import { Tokenizer, TokenType } from "../tokenizer"; import { Action, ArrayType, ComponentType, DataField, DataType, DataValue, Dialect_CA65, Entity, EntityArchetype, EntityManager, EntityScope, IntType, Query, RefType, SelectType, SourceFileExport, System } from "./ecs"; export enum ECSTokenType { Ellipsis = 'ellipsis', Operator = 'delimiter', QuotedString = 'quoted-string', Integer = 'integer', } export class ECSCompiler extends Tokenizer { em = new EntityManager(new Dialect_CA65()); // TODO currentScope: EntityScope | null = null; constructor() { super(); //this.includeEOL = true; this.setTokenRules([ { type: TokenType.Ident, regex: /[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*/ }, { type: TokenType.CodeFragment, regex: /---/ }, { type: ECSTokenType.Ellipsis, regex: /\.\./ }, { type: ECSTokenType.Operator, regex: /[#=,:(){}\[\]]/ }, { type: ECSTokenType.QuotedString, regex: /".*?"/ }, { type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /[-]?0x[A-Fa-f0-9]+/ }, { type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /[-]?\$[A-Fa-f0-9]+/ }, { type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /[-]?\d+/ }, { type: TokenType.Ignore, regex: /\s+/ }, ]); this.errorOnCatchAll = true; } parseFile(text: string, path: string) { this.tokenizeFile(text, path); while (!this.isEOF()) { this.parseTopLevel(); } } parseTopLevel() { //this.skipBlankLines(); let tok = this.expectTokens(['component', 'system', 'scope', 'comment']); if (tok.str == 'component') { return this.em.defineComponent(this.parseComponentDefinition()); } if (tok.str == 'system') { return this.em.defineSystem(this.parseSystem()); } if (tok.str == 'scope') { return this.parseScope(); } if (tok.str == 'comment') { this.expectTokenTypes([TokenType.CodeFragment]); return; } this.compileError(`Unexpected top-level keyword: ${tok.str}`); } parseComponentDefinition(): ComponentType { let name = this.expectIdent().str; let fields = []; while (this.peekToken().str != 'end') { fields.push(this.parseComponentField()); } this.expectToken('end'); return { name, fields }; } parseComponentField(): DataField { let name = this.expectIdent(); this.expectToken(':', 'I expected either a ":" or "end" here.'); // TODO let type = this.parseDataType(); return { name: name.str, ...type }; } parseDataType(): DataType { if (this.peekToken().type == 'integer') { let lo = this.expectInteger(); this.expectToken('..'); let hi = this.expectInteger(); return { dtype: 'int', lo, hi } as IntType; } if (this.peekToken().str == '[') { return { dtype: 'ref', query: this.parseQuery() } as RefType; } if (this.peekToken().str == 'array') { this.expectToken('array'); this.expectToken('of'); return { dtype: 'array', elem: this.parseDataType() } as ArrayType; } this.compileError(`Unknown data type`); // TODO } parseDataValue(field: DataField) : DataValue { let tok = this.peekToken(); if (tok.type == 'integer') { return this.expectInteger(); } if (tok.str == '[') { // TODO: 16-bit? return new Uint8Array(this.parseDataArray()); } if (tok.str == '#') { let reftype = field.dtype == 'ref' ? field as RefType : undefined; let e = this.parseEntityRef(); let id =; if (reftype) { // TODO: make this a function? elo ehi etc? let atypes = this.em.archetypesMatching(reftype.query); let entities = this.currentScope.entitiesMatching(atypes); if (entities.length == 0) this.compileError(`This entitiy doesn't seem to fit the reference type.`); id -= entities[0].id; } return id; } this.compileError(`Unknown data value`); // TODO } parseDataArray() { this.expectToken('['); let arr = this.parseList(this.expectInteger, ','); this.expectToken(']'); return arr; } expectInteger(): number { let s = this.consumeToken().str; if (s.startsWith('$')) s = '0x' + s.substring(1); let i = parseInt(s); if (isNaN(i)) this.compileError('There should be an integer here.'); return i; } parseSystem(): System { let name = this.expectIdent().str; let actions: Action[] = []; let system: System = { name, actions }; let cmd; while ((cmd = this.consumeToken().str) != 'end') { if (cmd == 'on') { actions.push(this.parseAction()); } else if (cmd == 'locals') { system.tempbytes = this.expectInteger(); } else { this.compileError(`Unexpected system keyword: ${cmd}`); } } return system; } parseAction(): Action { let event = this.expectIdent().str; this.expectToken('do'); let select = this.expectTokens(['once', 'foreach', 'source']).str as SelectType; // TODO: type check? let query = this.parseQuery(); let emits; if (this.peekToken().str == 'emit') { this.consumeToken(); this.expectToken('('); emits = this.parseEventList(); this.expectToken(')'); } let text = this.parseCode(); return { text, event, query, select }; } parseQuery() { let q: Query = { include: [] }; this.expectToken('['); q.include = this.parseList(this.parseComponentRef, ',').map(c =>; // TODO: other params this.expectToken(']'); return q; } parseEvent() { return this.expectIdent().str; } parseEventList() { return this.parseList(this.parseEvent, ","); } parseCode(): string { // TODO: add $loc let tok = this.expectTokenTypes([TokenType.CodeFragment]); let code = tok.str; let lines = code.split('\n'); for (let i=0; i 1) this.compileError(`I found more than one field named "${name}" for this entity.`) let field = comps[0].fields.find(f => == name); if (!field) this.internalError(); let value = this.parseDataValue(field); if (cmd == 'const') this.currentScope.setConstValue(e, comps[0], name, value); if (cmd == 'init') this.currentScope.setInitValue(e, comps[0], name, value); } else { this.compileError(`Unexpected scope keyword: ${cmd}`); } } return e; } parseEntityArchetype() : EntityArchetype { this.expectToken('['); let components = this.parseList(this.parseComponentRef, ','); this.expectToken(']'); return {components}; } parseComponentRef() : ComponentType { let name = this.expectIdent().str; let cref = this.em.getComponentByName(name); if (!cref) this.compileError(`I couldn't find a component named "${name}".`) return cref; } parseEntityRef(reftype?: RefType) : Entity { this.expectToken('#'); let name = this.expectIdent().str; let eref = this.currentScope.entities.find(e => == name); if (!eref) this.compileError(`I couldn't find an entity named "${name}" in this scope.`) return eref; } exportToFile(src: SourceFileExport) { for (let scope of Object.values(this.em.scopes)) { scope.analyzeEntities(); scope.generateCode(); scope.dump(src); } } export() { let src = new SourceFileExport(); src.debug_file(this.path); this.exportToFile(src); return src.toString(); } }