mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-12-25 15:30:03 +00:00

ecs: no actionstats

This commit is contained in:
Steven Hugg 2022-02-10 22:01:05 -06:00
parent 4584cc778f
commit e461ae41d9
3 changed files with 28 additions and 323 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import { mergeLocs, Token, Tokenizer, TokenType } from "../tokenizer";
import { SourceLocated, SourceLocation } from "../workertypes";
import { newDecoder } from "./decoder";
import { Action, ActionOwner, ActionNode, ActionWithJoin, ArrayType, CodeLiteralNode, CodePlaceholderNode, ComponentType, DataField, DataType, DataValue, ECSError, Entity, EntityArchetype, EntityManager, EntityScope, IntType, Query, RefType, SelectType, SELECT_TYPE, SourceFileExport, System, SystemInstance, SystemInstanceParameters, ComponentFieldPair } from "./ecs";
import { Action, ActionContext, ActionNode, ActionWithJoin, ArrayType, CodeLiteralNode, CodePlaceholderNode, ComponentType, DataField, DataType, DataValue, ECSError, Entity, EntityArchetype, EntityManager, EntityScope, IntType, Query, RefType, SelectType, SELECT_TYPE, SourceFileExport, System, SystemInstance, SystemInstanceParameters, ComponentFieldPair } from "./ecs";
export enum ECSTokenType {
Ellipsis = 'ellipsis',
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ interface ForwardRef {
export class ECSCompiler extends Tokenizer {
currentScope: EntityScope | null = null;
currentContext: ActionOwner | null = null;
currentContext: ActionContext | null = null;
debuginfo = false;
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ export class ECSCompiler extends Tokenizer {
tempbytes = this.expectInteger();
let system : System = { name, tempbytes, actions: [] };
let context : ActionOwner = { scope: null, system };
let context : ActionContext = { scope: null, system };
let text = this.parseCode(context);
let select : SelectType = 'once';
let action : Action = { text, event: name, select };
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ export class ECSCompiler extends Tokenizer {
if (!query) { this.compileError(`A "${select}" query can't include a limit.`); }
else query.limit = this.expectInteger();
let context : ActionOwner = { scope: null, system };
let context : ActionContext = { scope: null, system };
let text = this.parseCode(context);
let direction = undefined;
if (modifiers['asc']) direction = 'asc';
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ export class ECSCompiler extends Tokenizer {
return this.parseList(this.parseEventName, ",");
parseCode(context: ActionOwner): string { // TODOActionNode[] {
parseCode(context: ActionContext): string { // TODOActionNode[] {
// TODO: add $loc
let tok = this.expectTokenTypes([ECSTokenType.CodeFragment]);
let code = tok.str.substring(3, tok.str.length-3);
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ export class ECSCompiler extends Tokenizer {
export class ECSActionCompiler extends Tokenizer {
public readonly context: ActionOwner)
public readonly context: ActionContext)

View File

@ -74,25 +74,23 @@ export const SELECT_TYPE = ['once', 'foreach', 'join', 'with', 'if', 'select'] a
export type SelectType = typeof SELECT_TYPE[number];
export class ActionStats {
callcount: number = 0;
export interface ActionOwner {
export interface ActionContext {
system: System
scope: EntityScope | null
export class ActionNode implements SourceLocated {
public readonly owner: ActionOwner,
public readonly owner: ActionContext,
public readonly $loc: SourceLocation
) { }
children?: ActionNode[];
export class CodeLiteralNode extends ActionNode {
owner: ActionOwner,
owner: ActionContext,
$loc: SourceLocation,
public readonly text: string
) {
@ -102,7 +100,7 @@ export class CodeLiteralNode extends ActionNode {
export class CodePlaceholderNode extends ActionNode {
owner: ActionOwner,
owner: ActionContext,
$loc: SourceLocation,
public readonly args: string[]
) {
@ -110,6 +108,15 @@ export class CodePlaceholderNode extends ActionNode {
class QueryNode extends ActionNode {
class WrapperNode extends ActionNode {
class LoopNode extends ActionNode {
export interface ActionBase extends SourceLocated {
select: SelectType;
@ -518,10 +525,6 @@ class ActionCPUState {
yofs: number = 0;
class ActionContext {
class ActionEval {
em : EntityManager;
dialect : Dialect_CA65;
@ -541,8 +544,10 @@ class ActionEval {
this.oldState = scope.state;
this.tmplabel = this.dialect.tempLabel(this.instance);
let q = (action as ActionWithQuery).query;
if (q) this.qr = new EntitySet(scope, q);
else this.qr = new EntitySet(scope, undefined, [], []);
if (q)
this.qr = new EntitySet(scope, q);
this.qr = new EntitySet(scope, undefined, [], []);
// TODO? error if none?
if (instance.params.refEntity && instance.params.refField) {
let rf = instance.params.refField;
@ -890,7 +895,6 @@ export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
entities: Entity[] = [];
fieldtypes: { [name: string]: 'init' | 'const' } = {};
sysstats = new Map<SystemInstance, SystemStats>();
actionstats = new Map<Action, ActionStats>();
bss = new UninitDataSegment();
rodata = new ConstDataSegment();
code = new CodeSegment();
@ -1157,7 +1161,6 @@ export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
s += this.dialect.comment(`end action ${sys.name} ${inst.id} ${event}`);
// TODO: check that this happens once?
@ -1171,14 +1174,6 @@ export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
return stats;
getActionStats(action: Action) : ActionStats {
let stats = this.actionstats.get(action);
if (!stats) {
stats = new ActionStats();
this.actionstats.set(action, stats);
return stats;
updateTempLiveness(inst: SystemInstance) {
let stats = this.getSystemStats(inst);
let n = this.eventSeq;
@ -1251,9 +1246,6 @@ export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
// TODO?
console.log(inst.system.name, this.getSystemStats(inst));
for (let action of Array.from(this.actionstats.keys())) {
console.log(action.event, this.getActionStats(action));
private dumpCodeTo(file: SourceFileExport) {
let dialect = this.dialect;

View File

@ -1,295 +1,11 @@
import assert from "assert";
import { execFileSync, spawnSync } from "child_process";
import { spawnSync } from "child_process";
import { readdirSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs";
import { describe } from "mocha";
import { Bin, BoxConstraints, Packer } from "../common/ecs/binpack";
import { ECSActionCompiler, ECSCompiler } from "../common/ecs/compiler";
import { ECSCompiler } from "../common/ecs/compiler";
import { Dialect_CA65, EntityManager, SourceFileExport } from "../common/ecs/ecs";
const TEMPLATE1 = `
{{emit preframe}}
lsr SWCHB ; test Game Reset switch
bcs @NoStart
jmp Start
jmp @NextFrame
const TEMPLATE4_S1 = `
.macro @KernelSetup ent,ofs
lda #192 ; TODO: numlines
sbc ypos_ypos_b0+ent
sta {{local 5}}+ofs
ldy hasbitmap_bitmap_b0+ent
lda bitmap_bitmapdata_b0,y
sbc {{$5}}+ofs
sta {{$0}}+ofs
lda bitmap_bitmapdata_b8,y
sbc #0
sta {{$1}}+ofs
ldy hascolormap_colormap_b0+ent
lda colormap_colormapdata_b0,y
sbc {{$5}}+ofs
sta {{$2}}+ofs
lda colormap_colormapdata_b8,y
sbc #0
sta {{$3}}+ofs
lda sprite_height_b0+ent
sta {{$4}}+ofs
lda ypos_ypos_b0+ent
sta {{$5}}+ofs
const TEMPLATE4_S2 = `
@KernelSetup 0,0
@KernelSetup 1,6
// https://atariage.com/forums/topic/75982-skipdraw-and-graphics/?tab=comments#comment-928232
// https://atariage.com/forums/topic/129683-advice-on-a-masking-kernel/
// https://atariage.com/forums/topic/128147-having-trouble-with-2-free-floating-player-graphics/?tab=comments#comment-1547059
const TEMPLATE4_K = `
lda {{byte bgcolor}}
ldy {{byte lines}}
lda {{$4}} ; height
dcp {{$5}}
bcs @DoDraw1
lda #0
.byte $2C
lda ({{$0}}),y
sta GRP0
lda ({{$2}}),y
sta COLUP0
lda {{$10}} ; height
dcp {{$11}}
bcs @DoDraw2
lda #0
.byte $2C
lda ({{$6}}),y
sta GRP1
lda ({{$8}}),y
sta COLUP1
dey ; decrement
bne @LVScan ; repeat until 192 lines
const SET_XPOS = `
lda {{byte xpos}}
ldy {{byte plyrindex}}
jsr {{use SetHorizPos}}
; SetHorizPos routine
; A = X coordinate
; Y = player number (0 or 1)
sta WSYNC ; start a new line
sec ; set carry flag
sbc #15 ; subtract 15
bcs @DivideLoop ; branch until negative
eor #7 ; calculate fine offset
sta RESP0,y ; fix coarse position
sta HMP0,y ; set fine offset
rts ; return to caller
MemSrc equ $80
MemDest equ $82
ldy #0
lda (MemSrc),y
beq .done
lda (MemSrc),y
sta MemDest
lda (MemSrc),y
sta MemDest+1
lda (MemSrc),y
sta (MemDest),y
bne .loop
.done rts
function testECS() {
let em = new EntityManager(new Dialect_CA65());
let c_kernel = em.defineComponent({
name: 'kernel', fields: [
{ name: 'lines', dtype: 'int', lo: 0, hi: 255 },
{ name: 'bgcolor', dtype: 'int', lo: 0, hi: 255 },
let c_sprite = em.defineComponent({
name: 'sprite', fields: [
{ name: 'height', dtype: 'int', lo: 0, hi: 255 },
{ name: 'plyrindex', dtype: 'int', lo: 0, hi: 1 },
let c_plyrflags = em.defineComponent({
name: 'nusizable', fields: [
{ name: 'plyrflags', dtype: 'int', lo: 0, hi: 63 },
let c_player = em.defineComponent({
name: 'player', fields: [
//TODO: optional?
let c_bitmap = em.defineComponent({
name: 'bitmap', fields: [
{ name: 'bitmapdata', dtype: 'array', elem: { dtype: 'int', lo: 0, hi: 255 } }
let c_colormap = em.defineComponent({
name: 'colormap', fields: [
{ name: 'colormapdata', dtype: 'array', elem: { dtype: 'int', lo: 0, hi: 255 } }
let c_hasbitmap = em.defineComponent({
name: 'hasbitmap', fields: [
{ name: 'bitmap', dtype: 'ref', query: { include: [c_bitmap] } },
let c_hascolormap = em.defineComponent({
name: 'hascolormap', fields: [
{ name: 'colormap', dtype: 'ref', query: { include: [c_colormap] } },
let c_xpos = em.defineComponent({
name: 'xpos', fields: [
{ name: 'xpos', dtype: 'int', lo: 0, hi: 255 }
let c_ypos = em.defineComponent({
name: 'ypos', fields: [
{ name: 'ypos', dtype: 'int', lo: 0, hi: 255 }
// init -> [start] -> frameloop
// frameloop -> [preframe] [kernel] [postframe]
// temp between preframe + frame?
// TODO: check names for identifierness
name: 'kernel_simple',
tempbytes: 12,
actions: [
text: TEMPLATE4_S1, event: 'preframe', select: 'with', query: {
include: [c_kernel]
// TODO: should include kernel for numlines
text: TEMPLATE4_S2, event: 'preframe', select: 'with', query: {
include: [c_sprite, c_hasbitmap, c_hascolormap, c_ypos],
text: TEMPLATE4_K, event: 'kernel', select: 'with', query: {
include: [c_kernel]
name: 'set_xpos',
actions: [
text: SET_XPOS, event: 'preframe', select: 'foreach', query: {
include: [c_sprite, c_xpos]
//{ text:SETHORIZPOS },
// https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.entities@0.17/manual/ecs_systems.html
name: 'frameloop',
actions: [
{ text: TEMPLATE1, event: 'start', select: 'with', query: { include: [c_kernel] } }
name: 'SetHorizPos',
actions: [
{ text: SETHORIZPOS, event: 'SetHorizPos', select: 'with', query: { include: [c_xpos] } },
let root = em.newScope("Root");
let scene = em.newScope("Scene", root);
let e_ekernel = root.newEntity({ components: [c_kernel] });
root.setConstValue(e_ekernel, c_kernel, 'lines', 192);
//root.setConstValue(e_ekernel, c_kernel, 'bgcolor', 0x92);
root.setInitValue(e_ekernel, c_kernel, 'bgcolor', 0x92);
let e_bitmap0 = root.newEntity({ components: [c_bitmap] });
// TODO: store array sizes?
root.setConstValue(e_bitmap0, c_bitmap, 'bitmapdata', new Uint8Array([1, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127]));
let e_colormap0 = root.newEntity({ components: [c_colormap] });
root.setConstValue(e_colormap0, c_colormap, 'colormapdata', new Uint8Array([6, 3, 6, 9, 12, 14, 31, 63]));
let ea_playerSprite = { components: [c_sprite, c_hasbitmap, c_hascolormap, c_xpos, c_ypos, c_player] };
let e_player0 = root.newEntity(ea_playerSprite);
root.setConstValue(e_player0, c_sprite, 'plyrindex', 0);
root.setInitValue(e_player0, c_sprite, 'height', 8);
root.setInitValue(e_player0, c_xpos, 'xpos', 50);
root.setInitValue(e_player0, c_ypos, 'ypos', 50);
let e_player1 = root.newEntity(ea_playerSprite);
root.setConstValue(e_player1, c_sprite, 'plyrindex', 1);
root.setInitValue(e_player1, c_sprite, 'height', 8);
root.setInitValue(e_player1, c_xpos, 'xpos', 100);
root.setInitValue(e_player1, c_ypos, 'ypos', 60);
//console.log(em.archetypesMatching({ include:['xpos','ypos']})[0])
let src = new SourceFileExport();
function testCompiler() {
let em = new EntityManager(new Dialect_CA65()); // TODO
let c = new ECSCompiler(em);
@ -359,9 +75,6 @@ end
// TODO: jsr OperModeExecutionTree?
describe('Tokenizer', function() {
it('Should use API', function() {
it('Should use Compiler', function() {