processor 6502 include "vcs.h" include "macro.h" include "xmacro.h" seg.u Variables org $80 PFOfs .byte ; offset into PFData (0-20) SpritePtr0 .word ; pointer to bitmap for sprite 0 SpritePtr1 .word ; pointer to bitmap for sprite 1 ColorPtr0 .word ; pointer to colors for sprite 0 ColorPtr1 .word ; pointer to colors for sprite 1 YPos0 .byte ; current Y position of sprite 0 YPos1 .byte ; current Y position of sprite 1 XPos0 .byte ; current X position of sprite 0 XPos1 .byte ; current X position of sprite 1 XPosPrev .byte ; previous X position of sprite 0 YPosPrev .byte ; previous X position of sprite 1 RoomType .byte ; current room definition byte ; these are modified line-by-line by the sprite kernel Colp0 .byte ; temp. colors for player 0 YP0 .byte ; counts y-position for player 0 YP1 .byte ; counts y-position for player 1 tmpPF0 .byte ; temp. PF0 tmpPF1 .byte ; temp. PF1 tmpPF2 .byte ; temp. PF2 Temp .byte PFData equ $c0 ; 21-byte array of playfield bytes SpriteHeight equ 16 ; hard-coded height of sprites ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; seg Code org $f000 Start CLEAN_START Data0 lda #Frame0 sta SpritePtr0+1 lda #ColorFrame0 sta ColorPtr0+1 lda #Frame0 sta SpritePtr1+1 lda #ColorFrame1 sta ColorPtr1+1 lda #242 sta YPos0 lda #200 sta YPos1 lda #58 sta XPos0 sta XPos1 lda #1 sta VDELP0 ; updates to GRP0 will be delayed lda #1 sta RoomType jsr BuildRoom NextFrame VERTICAL_SYNC ; Set up VBLANK timer ; We'll do four fewer lines than usual, so we can ; load the playfield registers in the first four lines. TIMER_SETUP 37-4 lda #$68 sta COLUP0 ; player color lda #1 sta CTRLPF ; symmetry lda #72 sta PFOfs ; reset playfield offset ; Set temporary Y counter and set horizontal position lda YPos0 sta YP0 ; yp0 = temporary counter lda YPos1 sta YP1 ; yp0 = temporary counter lda XPos0 ldx #0 jsr SetHorizPos lda XPos1 ldx #1 jsr SetHorizPos sta WSYNC sta HMOVE ; gotta apply HMOVE sta CXCLR ; clear collisions ; Wait for end of VBLANK TIMER_WAIT KernelLoop ; Phase 0: Fetch PF0 byte jsr DrawSprites jsr FetchPlayfield sta tmpPF0 ; Phase 1: Fetch PF1 byte jsr DrawSprites jsr FetchPlayfield sta tmpPF1 ; Phase 2: Fetch PF2 byte jsr DrawSprites jsr FetchPlayfield sta tmpPF2 ; Phase 3: Write PF0/PF1/PF2 registers jsr DrawSprites lda tmpPF0 sta PF0 lda tmpPF1 sta PF1 lda tmpPF2 sta PF2 ; Go to next scanline? lda PFOfs bne KernelLoop NoMoreLines ; Set up overscan timer ; We'll take back those four lines we skipped earlier. TIMER_SETUP 30+4 lda #0 sta PF0 sta PF1 sta PF2 ; Did the player collide with the wall? bit CXP0FB bpl NoCollision ; Yes, load previous position lda YPosPrev sta YPos0 lda XPosPrev sta XPos0 jmp NoMoveJoy NoCollision ; No collision, update previous position and move player lda YPos0 sta YPosPrev lda XPos0 sta XPosPrev jsr MoveJoystick NoMoveJoy TIMER_WAIT jmp NextFrame ; DrawSprite subroutine called by kernel DrawSprites subroutine ; Fetch sprite 0 values lda #SpriteHeight ; height in 2xlines sec isb YP0 ; INC yp0, then SBC yp0 bcs DoDraw0 ; inside bounds? lda #0 ; no, load the padding offset (0) DoDraw0 tay ; -> Y lda (ColorPtr0),y ; color for both lines sta Colp0 ; -> colp0 lda (SpritePtr0),y ; bitmap for first line sta GRP0 ; -> [GRP0] (delayed due to VDEL) ; Fetch sprite 1 values lda #SpriteHeight ; height in 2xlines sec isb YP1 ; INC yp0, then SBC yp0 bcs DoDraw1 ; inside bounds? lda #0 ; no, load the padding offset (0) DoDraw1 tay ; -> Y lda (ColorPtr1),y ; color for both lines tax lda (SpritePtr1),y ; bitmap for first line tay ; WSYNC and store sprite values lda Colp0 sta WSYNC sty GRP1 ; GRP0 is also updated due to VDELP0 flag stx COLUP1 sta COLUP0 ; Return to caller rts ; Fetch the next playfield byte. FetchPlayfield subroutine dec PFOfs ldx PFOfs ldy PFOffsets,x ; get index into PFData array lda PFData,y ; load playfield byte rts SetHorizPos subroutine sta WSYNC ; start a new line bit 0 ; waste 3 cycles sec ; set carry flag DivideLoop sbc #15 ; subtract 15 bcs DivideLoop ; branch until negative eor #7 ; calculate fine offset asl asl asl asl sta RESP0,x ; fix coarse position sta HMP0,x ; set fine offset rts ; return to caller ; Read joystick movement and apply to object 0 MoveJoystick subroutine ; Move vertically ldx YPos0 lda #%00100000 ;Down? bit SWCHA bne SkipMoveDown dex cpx #175 bcs SkipMoveDown ; If we move off the top of the screen, ; go to the next room in the sequence ldy #1 jsr MoveNextRoom jsr BuildRoom ldx #254 bne SkipMoveUp SkipMoveDown lda #%00010000 ;Up? bit SWCHA bne SkipMoveUp inx cpx #254 bcc SkipMoveUp ; If we move off the top of the screen, ; go to the previous room in the sequence ldy #1 jsr MovePrevRoom jsr BuildRoom ldx #174 bne SkipMoveUp SkipMoveUp stx YPos0 ; Move horizontally ldx XPos0 lda #%01000000 ;Left? bit SWCHA bne SkipMoveLeft dex cpx #1 bcs SkipMoveLeft ; If we move off the left of the screen, ; go back 7 rooms ldy #7 jsr MovePrevRoom jsr BuildRoom ldx #152 SkipMoveLeft lda #%10000000 ;Right? bit SWCHA bne SkipMoveRight inx cpx #153 bcc SkipMoveRight ; If we move off the right of the screen, ; go forward 7 rooms ldy #7 jsr MoveNextRoom jsr BuildRoom ldx #1 SkipMoveRight stx XPos0 rts ; Build a room based on the RoomType byte. ; Bits 0-1 = top walls ; Bits 2-3 = middle walls BuildRoom subroutine ; First fill in the top section. lda RoomType and #3 jsr MulBy3ToX lda PFRoomTop0+0,x sta PFData+0 lda PFRoomTop0+1,x sta PFData+1 lda PFRoomTop0+2,x sta PFData+2 lda PFRoomTop1+0,x sta PFData+3 lda PFRoomTop1+1,x sta PFData+4 lda PFRoomTop1+2,x sta PFData+5 ; Now the middle section. lda RoomType ror ror and #3 jsr MulBy3ToX lda PFRoomMid0+0,x sta PFData+6 lda PFRoomMid0+1,x sta PFData+7 lda PFRoomMid0+2,x sta PFData+8 lda PFRoomMid1+0,x sta PFData+9 lda PFRoomMid1+1,x sta PFData+10 lda PFRoomMid1+2,x sta PFData+11 lda PFRoomMid2+0,x sta PFData+12 lda PFRoomMid2+1,x sta PFData+13 lda PFRoomMid2+2,x sta PFData+14 ; And finally, the bottom. lda RoomType jsr NextRandom pha and #3 jsr MulBy3ToX lda PFRoomTop1+0,x sta PFData+15 lda PFRoomTop1+1,x sta PFData+16 lda PFRoomTop1+2,x sta PFData+17 lda PFRoomTop0+0,x sta PFData+18 lda PFRoomTop0+1,x sta PFData+19 lda PFRoomTop0+2,x sta PFData+20 ; Set the room colors and position the Green Man lda RoomType and #$f0 sta COLUBK and #$7f sta XPos1 pla ; next random value, stored ora #$08 sta COLUPF ; fg color ora #$80 sta YPos1 rts ; Helper function that computes X <- A*3 MulBy3ToX sta Temp asl clc adc Temp tax rts ; Get next random value NextRandom subroutine lsr bcc .NoEor eor #$d4 .NoEor: rts ; Get previous random value PrevRandom subroutine asl bcc .NoEor eor #$a9 .NoEor: rts ; Move to next room(s) ; Y = number of iterations MoveNextRoom subroutine lda RoomType jsr NextRandom dey sta RoomType bne MoveNextRoom rts ; Move to previous room(s) ; Y = number of iterations MovePrevRoom subroutine lda RoomType jsr PrevRandom dey sta RoomType bne MovePrevRoom rts ; Table used to get offsets to playfield bytes in memory ; 24 3-byte entries, one for each 8-pixel section ; in reverse order PFOffsets .byte 20,19,18 .byte 20,19,18 .byte 17,16,15 .byte 17,16,15 .byte 17,16,15 .byte 17,16,15 .byte 17,16,15 .byte 17,16,15 .byte 14,13,12 .byte 11,10,9 .byte 11,10,9 .byte 11,10,9 .byte 11,10,9 .byte 11,10,9 .byte 11,10,9 .byte 11,10,9 .byte 8,7,6 .byte 5,4,3 .byte 5,4,3 .byte 5,4,3 .byte 5,4,3 .byte 5,4,3 .byte 5,4,3 .byte 2,1,0 ; Playfield components for rooms PFRoomTop0 .byte #%11110000,#%11111111,#%00000111 .byte #%00110000,#%00001111,#%11111111 .byte #%00110000,#%00001111,#%11111111 .byte #%00110000,#%00000000,#%10000000 PFRoomTop1 .byte #%00110000,#%00000000,#%00000000 .byte #%00110000,#%00000000,#%00000000 .byte #%00110000,#%00000000,#%10000000 .byte #%00110000,#%00001111,#%11111111 PFRoomMid0 .byte #%00110000,#%00000000,#%00000000 .byte #%11110000,#%11111111,#%00000000 .byte #%11110000,#%11111111,#%00000000 .byte #%11110000,#%11111111,#%00000000 PFRoomMid1 .byte #%00000000,#%00000001,#%00000000 .byte #%00000000,#%00000001,#%00000000 .byte #%00000000,#%00000000,#%00000000 .byte #%00000000,#%00000000,#%00000000 PFRoomMid2 .byte #%11110000,#%11111111,#%00000000 .byte #%00110000,#%00000000,#%00000000 .byte #%00110000,#%00000000,#%00000000 .byte #%00110000,#%00000000,#%00000000 ; Bitmap data "standing" position Frame0 .byte #0 .byte #%01101100;$F6 .byte #%00101000;$86 .byte #%00101000;$86 .byte #%00111000;$86 .byte #%10111010;$C2 .byte #%10111010;$C2 .byte #%01111100;$C2 .byte #%00111000;$C2 .byte #%00111000;$16 .byte #%01000100;$16 .byte #%01111100;$16 .byte #%01111100;$18 .byte #%01010100;$18 .byte #%01111100;$18 .byte #%11111110;$F2 .byte #%00111000;$F4 ; Color data for each line of sprite ColorFrame0 .byte #$FF; .byte #$F6; .byte #$86; .byte #$86; .byte #$86; .byte #$C2; .byte #$C2; .byte #$C2; .byte #$C2; .byte #$16; .byte #$16; .byte #$16; .byte #$18; .byte #$18; .byte #$18; .byte #$F2; .byte #$F4; ; Color data for each line of sprite ColorFrame1 .byte #$5F; .byte #$56; .byte #$36; .byte #$36; .byte #$36; .byte #$32; .byte #$32; .byte #$32; .byte #$32; .byte #$c6; .byte #$c6; .byte #$c6; .byte #$c8; .byte #$c8; .byte #$c8; .byte #$02; .byte #$02; ; Epilogue org $fffc .word Start .word Start