"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.assembleVASMARM = exports.assembleARMIPS = void 0; const util_1 = require("../../common/util"); const workermain_1 = require("../workermain"); function assembleARMIPS(step) { (0, workermain_1.loadNative)("armips"); var errors = []; (0, workermain_1.gatherFiles)(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" }); var objpath = "main.bin"; var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst"; var sympath = step.prefix + ".sym"; //test.armips(3) error: Parse error '.arm' var error_fn = (0, workermain_1.makeErrorMatcher)(errors, /^(.+?)\((\d+)\)\s+(fatal error|error|warning):\s+(.+)/, 2, 4, step.path, 1); if ((0, workermain_1.staleFiles)(step, [objpath])) { var args = [step.path, '-temp', lstpath, '-sym', sympath, '-erroronwarning']; var armips = workermain_1.emglobal.armips({ instantiateWasm: (0, workermain_1.moduleInstFn)('armips'), noInitialRun: true, print: error_fn, printErr: error_fn, }); var FS = armips.FS; var code = (0, workermain_1.getWorkFileAsString)(step.path); code = `.arm.little :: .create "${objpath}",0 :: ${code} .close`; (0, workermain_1.putWorkFile)(step.path, code); (0, workermain_1.populateFiles)(step, FS); (0, workermain_1.execMain)(step, armips, args); if (errors.length) return { errors: errors }; var objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: 'binary' }); (0, workermain_1.putWorkFile)(objpath, objout); if (!(0, workermain_1.anyTargetChanged)(step, [objpath])) return; var symbolmap = {}; var segments = []; var listings = {}; var lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: 'utf8' }); var lines = lstout.split(workermain_1.re_crlf); //00000034 .word 0x11223344 ; /vidfill.armips line 25 var re_asmline = /^([0-9A-F]+) (.+?); [/](.+?) line (\d+)/; var lastofs = -1; for (var line of lines) { var m; if (m = re_asmline.exec(line)) { var path = m[3]; var path2 = (0, workermain_1.getPrefix)(path) + '.lst'; // TODO: don't rename listing var lst = listings[path2]; if (lst == null) { lst = listings[path2] = { lines: [] }; } var ofs = parseInt(m[1], 16); if (lastofs == ofs) { lst.lines.pop(); // get rid of duplicate offset } else if (ofs > lastofs) { var lastline = lst.lines[lst.lines.length - 1]; if (lastline && !lastline.insns) { var insns = objout.slice(lastofs, ofs).reverse(); lastline.insns = Array.from(insns).map((b) => (0, util_1.hex)(b, 2)).join(''); } } lst.lines.push({ path: path, line: parseInt(m[4]), offset: ofs }); lastofs = ofs; } } //listings[lstpath] = {lines:lstlines, text:lstout}; var symout = FS.readFile(sympath, { encoding: 'utf8' }); //0000000C loop2 //00000034 .dbl:0004 var re_symline = /^([0-9A-F]+)\s+(.+)/; for (var line of symout.split(workermain_1.re_crlf)) { var m; if (m = re_symline.exec(line)) { symbolmap[m[2]] = parseInt(m[1], 16); } } return { output: objout, listings: listings, errors: errors, symbolmap: symbolmap, segments: segments }; } } exports.assembleARMIPS = assembleARMIPS; function assembleVASMARM(step) { (0, workermain_1.loadNative)("vasmarm_std"); /// error 2 in line 8 of "gfxtest.c": unknown mnemonic /// error 3007: undefined symbol /// TODO: match undefined symbols var re_err1 = /^(fatal error|error|warning)? (\d+) in line (\d+) of "(.+)": (.+)/; var re_err2 = /^(fatal error|error|warning)? (\d+): (.+)/; var re_undefsym = /symbol <(.+?)>/; var errors = []; var undefsyms = []; function findUndefinedSymbols(line) { // find undefined symbols in line undefsyms.forEach((sym) => { if (line.indexOf(sym) >= 0) { errors.push({ path: curpath, line: curline, msg: "Undefined symbol: " + sym, }); } }); } function match_fn(s) { let matches = re_err1.exec(s); if (matches) { errors.push({ line: parseInt(matches[3]), path: matches[4], msg: matches[5], }); } else { matches = re_err2.exec(s); if (matches) { let m = re_undefsym.exec(matches[3]); if (m) { undefsyms.push(m[1]); } else { errors.push({ line: 0, msg: s, }); } } else { console.log(s); } } } (0, workermain_1.gatherFiles)(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" }); var objpath = step.prefix + ".bin"; var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst"; if ((0, workermain_1.staleFiles)(step, [objpath])) { var args = ['-Fbin', '-m7tdmi', '-x', '-wfail', step.path, '-o', objpath, '-L', lstpath]; var vasm = workermain_1.emglobal.vasm({ instantiateWasm: (0, workermain_1.moduleInstFn)('vasmarm_std'), noInitialRun: true, print: match_fn, printErr: match_fn, }); var FS = vasm.FS; (0, workermain_1.populateFiles)(step, FS); (0, workermain_1.execMain)(step, vasm, args); if (errors.length) { return { errors: errors }; } if (undefsyms.length == 0) { var objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: 'binary' }); (0, workermain_1.putWorkFile)(objpath, objout); if (!(0, workermain_1.anyTargetChanged)(step, [objpath])) return; } var lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: 'utf8' }); // 00:00000018 023020E0 14: eor r3, r0, r2 // Source: "vidfill.vasm" // 00: ".text" (0-40) // LOOP 00:00000018 // STACK S:20010000 var symbolmap = {}; var segments = []; // TODO var listings = {}; // TODO: parse listings var re_asmline = /^(\d+):([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F ]+)\s+(\d+)([:M])/; var re_secline = /^(\d+):\s+"(.+)"/; var re_nameline = /^Source:\s+"(.+)"/; var re_symline = /^(\w+)\s+(\d+):([0-9A-F]+)/; var re_emptyline = /^\s+(\d+)([:M])/; var curpath = step.path; var curline = 0; var sections = {}; // map file and section indices -> names var lines = lstout.split(workermain_1.re_crlf); // parse lines var lstlines = []; for (var line of lines) { var m; if (m = re_secline.exec(line)) { sections[m[1]] = m[2]; } else if (m = re_nameline.exec(line)) { curpath = m[1]; } else if (m = re_symline.exec(line)) { symbolmap[m[1]] = parseInt(m[3], 16); } else if (m = re_asmline.exec(line)) { if (m[5] == ':') { curline = parseInt(m[4]); } else { // TODO: macro line } lstlines.push({ path: curpath, line: curline, offset: parseInt(m[2], 16), insns: m[3].replaceAll(' ', '') }); findUndefinedSymbols(line); } else if (m = re_emptyline.exec(line)) { curline = parseInt(m[1]); findUndefinedSymbols(line); } else { //console.log(line); } } listings[lstpath] = { lines: lstlines, text: lstout }; // catch-all if no error generated if (undefsyms.length && errors.length == 0) { errors.push({ line: 0, msg: 'Undefined symbols: ' + undefsyms.join(', ') }); } return { output: objout, listings: listings, errors: errors, symbolmap: symbolmap, segments: segments }; } } exports.assembleVASMARM = assembleVASMARM; //# sourceMappingURL=arm.js.map