import _chroma from 'chroma-js' import { isArray } from '../../util'; export type ColorSource = number | [number,number,number] | [number,number,number,number] | string; function checkCount(count) { if (count < 0 || count > 65536) { throw new Error("Palettes cannot have more than 2^16 (65536) colors."); } } export class Palette { readonly colors: Uint32Array; constructor(arg: number | any[] | Uint32Array) { // TODO: more array types if (typeof arg === 'number') { checkCount(arg); this.colors = new Uint32Array(arg); } else if (arg instanceof Uint32Array) { this.colors = new Uint32Array(arg); } else if (isArray(arg)) { this.colors = new Uint32Array(; } else throw new Error(`Invalid Palette constructor`) } get(index: number) { return this.colors[index]; } } export const chroma = _chroma; export function from(obj: ColorSource) { return _chroma(obj as any); } export function rgb(obj: ColorSource) : number; export function rgb(r: number, g: number, b: number) : number; export function rgb(obj: any, g?: number, b?: number) : number { return rgba(obj, g, b, 0xff) | 0xff000000; } export function rgba(obj: ColorSource) : number; export function rgba(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number) : number; export function rgba(obj: ColorSource, g?: number, b?: number, a?: number) : number { if (typeof obj === 'number') { let r = obj; if (typeof g === 'number' && typeof b === 'number') return ((r & 0xff) << 0) | ((g & 0xff) << 8) | ((b & 0xff) << 16) | ((a & 0xff) << 24); else return obj; } if (typeof obj !== 'string' && isArray(obj) && typeof obj[0] === 'number') { let arr = obj; let v = 0; v |= (arr[0] & 0xff) << 0; v |= (arr[1] & 0xff) << 8; v |= (arr[2] & 0xff) << 16; v |= (arr[3] & 0xff) << 24; return v; } return rgba(from(obj).rgb()); } export function rgba2arr(v: number): number[] { return [ (v >> 0) & 0xff, (v >> 8) & 0xff, (v >> 16) & 0xff, (v >> 24) & 0xff, ] } export function rgb2arr(v: number): number[] { return rgba2arr(v).slice(0,3); } type ColorGenFunc = (index: number) => number; export namespace palette { export function from(obj: number | any[] | Uint32Array | ColorGenFunc, count?: number) { checkCount(count); if (typeof obj === 'function') { if (!count) throw new Error(`You must also pass the number of colors to generate.`) var pal = new Palette(count); for (var i = 0; i < pal.colors.length; i++) { pal.colors[i] = rgba(obj(i)); } return pal; } else { return new Palette(obj); } } export function mono() { return greys(2); } function rgb2() { return new Palette([ rgb(0, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0, 255), rgb(255, 0, 0), rgb(0, 255, 0), ]); } function rgb3() { return new Palette([ rgb(0, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0, 255), rgb(255, 0, 0), rgb(255, 0, 255), rgb(0, 255, 0), rgb(0, 255, 255), rgb(255, 255, 0), rgb(255, 255, 255), ]); } export function greys(count: number) { return from((i) => { let v = 255 * i / (count - 1); return rgb(v,v,v); }, count); } export function colors(count: number) { switch (count) { case 2: return mono(); case 4: return rgb2(); case 8: return rgb3(); default: return factors(count); // TODO } } export function helix(count: number) { checkCount(count); return new Palette(chroma.cubehelix().scale().colors(count)); } export function factors(count: number, mult?: number) { mult = mult || 0x031f0f; return from((i) => rgb(i * mult), count); } // TODO: }