"use strict"; var ATARIVEC_PRESETS = [ ] var AtariVectorPlatform = function(mainElement) { var self = this; var cpuFrequency = 1500000.0; var cpuCyclesPerNMI = 6000; var cpuCyclesPerFrame = Math.round(cpuFrequency/60); var cpu, cpuram, dvgram, rom, vecrom, bus, dvg; var video, audio, timer; var clock; var switches = new RAM(16).mem; var nmicount = cpuCyclesPerNMI; this.getPresets = function() { return ATARIVEC_PRESETS; } this.start = function() { cpu = new jt.M6502(); cpuram = new RAM(0x400); dvgram = new RAM(0x2000); //switches[5] = 0xff; //switches[7] = 0xff; // bus bus = { read: function(address) { address &= 0x7fff; if (address >= 0x6800 && address <= 0x7fff) { return rom[address - 0x6800]; } else if (address <= 0x3ff) { return cpuram.mem[address]; } else if (address >= 0x5000 && address <= 0x5fff) { return vecrom[address - 0x5000]; } else if (address >= 0x4000 && address <= 0x5fff) { return dvgram.mem[address - 0x4000]; } else if (address >= 0x2000 && address <= 0x3fff) { if (address == 0x2001) return ((clock/500) & 1) ? 0xff : 0x00; else if (address >= 0x2000 && address <= 0x2007) return switches[address - 0x2000]; else if (address >= 0x2400 && address <= 0x2407) return switches[address - 0x2400 + 8]; } return 0xff; }, write: function(address, val) { address &= 0x7fff; if (address < 0x3ff) { cpuram.mem[address] = val; } else if (address >= 0x4000 && address <= 0x5fff) { dvgram.mem[address - 0x4000] = val; } else if (address >= 0x3000 && address <= 0x3fff) { //console.log(address.toString(16), val); if (address == 0x3000) dvg.runUntilHalt(); // TODO: draw asynchronous or allow poll of HALT ($2002) } } }; cpu.connectBus(bus); // create video/audio video = new VectorVideo(mainElement,1024,1024); dvg = new DVGStateMachine(bus, video); audio = new SampleAudio(cpuFrequency); video.start(); timer = new AnimationTimer(60, function() { video.clear(); // 262.5 scanlines per frame var iaddr = 0x4000; var iofs = 0; breakClock = -1; clock = 0; for (var i=0; i= 0) { switches[addr] = (flags&1) ? 0xff : 0x00; } }); } this.getOpcodeMetadata = function(opcode, offset) { return Javatari.getOpcodeMetadata(opcode, offset); // TODO } this.loadROM = function(title, data) { if(data.length != 0x2000) { throw "ROM length must be == 0x2000"; } rom = data.slice(0,0x1800); vecrom = data.slice(0x1800,0x2000); this.reset(); } this.getRasterPosition = function() { return {x:0, y:0}; } this.isRunning = function() { return timer.isRunning(); } this.pause = function() { timer.stop(); } this.resume = function() { timer.start(); } this.reset = function() { this.clearDebug(); cpu.reset(); } this.getOriginPC = function() { return (this.readAddress(0xfffc) | (this.readAddress(0xfffd) << 8)) & 0xffff; } this.readAddress = function(addr) { return bus.read(addr); } var onBreakpointHit; var debugCondition; var debugSavedState = null; var debugBreakState = null; var debugTargetClock = 0; var debugClock = 0; var debugFrameStartClock = 0; var breakClock; this.setDebugCondition = function(debugCond) { if (debugSavedState) { self.loadState(debugSavedState); } else { debugSavedState = self.saveState(); } debugClock = 0; debugCondition = debugCond; self.resume(); } this.setupDebug = function(callback) { onBreakpointHit = callback; } this.clearDebug = function() { debugSavedState = null; debugTargetClock = 0; debugClock = 0; debugFrameStartClock = 0; onBreakpointHit = null; debugCondition = null; } this.breakpointHit = function() { debugBreakState = self.saveState(); console.log("Breakpoint at clk", debugClock, "PC", debugBreakState.c.PC.toString(16)); this.pause(); if (onBreakpointHit) { onBreakpointHit(debugBreakState); } } this.step = function() { var previousPC = -1; self.setDebugCondition(function() { if (debugClock++ >= debugTargetClock) { var thisState = cpu.saveState(); if (previousPC < 0) { previousPC = thisState.PC; } else { if (thisState.PC != previousPC && thisState.T == 0) { //console.log(previousPC.toString(16), thisPC.toString(16)); debugTargetClock = debugClock-1; self.breakpointHit(); return true; } } } return false; }); } this.runEval = function(evalfunc) { var self = this; self.setDebugCondition(function() { if (debugClock++ > debugTargetClock) { var cpuState = cpu.saveState(); cpuState.PC = (cpuState.PC-1)&0xffff; if (evalfunc(cpuState)) { self.breakpointHit(); debugTargetClock = debugClock; return true; } else { return false; } } }); } this.loadState = function(state) { cpu.loadState(state.c); cpuram.mem.set(state.cb); dvgram.mem.set(state.db); nmicount = state.nmic; } this.saveState = function() { return { c:cpu.saveState(), cb:cpuram.mem.slice(0), db:dvgram.mem.slice(0), nmic:nmicount } } this.getRAMForState = function(state) { return state.cb; } } var DVGStateMachine = function(bus, video) { var self = this; var pc = 0; var x = 0; var y = 0; var gsc = 0; var bofs = 0x4000; var pcstack = []; var running = false; function readWord(a) { a &= 0xfff; return bus.read(a*2+bofs) + (bus.read(a*2+bofs+1) << 8); } function decodeSigned(w, o2) { var s = w & (1<> 12; //console.log(hex(pc), hex(w)); pc++; switch (op) { // VEC case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: { // VCTR var sc = gsc + 9 - op; var w2 = readWord(pc++); var z = w2 >> 12; var x2 = x + ((decodeSigned(w2, 10) << 7) >> sc); var y2 = y + ((decodeSigned(w, 10) << 7) >> sc); video.drawLine(x, y, x2, y2, z); //console.log(pc.toString(16), w.toString(16), w2.toString(16), gsc, sc, x, y, x2, y2); x = x2; y = y2; break; } case 10: { // LABS var w2 = readWord(pc++); gsc = GSCALES[w2 >> 12]; x = w2 & 0x3ff; y = w & 0x3ff; break; } case 11: // HALT running = false; break; case 13: // RTSL pc = pcstack.pop(); break; case 12: // JSRL pcstack.push(pc); case 14: // JMPL pc = w & 0xfff; break; case 15: { // SVEC var sc = ((w>>11)&1) + ((w>>2)&2); sc = gsc - sc - 1; var x2 = x + ((decodeSigned(w, 2) << 7) >> sc); var y2 = y + ((decodeSigned(w>>8, 2) << 7) >> sc); var z = (w >> 4) & 0xf; video.drawLine(x, y, x2, y2, z); x = x2; y = y2; break; } } } }