mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 08:30:53 +00:00
added neslib2.cfg that uses full ZP segment, NROM256; fixed test
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
CC65FLAGS=-I/home/hugg/compilers/cc65/include -I/home/hugg/compilers/cc65/include/nes -L/home/hugg/compilers/cc65/lib --cfg-path /home/hugg/compilers/cc65/cfg/ -v
all: \
default_neslib.neslib.nes default_conio.conio.nes \
default_neslib.neslib.lzg default_conio.conio.lzg
rm -f *.s *.o *.nes *.lzg
#%.s: %.c
# cc65 $*.c
# ca65 $*.s
%.neslib.nes: %.c
cl65 $(CC65FLAGS) -o $@ -t nes -C neslib.cfg $*.c neslib.lib nes.lib
%.conio.nes: %.c
cl65 $(CC65FLAGS) -o $@ -t nes $*.c nes.lib
%.rom: %.s
time ld65 -o $@ -C atarivec.cfg $*.o atari2600.lib
%.lzg: %.nes
lzg $< | hexdump -v -e '"\n" 32/1 "%u,"' > $@
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
#include "nes.h"
unsigned char index;
const unsigned char TEXT[]={"No cart loaded"};
const unsigned char PALETTE[]={0x1, 0x00, 0x10, 0x20}; //blue, gray, lt gray, white
void main (void) {
// turn off the screen
PPU.control = 0;
PPU.mask = 0;
// load the palette
PPU.vram.address = 0x3f;
PPU.vram.address = 0x0;
for(index = 0; index < sizeof(PALETTE); ++index){
PPU.vram.data = PALETTE[index];
// load the text
PPU.vram.address = 0x21; // set an address in the PPU of 0x21ca
PPU.vram.address = 0xc9; // about the middle of the screen
for( index = 0; index < sizeof(TEXT); ++index ){
PPU.vram.data = TEXT[index];
// reset the scroll position
PPU.vram.address = 0x20;
PPU.vram.address = 0x0;
PPU.scroll = 0;
PPU.scroll = 0;
// turn on screen
PPU.control = 0x80; // NMI on
PPU.mask = 0x1e; // screen on
// infinite loop
while (1) {
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
//this example code shows how to put some text in nametable
#include "neslib.h"
// tileset data
const unsigned char TILESET[8*128] = {/*{w:8,h:8,bpp:1,count:128,brev:1}*/
//this macro is used remove need of calculation of the nametable address in runtime
#define NTADR(x,y) ((0x2000|((y)<<5)|x))
//put a string into the nametable
void put_str(unsigned int adr,const char *str)
if(!*str) break;
vram_put((*str++)-0x20);//-0x20 because ASCII code 0x20 is placed in tile 0 of the CHR
void main(void)
//copy tileset to RAM
vram_write((unsigned char*)TILESET, 0x0, sizeof(TILESET));
//rendering is disabled at the startup, and palette is all black
pal_col(1,0x30);//set while color
//you can't put data into vram through vram_put while rendering is enabled
//so you have to disable rendering to put things like text or a level map
//into the nametable
//there is a way to update small number of nametable tiles while rendering
//is enabled, using set_vram_update and an update list
put_str(NTADR(9,15),"NO CART LOADED");
ppu_on_all();//enable rendering
while(1);//do nothing, infinite loop
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
.macro jeq Target
.if .match(Target, 0)
bne *+5
jmp Target
.elseif .def(Target) .and .const((*-2)-(Target)) .and ((*+2)-(Target) <= 127)
beq Target
bne *+5
jmp Target
.macro jne Target
.if .match(Target, 0)
beq *+5
jmp Target
.elseif .def(Target) .and .const((*-2)-(Target)) .and ((*+2)-(Target) <= 127)
bne Target
beq *+5
jmp Target
.macro jmi Target
.if .match(Target, 0)
bpl *+5
jmp Target
.elseif .def(Target) .and .const((*-2)-(Target)) .and ((*+2)-(Target) <= 127)
bmi Target
bpl *+5
jmp Target
.macro jpl Target
.if .match(Target, 0)
bmi *+5
jmp Target
.elseif .def(Target) .and .const((*-2)-(Target)) .and ((*+2)-(Target) <= 127)
bpl Target
bmi *+5
jmp Target
.macro jcs Target
.if .match(Target, 0)
bcc *+5
jmp Target
.elseif .def(Target) .and .const((*-2)-(Target)) .and ((*+2)-(Target) <= 127)
bcs Target
bcc *+5
jmp Target
.macro jcc Target
.if .match(Target, 0)
bcs *+5
jmp Target
.elseif .def(Target) .and .const((*-2)-(Target)) .and ((*+2)-(Target) <= 127)
bcc Target
bcs *+5
jmp Target
.macro jvs Target
.if .match(Target, 0)
bvc *+5
jmp Target
.elseif .def(Target) .and .const((*-2)-(Target)) .and ((*+2)-(Target) <= 127)
bvs Target
bvc *+5
jmp Target
.macro jvc Target
.if .match(Target, 0)
bvs *+5
jmp Target
.elseif .def(Target) .and .const((*-2)-(Target)) .and ((*+2)-(Target) <= 127)
bvc Target
bvs *+5
jmp Target
@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
//NES hardware-dependent functions by Shiru (shiru@mail.ru)
//Feel free to do anything you want with this code, consider it Public Domain
//set bg and spr palettes, data is 32 bytes array
void __fastcall__ pal_all(const char *data);
//set bg palette only, data is 16 bytes array
void __fastcall__ pal_bg(const char *data);
//set spr palette only, data is 16 bytes array
void __fastcall__ pal_spr(const char *data);
//set a palette entry, index is 0..31
void __fastcall__ pal_col(unsigned char index,unsigned char color);
//reset palette to $0f
void __fastcall__ pal_clear(void);
//set virtual bright, 0 is black, 4 is normal, 8 is white
void __fastcall__ pal_bright(unsigned char bright);
//turn off rendering and nmi
void __fastcall__ ppu_off(void);
//turn on bg, spr, and nmi
void __fastcall__ ppu_on_all(void);
//turn on bg only and nmi
void __fastcall__ ppu_on_bg(void);
//turn on spr only and nmi
void __fastcall__ ppu_on_spr(void);
//set PPU_MASK directly
;void __fastcall__ ppu_mask(unsigned char mask);
//clear OAM buffer, all the sprites are hidden
void __fastcall__ oam_clear(void);
//set sprites size, 0 for 8x8, 1 for 8x16
void __fastcall__ oam_size(unsigned char size);
//set sprite in OAM buffer, chrnum is tile, attr is attribute, sprid is offset in OAM in bytes
//returns sprid+4, which is offset for a next sprite
unsigned char __fastcall__ oam_spr(unsigned char x,unsigned char y,unsigned char chrnum,unsigned char attr,unsigned char sprid);
//set metasprite in OAM buffer
//meta sprite is a const unsigned char array, it contains four bytes per sprite
//in order x offset, y offset, tile, attribute
//x=128 is end of a meta sprite
//returns sprid+4, which is offset for a next sprite
unsigned char __fastcall__ oam_meta_spr(unsigned char x,unsigned char y,unsigned char sprid,const unsigned char *data);
//hide all the sprites starting from given offset
void __fastcall__ oam_hide_rest(unsigned char sprid);
//wait NMI and sync to 50hz (with frameskip for NTSC)
void __fastcall__ ppu_waitnmi(void);
//play a music in FamiTone format
void __fastcall__ music_play(const unsigned char *data);
//stop music
void __fastcall__ music_stop(void);
//pause and unpause music
void __fastcall__ music_pause(unsigned char pause);
//play FamiTone sound effect on channel 0..3
void __fastcall__ sfx_play(unsigned char sound,unsigned char channel);
//poll controller and return flags like PAD_LEFT etc, input is pad number (0 or 1)
unsigned char __fastcall__ pad_poll(unsigned char pad);
//poll controller in trigger mode, a flag is set only on button down, not hold
//if you need to poll the pad in both normal and trigger mode, poll it in the
//trigger mode for first, then use pad_state
unsigned char __fastcall__ pad_trigger(unsigned char pad);
//get previous pad state without polling ports
unsigned char __fastcall__ pad_state(unsigned char pad);
//set scroll, including top bits
void __fastcall__ scroll(unsigned int x,unsigned int y);
//select current chr bank for sprites, 0..1
void __fastcall__ bank_spr(unsigned char n);
//select current chr bank for background, 0..1
void __fastcall__ bank_bg(unsigned char n);
//returns random number 0..255 or 0..65535
unsigned char __fastcall__ rand8(void);
unsigned int __fastcall__ rand16(void);
//set random seed
void __fastcall__ set_rand(unsigned int seed);
//set a pointer to update buffer, contents of the buffer is transferred to vram every frame
//buffer structure is MSB, LSB, byte to write, len is number of entries (not bytes)
//could be set during rendering, but only takes effect on a new frame
//number of transferred bytes is limited by vblank time
void __fastcall__ set_vram_update(unsigned char len,unsigned char *buf);
//set vram pointer to write operations if you need to write some data to vram
//works only when rendering is turned off
void __fastcall__ vram_adr(unsigned int adr);
//put a byte at current vram address, works only when rendering is turned off
void __fastcall__ vram_put(unsigned char n);
//fill a block with a byte at current vram address, works only when rendering is turned off
void __fastcall__ vram_fill(unsigned char n,unsigned int len);
//set vram autoincrement, 0 for +1 and not 0 for +32
void __fastcall__ vram_inc(unsigned char n);
//read a block from vram, works only when rendering is turned off
void __fastcall__ vram_read(unsigned char *dst,unsigned int adr,unsigned int size);
//write a block to vram, works only when rendering is turned off
void __fastcall__ vram_write(unsigned char *src,unsigned int adr,unsigned int size);
//unpack a nametable into vram
void __fastcall__ unrle_vram(const unsigned char *data,unsigned int vram);
//like a normal memcpy, but does not return anything
void __fastcall__ memcpy(void *dst,void *src,unsigned int len);
//like memset, but does not return anything
void __fastcall__ memfill(void *dst,unsigned char value,unsigned int len);
//delay for N frames
void __fastcall__ delay(unsigned char frames);
//initialize sound effects
void __fastcall__ FamiToneSfxInit(void* src);
void __fastcall__ FamiToneSfxInit(void* src);
#define PAD_A 0x01
#define PAD_B 0x02
#define PAD_SELECT 0x04
#define PAD_START 0x08
#define PAD_UP 0x10
#define PAD_DOWN 0x20
#define PAD_LEFT 0x40
#define PAD_RIGHT 0x80
#define OAM_FLIP_V 0x80
#define OAM_FLIP_H 0x40
#define OAM_BEHIND 0x20
#define MAX(x1,x2) (x1<x2?x2:x1)
#define MIN(x1,x2) (x1<x2?x1:x2)
#define MASK_SPR 0x10
#define MASK_BG 0x08
#define MASK_EDGE_SPR 0x04
#define MASK_EDGE_BG 0x02
#define NULL 0
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
#include <string.h>
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef signed char sbyte;
typedef unsigned short word;
#define inline
#define dvgram ((word*)0x1000)
#define _dvgstart (*((byte*)0x8840))
#define mathbox_sum (*((int*)0x8100))
#define mathbox_arg1 (*((sbyte*)0x8102))
#define mathbox_arg2 (*((sbyte*)0x8103))
#define mathbox_go_mul (*((byte*)0x810f))
void start() {
LD SP,#0x0
int dvgwrofs; // write offset for DVG buffer
inline word ___swapw(word j) {
return ((j << 8) | (j >> 8));
inline void dvgreset() {
dvgwrofs = 0;
inline void dvgstart() {
_dvgstart = 0;
void dvgwrite(word w) {
dvgram[dvgwrofs++] = w;
inline void VCTR(int dx, int dy, byte bright) {
dvgwrite((dy & 0x1fff));
dvgwrite(((bright & 7) << 13) | (dx & 0x1fff));
inline void SVEC(sbyte dx, sbyte dy, byte bright) {
dvgwrite(0x4000 | (dx & 0x1f) | ((bright&7)<<5) | ((dy & 0x1f)<<8));
inline void JSRL(word offset) {
dvgwrite(0xa000 | offset);
inline void JMPL(word offset) {
dvgwrite(0xe000 | offset);
inline void RTSL() {
inline void CNTR() {
inline void HALT() {
inline void STAT(byte rgb, byte intens) {
dvgwrite(0x6000 | ((intens & 0xf)<<4) | (rgb & 7));
inline void STAT_sparkle(byte intens) {
dvgwrite(0x6800 | ((intens & 0xf)<<4));
inline void SCAL(word scale) {
dvgwrite(0x7000 | scale);
enum {
} Color;
typedef struct {
sbyte m[3][3];
} Matrix;
typedef struct {
sbyte x,y,z;
} Vector8;
typedef struct {
int x,y,z;
} Vector16;
typedef struct {
byte numverts;
const Vector8* verts; // array of vertices
const sbyte* edges; // array of vertex indices (edges)
} Wireframe;
void mat_identity(Matrix* m) {
memset(m, 0, sizeof(*m));
m->m[0][0] = 127;
m->m[1][1] = 127;
m->m[2][2] = 127;
inline void mul16(sbyte a, sbyte b) {
mathbox_arg1 = a;
mathbox_arg2 = b;
void vec_mat_transform(Vector16* dest, const Vector8* v, const Matrix* m) {
byte i;
int* result = &dest->x;
const sbyte* mval = &m->m[0][0];
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
mathbox_sum = 0;
mul16(*mval++, v->x);
mul16(*mval++, v->y);
mul16(*mval++, v->z);
*result++ = mathbox_sum;
void vec_mat_transform2(Vector16* dest, const Vector8* v, const Matrix* m) {
dest->x = v->x*m->m[0][0] + v->y*m->m[0][1] + v->z*m->m[0][2];
dest->y = v->x*m->m[1][0] + v->y*m->m[1][1] + v->z*m->m[1][2];
dest->z = v->x*m->m[2][0] + v->y*m->m[2][1] + v->z*m->m[2][2];
const sbyte sintbl[64] = {
0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46,
49, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 65, 68, 71, 73, 76, 78, 81, 83, 85, 88,
90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 107, 109, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116,
117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 122, 123, 124, 125, 125, 126, 126, 126, 127, 127, 127,
sbyte isin(byte x0) {
byte x = x0;
if (x0 & 0x40) x = 127-x;
if (x0 & 0x80) {
return -sintbl[x+128];
} else {
return sintbl[x];
sbyte icos(byte x) {
return isin(x+64);
void mat_rotate(Matrix* m, byte axis, byte angle) {
sbyte sin = isin(angle);
sbyte cos = icos(angle);
switch (axis) {
case 0:
m->m[1][1] = cos;
m->m[2][1] = sin;
m->m[1][2] = -sin;
m->m[2][2] = cos;
case 1:
m->m[2][2] = cos;
m->m[0][2] = sin;
m->m[2][0] = -sin;
m->m[0][0] = cos;
case 2:
m->m[0][0] = cos;
m->m[1][0] = sin;
m->m[0][1] = -sin;
m->m[1][1] = cos;
const Vector8 tetra_v[] = { {0,-86,86},{86,86,86},{-86,86,86},{0,0,-86} };
const signed char tetra_e[] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1, -1, 3, 2, -2 };
const Wireframe tetra = { 4, tetra_v, tetra_e };
void xform_vertices(Vector16* dest, const Vector8* src, const Matrix* m, byte nv) {
byte i;
for (i=0; i<nv; i++) {
vec_mat_transform(dest++, src++, m);
void draw_wireframe_ortho(const Wireframe* wf, const Matrix* m) {
const signed char* e = wf->edges;
byte bright = 0;
int x1 = 0;
int y1 = 0;
Vector16 scrnverts[16];
xform_vertices(scrnverts, wf->verts, m, wf->numverts);
do {
sbyte i = *e++;
if (i == -1)
bright = 0;
else if (i == -2)
else {
int x2 = scrnverts[i].x>>8;
int y2 = scrnverts[i].y>>8;
VCTR(x2-x1, y2-y1, bright);
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
bright = 2;
} while (1);
word frame;
void main() {
int x,y;
Matrix m;
while (1) {
x = isin(frame/8);
y = icos(frame/8);
VCTR(x, y, 2);
mat_rotate(&m, (frame>>8)&3, frame);
draw_wireframe_ortho(&tetra, &m);
@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ SYMBOLS {
__STACKSIZE__: type = weak, value = $0500; # 5 pages stack
__STACKSIZE__: type = weak, value = $0500; # 5 pages stack
# NROM256 (32 KB PRG ROM)
# First 28 bytes of the zero page are used by NES library
ZP: start = $28, size = $d8, type = rw, define = yes;
ZP: start = $00, size = $100, type = rw, define = yes;
# INES Cartridge Header
# INES Cartridge Header
@ -17,24 +17,15 @@ MEMORY {
# - rodata
# - rodata
# - data (load)
# - data (load)
# PRG: start = $8000, size = $3f00, file = %O ,fill = yes, define = yes;
# NROM256
PRG: start = $8000, size = $7f00, file = %O ,fill = yes, define = yes;
PRG: start = $8000, size = $7f00, file = %O ,fill = yes, define = yes;
# DPCM Samples at end of the ROM
# DPCM Samples at end of the ROM
DMC: start = $7f00, size = $fa, file = %O, fill = yes;
DMC: start = $ff00, size = $fa, file = %O, fill = yes;
# NROM256
# DMC: start = $ff00, size = $fa, file = %O, fill = yes;
# Hardware Vectors at end of the ROM
# Hardware Vectors at end of the ROM
VECTORS: start = $7ffa, size = $6, file = %O, fill = yes;
VECTORS: start = $fffa, size = $6, file = %O, fill = yes;
# NROM256
# VECTORS: start = $fffa, size = $6, file = %O, fill = yes;
# 1 8K CHR Bank
# 1 8K CHR Bank
@ -228,14 +228,14 @@ var PLATFORM_PARAMS = {
'nes': { //TODO
'nes': { //TODO
define: '__NES__',
define: '__NES__',
cfgfile: 'neslib.cfg',
cfgfile: 'neslib2.cfg',
libargs: ['crt0.o', 'nes.lib', 'neslib2.lib',
libargs: ['crt0.o', 'nes.lib', 'neslib2.lib',
'-D', 'NES_MAPPER=0', // NROM
'-D', 'NES_MAPPER=0', // NROM
'-D', 'NES_PRG_BANKS=2', // 2 16K PRG banks
'-D', 'NES_PRG_BANKS=2', // 2 16K PRG banks
'-D', 'NES_CHR_BANKS=1', // 1 CHR bank
'-D', 'NES_CHR_BANKS=1', // 1 CHR bank
'-D', 'NES_MIRRORING=0', // horizontal mirroring
'-D', 'NES_MIRRORING=0', // horizontal mirroring
extra_link_files: ['crt0.o', 'neslib2.lib', 'nesbanked.cfg'],
extra_link_files: ['crt0.o', 'neslib2.lib', 'neslib2.cfg', 'nesbanked.cfg'],
//{name:'Work RAM',start:0x0,size:0x800,type:'ram'},
//{name:'Work RAM',start:0x0,size:0x800,type:'ram'},
{name:'OAM Buffer',start:0x200,size:0x100,type:'ram'},
{name:'OAM Buffer',start:0x200,size:0x100,type:'ram'},
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ global.window = dom.window;
global.document = dom.window.document;
global.document = dom.window.document;
dom.window.Audio = null;
dom.window.Audio = null;
global.Image = function() { }
global.Image = function() { }
global['$'] = require("jquery/jquery-2.2.3.min.js");
global['$'] = require("jquery/jquery-3.4.1.min.js");
global['buildZ80'] = global.window.buildZ80;
global['buildZ80'] = global.window.buildZ80;
@ -153,12 +153,12 @@ describe('Worker', function() {
compile('sdcc', csource, 'sound_williams-z80', done, 16384, 6, 0);
compile('sdcc', csource, 'sound_williams-z80', done, 16384, 6, 0);
it('should compile coleco skeleton', function(done) {
it('should compile coleco skeleton', function(done) {
var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/coleco/text.c'));
var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/coleco/cursorsmooth.c'));
compile('sdcc', csource, 'coleco', done, 32768, 15, 0);
compile('sdcc', csource, 'coleco', done, 32768, 59, 0);
it('should compile sg1000 skeleton', function(done) {
it('should compile sg1000 skeleton', function(done) {
var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/sms-sg1000-libcv/text.c'));
var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/sms-sg1000-libcv/cursorsmooth.c'));
compile('sdcc', csource, 'sms-sg1000-libcv', done, 49152, 25, 0);
compile('sdcc', csource, 'sms-sg1000-libcv', done, 49152, 81, 0);
it('should compile verilog example', function(done) {
it('should compile verilog example', function(done) {
var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/verilog/lfsr.v'));
var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/verilog/lfsr.v'));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user