// entity scopes contain entities, and are nested // also contain segments (code, bss, rodata) // components and systems are global // component fields are stored in arrays, range of entities, can be bit-packed // some values can be constant, are stored in rodata (or loaded immediate) // optional components? on or off // union components? either X or Y or Z... // // systems receive and send events, execute code on entities // systems are generated on a per-scope basis // system queries can only contain entities from self and parent scopes // starting from the 'init' event walk the event tree // include systems that have at least 1 entity in scope (except init?) // // when entering scope, entities are initialized (zero or init w/ data) // to change scope, fire event w/ scope name // - how to handle bank-switching? // // helps with: // - rapid prototyping w/ reasonable defaults // - deconstructing objects into arrays // - packing/unpacking bitfields // - initializing objects // - building lookup tables // - selecting and iterating objects // - managing events // - managing memory and scope // - converting assets to native formats? // - removing unused data // // it's more convenient to have loops be zero-indexed // for page cross, temp storage, etc // should references be zero-indexed to a field, or global? // should we limit # of entities passed to systems? min-max // join thru a reference? load both x and y import { SourceLocated, SourceLocation } from "../workertypes"; export class ECSError extends Error { $loc: SourceLocation; constructor(msg: string, obj?: SourceLocation | SourceLocated) { super(msg); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ECSError.prototype); if (obj) this.$loc = (obj as SourceLocated).$loc || (obj as SourceLocation); } } function mksymbol(c: ComponentType, fieldName: string) { return c.name + '_' + fieldName; } function mkscopesymbol(s: EntityScope, c: ComponentType, fieldName: string) { return s.name + '_' + c.name + '_' + fieldName; } export interface Entity extends SourceLocated { id: number; name?: string; etype: EntityArchetype; consts: { [component_field: string]: DataValue }; inits: { [scope_component_field: string]: DataValue }; } export interface EntityConst { component: ComponentType; name: string; value: DataValue; } export interface EntityArchetype { components: ComponentType[]; } export interface ComponentType extends SourceLocated { name: string; fields: DataField[]; optional?: boolean; } export interface Query extends SourceLocated { include: string[]; // TODO: make ComponentType listen?: string[]; exclude?: string[]; updates?: string[]; } export interface System extends SourceLocated { name: string; actions: Action[]; tempbytes?: number; } export interface Action extends SourceLocated { text: string; event: string; select: SelectType query: Query; join?: Query; limit?: number; emits?: string[]; } export type SelectType = 'once' | 'foreach' | 'source' | 'join'; export type DataValue = number | boolean | Uint8Array | Uint16Array; export type DataField = { name: string } & DataType; export type DataType = IntType | ArrayType | RefType; export interface IntType { dtype: 'int' lo: number hi: number } export interface ArrayType { dtype: 'array' elem: DataType index?: DataType } export interface RefType { dtype: 'ref' query: Query } interface FieldArray { component: ComponentType; field: DataField; elo: number; ehi: number; access?: FieldAccess[]; } interface FieldAccess { symbol: string; bit: number; width: number; } interface ConstByte { symbol: string; bitofs: number; } interface ArchetypeMatch { etype: EntityArchetype; cmatch: ComponentType[]; } interface ComponentFieldPair { c: ComponentType; f: DataField; } export class Dialect_CA65 { readonly ASM_ITERATE_EACH = ` ldx #0 @__each: {{%code}} inx cpx #{{%ecount}} bne @__each @__exit: `; readonly ASM_ITERATE_JOIN = ` ldy #0 @__each: ldx {{%joinfield}},y {{%code}} iny cpy #{{%ecount}} bne @__each @__exit: `; readonly INIT_FROM_ARRAY = ` ldy #{{%nbytes}} : lda {{%src}}-1,y sta {{%dest}}-1,y dey bne :- ` readonly HEADER = ` .include "vcs-ca65.h" ` readonly FOOTER = ` .segment "VECTORS" VecNMI: .word Start VecReset: .word Start VecBRK: .word Start ` readonly TEMPLATE_INIT = ` Start: CLEAN_START ` comment(s: string) { return `\n;;; ${s}\n`; } absolute(ident: string) { return ident; } indexed_x(ident: string) { return ident + ',x'; } fieldsymbol(component: ComponentType, field: DataField, bitofs: number) { return `${component.name}_${field.name}_b${bitofs}`; } datasymbol(component: ComponentType, field: DataField, eid: number) { return `${component.name}_${field.name}_e${eid}`; } } // TODO: merge with Dialect? export class SourceFileExport { lines: string[] = []; comment(text: string) { this.lines.push(';' + text); } segment(seg: string, segtype: 'rodata' | 'bss') { if (segtype == 'bss') { this.lines.push(`.segment "ZEROPAGE"`); // TODO } else { this.lines.push(`.segment "CODE"`); // TODO } } label(sym: string) { this.lines.push(`${sym}:`); } byte(b: number | ConstByte | undefined) { if (b === undefined) { this.lines.push(` .res 1`); } else if (typeof b === 'number') { if (b < 0 || b > 255) throw new ECSError(`out of range byte ${b}`); this.lines.push(` .byte ${b}`) } else { if (b.bitofs == 0) this.lines.push(` .byte <${b.symbol}`) else if (b.bitofs == 8) this.lines.push(` .byte >${b.symbol}`) else this.lines.push(` .byte (${b.symbol} >> ${b.bitofs})`) // TODO? } } text(s: string) { for (let l of s.split('\n')) this.lines.push(l); } debug_file(path: string) { this.lines.push(` .dbg file, "${path}", 0, 0`); } debug_line(path: string, line: number) { this.lines.push(` .dbg line, "${path}", ${line}`); } toString() { return this.lines.join('\n'); } } class Segment { symbols: { [sym: string]: number } = {}; ofs2sym = new Map(); fieldranges: { [cfname: string]: FieldArray } = {}; size: number = 0; initdata: (number | ConstByte | undefined)[] = []; codefrags: string[] = []; addCodeFragment(code: string) { this.codefrags.push(code); } allocateBytes(name: string, bytes: number) { let ofs = this.symbols[name]; if (ofs == null) { ofs = this.size; this.symbols[name] = ofs; if (!this.ofs2sym.has(ofs)) this.ofs2sym.set(ofs, []); this.ofs2sym.get(ofs)?.push(name); this.size += bytes; } return ofs; } // TODO: optimize shared data allocateInitData(name: string, bytes: Uint8Array) { let ofs = this.allocateBytes(name, bytes.length); for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { this.initdata[ofs + i] = bytes[i]; } } dump(file: SourceFileExport) { for (let code of this.codefrags) { file.text(code); } for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) { let syms = this.ofs2sym.get(i); if (syms) { for (let sym of syms) file.label(sym); } file.byte(this.initdata[i]); } } // TODO: move cfname functions in here too getFieldRange(component: ComponentType, fieldName: string) { return this.fieldranges[mksymbol(component, fieldName)]; } getSegmentByteOffset(component: ComponentType, fieldName: string, bitofs: number, entityID: number) { let range = this.getFieldRange(component, fieldName); if (range && range.access) { let a = range.access[0]; // TODO: bitofs let ofs = this.symbols[a.symbol]; if (ofs !== undefined) { return ofs + entityID - range.elo; } } } getOriginSymbol() { let a = this.ofs2sym.get(0); if (!a) throw new ECSError('getOriginSymbol(): no symbol at offset 0'); // TODO return a[0]; } } function getFieldBits(f: IntType) { let n = f.hi - f.lo + 1; return Math.ceil(Math.log2(n)); } function getPackedFieldSize(f: DataType, constValue?: DataValue): number { if (f.dtype == 'int') { return getFieldBits(f); } if (f.dtype == 'array' && f.index) { return getPackedFieldSize(f.index) * getPackedFieldSize(f.elem); } if (f.dtype == 'array' && constValue != null && Array.isArray(constValue)) { return constValue.length * getPackedFieldSize(f.elem); } if (f.dtype == 'ref') { return 8; // TODO: > 256 entities? } return 0; } export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated { $loc: SourceLocation; childScopes: EntityScope[] = []; entities: Entity[] = []; bss = new Segment(); rodata = new Segment(); code = new Segment(); componentsInScope = new Set(); tempOffset = 0; tempSize = 0; maxTempBytes = 0; subroutines = new Set(); constructor( public readonly em: EntityManager, public readonly dialect: Dialect_CA65, public readonly name: string, public readonly parent: EntityScope | undefined ) { parent?.childScopes.push(this); } newEntity(etype: EntityArchetype): Entity { // TODO: add parent ID? lock parent scope? // TODO: name identical check? let id = this.entities.length; etype = this.em.addArchetype(etype); let entity: Entity = { id, etype, consts: {}, inits: {} }; for (let c of etype.components) { this.componentsInScope.add(c.name); } this.entities.push(entity); return entity; } *iterateEntityFields(entities: Entity[]) { for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { let e = entities[i]; for (let c of e.etype.components) { for (let f of c.fields) { yield { i, e, c, f, v: e.consts[mksymbol(c, f.name)] }; } } } } *iterateArchetypeFields(arch: ArchetypeMatch[], filter?: (c:ComponentType,f:DataField) => boolean) { for (let i = 0; i < arch.length; i++) { let a = arch[i]; for (let c of a.etype.components) { for (let f of c.fields) { if (!filter || filter(c,f)) yield { i, c, f }; } } } } entitiesMatching(atypes: ArchetypeMatch[]) { let result : Entity[] = []; for (let e of this.entities) { for (let a of atypes) { // TODO: what about subclasses? // TODO: very scary identity ocmpare if (e.etype === a.etype) { result.push(e); break; } } } return result; } hasComponent(ctype: ComponentType) { return this.componentsInScope.has(ctype.name); } getJoinField(action: Action, atypes: ArchetypeMatch[], jtypes: ArchetypeMatch[]) : ComponentFieldPair { let refs = Array.from(this.iterateArchetypeFields(atypes, (c,f) => f.dtype == 'ref')); // TODO: better error message if (refs.length == 0) throw new ECSError(`cannot find join fields`, action.query); if (refs.length > 1) throw new ECSError(`cannot join multiple fields`, action.query); // TODO: check to make sure join works return refs[0]; // TODO /* TODO let match = refs.map(ref => this.em.archetypesMatching((ref.f as RefType).query)); for (let ref of refs) { let m = this.em.archetypesMatching((ref.f as RefType).query); for (let a of m) { if (jtypes.includes(a.etype)) { console.log(a,m); } } } */ } buildSegments() { let iter = this.iterateEntityFields(this.entities); for (var o = iter.next(); o.value; o = iter.next()) { let { i, e, c, f, v } = o.value; let segment = v === undefined ? this.bss : this.rodata; let cfname = mksymbol(c, f.name); let array = segment.fieldranges[cfname]; if (!array) { array = segment.fieldranges[cfname] = { component: c, field: f, elo: i, ehi: i }; } else { array.ehi = i; } //console.log(i,array,cfname); } } allocateSegment(segment: Segment, readonly: boolean) { let fields = Object.values(segment.fieldranges); // TODO: fields.sort((a, b) => (a.ehi - a.elo + 1) * getPackedFieldSize(a.field)); let f; while (f = fields.pop()) { let name = mksymbol(f.component, f.field.name); // TODO: doesn't work for packed arrays too well let bits = getPackedFieldSize(f.field); // variable size? make it a pointer if (bits == 0) bits = 16; // TODO? let rangelen = (f.ehi - f.elo + 1); let bytesperelem = Math.ceil(bits / 8); // TODO: packing bits // TODO: split arrays f.access = []; for (let i = 0; i < bits; i += 8) { let symbol = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(f.component, f.field, i); f.access.push({ symbol, bit: 0, width: 8 }); // TODO if (!readonly) { segment.allocateBytes(symbol, rangelen * bytesperelem); // TODO } } } } allocateROData(segment: Segment) { let iter = this.iterateEntityFields(this.entities); for (var o = iter.next(); o.value; o = iter.next()) { let { i, e, c, f, v } = o.value; let cfname = mksymbol(c, f.name); let fieldrange = segment.fieldranges[cfname]; if (v !== undefined) { let entcount = fieldrange.ehi - fieldrange.elo + 1; // is it a byte array? if (v instanceof Uint8Array) { let datasym = this.dialect.datasymbol(c, f, e.id); let ptrlosym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 0); let ptrhisym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 8); segment.allocateInitData(datasym, v); let loofs = segment.allocateBytes(ptrlosym, entcount); let hiofs = segment.allocateBytes(ptrhisym, entcount); segment.initdata[loofs + e.id - fieldrange.elo] = { symbol: datasym, bitofs: 0 }; segment.initdata[hiofs + e.id - fieldrange.elo] = { symbol: datasym, bitofs: 8 }; // TODO: } else if (v instanceof Uint16Array) { } else if (typeof v === 'number') { // more than 1 entity, add an array // TODO: what if > 8 bits? // TODO: what if mix of var, const, and init values? if (fieldrange.ehi > fieldrange.elo) { let datasym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 0); let base = segment.allocateBytes(datasym, entcount); segment.initdata[base + e.id - fieldrange.elo] = v; //console.error(cfname, datasym, base, e.id, fieldrange.elo, entcount, v); } } else { throw new ECSError(`unhandled constant ${e.id}:${cfname}`); } } } //console.log(segment.initdata) } allocateInitData(segment: Segment) { let initbytes = new Uint8Array(segment.size); let iter = this.iterateEntityFields(this.entities); for (var o = iter.next(); o.value; o = iter.next()) { let { i, e, c, f, v } = o.value; let scfname = mkscopesymbol(this, c, f.name); let initvalue = e.inits[scfname]; if (initvalue !== undefined) { let offset = segment.getSegmentByteOffset(c, f.name, 0, e.id); if (offset !== undefined && typeof initvalue === 'number') { initbytes[offset] = initvalue; // TODO: > 8 bits? } else { // TODO: init arrays? throw new ECSError(`cannot initialize ${scfname}: ${offset} ${initvalue}`); // TODO?? } } } // build the final init buffer // TODO: compress 0s? let bufsym = this.name + '__INITDATA'; let bufofs = this.rodata.allocateInitData(bufsym, initbytes); let code = this.dialect.INIT_FROM_ARRAY; //TODO: function to repalce from dict? code = code.replace('{{%nbytes}}', initbytes.length.toString()) code = code.replace('{{%src}}', bufsym); code = code.replace('{{%dest}}', segment.getOriginSymbol()); return code; } setConstValue(e: Entity, component: ComponentType, fieldName: string, value: DataValue) { let c = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName([{etype: e.etype, cmatch:[component]}], fieldName, "setConstValue"); e.consts[mksymbol(component, fieldName)] = value; if (this.em.symbols[mksymbol(component, fieldName)] == 'init') throw new ECSError(`Can't mix const and init values for a component field`, e); this.em.symbols[mksymbol(component, fieldName)] = 'const'; } setInitValue(e: Entity, component: ComponentType, fieldName: string, value: DataValue) { let c = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName([{etype: e.etype, cmatch:[component]}], fieldName, "setInitValue"); e.inits[mkscopesymbol(this, component, fieldName)] = value; if (this.em.symbols[mksymbol(component, fieldName)] == 'const') throw new ECSError(`Can't mix const and init values for a component field`, e); this.em.symbols[mksymbol(component, fieldName)] = 'init'; } generateCodeForEvent(event: string): string { // find systems that respond to event // and have entities in this scope let systems = this.em.event2system[event]; if (!systems || systems.length == 0) { console.log(`; warning: no system responds to ${event}`); // TODO: warning } let s = ''; //s += `\n; event ${event}\n`; let emitcode: { [event: string]: string } = {}; for (let sys of systems) { // TODO: does this work if multiple actions? // TODO: should 'emits' be on action? if (sys.tempbytes) this.allocateTempBytes(sys.tempbytes); for (let action of sys.actions) { if (action.event == event) { if (action.emits) { for (let emit of action.emits) { if (emitcode[emit]) { console.log(`already emitted for ${sys.name}:${event}`); } //console.log('>', emit); // TODO: cycles emitcode[emit] = this.generateCodeForEvent(emit); //console.log('<', emit, emitcode[emit].length); } } let code = this.replaceCode(action.text, sys, action); s += this.dialect.comment(``); s += code; s += this.dialect.comment(``); // TODO: check that this happens once? } } if (sys.tempbytes) this.allocateTempBytes(-sys.tempbytes); } return s; } allocateTempBytes(n: number) { if (n > 0) this.tempOffset = this.tempSize; this.tempSize += n; this.maxTempBytes = Math.max(this.tempSize, this.maxTempBytes); if (n < 0) this.tempOffset = this.tempSize; } replaceCode(code: string, sys: System, action: Action): string { const tag_re = /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g; const label_re = /@(\w+)\b/g; let label = `${sys.name}__${action.event}`; let atypes = this.em.archetypesMatching(action.query); let entities = this.entitiesMatching(atypes); // TODO: detect cycles // TODO: "source"? // TODO: what if only 1 item? let props : {[name: string] : string} = {}; if (action.select == 'foreach') { code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, action, entities); } if (action.select == 'join' && action.join) { let jtypes = this.em.archetypesMatching(action.join); let jentities = this.entitiesMatching(jtypes); if (jentities.length == 0) throw new ECSError(`join query for ${label} doesn't match any entities`, action.join); // TODO let joinfield = this.getJoinField(action, atypes, jtypes); // TODO: what if only 1 item? // TODO: should be able to access fields via Y reg code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, action, entities, joinfield); atypes = jtypes; entities = jentities; props['%joinfield'] = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(joinfield.c, joinfield.f, 0); } props['%efullcount'] = entities.length.toString(); if (action.limit) { entities = entities.slice(0, action.limit); } if (entities.length == 0) throw new ECSError(`query for ${label} doesn't match any entities`, action.query); // TODO // define properties props['%elo'] = entities[0].id.toString(); props['%ehi'] = entities[entities.length - 1].id.toString(); props['%ecount'] = entities.length.toString(); // replace @labels code = code.replace(label_re, (s: string, a: string) => `${label}__${a}`); // replace {{...}} tags code = code.replace(tag_re, (entire, group: string) => { let cmd = group.charAt(0); let rest = group.substring(1); switch (cmd) { case '!': // emit event return this.generateCodeForEvent(rest); case '.': // auto label case '@': // auto label return `${label}_${rest}`; case '$': // temp byte (TODO: check to make sure not overflowing) return `TEMP+${this.tempOffset}+${rest}`; case '=': // TODO? case '<': // low byte return this.generateCodeForField(sys, action, atypes, entities, rest, 0); case '>': // high byte return this.generateCodeForField(sys, action, atypes, entities, rest, 8); case '^': // subroutine reference return this.includeSubroutine(rest); default: let value = props[group]; if (value) return value; else throw new ECSError(`unrecognized command {{${group}}} in ${entire}`); } }); return code; } includeSubroutine(symbol: string): string { this.subroutines.add(symbol); return symbol; } wrapCodeInLoop(code: string, action: Action, ents: Entity[], joinfield?: ComponentFieldPair): string { // TODO: check ents // TODO: check segment bounds // TODO: what if 0 or 1 entitites? let s = this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_EACH; if (joinfield) s = this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_JOIN; s = s.replace('{{%code}}', code); return s; } generateCodeForField(sys: System, action: Action, atypes: ArchetypeMatch[], entities: Entity[], fieldName: string, bitofs: number): string { var component : ComponentType; var qualified = false; // is qualified field? if (fieldName.indexOf(':') > 0) { let [cname,fname] = fieldName.split(':'); component = this.em.getComponentByName(cname); fieldName = fname; qualified = true; if (component == null) throw new ECSError(`no component named "${cname}"`) } else { component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName(atypes, fieldName, `${sys.name}:${action.event}`); } // find archetypes let field = component.fields.find(f => f.name == fieldName); if (field == null) throw new ECSError(`no field named "${fieldName}" in component`) // see if all entities have the same constant value let constValues = new Set(); for (let e of entities) { let constVal = e.consts[mksymbol(component, fieldName)]; constValues.add(constVal); // constVal === undefined is allowed } // is it a constant? if (constValues.size == 1) { let value = constValues.values().next().value as DataValue; // TODO: what about symbols? // TODO: use dialect if (typeof value === 'number') { if (bitofs == 0) return `#<${value}`; if (bitofs == 8) return `#>${value}`; // TODO: bitofs? } } // TODO: offset > 0? // TODO: don't mix const and init data let range = this.bss.getFieldRange(component, fieldName) || this.rodata.getFieldRange(component, fieldName); if (!range) throw new ECSError(`couldn't find field for ${component.name}:${fieldName}, maybe no entities?`); // TODO let eidofs = range.elo - entities[0].id; // TODO: dialect let ident = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(component, field, bitofs); if (qualified) { return this.dialect.absolute(ident); } else if (action.select == 'once') { if (entities.length != 1) throw new ECSError(`can't choose multiple entities for ${fieldName} with select=once`); return this.dialect.absolute(ident); } else { // TODO: right direction? if (eidofs > 0) { ident += '+' + eidofs; } else if (eidofs < 0) { ident += '' + eidofs; } return this.dialect.indexed_x(ident); } } analyzeEntities() { this.buildSegments(); this.allocateSegment(this.bss, false); this.allocateSegment(this.rodata, true); this.allocateROData(this.rodata); } generateCode() { this.tempOffset = this.maxTempBytes = 0; this.code.addCodeFragment(this.dialect.TEMPLATE_INIT); let initcode = this.allocateInitData(this.bss); this.code.addCodeFragment(initcode); let start = this.generateCodeForEvent('start'); this.code.addCodeFragment(start); for (let sub of Array.from(this.subroutines.values())) { let code = this.generateCodeForEvent(sub); this.code.addCodeFragment(code); } } dump(file: SourceFileExport) { file.text(this.dialect.HEADER); // TODO file.segment(`${this.name}_DATA`, 'bss'); if (this.maxTempBytes) this.bss.allocateBytes('TEMP', this.maxTempBytes); this.bss.dump(file); file.segment(`${this.name}_CODE`, 'rodata'); this.rodata.dump(file); this.code.dump(file); file.text(this.dialect.FOOTER); // TODO } } export class EntityManager { archetypes: { [key: string]: EntityArchetype } = {}; components: { [name: string]: ComponentType } = {}; systems: { [name: string]: System } = {}; scopes: { [name: string]: EntityScope } = {}; symbols: { [name: string] : 'init' | 'const' } = {}; event2system: { [name: string]: System[] } = {}; constructor(public readonly dialect: Dialect_CA65) { } newScope(name: string, parent?: EntityScope) { let scope = new EntityScope(this, this.dialect, name, parent); if (this.scopes[name]) throw new ECSError(`scope ${name} already defined`); this.scopes[name] = scope; return scope; } defineComponent(ctype: ComponentType) { if (this.components[ctype.name]) throw new ECSError(`component ${ctype.name} already defined`); return this.components[ctype.name] = ctype; } defineSystem(system: System) { if (this.systems[system.name]) throw new ECSError(`system ${system.name} already defined`); for (let a of system.actions) { let event = a.event; let list = this.event2system[event]; if (list == null) list = this.event2system[event] = []; if (!list.includes(system)) list.push(system); } return this.systems[system.name] = system; } addArchetype(atype: EntityArchetype) : EntityArchetype { let key = atype.components.map(c => c.name).join(','); if (this.archetypes[key]) return this.archetypes[key]; else return this.archetypes[key] = atype; } componentsMatching(q: Query, etype: EntityArchetype) { let list = []; for (let c of etype.components) { let cname = c.name; if (q.exclude?.includes(cname)) { return []; } // TODO: 0 includes == all entities? if (q.include.length == 0 || q.include.includes(cname)) { list.push(c); } } return list.length == q.include.length ? list : []; } archetypesMatching(q: Query) { let result: ArchetypeMatch[] = []; for (let etype of Object.values(this.archetypes)) { let cmatch = this.componentsMatching(q, etype); if (cmatch.length > 0) { result.push({ etype, cmatch }); } } return result; } componentsWithFieldName(atypes: ArchetypeMatch[], fieldName: string) { // TODO??? let comps = new Set(); for (let at of atypes) { for (let c of at.cmatch) { for (let f of c.fields) { if (f.name == fieldName) comps.add(c); } } } return Array.from(comps); } getComponentByName(name: string): ComponentType { return this.components[name]; } singleComponentWithFieldName(atypes: ArchetypeMatch[], fieldName: string, where: string) { let components = this.componentsWithFieldName(atypes, fieldName); if (components.length == 0) { throw new ECSError(`cannot find component with field "${fieldName}" in ${where}`); } if (components.length > 1) { throw new ECSError(`ambiguous field name "${fieldName}" in ${where}`); } return components[0]; } toJSON() { return JSON.stringify({ components: this.components, systems: this.systems }) } }