mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 12:29:06 +00:00
ecs: moved query ops to exprs
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,11 +17,12 @@
var keywords1, keywords2;
var directives_list = [
'end', 'component', 'system', 'entity', 'scope', 'using', 'demo', 'decode', 'resource',
'begin', 'end',
'component', 'system', 'entity', 'scope', 'using', 'demo', 'decode', 'resource',
'const', 'locals', 'var',
'enum', 'default', 'array', 'baseoffset', 'critical',
'enum', 'default', 'array', 'baseoffset', 'critical', 'fit', 'asc', 'desc',
'on', 'do', 'emit', 'limit',
'once', 'foreach', 'with', 'join', 'if',
'once', 'foreach', 'with', 'join', 'if', 'select', 'unroll',
var keywords_list = [
@ -189,3 +189,25 @@ Slice PNGs into sprites
Maybe output decoder text
Action priorities - before, after
Generate C symbols
- when to intersect / union / start over
- with vs. foreach limit 1 (at top level)
- once vs begin/end
- mapping of regs vs working set
- debug info into source code (and make listing work)
// subtract one when player wraps around vertically
on ymoved do begin
lda {{<ypos}}
bne @nowrap
select [#PlayerScore] ---
{{!SubBCD2 1}}}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import { mergeLocs, Token, Tokenizer, TokenType } from "../tokenizer";
import { SourceLocated, SourceLocation } from "../workertypes";
import { newDecoder } from "./decoder";
import { Action, ActionContext, ActionNode, ActionWithJoin, ArrayType, CodeLiteralNode, CodePlaceholderNode, ComponentType, DataField, DataType, DataValue, ECSError, Entity, EntityArchetype, EntityManager, EntityScope, IntType, Query, RefType, SelectType, SELECT_TYPE, SourceFileExport, System, SystemInstance, SystemInstanceParameters, ComponentFieldPair, Expr, ExprBase, ForwardRef, isLiteral, EntityFieldOp, LExpr, Statement } from "./ecs";
import { Action, ActionContext, ArrayType, CodeLiteralNode, CodePlaceholderNode, ComponentType, DataField, DataType, DataValue, ECSError, Entity, EntityArchetype, EntityManager, EntityScope, IntType, Query, RefType, SelectType, SELECT_TYPE, SourceFileExport, System, SystemInstance, SystemInstanceParameters, ComponentFieldPair, Expr, ExprBase, ForwardRef, isLiteral, EntityFieldOp, LExpr, Statement, QueryExpr } from "./ecs";
export enum ECSTokenType {
Ellipsis = 'ellipsis',
@ -349,9 +349,8 @@ export class ECSCompiler extends Tokenizer {
tempbytes = this.parseIntegerConstant();
let system: System = { name, tempbytes, actions: [] };
let select: SelectType = 'once';
let expr = this.parseBlockStatement();
let action: Action = { expr, event: name, select };
let action: Action = { expr, event: name };
return system;
@ -360,36 +359,14 @@ export class ECSCompiler extends Tokenizer {
// TODO: unused events?
const event = this.expectIdent().str;
// TODO: include modifiers in error msg
const select = this.expectTokens(SELECT_TYPE).str as SelectType; // TODO: type check?
const all_modifiers = ['critical', 'asc', 'desc']; // TODO
let query = undefined;
let join = undefined;
if (select == 'once') {
if (this.peekToken().str == '[') this.compileError(`A "${select}" action can't include a query.`)
} else {
query = this.parseQuery();
if (select == 'join') {
join = this.parseQuery();
if (this.ifToken('limit')) {
if (!query) { this.compileError(`A "${select}" query can't include a limit.`); }
else query.limit = this.parseIntegerConstant();
const modifiers = this.parseModifiers(all_modifiers);
let fitbytes = undefined;
if (this.ifToken('fit')) {
fitbytes = this.parseIntegerConstant();
let direction = undefined;
if (modifiers['asc']) direction = 'asc';
else if (modifiers['desc']) direction = 'desc';
let critical = undefined;
if (this.ifToken('critical')) critical = true;
if (this.ifToken('fit')) fitbytes = this.parseIntegerConstant();
let expr = this.parseBlockStatement();
let action = { expr, event, query, join, select, direction, fitbytes };
if (modifiers['critical']) (action as ActionWithJoin).critical = true;
return action as ActionWithJoin;
//query, join, select, direction,
let action : Action = { expr, event, fitbytes, critical };
return action as Action;
parseQuery() {
@ -794,12 +771,11 @@ export class ECSCompiler extends Tokenizer {
return this.parseList(this.parseExpr, ',');
parseBlockStatement(): Statement {
let valtype : IntType = { dtype:'int', lo:0, hi: 0 }
let valtype : IntType = { dtype:'int', lo:0, hi: 0 } // TODO?
if (this.peekToken().type == ECSTokenType.CodeFragment) {
return { valtype, code: this.parseCode() };
let cmd = this.expectTokens(['end','begin']);
if (cmd.str == 'begin') {
if (this.ifToken('begin')) {
let stmts = [];
while (this.peekToken().str != 'end') {
@ -807,7 +783,37 @@ export class ECSCompiler extends Tokenizer {
return { valtype, stmts };
throw this.internalError();
let cmd = this.peekToken();
if (SELECT_TYPE.includes(cmd.str as any)) {
return this.parseQueryStatement();
throw this.compileError(`There should be a statement or "end" here.`, cmd.$loc);
parseQueryStatement() : QueryExpr {
// TODO: include modifiers in error msg
const select = this.expectTokens(SELECT_TYPE).str as SelectType; // TODO: type check?
let query = undefined;
let join = undefined;
if (select == 'once') {
if (this.peekToken().str == '[') this.compileError(`A "${select}" action can't include a query.`)
} else {
query = this.parseQuery();
if (select == 'join') {
join = this.parseQuery();
if (this.ifToken('limit')) {
if (!query) { this.compileError(`A "${select}" query can't include a limit.`); }
else query.limit = this.parseIntegerConstant();
const all_modifiers = ['asc', 'desc']; // TODO
const modifiers = this.parseModifiers(all_modifiers);
let direction = undefined;
if (modifiers['asc']) direction = 'asc';
else if (modifiers['desc']) direction = 'desc';
let body = this.parseBlockStatement();
return { select, query, join, direction, stmts: [body], loop: select == 'foreach' } as QueryExpr;
@ -113,31 +113,13 @@ export class CodePlaceholderNode extends ActionNode {
export interface ActionBase extends SourceLocated {
select: SelectType;
export interface Action extends SourceLocated {
event: string;
expr: Statement;
critical?: boolean;
fitbytes?: number;
export interface ActionOnce extends ActionBase {
select: 'once'
export interface ActionWithQuery extends ActionBase {
select: 'foreach' | 'join' | 'with' | 'if' | 'select' | 'unroll'
query: Query
direction?: 'asc' | 'desc'
export interface ActionWithJoin extends ActionWithQuery {
select: 'join'
join?: Query
export type Action = ActionWithQuery | ActionWithJoin | ActionOnce;
export type DataValue = number | boolean | Uint8Array | Uint16Array | Uint32Array;
export type DataField = { name: string; $loc: SourceLocation } & DataType;
@ -196,7 +178,7 @@ export interface ForwardRef extends SourceLocated {
export type LExpr = IndOp | EntityFieldOp;
export type Statement = InlineCode | BlockExpr;
export type Statement = InlineCode | BlockExpr | QueryExpr;
export type Expr = BinOp | UnOp | Literal | ForwardRef | LExpr | Statement;
export type Opcode = string;
@ -235,11 +217,6 @@ export interface CondOp extends ExprBase {
iffalse?: Expr;
export interface BlockExpr extends ExprBase {
loop?: boolean;
stmts: Expr[];
export interface BranchOp extends ExprBase {
branch: BlockExpr;
@ -257,6 +234,19 @@ export interface InlineCode extends ExprBase {
code: string;
export interface BlockExpr extends ExprBase {
loop?: boolean;
stmts: Expr[];
export interface QueryExpr extends BlockExpr {
select: SelectType
query: Query
direction?: 'asc' | 'desc'
join?: Query
export function isLiteral(arg: Expr): arg is Literal {
return (arg as any).value != null;
@ -278,6 +268,9 @@ export function isBlockStmt(arg: Expr): arg is BlockExpr {
export function isInlineCode(arg: Expr): arg is InlineCode {
return (arg as any).code != null;
export function isQueryExpr(arg: Expr): arg is QueryExpr {
return (arg as any).query != null;
@ -630,6 +623,12 @@ class EntitySet {
let atypes = this.atypes.filter(a1 => qr.atypes.find(a2 => a2 == a1));
return new EntitySet(this.scope, undefined, atypes, ents);
union(qr: EntitySet) {
// TODO: remove dups
let ents = this.entities.concat(qr.entities);
let atypes = this.atypes.concat(qr.atypes);
return new EntitySet(this.scope, undefined, atypes, ents);
isContiguous() {
if (this.entities.length == 0) return true;
let id = this.entities[0].id;
@ -700,6 +699,8 @@ class IndexRegister {
// todo: generalize
class ActionCPUState {
working: EntitySet;
props: {[key: string] : string};
xreg: IndexRegister | null = null;
yreg: IndexRegister | null = null;
@ -707,10 +708,6 @@ class ActionCPUState {
class ActionEval {
em : EntityManager;
dialect : Dialect_CA65;
qr: EntitySet;
jr: EntitySet | undefined;
oldState : ActionCPUState;
entities : Entity[];
tmplabel = '';
label : string;
seq : number;
@ -724,25 +721,7 @@ class ActionEval {
this.em = scope.em;
this.dialect = scope.em.dialect;
this.oldState = scope.state;
this.tmplabel = this.dialect.tempLabel(this.instance);
let q = (action as ActionWithQuery).query;
if (q)
this.qr = new EntitySet(scope, q);
this.qr = new EntitySet(scope, undefined, [], []);
// TODO? error if none?
if (instance.params.refEntity && instance.params.refField) {
let rf = instance.params.refField;
if (rf.f.dtype == 'ref') {
let rq = rf.f.query;
this.qr = this.qr.intersection(new EntitySet(scope, rq));
//console.log('with', instance.params, rq, this.qr);
} else if (instance.params.query) {
this.qr = this.qr.intersection(new EntitySet(scope, instance.params.query));
this.entities = this.qr.entities;
//let query = (this.action as ActionWithQuery).query;
//TODO? if (query && this.entities.length == 0)
//throw new ECSError(`query doesn't match any entities`, query); // TODO
@ -750,131 +729,13 @@ class ActionEval {
this.label = `${this.instance.system.name}__${action.event}__${this.seq}`;
begin() {
let state = this.scope.state = Object.assign(new ActionCPUState(), this.scope.state);
// TODO: generalize to other cpus/langs
switch (this.action.select) {
case 'once':
state.xreg = state.yreg = null;
case 'foreach':
case 'unroll':
if (state.xreg && state.yreg) throw new ECSError('no more index registers', this.action);
if (state.xreg) state.yreg = new IndexRegister(this.scope, this.qr);
else state.xreg = new IndexRegister(this.scope, this.qr);
case 'join':
// TODO: Joins don't work in superman (arrays offset?)
// ignore the join query, use the ref
if (state.xreg || state.yreg) throw new ECSError('no free index registers for join', this.action);
this.jr = new EntitySet(this.scope, (this.action as ActionWithJoin).join);
state.xreg = new IndexRegister(this.scope, this.jr);
state.yreg = new IndexRegister(this.scope, this.qr);
case 'if':
case 'with':
// TODO: what if not in X because 1 element?
if (state.xreg && state.xreg.eset) {
state.xreg = state.xreg.narrow(this.qr, this.action);
if (state.xreg == null || state.xreg.eset?.entities == null) {
if (this.action.select == 'if') {
this.entities = [];
break; // "if" failed
} else {
throw new ECSError(`no entities in statement`, this.action);
} else {
this.entities = state.xreg.eset.entities; // TODO?
} else if (this.action.select == 'with') {
if (this.instance.params.refEntity && this.instance.params.refField) {
if (state.xreg)
state.xreg.eset = this.qr;
state.xreg = new IndexRegister(this.scope, this.qr);
// ???
} else if (this.qr.entities.length != 1)
throw new ECSError(`${this.instance.system.name} query outside of loop must match exactly one entity`, this.action); //TODO
end() {
this.scope.state = this.oldState;
codeToString(): string {
const allowEmpty = ['if','foreach','unroll','join'];
if (this.entities.length == 0 && allowEmpty.includes(this.action.select))
return '';
let { code, props } = this.getCodeAndProps(this.action);
// replace @labels
code = this.replaceLabels(code, this.label);
// replace {{...}} tags
// TODO: use nodes instead
code = this.replaceTags(code, this.action, props);
let code = this.exprToCode(this.action.expr);
return code;
private getCodeAndProps(action: Action) {
let code = this.exprToCode(action.expr);
let props: { [name: string]: string } = {};
if (action.select != 'once') {
// TODO: detect cycles
// TODO: "source"?
// TODO: what if only 1 item?
// TODO: what if join is subset of items?
if (action.select == 'join' && this.jr) {
//let jentities = this.jr.entities;
// TODO? if (jentities.length == 0) return '';
// TODO? throw new ECSError(`join query doesn't match any entities`, (action as ActionWithJoin).join); // TODO
let joinfield = this.getJoinField(action, this.qr.atypes, this.jr.atypes);
// TODO: what if only 1 item?
// TODO: should be able to access fields via Y reg
code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, action, this.qr.entities, joinfield);
props['%joinfield'] = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(joinfield.c, joinfield.f, 0); //TODO?
// select subset of entities
let fullEntityCount = this.qr.entities.length; //entities.length.toString();
let entities = this.entities;
// TODO: let loopreduce = !loopents || entities.length < loopents.length;
//console.log(action.event, entities.length, loopents.length);
// filter entities from loop?
// TODO: when to ignore if entities.length == 1 and not in for loop?
if (action.select == 'with') {
// TODO? when to load x?
if (this.instance.params.refEntity && this.instance.params.refField) {
let re = this.instance.params.refEntity;
let rf = this.instance.params.refField;
code = this.wrapCodeInRefLookup(code);
// TODO: only fetches 1st entity in list, need offset
let range = this.scope.getFieldRange(rf.c, rf.f.name);
let eidofs = re.id - range.elo;
props['%reffield'] = `${this.dialect.fieldsymbol(rf.c, rf.f, 0)}+${eidofs}`;
} else {
code = this.wrapCodeInFilter(code);
if (action.select == 'if') {
code = this.wrapCodeInFilter(code);
if (action.select == 'foreach' && entities.length > 1) {
code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, action, this.qr.entities);
if (action.select == 'unroll' && entities.length > 1) {
throw new ECSError('unroll is not yet implemented');
// define properties
if (entities.length) {
props['%elo'] = entities[0].id.toString();
props['%ehi'] = entities[entities.length - 1].id.toString();
props['%ecount'] = entities.length.toString();
props['%efullcount'] = fullEntityCount.toString();
props['%xofs'] = (this.scope.state.xreg?.offset() || 0).toString();
props['%yofs'] = (this.scope.state.yreg?.offset() || 0).toString();
return { code, props };
private replaceTags(code: string, action: Action, props: { [name: string]: string; }) {
const tag_re = /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g;
code = code.replace(tag_re, (entire, group: string) => {
@ -924,7 +785,7 @@ class ActionEval {
parseFieldArgs(args: string[]) {
let fieldName = args[0];
let bitofs = parseInt(args[1] || '0');
let component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName(this.qr.atypes, fieldName, this.action);
let component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName(this.scope.state.working.atypes, fieldName, this.action);
let field = component.fields.find(f => f.name == fieldName);
if (field == null) throw new ECSError(`no field named "${fieldName}" in component`, this.action);
return { component, field, bitofs };
@ -935,14 +796,16 @@ class ActionEval {
__data(args: string[]) {
let { component, field, bitofs } = this.parseFieldArgs(args);
if (this.qr.entities.length != 1) throw new ECSError(`data operates on exactly one entity`, this.action); // TODO?
let eid = this.qr.entities[0].id; // TODO?
let entities = this.scope.state.working.entities;
if (entities.length != 1) throw new ECSError(`data operates on exactly one entity`, this.action); // TODO?
let eid = entities[0].id; // TODO?
return this.dialect.datasymbol(component, field, eid, bitofs);
__const(args: string[]) {
let { component, field, bitofs } = this.parseFieldArgs(args);
if (this.qr.entities.length != 1) throw new ECSError(`const operates on exactly one entity`, this.action); // TODO?
let constVal = this.qr.entities[0].consts[mksymbol(component, field.name)];
let entities = this.scope.state.working.entities;
if (entities.length != 1) throw new ECSError(`const operates on exactly one entity`, this.action); // TODO?
let constVal = entities[0].consts[mksymbol(component, field.name)];
if (constVal === undefined) throw new ECSError(`field is not constant`, this.action); // TODO?
if (typeof constVal !== 'number') throw new ECSError(`field is not numeric`, this.action); // TODO?
return constVal << bitofs;
@ -951,7 +814,8 @@ class ActionEval {
// TODO: check select type and if we actually have an index...
let ident = args[0];
let index = parseInt(args[1] || '0');
if (this.entities.length == 1) {
let entities = this.scope.state.working.entities;
if (entities.length == 1) {
return this.dialect.absolute(ident);
} else {
return this.dialect.indexed_x(ident, index); //TODO?
@ -989,40 +853,9 @@ class ActionEval {
let startSymbol = this.dialect.scopeSymbol(args[0]);
return this.dialect.jump(startSymbol);
wrapCodeInLoop(code: string, action: ActionWithQuery, ents: Entity[], joinfield?: ComponentFieldPair): string {
// TODO: check ents
// TODO: check segment bounds
// TODO: what if 0 or 1 entitites?
// TODO: check > 127 or > 255
let dir = action.direction;
let s = dir == 'desc' ? this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_EACH_DESC : this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_EACH_ASC;
if (joinfield) s = dir == 'desc' ? this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_JOIN_DESC : this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_JOIN_ASC;
s = s.replace('{{%code}}', code);
return s;
wrapCodeInFilter(code: string) {
// TODO: :-p filters too often?
const ents = this.entities;
const ents2 = this.oldState.xreg?.eset?.entities;
if (ents && ents2) {
let lo = ents[0].id;
let hi = ents[ents.length - 1].id;
let lo2 = ents2[0].id;
let hi2 = ents2[ents2.length - 1].id;
if (lo != lo2)
code = this.dialect.ASM_FILTER_RANGE_LO_X.replace('{{%code}}', code);
if (hi != hi2)
code = this.dialect.ASM_FILTER_RANGE_HI_X.replace('{{%code}}', code);
return code;
wrapCodeInRefLookup(code: string) {
code = this.dialect.ASM_LOOKUP_REF_X.replace('{{%code}}', code);
return code;
generateCodeForField(fieldName: string, bitofs: number, canWrite: boolean): string {
const action = this.action;
const qr = this.jr || this.qr; // TODO: why not both!
const qr = this.scope.state.working;
var component: ComponentType;
var baseLookup = false;
@ -1041,12 +874,12 @@ class ActionEval {
let [cname, fname] = fieldName.split(':');
component = this.em.getComponentByName(cname);
if (component == null) throw new ECSError(`no component named "${cname}"`, action)
entities = this.entities;
entities = this.scope.state.working.entities;
fieldName = fname;
baseLookup = true;
} else {
component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName(qr.atypes, fieldName, action);
entities = this.entities;
entities = this.scope.state.working.entities;
// find archetypes
let field = component.fields.find(f => f.name == fieldName);
@ -1145,14 +978,221 @@ class ActionEval {
return false;
exprToCode(expr: Expr) : string {
if (isQueryExpr(expr)) {
return this.queryExprToCode(expr);
if (isBlockStmt(expr)) {
return expr.stmts.map(node => this.exprToCode(node)).join('\n');
return this.blockStmtToCode(expr);
if (isInlineCode(expr)) {
return expr.code;
return this.evalInlineCode(expr.code);
throw new ECSError(`cannot convert expression to code`, expr);
evalInlineCode(code: string) {
let props = this.scope.state.props || {};
// replace @labels
code = this.replaceLabels(code, this.label);
// replace {{...}} tags
// TODO: use nodes instead
code = this.replaceTags(code, this.action, props);
return code;
blockStmtToCode(expr: BlockExpr) {
return expr.stmts.map(node => this.exprToCode(node)).join('\n');
queryExprToCode(qexpr: QueryExpr) : string {
//console.log('query', this.action.event, qexpr.select, qexpr.query.include);
let q = this.startQuery(qexpr);
const allowEmpty = ['if','foreach','unroll','join'];
if (q.working.entities.length == 0 && allowEmpty.includes(qexpr.select)) {
//console.log('empty', this.action.event);
return '';
} else {
this.scope.state.working = q.working;
this.scope.state.props = q.props;
//console.log('begin', this.action.event, this.scope.state);
q.code = this.evalInlineCode(q.code);
let body = this.blockStmtToCode(qexpr);
//console.log('end', this.action.event, this.scope.state);
body = q.code.replace('%%CODE%%', body);
return body;
startQuery(qexpr: QueryExpr) {
let oldState = this.scope.state;
let state = this.scope.state = Object.assign(new ActionCPUState(), oldState);
const action = this.action;
const scope = this.scope;
const instance = this.instance;
let select = qexpr.select;
let q = qexpr.query;
let qr;
let jr;
if (q)
qr = new EntitySet(scope, q);
qr = new EntitySet(scope, undefined, [], []);
// TODO? error if none?
if (instance.params.refEntity && instance.params.refField) {
let rf = instance.params.refField;
if (rf.f.dtype == 'ref') {
let rq = rf.f.query;
qr = qr.intersection(new EntitySet(scope, rq));
//console.log('with', instance.params, rq, this.qr);
} else if (instance.params.query) {
qr = qr.intersection(new EntitySet(scope, instance.params.query));
let entities = qr.entities;
// TODO: generalize to other cpus/langs
switch (select) {
case 'once':
// TODO: how is this different from begin/end?
//state.xreg = state.yreg = null;
case 'foreach':
case 'unroll':
if (state.xreg && state.yreg) throw new ECSError('no more index registers', action);
if (state.xreg) state.yreg = new IndexRegister(scope, qr);
else state.xreg = new IndexRegister(scope, qr);
case 'join':
// TODO: Joins don't work in superman (arrays offset?)
// ignore the join query, use the ref
if (state.xreg || state.yreg) throw new ECSError('no free index registers for join', action);
jr = new EntitySet(scope, qexpr.join);
state.xreg = new IndexRegister(scope, jr);
state.yreg = new IndexRegister(scope, qr);
case 'if':
case 'with':
// TODO: what if not in X because 1 element?
if (state.xreg && state.xreg.eset) {
state.xreg = state.xreg.narrow(qr, action);
if (state.xreg == null || state.xreg.eset?.entities == null) {
if (select == 'if') {
entities = [];
break; // "if" failed
} else {
throw new ECSError(`no entities in statement`, action);
} else {
entities = state.xreg.eset.entities; // TODO?
} else if (select == 'with') {
if (instance.params.refEntity && instance.params.refField) {
if (state.xreg)
state.xreg.eset = qr;
state.xreg = new IndexRegister(scope, qr);
// ???
} else if (qr.entities.length != 1) {
throw new ECSError(`${instance.system.name} query outside of loop must match exactly one entity`, action); //TODO
let code = '%%CODE%%';
let props: { [name: string]: string } = {};
// TODO: detect cycles
// TODO: "source"?
// TODO: what if only 1 item?
// TODO: what if join is subset of items?
if (select == 'join' && jr) {
//let jentities = this.jr.entities;
// TODO?
// TODO? throw new ECSError(`join query doesn't match any entities`, (action as ActionWithJoin).join); // TODO
//console.log('join', qr, jr);
if (qr.entities.length) {
let joinfield = this.getJoinField(action, qr.atypes, jr.atypes);
// TODO: what if only 1 item?
// TODO: should be able to access fields via Y reg
code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, qexpr, qr.entities, joinfield);
props['%joinfield'] = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(joinfield.c, joinfield.f, 0); //TODO?
// select subset of entities
let fullEntityCount = qr.entities.length; //entities.length.toString();
// TODO: let loopreduce = !loopents || entities.length < loopents.length;
//console.log(action.event, entities.length, loopents.length);
// filter entities from loop?
// TODO: when to ignore if entities.length == 1 and not in for loop?
if (select == 'with') {
// TODO? when to load x?
if (this.instance.params.refEntity && this.instance.params.refField) {
let re = this.instance.params.refEntity;
let rf = this.instance.params.refField;
code = this.wrapCodeInRefLookup(code);
// TODO: only fetches 1st entity in list, need offset
let range = this.scope.getFieldRange(rf.c, rf.f.name);
let eidofs = re.id - range.elo;
props['%reffield'] = `${this.dialect.fieldsymbol(rf.c, rf.f, 0)}+${eidofs}`;
} else {
code = this.wrapCodeInFilter(code, qr, oldState);
if (select == 'if') {
code = this.wrapCodeInFilter(code, qr, oldState);
if (select == 'foreach' && entities.length > 1) {
code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, qexpr, qr.entities);
if (select == 'unroll' && entities.length > 1) {
throw new ECSError('unroll is not yet implemented');
// define properties
if (entities.length) {
props['%elo'] = entities[0].id.toString();
props['%ehi'] = entities[entities.length - 1].id.toString();
props['%ecount'] = entities.length.toString();
props['%efullcount'] = fullEntityCount.toString();
props['%xofs'] = (this.scope.state.xreg?.offset() || 0).toString();
props['%yofs'] = (this.scope.state.yreg?.offset() || 0).toString();
let working = jr ? jr.union(qr) : qr;
working.entities = entities; // TODO? not good...
//console.log('working', action.event, working.entities.length, entities.length);
return { working, oldState, props, code };
endQuery(q : { oldState: ActionCPUState }) {
this.scope.state = q.oldState;
wrapCodeInLoop(code: string, qexpr: QueryExpr, ents: Entity[], joinfield?: ComponentFieldPair): string {
// TODO: check ents
// TODO: check segment bounds
// TODO: what if 0 or 1 entitites?
// TODO: check > 127 or > 255
let dir = qexpr.direction;
let s = dir == 'desc' ? this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_EACH_DESC : this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_EACH_ASC;
if (joinfield) s = dir == 'desc' ? this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_JOIN_DESC : this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_JOIN_ASC;
s = s.replace('{{%code}}', code);
return s;
wrapCodeInFilter(code: string, qr: EntitySet, oldState: ActionCPUState) {
// TODO: :-p filters too often?
const ents = this.scope.state.xreg?.eset?.entities;
const ents2 = oldState.xreg?.eset?.entities;
if (ents && ents.length && ents2) {
let lo = ents[0].id;
let hi = ents[ents.length - 1].id;
let lo2 = ents2[0].id;
let hi2 = ents2[ents2.length - 1].id;
if (lo != lo2)
code = this.dialect.ASM_FILTER_RANGE_LO_X.replace('{{%code}}', code);
if (hi != hi2)
code = this.dialect.ASM_FILTER_RANGE_HI_X.replace('{{%code}}', code);
return code;
wrapCodeInRefLookup(code: string) {
code = this.dialect.ASM_LOOKUP_REF_X.replace('{{%code}}', code);
return code;
class EventCodeStats {
@ -1177,7 +1217,7 @@ export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
code = new CodeSegment();
componentsInScope = new Set();
resources = new Set<string>();
state = new ActionCPUState();
isDemo = false;
filePath = '';
@ -1192,6 +1232,8 @@ export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
public readonly parent: EntityScope | undefined
) {
this.state = new ActionCPUState();
this.state.working = new EntitySet(this, undefined, [], []);
newEntity(etype: EntityArchetype, name: string): Entity {
// TODO: add parent ID? lock parent scope?
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ system Kernel48Pixel
sta COLUP0
sta COLUP1
on kerneldraw do if [Bitmap48] critical fit 63
on kerneldraw do critical fit 63 if [Bitmap48]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user