TODO: - NaN in cycle count for macros - debugging of scan line overflow - confuse code/data in listing - show memory locations hovering over lines - don't play sound when debugging - don't check against ROM signatures - better errors when ROM format wrong - debugging inside of bank switching??? relocated segs? - support 6502 test cases - DASM: macro forward refs - support narrow screens - show other TIA internal values - case sensisitvity looking for mismatch variables - remove pulldown when no preset? - can't step after reset (or when funky frame; TIA frame is out of sync) - break on BRK/illegal opcode? - multiple breakpoints, expression breakpoints - use localForage ( - run apple CPU until boot - cc65 listing file parsing - better disasm/listing selection - disasm for z80 - projects w/ include files - watchpoints - breakpoints - debug inspector - MAME single step (?) - step over - slowdown beam for all platforms? - kbd shortcuts WEB WORKER FORMAT {code,platform,tool,dependencies} {preload} new: {infiles,buildsteps} [{filepath,platform,tool}] implicit rules - push/shift build steps - preprocessor, compile, assemble, link - access to intermediate files only build files that have changed build options build project files