all: baddies.c badspacerobots.tga tom-thumb.c swave.c.rom.h %.h: % cat $* | hexdump -v -e '"\n" 128/1 "0x%02x,"' > $@ # convert PCX (or PNG) file to Williams C sprite %.c: %.pcx python ../ $< > $@ # convert PNG into RLE-encoded TGA bitmap %.tga: %.png convert $< -resize 192 $<.gif convert $<.gif +dither -type palette -depth 4 -compress RLE -colors 8 -flip $@ convert $@ $@.png # convert PNG to 15-color PCX %.pcx: %.png convert $< -format raw -type palette -compress none -colors 15 +dither $@ #%.4.pcx: %.png # convert $< -format raw -type palette -compress none -colors 4 +dither $@ # convert BDF font file to definitions %.c: ../fonts/%.bdf python ../ -s 33 -e 97 $< > $@