mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-06-08 08:33:32 +00:00

verilog: disabled v4 warnings, inline asm in non-main files

This commit is contained in:
Steven Hugg 2021-07-12 12:29:50 -05:00
parent d0838ec954
commit aa7fe61a86
5 changed files with 313 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--- index.html 2021-07-09 15:15:12.000000000 -0500
--- index.html 2021-07-11 18:38:37.000000000 -0500
+++ electron.html 2021-07-10 13:34:48.000000000 -0500
@@ -3,18 +3,7 @@
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
<li class="dropdown dropdown-submenu">
@@ -110,36 +63,6 @@
@@ -110,35 +63,6 @@
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" id="item_debug_expr">Break Expression...</a></li>
@ -92,12 +92,11 @@
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- <!--
@ -106,7 +105,7 @@
@@ -235,41 +158,8 @@
@@ -234,41 +158,8 @@
<span class="label"><span id="settle_label"></span> evals/clk</span>
@ -149,7 +148,7 @@
</div><!-- controls_dynamic -->
</div><!-- controls_top -->
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<script src="jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>
@@ -614,28 +437,5 @@
@@ -613,28 +437,5 @@

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"vgm-parser": "^0.6.3"
"scripts": {
"build": "make",
"build": "tsc --build tsconfig.json",
"test": "npm run test-node",
"test-one": "NODE_PATH=$(pwd) mocha --recursive --timeout 60000",
"test-node": "NODE_PATH=$(pwd) mocha --recursive --timeout 60000 --reporter mocha-simple-html-reporter --reporter-options output=test/output/cli.html test/cli",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
"reg":{"bits":5, "toks":["zero","x1","x2","x3","x4","x5","x6","x7","x8","x9","x10","x11","x12","x13","x14","x15"]},
"brop":{"bits":3, "toks":["beq","bne","bx2","bx3","blt","bge","bltu","bgeu"]},
"rel13":{"bits":13, "iprel":true, "ipofs":0, "ipmul":4},
"rel20":{"bits":20, "iprel":true, "ipofs":0, "ipmul":4}
{"fmt":"add ~reg,~reg,~reg", "bits":["0000000",2,1,"000",0,"0110011"]},
{"fmt":"sub ~reg,~reg,~reg", "bits":["0100000",2,1,"000",0,"0110011"]},
{"fmt":"xor ~reg,~reg,~reg", "bits":["0000000",2,1,"100",0,"0110011"]},
{"fmt":"or ~reg,~reg,~reg", "bits":["0000000",2,1,"110",0,"0110011"]},
{"fmt":"and ~reg,~reg,~reg", "bits":["0000000",2,1,"111",0,"0110011"]},
{"fmt":"sll ~reg,~reg,~reg", "bits":["0000000",2,1,"001",0,"0110011"]},
{"fmt":"srl ~reg,~reg,~reg", "bits":["0000000",2,1,"101",0,"0110011"]},
{"fmt":"sra ~reg,~reg,~reg", "bits":["0100000",2,1,"101",0,"0110011"]},
{"fmt":"slt ~reg,~reg,~reg", "bits":["0000000",2,1,"010",0,"0110011"]},
{"fmt":"sltu ~reg,~reg,~reg", "bits":["0000000",2,1,"011",0,"0110011"]},
{"fmt":"addi ~reg,~reg,~imm12", "bits":[2,1,"000",0,"0010011"]},
{"fmt":"xori ~reg,~reg,~imm12", "bits":[2,1,"100",0,"0010011"]},
{"fmt":"ori ~reg,~reg,~imm12", "bits":[2,1,"110",0,"0010011"]},
{"fmt":"andi ~reg,~reg,~imm12", "bits":[2,1,"111",0,"0010011"]},
{"fmt":"slli ~reg,~reg,~imm5", "bits":["0000000",2,1,"000",0,"0010011"]},
{"fmt":"srli ~reg,~reg,~imm5", "bits":["0000000",2,1,"000",0,"0010011"]},
{"fmt":"srai ~reg,~reg,~imm5", "bits":["0100000",2,1,"000",0,"0010011"]},
{"fmt":"slti ~reg,~reg,~imm12", "bits":[2,1,"010",0,"0010011"]},
{"fmt":"sltiu ~reg,~reg,~imm12","bits":[2,1,"011",0,"0010011"]},
{"fmt":"lb ~reg,~imm12(~reg)", "bits":[1,2,"000",0,"0000011"]},
{"fmt":"lh ~reg,~imm12(~reg)", "bits":[1,2,"001",0,"0000011"]},
{"fmt":"lw ~reg,~imm12(~reg)", "bits":[1,2,"010",0,"0000011"]},
{"fmt":"lbu ~reg,~imm12(~reg)", "bits":[1,2,"100",0,"0000011"]},
{"fmt":"lhu ~reg,~imm12(~reg)", "bits":[1,2,"101",0,"0000011"]},
{"fmt":"sb ~reg,~imm12(~reg)", "bits":[{"a":1,"b":5,"n":7},2,0,"000",{"a":1,"b":0,"n":5},"0100011"]},
{"fmt":"sh ~reg,~imm12(~reg)", "bits":[{"a":1,"b":5,"n":7},2,0,"001",{"a":1,"b":0,"n":5},"0100011"]},
{"fmt":"sw ~reg,~imm12(~reg)", "bits":[{"a":1,"b":5,"n":7},2,0,"010",{"a":1,"b":0,"n":5},"0100011"]},
{"fmt":"~brop ~reg,~reg,~rel13", "bits":[{"a":3,"b":12,"n":1},{"a":3,"b":5,"n":6},2,1,0,{"a":3,"b":1,"n":4},{"a":3,"b":11,"n":1},"1100011"]},
{"fmt":"jal ~reg,~rel20", "bits":[{"a":1,"b":20,"n":1},{"a":1,"b":1,"n":10},{"a":1,"b":11,"n":1},{"a":1,"b":12,"n":8},0,"1101111"]},
{"fmt":"jalr ~reg,~reg,~imm12", "bits":[2,1,"000",0,"1100111"]},
{"fmt":"lui ~reg,~imm20", "bits":[1,0,"0110111"]},
{"fmt":"auipc ~reg,~rel20", "bits":[1,0,"0010111"]},
{"fmt":"brk", "bits":["0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000"]}

View File

@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ type FileEntry = {
type BuildOptions = {
mainFilePath : string,
processFn?: (FileData) => FileData
processFn?: (s:string, d:FileData) => FileData
@ -421,8 +421,9 @@ function getWorkFileAsString(path:string) : string {
function populateEntry(fs, path:string, entry:FileEntry, options:BuildOptions) {
var data = entry.data;
if (options && options.processFn)
data = options.processFn(data);
if (options && options.processFn) {
data = options.processFn(path, data);
// create subfolders
var toks = path.split('/');
if (toks.length > 1) {
@ -1773,7 +1774,6 @@ function compileVerilator(step:BuildStep) {
loadRequire("vxmlparser", "common/hdl/vxmlparser");
var platform = step.platform || 'verilog';
var errors : WorkerError[] = [];
var asmlines : SourceLine[] = [];
// compile verilog if files are stale
var xmlPath = "main.xml";
@ -1793,17 +1793,26 @@ function compileVerilator(step:BuildStep) {
var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path);
var topmod = detectTopModuleName(code);
var FS = verilator_mod['FS'];
var listings : CodeListingMap = {};
// process inline assembly, add listings where found
populateFiles(step, FS, {
processFn:(code) => {
processFn:(path,code) => {
if (typeof code === 'string') {
let asmlines = [];
code = compileInlineASM(code, platform, step, errors, asmlines);
if (asmlines.length) {
listings[path] = {lines:asmlines};
return code;
try {
var args = ["--cc", "-O3"/*abcdefstzsuka*/, "-DEXT_INLINE_ASM", "-DTOPMOD__"+topmod,
"-Wall", "-Wno-DECLFILENAME", "-Wno-UNUSED", '--report-unoptflat',
"--x-assign", "fast", "--noassert", "--pins-sc-biguint",
"--xml-output", xmlPath,
"--top-module", topmod, step.path]
@ -1821,11 +1830,11 @@ function compileVerilator(step:BuildStep) {
var xmlParser = new emglobal['VerilogXMLParser']();
var listings : CodeListingMap = {};
try {
var xmlContent = FS.readFile(xmlPath, {encoding:'utf8'});
var xmlScrubbed = xmlContent.replace(/ fl=".+?" loc=".+?"/g, '');
listings[step.prefix + '.lst'] = {lines:[],text:xmlContent};
// TODO: this squelches the .asm listing
//listings[step.prefix + '.xml'] = {lines:[],text:xmlContent};
putWorkFile(xmlPath, xmlScrubbed); // don't detect changes in source position
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [xmlPath]))
@ -1842,10 +1851,6 @@ function compileVerilator(step:BuildStep) {
} finally {
//rtn.intermediate = {listing:h_file + cpp_file}; // TODO
// TODO: what if found in non-top-module?
if (asmlines.length)
listings[step.path] = {lines:asmlines};
return {
output: xmlParser,
errors: errors,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
// not really femto8
@ -30,6 +31,95 @@ var EXAMPLE_SPEC = {
var BEAKER8_SPEC = {
"name": "Beaker8",
"width": 8,
"vars": {
"cb": { "bits": 3, "toks": ["0", "1", "2", "4", "8", "10", "♦", "255"]},
"cv": { "bits": 3, "toks": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "♦"]},
"cond": { "bits": 3, "toks": ["♦", "♦", ".z", ".nz", ".c", ".nc", ".s", ".ns"] },
"ic": { "bits": 3 },
"abs8": { "bits": 8 },
"abs16": { "bits": 16 },
"rel8": { "bits": 8, "iprel": true, "ipofs": 2 }
"rules": [
{ "fmt": "const.~cb", "bits": ["00000", 0] },
{ "fmt": "const.b.~cb", "bits": ["00000", 0] },
{ "fmt": "const ~abs8", "bits": ["00000110", 0] },
{ "fmt": "const.b ~abs8", "bits": ["00000110", 0] },
{ "fmt": "const.b ~abs8", "bits": ["00000110", 0] },
{ "fmt": "const.w.~cb", "bits": ["00001", 0] },
{ "fmt": "const.w ~abs16", "bits": ["00001110", 0] },
{ "fmt": "peek.~cv", "bits": ["00010", 0] },
{ "fmt": "peek.b.~cv", "bits": ["00010", 0] },
{ "fmt": "peek ~abs8", "bits": ["00010111", 0] },
{ "fmt": "peek.b ~abs8", "bits": ["00010111", 0] },
{ "fmt": "peek.w.~cv", "bits": ["00011", 0] },
{ "fmt": "peek.w ~abs8", "bits": ["00011111", 0] },
{ "fmt": "drop.~cv", "bits": ["00101", 0] },
{ "fmt": "drop ~abs8", "bits": ["00101111", 0] },
{ "fmt": "send", "bits": ["00101000"] },
{ "fmt": "send.b", "bits": ["00101000"] },
{ "fmt": "send ~abs8", "bits": ["00101001", 0] },
{ "fmt": "send.b ~abs8", "bits": ["00101001", 0] },
{ "fmt": "send.~cb ~abs8", "bits": ["00000", 0, "00101001", 0] },
{ "fmt": "send.b.~cb ~abs8", "bits": ["00000", 0, "00101001", 0] },
{ "fmt": "send ~abs8, ~abs8", "bits": ["00000110", 0, "00101001", 0] },
{ "fmt": "send.b ~abs8, ~abs8", "bits": ["00000110", 0, "00101001", 0] },
{ "fmt": "receive", "bits": ["00101010"] },
{ "fmt": "receive.b", "bits": ["00101010"] },
{ "fmt": "receive.b ~abs8", "bits": ["00101011", 0] },
{ "fmt": "copy", "bits": ["00101100"] },
{ "fmt": "copy.b", "bits": ["00101100"] },
{ "fmt": "copy.inc", "bits": ["00101110"] },
{ "fmt": "copy.b.inc", "bits": ["00101110"] },
{ "fmt": "copy.dec", "bits": ["00101111"] },
{ "fmt": "copy.b.dec", "bits": ["00101111"] },
{ "fmt": "read", "bits": ["00110000"] },
{ "fmt": "read.b", "bits": ["00110000"] },
{ "fmt": "read ~abs16", "bits": ["00110001", 0] },
{ "fmt": "read.b ~abs16", "bits": ["00110001", 0] },
{ "fmt": "read.inc", "bits": ["00110010"] },
{ "fmt": "read.b.inc", "bits": ["00110010"] },
{ "fmt": "read.dec", "bits": ["00110011"] },
{ "fmt": "read.b.dec", "bits": ["00110011"] },
{ "fmt": "write", "bits": ["00110100"] },
{ "fmt": "write.b", "bits": ["00110100"] },
{ "fmt": "write ~abs16", "bits": ["00110101", 0] },
{ "fmt": "write.b ~abs16", "bits": ["00110101", 0] },
{ "fmt": "write.inc", "bits": ["00110110"] },
{ "fmt": "write.b.inc", "bits": ["00110110"] },
{ "fmt": "write.dec", "bits": ["00110111"] },
{ "fmt": "write.b.dec", "bits": ["00110111"] },
{ "fmt": "read.w", "bits": ["00111000"] },
{ "fmt": "read.w ~abs16", "bits": ["00111001", 0] },
{ "fmt": "read.w.inc", "bits": ["00111010"] },
{ "fmt": "read.w.dec", "bits": ["00111011"] },
{ "fmt": "write.w", "bits": ["00111100"] },
{ "fmt": "write.w ~abs16", "bits": ["00111101", 0] },
{ "fmt": "write.w.inc", "bits": ["00111110"] },
{ "fmt": "write.w.dec", "bits": ["00111111"] },
{ "fmt": "nop", "bits": ["11100000"] },
{ "fmt": "halt", "bits": ["11100001"] },
{ "fmt": "break", "bits": ["11100010"] },
{ "fmt": "di", "bits": ["11100100"] },
{ "fmt": "ei", "bits": ["11100101"] },
{ "fmt": "jump", "bits": ["11101000"] },
{ "fmt": "jump ~abs16", "bits": ["11101001", 0] },
{ "fmt": "call", "bits": ["11101010"] },
{ "fmt": "call ~abs16", "bits": ["11101011", 0] },
{ "fmt": "read.pc", "bits": ["11101100"] },
{ "fmt": "djr.nz ~abs8", "bits": ["11101110"] },
{ "fmt": "djr.b.nz ~abs8", "bits": ["11101110"] },
{ "fmt": "djr.w.nz ~abs8", "bits": ["11101111"] },
{ "fmt": "jr", "bits": ["11110000"] },
{ "fmt": "jr~cond", "bits": ["11110", 0] },
{ "fmt": "ret", "bits": ["11111000"] },
{ "fmt": "ret~cond", "bits": ["11111", 0] }
var vm = require('vm');
var fs = require('fs');
var assert = require('assert');
@ -38,11 +128,16 @@ var includeInThisContext = function(path) {
vm.runInThisContext(code, path);
var femto8_spec = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('presets/verilog/femto8.json'));
var femto16_spec = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('presets/verilog/femto16.json'));
var riscv_spec = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('presets/verilog/riscv.json'));
var assembler = require("gen/worker/assembler.js");
describe('Assemble', function() {
it('Should assemble', function() {
var source = `.arch femto8
it('Should assemble femto8', function() {
let source = `.arch femto8
.org 128
.len 128
@ -76,8 +171,8 @@ WaitVsync:
sta 0
jmp DisplayLoop
var asm = new assembler.Assembler(EXAMPLE_SPEC);
var result = asm.assembleFile(source);
let asm = new assembler.Assembler(EXAMPLE_SPEC);
let result = asm.assembleFile(source);
//assert.equal(result, {});
assert.equal(128, result.origin);
@ -115,27 +210,146 @@ WaitVsync:
it('Should fail', function() {
var source = `.arch femto8
let source = `.arch femto8
zero C
var asm = new assembler.Assembler(EXAMPLE_SPEC);
var result = asm.assembleFile(source);
let asm = new assembler.Assembler(EXAMPLE_SPEC);
let result = asm.assembleFile(source);
[ { msg: "Can't use 'c' here, only one of: a, b, ip, none", line: 2 } ],
it('Should fail 2', function() {
var source = `.arch femto8
mov A, [b]
it('Should assemble femto16', function() {
let source = `
.arch femto16
.org 0x8000
.len 256
mov sp,@$6fff
mov dx,@Fib
jsr dx
mov ax,#1
mov bx,#0
mov cx,ax
add ax,bx
mov bx,cx
push ax
pop ax
mov [42],ax
mov ax,[42]
bcc Loop
var asm = new assembler.Assembler(EXAMPLE_SPEC);
var result = asm.assembleFile(source);
[ { msg: "Can't use 'c' here, only one of: a, b, ip, none", line: 2 } ],
let asm = new assembler.Assembler(femto16_spec);
let result = asm.assembleFile(source);
assert.deepEqual(result.lines, [
{ line: 5, offset: 32768, nbits: 32, insns: '1E58 6FFF' },
{ line: 6, offset: 32770, nbits: 32, insns: '1B58 8006' },
{ line: 7, offset: 32772, nbits: 16, insns: '771E' },
{ line: 8, offset: 32773, nbits: 16, insns: 'B8FF' },
{ line: 10, offset: 32774, nbits: 16, insns: 'D801' },
{ line: 11, offset: 32775, nbits: 16, insns: 'D900' },
{ line: 13, offset: 32776, nbits: 16, insns: '0258' },
{ line: 14, offset: 32777, nbits: 16, insns: '0061' },
{ line: 15, offset: 32778, nbits: 16, insns: '015A' },
{ line: 16, offset: 32779, nbits: 16, insns: '5006' },
{ line: 17, offset: 32780, nbits: 16, insns: '480E' },
{ line: 18, offset: 32781, nbits: 16, insns: '302A' },
{ line: 19, offset: 32782, nbits: 16, insns: '282A' },
{ line: 20, offset: 32783, nbits: 16, insns: '81F8' },
{ line: 21, offset: 32784, nbits: 16, insns: '4F0E' }
it('Should assemble riscv', function() {
let source = `
.arch riscv
.org 0
.len 2048
.width 32
add x1,x2,x2
sub x3,zero,x2
xor x4,x3,x2
addi x5,x4,1234
beq x10,x11,FOO3
; .data 0x7cb504e3
beq x10,x11,FOO ;7CB504E3
lw x6,12(x6)
sb x7,64(x6)
sh x7,68(x7)
sw x7,72(x7)
lui x12,12
let asm = new assembler.Assembler(riscv_spec);
let result = asm.assembleFile(source);
assert.deepEqual(result.lines, [
{ line: 7, offset: 0, nbits: 32, insns: '002100B3' },
{ line: 8, offset: 1, nbits: 32, insns: '402001B3' },
{ line: 9, offset: 2, nbits: 32, insns: '0021C233' },
{ line: 10, offset: 3, nbits: 32, insns: '4D220293' },
{ line: 11, offset: 4, nbits: 32, insns: '00B50263' },
{ line: 14, offset: 5, nbits: 32, insns: 'FEB506E3' },
{ line: 16, offset: 6, nbits: 32, insns: '00C32303' },
{ line: 17, offset: 7, nbits: 32, insns: '04638023' },
{ line: 18, offset: 8, nbits: 32, insns: '04739223' },
{ line: 19, offset: 9, nbits: 32, insns: '0473A423' },
{ line: 20, offset: 10, nbits: 32, insns: '0000C637' }
it('Should assemble 16-bit constants', function() {
let source = `
.arch Beaker8
.org 0
.len 0x4000
.define vramWrite $00
.define vramRead $01
.define vdpReg0 $40
.define vdpReg1 $41
.define vdpReg2 $42
boot: di
jump Init
init: call setTextMode
; // set vdp0 border 1, mode 4 (Text)
send vdpReg0, $14
const.w $2000 ;// length
const.w.0 ;// address
call clrVram
; // w length
; // w address
; // send address to vdp
send vdpReg1
send vdpReg2
; // send 0 to vram
send vramWrite
djr.w.nz _loop
let asm = new assembler.Assembler(BEAKER8_SPEC);
let result = asm.assembleFile(source);
assert.deepEqual(result.lines, [