`include "hvsync_generator.v" `include "sprite_bitmap.v" `include "sprite_renderer.v" `include "cpu8.v" /* A simple racing game with two sprites and a scrolling playfield. This version uses the 8-bit CPU. */ // uncomment to see scope view //`define DEBUG module racing_game_cpu_top(clk, reset, hsync, vsync, hpaddle, vpaddle, address_bus, to_cpu, from_cpu, write_enable `ifdef DEBUG , output [7:0] A , output [7:0] B , output [7:0] IP , output carry , output zero `else , rgb `endif ); input clk, reset; input hpaddle, vpaddle; output hsync, vsync; wire display_on; wire [8:0] hpos; wire [8:0] vpos; `ifdef DEBUG wire [2:0] rgb; assign IP = cpu.IP; assign A = cpu.A; assign B = cpu.B; assign carry = cpu.carry; assign zero = cpu.zero; `else output [3:0] rgb; `endif parameter PADDLE_X = 0; // paddle X coordinate parameter PADDLE_Y = 1; // paddle Y coordinate parameter PLAYER_X = 2; // player X coordinate parameter PLAYER_Y = 3; // player Y coordinate parameter ENEMY_X = 4; // enemy X coordinate parameter ENEMY_Y = 5; // enemy Y coordinate parameter ENEMY_DIR = 6; // enemy direction (1, -1) parameter SPEED = 7; // player speed parameter TRACKPOS_LO = 8; // track position (lo byte) parameter TRACKPOS_HI = 9; // track position (hi byte) parameter IN_HPOS = 8'h40; // CRT horizontal position parameter IN_VPOS = 8'h41; // CRT vertical position // flags: [0, 0, collision, vsync, hsync, vpaddle, hpaddle, display_on] parameter IN_FLAGS = 8'h42; reg [7:0] ram[64]; // 64 bytes of RAM reg [7:0] rom[128]; // 128 bytes of ROM output wire [7:0] address_bus; // CPU address bus output reg [7:0] to_cpu; // data bus to CPU output wire [7:0] from_cpu; // data bus from CPU output wire write_enable; // write enable bit from CPU // 8-bit CPU module CPU cpu(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .address(address_bus), .data_in(to_cpu), .data_out(from_cpu), .write(write_enable)); // RAM write from CPU always @(posedge clk) if (write_enable) ram[address_bus[5:0]] <= from_cpu; // RAM read from CPU always @(*) casez (address_bus) // RAM 8'b00??????: to_cpu = ram[address_bus[5:0]]; // special read registers IN_HPOS: to_cpu = hpos[7:0]; IN_VPOS: to_cpu = vpos[7:0]; IN_FLAGS: to_cpu = {2'b0, frame_collision, vsync, hsync, vpaddle, hpaddle, display_on}; // ROM 8'b1???????: to_cpu = rom[address_bus[6:0]]; default: to_cpu = 8'bxxxxxxxx; endcase // sync generator module hvsync_generator hvsync_gen( .clk(clk), .reset(0), .hsync(hsync), .vsync(vsync), .display_on(display_on), .hpos(hpos), .vpos(vpos) ); // flags for player sprite renderer module wire player_vstart = {1'b0,ram[PLAYER_Y]} == vpos; wire player_hstart = {1'b0,ram[PLAYER_X]} == hpos; wire player_gfx; wire player_is_drawing; // flags for enemy sprite renderer module wire enemy_vstart = {1'b0,ram[ENEMY_Y]} == vpos; wire enemy_hstart = {1'b0,ram[ENEMY_X]} == hpos; wire enemy_gfx; wire enemy_is_drawing; // select player or enemy access to ROM wire player_load = (hpos >= 256) && (hpos < 260); wire enemy_load = (hpos >= 260); // wire up car sprite ROM // multiplex between player and enemy ROM address wire [3:0] player_sprite_yofs; wire [3:0] enemy_sprite_yofs; wire [3:0] car_sprite_yofs = player_load ? player_sprite_yofs : enemy_sprite_yofs; wire [7:0] car_sprite_bits; car_bitmap car( .yofs(car_sprite_yofs), .bits(car_sprite_bits)); // player sprite renderer sprite_renderer player_renderer( .clk(clk), .vstart(player_vstart), .hstart(player_hstart), .load(player_load), .rom_addr(player_sprite_yofs), .rom_bits(car_sprite_bits), .gfx(player_gfx), .in_progress(player_is_drawing)); // enemy sprite renderer sprite_renderer enemy_renderer( .clk(clk), .vstart(enemy_vstart), .hstart(enemy_hstart), .load(enemy_load), .rom_addr(enemy_sprite_yofs), .rom_bits(car_sprite_bits), .gfx(enemy_gfx), .in_progress(player_is_drawing)); // collision detection logic reg frame_collision; always @(posedge clk) if (player_gfx && (enemy_gfx || track_gfx)) frame_collision <= 1; else if (vpos==0) frame_collision <= 0; // track graphics wire track_offside = (hpos[7:5]==0) || (hpos[7:5]==7); wire track_shoulder = (hpos[7:3]==3) || (hpos[7:3]==28); wire track_gfx = (vpos[5:1]!=ram[TRACKPOS_LO][5:1]) && track_offside; // RGB output wire r = display_on && (player_gfx || enemy_gfx || track_shoulder); wire g = display_on && (player_gfx || track_gfx); wire b = display_on && (enemy_gfx || track_shoulder); assign rgb = {1'b0,b,g,r}; //////////// CPU program code `ifdef EXT_INLINE_ASM initial begin rom = '{ __asm .arch femto8 ; FEMTO-8 architecture .org 128 ; origin = 128 ($80) .len 128 ; length = 128 ($80) ; define constants .define PADDLE_X 0 .define PADDLE_Y 1 .define PLAYER_X 2 .define PLAYER_Y 3 .define ENEMY_X 4 .define ENEMY_Y 5 .define ENEMY_DIR 6 .define SPEED 7 .define TRACKPOS_LO 8 .define TRACKPOS_HI 9 .define IN_HPOS $40 .define IN_VPOS $41 .define IN_FLAGS $42 .define F_DISPLAY 1 .define F_HPADDLE 2 .define F_VPADDLE 4 .define F_HSYNC 8 .define F_VSYNC 16 .define F_COLLIDE 32 Start: lda #128 ; load initial positions sta PLAYER_X ; player_x = 128 sta ENEMY_X ; enemy_x = 128 sta ENEMY_Y ; enemy_y = 128 lda #180 sta PLAYER_Y ; player_y = 180 zero A sta SPEED ; player speed = 0 inc A sta ENEMY_DIR ; enemy dir = 1 (right) ; read horizontal paddle position DisplayLoop: lda #F_HPADDLE ; paddle flag -> A ldb #IN_FLAGS ; addr of IN_FLAGS -> B and none,[B] ; read B, AND with A bz DisplayLoop ; loop until paddle flag set ldb #IN_VPOS mov A,[B] ; load vertical position -> A sta PLAYER_X ; store player x position ; wait for vsync lda #F_VSYNC ldb #IN_FLAGS WaitForVsyncOn: and none,[B] bz WaitForVsyncOn ; wait until VSYNC on WaitForVsyncOff: and none,[B] bnz WaitForVsyncOff ; wait until VSYNC off ; check collision lda #F_COLLIDE ldb #IN_FLAGS and none,[B] ; collision flag set? bz NoCollision ; skip ahead if not lda #16 sta SPEED ; speed = 16 NoCollision: ; update speed ldb #SPEED mov A,[B] ; speed -> A inc A ; increment speed bz MaxSpeed ; speed wraps to 0? sta SPEED ; no, store speed MaxSpeed: mov A,[B] ; reload speed -> A lsr A lsr A lsr A lsr A ; divide speed by 16 ; add to lo byte of track pos ldb #TRACKPOS_LO add B,[B] ; B <- speed/16 + trackpos_lo swapab ; swap A <-> B sta TRACKPOS_LO ; A -> trackpos_lo swapab ; swap A <-> B again bcc NoCarry ; carry flag from earlier add op ; add to hi byte of track pos ldb #TRACKPOS_HI mov B,[B] ; B <- trackpos_hi inc b ; increment B swapab ; swap A <-> B sta TRACKPOS_HI ; A -> trackpos_hi swapab ; swap A <-> B again NoCarry: ; update enemy vert pos ldb #ENEMY_Y add A,[B] sta ENEMY_Y ; enemy_y = enemy_y + speed/16 ; update enemy horiz pos ldb #ENEMY_X mov A,[B] ldb #ENEMY_DIR add A,[B] sta ENEMY_X ; enemy_x = enemy_x + enemy_dir sub A,#64 and A,#127 ; A <- (enemy_x-64) & 127 bnz SkipXReverse ; skip if enemy_x is in range ; load ENEMY_DIR and negate zero A sub A,[B] sta ENEMY_DIR ; enemy_dir = -enemy_dir SkipXReverse: ; back to display loop jmp DisplayLoop __endasm }; end `endif endmodule