"use strict"; // Emulator classes var PLATFORMS = {}; function noise() { return (Math.random() * 256) & 0xff; } function __createCanvas(mainElement, width, height) { // TODO var fsElement = document.createElement('div'); fsElement.style.position = "relative"; fsElement.style.padding = "5%"; fsElement.style.overflow = "hidden"; fsElement.style.background = "black"; var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; canvas.style['class'] = "emuvideo"; canvas.style.width = "100%"; canvas.style.height = "100%"; canvas.tabIndex = "-1"; // Make it focusable fsElement.appendChild(canvas); mainElement.appendChild(fsElement); return canvas; } var RasterVideo = function(mainElement, width, height, options) { var self = this; var canvas, ctx; var imageData, arraybuf, buf8, datau32; this.create = function() { self.canvas = canvas = __createCanvas(mainElement, width, height); if (options && options.rotate) { // TODO: aspect ratio? canvas.style.transform = "rotate("+options.rotate+"deg)"; if (canvas.width > canvas.height) canvas.style.paddingTop = canvas.style.paddingBottom = "10%"; else canvas.style.paddingLeft = canvas.style.paddingRight = "10%"; } ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); imageData = ctx.createImageData(width, height); /* arraybuf = new ArrayBuffer(imageData.data.length); buf8 = new Uint8Array(arraybuf); // TODO: Uint8ClampedArray datau32 = new Uint32Array(arraybuf); */ buf8 = imageData.data; datau32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); } // TODO: common function (canvas) this.setKeyboardEvents = function(callback) { canvas.onkeydown = function(e) { callback(e.which, 0, 1|_metakeyflags(e)); }; canvas.onkeyup = function(e) { callback(e.which, 0, 0|_metakeyflags(e)); }; canvas.onkeypress = function(e) { callback(e.which, e.charCode, 1|_metakeyflags(e)); }; }; this.getFrameData = function() { return datau32; } this.updateFrame = function(sx, sy, dx, dy, width, height) { //imageData.data.set(buf8); // TODO: slow w/ partial updates if (width && height) ctx.putImageData(imageData, sx, sy, dx, dy, width, height); else ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); } /* mainElement.style.position = "relative"; mainElement.style.overflow = "hidden"; mainElement.style.outline = "none"; mainElement.tabIndex = "-1"; // Make it focusable borderElement = document.createElement('div'); borderElement.style.position = "relative"; borderElement.style.overflow = "hidden"; borderElement.style.background = "black"; borderElement.style.border = "0 solid black"; borderElement.style.borderWidth = "" + borderTop + "px " + borderLateral + "px " + borderBottom + "px"; if (Javatari.SCREEN_CONTROL_BAR === 2) { borderElement.style.borderImage = "url(" + IMAGE_PATH + "screenborder.png) " + borderTop + " " + borderLateral + " " + borderBottom + " repeat stretch"; } fsElement = document.createElement('div'); fsElement.style.position = "relative"; fsElement.style.width = "100%"; fsElement.style.height = "100%"; fsElement.style.overflow = "hidden"; fsElement.style.background = "black"; document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", fullScreenChanged); document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", fullScreenChanged); document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", fullScreenChanged); document.addEventListener("msfullscreenchange", fullScreenChanged); borderElement.appendChild(fsElement); canvas.style.position = "absolute"; canvas.style.display = "block"; canvas.style.left = canvas.style.right = 0; canvas.style.top = canvas.style.bottom = 0; canvas.style.margin = "auto"; canvas.tabIndex = "-1"; // Make it focusable canvas.style.outline = "none"; fsElement.appendChild(canvas); setElementsSizes(jt.CanvasDisplay.DEFAULT_STARTING_WIDTH, jt.CanvasDisplay.DEFAULT_STARTING_HEIGHT); mainElement.appendChild(borderElement); */ } var VectorVideo = function(mainElement, width, height) { var self = this; var canvas, ctx; var persistenceAlpha = 0.5; var jitter = 1.0; var gamma = 0.8; var sx = width/1024.0; var sy = height/1024.0; this.create = function() { canvas = __createCanvas(mainElement, width, height); ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); } // TODO: common function (canvas) this.setKeyboardEvents = function(callback) { canvas.onkeydown = function(e) { callback(e.which, 0, 1|_metakeyflags(e)); }; canvas.onkeyup = function(e) { callback(e.which, 0, 0|_metakeyflags(e)); }; canvas.onkeypress = function(e) { callback(e.which, e.charCode, 1|_metakeyflags(e)); }; }; this.clear = function() { ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'; ctx.globalAlpha = persistenceAlpha; ctx.fillStyle = '#000000'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter'; } var COLORS = [ '#111111', '#1111ff', '#11ff11', '#11ffff', '#ff1111', '#ff11ff', '#ffff11', '#ffffff' ]; this.drawLine = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, intensity, color) { //console.log(x1, y1, x2, y2, intensity); if (intensity > 0) { // TODO: landscape vs portrait var alpha = Math.pow(intensity / 255.0, gamma); ctx.globalAlpha = alpha; ctx.beginPath(); // TODO: bright dots var jx = jitter * (Math.random() - 0.5); var jy = jitter * (Math.random() - 0.5); x1 += jx; x2 += jx; y1 += jy; y2 += jy; ctx.moveTo(x1*sx, height-y1*sy); if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) ctx.lineTo(x2*sx+1, height-y2*sy); else ctx.lineTo(x2*sx, height-y2*sy); ctx.strokeStyle = COLORS[color & 7]; ctx.stroke(); } } } var RAM = function(size) { var memArray = new ArrayBuffer(size); this.mem = new Uint8Array(memArray); } // TODO var AnimationTimer = function(frequencyHz, callback) { var intervalMsec = 1000.0 / frequencyHz; var curTime = 0; var running; var useReqAnimFrame = false; // TODO: disable on OS X function scheduleFrame() { if (useReqAnimFrame) window.requestAnimationFrame(nextFrame); else setTimeout(nextFrame, intervalMsec); } var nextFrame = function(timestamp) { // TODO: calculate framerate callback(); if (running) { scheduleFrame(); } } this.isRunning = function() { return running; } this.start = function() { if (!running) { running = true; scheduleFrame(); } } this.stop = function() { running = false; } } // var SampleAudio = function(clockfreq) { var self = this; var sfrac, sinc, accum; var buffer, bufpos, bufferlist; function mix(ape) { var buflen=ape.outputBuffer.length; var lbuf = ape.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0); //var rbuf = ape.outputBuffer.getChannelData(1); var m = this.module; if (!m) m = ape.srcElement.module; if (!m) return; if (m.callback) { m.callback(lbuf); return; } else { var buf = bufferlist[1]; for (var i=0; i 44100) ? 4096 : 2048; // Amiga 500 fixed filter at 6kHz. WebAudio lowpass is 12dB/oct, whereas // older Amigas had a 6dB/oct filter at 4900Hz. self.filterNode=self.context.createBiquadFilter(); if (self.amiga500) { self.filterNode.frequency.value=6000; } else { self.filterNode.frequency.value=28867; } // "LED filter" at 3275kHz - off by default self.lowpassNode=self.context.createBiquadFilter(); self.lowpassNode.frequency.value=28867; self.filter=false; // mixer if ( typeof self.context.createScriptProcessor === 'function') { self.mixerNode=self.context.createScriptProcessor(self.bufferlen, 1, 1); } else { self.mixerNode=self.context.createJavaScriptNode(self.bufferlen, 1, 1); } self.mixerNode.module=self; self.mixerNode.onaudioprocess=mix; // compressor for a bit of volume boost, helps with multich tunes self.compressorNode=self.context.createDynamicsCompressor(); // patch up some cables :) self.mixerNode.connect(self.filterNode); self.filterNode.connect(self.lowpassNode); self.lowpassNode.connect(self.compressorNode); self.compressorNode.connect(self.context.destination); } this.start = function() { if (!this.context) createContext(); sinc = this.sr * 1.0 / clockfreq; sfrac = 0; accum = 0; bufpos = 0; bufferlist = []; for (var i=0; i<2; i++) { var arrbuf = new ArrayBuffer(self.bufferlen*4); bufferlist[i] = new Float32Array(arrbuf); } buffer = bufferlist[0]; } this.stop = function() { if (this.context) { this.context.close(); this.context = null; } } this.feedSample = function(value, count) { while (count-- > 0) { accum += value; sfrac += sinc; if (sfrac >= 1) { buffer[bufpos++] = accum / sfrac; sfrac -= 1; accum = 0; if (bufpos >= buffer.length) { bufpos = 0; bufferlist[0] = bufferlist[1]; bufferlist[1] = buffer; } } } } } function cpuStateToLongString_6502(c) { function decodeFlags(c, flags) { var s = ""; s += c.N ? " N" : " -"; s += c.V ? " V" : " -"; s += c.D ? " D" : " -"; s += c.Z ? " Z" : " -"; s += c.C ? " C" : " -"; // s += c.I ? " I" : " -"; return s; } return "PC " + hex(c.PC,4) + " " + decodeFlags(c) + "\n" + " A " + hex(c.A) + " " + (c.R ? "" : "BUSY") + "\n" + " X " + hex(c.X) + "\n" + " Y " + hex(c.Y) + " " + "SP " + hex(c.SP) + "\n"; } ////// 6502 var Base6502Platform = function() { this.newCPU = function(membus) { var cpu = new jt.M6502(); cpu.connectBus(membus); return cpu; } this.getOpcodeMetadata = function(opcode, offset) { return Javatari.getOpcodeMetadata(opcode, offset); // TODO } this.getOriginPC = function() { return (this.readAddress(0xfffc) | (this.readAddress(0xfffd) << 8)) & 0xffff; } var onBreakpointHit; var debugCondition; var debugSavedState = null; var debugBreakState = null; var debugTargetClock = 0; var debugClock = 0; this.setDebugCondition = function(debugCond) { if (debugSavedState) { this.loadState(debugSavedState); } else { debugSavedState = this.saveState(); } debugClock = 0; debugCondition = debugCond; debugBreakState = null; this.resume(); } this.restartDebugState = function() { if (debugCondition && !debugBreakState) { debugSavedState = this.saveState(); debugTargetClock -= debugClock; debugClock = 0; } } this.getDebugCallback = function() { return debugCondition; } this.setupDebug = function(callback) { onBreakpointHit = callback; } this.clearDebug = function() { debugSavedState = null; debugBreakState = null; debugTargetClock = 0; debugClock = 0; onBreakpointHit = null; debugCondition = null; } this.breakpointHit = function(targetClock) { debugTargetClock = targetClock; debugBreakState = this.saveState(); debugBreakState.c.PC = (debugBreakState.c.PC-1) & 0xffff; console.log("Breakpoint at clk", debugClock, "PC", debugBreakState.c.PC.toString(16)); this.pause(); if (onBreakpointHit) { onBreakpointHit(debugBreakState); } } // TODO: lower bound of clock value this.step = function() { var self = this; var previousPC = -1; this.setDebugCondition(function() { if (debugClock++ > debugTargetClock) { var thisState = self.getCPUState(); if (previousPC < 0) { previousPC = thisState.PC; } else { if (thisState.PC != previousPC && thisState.T == 0) { //console.log(previousPC.toString(16), thisPC.toString(16)); self.breakpointHit(debugClock-1); return true; } } } return false; }); } this.stepBack = function() { var self = this; var prevState; var prevClock; this.setDebugCondition(function() { if (debugClock++ >= debugTargetClock && prevState) { self.loadState(prevState); self.breakpointHit(prevClock-1); return true; } else if (debugClock > debugTargetClock-10 && debugClock < debugTargetClock) { if (self.getCPUState().T == 0) { prevState = self.saveState(); prevClock = debugClock; } } return false; }); } this.runEval = function(evalfunc) { var self = this; this.setDebugCondition(function() { if (debugClock++ > debugTargetClock) { var cpuState = self.getCPUState(); cpuState.PC = (cpuState.PC-1)&0xffff; if (evalfunc(cpuState)) { self.breakpointHit(debugClock-1); return true; } else { return false; } } }); } this.runUntilReturn = function() { var depth = 1; this.runEval(function(c) { if (depth <= 0 && c.T == 0) return true; if (c.o == 0x20) depth++; else if (c.o == 0x60 || c.o == 0x40) --depth; return false; }); } this.disassemble = function(pc, read) { return disassemble6502(pc, read(pc), read(pc+1), read(pc+2)); } this.cpuStateToLongString = function(c) { return cpuStateToLongString_6502(c); } this.getToolForFilename = function(fn) { if (fn.endsWith(".pla")) return "plasm"; if (fn.endsWith(".c")) return "cc65"; if (fn.endsWith(".s")) return "ca65"; return "dasm"; } } function dumpRAM(ram, ramofs, ramlen) { var s = ""; // TODO: show scrollable RAM for other platforms for (var ofs=0; ofs>i)) ? flagspec.slice(i,i+1) : "-"; return s; // TODO } return "PC " + hex(c.PC,4) + " " + decodeFlags(c.AF) + "\n" + "SP " + hex(c.SP,4) + " IR " + hex(c.IR,4) + "\n" + "IX " + hex(c.IX,4) + " IY " + hex(c.IY,4) + "\n" + "AF " + hex(c.AF,4) + " BC " + hex(c.BC,4) + "\n" + "DE " + hex(c.DE,4) + " HL " + hex(c.HL,4) + "\n" ; } var BaseZ80Platform = function() { window.buildZ80({ applyContention: false // TODO??? }); // TODO: refactor w/ platforms this.newCPU = function(membus, iobus) { return window.Z80({ display: {}, memory: membus, ioBus: iobus }); } // TODO: refactor other parts into here this.runCPU = function(cpu, cycles) { var debugCond = this.getDebugCallback(); var targetTstates = cpu.getTstates() + cycles; if (debugCond) { // || trace) { while (cpu.getTstates() < targetTstates) { //_trace(); // TODO if (debugCond && debugCond()) { debugCond = null; break; } cpu.runFrame(cpu.getTstates() + 1); } } else { cpu.runFrame(targetTstates); } return cpu.getTstates() - targetTstates; } var onBreakpointHit; var debugCondition; var debugSavedState = null; var debugBreakState = null; var debugTargetClock = 0; this.setDebugCondition = function(debugCond) { if (debugSavedState) { this.loadState(debugSavedState); } else { debugSavedState = this.saveState(); } debugCondition = debugCond; debugBreakState = null; this.resume(); } this.restartDebugState = function() { if (debugCondition && !debugBreakState) { debugSavedState = this.saveState(); if (debugTargetClock > 0) debugTargetClock -= debugSavedState.c.T; debugSavedState.c.T = 0; this.loadState(debugSavedState); } } this.getDebugCallback = function() { return debugCondition; } this.setupDebug = function(callback) { onBreakpointHit = callback; } this.clearDebug = function() { debugSavedState = null; debugBreakState = null; debugTargetClock = 0; onBreakpointHit = null; debugCondition = null; } this.breakpointHit = function(targetClock) { debugTargetClock = targetClock; debugBreakState = this.saveState(); //debugBreakState.c.PC = (debugBreakState.c.PC-1) & 0xffff; console.log("Breakpoint at clk", debugBreakState.c.T, "PC", debugBreakState.c.PC.toString(16)); this.pause(); if (onBreakpointHit) { onBreakpointHit(debugBreakState); } } // TODO: lower bound of clock value this.step = function() { var self = this; this.setDebugCondition(function() { var cpuState = self.getCPUState(); if (cpuState.T > debugTargetClock) { self.breakpointHit(cpuState.T); return true; } return false; }); } this.stepBack = function() { var self = this; var prevState; var prevClock; this.setDebugCondition(function() { var cpuState = self.getCPUState(); var debugClock = cpuState.T; if (debugClock >= debugTargetClock && prevState) { self.loadState(prevState); self.breakpointHit(prevClock); return true; } else if (debugClock > debugTargetClock-20 && debugClock < debugTargetClock) { prevState = self.saveState(); prevClock = debugClock; } return false; }); } this.runEval = function(evalfunc) { var self = this; this.setDebugCondition(function() { var cpuState = self.getCPUState(); if (cpuState.T > debugTargetClock) { if (evalfunc(cpuState)) { self.breakpointHit(cpuState.T); return true; } } return false; }); } this.runUntilReturn = function() { var self = this; var depth = 1; this.runEval(function(c) { if (depth <= 0) return true; var op = self.readAddress(c.PC); if (op == 0xcd) // CALL depth++; else if (op == 0xc0 || op == 0xc8 || op == 0xc9 || op == 0xd0) // RET (TODO?) --depth; return false; }); } this.cpuStateToLongString = function(c) { return cpuStateToLongString_Z80(c); } this.getToolForFilename = function(fn) { if (fn.endsWith(".c")) return "sdcc"; if (fn.endsWith(".s")) return "sdasz80"; return "z80asm"; } // TODO //this.getOpcodeMetadata = function() { } } ////// 6809 function cpuStateToLongString_6809(c) { function decodeFlags(flags) { var flagspec = "EFHINZVC"; var s = ""; for (var i=0; i<8; i++) s += (flags & (128>>i)) ? flagspec.slice(i,i+1) : "-"; return s; // TODO } return "PC " + hex(c.PC,4) + " " + decodeFlags(c.CC) + "\n" + "SP " + hex(c.SP,4) + "\n" + " A " + hex(c.A,2) + "\n" + " B " + hex(c.B,2) + "\n" + " X " + hex(c.X,4) + "\n" + " Y " + hex(c.Y,4) + "\n" + " U " + hex(c.U,4) + "\n" ; } var Base6809Platform = function() { this.__proto__ = new BaseZ80Platform(); this.newCPU = function(membus) { var cpu = new CPU6809(); cpu.init(membus.write, membus.read, 0); return cpu; } this.runUntilReturn = function() { var self = this; var depth = 1; self.runEval(function(c) { if (depth <= 0) return true; var op = self.readAddress(c.PC); // TODO: 6809 opcodes if (op == 0x9d || op == 0xad || op == 0xbd) // CALL depth++; else if (op == 0x3b || op == 0x39) // RET --depth; return false; }); } this.cpuStateToLongString = function(c) { return cpuStateToLongString_6809(c); } this.getToolForFilename = function(fn) { return "xasm6809"; } this.disassemble = function(pc, read) { // TODO: don't create new CPU return new CPU6809().disasm(read(pc), read(pc+1), read(pc+2), read(pc+3), read(pc+4), pc); } //this.getOpcodeMetadata = function() { } } ////////// var Keys = { VK_ESCAPE: {c: 27, n: "Esc"}, VK_F1: {c: 112, n: "F1"}, VK_F2: {c: 113, n: "F2"}, VK_F3: {c: 114, n: "F3"}, VK_F4: {c: 115, n: "F4"}, VK_F5: {c: 116, n: "F5"}, VK_F6: {c: 117, n: "F6"}, VK_F7: {c: 118, n: "F7"}, VK_F8: {c: 119, n: "F8"}, VK_F9: {c: 120, n: "F9"}, VK_F10: {c: 121, n: "F10"}, VK_F11: {c: 122, n: "F11"}, VK_F12: {c: 123, n: "F12"}, VK_SCROLL_LOCK: {c: 145, n: "ScrLck"}, VK_PAUSE: {c: 19, n: "Pause"}, VK_QUOTE: {c: 192, n: "'"}, VK_1: {c: 49, n: "1"}, VK_2: {c: 50, n: "2"}, VK_3: {c: 51, n: "3"}, VK_4: {c: 52, n: "4"}, VK_5: {c: 53, n: "5"}, VK_6: {c: 54, n: "6"}, VK_7: {c: 55, n: "7"}, VK_8: {c: 56, n: "8"}, VK_9: {c: 57, n: "9"}, VK_0: {c: 48, n: "0"}, VK_MINUS: {c: 189, n: "-"}, VK_MINUS2: {c: 173, n: "-"}, VK_EQUALS: {c: 187, n: "="}, VK_EQUALS2: {c: 61, n: "="}, VK_BACK_SPACE: {c: 8, n: "Bkspc"}, VK_TAB: {c: 9, n: "Tab"}, VK_Q: {c: 81, n: "Q"}, VK_W: {c: 87, n: "W"}, VK_E: {c: 69, n: "E"}, VK_R: {c: 82, n: "R"}, VK_T: {c: 84, n: "T"}, VK_Y: {c: 89, n: "Y"}, VK_U: {c: 85, n: "U"}, VK_I: {c: 73, n: "I"}, VK_O: {c: 79, n: "O"}, VK_P: {c: 80, n: "P"}, VK_ACUTE: {c: 219, n: "´"}, VK_OPEN_BRACKET: {c: 221, n: "["}, VK_CLOSE_BRACKET: {c: 220, n: "]"}, VK_CAPS_LOCK: {c: 20, n: "CpsLck"}, VK_A: {c: 65, n: "A"}, VK_S: {c: 83, n: "S"}, VK_D: {c: 68, n: "D"}, VK_F: {c: 70, n: "F"}, VK_G: {c: 71, n: "G"}, VK_H: {c: 72, n: "H"}, VK_J: {c: 74, n: "J"}, VK_K: {c: 75, n: "K"}, VK_L: {c: 76, n: "L"}, VK_CEDILLA: {c: 186, n: "Ç"}, VK_TILDE: {c: 222, n: "~"}, VK_ENTER: {c: 13, n: "Enter"}, VK_SHIFT: {c: 16, n: "Shift"}, VK_BACK_SLASH: {c: 226, n: "\\"}, VK_Z: {c: 90, n: "Z"}, VK_X: {c: 88, n: "X"}, VK_C: {c: 67, n: "C"}, VK_V: {c: 86, n: "V"}, VK_B: {c: 66, n: "B"}, VK_N: {c: 78, n: "N"}, VK_M: {c: 77, n: "M"}, VK_COMMA: {c: 188, n: "] ="}, VK_PERIOD: {c: 190, n: "."}, VK_SEMICOLON: {c: 191, n: ";"}, VK_SLASH: {c: 193, n: "/"}, VK_CONTROL: {c: 17, n: "Ctrl"}, VK_ALT: {c: 18, n: "Alt"}, VK_SPACE: {c: 32, n: "Space"}, VK_INSERT: {c: 45, n: "Ins"}, VK_DELETE: {c: 46, n: "Del"}, VK_HOME: {c: 36, n: "Home"}, VK_END: {c: 35, n: "End"}, VK_PAGE_UP: {c: 33, n: "PgUp"}, VK_PAGE_DOWN: {c: 34, n: "PgDown"}, VK_UP: {c: 38, n: "Up"}, VK_DOWN: {c: 40, n: "Down"}, VK_LEFT: {c: 37, n: "Left"}, VK_RIGHT: {c: 39, n: "Right"}, VK_NUM_LOCK: {c: 144, n: "Num"}, VK_DIVIDE: {c: 111, n: "Num /"}, VK_MULTIPLY: {c: 106, n: "Num *"}, VK_SUBTRACT: {c: 109, n: "Num -"}, VK_ADD: {c: 107, n: "Num +"}, VK_DECIMAL: {c: 194, n: "Num ."}, VK_NUMPAD0: {c: 96, n: "Num 0"}, VK_NUMPAD1: {c: 97, n: "Num 1"}, VK_NUMPAD2: {c: 98, n: "Num 2"}, VK_NUMPAD3: {c: 99, n: "Num 3"}, VK_NUMPAD4: {c: 100, n: "Num 4"}, VK_NUMPAD5: {c: 101, n: "Num 5"}, VK_NUMPAD6: {c: 102, n: "Num 6"}, VK_NUMPAD7: {c: 103, n: "Num 7"}, VK_NUMPAD8: {c: 104, n: "Num 8"}, VK_NUMPAD9: {c: 105, n: "Num 9"}, VK_NUMPAD_CENTER: {c: 12, n: "Num Cntr"} }; function _metakeyflags(e) { return (e.shiftKey?2:0) | (e.ctrlKey?4:0) | (e.altKey?8:0) | (e.metaKey?16:0); } function setKeyboardFromMap(video, switches, map, func) { video.setKeyboardEvents(function(key,code,flags) { var o = map[key]; if (o && func) { func(o, key, code, flags); } if (o) { //console.log(key,code,flags,o); var mask = o.mask; if (mask < 0) { // negative mask == active low mask = -mask; flags ^= 1; } if (flags & 1) { switches[o.index] |= mask; } else { switches[o.index] &= ~mask; } } }); } function makeKeycodeMap(table) { var map = {}; for (var i=0; i len) { throw Error("Data too long, " + data.length + " > " + len); } var r = new RAM(len); r.mem.set(data); return r.mem; } // TODO: better performance, check values function AddressDecoder(table, options) { var self = this; function makeFunction(lo, hi) { var s = ""; if (options && options.gmask) { s += "a&=" + options.gmask + ";"; } for (var i=0; i