#include #include #include typedef unsigned char byte; typedef unsigned short word; typedef signed char sbyte; word __at(0xa000) dvgram[0x1000]; byte __at(0x8840) _dvgstart; int __at(0x8100) mathbox_sum; sbyte __at(0x8102) mathbox_arg1; sbyte __at(0x8103) mathbox_arg2; byte __at(0x810f) mathbox_go_mul; byte __at (0x8000) input0; byte __at (0x8001) input1; byte __at (0x8002) input2; #define LEFT1 !(input1 & 0x8) #define RIGHT1 !(input1 & 0x4) #define UP1 !(input1 & 0x10) #define DOWN1 !(input1 & 0x20) #define FIRE1 !(input1 & 0x2) #define BOMB1 !(input1 & 0x1) #define COIN1 (input0 & 0x2) #define COIN2 (input0 & 0x1) #define START1 (input2 & 0x20) #define START2 (input2 & 0x40) // void main(); void _sdcc_heap_init(void); // for malloc() void start() { __asm LD SP,#0x0 DI ; copy initialized data LD BC, #l__INITIALIZER LD A, B LD DE, #s__INITIALIZED LD HL, #s__INITIALIZER LDIR __endasm; // init heap for malloc() and run main pgm. _sdcc_heap_init(); main(); } // VECTOR ROUTINES int dvgwrofs; // write offset for DVG buffer inline word ___swapw(word j) { return ((j << 8) | (j >> 8)); } inline void dvgreset() { dvgwrofs = 0; } inline void dvgstart() { _dvgstart = 0; } void dvgwrite(word w) { dvgram[dvgwrofs++] = w; } inline void VCTR(int dx, int dy, byte bright) { dvgwrite((dy & 0x1fff)); dvgwrite(((bright & 7) << 13) | (dx & 0x1fff)); } inline void SVEC(signed char dx, signed char dy, byte bright) { dvgwrite(0x4000 | (dx & 0x1f) | ((bright&7)<<5) | ((dy & 0x1f)<<8)); } inline void JSRL(word offset) { dvgwrite(0xa000 | offset); } inline void JMPL(word offset) { dvgwrite(0xe000 | offset); } inline void RTSL() { dvgwrite(0xc000); } inline void CNTR() { dvgwrite(0x8000); } inline void HALT() { dvgwrite(0x2000); } inline void STAT(byte rgb, byte intens) { dvgwrite(0x6000 | ((intens & 0xf)<<4) | (rgb & 7)); } inline void STAT_sparkle(byte intens) { dvgwrite(0x6800 | ((intens & 0xf)<<4)); } inline void SCAL(word scale) { dvgwrite(0x7000 | scale); } enum { BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, RED, MAGENTA, YELLOW, WHITE } Color; // MATH/3D ROUTINES typedef struct { sbyte m[3][3]; } Matrix; typedef struct { sbyte x,y,z; } Vector8; typedef struct { int x,y,z; } Vector16; typedef struct { byte numverts; const Vector8* verts; // array of vertices const sbyte* edges; // array of vertex indices (edges) } Wireframe; void mat_identity(Matrix* m) { memset(m, 0, sizeof(*m)); m->m[0][0] = 127; m->m[1][1] = 127; m->m[2][2] = 127; } inline void mul16(sbyte a, sbyte b) { mathbox_arg1 = a; mathbox_arg2 = b; mathbox_go_mul=0; } void vec_mat_transform(Vector16* dest, const Vector8* v, const Matrix* m) { byte i; int* result = &dest->x; const sbyte* mval = &m->m[0][0]; for (i=0; i<3; i++) { mathbox_sum = 0; mul16(*mval++, v->x); mul16(*mval++, v->y); mul16(*mval++, v->z); *result++ = mathbox_sum; } } const sbyte sintbl[64] = { 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 49, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 65, 68, 71, 73, 76, 78, 81, 83, 85, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 107, 109, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 122, 123, 124, 125, 125, 126, 126, 126, 127, 127, 127, }; sbyte isin(byte x0) { byte x = x0; if (x0 & 0x40) x = 127-x; if (x0 & 0x80) { return -sintbl[x+128]; } else { return sintbl[x]; } } sbyte icos(byte x) { return isin(x+64); } void mat_rotate(Matrix* m, byte axis, byte angle) { sbyte sin = isin(angle); sbyte cos = icos(angle); mat_identity(m); switch (axis) { case 0: m->m[1][1] = cos; m->m[2][1] = sin; m->m[1][2] = -sin; m->m[2][2] = cos; break; case 1: m->m[2][2] = cos; m->m[0][2] = sin; m->m[2][0] = -sin; m->m[0][0] = cos; break; case 2: m->m[0][0] = cos; m->m[1][0] = -sin; m->m[0][1] = sin; m->m[1][1] = cos; break; } } void xform_vertices(Vector16* dest, const Vector8* src, const Matrix* m, byte nv) { byte i; for (i=0; iedges; byte bright = 0; int x1 = 0; int y1 = 0; Vector16 scrnverts[16]; xform_vertices(scrnverts, wf->verts, m, wf->numverts); do { sbyte i = *e++; if (i == -1) bright = 0; else if (i == -2) break; else { int x2 = scrnverts[i].x>>8; int y2 = scrnverts[i].y>>8; VCTR(x2-x1, y2-y1, bright); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } bright = 2; } while (1); } static word lfsr = 1; word rand() { word lsb = lfsr & 1; lfsr >>= 1; if (lsb) lfsr ^= 0xd400; return lfsr; } // SHAPE CACHE const Vector8 tetra_v[] = { {0,-86,86},{86,86,86},{-86,86,86},{0,0,-86} }; const char tetra_e[] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1, -1, 3, 2, -2 }; const Wireframe tetra_wf = { 4, tetra_v, tetra_e }; const Vector8 octa_v[] = { {86,0,0},{0,86,0},{-86,0,0},{0,-86,0},{0,0,86},{0,0,-86} }; const char octa_e[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 1, 5, 0, -1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 2, -2 }; const Wireframe octa_wf = { 6, octa_v, octa_e }; const Vector8 ship_v[] = { {0,86,0},{-30,-30,0},{-50,0,0},{50,0,0},{30,-30,0} }; const char ship_e[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, -2 }; const Wireframe ship_wf = { 5, ship_v, ship_e }; const Vector8 thrust_v[] = { {-20,-30,0},{-30,-50,0},{0,-86,0},{30,-50,0},{20,-30,0} }; const char thrust_e[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -2 }; const Wireframe thrust_wf = { 5, thrust_v, thrust_e }; const Vector8 torpedo_v[] = { {-86,0,0},{86,0,0},{-40,-40,0},{40,40,0},{0,-20,0},{0,20,0} }; const char torpedo_e[] = { 0, 1, -1, 2, 3, -1, 4, 5, -2 }; const Wireframe torpedo_wf = { 6, torpedo_v, torpedo_e }; word ship_shapes[32]; word thrust_shapes[32]; word tetra_shapes[32]; word torpedo_shapes[16]; word explosion_shape[1]; void draw_explosion() { byte i; for (i=0; i<30; i++) { byte angle = rand(); sbyte xd = isin(angle) >> 4; sbyte yd = icos(angle) >> 4; SVEC(xd, yd, 2); SVEC(-xd, -yd, 2); } } void make_cached_shapes() { Matrix mat; byte i; for (i=0; i<32; i++) { ship_shapes[i] = dvgwrofs; mat_rotate(&mat, 2, i<<3); draw_wireframe_ortho(&ship_wf, &mat); RTSL(); thrust_shapes[i] = dvgwrofs; draw_wireframe_ortho(&thrust_wf, &mat); RTSL(); tetra_shapes[i] = dvgwrofs; mat_rotate(&mat, 0, i<<3); draw_wireframe_ortho(&octa_wf, &mat); RTSL(); } for (i=0; i<16; i++) { torpedo_shapes[i] = dvgwrofs; mat_rotate(&mat, 2, i<<4); draw_wireframe_ortho(&torpedo_wf, &mat); RTSL(); } explosion_shape[0] = dvgwrofs; STAT_sparkle(15); draw_explosion(); RTSL(); } // MAIN PROGRAM struct Actor; typedef void ActorUpdateFn(struct Actor*); typedef struct Actor { word* shapes; ActorUpdateFn* update_fn; byte angshift; byte scale; byte color; byte intens; byte collision_flags; byte angle; word xx; word yy; int velx; int vely; struct Actor* next; byte removed:1; } Actor; #define WORLD_SCALE 0x2c0 void draw_actor(const Actor* a) { CNTR(); // center beam (0,0) SCAL(WORLD_SCALE); // world scale VCTR(a->xx>>3, a->yy>>3, 0); // go to object center SCAL(a->scale); // object scale STAT(a->color, a->intens); // set color/intensity JSRL(a->shapes[a->angle >> a->angshift]); // draw } void move_actor(Actor* a) { a->xx += a->velx; a->yy += a->vely; } static Actor* first_actor = NULL; Actor* new_actor(const Actor* base) { Actor* a = (Actor*) malloc(sizeof(Actor)); memcpy(a, base, sizeof(Actor)); a->next = first_actor; first_actor = a; return a; } void draw_and_update_actors() { Actor* a = first_actor; while (a != NULL) { draw_actor(a); move_actor(a); if (a->update_fn) a->update_fn(a); a = a->next; } } void remove_expired_actors() { Actor* a; // get address of first pointer Actor** prev = &first_actor; while ((a = *prev) != NULL) { // was actor removed? if (a->removed) { // set previous pointer to skip this actor *prev = a->next; // free memory free(a); } else { // get address of next pointer prev = &a->next; } } } void draw_actor_rect(Actor* a) { CNTR(); // center beam (0,0) SCAL(WORLD_SCALE); // world scale VCTR(a->xx>>3, a->yy>>3, 0); // go to object center SCAL(a->scale); // object scale STAT(RED, 7); // set color/intensity VCTR(-86,-86,0); VCTR(86*2,0,2); VCTR(0,86*2,2); VCTR(-86*2,0,2); VCTR(0,-86*2,2); } inline byte abs(sbyte x) { return (x>=0) ? x : -x; } inline word get_distance_squared(byte dx, byte dy) { mathbox_sum = 0; mul16(dx,dx); mul16(dy,dy); return mathbox_sum; } typedef void ActorCollisionFn(struct Actor*, struct Actor*); byte test_actor_distance(ActorCollisionFn* fn, Actor* act1, byte mindist, byte flags) { Actor* a = first_actor; byte xx1 = act1->xx >> 8; byte yy1 = act1->yy >> 8; byte count = 0; // mindist2 = mindist * mindist word mindist2; mathbox_sum = 0; mul16(mindist,mindist); mindist2 = mathbox_sum; // go through list of actors while (a) { // only compare against actors with certain flags // (that haven't been removed) if ((a->collision_flags & flags) && !a->removed) { byte dx = abs(xx1 - (a->xx >> 8)); byte dy = abs(yy1 - (a->yy >> 8)); if (dx+dy < mindist) { word dist2 = get_distance_squared(dx, dy); if (dist2 < mindist2) { if (fn) fn(act1, a); count++; } } } a = a->next; } return count; } void explode_at(Actor* base); void explode_actor(Actor* a, Actor* b) { a->removed = 1; explode_at(b); b->removed = 1; } void obstacle_update_fn(struct Actor* a) { a->angle += 1; } void torpedo_update_fn(struct Actor* a) { // expire? if ((a->angle += 60) == 0) { a->removed = 1; } else { // check for torpedo hits test_actor_distance(explode_actor, a, 20, 0x2); } } void explosion_update_fn(struct Actor* a) { a->scale -= 2; if (a->scale < 8) { a->removed = 1; } } const Actor ship_actor = { ship_shapes, NULL, 3, 0xb0, WHITE, 7, 0x1, }; const Actor tetra_actor = { tetra_shapes, obstacle_update_fn, 3, 0x80, CYAN, 7, 0x2, }; const Actor torpedo_actor = { torpedo_shapes, torpedo_update_fn, 4, 0xe0, YELLOW, 15, 0x4, }; const Actor explosion_actor = { explosion_shape, explosion_update_fn, 8, 0xa0, WHITE, 15, 0, }; void create_obstacles(byte count) { while (count--) { Actor* a = new_actor(&tetra_actor); a->xx = rand() | 0x8000; a->yy = rand(); a->velx = (int)rand()<<8>>8; a->vely = (int)rand()<<8>>8; } } static int frame = 0; static Actor* curship; void draw_thrust() { word rnd = rand(); // save old values in actor byte oldcolor = curship->color; byte oldintens = curship->intens; // temporarily give new thrust values curship->shapes = thrust_shapes; curship->scale ^= rnd; // random thrust scale curship->intens = 15; curship->color = (rnd&1) ? RED : YELLOW; // draw thrust using player's ship actor draw_actor(curship); // restore previous values curship->shapes = ship_shapes; curship->scale ^= rnd; curship->color = oldcolor; curship->intens = oldintens; } void thrust_ship() { sbyte sin = isin(curship->angle); sbyte cos = icos(curship->angle); curship->velx += sin>>3; curship->vely += cos>>3; } int apply_friction(int vel) { int delta = vel >> 8; if (delta == 0 && vel > 0) delta++; return vel - delta; } void shoot_torpedo() { sbyte sin = isin(curship->angle); sbyte cos = icos(curship->angle); Actor* torp = new_actor(&torpedo_actor); torp->velx = sin << 2; torp->vely = cos << 2; torp->xx = curship->xx + torp->velx*4; torp->yy = curship->yy + torp->vely*4; } static byte can_fire; static byte newship_timer; void new_player_ship() { curship = new_actor(&ship_actor); } void explode_at(Actor* base) { Actor* a = new_actor(&explosion_actor); a->xx = base->xx; a->yy = base->yy; } void control_player() { if (newship_timer && --newship_timer == 0) { new_player_ship(); } if (!curship) return; if (LEFT1) curship->angle -= 2; if (RIGHT1) curship->angle += 2; if ((frame&1)==1) { curship->velx = apply_friction(curship->velx); curship->vely = apply_friction(curship->vely); } if (UP1) { // draw flame draw_thrust(); // thrust every 4 frames, to avoid precision issues if (!(frame&3)) thrust_ship(); } if (FIRE1) { // must release fire button before firing again if (can_fire) { shoot_torpedo(); can_fire = 0; } } else { can_fire = 1; } // ship ran into something? if (test_actor_distance(NULL, curship, 20, 0x2)) { explode_at(curship); curship->removed = 1; curship = NULL; newship_timer = 255; } } void main() { memset(dvgram, 0x20, sizeof(dvgram)); // HALTs dvgwrofs = 0x800; make_cached_shapes(); create_obstacles(5); new_player_ship(); while (1) { dvgreset(); draw_and_update_actors(); control_player(); remove_expired_actors(); CNTR(); HALT(); dvgstart(); frame++; } }