"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.TwoWayMapper = exports.Viewer = exports.MapEditor = exports.CharmapEditor = exports.ImageChooser = exports.NESNametableConverter = exports.MetaspriteCompositor = exports.Compositor = exports.PaletteFormatToRGB = exports.Palettizer = exports.Mapper = exports.Compressor = exports.TextDataNode = exports.FileDataNode = exports.PixNode = exports.convertPaletteFormat = exports.getPaletteLength = exports.convertPaletteBytes = exports.convertImagesToWords = exports.convertWordsToImages = exports.replaceHexWords = exports.parseHexWords = void 0; const util_1 = require("../common/util"); const toolbar_1 = require("./toolbar"); ///////////////// // 0xabcd, #$abcd, 5'010101, 0b010101, etc var pixel_re = /([0#]?)([x$%]|\d'h)([0-9a-f]+)(?:[;].*)?|(\d'b|0b)([01]+)/gim; function convertToHexStatements(s) { // convert 'hex ....' asm format return s.replace(/(\shex\s+)([0-9a-f]+)/ig, function (m, hexprefix, hexstr) { var rtn = hexprefix; for (var i = 0; i < hexstr.length; i += 2) { rtn += '0x' + hexstr.substr(i, 2) + ','; } return rtn; }); } function parseHexWords(s) { var arr = []; var m; while (m = pixel_re.exec(s)) { var n; if (typeof m[4] !== 'undefined') n = parseInt(m[5], 2); else if (m[2].startsWith('%') || m[2].endsWith("b")) n = parseInt(m[3], 2); else if (m[2].startsWith('x') || m[2].startsWith('$') || m[2].endsWith('h')) n = parseInt(m[3], 16); else n = parseInt(m[3]); arr.push(n); } return arr; } exports.parseHexWords = parseHexWords; function replaceHexWords(s, words) { var result = ""; var m; var li = 0; var i = 0; while (m = pixel_re.exec(s)) { result += s.slice(li, pixel_re.lastIndex - m[0].length); li = pixel_re.lastIndex; if (typeof m[4] !== 'undefined') result += m[4] + words[i++].toString(2); else if (m[2].startsWith('%')) result += m[1] + "%" + words[i++].toString(2); else if (m[2].endsWith('b')) result += m[1] + m[2] + words[i++].toString(2); // TODO else if (m[2].endsWith('h')) result += m[1] + m[2] + words[i++].toString(16); // TODO else if (m[2].startsWith('x')) result += m[1] + "x" + (0, util_1.hex)(words[i++]); else if (m[2].startsWith('$')) result += m[1] + "$" + (0, util_1.hex)(words[i++]); else result += m[1] + words[i++].toString(); } result += s.slice(li); // convert 'hex ....' asm format result = result.replace(/(\shex\s+)([,x0-9a-f]+)/ig, (m, hexprefix, hexstr) => { var rtn = hexprefix + hexstr; rtn = rtn.replace(/0x/ig, '').replace(/,/ig, ''); return rtn; }); return result; } exports.replaceHexWords = replaceHexWords; function remapBits(x, arr) { if (!arr) return x; var y = 0; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var s = arr[i]; if (s < 0) { s = -s - 1; y ^= 1 << s; } if (x & (1 << i)) { y ^= 1 << s; } } return y; } // for VCS playfields // ;;{w:20,h:10,flip:1,reindex:[4,5,6,7,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,16,17,18,19]};; function reindexMask(x, inds) { var i = inds[x % inds.length]; return [i >> 3, i & 7]; } function convertWordsToImages(words, fmt) { var width = fmt.w; var height = fmt.h; var count = fmt.count || 1; var bpp = fmt.bpp || 1; var nplanes = fmt.np || 1; var bitsperword = fmt.bpw || 8; var wordsperline = fmt.sl || Math.ceil(width * bpp / bitsperword); var mask = (1 << bpp) - 1; var pofs = fmt.pofs || wordsperline * height * count; var skip = fmt.skip || 0; var wpimg = fmt.wpimg || wordsperline * height; var images = []; for (var n = 0; n < count; n++) { var imgdata = []; for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { var yp = fmt.flip ? height - 1 - y : y; var ofs0 = wpimg * n + yp * wordsperline; var shift = 0; for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { var color = 0; var ofs = remapBits(ofs0, fmt.remap); if (fmt.reindex) { [ofs, shift] = reindexMask(x, fmt.reindex); ofs += ofs0; } for (var p = 0; p < nplanes; p++) { var byte = words[ofs + p * pofs + skip]; color |= ((fmt.brev ? byte >> (bitsperword - shift - bpp) : byte >> shift) & mask) << (p * bpp); } imgdata.push(color); shift += bpp; if (shift >= bitsperword && !fmt.reindex) { ofs0 += 1; shift = 0; } } } images.push(new Uint8Array(imgdata)); } return images; } exports.convertWordsToImages = convertWordsToImages; function convertImagesToWords(images, fmt) { if (fmt.destfmt) fmt = fmt.destfmt; var width = fmt.w; var height = fmt.h; var count = fmt.count || 1; var bpp = fmt.bpp || 1; var nplanes = fmt.np || 1; var bitsperword = fmt.bpw || 8; var wordsperline = fmt.sl || Math.ceil(fmt.w * bpp / bitsperword); var mask = (1 << bpp) - 1; var pofs = fmt.pofs || wordsperline * height * count; var skip = fmt.skip || 0; var wpimg = fmt.wpimg || wordsperline * height; var words; if (nplanes > 0 && fmt.sl) // TODO? words = new Uint8Array(wpimg * count); else if (bitsperword <= 8) words = new Uint8Array(wpimg * count * nplanes); else words = new Uint32Array(wpimg * count * nplanes); for (var n = 0; n < count; n++) { var imgdata = images[n]; var i = 0; for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { var yp = fmt.flip ? height - 1 - y : y; var ofs0 = n * wpimg + yp * wordsperline; var shift = 0; for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { var color = imgdata[i++]; var ofs = remapBits(ofs0, fmt.remap); if (fmt.reindex) { [ofs, shift] = reindexMask(x, fmt.reindex); ofs += ofs0; } for (var p = 0; p < nplanes; p++) { var c = (color >> (p * bpp)) & mask; words[ofs + p * pofs + skip] |= (fmt.brev ? (c << (bitsperword - shift - bpp)) : (c << shift)); } shift += bpp; if (shift >= bitsperword && !fmt.reindex) { ofs0 += 1; shift = 0; } } } } return words; } exports.convertImagesToWords = convertImagesToWords; // TODO function convertPaletteBytes(arr, r0, r1, g0, g1, b0, b1) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var d = arr[i]; var rgb = 0xff000000; rgb |= ((d >> r0) & ((1 << r1) - 1)) << (0 + 8 - r1); rgb |= ((d >> g0) & ((1 << g1) - 1)) << (8 + 8 - g1); rgb |= ((d >> b0) & ((1 << b1) - 1)) << (16 + 8 - b1); result.push(rgb); } return result; } exports.convertPaletteBytes = convertPaletteBytes; function getPaletteLength(palfmt) { var pal = palfmt.pal; if (typeof pal === 'number') { var rr = Math.floor(Math.abs(pal / 100) % 10); var gg = Math.floor(Math.abs(pal / 10) % 10); var bb = Math.floor(Math.abs(pal) % 10); return 1 << (rr + gg + bb); } else { var paltable = PREDEF_PALETTES[pal]; if (paltable) { return paltable.length; } else { throw new Error("No palette named " + pal); } } } exports.getPaletteLength = getPaletteLength; function convertPaletteFormat(palbytes, palfmt) { var pal = palfmt.pal; var newpalette; if (typeof pal === 'number') { var rr = Math.floor(Math.abs(pal / 100) % 10); var gg = Math.floor(Math.abs(pal / 10) % 10); var bb = Math.floor(Math.abs(pal) % 10); // TODO: n if (pal >= 0) newpalette = convertPaletteBytes(palbytes, 0, rr, rr, gg, rr + gg, bb); else newpalette = convertPaletteBytes(palbytes, rr + gg, bb, rr, gg, 0, rr); } else { var paltable = PREDEF_PALETTES[pal]; if (paltable) { newpalette = new Uint32Array(palbytes).map((i) => { return paltable[i & (paltable.length - 1)] | 0xff000000; }); } else { throw new Error("No palette named " + pal); } } return newpalette; } exports.convertPaletteFormat = convertPaletteFormat; // TODO: illegal colors? const PREDEF_PALETTES = { 'nes': [ 0x525252, 0xB40000, 0xA00000, 0xB1003D, 0x740069, 0x00005B, 0x00005F, 0x001840, 0x002F10, 0x084A08, 0x006700, 0x124200, 0x6D2800, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xC4D5E7, 0xFF4000, 0xDC0E22, 0xFF476B, 0xD7009F, 0x680AD7, 0x0019BC, 0x0054B1, 0x006A5B, 0x008C03, 0x00AB00, 0x2C8800, 0xA47200, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xF8F8F8, 0xFFAB3C, 0xFF7981, 0xFF5BC5, 0xFF48F2, 0xDF49FF, 0x476DFF, 0x00B4F7, 0x00E0FF, 0x00E375, 0x03F42B, 0x78B82E, 0xE5E218, 0x787878, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFF2BE, 0xF8B8B8, 0xF8B8D8, 0xFFB6FF, 0xFFC3FF, 0xC7D1FF, 0x9ADAFF, 0x88EDF8, 0x83FFDD, 0xB8F8B8, 0xF5F8AC, 0xFFFFB0, 0xF8D8F8, 0x000000, 0x000000 ], 'ap2lores': [ (0x000000), (0xff00ff), (0x00007f), (0x7f007f), (0x007f00), (0x7f7f7f), (0x0000bf), (0x0000ff), (0xbf7f00), (0xffbf00), (0xbfbfbf), (0xff7f7f), (0x00ff00), (0xffff00), (0x00bf7f), (0xffffff), ], 'vcs': [ 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x404040, 0x404040, 0x6c6c6c, 0x6c6c6c, 0x909090, 0x909090, 0xb0b0b0, 0xb0b0b0, 0xc8c8c8, 0xc8c8c8, 0xdcdcdc, 0xdcdcdc, 0xf4f4f4, 0xf4f4f4, 0x004444, 0x004444, 0x106464, 0x106464, 0x248484, 0x248484, 0x34a0a0, 0x34a0a0, 0x40b8b8, 0x40b8b8, 0x50d0d0, 0x50d0d0, 0x5ce8e8, 0x5ce8e8, 0x68fcfc, 0x68fcfc, 0x002870, 0x002870, 0x144484, 0x144484, 0x285c98, 0x285c98, 0x3c78ac, 0x3c78ac, 0x4c8cbc, 0x4c8cbc, 0x5ca0cc, 0x5ca0cc, 0x68b4dc, 0x68b4dc, 0x78c8ec, 0x78c8ec, 0x001884, 0x001884, 0x183498, 0x183498, 0x3050ac, 0x3050ac, 0x4868c0, 0x4868c0, 0x5c80d0, 0x5c80d0, 0x7094e0, 0x7094e0, 0x80a8ec, 0x80a8ec, 0x94bcfc, 0x94bcfc, 0x000088, 0x000088, 0x20209c, 0x20209c, 0x3c3cb0, 0x3c3cb0, 0x5858c0, 0x5858c0, 0x7070d0, 0x7070d0, 0x8888e0, 0x8888e0, 0xa0a0ec, 0xa0a0ec, 0xb4b4fc, 0xb4b4fc, 0x5c0078, 0x5c0078, 0x74208c, 0x74208c, 0x883ca0, 0x883ca0, 0x9c58b0, 0x9c58b0, 0xb070c0, 0xb070c0, 0xc084d0, 0xc084d0, 0xd09cdc, 0xd09cdc, 0xe0b0ec, 0xe0b0ec, 0x780048, 0x780048, 0x902060, 0x902060, 0xa43c78, 0xa43c78, 0xb8588c, 0xb8588c, 0xcc70a0, 0xcc70a0, 0xdc84b4, 0xdc84b4, 0xec9cc4, 0xec9cc4, 0xfcb0d4, 0xfcb0d4, 0x840014, 0x840014, 0x982030, 0x982030, 0xac3c4c, 0xac3c4c, 0xc05868, 0xc05868, 0xd0707c, 0xd0707c, 0xe08894, 0xe08894, 0xeca0a8, 0xeca0a8, 0xfcb4bc, 0xfcb4bc, 0x880000, 0x880000, 0x9c201c, 0x9c201c, 0xb04038, 0xb04038, 0xc05c50, 0xc05c50, 0xd07468, 0xd07468, 0xe08c7c, 0xe08c7c, 0xeca490, 0xeca490, 0xfcb8a4, 0xfcb8a4, 0x7c1800, 0x7c1800, 0x90381c, 0x90381c, 0xa85438, 0xa85438, 0xbc7050, 0xbc7050, 0xcc8868, 0xcc8868, 0xdc9c7c, 0xdc9c7c, 0xecb490, 0xecb490, 0xfcc8a4, 0xfcc8a4, 0x5c2c00, 0x5c2c00, 0x784c1c, 0x784c1c, 0x906838, 0x906838, 0xac8450, 0xac8450, 0xc09c68, 0xc09c68, 0xd4b47c, 0xd4b47c, 0xe8cc90, 0xe8cc90, 0xfce0a4, 0xfce0a4, 0x2c3c00, 0x2c3c00, 0x485c1c, 0x485c1c, 0x647c38, 0x647c38, 0x809c50, 0x809c50, 0x94b468, 0x94b468, 0xacd07c, 0xacd07c, 0xc0e490, 0xc0e490, 0xd4fca4, 0xd4fca4, 0x003c00, 0x003c00, 0x205c20, 0x205c20, 0x407c40, 0x407c40, 0x5c9c5c, 0x5c9c5c, 0x74b474, 0x74b474, 0x8cd08c, 0x8cd08c, 0xa4e4a4, 0xa4e4a4, 0xb8fcb8, 0xb8fcb8, 0x003814, 0x003814, 0x1c5c34, 0x1c5c34, 0x387c50, 0x387c50, 0x50986c, 0x50986c, 0x68b484, 0x68b484, 0x7ccc9c, 0x7ccc9c, 0x90e4b4, 0x90e4b4, 0xa4fcc8, 0xa4fcc8, 0x00302c, 0x00302c, 0x1c504c, 0x1c504c, 0x347068, 0x347068, 0x4c8c84, 0x4c8c84, 0x64a89c, 0x64a89c, 0x78c0b4, 0x78c0b4, 0x88d4cc, 0x88d4cc, 0x9cece0, 0x9cece0, 0x002844, 0x002844, 0x184864, 0x184864, 0x306884, 0x306884, 0x4484a0, 0x4484a0, 0x589cb8, 0x589cb8, 0x6cb4d0, 0x6cb4d0, 0x7ccce8, 0x7ccce8, 0x8ce0fc, 0x8ce0fc ], 'astrocade': [0, 2368548, 4737096, 7171437, 9539985, 11974326, 14342874, 16777215, 12255269, 14680137, 16716142, 16725394, 16734903, 16744155, 16753663, 16762879, 11534409, 13959277, 16318866, 16721334, 16730842, 16740095, 16749311, 16758783, 10420330, 12779662, 15138995, 16718039, 16727291, 16736767, 16745983, 16755199, 8847495, 11206827, 13631696, 15994612, 16724735, 16733951, 16743423, 16752639, 6946975, 9306307, 11731175, 14092287, 16461055, 16732415, 16741631, 16751103, 4784304, 7143637, 9568505, 11929087, 14297599, 16731647, 16741119, 16750335, 2425019, 4784352, 7209215, 9570047, 12004095, 14372863, 16741375, 16750847, 191, 2359523, 4718847, 7146495, 9515263, 11949311, 14318079, 16752127, 187, 224, 2294015, 4658431, 7092735, 9461247, 11895551, 14264063, 176, 213, 249, 2367999, 4736511, 7105279, 9539327, 11908095, 159, 195, 3303, 209151, 2577919, 4946431, 7380735, 9749247, 135, 171, 7888, 17140, 681983, 3050495, 5484543, 7853311, 106, 3470, 12723, 22231, 31483, 1548031, 3916799, 6285311, 73, 8557, 17810, 27318, 36570, 373759, 2742271, 5176575, 4389, 13641, 23150, 32402, 41911, 51163, 2026495, 4456447, 9472, 18724, 27976, 37485, 46737, 56246, 1834970, 4194303, 14080, 23296, 32803, 42055, 51564, 60816, 2031541, 4456409, 18176, 27648, 36864, 46116, 55624, 392556, 2752401, 5177269, 21760, 30976, 40192, 49667, 58919, 1572683, 3932016, 6291348, 24320, 33536, 43008, 52224, 716810, 3079982, 5504851, 7864183, 25856, 35328, 44544, 250368, 2619136, 4980503, 7405371, 9764703, 26624, 35840, 45312, 2413824, 4782336, 7143173, 9568041, 11927374, 26112, 35584, 2338560, 4707328, 7141376, 9502464, 11927326, 14286659, 24832, 2393344, 4762112, 7196160, 9564928, 11992832, 14352155, 16711487, 2447360, 4815872, 7250176, 9618688, 12052992, 14417664, 16776990, 16777027, 4803328, 7172096, 9606144, 11974912, 14343424, 16776965, 16777001, 16777038, 6962176, 9330688, 11764992, 14133504, 16502272, 16773655, 16777019, 16777055, 8858112, 11226880, 13660928, 16029440, 16759818, 16769070, 16777043, 16777079, 10426112, 12794624, 15163392, 16745475, 16754727, 16764235, 16773488, 16777108, 11534848, 13969152, 16337664, 16740388, 16749640, 16759148, 16768401, 16777141, 12255232, 14684928, 16725795, 16735047, 16744556, 16753808, 16763317, 16772569], 'c64': [0x000000, 0xffffff, 0x2b3768, 0xb2a470, 0x863d6f, 0x438d58, 0x792835, 0x6fc7b8, 0x254f6f, 0x003943, 0x59679a, 0x444444, 0x6c6c6c, 0x84d29a, 0xb55e6c, 0x959595], }; var PREDEF_LAYOUTS = { 'nes': [ ['Screen Color', 0x00, 1], ['Background 0', 0x01, 3], ['Background 1', 0x05, 3], ['Background 2', 0x09, 3], ['Background 3', 0x0d, 3], ['Sprite 0', 0x11, 3], ['Sprite 1', 0x15, 3], ['Sprite 2', 0x19, 3], ['Sprite 3', 0x1d, 3] ], 'astrocade': [ ['Left', 0x00, -4], ['Right', 0x04, -4] ], }; ///// function equalArrays(a, b) { if (a == null || b == null) return false; if (a.length !== b.length) return false; if (a === b) return true; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false; } return true; } function equalNestedArrays(a, b) { if (a == null || b == null) return false; if (a.length !== b.length) return false; if (a === b) return true; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (!equalArrays(a[i], b[i])) return false; } return true; } class PixNode { refreshLeft() { var p = this; while (p) { p.updateLeft(); p = p.left; } } refreshRight() { var p = this; while (p) { p.updateRight(); p = p.right; } } addRight(node) { this.right = node; node.left = this; return node; } addLeft(node) { this.left = node; node.right = this; return node; } } exports.PixNode = PixNode; class CodeProjectDataNode extends PixNode { } class FileDataNode extends CodeProjectDataNode { constructor(project, fileid) { super(); this.project = project; this.fileid = fileid; this.label = fileid; } updateLeft() { //if (equalArrays(this.words, this.right.words)) return false; this.words = this.right.words; if (this.project) { this.project.updateFile(this.fileid, this.words); } return true; } updateRight() { if (this.project) { this.words = this.project.project.getFile(this.fileid); } return true; } } exports.FileDataNode = FileDataNode; class TextDataNode extends CodeProjectDataNode { // TODO: what if file size/layout changes? constructor(project, fileid, label, start, end) { super(); this.project = project; this.fileid = fileid; this.label = label; this.start = start; this.end = end; } updateLeft() { if (this.right.words.length != this.words.length) throw Error("Cannot put " + this.right.words.length + " image bytes into array of " + this.words.length + " bytes"); this.words = this.right.words; // TODO: reload editors? var datastr = this.text.substring(this.start, this.end); datastr = replaceHexWords(datastr, this.words); this.text = this.text.substring(0, this.start) + datastr + this.text.substring(this.end); if (this.project) { this.project.updateFile(this.fileid, this.text); //this.project.replaceTextRange(this.fileid, this.start, this.end, datastr); } return true; } updateRight() { if (this.project) { this.text = this.project.project.getFile(this.fileid); } var datastr = this.text.substring(this.start, this.end); datastr = convertToHexStatements(datastr); // TODO? var words = parseHexWords(datastr); this.words = words; //new Uint8Array(words); // TODO: 16/32? return true; } } exports.TextDataNode = TextDataNode; class Compressor extends PixNode { updateLeft() { // TODO: can't modify length of rle bytes return false; } updateRight() { this.words = (0, util_1.rle_unpack)(new Uint8Array(this.left.words)); return true; } } exports.Compressor = Compressor; class Mapper extends PixNode { constructor(fmt) { super(); this.fmt = fmt; } updateLeft() { //if (equalNestedArrays(this.images, this.right.images)) return false; this.images = this.right.images; this.words = convertImagesToWords(this.images, this.fmt); return true; } updateRight() { if (equalArrays(this.words, this.left.words)) return false; // convert each word array to images this.words = this.left.words; this.images = convertWordsToImages(this.words, this.fmt); return true; } } exports.Mapper = Mapper; class RGBAPalette { constructor(palcols) { this.palcols = palcols; } indexOf(rgba) { return this.palcols.indexOf(rgba); } } class Palettizer extends PixNode { // TODO: control to select palette for bitmaps constructor(context, fmt) { super(); this.palindex = 0; this.context = context; this.ncolors = 1 << ((fmt.bpp || 1) * (fmt.np || 1)); } updateLeft() { if (this.right) { this.rgbimgs = this.right.rgbimgs; } // TODO: check is for unit test, remove? var pal = new RGBAPalette(this.palette); var newimages = this.rgbimgs.map((im) => { var out = new Uint8Array(im.length); for (var i = 0; i < im.length; i++) { out[i] = pal.indexOf(im[i]); } return out; }); // have to do it this way b/c pixel editor modifies arrays //if (equalNestedArrays(newimages, this.images)) return false; this.images = newimages; return true; } updateRight() { if (!this.updateRefs() && equalNestedArrays(this.images, this.left.images)) return false; this.images = this.left.images; var mask = this.palette.length - 1; // must be power of 2 // for each image, map bytes to RGB colors this.rgbimgs = this.images.map((im) => { var out = new Uint32Array(im.length); for (var i = 0; i < im.length; i++) { out[i] = this.palette[im[i] & mask]; } return out; }); return true; } updateRefs() { var newpalette; if (this.context != null) { this.paloptions = this.context.getPalettes(this.ncolors); if (this.paloptions && this.paloptions.length > 0) { newpalette = this.paloptions[this.palindex].palette; } } if (newpalette == null) { if (this.ncolors <= 2) newpalette = new Uint32Array([0xff000000, 0xffffffff]); else newpalette = new Uint32Array([0xff000000, 0xffff00ff, 0xffffff00, 0xffffffff]); // TODO: more palettes } if (equalArrays(this.palette, newpalette)) return false; this.palette = newpalette; return true; } } exports.Palettizer = Palettizer; function dedupPalette(cols) { var dup = new Map(); var res = new Uint32Array(cols.length); var ndups = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { var n = cols[i]; while (dup[n]) { n ^= ++ndups; } res[i] = n; dup[n] = 1; } return res; } class PaletteFormatToRGB extends PixNode { constructor(palfmt) { super(); this.palfmt = palfmt; } updateLeft() { //TODO return true; } updateRight() { if (equalArrays(this.words, this.left.words)) return false; this.words = this.left.words; this.palette = dedupPalette(convertPaletteFormat(this.words, this.palfmt)); this.layout = PREDEF_LAYOUTS[this.palfmt.layout]; this.rgbimgs = []; this.palette.forEach((rgba) => { this.rgbimgs.push(new Uint32Array([rgba])); }); return true; } getAllColors() { var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < getPaletteLength(this.palfmt); i++) arr.push(i); return convertPaletteFormat(arr, this.palfmt); } } exports.PaletteFormatToRGB = PaletteFormatToRGB; class Compositor extends PixNode { constructor(context) { super(); this.tileindex = 0; this.context = context; } updateRefs() { var oldtilemap = this.tilemap; if (this.context != null) { this.tileoptions = this.context.getTilemaps(256); if (this.tileoptions && this.tileoptions.length > 0) { this.tilemap = this.tileoptions[this.tileindex].images; } } return !equalNestedArrays(oldtilemap, this.tilemap); } } exports.Compositor = Compositor; class MetaspriteCompositor extends Compositor { constructor(context, metadefs) { super(context); this.metadefs = metadefs; } updateLeft() { // TODO return false; } updateRight() { this.updateRefs(); this.width = 16; // TODO this.height = 16; // TODO var idata = new Uint8Array(this.width * this.height); this.images = [idata]; this.metadefs.forEach((meta) => { // TODO }); return true; } } exports.MetaspriteCompositor = MetaspriteCompositor; class NESNametableConverter extends Compositor { constructor(context) { super(context); } updateLeft() { // TODO return false; } updateRight() { if (!this.updateRefs() && equalArrays(this.words, this.left.words)) return false; this.words = this.left.words; this.cols = 32; this.rows = 30; this.width = this.cols * 8; this.height = this.rows * 8; this.baseofs = 0; var idata = new Uint8Array(this.width * this.height); this.images = [idata]; var a = 0; var attraddr; for (var row = 0; row < this.rows; row++) { for (var col = 0; col < this.cols; col++) { var name = this.words[this.baseofs + a]; if (typeof name === 'undefined') throw Error("No name for address " + this.baseofs + " + " + a); var t = this.tilemap[name]; if (!t) throw Error("No tilemap found for tile index " + name); attraddr = (a & 0x2c00) | 0x3c0 | (a & 0x0C00) | ((a >> 4) & 0x38) | ((a >> 2) & 0x07); var attr = this.words[attraddr]; var tag = name ^ (attr << 9) ^ 0x80000000; var i = row * this.cols * 8 * 8 + col * 8; var j = 0; var attrshift = (col & 2) + ((a & 0x40) >> 4); var coloradd = ((attr >> attrshift) & 3) << 2; for (var y = 0; y < 8; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < 8; x++) { var color = t[j++]; if (color) color += coloradd; idata[i++] = color; } i += this.cols * 8 - 8; } a++; } } // TODO return true; } } exports.NESNametableConverter = NESNametableConverter; ///// UI CONTROLS class ImageChooser { recreate(parentdiv, onclick) { var agrid = $('
'); // grid (or 1) of preview images parentdiv.empty().append(agrid); var cscale = Math.max(2, Math.ceil(16 / this.width)); // TODO var imgsperline = this.width <= 8 ? 16 : 8; // TODO var span = null; this.rgbimgs.forEach((imdata, i) => { var viewer = new Viewer(); viewer.width = this.width; viewer.height = this.height; viewer.recreate(); viewer.canvas.style.width = (viewer.width * cscale) + 'px'; // TODO viewer.canvas.title = '$' + (0, util_1.hex)(i); viewer.updateImage(imdata); $(viewer.canvas).addClass('asset_cell'); $(viewer.canvas).click((e) => { onclick(i, viewer); }); if (!span) { span = $(''); agrid.append(span); } span.append(viewer.canvas); var brk = (i % imgsperline) == imgsperline - 1; if (brk) { agrid.append($("
")); span = null; } }); } } exports.ImageChooser = ImageChooser; function newDiv(parent, cls) { var div = $(document.createElement("div")); if (parent) div.appendTo(parent); if (cls) div.addClass(cls); return div; } class CharmapEditor extends PixNode { constructor(context, parentdiv, fmt) { super(); this.context = context; this.parentdiv = parentdiv; this.fmt = fmt; } updateLeft() { return true; } updateRight() { if (equalNestedArrays(this.rgbimgs, this.left.rgbimgs)) return false; this.rgbimgs = this.left.rgbimgs; var adual = newDiv(this.parentdiv.empty(), "asset_dual"); // contains grid and editor var agrid = newDiv(adual); var aeditor = newDiv(adual, "asset_editor").hide(); // contains editor, when selected // add image chooser grid var chooser = this.chooser = new ImageChooser(); chooser.rgbimgs = this.rgbimgs; chooser.width = this.fmt.w || 1; chooser.height = this.fmt.h || 1; chooser.recreate(agrid, (index, viewer) => { var yscale = Math.ceil(192 / this.fmt.w); var xscale = yscale * (this.fmt.aspect || 1.0); var editview = this.createEditor(aeditor, viewer, xscale, yscale); this.context.setCurrentEditor(aeditor, $(viewer.canvas), this); this.rgbimgs[index] = viewer.rgbdata; }); // add palette selector // TODO: only view when editing? var palizer = this.left; if (palizer instanceof Palettizer && palizer.paloptions.length > 1) { var palselect = $(document.createElement('select')); palizer.paloptions.forEach((palopt, i) => { // TODO: full identifier var sel = $(document.createElement('option')).text(palopt.name).val(i).appendTo(palselect); if (i == palizer.palindex) sel.attr('selected', 'selected'); }); palselect.appendTo(agrid).change((e) => { var index = $(e.target).val(); palizer.palindex = index; palizer.refreshRight(); }); } return true; } createEditor(aeditor, viewer, xscale, yscale) { var im = new PixEditor(); im.createWith(viewer); im.updateImage(); var w = viewer.width * xscale; var h = viewer.height * yscale; while (w > 500 || h > 500) { w /= 2; h /= 2; } im.canvas.style.width = w + 'px'; // TODO im.canvas.style.height = h + 'px'; // TODO im.makeEditable(this, aeditor, this.left.palette); return im; } } exports.CharmapEditor = CharmapEditor; class MapEditor extends PixNode { constructor(context, parentdiv, fmt) { super(); this.context = context; this.parentdiv = parentdiv; this.fmt = fmt; } updateLeft() { return true; } updateRight() { if (equalNestedArrays(this.rgbimgs, this.left.rgbimgs)) return false; this.rgbimgs = this.left.rgbimgs; var adual = newDiv(this.parentdiv.empty(), "asset_dual"); // contains grid and editor var agrid = newDiv(adual); var aeditor = newDiv(adual, "asset_editor").hide(); // contains editor, when selected // add image chooser grid var viewer = new Viewer(); viewer.width = this.fmt.w; viewer.height = this.fmt.h; viewer.recreate(); viewer.updateImage(this.rgbimgs[0]); agrid.append(viewer.canvas); return true; } } exports.MapEditor = MapEditor; class Viewer { recreate() { this.canvas = this.newCanvas(); this.imagedata = this.ctx.createImageData(this.width, this.height); this.rgbdata = new Uint32Array(this.imagedata.data.buffer); this.peerviewers = [this]; } createWith(pv) { this.width = pv.width; this.height = pv.height; this.imagedata = pv.imagedata; this.rgbdata = pv.rgbdata; this.canvas = this.newCanvas(); this.peerviewers = [this, pv]; } newCanvas() { var c = document.createElement('canvas'); c.width = this.width; c.height = this.height; //if (fmt.xform) c.style.transform = fmt.xform; c.classList.add("pixels"); c.classList.add("pixelated"); this.ctx = c.getContext('2d'); return c; } updateImage(imdata) { if (imdata) { this.rgbdata.set(imdata); } for (let v of this.peerviewers) { v.ctx.putImageData(this.imagedata, 0, 0); } } } exports.Viewer = Viewer; class PixEditor extends Viewer { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.curpalcol = -1; this.offscreen = new Map(); } getPositionFromEvent(e) { var x = Math.floor(e.offsetX * this.width / $(this.canvas).width()); var y = Math.floor(e.offsetY * this.height / $(this.canvas).height()); return { x: x, y: y }; } setPaletteColor(col) { col &= this.palette.length - 1; if (this.curpalcol != col) { if (this.curpalcol >= 0) this.palbtns[this.curpalcol].removeClass('selected'); this.curpalcol = col; this.currgba = this.palette[col & this.palette.length - 1]; this.palbtns[col].addClass('selected'); } } makeEditable(leftnode, aeditor, palette) { this.left = leftnode; this.palette = palette; var dragcol; var dragging = false; var pxls = $(this.canvas); pxls.mousedown((e) => { var pos = this.getPositionFromEvent(e); dragcol = this.getPixel(pos.x, pos.y) == this.currgba ? this.palette[0] : this.currgba; this.setPixel(pos.x, pos.y, this.currgba); dragging = true; $(document).mouseup((e) => { $(document).off('mouseup'); var pos = this.getPositionFromEvent(e); this.setPixel(pos.x, pos.y, dragcol); dragging = false; this.commit(); }); }) .mousemove((e) => { var pos = this.getPositionFromEvent(e); if (dragging) { this.setPixel(pos.x, pos.y, dragcol); } }); aeditor.empty(); this.createToolbarButtons(aeditor[0]); aeditor.append(this.canvas); aeditor.append(this.createPaletteButtons()); this.setPaletteColor(1); } getPixel(x, y) { x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); if (x < 0 || x >= this.width || y < 0 || y >= this.height) { return this.offscreen[x + ',' + y] | this.palette[0]; } else { var ofs = x + y * this.width; return this.rgbdata[ofs]; } } setPixel(x, y, rgba) { x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); if (x < 0 || x >= this.width || y < 0 || y >= this.height) { this.offscreen[x + ',' + y] = rgba; } else { var ofs = x + y * this.width; var oldrgba = this.rgbdata[ofs]; if (oldrgba != rgba) { this.rgbdata[ofs] = rgba; this.updateImage(); } } } createPaletteButtons() { this.palbtns = []; var span = newDiv(null, "asset_toolbar"); for (var i = 0; i < this.palette.length; i++) { var btn = $(document.createElement('button')).addClass('palbtn'); var rgb = this.palette[i] & 0xffffff; var color = "#" + (0, util_1.hex)((0, util_1.rgb2bgr)(rgb), 6); btn.click(this.setPaletteColor.bind(this, i)); btn.css('backgroundColor', color).text(i.toString(16)); btn.css('color', (rgb & 0x008000) ? 'black' : 'white'); span.append(btn); this.palbtns.push(btn); } return span; } createToolbarButtons(parent) { var toolbar = new toolbar_1.Toolbar(parent, null); toolbar.add('ctrl+shift+h', 'Flip X', 'glyphicon-resize-horizontal', this.flipX.bind(this)); toolbar.add('ctrl+shift+v', 'Flip Y', 'glyphicon-resize-vertical', this.flipY.bind(this)); toolbar.add('ctrl+shift+9', 'Rotate', 'glyphicon-repeat', this.rotate90.bind(this)); toolbar.add('ctrl+shift+left', 'Move Left', 'glyphicon-arrow-left', this.translate.bind(this, 1, 0)); toolbar.add('ctrl+shift+right', 'Move Right', 'glyphicon-arrow-right', this.translate.bind(this, -1, 0)); toolbar.add('ctrl+shift+up', 'Move Up', 'glyphicon-arrow-up', this.translate.bind(this, 0, 1)); toolbar.add('ctrl+shift+down', 'Move Down', 'glyphicon-arrow-down', this.translate.bind(this, 0, -1)); // TODO: destroy toolbar? } commit() { this.updateImage(); try { this.left.refreshLeft(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); alert(`Could not update source code. ${e}`); } } remapPixels(mapfn) { var i = 0; var pixels = new Uint32Array(this.rgbdata.length); for (var y = 0; y < this.height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < this.width; x++) { pixels[i] = mapfn(x, y); i++; } } this.rgbdata.set(pixels); this.commit(); } rotate(deg) { var s1 = Math.sin(deg * Math.PI / 180); var c1 = Math.cos(deg * Math.PI / 180); this.remapPixels((x, y) => { var xx = x + 0.5 - this.width / 2.0; var yy = y + 0.5 - this.height / 2.0; var xx2 = xx * c1 - yy * s1 + this.width / 2.0 - 0.5; var yy2 = yy * c1 + xx * s1 + this.height / 2.0 - 0.5; return this.getPixel(xx2, yy2); }); } rotate90() { this.rotate(90); } flipX() { this.remapPixels((x, y) => { return this.getPixel(this.width - 1 - x, y); }); } flipY() { this.remapPixels((x, y) => { return this.getPixel(x, this.height - 1 - y); }); } translate(dx, dy) { this.remapPixels((x, y) => { return this.getPixel(x + dx, y + dy); }); } } // TODO: not yet used class TwoWayPixelConverter { constructor(width, height, bpp, colpp) { this.w = width; this.h = height; this.words = new Uint8Array(width * height); this.bitoffsets = new Uint32Array(width * height); this.coloffsets = new Uint32Array(width * height); } setPixel(x, y, col, bitofs, colofs) { var ofs = x + y * this.w; this.words[ofs] = col; this.bitoffsets[ofs] = bitofs; this.coloffsets[ofs] = colofs; } } class TwoWayMapper extends PixNode { constructor(pc) { super(); this.pc = pc; } updateLeft() { //if (equalNestedArrays(this.images, this.right.images)) return false; this.images = this.right.images; this.words = this.pc.imageToWords(this.images[0]); return true; } updateRight() { if (equalArrays(this.words, this.left.words)) return false; // convert each word array to images this.words = this.left.words; this.images = this.pc.wordsToImage(this.words); return true; } } exports.TwoWayMapper = TwoWayMapper; //# sourceMappingURL=pixeleditor.js.map