import type { SourceLocation, SourceLine, WorkerError, SourceLocated } from "./workertypes"; export class CompileError extends Error { $loc: SourceLocation; constructor(msg: string, loc: SourceLocation) { super(msg); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, CompileError.prototype); this.$loc = loc; } } export function mergeLocs(a: SourceLocation, b: SourceLocation): SourceLocation { return { line: Math.min(a.line, b.line), start: Math.min(a.start, b.start), end: Math.max(a.end, b.end), label: a.label || b.label, path: a.path || b.path, } } export enum TokenType { EOF = 'eof', EOL = 'eol', Ident = 'ident', Comment = 'comment', Ignore = 'ignore', CatchAll = 'catch-all', } export class Token implements SourceLocated { str: string; type: string; $loc: SourceLocation; } export class TokenRule { type: string; regex: RegExp; } const CATCH_ALL_RULES: TokenRule[] = [ { type: TokenType.CatchAll, regex: /.+?/ } ] function re_escape(rule: TokenRule): string { return `(${rule.regex.source})`; } export class TokenizerRuleSet { rules: TokenRule[]; regex: RegExp; constructor(rules: TokenRule[]) { this.rules = rules.concat(CATCH_ALL_RULES); var pattern ='|'); this.regex = new RegExp(pattern, "gs"); // global, dotall } } export class Tokenizer { ruleset: TokenizerRuleSet; lineindex: number[]; path: string; lineno: number; tokens: Token[]; lasttoken: Token; errors: WorkerError[]; curlabel: string; eof: Token; errorOnCatchAll = false; constructor() { this.errors = []; this.lineno = 0; this.lineindex = []; this.tokens = []; } setTokenRuleSet(ruleset: TokenizerRuleSet) { this.ruleset = ruleset; } setTokenRules(rules: TokenRule[]) { this.setTokenRuleSet(new TokenizerRuleSet(rules)); } tokenizeFile(contents: string, path: string) { this.path = path; let m; let re = /\n|\r\n?/g; this.lineindex.push(0); while (m = re.exec(contents)) { this.lineindex.push(m.index); } this._tokenize(contents); this.eof = { type: TokenType.EOF, str: "", $loc: { path: this.path, line: this.lineno } }; this.pushToken(this.eof); } _tokenize(text: string): void { // iterate over each token via re_toks regex let m: RegExpMatchArray; this.lineno = 0; while (m = this.ruleset.regex.exec(text)) { let found = false; // find line # while (m.index >= this.lineindex[this.lineno]) { this.lineno++; } // find out which capture group was matched, and thus token type let rules = this.ruleset.rules; for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { let s: string = m[i + 1]; if (s != null) { found = true; let col = m.index - (this.lineindex[this.lineno-1] || -1) - 1; let loc = { path: this.path, line: this.lineno, start: col, end: col + s.length }; let rule = rules[i]; // add token to list switch (rule.type) { case TokenType.CatchAll: if (this.errorOnCatchAll) { this.compileError(`I didn't expect the character "${m[0]}" here.`); } default: this.pushToken({ str: s, type: rule.type, $loc: loc }); case TokenType.Comment: case TokenType.Ignore: break; } break; } } if (!found) { this.compileError(`Could not parse token: <<${m[0]}>>`) } } } pushToken(token: Token) { this.tokens.push(token); } addError(msg: string, loc?: SourceLocation) { let tok = this.lasttoken || this.peekToken(); if (!loc) loc = tok.$loc; this.errors.push({ path: loc.path, line: loc.line, label: this.curlabel, start: loc.start, end: loc.end, msg: msg }); } internalError() { this.compileError("Internal error."); } notImplementedError() { this.compileError("Not yet implemented."); } compileError(msg: string, loc?: SourceLocation, loc2?: SourceLocation) { this.addError(msg, loc); //if (loc2 != null) this.addError(`...`, loc2); throw new CompileError(msg, loc); } peekToken(lookahead?: number): Token { let tok = this.tokens[lookahead || 0]; return tok ? tok : this.eof; } consumeToken(): Token { let tok = this.lasttoken = (this.tokens.shift() || this.eof); return tok; } expectToken(str: string, msg?: string): Token { let tok = this.consumeToken(); let tokstr = tok.str; if (str != tokstr) { this.compileError(msg || `There should be a "${str}" here.`); } return tok; } expectTokens(strlist: string[], msg?: string): Token { let tok = this.consumeToken(); let tokstr = tok.str; if (!strlist.includes(tokstr)) { this.compileError(msg || `These keywords are valid here: ${strlist.join(', ')}`); } return tok; } parseModifiers(modifiers: string[]): { [modifier: string]: boolean } { let result = {}; do { var tok = this.peekToken(); if (modifiers.indexOf(tok.str) < 0) return result; this.consumeToken(); result[tok.str] = true; } while (tok != null); } expectIdent(msg?: string): Token { let tok = this.consumeToken(); if (tok.type != TokenType.Ident) this.compileError(msg || `There should be an identifier here.`); return tok; } pushbackToken(tok: Token) { this.tokens.unshift(tok); } isEOF() { return this.tokens.length == 0 || this.peekToken().type == 'eof'; // TODO? } expectEOL(msg?: string) { let tok = this.consumeToken(); if (tok.type != TokenType.EOL) this.compileError(msg || `There's too much stuff on this line.`); } skipBlankLines() { this.skipTokenTypes(['eol']); } skipTokenTypes(types: string[]) { while (types.includes(this.peekToken().type)) this.consumeToken(); } expectTokenTypes(types: string[], msg?: string) { let tok = this.consumeToken(); if (!types.includes(tok.type)) this.compileError(msg || `There should be a ${ => `"${s}"`).join(' or ')} here. not a "${tok.type}".`); return tok; } parseList(parseFunc:()=>T, delim:string): T[] { var sep; var list = []; do { var el = parseFunc.bind(this)(); // call parse function if (el != null) list.push(el); // add parsed element to list sep = this.consumeToken(); // consume seperator token } while (sep.str == delim); this.pushbackToken(sep); return list; } }