import { getFolderForPath, isProbablyBinary, stringToByteArray } from "./util"; import { FileData } from "./workertypes"; import { CodeProject } from "./project"; // in index.html declare var exports; declare var firebase; interface GHSession { url : string; user : string; reponame : string; repo : any; prefix : string; paths? : string[]; } export class GithubService { github; store; project : CodeProject; branch : string = "master"; constructor(github, store, project : CodeProject) { this.github = github; = store; this.project = project; } isFileIgnored(s : string) : boolean { s = s.toUpperCase(); if (s.startsWith("LICENSE")) return true; if (s.startsWith("README")) return true; if (s.startsWith(".")) return true; return false; } parseGithubURL(ghurl:string) { var toks = ghurl.split('/'); console.log(toks); if (toks.length < 5) return null; if (toks[0] != 'https:') return null; if (toks[2] != '') return null; return {user:toks[3], repo:toks[4]}; } getPrefix(user, reponame) : string { return 'shared/' + user + '-' + reponame + '/'; } getGithubRepo(ghurl:string) : Promise { return new Promise( (yes,no) => { var urlparse = this.parseGithubURL(ghurl); if (!urlparse) { no("Please enter a valid GitHub URL."); } var sess = { url: ghurl, user: urlparse.user, reponame: urlparse.repo, prefix: this.getPrefix(urlparse.user, urlparse.repo), repo: this.github.repos(urlparse.user, urlparse.repo) }; yes(sess); }); } // bind a folder path to the Github URL in local storage bind(sess : GHSession, dobind : boolean) { var key = '__github_url_' + sess.prefix; // TODO: this doesn't work b/c it binds the entire root to a url if (!key.endsWith('/')) key = key + '/'; console.log('bind', key, dobind); if (dobind) localStorage.setItem(key, sess.url); else localStorage.removeItem(key); } getBoundURL(path : string) : string { var p = getFolderForPath(path); var key = '__github_url_' + p + '/'; console.log(key); return localStorage.getItem(key) as string; // TODO } import(ghurl:string) : Promise { var sess : GHSession; return this.getGithubRepo(ghurl).then( (session) => { sess = session; return sess.repo.commits(this.branch).fetch(); }) .then( (sha) => { return sess.repo.git.trees(sha.sha).fetch(); }) .then( (tree) => { let blobreads = []; sess.paths = []; tree.tree.forEach( (item) => { console.log(item.path, item.type, item.size); sess.paths.push(item.path); if (item.type == 'blob' && !this.isFileIgnored(item.path)) { var read = sess.repo.git.blobs(item.sha).readBinary().then( (blob) => { var path = sess.prefix + item.path; var size = item.size; var isBinary = isProbablyBinary(blob); var data = isBinary ? stringToByteArray(blob) : blob; //byteArrayToUTF8(blob); return, data); }); blobreads.push(read); } else { console.log("ignoring " + item.path); } }); return Promise.all(blobreads); }) .then( (blobs) => { this.bind(sess, true); return sess; }); } publish(reponame:string, desc:string, license:string, isprivate:boolean) : Promise { return this.github.user.repos.create({ name: reponame, description: desc, private: isprivate, auto_init: true, license_template: license }) .then( (repo) => { let sess = { url: repo.htmlUrl, user: repo.owner.login, reponame: reponame, repo: repo, prefix : '' }; this.bind(sess, true); return sess; }); } commitPush( ghurl:string, message:string, files:{path:string,data:FileData}[] ) : Promise { var sess : GHSession; var repo; var head; var tree; return this.getGithubRepo(ghurl).then( (session) => { sess = session; repo = sess.repo; return repo.git.refs.heads(this.branch).fetch(); }).then( (_head) => { head = _head; return repo.git.trees(head.object.sha).fetch(); }).then( (_tree) => { tree = _tree; return Promise.all( (file) => { return repo.git.blobs.create({ content:, encoding: 'utf-8' }); })); }).then( (blobs) => { return repo.git.trees.create({ tree: (file, index) => { return { path: file.path, mode: '100644', type: 'blob', sha: blobs[index]['sha'] }; }), base_tree: tree.sha }); }).then( (tree) => { return repo.git.commits.create({ message: message, tree: tree.sha, parents: [ head.object.sha ] }); }).then( (commit) => { return repo.git.refs.heads(this.branch).update({ sha: commit.sha }); }).then( (update) => { return sess; }); } }