import { ProjectFilesystem } from "../../../ide/project"; import { FileData } from "../../workertypes"; import * as output from "./output"; // TODO var $$fs: ProjectFilesystem; var $$cache: { [path: string]: FileData } = {}; export class IOWaitError extends Error { } export function $$setupFS(fs: ProjectFilesystem) { $$fs = fs; } function getFS(): ProjectFilesystem { if ($$fs == null) throw new Error(`Internal Error: The 'io' module has not been set up properly.`) return $$fs; } export function ___load(path: string): FileData { var data = $$cache[path]; if (data == null) { getFS().getFileData(path).then((value) => { $$cache[path] = value; }) throw new IOWaitError(path); } else { return data; } } export function canonicalurl(url: string) : string { // get raw resource URL for github if (url.startsWith('')) { let toks = url.split('/'); if (toks[5] === 'blob') { return `${toks[3]}/${toks[4]}/${toks.slice(6).join('/')}` } } return url; } export function read(url: string, type?: 'binary' | 'text'): FileData { url = canonicalurl(url); // TODO: only works in web worker var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = type === 'text' ? 'text' : 'arraybuffer';"GET", url, false); // synchronous request xhr.send(null); if (xhr.response != null && xhr.status == 200) { if (type !== 'text') { return new Uint8Array(xhr.response); } else { return xhr.response; } } else { throw new Error(`The resource at "${url}" responded with status code of ${xhr.status}.`) } } export function readbin(url: string): Uint8Array { var data = read(url, 'binary'); if (data instanceof Uint8Array) return data; else throw new Error(`The resource at "${url}" is not a binary file.`); }