"use strict"; /* * js99'er - TI-99/4A emulator written in JavaScript * * Created 2014 by Rasmus Moustgaard * * TMS9918A VDP emulation. * * https://github.com/Rasmus-M/Js99er * GNU General Public License v2.0 */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.GameGearVDP = exports.SMSVDP = exports.TMS9918A = void 0; const util_1 = require("../util"); const devices_1 = require("../devices"); var TMS9918A_Mode; (function (TMS9918A_Mode) { TMS9918A_Mode[TMS9918A_Mode["GRAPHICS"] = 0] = "GRAPHICS"; TMS9918A_Mode[TMS9918A_Mode["TEXT"] = 1] = "TEXT"; TMS9918A_Mode[TMS9918A_Mode["BITMAP"] = 2] = "BITMAP"; TMS9918A_Mode[TMS9918A_Mode["MULTICOLOR"] = 3] = "MULTICOLOR"; TMS9918A_Mode[TMS9918A_Mode["MODE4"] = 4] = "MODE4"; TMS9918A_Mode[TMS9918A_Mode["BITMAP_TEXT"] = 5] = "BITMAP_TEXT"; TMS9918A_Mode[TMS9918A_Mode["BITMAP_MULTICOLOR"] = 6] = "BITMAP_MULTICOLOR"; TMS9918A_Mode[TMS9918A_Mode["ILLEGAL"] = 7] = "ILLEGAL"; })(TMS9918A_Mode || (TMS9918A_Mode = {})); ; class TMS9918A { constructor(fb32, cru, enableFlicker) { this.probe = new devices_1.NullProbe(); this.ram = new Uint8Array(16384); // VDP RAM this.registers = new Uint8Array(8); this.spriteBuffer = new Uint8Array(256); this.displayOn = false; this.interruptsOn = false; this.fb32 = fb32; this.cru = cru; this.enableFlicker = enableFlicker; this.palette = [ (0, util_1.RGBA)(0, 0, 0), (0, util_1.RGBA)(0, 0, 0), (0, util_1.RGBA)(33, 200, 66), (0, util_1.RGBA)(94, 220, 120), (0, util_1.RGBA)(84, 85, 237), (0, util_1.RGBA)(125, 118, 252), (0, util_1.RGBA)(212, 82, 77), (0, util_1.RGBA)(66, 235, 245), (0, util_1.RGBA)(252, 85, 84), (0, util_1.RGBA)(255, 121, 120), (0, util_1.RGBA)(212, 193, 84), (0, util_1.RGBA)(230, 206, 128), (0, util_1.RGBA)(33, 176, 59), (0, util_1.RGBA)(201, 91, 186), (0, util_1.RGBA)(204, 204, 204), (0, util_1.RGBA)(255, 255, 255) ]; } reset() { var i; this.ram.fill(0); this.registers.fill(0); this.addressRegister = 0; this.statusRegister = 0; this.prefetchByte = 0; this.latch = false; this.displayOn = false; this.interruptsOn = false; this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.GRAPHICS; this.bitmapMode = false; this.textMode = false; this.colorTable = 0; this.nameTable = 0; this.charPatternTable = 0; this.spriteAttributeTable = 0; this.spritePatternTable = 0; this.colorTableMask = 0x3FFF; this.patternTableMask = 0x3FFF; this.ramMask = 0x3FFF; this.fgColor = 0; this.bgColor = 0; this.flicker = this.enableFlicker; this.redrawRequired = true; this.width = 304; this.height = 240; } drawScanline(y) { var imageData = this.fb32, width = this.width, imageDataAddr = (y * width), screenMode = this.screenMode, textMode = this.textMode, bitmapMode = this.bitmapMode, drawWidth = !textMode ? 256 : 240, drawHeight = 192, hBorder = (width - drawWidth) >> 1, vBorder = (this.height - drawHeight) >> 1, fgColor = this.fgColor, bgColor = this.bgColor, ram = this.ram, nameTable = this.nameTable, colorTable = this.colorTable, charPatternTable = this.charPatternTable, colorTableMask = this.colorTableMask, patternTableMask = this.patternTableMask, spriteAttributeTable = this.spriteAttributeTable, spritePatternTable = this.spritePatternTable, spriteSize = (this.registers[1] & 0x2) !== 0, spriteMagnify = this.registers[1] & 0x1, spriteDimension = (spriteSize ? 16 : 8) << (spriteMagnify ? 1 : 0), maxSpritesOnLine = this.flicker ? 4 : 32, palette = this.palette, collision = false, fifthSprite = false, fifthSpriteIndex = 31, x, color, rgbColor, name, tableOffset, colorByte, patternByte; if (y >= vBorder && y < vBorder + drawHeight && this.displayOn) { var y1 = y - vBorder; // Pre-process sprites if (!textMode) { var spriteBuffer = this.spriteBuffer; spriteBuffer.fill(0); var spritesOnLine = 0; var endMarkerFound = false; var spriteAttributeAddr = spriteAttributeTable; var s; for (s = 0; s < 32 && spritesOnLine <= maxSpritesOnLine && !endMarkerFound; s++) { var sy = ram[spriteAttributeAddr]; if (sy !== 0xD0) { if (sy > 0xD0) { sy -= 256; } sy++; var sy1 = sy + spriteDimension; var y2 = -1; if (s < 8 || !bitmapMode) { if (y1 >= sy && y1 < sy1) { y2 = y1; } } else { // Emulate sprite duplication bug var yMasked = y1 & (((this.registers[4] & 0x03) << 6) | 0x3F); if (yMasked >= sy && yMasked < sy1) { y2 = yMasked; } else if (y1 >= 64 && y1 < 128 && y1 >= sy && y1 < sy1) { y2 = y1; } } if (y2 !== -1) { if (spritesOnLine < maxSpritesOnLine) { var sx = ram[spriteAttributeAddr + 1]; var sPatternNo = ram[spriteAttributeAddr + 2] & (spriteSize ? 0xFC : 0xFF); var sColor = ram[spriteAttributeAddr + 3] & 0x0F; if ((ram[spriteAttributeAddr + 3] & 0x80) !== 0) { sx -= 32; } var sLine = (y2 - sy) >> spriteMagnify; var sPatternBase = spritePatternTable + (sPatternNo << 3) + sLine; for (var sx1 = 0; sx1 < spriteDimension; sx1++) { var sx2 = sx + sx1; if (sx2 >= 0 && sx2 < drawWidth) { var sx3 = sx1 >> spriteMagnify; var sPatternByte = ram[sPatternBase + (sx3 >= 8 ? 16 : 0)]; if ((sPatternByte & (0x80 >> (sx3 & 0x07))) !== 0) { if (spriteBuffer[sx2] === 0) { spriteBuffer[sx2] = sColor + 1; } else { collision = true; } } } } } spritesOnLine++; } spriteAttributeAddr += 4; } else { endMarkerFound = true; } } if (spritesOnLine > 4) { fifthSprite = true; fifthSpriteIndex = s; } } // Draw var rowOffset = !textMode ? (y1 >> 3) << 5 : (y1 >> 3) * 40; var lineOffset = y1 & 7; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (x >= hBorder && x < hBorder + drawWidth) { var x1 = x - hBorder; // Tiles switch (screenMode) { case TMS9918A_Mode.GRAPHICS: name = ram[nameTable + rowOffset + (x1 >> 3)]; colorByte = ram[colorTable + (name >> 3)]; patternByte = ram[charPatternTable + (name << 3) + lineOffset]; color = (patternByte & (0x80 >> (x1 & 7))) !== 0 ? (colorByte & 0xF0) >> 4 : colorByte & 0x0F; break; case TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP: name = ram[nameTable + rowOffset + (x1 >> 3)]; tableOffset = ((y1 & 0xC0) << 5) + (name << 3); colorByte = ram[colorTable + (tableOffset & colorTableMask) + lineOffset]; patternByte = ram[charPatternTable + (tableOffset & patternTableMask) + lineOffset]; color = (patternByte & (0x80 >> (x1 & 7))) !== 0 ? (colorByte & 0xF0) >> 4 : colorByte & 0x0F; break; case TMS9918A_Mode.MULTICOLOR: name = ram[nameTable + rowOffset + (x1 >> 3)]; lineOffset = (y1 & 0x1C) >> 2; patternByte = ram[charPatternTable + (name << 3) + lineOffset]; color = (x1 & 4) === 0 ? (patternByte & 0xF0) >> 4 : patternByte & 0x0F; break; case TMS9918A_Mode.TEXT: name = ram[nameTable + rowOffset + Math.floor(x1 / 6)]; patternByte = ram[charPatternTable + (name << 3) + lineOffset]; color = (patternByte & (0x80 >> (x1 % 6))) !== 0 ? fgColor : bgColor; break; case TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP_TEXT: name = ram[nameTable + rowOffset + Math.floor(x1 / 6)]; tableOffset = ((y1 & 0xC0) << 5) + (name << 3); patternByte = ram[charPatternTable + (tableOffset & patternTableMask) + lineOffset]; color = (patternByte & (0x80 >> (x1 % 6))) !== 0 ? fgColor : bgColor; break; case TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP_MULTICOLOR: name = ram[nameTable + rowOffset + (x1 >> 3)]; lineOffset = (y1 & 0x1C) >> 2; tableOffset = ((y1 & 0xC0) << 5) + (name << 3); patternByte = ram[charPatternTable + (tableOffset & patternTableMask) + lineOffset]; color = (x1 & 4) === 0 ? (patternByte & 0xF0) >> 4 : patternByte & 0x0F; break; case TMS9918A_Mode.ILLEGAL: color = (x1 & 4) === 0 ? fgColor : bgColor; break; } if (color === 0) { color = bgColor; } // Sprites if (!textMode) { var spriteColor = spriteBuffer[x1] - 1; if (spriteColor > 0) { color = spriteColor; } } } else { color = bgColor; } rgbColor = palette[color]; imageData[imageDataAddr++] = rgbColor; } } // Top/bottom border else { rgbColor = palette[bgColor]; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { imageData[imageDataAddr++] = rgbColor; } } if (y === vBorder + drawHeight) { this.statusRegister |= 0x80; if (this.interruptsOn) { this.cru.setVDPInterrupt(true); } } if (collision) { this.statusRegister |= 0x20; } if ((this.statusRegister & 0x40) === 0) { this.statusRegister |= fifthSpriteIndex; } if (fifthSprite) { this.statusRegister |= 0x40; } } setReadAddress(i) { this.addressRegister = ((i & 0x3f) << 8) | (this.addressRegister & 0x00FF); this.prefetchByte = this.ram[this.addressRegister++]; this.addressRegister &= 0x3FFF; } setWriteAddress(i) { this.addressRegister = ((i & 0x3f) << 8) | (this.addressRegister & 0x00FF); } setVDPWriteRegister(i) { var regmask = this.registers.length - 1; this.registers[i & regmask] = this.addressRegister & 0x00FF; switch (i & regmask) { // Mode case 0: this.updateMode(this.registers[0], this.registers[1]); break; case 1: this.ramMask = (this.registers[1] & 0x80) !== 0 ? 0x3FFF : 0x1FFF; this.displayOn = (this.registers[1] & 0x40) !== 0; this.interruptsOn = (this.registers[1] & 0x20) !== 0; this.updateMode(this.registers[0], this.registers[1]); break; // Name table case 2: this.nameTable = (this.registers[2] & 0xf) << 10; break; // Color table case 3: if (this.bitmapMode) { this.colorTable = (this.registers[3] & 0x80) << 6; } else { this.colorTable = this.registers[3] << 6; } this.updateTableMasks(); break; // Pattern table case 4: if (this.bitmapMode) { this.charPatternTable = (this.registers[4] & 0x4) << 11; } else { this.charPatternTable = (this.registers[4] & 0x7) << 11; } this.updateTableMasks(); break; // Sprite attribute table case 5: this.spriteAttributeTable = (this.registers[5] & 0x7f) << 7; break; // Sprite pattern table case 6: this.spritePatternTable = (this.registers[6] & 0x7) << 11; break; // Background case 7: this.fgColor = (this.registers[7] & 0xf0) >> 4; this.bgColor = this.registers[7] & 0x0f; break; } // this.logRegisters(); // this.log.info("Name table: " + this.nameTable.toHexWord()); // this.log.info("Pattern table: " + this.charPatternTable.toHexWord()); } setVDPWriteCommand3(i) { this.setVDPWriteRegister(i); } writeAddress(i) { if (!this.latch) { this.addressRegister = (this.addressRegister & 0xFF00) | i; } else { switch ((i & 0xc0) >> 6) { // Set read address case 0: this.setReadAddress(i); break; // Set write address case 1: this.setWriteAddress(i); break; // Write register case 2: this.setVDPWriteRegister(i); break; // Color RAM (SMS only) case 3: this.setVDPWriteCommand3(i); break; } this.redrawRequired = true; } this.latch = !this.latch; } updateMode(reg0, reg1) { this.bitmapMode = (reg0 & 0x02) !== 0; this.textMode = (reg1 & 0x10) !== 0; // Check bitmap mode bit, not text or multicolor if (this.bitmapMode) { switch ((reg1 & 0x18) >> 3) { case 0: // Bitmap mode this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP; break; case 1: // Multicolor mode this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP_MULTICOLOR; break; case 2: // Text mode this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP_TEXT; break; case 3: // Illegal this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.ILLEGAL; break; } } else { switch ((reg1 & 0x18) >> 3) { case 0: // Graphics mode 0 this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.GRAPHICS; break; case 1: // Multicolor mode this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.MULTICOLOR; break; case 2: // Text mode this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.TEXT; break; case 3: // Illegal this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.ILLEGAL; break; } } if (this.bitmapMode) { this.colorTable = (this.registers[3] & 0x80) << 6; this.charPatternTable = (this.registers[4] & 0x4) << 11; this.updateTableMasks(); } else { this.colorTable = this.registers[3] << 6; this.charPatternTable = (this.registers[4] & 0x7) << 11; } this.nameTable = (this.registers[2] & 0xf) << 10; this.spriteAttributeTable = (this.registers[5] & 0x7f) << 7; this.spritePatternTable = (this.registers[6] & 0x7) << 11; } updateTableMasks() { if (this.screenMode === TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP) { this.colorTableMask = ((this.registers[3] & 0x7F) << 6) | 0x3F; // 000CCCCCCC111111 this.patternTableMask = ((this.registers[4] & 0x03) << 11) | (this.colorTableMask & 0x7FF); // 000PPCCCCC111111 // this.log.info("colorTableMask:" + this.colorTableMask); // this.log.info("patternTableMask:" + this.patternTableMask); } else if (this.screenMode === TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP_TEXT || this.screenMode === TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP_MULTICOLOR) { this.colorTableMask = this.ramMask; this.patternTableMask = ((this.registers[4] & 0x03) << 11) | 0x7FF; // 000PP11111111111 } else { this.colorTableMask = this.ramMask; this.patternTableMask = this.ramMask; } } writeData(i) { this.probe.logVRAMWrite(this.addressRegister, i); this.ram[this.addressRegister++] = i; this.prefetchByte = i; this.addressRegister &= this.ramMask; this.latch = false; this.redrawRequired = true; } readStatus() { var i = this.statusRegister; this.statusRegister = 0x1F; // TODO: & 0x1f? if (this.interruptsOn) { this.cru.setVDPInterrupt(false); } this.latch = false; return i; } readData() { var i = this.prefetchByte; this.prefetchByte = this.ram[this.addressRegister++]; this.probe.logVRAMRead(this.addressRegister - 1, this.prefetchByte); this.addressRegister &= this.ramMask; this.latch = false; return i; } getRAM() { return this.ram; } colorTableSize() { if (this.screenMode === TMS9918A_Mode.GRAPHICS) { return 0x20; } else if (this.screenMode === TMS9918A_Mode.BITMAP) { return Math.min(this.colorTableMask + 1, 0x1800); } else { return 0; } } patternTableSize() { if (this.bitmapMode) { return Math.min(this.patternTableMask + 1, 0x1800); } else { return 0x800; } } getDebugTables() { var tables = [ ["Pattern Table", this.charPatternTable, this.patternTableSize()], ["Name Table", this.nameTable, 0x300], ["Color Table", this.colorTable, this.colorTableSize()], ["Sprite Patterns", this.spritePatternTable, 64 * 32], ["Sprite Attributes", this.spriteAttributeTable, 4 * 32], ]; return tables; } getRegsString() { const w = 20; var s = "Registers:"; for (var i = 0; i < this.registers.length; i++) { s += " " + (0, util_1.hex)(this.registers[i], 2); } s += "\n\n"; var tables = this.getDebugTables(); for (var row of tables) { if (row[2] > 0) s += (0, util_1.lpad)(row[0], w) + ": $" + (0, util_1.hex)(row[1], 4) + " - $" + (0, util_1.hex)(row[1] + row[2] - 1, 4) + "\n"; } s += (0, util_1.lpad)("Address Register", w) + ": $" + (0, util_1.hex)(this.addressRegister, 4) + "\n"; s += (0, util_1.lpad)("Status Register", w) + ": $" + (0, util_1.hex)(this.statusRegister, 2) + "\n"; s += (0, util_1.lpad)("Screen Mode", w) + ": " + this.screenMode + "\n"; s += (0, util_1.lpad)("Display On", w) + ": " + this.displayOn + "\n"; if (this.ramMask != 0x3fff) s += (0, util_1.lpad)("RAM Mask", w) + ": $" + (0, util_1.hex)(this.ramMask) + "\n"; return s; } hexView(start, length, anchorAddr) { var text = ""; var anchorLine = null; var addr = start; var line = 0; for (var i = 0; i < length && addr < 0x4000; addr++, i++) { if ((i & 0x000F) === 0) { text += "\n" + (0, util_1.hex)(addr, 4) + ":"; line++; } text += " "; if (anchorAddr && anchorAddr === addr) { anchorLine = line; } var hx = this.ram[addr].toString(16).toUpperCase(); if (hx.length === 1) { text += "0"; } text += hx; } return { text: text.substr(1), lineCount: line, anchorLine: anchorLine - 1 }; } getWord(addr) { return addr < 0x4000 ? this.ram[addr] << 8 | this.ram[addr + 1] : 0; } getCharAt(x, y) { x -= 24; y -= 24; if (!this.textMode) { return this.ram[this.nameTable + Math.floor(x / 8) + Math.floor(y / 8) * 32]; } else { return this.ram[this.nameTable + Math.floor((x - 8) / 6) + Math.floor(y / 8) * 40]; } } setFlicker(value) { this.flicker = value; this.enableFlicker = value; } getState() { return { ram: this.ram.slice(0), registers: this.registers.slice(0), addressRegister: this.addressRegister, statusRegister: this.statusRegister, latch: this.latch, prefetchByte: this.prefetchByte, displayOn: this.displayOn, interruptsOn: this.interruptsOn, screenMode: this.screenMode, bitmapMode: this.bitmapMode, textMode: this.textMode, colorTable: this.colorTable, nameTable: this.nameTable, charPatternTable: this.charPatternTable, spriteAttributeTable: this.spriteAttributeTable, spritePatternTable: this.spritePatternTable, colorTableMask: this.colorTableMask, patternTableMask: this.patternTableMask, ramMask: this.ramMask, fgColor: this.fgColor, bgColor: this.bgColor, flicker: this.flicker }; } restoreState(state) { this.ram.set(state.ram); this.registers.set(state.registers); this.addressRegister = state.addressRegister; this.statusRegister = state.statusRegister; this.latch = state.latch; this.prefetchByte = state.prefetchByte; this.displayOn = state.displayOn; this.interruptsOn = state.interruptsOn; this.screenMode = state.screenMode; this.bitmapMode = state.bitmapMode; this.textMode = state.textMode; this.colorTable = state.colorTable; this.nameTable = state.nameTable; this.charPatternTable = state.charPatternTable; this.spriteAttributeTable = state.spriteAttributeTable; this.spritePatternTable = state.spritePatternTable; this.colorTableMask = state.colorTableMask; this.patternTableMask = state.patternTableMask; this.ramMask = state.ramMask; this.fgColor = state.fgColor; this.bgColor = state.bgColor; this.flicker = state.flicker; this.redrawRequired = true; } } exports.TMS9918A = TMS9918A; ; class SMSVDP extends TMS9918A { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.cram = new Uint8Array(32); // color RAM this.cpalette = new Uint32Array(32); // color RAM (RGBA) this.registers = new Uint8Array(16); // 8 more registers (actually only 5) this.vramUntwiddled = new Uint8Array(0x8000); this.numVisibleLines = 192; this.lineCounter = 0; // TODO: state this.lineInterruptPending = false; // TODO: state } reset() { super.reset(); this.writeToCRAM = false; this.cram.fill(0); this.cpalette.fill(0); this.vramUntwiddled.fill(0); } readStatus() { this.lineInterruptPending = false; return super.readStatus(); } updateMode(reg0, reg1) { if (reg0 & 0x04) { this.screenMode = TMS9918A_Mode.MODE4; this.nameTable = ((this.registers[2] & 0xf) << 10) & 0x3800; this.spriteAttributeTable = (this.registers[5] & 0x7e) << 7; } else { super.updateMode(reg0, reg1); } } setReadAddress(i) { super.setReadAddress(i); this.writeToCRAM = false; } setWriteAddress(i) { super.setWriteAddress(i); this.writeToCRAM = false; } setVDPWriteRegister(i) { super.setVDPWriteRegister(i); //this.writeToCRAM = false; // TODO? this.ramMask = 0x3fff; } setVDPWriteCommand3(i) { this.writeToCRAM = true; //this.addressRegister &= 0x1f; // TODO? } writeData(i) { if (this.writeToCRAM) { var palindex = this.addressRegister++ & (this.cram.length - 1); this.cram[palindex] = i; this.cpalette[palindex] = (0, util_1.RGBA)((i & 3) * 85, ((i >> 2) & 3) * 85, ((i >> 4) & 3) * 85); this.prefetchByte = i; this.addressRegister &= this.ramMask; this.redrawRequired = true; } else { var oldAddress = this.addressRegister; super.writeData(i); this.writeTwiddled(oldAddress, i); } this.latch = false; } writeTwiddled(vdp_addr, val) { var planarBase = vdp_addr & 0x3ffc; var twiddledBase = planarBase * 2; var val0 = this.ram[planarBase]; var val1 = this.ram[planarBase + 1]; var val2 = this.ram[planarBase + 2]; var val3 = this.ram[planarBase + 3]; for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { var effectiveBit = 7 - i; var index = (((val0 >>> effectiveBit) & 1)) | (((val1 >>> effectiveBit) & 1) << 1) | (((val2 >>> effectiveBit) & 1) << 2) | (((val3 >>> effectiveBit) & 1) << 3); this.vramUntwiddled[twiddledBase + i] = index; } } getState() { var state = super.getState(); state['cram'] = this.cram.slice(0); return state; } restoreState(state) { super.restoreState(state); this.cram.set(state.cram); } drawScanline(y) { if (this.screenMode == TMS9918A_Mode.MODE4) this.rasterize_line(y); // special mode 4 else super.drawScanline(y); } findSprites(line) { var spriteInfo = this.spriteAttributeTable; var active = []; var spriteHeight = 8; var i; if (this.registers[1] & 2) { spriteHeight = 16; } for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { var y = this.ram[spriteInfo + i]; if (y === 208) { break; } if (y >= 240) y -= 256; if (line >= y && line < (y + spriteHeight)) { if (active.length === 8) { this.statusRegister |= 0x40; // Sprite overflow break; } active.push([ this.ram[spriteInfo + 128 + i * 2], this.ram[spriteInfo + 128 + i * 2 + 1], y ]); } } return active; } rasterize_background(lineAddr, pixelOffset, tileData, tileDef, transparent) { lineAddr = lineAddr | 0; pixelOffset = pixelOffset | 0; tileData = tileData | 0; tileDef = (tileDef | 0) * 2; var i, tileDefInc; if ((tileData & (1 << 9))) { tileDefInc = -1; tileDef += 7; } else { tileDefInc = 1; } const paletteOffset = (tileData & (1 << 11)) ? 16 : 0; var index; if (transparent && paletteOffset === 0) { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { index = this.vramUntwiddled[tileDef]; tileDef += tileDefInc; if (index !== 0) this.fb32[lineAddr + pixelOffset] = this.cpalette[index]; pixelOffset = (pixelOffset + 1) & 255; } } else { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { index = this.vramUntwiddled[tileDef] + paletteOffset; tileDef += tileDefInc; this.fb32[lineAddr + pixelOffset] = this.cpalette[index]; pixelOffset = (pixelOffset + 1) & 255; } } } clear_background(lineAddr, pixelOffset) { lineAddr = lineAddr | 0; pixelOffset = pixelOffset | 0; var i; const rgb = this.cpalette[0]; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { this.fb32[lineAddr + pixelOffset] = rgb; pixelOffset = (pixelOffset + 1) & 255; } } rasterize_background_line(lineAddr, pixelOffset, nameAddr, yMod) { lineAddr = lineAddr | 0; pixelOffset = pixelOffset | 0; nameAddr = nameAddr | 0; const yOffset = (yMod | 0) * 4; for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // TODO: static left-hand rows. var tileData = this.ram[nameAddr + i * 2] | (this.ram[nameAddr + i * 2 + 1] << 8); var tileNum = tileData & 511; var tileDef = 32 * tileNum; if (tileData & (1 << 10)) { tileDef += 28 - yOffset; } else { tileDef += yOffset; } if ((tileData & (1 << 12)) === 0) { this.rasterize_background(lineAddr, pixelOffset, tileData, tileDef, false); } else { this.clear_background(lineAddr, pixelOffset); } pixelOffset = (pixelOffset + 8) & 255; } } rasterize_foreground_line(lineAddr, pixelOffset, nameAddr, yMod) { lineAddr = lineAddr | 0; pixelOffset = pixelOffset | 0; nameAddr = nameAddr | 0; const yOffset = (yMod | 0) * 4; for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // TODO: static left-hand rows. var tileData = this.ram[nameAddr + i * 2] | (this.ram[nameAddr + i * 2 + 1] << 8); if ((tileData & (1 << 12)) === 0) continue; var tileNum = tileData & 511; var tileDef = 32 * tileNum; if (tileData & (1 << 10)) { tileDef += 28 - yOffset; } else { tileDef += yOffset; } this.rasterize_background(lineAddr, ((i * 8) + pixelOffset & 0xff), tileData, tileDef, true); } } rasterize_sprites(line, lineAddr, pixelOffset, sprites) { lineAddr = lineAddr | 0; pixelOffset = pixelOffset | 0; const spriteBase = (this.registers[6] & 4) ? 0x2000 : 0; // TODO: sprite X-8 shift // TODO: sprite double size for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { var xPos = i; //(i + this.registers[8]) & 0xff; var spriteFoundThisX = false; var writtenTo = false; var minDistToNext = 256; for (var k = 0; k < sprites.length; k++) { var sprite = sprites[k]; var offset = xPos - sprite[0]; // Sprite to the right of the current X? if (offset < 0) { // Find out how far it would be to skip to this sprite var distToSprite = -offset; // Keep the minimum distance to the next sprite to the right. if (distToSprite < minDistToNext) minDistToNext = distToSprite; continue; } if (offset >= 8) continue; spriteFoundThisX = true; var spriteLine = line - sprite[2]; var spriteAddr = spriteBase + sprite[1] * 32 + spriteLine * 4; var untwiddledAddr = spriteAddr * 2 + offset; var index = this.vramUntwiddled[untwiddledAddr]; if (index === 0) { continue; } if (writtenTo) { // We have a collision!. this.statusRegister |= 0x20; break; } this.fb32[lineAddr + ((pixelOffset + i - this.registers[8]) & 0xff)] = this.cpalette[16 + index]; writtenTo = true; } if (!spriteFoundThisX && minDistToNext > 1) { // If we didn't find a sprite on this X, then we can skip ahead by the minimum // dist to next (minus one to account for loop add) i += minDistToNext - 1; } } } border_clear(lineAddr, count) { lineAddr = lineAddr | 0; count = count | 0; const borderIndex = 16 + (this.registers[7] & 0xf); const borderRGB = this.cpalette[borderIndex]; this.fb32.fill(borderRGB, lineAddr, lineAddr + count); } rasterize_line(line) { line |= 0; var vdp_regs = this.registers; var drawWidth = 256; var drawHeight = this.numVisibleLines; // TODO? var hBorder = (this.width - drawWidth) >> 1; var vBorder = (this.height - drawHeight) >> 1; // TODO? const startAddr = ((line + vBorder) * this.width) | 0; const lineAddr = (startAddr + hBorder) | 0; if (!this.displayOn || line < 0 || line >= drawHeight) { if (line < this.height) this.border_clear(startAddr, this.width); else if (line >= 262 - vBorder) this.border_clear((line - 262 + vBorder) * this.width, this.width); } else { var effectiveLine = line + vdp_regs[9]; if (effectiveLine >= 224) { effectiveLine -= 224; } const sprites = this.findSprites(line); const pixelOffset = ((vdp_regs[0] & 64) && line < 16) ? 0 : vdp_regs[8]; const nameAddr = this.nameTable + (effectiveLine >>> 3) * 64; const yMod = effectiveLine & 7; this.rasterize_background_line(lineAddr, pixelOffset, nameAddr, yMod); this.rasterize_sprites(line, lineAddr, pixelOffset, sprites); this.rasterize_foreground_line(lineAddr, pixelOffset, nameAddr, yMod); this.border_clear(startAddr, hBorder); this.border_clear(lineAddr + 256, hBorder); if (vdp_regs[0] & (1 << 5)) { // Blank out left hand column. this.border_clear(lineAddr, 8); } } // frame interrupts if (line == drawHeight) { this.statusRegister |= 0x80; if (this.interruptsOn) { this.cru.setVDPInterrupt(true); } } // line interrupts if (line <= drawHeight) { if (this.lineCounter > 0) { this.lineCounter--; } else { this.lineCounter = this.registers[0xa]; this.lineInterruptPending = true; } } else { this.lineCounter = this.registers[0xa]; } if (this.lineInterruptPending) { if (this.registers[0] & 0x10) { // TODO this.cru.setVDPInterrupt(true); } } } getDebugTables() { if (this.screenMode == TMS9918A_Mode.MODE4) { var tables = [ ["Pattern Table", 0, 512 * 32], ["Name Table", this.nameTable, 32 * 32 * 2], // TODO: size ["Sprite Attributes", this.spriteAttributeTable, 256], ]; return tables; } else { return super.getDebugTables(); } } } exports.SMSVDP = SMSVDP; ; class GameGearVDP extends SMSVDP { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.cram = new Uint8Array(64); // color RAM this.cram_latch = 0; } writeData(value) { if (this.writeToCRAM) { //console.log(hex(this.addressRegister), hex(value), hex(this.cram_latch)); if (this.addressRegister & 1) { // odd address? let rgb4 = this.cram_latch + (value << 8); let rgba = (0, util_1.RGBA)((rgb4 & 15) * 17, ((rgb4 >> 4) & 15) * 17, ((rgb4 >> 8) & 15) * 17); let palindex = this.addressRegister & (this.cram.length - 1); this.cram[palindex - 1] = this.cram_latch; this.cram[palindex] = value; this.cpalette[palindex >> 1] = rgba; this.prefetchByte = value; this.addressRegister &= this.ramMask; this.redrawRequired = true; } else { this.cram_latch = value; // even address } this.addressRegister++; } else { super.writeData(value); } this.latch = false; } } exports.GameGearVDP = GameGearVDP; //# sourceMappingURL=tms9918a.js.map