/* * Copyright (c) 2024 Steven E. Hugg * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ import { ARM32CPU, ARMCoreState } from "../common/cpu/ARM"; import { BasicScanlineMachine, Bus32, HasSerialIO, SerialEvent, SerialIOInterface } from "../common/devices"; import { newAddressDecoder, Keys, makeKeycodeMap, newKeyboardHandler, EmuHalt } from "../common/emu"; import { Debuggable, EmuState } from "../common/baseplatform"; import { hex, lpad } from "../common/util"; var GBA_KEYCODE_MAP = makeKeycodeMap([ [Keys.A, 0, 0x1], [Keys.B, 0, 0x2], [Keys.GP_A, 0, 0x1], [Keys.GP_B, 0, 0x2], [Keys.SELECT,0, 0x4], [Keys.START ,0, 0x8], [Keys.RIGHT, 0, 0x10], [Keys.LEFT, 0, 0x20], [Keys.UP, 0, 0x40], [Keys.DOWN, 0, 0x80], ]); const RAM_START = 0x0; const RAM_SIZE = 0x100000; const ROM_BASE = 0x0; const IO_START = 0x4000000; const IO_SIZE = 0x100; const MAX_SERIAL_CHARS = 1000000; const CPU_FREQ = 4000000; // 4 MHz const ILLEGAL_OPCODE = 0xedededed; export class ARM32Machine extends BasicScanlineMachine implements Debuggable, HasSerialIO, Bus32 { cpuFrequency = CPU_FREQ; // MHz canvasWidth = 160; numTotalScanlines = 256; numVisibleScanlines = 128; cpuCyclesPerLine = Math.floor(CPU_FREQ / (256*60)); defaultROMSize = RAM_SIZE - ROM_BASE; sampleRate = 1; cpu: ARM32CPU = new ARM32CPU(); ram = new Uint8Array(RAM_SIZE); ram16 = new Uint16Array(this.ram.buffer); ram32 = new Uint32Array(this.ram.buffer); pixels32 : Uint32Array; pixels8 : Uint8Array; rombase : number = ROM_BASE; brightness : number = 255; serial : SerialIOInterface; serialOut : SerialEvent[]; serialIn : SerialEvent[]; ioregs = new Uint8Array(IO_SIZE); ioregs32 = new Uint32Array(this.ioregs.buffer); constructor() { super(); this.connectCPUMemoryBus(this); this.handler = newKeyboardHandler(this.inputs, GBA_KEYCODE_MAP); } connectVideo(pixels:Uint32Array) : void { super.connectVideo(pixels); this.pixels32 = pixels; this.pixels8 = new Uint8Array(pixels.buffer); } connectSerialIO(serial: SerialIOInterface) { this.serial = serial; } loadROM(rom: Uint8Array) { super.loadROM(rom); } reset() { if (this.rom) { this.ram.set(this.rom, this.rombase); } super.reset(); this.serialOut = []; this.serialIn = []; } // TODO: 32-bit bus? read = newAddressDecoder([ [RAM_START, RAM_START+RAM_SIZE-1, RAM_SIZE-1, (a) => { return this.ram[a]; }], [IO_START, IO_START+IO_SIZE-1, IO_SIZE-1, (a, v) => { return this.readIO(a); }], ], {defaultval: ILLEGAL_OPCODE & 0xff}); write = newAddressDecoder([ [RAM_START, RAM_START+RAM_SIZE-1, RAM_SIZE-1, (a, v) => { this.ram[a] = v; }], [IO_START, IO_START+IO_SIZE-1, IO_SIZE-1, (a, v) => { this.writeIO(a, v); }], ]); read32 = (a) => { if (a >= RAM_START && a < RAM_SIZE && (a & 3) == 0) { return this.ram32[a >> 2]; } else { return this.read(a) | (this.read(a+1)<<8) | (this.read(a+2)<<16) | (this.read(a+3)<<24); } }; write32 = (a, v) => { if (a >= RAM_START && a < RAM_SIZE && (a & 3) == 0) { this.ram32[a >> 2] = v; } else { this.write(a, v & 0xff); this.write(a+1, (v>>8) & 0xff); this.write(a+2, (v>>16) & 0xff); this.write(a+3, (v>>24) & 0xff); } } readAddress(a : number) : number { if (a >= RAM_START && a < RAM_START+RAM_SIZE) return this.read(a); else return ILLEGAL_OPCODE; } readIO(a : number) : number { switch (a) { case 0x0: return this.inputs[0]; case 0x40: return (this.serial.byteAvailable() ? 0x80 : 0) | (this.serial.clearToSend() ? 0x40 : 0); case 0x44: let evin = this.serialIn.shift(); if (evin != null) { this.serialOut.push(evin); return evin.value; } else return 0; default: return 0; } } writeIO(a : number, v : number) : void { this.ioregs[a] = v; switch (a) { case 0x0: //this.brightness = v & 0xff; break; case 0x48: if (this.serialOut.length < MAX_SERIAL_CHARS) { this.serialOut.push({op:'write', value:v, nbits:8}); } break; } } startScanline() { } drawScanline() { } postFrame() { var p32 = this.pixels32; const vidbase = this.ioregs32[0x80 >> 2]; var vbase = (vidbase >> 1) & 0xfffff; var mask = this.brightness << 24; for (var i=0; i // 000rrrrr000ggggg000bbbbb00011111111 p32[i] = mask | ((col&31)<<3) | (((col>>5)&31)<<11) | (((col>>10)&31)<<19); } } getDebugCategories() { return ['CPU', 'Stack', 'FPU']; } getDebugInfo?(category: string, state: EmuState) : string { switch (category) { case 'Stack': var s = ''; var c = state.c as ARMCoreState; var sp = c.gprs[13]; var fp = c.gprs[11]; // dump stack using ram32 for (var i=0; i<16; i++) { s += hex(sp,8) + ' ' + hex(this.ram32[(sp-RAM_START)>>2],8); if (sp == fp) s += ' FP'; s += '\n'; sp += 4; if (sp >= RAM_START+RAM_SIZE) break; } return s; case 'CPU': var s = ''; var c = state.c as ARMCoreState; const EXEC_MODE = {2:'Thumb',4:'ARM'}; const REGNAMES = {15:'PC',14:'LR',13:'SP',12:'IP',11:'FP',9:'SB'}; for (var i=0; i<8; i++) { let j = i+8; s += lpad('r'+i, 5) + ' ' + hex(c.gprs[i],8) + ' '; s += lpad('r'+j, 5) + ' ' + hex(c.gprs[j],8) + lpad(REGNAMES[j]||'',3) + '\n'; } s += 'Flags '; s += c.cpsrN ? " N" : " -"; s += c.cpsrV ? " V" : " -"; s += c.cpsrF ? " F" : " -"; s += c.cpsrZ ? " Z" : " -"; s += c.cpsrC ? " C" : " -"; s += c.cpsrI ? " I" : " -"; s += '\n'; s += 'MODE ' + EXEC_MODE[c.instructionWidth] + ' ' + MODE_NAMES[c.mode] + '\n'; s += 'SPSR ' + hex(c.spsr,8) + '\n'; s += 'cycl ' + c.cycles + '\n'; return s; case 'FPU': var s = ''; var c = state.c as ARMCoreState; for (var i=0; i<16; i++) { //let j = i+16; s += lpad('s'+i, 5) + ' ' + hex(c.ifprs[i],8) + ' ' + c.sfprs[i] + '\n'; //s += lpad('s'+j, 5) + ' ' + lpad(c.sfprs[j]+'',8) + '\n'; } return s; } } saveState() { var state = super.saveState() as any; state.serial = { sin: this.serialIn.slice(0), sout : this.serialOut.slice(0) } return state; } loadState(state) { super.loadState(state); this.serialIn = state.serial.sin; this.serialOut = state.serial.sout; } } const MODE_NAMES = { 0x10: "USER", 0x11: "FIQ", 0x12: "IRQ", 0x13: "SUPERVISOR", 0x17: "ABORT", 0x1b: "UNDEFINED", 0x1f: "SYSTEM", };