export type FileData = string | Uint8Array; export interface SourceLocation { line: number; label?: string; path?: string; // TODO: make mandatory? start?: number; end?: number; segment?:string; func?:string; } // actually it's a kind of SourceSnippet .. can have multiple per line export interface SourceLine extends SourceLocation { offset:number; insns?:string; iscode?:boolean; cycles?:number; } // objects that have source code position info export interface SourceLocated { $loc?: SourceLocation; } // statements also have the 'offset' (pc) field from SourceLine export interface SourceLineLocated { $loc?: SourceLine; } export class SourceFile { lines: SourceLine[]; text: string; offset2loc: Map; //{[offset:number]:number}; line2offset: Map; //{[line:number]:number}; constructor(lines:SourceLine[], text:string) { lines = lines || []; this.lines = lines; this.text = text; this.offset2loc = new Map(); this.line2offset = new Map(); for (var info of lines) { if (info.offset >= 0) { // first line wins (is assigned to offset) // TODO: handle macros/includes w/ multiple offsets per line if (!this.offset2loc[info.offset]) this.offset2loc[info.offset] = info; if (!this.line2offset[info.line]) this.line2offset[info.line] = info.offset; } } } // TODO: smarter about looking for source lines between two addresses findLineForOffset(PC:number, lookbehind:number) { if (this.offset2loc) { for (var i=0; i<=lookbehind; i++) { var loc = this.offset2loc[PC]; if (loc) { return loc; } PC--; } } return null; } lineCount():number { return this.lines.length; } } export interface Dependency { path:string filename:string link:boolean data:FileData // TODO: or binary? } export interface WorkerFileUpdate { path:string data:FileData }; export interface WorkerBuildStep { path?:string files?:string[] platform:string tool:string mainfile?:boolean }; export interface WorkerItemUpdate { key:string value:object }; // TODO: split into different msg types export interface WorkerMessage { preload?:string platform?:string tool?:string updates:WorkerFileUpdate[] buildsteps:WorkerBuildStep[] reset?:boolean code?:string setitems?:WorkerItemUpdate[] } export interface WorkerError extends SourceLocation { msg:string, } export interface CodeListing { lines:SourceLine[] asmlines?:SourceLine[] text?:string sourcefile?:SourceFile // not returned by worker assemblyfile?:SourceFile // not returned by worker } export type CodeListingMap = {[path:string]:CodeListing}; // TODO export type VerilogOutput = {program_rom_variable:string, program_rom:Uint8Array, code:string, name:string, ports:any[], signals:any[]}; export type Segment = {name:string, start:number, size:number, last?:number, type?:string}; export type WorkerResult = WorkerErrorResult | WorkerOutputResult | WorkerUnchangedResult; export interface WorkerUnchangedResult { unchanged: true; } export interface WorkerErrorResult { errors: WorkerError[] listings?: CodeListingMap } export interface WorkerOutputResult { output: T listings?: CodeListingMap symbolmap?: {[sym:string]:number} params?: {} segments?: Segment[] debuginfo?: {} // optional info } export function isUnchanged(result: WorkerResult) : result is WorkerUnchangedResult { return ('unchanged' in result); } export function isErrorResult(result: WorkerResult) : result is WorkerErrorResult { return ('errors' in result); } export function isOutputResult(result: WorkerResult) : result is WorkerOutputResult { return ('output' in result); } export interface WorkingStore { getFileData(path:string) : FileData; }