var assert = require('assert');
var fs = require('fs');
var wtu = require('./workertestutils.js');
//var heapdump = require('heapdump');

// TODO: await might be needed later
global.onmessage({data:{preload:'cc65', platform:'nes'}});
global.onmessage({data:{preload:'ca65', platform:'nes'}});
global.onmessage({data:{preload:'cc65', platform:'apple2'}});
global.onmessage({data:{preload:'ca65', platform:'apple2'}});
global.onmessage({data:{preload:'cc65', platform:'c64'}});
global.onmessage({data:{preload:'ca65', platform:'c64'}});
global.onmessage({data:{preload:'cc65', platform:'atari8'}});
global.onmessage({data:{preload:'ca65', platform:'atari8'}});
global.onmessage({data:{preload:'cc65', platform:'atari2600'}});
global.onmessage({data:{preload:'ca65', platform:'atari2600'}});
global.onmessage({data:{preload:'cc65', platform:'pce'}});
global.onmessage({data:{preload:'ca65', platform:'pce'}});

// TODO: check msg against spec

function compile(tool, code, platform, callback, outlen, nlines, nerrors, options) {
  var msgs = [{code:code, platform:platform, tool:tool, path:'src.'+tool, mainfile:true}];
  doBuild(msgs, callback, outlen, nlines, nerrors, options);

function compileFiles(tool, files, platform, callback, outlen, nlines, nerrors, options) {
  var msg = {updates:[], buildsteps:[]};
  for (var fn of files) {
    var text = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/'+platform+'/'+fn));
    msg.updates.push({path:fn, data:text});
    msg.buildsteps.push({path:fn, platform:platform, tool:tool});
  doBuild([msg], callback, outlen, nlines, nerrors, options);

async function doBuild(msgs, callback, outlen, nlines, nerrors, options) {
    var msgcount = msgs.length;
    global.postMessage = function(msg) {
      if (!msg.unchanged) {
        if (msg.errors && msg.errors.length) {
          for (var err of msg.errors) {
            assert.ok(err.line >= 0);
            if (options && !options.ignoreErrorPath) {
              assert.equal(msgs[0].path, err.path);
          if (nerrors != msg.errors.length) console.log(msg);
          assert.equal(nerrors, msg.errors.length);
        } else {
          assert.equal(nerrors||0, 0);
          if (msg.output.stmts) { // AST for BASIC
            assert.equal(msg.output.stmts.length, outlen);
          } else {
            assert.equal(msg.output.code?msg.output.code.length:msg.output.length, outlen);
            assert.ok(msg.output.code || msg.output instanceof Uint8Array);
          if (nlines) {
            if (typeof nlines === 'number')
              nlines = [nlines];
            //console.log(msg.listings, nlines);
            var i = 0;
            var lstkeys = Object.keys(msg.listings);
            for (var key of lstkeys) {
              var listing = msg.listings[key];
              assert.equal(listing.lines.length, nlines[i++]);
      if (--msgcount == 0) {
        callback(null, msg);
      } else
        console.log(msgcount + ' msgs left');
    await global.onmessage({data:{reset:true}});
    for (var i=0; i<msgs.length; i++) {
      await global.onmessage({data:msgs[i]});

describe('Worker', function() {
  it('should assemble DASM', function(done) {
    compile('dasm', '\tprocessor 6502\n\torg $f000\n MAC mack\n lda #0\n ENDM\nfoo: mack\n mack\n', 'vcs.mame', done, 4, 4);
  it('should NOT assemble DASM', function(done) {
    compile('dasm', '\tprocessor 6502\n\torg $f000 ; this is a comment\nfoo asl a\n', 'vcs', done, 0, 0, 2);
  it('should compile CC65', function(done) {
    compile('cc65', '#if defined(__8BITWORKSHOP__) && defined(__MAIN__)\nint main() {\nint x=1;\nreturn x+2;\n}\n#endif', 'nes.mame', done, 40976, 3);
  it('should NOT compile CC65 (compile error)', function(done) {
    compile('cc65', 'int main() {\nint x=1;\nprintf("%d",x);\nreturn x+2;\n}', 'nes', done, 0, 0, 1);
  it('should NOT compile CC65 (link error)', function(done) {
    compile('cc65', 'extern void bad();\nint main() {\nbad();\nreturn 0;\n}', 'nes', done, 0, 0, 1, {ignoreErrorPath:true});
  it('should NOT compile CC65 (preproc error)', function(done) {
    compile('cc65', '#include "NOSUCH.file"\n', 'nes', done, 0, 0, 1, {ignoreErrorPath:true});
  it('should assemble SDASZ80', function(done) {
    compile('sdasz80', '\tld	hl,#0\n\tret\n', 'mw8080bw', done, 8192, 2);
  it('should NOT assemble SDASZ80', function(done) {
    compile('sdasz80', '\txxx hl,#0\n\tret\n', 'mw8080bw', done, 0, 0, 1);
  it('should NOT link SDASZ80', function(done) {
    compile('sdasz80', '\tcall divxxx\n', 'mw8080bw', done, 0, 0, 1, {ignoreErrorPath:true});
  it('should compile SDCC', function(done) {
    compile('sdcc', 'int foo=0; // comment\n#if defined(__8BITWORKSHOP__) && defined(__MAIN__)\nint main(int argc) {\nint x=1;\nint y=2+argc;\nreturn x+y+argc;\n}\n#endif\n', 'mw8080bw', done, 8192, 3, 0);
  it('should compile SDCC w/ include', function(done) {
    compile('sdcc', '#include <string.h>\nvoid main() {\nstrlen(0);\n}\n', 'mw8080bw', done, 8192, 2, 0);
  it('should compile mw8080 skeleton', function(done) {
    var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/mw8080bw/skeleton.sdcc'));
    compile('sdcc', csource, 'mw8080bw', done, 8192, 84, 0);
  it('should compile galaxian skeleton', function(done) {
    var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/galaxian-scramble/skeleton.sdcc'));
    compile('sdcc', csource, 'galaxian-scramble', done, 20512, 28, 0);
  it('should compile vector skeleton', function(done) {
    var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/vector-z80color/skeleton.sdcc'));
    compile('sdcc', csource, 'vector-z80color', done, 32768, 23, 0);
  it('should compile williams skeleton', function(done) {
    var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/williams-z80/skeleton.sdcc'));
    compile('sdcc', csource, 'williams-z80', done, 38912, 40, 0);
  it('should compile williams_sound skeleton', function(done) {
    var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/sound_williams-z80/skeleton.sdcc'));
    compile('sdcc', csource, 'sound_williams-z80', done, 16384, 6, 0);
  it('should compile coleco skeleton', function(done) {
    var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/coleco/cursorsmooth.c'));
    compile('sdcc', csource, 'coleco', done, 32768, 59, 0);
  it('should compile sg1000 skeleton', function(done) {
    var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/sms-sg1000-libcv/cursorsmooth.c'));
    compile('sdcc', csource, 'sms-sg1000-libcv', done, 49152, 80, 0);
  it('should NOT preprocess SDCC', function(done) {
    compile('sdcc', 'int x=0\n#bah\n', 'mw8080bw', done, 0, 0, 1);
  it('should compile XASM6809', function(done) {
    compile('xasm6809', '\tasld\n\tasld\n', 'williams', done, 4, 2, 0);
  it('should link two files with SDCC', function(done) {
    var msgs = [
            {"path":"main.c", "data":"extern int mul2(int x);\nint main() { return mul2(2); }\n"},
            {"path":"fn.c", "data":"int mul2(int x) { return x*x; }\n"}
            {"path":"main.c", "platform":"mw8080bw", "tool":"sdcc"},
            {"path":"fn.c", "platform":"mw8080bw", "tool":"sdcc"}
    doBuild(msgs, done, 8192, [1,1], 0);
  // TODO: tests don't fail if too many compile steps
  it('should not build unchanged files with CC65', function(done) {
    var m = {
            {"path":"main.c", "data":"extern int mul2(int x);\n int main() { return mul2(2); }\n"},
            {"path":"fn.c", "data":"int mul2(int x) { return x*x; }\n"}
            {"path":"main.c", "platform":"nes", "tool":"cc65"},
            {"path":"fn.c", "platform":"nes", "tool":"cc65"}
    var m2 = {
            {"path":"main.c", "data":"extern int mul2(int x); \nint main() { return mul2(2); }\n"}
            {"path":"main.c", "platform":"nes", "tool":"cc65"},
            {"path":"fn.c", "platform":"nes", "tool":"cc65"}
    var msgs = [m, m, m2];
    doBuild(msgs, done, 40976, [1,1], 0);
  it('should not build unchanged files with SDCC', function(done) {
    var m = {
            {"path":"main.c", "data":"extern int mul2(int x);\n int main() { return mul2(2); }\n"},
            {"path":"fn.c", "data":"int mul2(int x) { return x*x; }\n"}
            {"path":"main.c", "platform":"mw8080bw", "tool":"sdcc"},
            {"path":"fn.c", "platform":"mw8080bw", "tool":"sdcc"}
    var m2 = {
            {"path":"main.c", "data":"extern int mul2(int x); \nint main() { return mul2(2); }\n"}
            {"path":"main.c", "platform":"mw8080bw", "tool":"sdcc"},
            {"path":"fn.c", "platform":"mw8080bw", "tool":"sdcc"}
    var msgs = [m, m, m2];
    doBuild(msgs, done, 8192, [1,1], 0);
  it('should include filename in compile errors', function(done) {
    var m = {
            {"path":"main.c", "data":"extern int mul2(int x);\n int main() { return mul2(2); }\n"},
            {"path":"fn.c", "data":"void int mul2(int x) { return x*x; }\n"}
            {"path":"main.c", "platform":"mw8080bw", "tool":"sdcc"},
            {"path":"fn.c", "platform":"mw8080bw", "tool":"sdcc"}
    var msgs = [m];
    doBuild(msgs, done, 8192, [1,1], 2); // TODO: check error file
  it('should compile vicdual skeleton', function(done) {
    var files = ['skeleton.sdcc', 'cp437.c'];
    compileFiles('sdcc', files, 'vicdual', done, 16416, [0,45], 0); // TODO?
  it('should compile apple2 skeleton with CC65', function(done) {
    var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/apple2/skeleton.cc65'));
    compile('cc65', csource, 'apple2', done, 3023+58, 4, 0);
  // TODO: test if compile, errors, then compile same file
  // TODO: params persist because of fixParamsWithDefines()
  it('should compile CC65 banked', function(done) {
    compile('cc65', '#define NES_MAPPER 4\nint main() {\nint x=1;\nreturn x+2;\n}', 'nes', done, 131088, 3);
  it('should assemble CA65', function(done) {
    compile('ca65', ';#define LIBARGS ,\n\t.segment "HEADER"\n\t.segment "STARTUP"\n\t.segment "CHARS"\n\t.segment "VECTORS"\n\t.segment "SAMPLES"\n\t.segment "CODE"\n.ifdef __MAIN__\n\tlda #0\n\tsta $1\n.endif\n', 'nes', done, 131088, 2);
  it('should compile C64 cc65 skeleton', function(done) {
    var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/c64/skeleton.cc65'));
    csource = csource.replace('#include "','//');
    compile('cc65', csource, 'c64.wasm', done, 3001, 3, 0);
  it('should compile zmachine inform6 skeleton', function(done) {
    var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/zmachine/skeleton.inform6'));
    compile('inform6', csource, 'hello.z5', done, 92672, 0, 0);
  // TODO: vectrex, x86
  it('should compile basic example', function(done) {
    var csource = ab2str(fs.readFileSync('presets/basic/wumpus.bas'));
    var msgs = [{code:csource, platform:"basic", tool:"basic", path:'wumpus.bas'}];
    var done2 = function(err, msg) {
      var ast = msg.output;
      done(err, msg);
    doBuild(msgs, done2, 205, 0, 0);
  it('should compile CC65 flags', function(done) {
    compile('cc65', '#define CC65_FLAGS -Or,-g,-j\nint main() {\nint x=1;\nreturn x+2;\n}', 'apple2', done, 416+58, 3);
  it('should compile ACME', function(done) {
    compile('acme', 'nop', 'c64', done, 416, 3);
  it('should compile CMOC', function(done) {
    compile('cmoc', 'int foo=0; // comment\n#if defined(__8BITWORKSHOP__) && defined(__MAIN__)\nint main(int argc) {\nint x=1;\nint y=2+argc;\nreturn x+y+argc;\n}\n#endif\n', 'williams', done, 8192, 3, 0, {filename:'test.c'});
