mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-12-22 12:30:01 +00:00

more paddle/pong stuff; wider compiler msgs

This commit is contained in:
Steven Hugg 2017-11-17 16:01:07 -05:00
parent 5d14ade371
commit ff8784da33
6 changed files with 179 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -20,16 +20,18 @@
.tooltipbox .tooltiptext {
visibility: hidden;
width: 120px;
background-color: black;
width: 500px;
background-color: #660000;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 6px;
padding: 5px 0;
/* Position the tooltip */
position: absolute;
z-index: 10;
/* <pre> tag wrap */
white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */
.tooltipbox:hover .tooltiptext {
visibility: visible;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
`include "hvsync_generator.v"
module ball_paddle_top(clk, hpaddle, hsync, vsync, rgb);
input clk;
input hpaddle;
output hsync, vsync;
output [2:0] rgb;
wire display_on;
wire [8:0] hpos;
wire [8:0] vpos;
reg [8:0] paddle_pos;
reg [8:0] ball_x = 128;
reg [8:0] ball_y = 128;
reg signed [1:0] ball_vel_x = 0;
reg ball_vel_y = BALL_VEL_DOWN;
localparam BALL_VEL_DOWN = 1;
localparam BALL_VEL_UP = 0;
localparam PADDLE_WIDTH = 31;
localparam BALL_SIZE = 8;
hvsync_generator hvsync_gen(
// TODO: only works when paddle at bottom of screen!
always @(posedge hsync)
if (!hpaddle)
paddle_pos <= vpos;
// TODO: unsigned compare doesn't work in JS
wire [8:0] paddle_rel_x = ((hpos-paddle_pos) & 9'h1ff);
wire paddle_gfx = paddle_rel_x < PADDLE_WIDTH;
wire [8:0] ball_rel_x = (hpos-ball_x);
wire [8:0] ball_rel_y = (vpos-ball_y);
wire ball_gfx = ball_rel_x < BALL_SIZE
&& ball_rel_y < BALL_SIZE;
wire [5:0] hcell = hpos[8:3];
wire [5:0] vcell = vpos[8:3];
wire lr_border = hcell==0 || hcell==31;
wire main_gfx;
always @(posedge clk)
case (vpos[8:3])
0: main_gfx = 1;
28: main_gfx = paddle_gfx | lr_border;
default: main_gfx = lr_border;
wire ball_pixel_collide = main_gfx & ball_gfx;
/* verilator lint_off MULTIDRIVEN */
reg [4:0] ball_collide_bits = 0;
/* verilator lint_on MULTIDRIVEN */
always @(posedge clk)
if (ball_pixel_collide) begin
if (paddle_gfx) begin // did we collide w/ paddle?
ball_collide_bits[4] <= 1;
end else begin // collided with playfield
if (!ball_rel_x[2] & !ball_rel_y[2]) ball_collide_bits[0] <= 1;
if (ball_rel_x[2] & !ball_rel_y[2]) ball_collide_bits[1] <= 1;
if (!ball_rel_x[2] & ball_rel_y[2]) ball_collide_bits[2] <= 1;
if (ball_rel_x[2] & ball_rel_y[2]) ball_collide_bits[3] <= 1;
always @(posedge vsync)
if (ball_collide_bits[4]) begin // collided with paddle?
reg signed [1:0] ball_paddle_dx = ball_x[6:5] - paddle_pos[6:5];
ball_vel_y <= BALL_VEL_UP; // paddle top
ball_vel_x <= ball_vel_x + ball_paddle_dx;
end else casez (ball_collide_bits[3:0]) // collided with playfield
0: ;
4'b01?1: if (ball_vel_x<0) ball_vel_x <= -ball_vel_x-1; // left
4'b101?: if (ball_vel_x>=0) ball_vel_x <= -ball_vel_x-1; // right
4'b1100: ball_vel_y <= BALL_VEL_UP;
4'b0011: ball_vel_y <= BALL_VEL_DOWN;
ball_collide_bits <= 0;
ball_x <= ball_x + 9'(ball_vel_x) + 9'(ball_vel_x>=0); // TODO: signed?
ball_y <= ball_y + (ball_vel_y==BALL_VEL_DOWN?1:-1);
wire grid_gfx = (((hpos&7)==0) || ((vpos&7)==0));
wire r = display_on && (grid_gfx | ball_gfx);
wire g = display_on && (main_gfx | ball_gfx);
wire b = display_on && ball_gfx;
assign rgb = {b,g,r};

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
module hvsync_generator(
clk, hsync, vsync, inDisplayArea, CounterX, CounterY);
clk, hsync, vsync, display_on, hpos, vpos);
input clk;
output hsync, vsync;
output inDisplayArea;
output [8:0] CounterX;
output [8:0] CounterY;
output reg display_on;
output reg [8:0] hpos;
output reg [8:0] vpos;
// constant declarations for VGA sync parameters
localparam H_DISPLAY = 256; // horizontal display area
@ -25,35 +25,32 @@ module hvsync_generator(
reg [8:0] CounterX;
reg [8:0] CounterY;
wire CounterXmaxed = (CounterX==H_MAX);
wire CounterYmaxed = (CounterY==V_MAX);
wire hmaxxed = (hpos==H_MAX);
wire vmaxxed = (vpos==V_MAX);
always @(posedge clk)
CounterX <= 0;
hpos <= 0;
CounterX <= CounterX + 1;
hpos <= hpos + 1;
always @(posedge clk)
if (!CounterYmaxed)
CounterY <= CounterY + 1;
if (!vmaxxed)
vpos <= vpos + 1;
CounterY <= 0;
vpos <= 0;
reg vga_HS, vga_VS;
always @(posedge clk)
vga_HS <= (CounterX>=280 && CounterX<288); // change this value to move the display horizontally
vga_VS <= (CounterY==START_V_RETRACE); // change this value to move the display vertically
vga_HS <= (hpos>=280 && hpos<288); // change this value to move the display horizontally
vga_VS <= (vpos==START_V_RETRACE); // change this value to move the display vertically
reg inDisplayArea;
always @(posedge clk)
inDisplayArea <= (CounterX<H_DISPLAY) && (CounterY<V_DISPLAY);
display_on <= (hpos<H_DISPLAY) && (vpos<V_DISPLAY);
assign hsync = ~vga_HS;

View File

@ -5,23 +5,22 @@ module test_hvsync_top(clk, hsync, vsync, rgb);
input clk;
output hsync, vsync;
output [2:0] rgb;
wire inDisplayArea;
wire [8:0] CounterX;
wire [8:0] CounterY;
wire display_on;
wire [8:0] hpos;
wire [8:0] vpos;
hvsync_generator hvsync_gen(
wire r = inDisplayArea &&
(((CounterX&7)==0) || ((CounterY&7)==0));
wire g = inDisplayArea && CounterY[4];
wire b = inDisplayArea && CounterX[4];
wire r = display_on && (((hpos&7)==0) || ((vpos&7)==0));
wire g = display_on && vpos[4];
wire b = display_on && hpos[4];
assign rgb = {b,g,r};

View File

@ -22,15 +22,49 @@ var VERILOG_KEYCODE_MAP = makeKeycodeMap([
[Keys.VK_7, 0, 0x400],
var VL_UL = function(x) { return x; }
/// Return true if data[bit] set
var VL_BITISSET_I = this.VL_BITISSET_I = function(data,bit) { return (data & (VL_UL(1)<<VL_BITBIT_I(bit))); }
var VL_EXTENDSIGN_I = this.VL_EXTENDSIGN_I = function(lbits, lhs) { return (-((lhs)&(VL_UL(1)<<(lbits-1)))); }
var VL_EXTEND_II = this.VL_EXTEND_II = function(obits,lbits,lhs) { return lhs; }
var VL_EXTENDS_II = this.VL_EXTENDS_II = function(x,lbits,lhs) {
return VL_EXTENDSIGN_I(lbits,lhs) | lhs;
var VL_EXTEND_II = this.VL_EXTEND_II = function(obits,lbits,lhs) { return lhs; }
var VL_NEGATE_I = this.VL_NEGATE_I = function(x) { return -x; }
var VL_LTS_III = this.VL_LTS_III = function(x,lbits,y,lhs,rhs) {
return VL_EXTENDS_II(x,lbits,lhs) < VL_EXTENDS_II(x,lbits,rhs); }
var VL_GTS_III = this.VL_GTS_III = function(x,lbits,y,lhs,rhs) {
return VL_EXTENDS_II(x,lbits,lhs) > VL_EXTENDS_II(x,lbits,rhs); }
var VL_LTES_III = this.VL_LTES_III = function(x,lbits,y,lhs,rhs) {
return VL_EXTENDS_II(x,lbits,lhs) <= VL_EXTENDS_II(x,lbits,rhs); }
var VL_GTES_III = this.VL_GTES_III = function(x,lbits,y,lhs,rhs) {
return VL_EXTENDS_II(x,lbits,lhs) >= VL_EXTENDS_II(x,lbits,rhs); }
function VerilatorBase() {
this.VL_RAND_RESET_I = function(bits) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (1<<bits)); }
var VL_RAND_RESET_I = this.VL_RAND_RESET_I = function(bits) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (1<<bits)); }
function vl_fatal(msg) {
this.reset2 = function() {
if (this.reset !== 'undefined') {
if (this.reset !== undefined) {
this.reset = 1;
for (var i=0; i<100; i++)
@ -191,14 +225,18 @@ var VerilogPlatform = function(mainElement, options) {
function clamp(minv,maxv,v) {
return (v < minv) ? minv : (v > maxv) ? maxv : v;
this.start = function() {
video = new RasterVideo(mainElement,videoWidth,videoHeight);
setKeyboardFromMap(video, switches, VERILOG_KEYCODE_MAP);
$(video.canvas).mousemove(function(e) {
paddle_x = Math.floor(e.offsetX * video.canvas.width / $(video.canvas).width());
paddle_y = Math.floor(e.offsetY * video.canvas.height / $(video.canvas).height() - 20);
paddle_x = clamp(4,255,Math.floor(e.offsetX * video.canvas.width / $(video.canvas).width() - 20));
paddle_y = clamp(4,255,Math.floor(e.offsetY * video.canvas.height / $(video.canvas).height() - 20));
audio = new SampleAudio(AUDIO_FREQ);
idata = video.getFrameData();

View File

@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function scrollProfileView(_ed) {
function newEditor(mode) {
var isAsm = (mode != 'text/x-csrc');
var isAsm = mode=='6502' || mode =='z80';
editor = CodeMirror(document.getElementById('editor'), {
theme: 'mbo',
lineNumbers: true,