EQU $F2C5 ;
Dot_List EQU $F2D5 ;
Dot_List_Reset EQU $F2DE ;
Recalibrate EQU $F2E6 ;
Moveto_x_7F EQU $F2F2 ;
Moveto_d_7F EQU $F2FC ;
Moveto_ix_FF EQU $F308 ;
Moveto_ix_7F EQU $F30C ;
Moveto_ix_b EQU $F30E ; Used to be named Moveto_ix_a but this is wrong.
Moveto_ix EQU $F310 ;
Moveto_d EQU $F312 ;
Reset0Ref_D0 EQU $F34A ;
Check0Ref EQU $F34F ;
Reset0Ref EQU $F354 ;
Reset_Pen EQU $F35B ;
Reset0Int EQU $F36B ;
Print_Str_hwyx EQU $F373 ;
Print_Str_yx EQU $F378 ;
Print_Str_d EQU $F37A ;
Print_List_hw EQU $F385 ;
Print_List EQU $F38A ;
Print_List_chk EQU $F38C ;
Print_Ships_x EQU $F391 ;
Print_Ships EQU $F393 ;
Mov_Draw_VLc_a EQU $F3AD ;count y x y x ...
Mov_Draw_VL_b EQU $F3B1 ;y x y x ...
Mov_Draw_VLcs EQU $F3B5 ;count scale y x y x ...
Mov_Draw_VL_ab EQU $F3B7 ;y x y x ...
Mov_Draw_VL_a EQU $F3B9 ;y x y x ...
Mov_Draw_VL EQU $F3BC ;y x y x ...
Mov_Draw_VL_d EQU $F3BE ;y x y x ...
Draw_VLc EQU $F3CE ;count y x y x ...
Draw_VL_b EQU $F3D2 ;y x y x ...
Draw_VLcs EQU $F3D6 ;count scale y x y x ...
Draw_VL_ab EQU $F3D8 ;y x y x ...
Draw_VL_a EQU $F3DA ;y x y x ...
Draw_VL EQU $F3DD ;y x y x ...
Draw_Line_d EQU $F3DF ;y x y x ...
Draw_VLp_FF EQU $F404 ;pattern y x pattern y x ... $01
Draw_VLp_7F EQU $F408 ;pattern y x pattern y x ... $01
Draw_VLp_scale EQU $F40C ;scale pattern y x pattern y x ... $01
Draw_VLp_b EQU $F40E ;pattern y x pattern y x ... $01
Draw_VLp EQU $F410 ;pattern y x pattern y x ... $01
Draw_Pat_VL_a EQU $F434 ;y x y x ...
Draw_Pat_VL EQU $F437 ;y x y x ...
Draw_Pat_VL_d EQU $F439 ;y x y x ...
Draw_VL_mode EQU $F46E ;mode y x mode y x ... $01
Print_Str EQU $F495 ;
Random_3 EQU $F511 ;
Random EQU $F517 ;
Init_Music_Buf EQU $F533 ;
Clear_x_b EQU $F53F ;
Clear_C8_RAM EQU $F542 ;never used by GCE carts?
Clear_x_256 EQU $F545 ;
Clear_x_d EQU $F548 ;
Clear_x_b_80 EQU $F550 ;
Clear_x_b_a EQU $F552 ;
Dec_3_Counters EQU $F55A ;
Dec_6_Counters EQU $F55E ;
Dec_Counters EQU $F563 ;
Delay_3 EQU $F56D ;30 cycles
Delay_2 EQU $F571 ;25 cycles
Delay_1 EQU $F575 ;20 cycles
Delay_0 EQU $F579 ;12 cycles
Delay_b EQU $F57A ;5*B + 10 cycles
Delay_RTS EQU $F57D ;5 cycles
Bitmask_a EQU $F57E ;
Abs_a_b EQU $F584 ;
Abs_b EQU $F58B ;
Rise_Run_Angle EQU $F593 ;
Get_Rise_Idx EQU $F5D9 ;
Get_Run_Idx EQU $F5DB ;
Get_Rise_Run EQU $F5EF ;
Rise_Run_X EQU $F5FF ;
Rise_Run_Y EQU $F601 ;
Rise_Run_Len EQU $F603 ;
Rot_VL_ab EQU $F610 ;
Rot_VL EQU $F616 ;
Rot_VL_Mode_a EQU $F61F ;
Rot_VL_Mode EQU $F62B ;
Rot_VL_dft EQU $F637 ;
Xform_Run_a EQU $F65B ;
Xform_Run EQU $F65D ;
Xform_Rise_a EQU $F661 ;
Xform_Rise EQU $F663 ;
Move_Mem_a_1 EQU $F67F ;
Move_Mem_a EQU $F683 ;
Init_Music_chk EQU $F687 ;
Init_Music EQU $F68D ;
Init_Music_x EQU $F692 ;
Select_Game EQU $F7A9 ;
Clear_Score EQU $F84F ;
Add_Score_a EQU $F85E ;
Add_Score_d EQU $F87C ;
Strip_Zeros EQU $F8B7 ;
Compare_Score EQU $F8C7 ;
New_High_Score EQU $F8D8 ;
Obj_Will_Hit_u EQU $F8E5 ;
Obj_Will_Hit EQU $F8F3 ;
Obj_Hit EQU $F8FF ;
Explosion_Snd EQU $F92E ;
Draw_Grid_VL EQU $FF9F ;
music1 EQU $FD0D ;
music2 EQU $FD1D ;
music3 EQU $FD81 ;
music4 EQU $FDD3 ;
music5 EQU $FE38 ;
music6 EQU $FE76 ;
music7 EQU $FEC6 ;
music8 EQU $FEF8 ;
music9 EQU $FF26 ;
musica EQU $FF44 ;
musicb EQU $FF62 ;
musicc EQU $FF7A ;
musicd EQU $FF8F ;
@ -103,6 +103,11 @@ export class CodeProject {
while (m = re3.exec(text)) {
this.pushAllFiles(files, m[2]);
// for XASM only (USE include.ext)
let re4 = /^\s+(USE)\s+(\S+[.]\S+)/gm;
while (m = re4.exec(text)) {
this.pushAllFiles(files, m[2]);
return files;
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ class MARIA {
data = this.readDMA(indadr);
// TODO: more modes
// TODO: more modes (https://github.com/gstanton/ProSystem1_3/blob/master/Core/Maria.cpp)
switch (readmode) {
case 0: // 160 A/B
for (let j=0; j<4; j++) {
@ -28,19 +28,19 @@ var VECTREX_KEYCODE_MAP = makeKeycodeMap([
[Keys.RIGHT, 0, 0x02],
[Keys.DOWN, 0, 0x04],
[Keys.UP, 0, 0x08],
[Keys.GP_A, 2, 0x01],
[Keys.GP_B, 2, 0x02],
[Keys.GP_C, 2, 0x04],
[Keys.GP_D, 2, 0x08],
[Keys.GP_B, 2, 0x01],
[Keys.GP_A, 2, 0x02],
[Keys.GP_D, 2, 0x04],
[Keys.GP_C, 2, 0x08],
[Keys.P2_LEFT, 1, 0x01],
[Keys.P2_RIGHT, 1, 0x02],
[Keys.P2_DOWN, 1, 0x04],
[Keys.P2_UP, 1, 0x08],
[Keys.P2_GP_A, 2, 0x10],
[Keys.P2_GP_B, 2, 0x20],
[Keys.P2_GP_C, 2, 0x40],
[Keys.P2_GP_D, 2, 0x80],
[Keys.P2_GP_B, 2, 0x10],
[Keys.P2_GP_A, 2, 0x20],
[Keys.P2_GP_D, 2, 0x40],
[Keys.P2_GP_C, 2, 0x80],
@ -844,22 +844,26 @@ class VectrexPlatform extends Base6809Platform {
var cycles = 1500000 / 60;
while (cycles > 0) {
this.probe.logExecute(this.getPC(), this.getSP());
if (this.via.ifr & 0x80) {
var n = this.runCPU(this._cpu, 1);
if (n == 0) n = 1; // TODO?
cycles -= n;
for (; n > 0; n--) {
cycles -= this.step();
step() {
this.probe.logExecute(this.getPC(), this.getSP());
if (this.via.ifr & 0x80) {
var n = this.runCPU(this._cpu, 1);
if (n == 0) n = 1; // TODO?
for (var i=0; i<n; i++) {
return n;
snd_update() {
switch (this.via.orb & 0x18) {
case 0x00:
Binary file not shown.
@ -24,8 +24,40 @@ INTVEC: .res 2
.segment "HEADER"
.byte $4e,$45,$53,$1a
.res 8,0
; A78 Header - http://7800.8bitdev.org/index.php/A78_Header_Specification
.byte 1 ; 0 Header version - 1 byte
.byte "ATARI7800" ; 1..16 "ATARI7800 " - 16 bytes
.res 7,32
.byte "Your Name Here"; 17..48 Cart title - 32 bytes
.res (32-.strlen("Your Name Here")),0
.byte $00,$00,$c0,$00; 49..52 data length - 4 bytes
.byte $00,$00 ; 53..54 cart type - 2 bytes
; bit 0 - pokey at $4000
; bit 1 - supergame bank switched
; bit 2 - supergame ram at $4000
; bit 3 - rom at $4000
; bit 4 - bank 6 at $4000
; bit 5 - supergame banked ram
; bit 6 - pokey at $450
; bit 7 - mirror ram at $4000
; bit 8-15 - Special
; 0 = Normal cart
.byte 1 ; 55 controller 1 type - 1 byte
.byte 1 ; 56 controller 2 type - 1 byte
; 0 = None
; 1 = Joystick
; 2 = Light Gun
.byte 0 ; 57 0 = NTSC 1 = PAL
.byte 0 ; 58 Save data peripheral - 1 byte (version 2)
; 0 = None / unknown (default)
; 1 = High Score Cart (HSC)
; 2 = SaveKey
.byte 0,0,0,0
.byte 0 ; 63 Expansion module
; 0 = No expansion module (default on all currently released games)
; 1 = Expansion module required
.res 36
.segment "STARTUP"
@ -1924,7 +1924,7 @@ function assembleXASM6809(step:BuildStep) {
alst += s;
alst += "\n";
if (lasterror) {
var line = parseInt(s.slice(0,5));
var line = parseInt(s.slice(0,5)) || 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user