(() => { var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __spreadValues = (a, b) => { for (var prop in b || (b = {})) if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); if (__getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) { if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); } return a; }; var __markAsModule = (target) => __defProp(target, "__esModule", { value: true }); var __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x, { get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b] }) : x)(function(x) { if (typeof require !== "undefined") return require.apply(this, arguments); throw new Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported'); }); var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require2() { return mod || (0, cb[Object.keys(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; var __reExport = (target, module, desc) => { if (module && typeof module === "object" || typeof module === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(module)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(target, key) && key !== "default") __defProp(target, key, { get: () => module[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(module, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return target; }; var __toModule = (module) => { return __reExport(__markAsModule(__defProp(module != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(module)) : {}, "default", module && module.__esModule && "default" in module ? { get: () => module.default, enumerable: true } : { value: module, enumerable: true })), module); }; var __accessCheck = (obj, member, msg) => { if (!member.has(obj)) throw TypeError("Cannot " + msg); }; var __privateGet = (obj, member, getter) => { __accessCheck(obj, member, "read from private field"); return getter ? getter.call(obj) : member.get(obj); }; var __privateAdd = (obj, member, value) => { if (member.has(obj)) throw TypeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once"); member instanceof WeakSet ? member.add(obj) : member.set(obj, value); }; var __privateSet = (obj, member, value, setter) => { __accessCheck(obj, member, "write to private field"); setter ? setter.call(obj, value) : member.set(obj, value); return value; }; // node_modules/jszip/dist/jszip.min.js var require_jszip_min = __commonJS({ "node_modules/jszip/dist/jszip.min.js"(exports2, module) { !function(e) { if (typeof exports2 == "object" && typeof module != "undefined") module.exports = e(); else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) define([], e); else { (typeof window != "undefined" ? window : typeof global != "undefined" ? global : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : this).JSZip = e(); } }(function() { return function s(a, o, h) { function u(r, e2) { if (!o[r]) { if (!a[r]) { var t = typeof __require == "function" && __require; if (!e2 && t) return t(r, true); if (l) return l(r, true); var n = new Error("Cannot find module '" + r + "'"); throw n.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", n; } var i = o[r] = { exports: {} }; a[r][0].call(i.exports, function(e3) { var t2 = a[r][1][e3]; return u(t2 || e3); }, i, i.exports, s, a, o, h); } return o[r].exports; } for (var l = typeof __require == "function" && __require, e = 0; e < h.length; e++) u(h[e]); return u; }({ 1: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var d = e("./utils"), c = e("./support"), p = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; r.encode = function(e2) { for (var t2, r2, n, i, s, a, o, h = [], u = 0, l = e2.length, f = l, c2 = d.getTypeOf(e2) !== "string"; u < e2.length; ) f = l - u, n = c2 ? (t2 = e2[u++], r2 = u < l ? e2[u++] : 0, u < l ? e2[u++] : 0) : (t2 = e2.charCodeAt(u++), r2 = u < l ? e2.charCodeAt(u++) : 0, u < l ? e2.charCodeAt(u++) : 0), i = t2 >> 2, s = (3 & t2) << 4 | r2 >> 4, a = 1 < f ? (15 & r2) << 2 | n >> 6 : 64, o = 2 < f ? 63 & n : 64, h.push(p.charAt(i) + p.charAt(s) + p.charAt(a) + p.charAt(o)); return h.join(""); }, r.decode = function(e2) { var t2, r2, n, i, s, a, o = 0, h = 0, u = "data:"; if (e2.substr(0, u.length) === u) throw new Error("Invalid base64 input, it looks like a data url."); var l, f = 3 * (e2 = e2.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+/=]/g, "")).length / 4; if (e2.charAt(e2.length - 1) === p.charAt(64) && f--, e2.charAt(e2.length - 2) === p.charAt(64) && f--, f % 1 != 0) throw new Error("Invalid base64 input, bad content length."); for (l = c.uint8array ? new Uint8Array(0 | f) : new Array(0 | f); o < e2.length; ) t2 = p.indexOf(e2.charAt(o++)) << 2 | (i = p.indexOf(e2.charAt(o++))) >> 4, r2 = (15 & i) << 4 | (s = p.indexOf(e2.charAt(o++))) >> 2, n = (3 & s) << 6 | (a = p.indexOf(e2.charAt(o++))), l[h++] = t2, s !== 64 && (l[h++] = r2), a !== 64 && (l[h++] = n); return l; }; }, { "./support": 30, "./utils": 32 }], 2: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("./external"), i = e("./stream/DataWorker"), s = e("./stream/Crc32Probe"), a = e("./stream/DataLengthProbe"); function o(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) { this.compressedSize = e2, this.uncompressedSize = t2, this.crc32 = r2, this.compression = n2, this.compressedContent = i2; } o.prototype = { getContentWorker: function() { var e2 = new i(n.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent)).pipe(this.compression.uncompressWorker()).pipe(new a("data_length")), t2 = this; return e2.on("end", function() { if (this.streamInfo.data_length !== t2.uncompressedSize) throw new Error("Bug : uncompressed data size mismatch"); }), e2; }, getCompressedWorker: function() { return new i(n.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent)).withStreamInfo("compressedSize", this.compressedSize).withStreamInfo("uncompressedSize", this.uncompressedSize).withStreamInfo("crc32", this.crc32).withStreamInfo("compression", this.compression); } }, o.createWorkerFrom = function(e2, t2, r2) { return e2.pipe(new s()).pipe(new a("uncompressedSize")).pipe(t2.compressWorker(r2)).pipe(new a("compressedSize")).withStreamInfo("compression", t2); }, t.exports = o; }, { "./external": 6, "./stream/Crc32Probe": 25, "./stream/DataLengthProbe": 26, "./stream/DataWorker": 27 }], 3: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("./stream/GenericWorker"); r.STORE = { magic: "\0\0", compressWorker: function() { return new n("STORE compression"); }, uncompressWorker: function() { return new n("STORE decompression"); } }, r.DEFLATE = e("./flate"); }, { "./flate": 7, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28 }], 4: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("./utils"); var o = function() { for (var e2, t2 = [], r2 = 0; r2 < 256; r2++) { e2 = r2; for (var n2 = 0; n2 < 8; n2++) e2 = 1 & e2 ? 3988292384 ^ e2 >>> 1 : e2 >>> 1; t2[r2] = e2; } return t2; }(); t.exports = function(e2, t2) { return e2 !== void 0 && e2.length ? n.getTypeOf(e2) !== "string" ? function(e3, t3, r2, n2) { var i = o, s = n2 + r2; e3 ^= -1; for (var a = n2; a < s; a++) e3 = e3 >>> 8 ^ i[255 & (e3 ^ t3[a])]; return -1 ^ e3; }(0 | t2, e2, e2.length, 0) : function(e3, t3, r2, n2) { var i = o, s = n2 + r2; e3 ^= -1; for (var a = n2; a < s; a++) e3 = e3 >>> 8 ^ i[255 & (e3 ^ t3.charCodeAt(a))]; return -1 ^ e3; }(0 | t2, e2, e2.length, 0) : 0; }; }, { "./utils": 32 }], 5: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; r.base64 = false, r.binary = false, r.dir = false, r.createFolders = true, r.date = null, r.compression = null, r.compressionOptions = null, r.comment = null, r.unixPermissions = null, r.dosPermissions = null; }, {}], 6: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = null; n = typeof Promise != "undefined" ? Promise : e("lie"), t.exports = { Promise: n }; }, { lie: 37 }], 7: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" && typeof Uint16Array != "undefined" && typeof Uint32Array != "undefined", i = e("pako"), s = e("./utils"), a = e("./stream/GenericWorker"), o = n ? "uint8array" : "array"; function h(e2, t2) { a.call(this, "FlateWorker/" + e2), this._pako = null, this._pakoAction = e2, this._pakoOptions = t2, this.meta = {}; } r.magic = "\b\0", s.inherits(h, a), h.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) { this.meta = e2.meta, this._pako === null && this._createPako(), this._pako.push(s.transformTo(o, e2.data), false); }, h.prototype.flush = function() { a.prototype.flush.call(this), this._pako === null && this._createPako(), this._pako.push([], true); }, h.prototype.cleanUp = function() { a.prototype.cleanUp.call(this), this._pako = null; }, h.prototype._createPako = function() { this._pako = new i[this._pakoAction]({ raw: true, level: this._pakoOptions.level || -1 }); var t2 = this; this._pako.onData = function(e2) { t2.push({ data: e2, meta: t2.meta }); }; }, r.compressWorker = function(e2) { return new h("Deflate", e2); }, r.uncompressWorker = function() { return new h("Inflate", {}); }; }, { "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./utils": 32, pako: 38 }], 8: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; function A(e2, t2) { var r2, n2 = ""; for (r2 = 0; r2 < t2; r2++) n2 += String.fromCharCode(255 & e2), e2 >>>= 8; return n2; } function n(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2, s2) { var a, o, h = e2.file, u = e2.compression, l = s2 !== O.utf8encode, f = I.transformTo("string", s2(h.name)), c = I.transformTo("string", O.utf8encode(h.name)), d = h.comment, p = I.transformTo("string", s2(d)), m = I.transformTo("string", O.utf8encode(d)), _ = c.length !== h.name.length, g = m.length !== d.length, b = "", v = "", y = "", w = h.dir, k = h.date, x = { crc32: 0, compressedSize: 0, uncompressedSize: 0 }; t2 && !r2 || (x.crc32 = e2.crc32, x.compressedSize = e2.compressedSize, x.uncompressedSize = e2.uncompressedSize); var S = 0; t2 && (S |= 8), l || !_ && !g || (S |= 2048); var z = 0, C = 0; w && (z |= 16), i2 === "UNIX" ? (C = 798, z |= function(e3, t3) { var r3 = e3; return e3 || (r3 = t3 ? 16893 : 33204), (65535 & r3) << 16; }(h.unixPermissions, w)) : (C = 20, z |= function(e3) { return 63 & (e3 || 0); }(h.dosPermissions)), a = k.getUTCHours(), a <<= 6, a |= k.getUTCMinutes(), a <<= 5, a |= k.getUTCSeconds() / 2, o = k.getUTCFullYear() - 1980, o <<= 4, o |= k.getUTCMonth() + 1, o <<= 5, o |= k.getUTCDate(), _ && (v = A(1, 1) + A(B(f), 4) + c, b += "up" + A(v.length, 2) + v), g && (y = A(1, 1) + A(B(p), 4) + m, b += "uc" + A(y.length, 2) + y); var E = ""; return E += "\n\0", E += A(S, 2), E += u.magic, E += A(a, 2), E += A(o, 2), E += A(x.crc32, 4), E += A(x.compressedSize, 4), E += A(x.uncompressedSize, 4), E += A(f.length, 2), E += A(b.length, 2), { fileRecord: R.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER + E + f + b, dirRecord: R.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER + A(C, 2) + E + A(p.length, 2) + "\0\0\0\0" + A(z, 4) + A(n2, 4) + f + b + p }; } var I = e("../utils"), i = e("../stream/GenericWorker"), O = e("../utf8"), B = e("../crc32"), R = e("../signature"); function s(e2, t2, r2, n2) { i.call(this, "ZipFileWorker"), this.bytesWritten = 0, this.zipComment = t2, this.zipPlatform = r2, this.encodeFileName = n2, this.streamFiles = e2, this.accumulate = false, this.contentBuffer = [], this.dirRecords = [], this.currentSourceOffset = 0, this.entriesCount = 0, this.currentFile = null, this._sources = []; } I.inherits(s, i), s.prototype.push = function(e2) { var t2 = e2.meta.percent || 0, r2 = this.entriesCount, n2 = this._sources.length; this.accumulate ? this.contentBuffer.push(e2) : (this.bytesWritten += e2.data.length, i.prototype.push.call(this, { data: e2.data, meta: { currentFile: this.currentFile, percent: r2 ? (t2 + 100 * (r2 - n2 - 1)) / r2 : 100 } })); }, s.prototype.openedSource = function(e2) { this.currentSourceOffset = this.bytesWritten, this.currentFile = e2.file.name; var t2 = this.streamFiles && !e2.file.dir; if (t2) { var r2 = n(e2, t2, false, this.currentSourceOffset, this.zipPlatform, this.encodeFileName); this.push({ data: r2.fileRecord, meta: { percent: 0 } }); } else this.accumulate = true; }, s.prototype.closedSource = function(e2) { this.accumulate = false; var t2 = this.streamFiles && !e2.file.dir, r2 = n(e2, t2, true, this.currentSourceOffset, this.zipPlatform, this.encodeFileName); if (this.dirRecords.push(r2.dirRecord), t2) this.push({ data: function(e3) { return R.DATA_DESCRIPTOR + A(e3.crc32, 4) + A(e3.compressedSize, 4) + A(e3.uncompressedSize, 4); }(e2), meta: { percent: 100 } }); else for (this.push({ data: r2.fileRecord, meta: { percent: 0 } }); this.contentBuffer.length; ) this.push(this.contentBuffer.shift()); this.currentFile = null; }, s.prototype.flush = function() { for (var e2 = this.bytesWritten, t2 = 0; t2 < this.dirRecords.length; t2++) this.push({ data: this.dirRecords[t2], meta: { percent: 100 } }); var r2 = this.bytesWritten - e2, n2 = function(e3, t3, r3, n3, i2) { var s2 = I.transformTo("string", i2(n3)); return R.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END + "\0\0\0\0" + A(e3, 2) + A(e3, 2) + A(t3, 4) + A(r3, 4) + A(s2.length, 2) + s2; }(this.dirRecords.length, r2, e2, this.zipComment, this.encodeFileName); this.push({ data: n2, meta: { percent: 100 } }); }, s.prototype.prepareNextSource = function() { this.previous = this._sources.shift(), this.openedSource(this.previous.streamInfo), this.isPaused ? this.previous.pause() : this.previous.resume(); }, s.prototype.registerPrevious = function(e2) { this._sources.push(e2); var t2 = this; return e2.on("data", function(e3) { t2.processChunk(e3); }), e2.on("end", function() { t2.closedSource(t2.previous.streamInfo), t2._sources.length ? t2.prepareNextSource() : t2.end(); }), e2.on("error", function(e3) { t2.error(e3); }), this; }, s.prototype.resume = function() { return !!i.prototype.resume.call(this) && (!this.previous && this._sources.length ? (this.prepareNextSource(), true) : this.previous || this._sources.length || this.generatedError ? void 0 : (this.end(), true)); }, s.prototype.error = function(e2) { var t2 = this._sources; if (!i.prototype.error.call(this, e2)) return false; for (var r2 = 0; r2 < t2.length; r2++) try { t2[r2].error(e2); } catch (e3) { } return true; }, s.prototype.lock = function() { i.prototype.lock.call(this); for (var e2 = this._sources, t2 = 0; t2 < e2.length; t2++) e2[t2].lock(); }, t.exports = s; }, { "../crc32": 4, "../signature": 23, "../stream/GenericWorker": 28, "../utf8": 31, "../utils": 32 }], 9: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var u = e("../compressions"), n = e("./ZipFileWorker"); r.generateWorker = function(e2, a, t2) { var o = new n(a.streamFiles, t2, a.platform, a.encodeFileName), h = 0; try { e2.forEach(function(e3, t3) { h++; var r2 = function(e4, t4) { var r3 = e4 || t4, n3 = u[r3]; if (!n3) throw new Error(r3 + " is not a valid compression method !"); return n3; }(t3.options.compression, a.compression), n2 = t3.options.compressionOptions || a.compressionOptions || {}, i = t3.dir, s = t3.date; t3._compressWorker(r2, n2).withStreamInfo("file", { name: e3, dir: i, date: s, comment: t3.comment || "", unixPermissions: t3.unixPermissions, dosPermissions: t3.dosPermissions }).pipe(o); }), o.entriesCount = h; } catch (e3) { o.error(e3); } return o; }; }, { "../compressions": 3, "./ZipFileWorker": 8 }], 10: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; function n() { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(); if (arguments.length) throw new Error("The constructor with parameters has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide."); this.files = Object.create(null), this.comment = null, this.root = "", this.clone = function() { var e2 = new n(); for (var t2 in this) typeof this[t2] != "function" && (e2[t2] = this[t2]); return e2; }; } (n.prototype = e("./object")).loadAsync = e("./load"), n.support = e("./support"), n.defaults = e("./defaults"), n.version = "3.10.1", n.loadAsync = function(e2, t2) { return new n().loadAsync(e2, t2); }, n.external = e("./external"), t.exports = n; }, { "./defaults": 5, "./external": 6, "./load": 11, "./object": 15, "./support": 30 }], 11: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var u = e("./utils"), i = e("./external"), n = e("./utf8"), s = e("./zipEntries"), a = e("./stream/Crc32Probe"), l = e("./nodejsUtils"); function f(n2) { return new i.Promise(function(e2, t2) { var r2 = n2.decompressed.getContentWorker().pipe(new a()); r2.on("error", function(e3) { t2(e3); }).on("end", function() { r2.streamInfo.crc32 !== n2.decompressed.crc32 ? t2(new Error("Corrupted zip : CRC32 mismatch")) : e2(); }).resume(); }); } t.exports = function(e2, o) { var h = this; return o = u.extend(o || {}, { base64: false, checkCRC32: false, optimizedBinaryString: false, createFolders: false, decodeFileName: n.utf8decode }), l.isNode && l.isStream(e2) ? i.Promise.reject(new Error("JSZip can't accept a stream when loading a zip file.")) : u.prepareContent("the loaded zip file", e2, true, o.optimizedBinaryString, o.base64).then(function(e3) { var t2 = new s(o); return t2.load(e3), t2; }).then(function(e3) { var t2 = [i.Promise.resolve(e3)], r2 = e3.files; if (o.checkCRC32) for (var n2 = 0; n2 < r2.length; n2++) t2.push(f(r2[n2])); return i.Promise.all(t2); }).then(function(e3) { for (var t2 = e3.shift(), r2 = t2.files, n2 = 0; n2 < r2.length; n2++) { var i2 = r2[n2], s2 = i2.fileNameStr, a2 = u.resolve(i2.fileNameStr); h.file(a2, i2.decompressed, { binary: true, optimizedBinaryString: true, date: i2.date, dir: i2.dir, comment: i2.fileCommentStr.length ? i2.fileCommentStr : null, unixPermissions: i2.unixPermissions, dosPermissions: i2.dosPermissions, createFolders: o.createFolders }), i2.dir || (h.file(a2).unsafeOriginalName = s2); } return t2.zipComment.length && (h.comment = t2.zipComment), h; }); }; }, { "./external": 6, "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./stream/Crc32Probe": 25, "./utf8": 31, "./utils": 32, "./zipEntries": 33 }], 12: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("../utils"), i = e("../stream/GenericWorker"); function s(e2, t2) { i.call(this, "Nodejs stream input adapter for " + e2), this._upstreamEnded = false, this._bindStream(t2); } n.inherits(s, i), s.prototype._bindStream = function(e2) { var t2 = this; (this._stream = e2).pause(), e2.on("data", function(e3) { t2.push({ data: e3, meta: { percent: 0 } }); }).on("error", function(e3) { t2.isPaused ? this.generatedError = e3 : t2.error(e3); }).on("end", function() { t2.isPaused ? t2._upstreamEnded = true : t2.end(); }); }, s.prototype.pause = function() { return !!i.prototype.pause.call(this) && (this._stream.pause(), true); }, s.prototype.resume = function() { return !!i.prototype.resume.call(this) && (this._upstreamEnded ? this.end() : this._stream.resume(), true); }, t.exports = s; }, { "../stream/GenericWorker": 28, "../utils": 32 }], 13: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var i = e("readable-stream").Readable; function n(e2, t2, r2) { i.call(this, t2), this._helper = e2; var n2 = this; e2.on("data", function(e3, t3) { n2.push(e3) || n2._helper.pause(), r2 && r2(t3); }).on("error", function(e3) { n2.emit("error", e3); }).on("end", function() { n2.push(null); }); } e("../utils").inherits(n, i), n.prototype._read = function() { this._helper.resume(); }, t.exports = n; }, { "../utils": 32, "readable-stream": 16 }], 14: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; t.exports = { isNode: typeof Buffer != "undefined", newBufferFrom: function(e2, t2) { if (Buffer.from && Buffer.from !== Uint8Array.from) return Buffer.from(e2, t2); if (typeof e2 == "number") throw new Error('The "data" argument must not be a number'); return new Buffer(e2, t2); }, allocBuffer: function(e2) { if (Buffer.alloc) return Buffer.alloc(e2); var t2 = new Buffer(e2); return t2.fill(0), t2; }, isBuffer: function(e2) { return Buffer.isBuffer(e2); }, isStream: function(e2) { return e2 && typeof e2.on == "function" && typeof e2.pause == "function" && typeof e2.resume == "function"; } }; }, {}], 15: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; function s(e2, t2, r2) { var n2, i2 = u.getTypeOf(t2), s2 = u.extend(r2 || {}, f); s2.date = s2.date || new Date(), s2.compression !== null && (s2.compression = s2.compression.toUpperCase()), typeof s2.unixPermissions == "string" && (s2.unixPermissions = parseInt(s2.unixPermissions, 8)), s2.unixPermissions && 16384 & s2.unixPermissions && (s2.dir = true), s2.dosPermissions && 16 & s2.dosPermissions && (s2.dir = true), s2.dir && (e2 = g(e2)), s2.createFolders && (n2 = _(e2)) && b.call(this, n2, true); var a2 = i2 === "string" && s2.binary === false && s2.base64 === false; r2 && r2.binary !== void 0 || (s2.binary = !a2), (t2 instanceof c && t2.uncompressedSize === 0 || s2.dir || !t2 || t2.length === 0) && (s2.base64 = false, s2.binary = true, t2 = "", s2.compression = "STORE", i2 = "string"); var o2 = null; o2 = t2 instanceof c || t2 instanceof l ? t2 : p.isNode && p.isStream(t2) ? new m(e2, t2) : u.prepareContent(e2, t2, s2.binary, s2.optimizedBinaryString, s2.base64); var h2 = new d(e2, o2, s2); this.files[e2] = h2; } var i = e("./utf8"), u = e("./utils"), l = e("./stream/GenericWorker"), a = e("./stream/StreamHelper"), f = e("./defaults"), c = e("./compressedObject"), d = e("./zipObject"), o = e("./generate"), p = e("./nodejsUtils"), m = e("./nodejs/NodejsStreamInputAdapter"), _ = function(e2) { e2.slice(-1) === "/" && (e2 = e2.substring(0, e2.length - 1)); var t2 = e2.lastIndexOf("/"); return 0 < t2 ? e2.substring(0, t2) : ""; }, g = function(e2) { return e2.slice(-1) !== "/" && (e2 += "/"), e2; }, b = function(e2, t2) { return t2 = t2 !== void 0 ? t2 : f.createFolders, e2 = g(e2), this.files[e2] || s.call(this, e2, null, { dir: true, createFolders: t2 }), this.files[e2]; }; function h(e2) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(e2) === "[object RegExp]"; } var n = { load: function() { throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide."); }, forEach: function(e2) { var t2, r2, n2; for (t2 in this.files) n2 = this.files[t2], (r2 = t2.slice(this.root.length, t2.length)) && t2.slice(0, this.root.length) === this.root && e2(r2, n2); }, filter: function(r2) { var n2 = []; return this.forEach(function(e2, t2) { r2(e2, t2) && n2.push(t2); }), n2; }, file: function(e2, t2, r2) { if (arguments.length !== 1) return e2 = this.root + e2, s.call(this, e2, t2, r2), this; if (h(e2)) { var n2 = e2; return this.filter(function(e3, t3) { return !t3.dir && n2.test(e3); }); } var i2 = this.files[this.root + e2]; return i2 && !i2.dir ? i2 : null; }, folder: function(r2) { if (!r2) return this; if (h(r2)) return this.filter(function(e3, t3) { return t3.dir && r2.test(e3); }); var e2 = this.root + r2, t2 = b.call(this, e2), n2 = this.clone(); return n2.root = t2.name, n2; }, remove: function(r2) { r2 = this.root + r2; var e2 = this.files[r2]; if (e2 || (r2.slice(-1) !== "/" && (r2 += "/"), e2 = this.files[r2]), e2 && !e2.dir) delete this.files[r2]; else for (var t2 = this.filter(function(e3, t3) { return t3.name.slice(0, r2.length) === r2; }), n2 = 0; n2 < t2.length; n2++) delete this.files[t2[n2].name]; return this; }, generate: function() { throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide."); }, generateInternalStream: function(e2) { var t2, r2 = {}; try { if ((r2 = u.extend(e2 || {}, { streamFiles: false, compression: "STORE", compressionOptions: null, type: "", platform: "DOS", comment: null, mimeType: "application/zip", encodeFileName: i.utf8encode })).type = r2.type.toLowerCase(), r2.compression = r2.compression.toUpperCase(), r2.type === "binarystring" && (r2.type = "string"), !r2.type) throw new Error("No output type specified."); u.checkSupport(r2.type), r2.platform !== "darwin" && r2.platform !== "freebsd" && r2.platform !== "linux" && r2.platform !== "sunos" || (r2.platform = "UNIX"), r2.platform === "win32" && (r2.platform = "DOS"); var n2 = r2.comment || this.comment || ""; t2 = o.generateWorker(this, r2, n2); } catch (e3) { (t2 = new l("error")).error(e3); } return new a(t2, r2.type || "string", r2.mimeType); }, generateAsync: function(e2, t2) { return this.generateInternalStream(e2).accumulate(t2); }, generateNodeStream: function(e2, t2) { return (e2 = e2 || {}).type || (e2.type = "nodebuffer"), this.generateInternalStream(e2).toNodejsStream(t2); } }; t.exports = n; }, { "./compressedObject": 2, "./defaults": 5, "./generate": 9, "./nodejs/NodejsStreamInputAdapter": 12, "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./stream/StreamHelper": 29, "./utf8": 31, "./utils": 32, "./zipObject": 35 }], 16: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; t.exports = e("stream"); }, { stream: void 0 }], 17: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("./DataReader"); function i(e2) { n.call(this, e2); for (var t2 = 0; t2 < this.data.length; t2++) e2[t2] = 255 & e2[t2]; } e("../utils").inherits(i, n), i.prototype.byteAt = function(e2) { return this.data[this.zero + e2]; }, i.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function(e2) { for (var t2 = e2.charCodeAt(0), r2 = e2.charCodeAt(1), n2 = e2.charCodeAt(2), i2 = e2.charCodeAt(3), s = this.length - 4; 0 <= s; --s) if (this.data[s] === t2 && this.data[s + 1] === r2 && this.data[s + 2] === n2 && this.data[s + 3] === i2) return s - this.zero; return -1; }, i.prototype.readAndCheckSignature = function(e2) { var t2 = e2.charCodeAt(0), r2 = e2.charCodeAt(1), n2 = e2.charCodeAt(2), i2 = e2.charCodeAt(3), s = this.readData(4); return t2 === s[0] && r2 === s[1] && n2 === s[2] && i2 === s[3]; }, i.prototype.readData = function(e2) { if (this.checkOffset(e2), e2 === 0) return []; var t2 = this.data.slice(this.zero + this.index, this.zero + this.index + e2); return this.index += e2, t2; }, t.exports = i; }, { "../utils": 32, "./DataReader": 18 }], 18: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("../utils"); function i(e2) { this.data = e2, this.length = e2.length, this.index = 0, this.zero = 0; } i.prototype = { checkOffset: function(e2) { this.checkIndex(this.index + e2); }, checkIndex: function(e2) { if (this.length < this.zero + e2 || e2 < 0) throw new Error("End of data reached (data length = " + this.length + ", asked index = " + e2 + "). Corrupted zip ?"); }, setIndex: function(e2) { this.checkIndex(e2), this.index = e2; }, skip: function(e2) { this.setIndex(this.index + e2); }, byteAt: function() { }, readInt: function(e2) { var t2, r2 = 0; for (this.checkOffset(e2), t2 = this.index + e2 - 1; t2 >= this.index; t2--) r2 = (r2 << 8) + this.byteAt(t2); return this.index += e2, r2; }, readString: function(e2) { return n.transformTo("string", this.readData(e2)); }, readData: function() { }, lastIndexOfSignature: function() { }, readAndCheckSignature: function() { }, readDate: function() { var e2 = this.readInt(4); return new Date(Date.UTC(1980 + (e2 >> 25 & 127), (e2 >> 21 & 15) - 1, e2 >> 16 & 31, e2 >> 11 & 31, e2 >> 5 & 63, (31 & e2) << 1)); } }, t.exports = i; }, { "../utils": 32 }], 19: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("./Uint8ArrayReader"); function i(e2) { n.call(this, e2); } e("../utils").inherits(i, n), i.prototype.readData = function(e2) { this.checkOffset(e2); var t2 = this.data.slice(this.zero + this.index, this.zero + this.index + e2); return this.index += e2, t2; }, t.exports = i; }, { "../utils": 32, "./Uint8ArrayReader": 21 }], 20: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("./DataReader"); function i(e2) { n.call(this, e2); } e("../utils").inherits(i, n), i.prototype.byteAt = function(e2) { return this.data.charCodeAt(this.zero + e2); }, i.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function(e2) { return this.data.lastIndexOf(e2) - this.zero; }, i.prototype.readAndCheckSignature = function(e2) { return e2 === this.readData(4); }, i.prototype.readData = function(e2) { this.checkOffset(e2); var t2 = this.data.slice(this.zero + this.index, this.zero + this.index + e2); return this.index += e2, t2; }, t.exports = i; }, { "../utils": 32, "./DataReader": 18 }], 21: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("./ArrayReader"); function i(e2) { n.call(this, e2); } e("../utils").inherits(i, n), i.prototype.readData = function(e2) { if (this.checkOffset(e2), e2 === 0) return new Uint8Array(0); var t2 = this.data.subarray(this.zero + this.index, this.zero + this.index + e2); return this.index += e2, t2; }, t.exports = i; }, { "../utils": 32, "./ArrayReader": 17 }], 22: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("../utils"), i = e("../support"), s = e("./ArrayReader"), a = e("./StringReader"), o = e("./NodeBufferReader"), h = e("./Uint8ArrayReader"); t.exports = function(e2) { var t2 = n.getTypeOf(e2); return n.checkSupport(t2), t2 !== "string" || i.uint8array ? t2 === "nodebuffer" ? new o(e2) : i.uint8array ? new h(n.transformTo("uint8array", e2)) : new s(n.transformTo("array", e2)) : new a(e2); }; }, { "../support": 30, "../utils": 32, "./ArrayReader": 17, "./NodeBufferReader": 19, "./StringReader": 20, "./Uint8ArrayReader": 21 }], 23: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; r.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER = "PK", r.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER = "PK", r.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END = "PK", r.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR = "PK\x07", r.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END = "PK", r.DATA_DESCRIPTOR = "PK\x07\b"; }, {}], 24: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("./GenericWorker"), i = e("../utils"); function s(e2) { n.call(this, "ConvertWorker to " + e2), this.destType = e2; } i.inherits(s, n), s.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) { this.push({ data: i.transformTo(this.destType, e2.data), meta: e2.meta }); }, t.exports = s; }, { "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 25: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("./GenericWorker"), i = e("../crc32"); function s() { n.call(this, "Crc32Probe"), this.withStreamInfo("crc32", 0); } e("../utils").inherits(s, n), s.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) { this.streamInfo.crc32 = i(e2.data, this.streamInfo.crc32 || 0), this.push(e2); }, t.exports = s; }, { "../crc32": 4, "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 26: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("../utils"), i = e("./GenericWorker"); function s(e2) { i.call(this, "DataLengthProbe for " + e2), this.propName = e2, this.withStreamInfo(e2, 0); } n.inherits(s, i), s.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) { if (e2) { var t2 = this.streamInfo[this.propName] || 0; this.streamInfo[this.propName] = t2 + e2.data.length; } i.prototype.processChunk.call(this, e2); }, t.exports = s; }, { "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 27: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("../utils"), i = e("./GenericWorker"); function s(e2) { i.call(this, "DataWorker"); var t2 = this; this.dataIsReady = false, this.index = 0, this.max = 0, this.data = null, this.type = "", this._tickScheduled = false, e2.then(function(e3) { t2.dataIsReady = true, t2.data = e3, t2.max = e3 && e3.length || 0, t2.type = n.getTypeOf(e3), t2.isPaused || t2._tickAndRepeat(); }, function(e3) { t2.error(e3); }); } n.inherits(s, i), s.prototype.cleanUp = function() { i.prototype.cleanUp.call(this), this.data = null; }, s.prototype.resume = function() { return !!i.prototype.resume.call(this) && (!this._tickScheduled && this.dataIsReady && (this._tickScheduled = true, n.delay(this._tickAndRepeat, [], this)), true); }, s.prototype._tickAndRepeat = function() { this._tickScheduled = false, this.isPaused || this.isFinished || (this._tick(), this.isFinished || (n.delay(this._tickAndRepeat, [], this), this._tickScheduled = true)); }, s.prototype._tick = function() { if (this.isPaused || this.isFinished) return false; var e2 = null, t2 = Math.min(this.max, this.index + 16384); if (this.index >= this.max) return this.end(); switch (this.type) { case "string": e2 = this.data.substring(this.index, t2); break; case "uint8array": e2 = this.data.subarray(this.index, t2); break; case "array": case "nodebuffer": e2 = this.data.slice(this.index, t2); } return this.index = t2, this.push({ data: e2, meta: { percent: this.max ? this.index / this.max * 100 : 0 } }); }, t.exports = s; }, { "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 28: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; function n(e2) { this.name = e2 || "default", this.streamInfo = {}, this.generatedError = null, this.extraStreamInfo = {}, this.isPaused = true, this.isFinished = false, this.isLocked = false, this._listeners = { data: [], end: [], error: [] }, this.previous = null; } n.prototype = { push: function(e2) { this.emit("data", e2); }, end: function() { if (this.isFinished) return false; this.flush(); try { this.emit("end"), this.cleanUp(), this.isFinished = true; } catch (e2) { this.emit("error", e2); } return true; }, error: function(e2) { return !this.isFinished && (this.isPaused ? this.generatedError = e2 : (this.isFinished = true, this.emit("error", e2), this.previous && this.previous.error(e2), this.cleanUp()), true); }, on: function(e2, t2) { return this._listeners[e2].push(t2), this; }, cleanUp: function() { this.streamInfo = this.generatedError = this.extraStreamInfo = null, this._listeners = []; }, emit: function(e2, t2) { if (this._listeners[e2]) for (var r2 = 0; r2 < this._listeners[e2].length; r2++) this._listeners[e2][r2].call(this, t2); }, pipe: function(e2) { return e2.registerPrevious(this); }, registerPrevious: function(e2) { if (this.isLocked) throw new Error("The stream '" + this + "' has already been used."); this.streamInfo = e2.streamInfo, this.mergeStreamInfo(), this.previous = e2; var t2 = this; return e2.on("data", function(e3) { t2.processChunk(e3); }), e2.on("end", function() { t2.end(); }), e2.on("error", function(e3) { t2.error(e3); }), this; }, pause: function() { return !this.isPaused && !this.isFinished && (this.isPaused = true, this.previous && this.previous.pause(), true); }, resume: function() { if (!this.isPaused || this.isFinished) return false; var e2 = this.isPaused = false; return this.generatedError && (this.error(this.generatedError), e2 = true), this.previous && this.previous.resume(), !e2; }, flush: function() { }, processChunk: function(e2) { this.push(e2); }, withStreamInfo: function(e2, t2) { return this.extraStreamInfo[e2] = t2, this.mergeStreamInfo(), this; }, mergeStreamInfo: function() { for (var e2 in this.extraStreamInfo) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.extraStreamInfo, e2) && (this.streamInfo[e2] = this.extraStreamInfo[e2]); }, lock: function() { if (this.isLocked) throw new Error("The stream '" + this + "' has already been used."); this.isLocked = true, this.previous && this.previous.lock(); }, toString: function() { var e2 = "Worker " + this.name; return this.previous ? this.previous + " -> " + e2 : e2; } }, t.exports = n; }, {}], 29: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var h = e("../utils"), i = e("./ConvertWorker"), s = e("./GenericWorker"), u = e("../base64"), n = e("../support"), a = e("../external"), o = null; if (n.nodestream) try { o = e("../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter"); } catch (e2) { } function l(e2, o2) { return new a.Promise(function(t2, r2) { var n2 = [], i2 = e2._internalType, s2 = e2._outputType, a2 = e2._mimeType; e2.on("data", function(e3, t3) { n2.push(e3), o2 && o2(t3); }).on("error", function(e3) { n2 = [], r2(e3); }).on("end", function() { try { var e3 = function(e4, t3, r3) { switch (e4) { case "blob": return h.newBlob(h.transformTo("arraybuffer", t3), r3); case "base64": return u.encode(t3); default: return h.transformTo(e4, t3); } }(s2, function(e4, t3) { var r3, n3 = 0, i3 = null, s3 = 0; for (r3 = 0; r3 < t3.length; r3++) s3 += t3[r3].length; switch (e4) { case "string": return t3.join(""); case "array": return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], t3); case "uint8array": for (i3 = new Uint8Array(s3), r3 = 0; r3 < t3.length; r3++) i3.set(t3[r3], n3), n3 += t3[r3].length; return i3; case "nodebuffer": return Buffer.concat(t3); default: throw new Error("concat : unsupported type '" + e4 + "'"); } }(i2, n2), a2); t2(e3); } catch (e4) { r2(e4); } n2 = []; }).resume(); }); } function f(e2, t2, r2) { var n2 = t2; switch (t2) { case "blob": case "arraybuffer": n2 = "uint8array"; break; case "base64": n2 = "string"; } try { this._internalType = n2, this._outputType = t2, this._mimeType = r2, h.checkSupport(n2), this._worker = e2.pipe(new i(n2)), e2.lock(); } catch (e3) { this._worker = new s("error"), this._worker.error(e3); } } f.prototype = { accumulate: function(e2) { return l(this, e2); }, on: function(e2, t2) { var r2 = this; return e2 === "data" ? this._worker.on(e2, function(e3) { t2.call(r2, e3.data, e3.meta); }) : this._worker.on(e2, function() { h.delay(t2, arguments, r2); }), this; }, resume: function() { return h.delay(this._worker.resume, [], this._worker), this; }, pause: function() { return this._worker.pause(), this; }, toNodejsStream: function(e2) { if (h.checkSupport("nodestream"), this._outputType !== "nodebuffer") throw new Error(this._outputType + " is not supported by this method"); return new o(this, { objectMode: this._outputType !== "nodebuffer" }, e2); } }, t.exports = f; }, { "../base64": 1, "../external": 6, "../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter": 13, "../support": 30, "../utils": 32, "./ConvertWorker": 24, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 30: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; if (r.base64 = true, r.array = true, r.string = true, r.arraybuffer = typeof ArrayBuffer != "undefined" && typeof Uint8Array != "undefined", r.nodebuffer = typeof Buffer != "undefined", r.uint8array = typeof Uint8Array != "undefined", typeof ArrayBuffer == "undefined") r.blob = false; else { var n = new ArrayBuffer(0); try { r.blob = new Blob([n], { type: "application/zip" }).size === 0; } catch (e2) { try { var i = new (self.BlobBuilder || self.WebKitBlobBuilder || self.MozBlobBuilder || self.MSBlobBuilder)(); i.append(n), r.blob = i.getBlob("application/zip").size === 0; } catch (e3) { r.blob = false; } } } try { r.nodestream = !!e("readable-stream").Readable; } catch (e2) { r.nodestream = false; } }, { "readable-stream": 16 }], 31: [function(e, t, s) { "use strict"; for (var o = e("./utils"), h = e("./support"), r = e("./nodejsUtils"), n = e("./stream/GenericWorker"), u = new Array(256), i = 0; i < 256; i++) u[i] = 252 <= i ? 6 : 248 <= i ? 5 : 240 <= i ? 4 : 224 <= i ? 3 : 192 <= i ? 2 : 1; u[254] = u[254] = 1; function a() { n.call(this, "utf-8 decode"), this.leftOver = null; } function l() { n.call(this, "utf-8 encode"); } s.utf8encode = function(e2) { return h.nodebuffer ? r.newBufferFrom(e2, "utf-8") : function(e3) { var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2, a2 = e3.length, o2 = 0; for (i2 = 0; i2 < a2; i2++) (64512 & (r2 = e3.charCodeAt(i2))) == 55296 && i2 + 1 < a2 && (64512 & (n2 = e3.charCodeAt(i2 + 1))) == 56320 && (r2 = 65536 + (r2 - 55296 << 10) + (n2 - 56320), i2++), o2 += r2 < 128 ? 1 : r2 < 2048 ? 2 : r2 < 65536 ? 3 : 4; for (t2 = h.uint8array ? new Uint8Array(o2) : new Array(o2), i2 = s2 = 0; s2 < o2; i2++) (64512 & (r2 = e3.charCodeAt(i2))) == 55296 && i2 + 1 < a2 && (64512 & (n2 = e3.charCodeAt(i2 + 1))) == 56320 && (r2 = 65536 + (r2 - 55296 << 10) + (n2 - 56320), i2++), r2 < 128 ? t2[s2++] = r2 : (r2 < 2048 ? t2[s2++] = 192 | r2 >>> 6 : (r2 < 65536 ? t2[s2++] = 224 | r2 >>> 12 : (t2[s2++] = 240 | r2 >>> 18, t2[s2++] = 128 | r2 >>> 12 & 63), t2[s2++] = 128 | r2 >>> 6 & 63), t2[s2++] = 128 | 63 & r2); return t2; }(e2); }, s.utf8decode = function(e2) { return h.nodebuffer ? o.transformTo("nodebuffer", e2).toString("utf-8") : function(e3) { var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2 = e3.length, a2 = new Array(2 * s2); for (t2 = r2 = 0; t2 < s2; ) if ((n2 = e3[t2++]) < 128) a2[r2++] = n2; else if (4 < (i2 = u[n2])) a2[r2++] = 65533, t2 += i2 - 1; else { for (n2 &= i2 === 2 ? 31 : i2 === 3 ? 15 : 7; 1 < i2 && t2 < s2; ) n2 = n2 << 6 | 63 & e3[t2++], i2--; 1 < i2 ? a2[r2++] = 65533 : n2 < 65536 ? a2[r2++] = n2 : (n2 -= 65536, a2[r2++] = 55296 | n2 >> 10 & 1023, a2[r2++] = 56320 | 1023 & n2); } return a2.length !== r2 && (a2.subarray ? a2 = a2.subarray(0, r2) : a2.length = r2), o.applyFromCharCode(a2); }(e2 = o.transformTo(h.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array", e2)); }, o.inherits(a, n), a.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) { var t2 = o.transformTo(h.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array", e2.data); if (this.leftOver && this.leftOver.length) { if (h.uint8array) { var r2 = t2; (t2 = new Uint8Array(r2.length + this.leftOver.length)).set(this.leftOver, 0), t2.set(r2, this.leftOver.length); } else t2 = this.leftOver.concat(t2); this.leftOver = null; } var n2 = function(e3, t3) { var r3; for ((t3 = t3 || e3.length) > e3.length && (t3 = e3.length), r3 = t3 - 1; 0 <= r3 && (192 & e3[r3]) == 128; ) r3--; return r3 < 0 ? t3 : r3 === 0 ? t3 : r3 + u[e3[r3]] > t3 ? r3 : t3; }(t2), i2 = t2; n2 !== t2.length && (h.uint8array ? (i2 = t2.subarray(0, n2), this.leftOver = t2.subarray(n2, t2.length)) : (i2 = t2.slice(0, n2), this.leftOver = t2.slice(n2, t2.length))), this.push({ data: s.utf8decode(i2), meta: e2.meta }); }, a.prototype.flush = function() { this.leftOver && this.leftOver.length && (this.push({ data: s.utf8decode(this.leftOver), meta: {} }), this.leftOver = null); }, s.Utf8DecodeWorker = a, o.inherits(l, n), l.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) { this.push({ data: s.utf8encode(e2.data), meta: e2.meta }); }, s.Utf8EncodeWorker = l; }, { "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./support": 30, "./utils": 32 }], 32: [function(e, t, a) { "use strict"; var o = e("./support"), h = e("./base64"), r = e("./nodejsUtils"), u = e("./external"); function n(e2) { return e2; } function l(e2, t2) { for (var r2 = 0; r2 < e2.length; ++r2) t2[r2] = 255 & e2.charCodeAt(r2); return t2; } e("setimmediate"), a.newBlob = function(t2, r2) { a.checkSupport("blob"); try { return new Blob([t2], { type: r2 }); } catch (e2) { try { var n2 = new (self.BlobBuilder || self.WebKitBlobBuilder || self.MozBlobBuilder || self.MSBlobBuilder)(); return n2.append(t2), n2.getBlob(r2); } catch (e3) { throw new Error("Bug : can't construct the Blob."); } } }; var i = { stringifyByChunk: function(e2, t2, r2) { var n2 = [], i2 = 0, s2 = e2.length; if (s2 <= r2) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e2); for (; i2 < s2; ) t2 === "array" || t2 === "nodebuffer" ? n2.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e2.slice(i2, Math.min(i2 + r2, s2)))) : n2.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e2.subarray(i2, Math.min(i2 + r2, s2)))), i2 += r2; return n2.join(""); }, stringifyByChar: function(e2) { for (var t2 = "", r2 = 0; r2 < e2.length; r2++) t2 += String.fromCharCode(e2[r2]); return t2; }, applyCanBeUsed: { uint8array: function() { try { return o.uint8array && String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1)).length === 1; } catch (e2) { return false; } }(), nodebuffer: function() { try { return o.nodebuffer && String.fromCharCode.apply(null, r.allocBuffer(1)).length === 1; } catch (e2) { return false; } }() } }; function s(e2) { var t2 = 65536, r2 = a.getTypeOf(e2), n2 = true; if (r2 === "uint8array" ? n2 = i.applyCanBeUsed.uint8array : r2 === "nodebuffer" && (n2 = i.applyCanBeUsed.nodebuffer), n2) for (; 1 < t2; ) try { return i.stringifyByChunk(e2, r2, t2); } catch (e3) { t2 = Math.floor(t2 / 2); } return i.stringifyByChar(e2); } function f(e2, t2) { for (var r2 = 0; r2 < e2.length; r2++) t2[r2] = e2[r2]; return t2; } a.applyFromCharCode = s; var c = {}; c.string = { string: n, array: function(e2) { return l(e2, new Array(e2.length)); }, arraybuffer: function(e2) { return c.string.uint8array(e2).buffer; }, uint8array: function(e2) { return l(e2, new Uint8Array(e2.length)); }, nodebuffer: function(e2) { return l(e2, r.allocBuffer(e2.length)); } }, c.array = { string: s, array: n, arraybuffer: function(e2) { return new Uint8Array(e2).buffer; }, uint8array: function(e2) { return new Uint8Array(e2); }, nodebuffer: function(e2) { return r.newBufferFrom(e2); } }, c.arraybuffer = { string: function(e2) { return s(new Uint8Array(e2)); }, array: function(e2) { return f(new Uint8Array(e2), new Array(e2.byteLength)); }, arraybuffer: n, uint8array: function(e2) { return new Uint8Array(e2); }, nodebuffer: function(e2) { return r.newBufferFrom(new Uint8Array(e2)); } }, c.uint8array = { string: s, array: function(e2) { return f(e2, new Array(e2.length)); }, arraybuffer: function(e2) { return e2.buffer; }, uint8array: n, nodebuffer: function(e2) { return r.newBufferFrom(e2); } }, c.nodebuffer = { string: s, array: function(e2) { return f(e2, new Array(e2.length)); }, arraybuffer: function(e2) { return c.nodebuffer.uint8array(e2).buffer; }, uint8array: function(e2) { return f(e2, new Uint8Array(e2.length)); }, nodebuffer: n }, a.transformTo = function(e2, t2) { if (t2 = t2 || "", !e2) return t2; a.checkSupport(e2); var r2 = a.getTypeOf(t2); return c[r2][e2](t2); }, a.resolve = function(e2) { for (var t2 = e2.split("/"), r2 = [], n2 = 0; n2 < t2.length; n2++) { var i2 = t2[n2]; i2 === "." || i2 === "" && n2 !== 0 && n2 !== t2.length - 1 || (i2 === ".." ? r2.pop() : r2.push(i2)); } return r2.join("/"); }, a.getTypeOf = function(e2) { return typeof e2 == "string" ? "string" : Object.prototype.toString.call(e2) === "[object Array]" ? "array" : o.nodebuffer && r.isBuffer(e2) ? "nodebuffer" : o.uint8array && e2 instanceof Uint8Array ? "uint8array" : o.arraybuffer && e2 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? "arraybuffer" : void 0; }, a.checkSupport = function(e2) { if (!o[e2.toLowerCase()]) throw new Error(e2 + " is not supported by this platform"); }, a.MAX_VALUE_16BITS = 65535, a.MAX_VALUE_32BITS = -1, a.pretty = function(e2) { var t2, r2, n2 = ""; for (r2 = 0; r2 < (e2 || "").length; r2++) n2 += "\\x" + ((t2 = e2.charCodeAt(r2)) < 16 ? "0" : "") + t2.toString(16).toUpperCase(); return n2; }, a.delay = function(e2, t2, r2) { setImmediate(function() { e2.apply(r2 || null, t2 || []); }); }, a.inherits = function(e2, t2) { function r2() { } r2.prototype = t2.prototype, e2.prototype = new r2(); }, a.extend = function() { var e2, t2, r2 = {}; for (e2 = 0; e2 < arguments.length; e2++) for (t2 in arguments[e2]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(arguments[e2], t2) && r2[t2] === void 0 && (r2[t2] = arguments[e2][t2]); return r2; }, a.prepareContent = function(r2, e2, n2, i2, s2) { return u.Promise.resolve(e2).then(function(n3) { return o.blob && (n3 instanceof Blob || ["[object File]", "[object Blob]"].indexOf(Object.prototype.toString.call(n3)) !== -1) && typeof FileReader != "undefined" ? new u.Promise(function(t2, r3) { var e3 = new FileReader(); e3.onload = function(e4) { t2(e4.target.result); }, e3.onerror = function(e4) { r3(e4.target.error); }, e3.readAsArrayBuffer(n3); }) : n3; }).then(function(e3) { var t2 = a.getTypeOf(e3); return t2 ? (t2 === "arraybuffer" ? e3 = a.transformTo("uint8array", e3) : t2 === "string" && (s2 ? e3 = h.decode(e3) : n2 && i2 !== true && (e3 = function(e4) { return l(e4, o.uint8array ? new Uint8Array(e4.length) : new Array(e4.length)); }(e3))), e3) : u.Promise.reject(new Error("Can't read the data of '" + r2 + "'. Is it in a supported JavaScript type (String, Blob, ArrayBuffer, etc) ?")); }); }; }, { "./base64": 1, "./external": 6, "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./support": 30, setimmediate: 54 }], 33: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("./reader/readerFor"), i = e("./utils"), s = e("./signature"), a = e("./zipEntry"), o = e("./support"); function h(e2) { this.files = [], this.loadOptions = e2; } h.prototype = { checkSignature: function(e2) { if (!this.reader.readAndCheckSignature(e2)) { this.reader.index -= 4; var t2 = this.reader.readString(4); throw new Error("Corrupted zip or bug: unexpected signature (" + i.pretty(t2) + ", expected " + i.pretty(e2) + ")"); } }, isSignature: function(e2, t2) { var r2 = this.reader.index; this.reader.setIndex(e2); var n2 = this.reader.readString(4) === t2; return this.reader.setIndex(r2), n2; }, readBlockEndOfCentral: function() { this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(2), this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(4), this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(4), this.zipCommentLength = this.reader.readInt(2); var e2 = this.reader.readData(this.zipCommentLength), t2 = o.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array", r2 = i.transformTo(t2, e2); this.zipComment = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(r2); }, readBlockZip64EndOfCentral: function() { this.zip64EndOfCentralSize = this.reader.readInt(8), this.reader.skip(4), this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(4), this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4), this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(8), this.zip64ExtensibleData = {}; for (var e2, t2, r2, n2 = this.zip64EndOfCentralSize - 44; 0 < n2; ) e2 = this.reader.readInt(2), t2 = this.reader.readInt(4), r2 = this.reader.readData(t2), this.zip64ExtensibleData[e2] = { id: e2, length: t2, value: r2 }; }, readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator: function() { if (this.diskWithZip64CentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4), this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir = this.reader.readInt(8), this.disksCount = this.reader.readInt(4), 1 < this.disksCount) throw new Error("Multi-volumes zip are not supported"); }, readLocalFiles: function() { var e2, t2; for (e2 = 0; e2 < this.files.length; e2++) t2 = this.files[e2], this.reader.setIndex(t2.localHeaderOffset), this.checkSignature(s.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER), t2.readLocalPart(this.reader), t2.handleUTF8(), t2.processAttributes(); }, readCentralDir: function() { var e2; for (this.reader.setIndex(this.centralDirOffset); this.reader.readAndCheckSignature(s.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER); ) (e2 = new a({ zip64: this.zip64 }, this.loadOptions)).readCentralPart(this.reader), this.files.push(e2); if (this.centralDirRecords !== this.files.length && this.centralDirRecords !== 0 && this.files.length === 0) throw new Error("Corrupted zip or bug: expected " + this.centralDirRecords + " records in central dir, got " + this.files.length); }, readEndOfCentral: function() { var e2 = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END); if (e2 < 0) throw !this.isSignature(0, s.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER) ? new Error("Can't find end of central directory : is this a zip file ? If it is, see https://stuk.github.io/jszip/documentation/howto/read_zip.html") : new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find end of central directory"); this.reader.setIndex(e2); var t2 = e2; if (this.checkSignature(s.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.readBlockEndOfCentral(), this.diskNumber === i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.diskWithCentralDirStart === i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk === i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirRecords === i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirSize === i.MAX_VALUE_32BITS || this.centralDirOffset === i.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) { if (this.zip64 = true, (e2 = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR)) < 0) throw new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory locator"); if (this.reader.setIndex(e2), this.checkSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR), this.readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator(), !this.isSignature(this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir, s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END) && (this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir < 0)) throw new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory"); this.reader.setIndex(this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir), this.checkSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.readBlockZip64EndOfCentral(); } var r2 = this.centralDirOffset + this.centralDirSize; this.zip64 && (r2 += 20, r2 += 12 + this.zip64EndOfCentralSize); var n2 = t2 - r2; if (0 < n2) this.isSignature(t2, s.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER) || (this.reader.zero = n2); else if (n2 < 0) throw new Error("Corrupted zip: missing " + Math.abs(n2) + " bytes."); }, prepareReader: function(e2) { this.reader = n(e2); }, load: function(e2) { this.prepareReader(e2), this.readEndOfCentral(), this.readCentralDir(), this.readLocalFiles(); } }, t.exports = h; }, { "./reader/readerFor": 22, "./signature": 23, "./support": 30, "./utils": 32, "./zipEntry": 34 }], 34: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = e("./reader/readerFor"), s = e("./utils"), i = e("./compressedObject"), a = e("./crc32"), o = e("./utf8"), h = e("./compressions"), u = e("./support"); function l(e2, t2) { this.options = e2, this.loadOptions = t2; } l.prototype = { isEncrypted: function() { return (1 & this.bitFlag) == 1; }, useUTF8: function() { return (2048 & this.bitFlag) == 2048; }, readLocalPart: function(e2) { var t2, r2; if (e2.skip(22), this.fileNameLength = e2.readInt(2), r2 = e2.readInt(2), this.fileName = e2.readData(this.fileNameLength), e2.skip(r2), this.compressedSize === -1 || this.uncompressedSize === -1) throw new Error("Bug or corrupted zip : didn't get enough information from the central directory (compressedSize === -1 || uncompressedSize === -1)"); if ((t2 = function(e3) { for (var t3 in h) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(h, t3) && h[t3].magic === e3) return h[t3]; return null; }(this.compressionMethod)) === null) throw new Error("Corrupted zip : compression " + s.pretty(this.compressionMethod) + " unknown (inner file : " + s.transformTo("string", this.fileName) + ")"); this.decompressed = new i(this.compressedSize, this.uncompressedSize, this.crc32, t2, e2.readData(this.compressedSize)); }, readCentralPart: function(e2) { this.versionMadeBy = e2.readInt(2), e2.skip(2), this.bitFlag = e2.readInt(2), this.compressionMethod = e2.readString(2), this.date = e2.readDate(), this.crc32 = e2.readInt(4), this.compressedSize = e2.readInt(4), this.uncompressedSize = e2.readInt(4); var t2 = e2.readInt(2); if (this.extraFieldsLength = e2.readInt(2), this.fileCommentLength = e2.readInt(2), this.diskNumberStart = e2.readInt(2), this.internalFileAttributes = e2.readInt(2), this.externalFileAttributes = e2.readInt(4), this.localHeaderOffset = e2.readInt(4), this.isEncrypted()) throw new Error("Encrypted zip are not supported"); e2.skip(t2), this.readExtraFields(e2), this.parseZIP64ExtraField(e2), this.fileComment = e2.readData(this.fileCommentLength); }, processAttributes: function() { this.unixPermissions = null, this.dosPermissions = null; var e2 = this.versionMadeBy >> 8; this.dir = !!(16 & this.externalFileAttributes), e2 == 0 && (this.dosPermissions = 63 & this.externalFileAttributes), e2 == 3 && (this.unixPermissions = this.externalFileAttributes >> 16 & 65535), this.dir || this.fileNameStr.slice(-1) !== "/" || (this.dir = true); }, parseZIP64ExtraField: function() { if (this.extraFields[1]) { var e2 = n(this.extraFields[1].value); this.uncompressedSize === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.uncompressedSize = e2.readInt(8)), this.compressedSize === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.compressedSize = e2.readInt(8)), this.localHeaderOffset === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.localHeaderOffset = e2.readInt(8)), this.diskNumberStart === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.diskNumberStart = e2.readInt(4)); } }, readExtraFields: function(e2) { var t2, r2, n2, i2 = e2.index + this.extraFieldsLength; for (this.extraFields || (this.extraFields = {}); e2.index + 4 < i2; ) t2 = e2.readInt(2), r2 = e2.readInt(2), n2 = e2.readData(r2), this.extraFields[t2] = { id: t2, length: r2, value: n2 }; e2.setIndex(i2); }, handleUTF8: function() { var e2 = u.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array"; if (this.useUTF8()) this.fileNameStr = o.utf8decode(this.fileName), this.fileCommentStr = o.utf8decode(this.fileComment); else { var t2 = this.findExtraFieldUnicodePath(); if (t2 !== null) this.fileNameStr = t2; else { var r2 = s.transformTo(e2, this.fileName); this.fileNameStr = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(r2); } var n2 = this.findExtraFieldUnicodeComment(); if (n2 !== null) this.fileCommentStr = n2; else { var i2 = s.transformTo(e2, this.fileComment); this.fileCommentStr = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(i2); } } }, findExtraFieldUnicodePath: function() { var e2 = this.extraFields[28789]; if (e2) { var t2 = n(e2.value); return t2.readInt(1) !== 1 ? null : a(this.fileName) !== t2.readInt(4) ? null : o.utf8decode(t2.readData(e2.length - 5)); } return null; }, findExtraFieldUnicodeComment: function() { var e2 = this.extraFields[25461]; if (e2) { var t2 = n(e2.value); return t2.readInt(1) !== 1 ? null : a(this.fileComment) !== t2.readInt(4) ? null : o.utf8decode(t2.readData(e2.length - 5)); } return null; } }, t.exports = l; }, { "./compressedObject": 2, "./compressions": 3, "./crc32": 4, "./reader/readerFor": 22, "./support": 30, "./utf8": 31, "./utils": 32 }], 35: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; function n(e2, t2, r2) { this.name = e2, this.dir = r2.dir, this.date = r2.date, this.comment = r2.comment, this.unixPermissions = r2.unixPermissions, this.dosPermissions = r2.dosPermissions, this._data = t2, this._dataBinary = r2.binary, this.options = { compression: r2.compression, compressionOptions: r2.compressionOptions }; } var s = e("./stream/StreamHelper"), i = e("./stream/DataWorker"), a = e("./utf8"), o = e("./compressedObject"), h = e("./stream/GenericWorker"); n.prototype = { internalStream: function(e2) { var t2 = null, r2 = "string"; try { if (!e2) throw new Error("No output type specified."); var n2 = (r2 = e2.toLowerCase()) === "string" || r2 === "text"; r2 !== "binarystring" && r2 !== "text" || (r2 = "string"), t2 = this._decompressWorker(); var i2 = !this._dataBinary; i2 && !n2 && (t2 = t2.pipe(new a.Utf8EncodeWorker())), !i2 && n2 && (t2 = t2.pipe(new a.Utf8DecodeWorker())); } catch (e3) { (t2 = new h("error")).error(e3); } return new s(t2, r2, ""); }, async: function(e2, t2) { return this.internalStream(e2).accumulate(t2); }, nodeStream: function(e2, t2) { return this.internalStream(e2 || "nodebuffer").toNodejsStream(t2); }, _compressWorker: function(e2, t2) { if (this._data instanceof o && this._data.compression.magic === e2.magic) return this._data.getCompressedWorker(); var r2 = this._decompressWorker(); return this._dataBinary || (r2 = r2.pipe(new a.Utf8EncodeWorker())), o.createWorkerFrom(r2, e2, t2); }, _decompressWorker: function() { return this._data instanceof o ? this._data.getContentWorker() : this._data instanceof h ? this._data : new i(this._data); } }; for (var u = ["asText", "asBinary", "asNodeBuffer", "asUint8Array", "asArrayBuffer"], l = function() { throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide."); }, f = 0; f < u.length; f++) n.prototype[u[f]] = l; t.exports = n; }, { "./compressedObject": 2, "./stream/DataWorker": 27, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./stream/StreamHelper": 29, "./utf8": 31 }], 36: [function(e, l, t) { (function(t2) { "use strict"; var r, n, e2 = t2.MutationObserver || t2.WebKitMutationObserver; if (e2) { var i = 0, s = new e2(u), a = t2.document.createTextNode(""); s.observe(a, { characterData: true }), r = function() { a.data = i = ++i % 2; }; } else if (t2.setImmediate || t2.MessageChannel === void 0) r = "document" in t2 && "onreadystatechange" in t2.document.createElement("script") ? function() { var e3 = t2.document.createElement("script"); e3.onreadystatechange = function() { u(), e3.onreadystatechange = null, e3.parentNode.removeChild(e3), e3 = null; }, t2.document.documentElement.appendChild(e3); } : function() { setTimeout(u, 0); }; else { var o = new t2.MessageChannel(); o.port1.onmessage = u, r = function() { o.port2.postMessage(0); }; } var h = []; function u() { var e3, t3; n = true; for (var r2 = h.length; r2; ) { for (t3 = h, h = [], e3 = -1; ++e3 < r2; ) t3[e3](); r2 = h.length; } n = false; } l.exports = function(e3) { h.push(e3) !== 1 || n || r(); }; }).call(this, typeof global != "undefined" ? global : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {}); }, {}], 37: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var i = e("immediate"); function u() { } var l = {}, s = ["REJECTED"], a = ["FULFILLED"], n = ["PENDING"]; function o(e2) { if (typeof e2 != "function") throw new TypeError("resolver must be a function"); this.state = n, this.queue = [], this.outcome = void 0, e2 !== u && d(this, e2); } function h(e2, t2, r2) { this.promise = e2, typeof t2 == "function" && (this.onFulfilled = t2, this.callFulfilled = this.otherCallFulfilled), typeof r2 == "function" && (this.onRejected = r2, this.callRejected = this.otherCallRejected); } function f(t2, r2, n2) { i(function() { var e2; try { e2 = r2(n2); } catch (e3) { return l.reject(t2, e3); } e2 === t2 ? l.reject(t2, new TypeError("Cannot resolve promise with itself")) : l.resolve(t2, e2); }); } function c(e2) { var t2 = e2 && e2.then; if (e2 && (typeof e2 == "object" || typeof e2 == "function") && typeof t2 == "function") return function() { t2.apply(e2, arguments); }; } function d(t2, e2) { var r2 = false; function n2(e3) { r2 || (r2 = true, l.reject(t2, e3)); } function i2(e3) { r2 || (r2 = true, l.resolve(t2, e3)); } var s2 = p(function() { e2(i2, n2); }); s2.status === "error" && n2(s2.value); } function p(e2, t2) { var r2 = {}; try { r2.value = e2(t2), r2.status = "success"; } catch (e3) { r2.status = "error", r2.value = e3; } return r2; } (t.exports = o).prototype.finally = function(t2) { if (typeof t2 != "function") return this; var r2 = this.constructor; return this.then(function(e2) { return r2.resolve(t2()).then(function() { return e2; }); }, function(e2) { return r2.resolve(t2()).then(function() { throw e2; }); }); }, o.prototype.catch = function(e2) { return this.then(null, e2); }, o.prototype.then = function(e2, t2) { if (typeof e2 != "function" && this.state === a || typeof t2 != "function" && this.state === s) return this; var r2 = new this.constructor(u); this.state !== n ? f(r2, this.state === a ? e2 : t2, this.outcome) : this.queue.push(new h(r2, e2, t2)); return r2; }, h.prototype.callFulfilled = function(e2) { l.resolve(this.promise, e2); }, h.prototype.otherCallFulfilled = function(e2) { f(this.promise, this.onFulfilled, e2); }, h.prototype.callRejected = function(e2) { l.reject(this.promise, e2); }, h.prototype.otherCallRejected = function(e2) { f(this.promise, this.onRejected, e2); }, l.resolve = function(e2, t2) { var r2 = p(c, t2); if (r2.status === "error") return l.reject(e2, r2.value); var n2 = r2.value; if (n2) d(e2, n2); else { e2.state = a, e2.outcome = t2; for (var i2 = -1, s2 = e2.queue.length; ++i2 < s2; ) e2.queue[i2].callFulfilled(t2); } return e2; }, l.reject = function(e2, t2) { e2.state = s, e2.outcome = t2; for (var r2 = -1, n2 = e2.queue.length; ++r2 < n2; ) e2.queue[r2].callRejected(t2); return e2; }, o.resolve = function(e2) { if (e2 instanceof this) return e2; return l.resolve(new this(u), e2); }, o.reject = function(e2) { var t2 = new this(u); return l.reject(t2, e2); }, o.all = function(e2) { var r2 = this; if (Object.prototype.toString.call(e2) !== "[object Array]") return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array")); var n2 = e2.length, i2 = false; if (!n2) return this.resolve([]); var s2 = new Array(n2), a2 = 0, t2 = -1, o2 = new this(u); for (; ++t2 < n2; ) h2(e2[t2], t2); return o2; function h2(e3, t3) { r2.resolve(e3).then(function(e4) { s2[t3] = e4, ++a2 !== n2 || i2 || (i2 = true, l.resolve(o2, s2)); }, function(e4) { i2 || (i2 = true, l.reject(o2, e4)); }); } }, o.race = function(e2) { var t2 = this; if (Object.prototype.toString.call(e2) !== "[object Array]") return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array")); var r2 = e2.length, n2 = false; if (!r2) return this.resolve([]); var i2 = -1, s2 = new this(u); for (; ++i2 < r2; ) a2 = e2[i2], t2.resolve(a2).then(function(e3) { n2 || (n2 = true, l.resolve(s2, e3)); }, function(e3) { n2 || (n2 = true, l.reject(s2, e3)); }); var a2; return s2; }; }, { immediate: 36 }], 38: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = {}; (0, e("./lib/utils/common").assign)(n, e("./lib/deflate"), e("./lib/inflate"), e("./lib/zlib/constants")), t.exports = n; }, { "./lib/deflate": 39, "./lib/inflate": 40, "./lib/utils/common": 41, "./lib/zlib/constants": 44 }], 39: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var a = e("./zlib/deflate"), o = e("./utils/common"), h = e("./utils/strings"), i = e("./zlib/messages"), s = e("./zlib/zstream"), u = Object.prototype.toString, l = 0, f = -1, c = 0, d = 8; function p(e2) { if (!(this instanceof p)) return new p(e2); this.options = o.assign({ level: f, method: d, chunkSize: 16384, windowBits: 15, memLevel: 8, strategy: c, to: "" }, e2 || {}); var t2 = this.options; t2.raw && 0 < t2.windowBits ? t2.windowBits = -t2.windowBits : t2.gzip && 0 < t2.windowBits && t2.windowBits < 16 && (t2.windowBits += 16), this.err = 0, this.msg = "", this.ended = false, this.chunks = [], this.strm = new s(), this.strm.avail_out = 0; var r2 = a.deflateInit2(this.strm, t2.level, t2.method, t2.windowBits, t2.memLevel, t2.strategy); if (r2 !== l) throw new Error(i[r2]); if (t2.header && a.deflateSetHeader(this.strm, t2.header), t2.dictionary) { var n2; if (n2 = typeof t2.dictionary == "string" ? h.string2buf(t2.dictionary) : u.call(t2.dictionary) === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? new Uint8Array(t2.dictionary) : t2.dictionary, (r2 = a.deflateSetDictionary(this.strm, n2)) !== l) throw new Error(i[r2]); this._dict_set = true; } } function n(e2, t2) { var r2 = new p(t2); if (r2.push(e2, true), r2.err) throw r2.msg || i[r2.err]; return r2.result; } p.prototype.push = function(e2, t2) { var r2, n2, i2 = this.strm, s2 = this.options.chunkSize; if (this.ended) return false; n2 = t2 === ~~t2 ? t2 : t2 === true ? 4 : 0, typeof e2 == "string" ? i2.input = h.string2buf(e2) : u.call(e2) === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? i2.input = new Uint8Array(e2) : i2.input = e2, i2.next_in = 0, i2.avail_in = i2.input.length; do { if (i2.avail_out === 0 && (i2.output = new o.Buf8(s2), i2.next_out = 0, i2.avail_out = s2), (r2 = a.deflate(i2, n2)) !== 1 && r2 !== l) return this.onEnd(r2), !(this.ended = true); i2.avail_out !== 0 && (i2.avail_in !== 0 || n2 !== 4 && n2 !== 2) || (this.options.to === "string" ? this.onData(h.buf2binstring(o.shrinkBuf(i2.output, i2.next_out))) : this.onData(o.shrinkBuf(i2.output, i2.next_out))); } while ((0 < i2.avail_in || i2.avail_out === 0) && r2 !== 1); return n2 === 4 ? (r2 = a.deflateEnd(this.strm), this.onEnd(r2), this.ended = true, r2 === l) : n2 !== 2 || (this.onEnd(l), !(i2.avail_out = 0)); }, p.prototype.onData = function(e2) { this.chunks.push(e2); }, p.prototype.onEnd = function(e2) { e2 === l && (this.options.to === "string" ? this.result = this.chunks.join("") : this.result = o.flattenChunks(this.chunks)), this.chunks = [], this.err = e2, this.msg = this.strm.msg; }, r.Deflate = p, r.deflate = n, r.deflateRaw = function(e2, t2) { return (t2 = t2 || {}).raw = true, n(e2, t2); }, r.gzip = function(e2, t2) { return (t2 = t2 || {}).gzip = true, n(e2, t2); }; }, { "./utils/common": 41, "./utils/strings": 42, "./zlib/deflate": 46, "./zlib/messages": 51, "./zlib/zstream": 53 }], 40: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var c = e("./zlib/inflate"), d = e("./utils/common"), p = e("./utils/strings"), m = e("./zlib/constants"), n = e("./zlib/messages"), i = e("./zlib/zstream"), s = e("./zlib/gzheader"), _ = Object.prototype.toString; function a(e2) { if (!(this instanceof a)) return new a(e2); this.options = d.assign({ chunkSize: 16384, windowBits: 0, to: "" }, e2 || {}); var t2 = this.options; t2.raw && 0 <= t2.windowBits && t2.windowBits < 16 && (t2.windowBits = -t2.windowBits, t2.windowBits === 0 && (t2.windowBits = -15)), !(0 <= t2.windowBits && t2.windowBits < 16) || e2 && e2.windowBits || (t2.windowBits += 32), 15 < t2.windowBits && t2.windowBits < 48 && (15 & t2.windowBits) == 0 && (t2.windowBits |= 15), this.err = 0, this.msg = "", this.ended = false, this.chunks = [], this.strm = new i(), this.strm.avail_out = 0; var r2 = c.inflateInit2(this.strm, t2.windowBits); if (r2 !== m.Z_OK) throw new Error(n[r2]); this.header = new s(), c.inflateGetHeader(this.strm, this.header); } function o(e2, t2) { var r2 = new a(t2); if (r2.push(e2, true), r2.err) throw r2.msg || n[r2.err]; return r2.result; } a.prototype.push = function(e2, t2) { var r2, n2, i2, s2, a2, o2, h = this.strm, u = this.options.chunkSize, l = this.options.dictionary, f = false; if (this.ended) return false; n2 = t2 === ~~t2 ? t2 : t2 === true ? m.Z_FINISH : m.Z_NO_FLUSH, typeof e2 == "string" ? h.input = p.binstring2buf(e2) : _.call(e2) === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? h.input = new Uint8Array(e2) : h.input = e2, h.next_in = 0, h.avail_in = h.input.length; do { if (h.avail_out === 0 && (h.output = new d.Buf8(u), h.next_out = 0, h.avail_out = u), (r2 = c.inflate(h, m.Z_NO_FLUSH)) === m.Z_NEED_DICT && l && (o2 = typeof l == "string" ? p.string2buf(l) : _.call(l) === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? new Uint8Array(l) : l, r2 = c.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, o2)), r2 === m.Z_BUF_ERROR && f === true && (r2 = m.Z_OK, f = false), r2 !== m.Z_STREAM_END && r2 !== m.Z_OK) return this.onEnd(r2), !(this.ended = true); h.next_out && (h.avail_out !== 0 && r2 !== m.Z_STREAM_END && (h.avail_in !== 0 || n2 !== m.Z_FINISH && n2 !== m.Z_SYNC_FLUSH) || (this.options.to === "string" ? (i2 = p.utf8border(h.output, h.next_out), s2 = h.next_out - i2, a2 = p.buf2string(h.output, i2), h.next_out = s2, h.avail_out = u - s2, s2 && d.arraySet(h.output, h.output, i2, s2, 0), this.onData(a2)) : this.onData(d.shrinkBuf(h.output, h.next_out)))), h.avail_in === 0 && h.avail_out === 0 && (f = true); } while ((0 < h.avail_in || h.avail_out === 0) && r2 !== m.Z_STREAM_END); return r2 === m.Z_STREAM_END && (n2 = m.Z_FINISH), n2 === m.Z_FINISH ? (r2 = c.inflateEnd(this.strm), this.onEnd(r2), this.ended = true, r2 === m.Z_OK) : n2 !== m.Z_SYNC_FLUSH || (this.onEnd(m.Z_OK), !(h.avail_out = 0)); }, a.prototype.onData = function(e2) { this.chunks.push(e2); }, a.prototype.onEnd = function(e2) { e2 === m.Z_OK && (this.options.to === "string" ? this.result = this.chunks.join("") : this.result = d.flattenChunks(this.chunks)), this.chunks = [], this.err = e2, this.msg = this.strm.msg; }, r.Inflate = a, r.inflate = o, r.inflateRaw = function(e2, t2) { return (t2 = t2 || {}).raw = true, o(e2, t2); }, r.ungzip = o; }, { "./utils/common": 41, "./utils/strings": 42, "./zlib/constants": 44, "./zlib/gzheader": 47, "./zlib/inflate": 49, "./zlib/messages": 51, "./zlib/zstream": 53 }], 41: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var n = typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" && typeof Uint16Array != "undefined" && typeof Int32Array != "undefined"; r.assign = function(e2) { for (var t2 = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); t2.length; ) { var r2 = t2.shift(); if (r2) { if (typeof r2 != "object") throw new TypeError(r2 + "must be non-object"); for (var n2 in r2) r2.hasOwnProperty(n2) && (e2[n2] = r2[n2]); } } return e2; }, r.shrinkBuf = function(e2, t2) { return e2.length === t2 ? e2 : e2.subarray ? e2.subarray(0, t2) : (e2.length = t2, e2); }; var i = { arraySet: function(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) { if (t2.subarray && e2.subarray) e2.set(t2.subarray(r2, r2 + n2), i2); else for (var s2 = 0; s2 < n2; s2++) e2[i2 + s2] = t2[r2 + s2]; }, flattenChunks: function(e2) { var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2, a; for (t2 = n2 = 0, r2 = e2.length; t2 < r2; t2++) n2 += e2[t2].length; for (a = new Uint8Array(n2), t2 = i2 = 0, r2 = e2.length; t2 < r2; t2++) s2 = e2[t2], a.set(s2, i2), i2 += s2.length; return a; } }, s = { arraySet: function(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) { for (var s2 = 0; s2 < n2; s2++) e2[i2 + s2] = t2[r2 + s2]; }, flattenChunks: function(e2) { return [].concat.apply([], e2); } }; r.setTyped = function(e2) { e2 ? (r.Buf8 = Uint8Array, r.Buf16 = Uint16Array, r.Buf32 = Int32Array, r.assign(r, i)) : (r.Buf8 = Array, r.Buf16 = Array, r.Buf32 = Array, r.assign(r, s)); }, r.setTyped(n); }, {}], 42: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var h = e("./common"), i = true, s = true; try { String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [0]); } catch (e2) { i = false; } try { String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1)); } catch (e2) { s = false; } for (var u = new h.Buf8(256), n = 0; n < 256; n++) u[n] = 252 <= n ? 6 : 248 <= n ? 5 : 240 <= n ? 4 : 224 <= n ? 3 : 192 <= n ? 2 : 1; function l(e2, t2) { if (t2 < 65537 && (e2.subarray && s || !e2.subarray && i)) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, h.shrinkBuf(e2, t2)); for (var r2 = "", n2 = 0; n2 < t2; n2++) r2 += String.fromCharCode(e2[n2]); return r2; } u[254] = u[254] = 1, r.string2buf = function(e2) { var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2, a = e2.length, o = 0; for (i2 = 0; i2 < a; i2++) (64512 & (r2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2))) == 55296 && i2 + 1 < a && (64512 & (n2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2 + 1))) == 56320 && (r2 = 65536 + (r2 - 55296 << 10) + (n2 - 56320), i2++), o += r2 < 128 ? 1 : r2 < 2048 ? 2 : r2 < 65536 ? 3 : 4; for (t2 = new h.Buf8(o), i2 = s2 = 0; s2 < o; i2++) (64512 & (r2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2))) == 55296 && i2 + 1 < a && (64512 & (n2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2 + 1))) == 56320 && (r2 = 65536 + (r2 - 55296 << 10) + (n2 - 56320), i2++), r2 < 128 ? t2[s2++] = r2 : (r2 < 2048 ? t2[s2++] = 192 | r2 >>> 6 : (r2 < 65536 ? t2[s2++] = 224 | r2 >>> 12 : (t2[s2++] = 240 | r2 >>> 18, t2[s2++] = 128 | r2 >>> 12 & 63), t2[s2++] = 128 | r2 >>> 6 & 63), t2[s2++] = 128 | 63 & r2); return t2; }, r.buf2binstring = function(e2) { return l(e2, e2.length); }, r.binstring2buf = function(e2) { for (var t2 = new h.Buf8(e2.length), r2 = 0, n2 = t2.length; r2 < n2; r2++) t2[r2] = e2.charCodeAt(r2); return t2; }, r.buf2string = function(e2, t2) { var r2, n2, i2, s2, a = t2 || e2.length, o = new Array(2 * a); for (r2 = n2 = 0; r2 < a; ) if ((i2 = e2[r2++]) < 128) o[n2++] = i2; else if (4 < (s2 = u[i2])) o[n2++] = 65533, r2 += s2 - 1; else { for (i2 &= s2 === 2 ? 31 : s2 === 3 ? 15 : 7; 1 < s2 && r2 < a; ) i2 = i2 << 6 | 63 & e2[r2++], s2--; 1 < s2 ? o[n2++] = 65533 : i2 < 65536 ? o[n2++] = i2 : (i2 -= 65536, o[n2++] = 55296 | i2 >> 10 & 1023, o[n2++] = 56320 | 1023 & i2); } return l(o, n2); }, r.utf8border = function(e2, t2) { var r2; for ((t2 = t2 || e2.length) > e2.length && (t2 = e2.length), r2 = t2 - 1; 0 <= r2 && (192 & e2[r2]) == 128; ) r2--; return r2 < 0 ? t2 : r2 === 0 ? t2 : r2 + u[e2[r2]] > t2 ? r2 : t2; }; }, { "./common": 41 }], 43: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; t.exports = function(e2, t2, r2, n) { for (var i = 65535 & e2 | 0, s = e2 >>> 16 & 65535 | 0, a = 0; r2 !== 0; ) { for (r2 -= a = 2e3 < r2 ? 2e3 : r2; s = s + (i = i + t2[n++] | 0) | 0, --a; ) ; i %= 65521, s %= 65521; } return i | s << 16 | 0; }; }, {}], 44: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; t.exports = { Z_NO_FLUSH: 0, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH: 1, Z_SYNC_FLUSH: 2, Z_FULL_FLUSH: 3, Z_FINISH: 4, Z_BLOCK: 5, Z_TREES: 6, Z_OK: 0, Z_STREAM_END: 1, Z_NEED_DICT: 2, Z_ERRNO: -1, Z_STREAM_ERROR: -2, Z_DATA_ERROR: -3, Z_BUF_ERROR: -5, Z_NO_COMPRESSION: 0, Z_BEST_SPEED: 1, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION: 9, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION: -1, Z_FILTERED: 1, Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY: 2, Z_RLE: 3, Z_FIXED: 4, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY: 0, Z_BINARY: 0, Z_TEXT: 1, Z_UNKNOWN: 2, Z_DEFLATED: 8 }; }, {}], 45: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var o = function() { for (var e2, t2 = [], r2 = 0; r2 < 256; r2++) { e2 = r2; for (var n = 0; n < 8; n++) e2 = 1 & e2 ? 3988292384 ^ e2 >>> 1 : e2 >>> 1; t2[r2] = e2; } return t2; }(); t.exports = function(e2, t2, r2, n) { var i = o, s = n + r2; e2 ^= -1; for (var a = n; a < s; a++) e2 = e2 >>> 8 ^ i[255 & (e2 ^ t2[a])]; return -1 ^ e2; }; }, {}], 46: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var h, c = e("../utils/common"), u = e("./trees"), d = e("./adler32"), p = e("./crc32"), n = e("./messages"), l = 0, f = 4, m = 0, _ = -2, g = -1, b = 4, i = 2, v = 8, y = 9, s = 286, a = 30, o = 19, w = 2 * s + 1, k = 15, x = 3, S = 258, z = S + x + 1, C = 42, E = 113, A = 1, I = 2, O = 3, B = 4; function R(e2, t2) { return e2.msg = n[t2], t2; } function T(e2) { return (e2 << 1) - (4 < e2 ? 9 : 0); } function D(e2) { for (var t2 = e2.length; 0 <= --t2; ) e2[t2] = 0; } function F(e2) { var t2 = e2.state, r2 = t2.pending; r2 > e2.avail_out && (r2 = e2.avail_out), r2 !== 0 && (c.arraySet(e2.output, t2.pending_buf, t2.pending_out, r2, e2.next_out), e2.next_out += r2, t2.pending_out += r2, e2.total_out += r2, e2.avail_out -= r2, t2.pending -= r2, t2.pending === 0 && (t2.pending_out = 0)); } function N(e2, t2) { u._tr_flush_block(e2, 0 <= e2.block_start ? e2.block_start : -1, e2.strstart - e2.block_start, t2), e2.block_start = e2.strstart, F(e2.strm); } function U(e2, t2) { e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = t2; } function P(e2, t2) { e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = t2 >>> 8 & 255, e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = 255 & t2; } function L(e2, t2) { var r2, n2, i2 = e2.max_chain_length, s2 = e2.strstart, a2 = e2.prev_length, o2 = e2.nice_match, h2 = e2.strstart > e2.w_size - z ? e2.strstart - (e2.w_size - z) : 0, u2 = e2.window, l2 = e2.w_mask, f2 = e2.prev, c2 = e2.strstart + S, d2 = u2[s2 + a2 - 1], p2 = u2[s2 + a2]; e2.prev_length >= e2.good_match && (i2 >>= 2), o2 > e2.lookahead && (o2 = e2.lookahead); do { if (u2[(r2 = t2) + a2] === p2 && u2[r2 + a2 - 1] === d2 && u2[r2] === u2[s2] && u2[++r2] === u2[s2 + 1]) { s2 += 2, r2++; do { } while (u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && s2 < c2); if (n2 = S - (c2 - s2), s2 = c2 - S, a2 < n2) { if (e2.match_start = t2, o2 <= (a2 = n2)) break; d2 = u2[s2 + a2 - 1], p2 = u2[s2 + a2]; } } } while ((t2 = f2[t2 & l2]) > h2 && --i2 != 0); return a2 <= e2.lookahead ? a2 : e2.lookahead; } function j(e2) { var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2, a2, o2, h2, u2, l2, f2 = e2.w_size; do { if (i2 = e2.window_size - e2.lookahead - e2.strstart, e2.strstart >= f2 + (f2 - z)) { for (c.arraySet(e2.window, e2.window, f2, f2, 0), e2.match_start -= f2, e2.strstart -= f2, e2.block_start -= f2, t2 = r2 = e2.hash_size; n2 = e2.head[--t2], e2.head[t2] = f2 <= n2 ? n2 - f2 : 0, --r2; ) ; for (t2 = r2 = f2; n2 = e2.prev[--t2], e2.prev[t2] = f2 <= n2 ? n2 - f2 : 0, --r2; ) ; i2 += f2; } if (e2.strm.avail_in === 0) break; if (a2 = e2.strm, o2 = e2.window, h2 = e2.strstart + e2.lookahead, u2 = i2, l2 = void 0, l2 = a2.avail_in, u2 < l2 && (l2 = u2), r2 = l2 === 0 ? 0 : (a2.avail_in -= l2, c.arraySet(o2, a2.input, a2.next_in, l2, h2), a2.state.wrap === 1 ? a2.adler = d(a2.adler, o2, l2, h2) : a2.state.wrap === 2 && (a2.adler = p(a2.adler, o2, l2, h2)), a2.next_in += l2, a2.total_in += l2, l2), e2.lookahead += r2, e2.lookahead + e2.insert >= x) for (s2 = e2.strstart - e2.insert, e2.ins_h = e2.window[s2], e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[s2 + 1]) & e2.hash_mask; e2.insert && (e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[s2 + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, e2.prev[s2 & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = s2, s2++, e2.insert--, !(e2.lookahead + e2.insert < x)); ) ; } while (e2.lookahead < z && e2.strm.avail_in !== 0); } function Z(e2, t2) { for (var r2, n2; ; ) { if (e2.lookahead < z) { if (j(e2), e2.lookahead < z && t2 === l) return A; if (e2.lookahead === 0) break; } if (r2 = 0, e2.lookahead >= x && (e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, r2 = e2.prev[e2.strstart & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = e2.strstart), r2 !== 0 && e2.strstart - r2 <= e2.w_size - z && (e2.match_length = L(e2, r2)), e2.match_length >= x) if (n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, e2.strstart - e2.match_start, e2.match_length - x), e2.lookahead -= e2.match_length, e2.match_length <= e2.max_lazy_match && e2.lookahead >= x) { for (e2.match_length--; e2.strstart++, e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, r2 = e2.prev[e2.strstart & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = e2.strstart, --e2.match_length != 0; ) ; e2.strstart++; } else e2.strstart += e2.match_length, e2.match_length = 0, e2.ins_h = e2.window[e2.strstart], e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + 1]) & e2.hash_mask; else n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, 0, e2.window[e2.strstart]), e2.lookahead--, e2.strstart++; if (n2 && (N(e2, false), e2.strm.avail_out === 0)) return A; } return e2.insert = e2.strstart < x - 1 ? e2.strstart : x - 1, t2 === f ? (N(e2, true), e2.strm.avail_out === 0 ? O : B) : e2.last_lit && (N(e2, false), e2.strm.avail_out === 0) ? A : I; } function W(e2, t2) { for (var r2, n2, i2; ; ) { if (e2.lookahead < z) { if (j(e2), e2.lookahead < z && t2 === l) return A; if (e2.lookahead === 0) break; } if (r2 = 0, e2.lookahead >= x && (e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, r2 = e2.prev[e2.strstart & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = e2.strstart), e2.prev_length = e2.match_length, e2.prev_match = e2.match_start, e2.match_length = x - 1, r2 !== 0 && e2.prev_length < e2.max_lazy_match && e2.strstart - r2 <= e2.w_size - z && (e2.match_length = L(e2, r2), e2.match_length <= 5 && (e2.strategy === 1 || e2.match_length === x && 4096 < e2.strstart - e2.match_start) && (e2.match_length = x - 1)), e2.prev_length >= x && e2.match_length <= e2.prev_length) { for (i2 = e2.strstart + e2.lookahead - x, n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, e2.strstart - 1 - e2.prev_match, e2.prev_length - x), e2.lookahead -= e2.prev_length - 1, e2.prev_length -= 2; ++e2.strstart <= i2 && (e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, r2 = e2.prev[e2.strstart & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = e2.strstart), --e2.prev_length != 0; ) ; if (e2.match_available = 0, e2.match_length = x - 1, e2.strstart++, n2 && (N(e2, false), e2.strm.avail_out === 0)) return A; } else if (e2.match_available) { if ((n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, 0, e2.window[e2.strstart - 1])) && N(e2, false), e2.strstart++, e2.lookahead--, e2.strm.avail_out === 0) return A; } else e2.match_available = 1, e2.strstart++, e2.lookahead--; } return e2.match_available && (n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, 0, e2.window[e2.strstart - 1]), e2.match_available = 0), e2.insert = e2.strstart < x - 1 ? e2.strstart : x - 1, t2 === f ? (N(e2, true), e2.strm.avail_out === 0 ? O : B) : e2.last_lit && (N(e2, false), e2.strm.avail_out === 0) ? A : I; } function M(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) { this.good_length = e2, this.max_lazy = t2, this.nice_length = r2, this.max_chain = n2, this.func = i2; } function H() { this.strm = null, this.status = 0, this.pending_buf = null, this.pending_buf_size = 0, this.pending_out = 0, this.pending = 0, this.wrap = 0, this.gzhead = null, this.gzindex = 0, this.method = v, this.last_flush = -1, this.w_size = 0, this.w_bits = 0, this.w_mask = 0, this.window = null, this.window_size = 0, this.prev = null, this.head = null, this.ins_h = 0, this.hash_size = 0, this.hash_bits = 0, this.hash_mask = 0, this.hash_shift = 0, this.block_start = 0, this.match_length = 0, this.prev_match = 0, this.match_available = 0, this.strstart = 0, this.match_start = 0, this.lookahead = 0, this.prev_length = 0, this.max_chain_length = 0, this.max_lazy_match = 0, this.level = 0, this.strategy = 0, this.good_match = 0, this.nice_match = 0, this.dyn_ltree = new c.Buf16(2 * w), this.dyn_dtree = new c.Buf16(2 * (2 * a + 1)), this.bl_tree = new c.Buf16(2 * (2 * o + 1)), D(this.dyn_ltree), D(this.dyn_dtree), D(this.bl_tree), this.l_desc = null, this.d_desc = null, this.bl_desc = null, this.bl_count = new c.Buf16(k + 1), this.heap = new c.Buf16(2 * s + 1), D(this.heap), this.heap_len = 0, this.heap_max = 0, this.depth = new c.Buf16(2 * s + 1), D(this.depth), this.l_buf = 0, this.lit_bufsize = 0, this.last_lit = 0, this.d_buf = 0, this.opt_len = 0, this.static_len = 0, this.matches = 0, this.insert = 0, this.bi_buf = 0, this.bi_valid = 0; } function G(e2) { var t2; return e2 && e2.state ? (e2.total_in = e2.total_out = 0, e2.data_type = i, (t2 = e2.state).pending = 0, t2.pending_out = 0, t2.wrap < 0 && (t2.wrap = -t2.wrap), t2.status = t2.wrap ? C : E, e2.adler = t2.wrap === 2 ? 0 : 1, t2.last_flush = l, u._tr_init(t2), m) : R(e2, _); } function K(e2) { var t2 = G(e2); return t2 === m && function(e3) { e3.window_size = 2 * e3.w_size, D(e3.head), e3.max_lazy_match = h[e3.level].max_lazy, e3.good_match = h[e3.level].good_length, e3.nice_match = h[e3.level].nice_length, e3.max_chain_length = h[e3.level].max_chain, e3.strstart = 0, e3.block_start = 0, e3.lookahead = 0, e3.insert = 0, e3.match_length = e3.prev_length = x - 1, e3.match_available = 0, e3.ins_h = 0; }(e2.state), t2; } function Y(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2, s2) { if (!e2) return _; var a2 = 1; if (t2 === g && (t2 = 6), n2 < 0 ? (a2 = 0, n2 = -n2) : 15 < n2 && (a2 = 2, n2 -= 16), i2 < 1 || y < i2 || r2 !== v || n2 < 8 || 15 < n2 || t2 < 0 || 9 < t2 || s2 < 0 || b < s2) return R(e2, _); n2 === 8 && (n2 = 9); var o2 = new H(); return (e2.state = o2).strm = e2, o2.wrap = a2, o2.gzhead = null, o2.w_bits = n2, o2.w_size = 1 << o2.w_bits, o2.w_mask = o2.w_size - 1, o2.hash_bits = i2 + 7, o2.hash_size = 1 << o2.hash_bits, o2.hash_mask = o2.hash_size - 1, o2.hash_shift = ~~((o2.hash_bits + x - 1) / x), o2.window = new c.Buf8(2 * o2.w_size), o2.head = new c.Buf16(o2.hash_size), o2.prev = new c.Buf16(o2.w_size), o2.lit_bufsize = 1 << i2 + 6, o2.pending_buf_size = 4 * o2.lit_bufsize, o2.pending_buf = new c.Buf8(o2.pending_buf_size), o2.d_buf = 1 * o2.lit_bufsize, o2.l_buf = 3 * o2.lit_bufsize, o2.level = t2, o2.strategy = s2, o2.method = r2, K(e2); } h = [new M(0, 0, 0, 0, function(e2, t2) { var r2 = 65535; for (r2 > e2.pending_buf_size - 5 && (r2 = e2.pending_buf_size - 5); ; ) { if (e2.lookahead <= 1) { if (j(e2), e2.lookahead === 0 && t2 === l) return A; if (e2.lookahead === 0) break; } e2.strstart += e2.lookahead, e2.lookahead = 0; var n2 = e2.block_start + r2; if ((e2.strstart === 0 || e2.strstart >= n2) && (e2.lookahead = e2.strstart - n2, e2.strstart = n2, N(e2, false), e2.strm.avail_out === 0)) return A; if (e2.strstart - e2.block_start >= e2.w_size - z && (N(e2, false), e2.strm.avail_out === 0)) return A; } return e2.insert = 0, t2 === f ? (N(e2, true), e2.strm.avail_out === 0 ? O : B) : (e2.strstart > e2.block_start && (N(e2, false), e2.strm.avail_out), A); }), new M(4, 4, 8, 4, Z), new M(4, 5, 16, 8, Z), new M(4, 6, 32, 32, Z), new M(4, 4, 16, 16, W), new M(8, 16, 32, 32, W), new M(8, 16, 128, 128, W), new M(8, 32, 128, 256, W), new M(32, 128, 258, 1024, W), new M(32, 258, 258, 4096, W)], r.deflateInit = function(e2, t2) { return Y(e2, t2, v, 15, 8, 0); }, r.deflateInit2 = Y, r.deflateReset = K, r.deflateResetKeep = G, r.deflateSetHeader = function(e2, t2) { return e2 && e2.state ? e2.state.wrap !== 2 ? _ : (e2.state.gzhead = t2, m) : _; }, r.deflate = function(e2, t2) { var r2, n2, i2, s2; if (!e2 || !e2.state || 5 < t2 || t2 < 0) return e2 ? R(e2, _) : _; if (n2 = e2.state, !e2.output || !e2.input && e2.avail_in !== 0 || n2.status === 666 && t2 !== f) return R(e2, e2.avail_out === 0 ? -5 : _); if (n2.strm = e2, r2 = n2.last_flush, n2.last_flush = t2, n2.status === C) if (n2.wrap === 2) e2.adler = 0, U(n2, 31), U(n2, 139), U(n2, 8), n2.gzhead ? (U(n2, (n2.gzhead.text ? 1 : 0) + (n2.gzhead.hcrc ? 2 : 0) + (n2.gzhead.extra ? 4 : 0) + (n2.gzhead.name ? 8 : 0) + (n2.gzhead.comment ? 16 : 0)), U(n2, 255 & n2.gzhead.time), U(n2, n2.gzhead.time >> 8 & 255), U(n2, n2.gzhead.time >> 16 & 255), U(n2, n2.gzhead.time >> 24 & 255), U(n2, n2.level === 9 ? 2 : 2 <= n2.strategy || n2.level < 2 ? 4 : 0), U(n2, 255 & n2.gzhead.os), n2.gzhead.extra && n2.gzhead.extra.length && (U(n2, 255 & n2.gzhead.extra.length), U(n2, n2.gzhead.extra.length >> 8 & 255)), n2.gzhead.hcrc && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending, 0)), n2.gzindex = 0, n2.status = 69) : (U(n2, 0), U(n2, 0), U(n2, 0), U(n2, 0), U(n2, 0), U(n2, n2.level === 9 ? 2 : 2 <= n2.strategy || n2.level < 2 ? 4 : 0), U(n2, 3), n2.status = E); else { var a2 = v + (n2.w_bits - 8 << 4) << 8; a2 |= (2 <= n2.strategy || n2.level < 2 ? 0 : n2.level < 6 ? 1 : n2.level === 6 ? 2 : 3) << 6, n2.strstart !== 0 && (a2 |= 32), a2 += 31 - a2 % 31, n2.status = E, P(n2, a2), n2.strstart !== 0 && (P(n2, e2.adler >>> 16), P(n2, 65535 & e2.adler)), e2.adler = 1; } if (n2.status === 69) if (n2.gzhead.extra) { for (i2 = n2.pending; n2.gzindex < (65535 & n2.gzhead.extra.length) && (n2.pending !== n2.pending_buf_size || (n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), F(e2), i2 = n2.pending, n2.pending !== n2.pending_buf_size)); ) U(n2, 255 & n2.gzhead.extra[n2.gzindex]), n2.gzindex++; n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), n2.gzindex === n2.gzhead.extra.length && (n2.gzindex = 0, n2.status = 73); } else n2.status = 73; if (n2.status === 73) if (n2.gzhead.name) { i2 = n2.pending; do { if (n2.pending === n2.pending_buf_size && (n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), F(e2), i2 = n2.pending, n2.pending === n2.pending_buf_size)) { s2 = 1; break; } s2 = n2.gzindex < n2.gzhead.name.length ? 255 & n2.gzhead.name.charCodeAt(n2.gzindex++) : 0, U(n2, s2); } while (s2 !== 0); n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), s2 === 0 && (n2.gzindex = 0, n2.status = 91); } else n2.status = 91; if (n2.status === 91) if (n2.gzhead.comment) { i2 = n2.pending; do { if (n2.pending === n2.pending_buf_size && (n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), F(e2), i2 = n2.pending, n2.pending === n2.pending_buf_size)) { s2 = 1; break; } s2 = n2.gzindex < n2.gzhead.comment.length ? 255 & n2.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(n2.gzindex++) : 0, U(n2, s2); } while (s2 !== 0); n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), s2 === 0 && (n2.status = 103); } else n2.status = 103; if (n2.status === 103 && (n2.gzhead.hcrc ? (n2.pending + 2 > n2.pending_buf_size && F(e2), n2.pending + 2 <= n2.pending_buf_size && (U(n2, 255 & e2.adler), U(n2, e2.adler >> 8 & 255), e2.adler = 0, n2.status = E)) : n2.status = E), n2.pending !== 0) { if (F(e2), e2.avail_out === 0) return n2.last_flush = -1, m; } else if (e2.avail_in === 0 && T(t2) <= T(r2) && t2 !== f) return R(e2, -5); if (n2.status === 666 && e2.avail_in !== 0) return R(e2, -5); if (e2.avail_in !== 0 || n2.lookahead !== 0 || t2 !== l && n2.status !== 666) { var o2 = n2.strategy === 2 ? function(e3, t3) { for (var r3; ; ) { if (e3.lookahead === 0 && (j(e3), e3.lookahead === 0)) { if (t3 === l) return A; break; } if (e3.match_length = 0, r3 = u._tr_tally(e3, 0, e3.window[e3.strstart]), e3.lookahead--, e3.strstart++, r3 && (N(e3, false), e3.strm.avail_out === 0)) return A; } return e3.insert = 0, t3 === f ? (N(e3, true), e3.strm.avail_out === 0 ? O : B) : e3.last_lit && (N(e3, false), e3.strm.avail_out === 0) ? A : I; }(n2, t2) : n2.strategy === 3 ? function(e3, t3) { for (var r3, n3, i3, s3, a3 = e3.window; ; ) { if (e3.lookahead <= S) { if (j(e3), e3.lookahead <= S && t3 === l) return A; if (e3.lookahead === 0) break; } if (e3.match_length = 0, e3.lookahead >= x && 0 < e3.strstart && (n3 = a3[i3 = e3.strstart - 1]) === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3]) { s3 = e3.strstart + S; do { } while (n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && i3 < s3); e3.match_length = S - (s3 - i3), e3.match_length > e3.lookahead && (e3.match_length = e3.lookahead); } if (e3.match_length >= x ? (r3 = u._tr_tally(e3, 1, e3.match_length - x), e3.lookahead -= e3.match_length, e3.strstart += e3.match_length, e3.match_length = 0) : (r3 = u._tr_tally(e3, 0, e3.window[e3.strstart]), e3.lookahead--, e3.strstart++), r3 && (N(e3, false), e3.strm.avail_out === 0)) return A; } return e3.insert = 0, t3 === f ? (N(e3, true), e3.strm.avail_out === 0 ? O : B) : e3.last_lit && (N(e3, false), e3.strm.avail_out === 0) ? A : I; }(n2, t2) : h[n2.level].func(n2, t2); if (o2 !== O && o2 !== B || (n2.status = 666), o2 === A || o2 === O) return e2.avail_out === 0 && (n2.last_flush = -1), m; if (o2 === I && (t2 === 1 ? u._tr_align(n2) : t2 !== 5 && (u._tr_stored_block(n2, 0, 0, false), t2 === 3 && (D(n2.head), n2.lookahead === 0 && (n2.strstart = 0, n2.block_start = 0, n2.insert = 0))), F(e2), e2.avail_out === 0)) return n2.last_flush = -1, m; } return t2 !== f ? m : n2.wrap <= 0 ? 1 : (n2.wrap === 2 ? (U(n2, 255 & e2.adler), U(n2, e2.adler >> 8 & 255), U(n2, e2.adler >> 16 & 255), U(n2, e2.adler >> 24 & 255), U(n2, 255 & e2.total_in), U(n2, e2.total_in >> 8 & 255), U(n2, e2.total_in >> 16 & 255), U(n2, e2.total_in >> 24 & 255)) : (P(n2, e2.adler >>> 16), P(n2, 65535 & e2.adler)), F(e2), 0 < n2.wrap && (n2.wrap = -n2.wrap), n2.pending !== 0 ? m : 1); }, r.deflateEnd = function(e2) { var t2; return e2 && e2.state ? (t2 = e2.state.status) !== C && t2 !== 69 && t2 !== 73 && t2 !== 91 && t2 !== 103 && t2 !== E && t2 !== 666 ? R(e2, _) : (e2.state = null, t2 === E ? R(e2, -3) : m) : _; }, r.deflateSetDictionary = function(e2, t2) { var r2, n2, i2, s2, a2, o2, h2, u2, l2 = t2.length; if (!e2 || !e2.state) return _; if ((s2 = (r2 = e2.state).wrap) === 2 || s2 === 1 && r2.status !== C || r2.lookahead) return _; for (s2 === 1 && (e2.adler = d(e2.adler, t2, l2, 0)), r2.wrap = 0, l2 >= r2.w_size && (s2 === 0 && (D(r2.head), r2.strstart = 0, r2.block_start = 0, r2.insert = 0), u2 = new c.Buf8(r2.w_size), c.arraySet(u2, t2, l2 - r2.w_size, r2.w_size, 0), t2 = u2, l2 = r2.w_size), a2 = e2.avail_in, o2 = e2.next_in, h2 = e2.input, e2.avail_in = l2, e2.next_in = 0, e2.input = t2, j(r2); r2.lookahead >= x; ) { for (n2 = r2.strstart, i2 = r2.lookahead - (x - 1); r2.ins_h = (r2.ins_h << r2.hash_shift ^ r2.window[n2 + x - 1]) & r2.hash_mask, r2.prev[n2 & r2.w_mask] = r2.head[r2.ins_h], r2.head[r2.ins_h] = n2, n2++, --i2; ) ; r2.strstart = n2, r2.lookahead = x - 1, j(r2); } return r2.strstart += r2.lookahead, r2.block_start = r2.strstart, r2.insert = r2.lookahead, r2.lookahead = 0, r2.match_length = r2.prev_length = x - 1, r2.match_available = 0, e2.next_in = o2, e2.input = h2, e2.avail_in = a2, r2.wrap = s2, m; }, r.deflateInfo = "pako deflate (from Nodeca project)"; }, { "../utils/common": 41, "./adler32": 43, "./crc32": 45, "./messages": 51, "./trees": 52 }], 47: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; t.exports = function() { this.text = 0, this.time = 0, this.xflags = 0, this.os = 0, this.extra = null, this.extra_len = 0, this.name = "", this.comment = "", this.hcrc = 0, this.done = false; }; }, {}], 48: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; t.exports = function(e2, t2) { var r2, n, i, s, a, o, h, u, l, f, c, d, p, m, _, g, b, v, y, w, k, x, S, z, C; r2 = e2.state, n = e2.next_in, z = e2.input, i = n + (e2.avail_in - 5), s = e2.next_out, C = e2.output, a = s - (t2 - e2.avail_out), o = s + (e2.avail_out - 257), h = r2.dmax, u = r2.wsize, l = r2.whave, f = r2.wnext, c = r2.window, d = r2.hold, p = r2.bits, m = r2.lencode, _ = r2.distcode, g = (1 << r2.lenbits) - 1, b = (1 << r2.distbits) - 1; e: do { p < 15 && (d += z[n++] << p, p += 8, d += z[n++] << p, p += 8), v = m[d & g]; t: for (; ; ) { if (d >>>= y = v >>> 24, p -= y, (y = v >>> 16 & 255) === 0) C[s++] = 65535 & v; else { if (!(16 & y)) { if ((64 & y) == 0) { v = m[(65535 & v) + (d & (1 << y) - 1)]; continue t; } if (32 & y) { r2.mode = 12; break e; } e2.msg = "invalid literal/length code", r2.mode = 30; break e; } w = 65535 & v, (y &= 15) && (p < y && (d += z[n++] << p, p += 8), w += d & (1 << y) - 1, d >>>= y, p -= y), p < 15 && (d += z[n++] << p, p += 8, d += z[n++] << p, p += 8), v = _[d & b]; r: for (; ; ) { if (d >>>= y = v >>> 24, p -= y, !(16 & (y = v >>> 16 & 255))) { if ((64 & y) == 0) { v = _[(65535 & v) + (d & (1 << y) - 1)]; continue r; } e2.msg = "invalid distance code", r2.mode = 30; break e; } if (k = 65535 & v, p < (y &= 15) && (d += z[n++] << p, (p += 8) < y && (d += z[n++] << p, p += 8)), h < (k += d & (1 << y) - 1)) { e2.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r2.mode = 30; break e; } if (d >>>= y, p -= y, (y = s - a) < k) { if (l < (y = k - y) && r2.sane) { e2.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r2.mode = 30; break e; } if (S = c, (x = 0) === f) { if (x += u - y, y < w) { for (w -= y; C[s++] = c[x++], --y; ) ; x = s - k, S = C; } } else if (f < y) { if (x += u + f - y, (y -= f) < w) { for (w -= y; C[s++] = c[x++], --y; ) ; if (x = 0, f < w) { for (w -= y = f; C[s++] = c[x++], --y; ) ; x = s - k, S = C; } } } else if (x += f - y, y < w) { for (w -= y; C[s++] = c[x++], --y; ) ; x = s - k, S = C; } for (; 2 < w; ) C[s++] = S[x++], C[s++] = S[x++], C[s++] = S[x++], w -= 3; w && (C[s++] = S[x++], 1 < w && (C[s++] = S[x++])); } else { for (x = s - k; C[s++] = C[x++], C[s++] = C[x++], C[s++] = C[x++], 2 < (w -= 3); ) ; w && (C[s++] = C[x++], 1 < w && (C[s++] = C[x++])); } break; } } break; } } while (n < i && s < o); n -= w = p >> 3, d &= (1 << (p -= w << 3)) - 1, e2.next_in = n, e2.next_out = s, e2.avail_in = n < i ? i - n + 5 : 5 - (n - i), e2.avail_out = s < o ? o - s + 257 : 257 - (s - o), r2.hold = d, r2.bits = p; }; }, {}], 49: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var I = e("../utils/common"), O = e("./adler32"), B = e("./crc32"), R = e("./inffast"), T = e("./inftrees"), D = 1, F = 2, N = 0, U = -2, P = 1, n = 852, i = 592; function L(e2) { return (e2 >>> 24 & 255) + (e2 >>> 8 & 65280) + ((65280 & e2) << 8) + ((255 & e2) << 24); } function s() { this.mode = 0, this.last = false, this.wrap = 0, this.havedict = false, this.flags = 0, this.dmax = 0, this.check = 0, this.total = 0, this.head = null, this.wbits = 0, this.wsize = 0, this.whave = 0, this.wnext = 0, this.window = null, this.hold = 0, this.bits = 0, this.length = 0, this.offset = 0, this.extra = 0, this.lencode = null, this.distcode = null, this.lenbits = 0, this.distbits = 0, this.ncode = 0, this.nlen = 0, this.ndist = 0, this.have = 0, this.next = null, this.lens = new I.Buf16(320), this.work = new I.Buf16(288), this.lendyn = null, this.distdyn = null, this.sane = 0, this.back = 0, this.was = 0; } function a(e2) { var t2; return e2 && e2.state ? (t2 = e2.state, e2.total_in = e2.total_out = t2.total = 0, e2.msg = "", t2.wrap && (e2.adler = 1 & t2.wrap), t2.mode = P, t2.last = 0, t2.havedict = 0, t2.dmax = 32768, t2.head = null, t2.hold = 0, t2.bits = 0, t2.lencode = t2.lendyn = new I.Buf32(n), t2.distcode = t2.distdyn = new I.Buf32(i), t2.sane = 1, t2.back = -1, N) : U; } function o(e2) { var t2; return e2 && e2.state ? ((t2 = e2.state).wsize = 0, t2.whave = 0, t2.wnext = 0, a(e2)) : U; } function h(e2, t2) { var r2, n2; return e2 && e2.state ? (n2 = e2.state, t2 < 0 ? (r2 = 0, t2 = -t2) : (r2 = 1 + (t2 >> 4), t2 < 48 && (t2 &= 15)), t2 && (t2 < 8 || 15 < t2) ? U : (n2.window !== null && n2.wbits !== t2 && (n2.window = null), n2.wrap = r2, n2.wbits = t2, o(e2))) : U; } function u(e2, t2) { var r2, n2; return e2 ? (n2 = new s(), (e2.state = n2).window = null, (r2 = h(e2, t2)) !== N && (e2.state = null), r2) : U; } var l, f, c = true; function j(e2) { if (c) { var t2; for (l = new I.Buf32(512), f = new I.Buf32(32), t2 = 0; t2 < 144; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 8; for (; t2 < 256; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 9; for (; t2 < 280; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 7; for (; t2 < 288; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 8; for (T(D, e2.lens, 0, 288, l, 0, e2.work, { bits: 9 }), t2 = 0; t2 < 32; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 5; T(F, e2.lens, 0, 32, f, 0, e2.work, { bits: 5 }), c = false; } e2.lencode = l, e2.lenbits = 9, e2.distcode = f, e2.distbits = 5; } function Z(e2, t2, r2, n2) { var i2, s2 = e2.state; return s2.window === null && (s2.wsize = 1 << s2.wbits, s2.wnext = 0, s2.whave = 0, s2.window = new I.Buf8(s2.wsize)), n2 >= s2.wsize ? (I.arraySet(s2.window, t2, r2 - s2.wsize, s2.wsize, 0), s2.wnext = 0, s2.whave = s2.wsize) : (n2 < (i2 = s2.wsize - s2.wnext) && (i2 = n2), I.arraySet(s2.window, t2, r2 - n2, i2, s2.wnext), (n2 -= i2) ? (I.arraySet(s2.window, t2, r2 - n2, n2, 0), s2.wnext = n2, s2.whave = s2.wsize) : (s2.wnext += i2, s2.wnext === s2.wsize && (s2.wnext = 0), s2.whave < s2.wsize && (s2.whave += i2))), 0; } r.inflateReset = o, r.inflateReset2 = h, r.inflateResetKeep = a, r.inflateInit = function(e2) { return u(e2, 15); }, r.inflateInit2 = u, r.inflate = function(e2, t2) { var r2, n2, i2, s2, a2, o2, h2, u2, l2, f2, c2, d, p, m, _, g, b, v, y, w, k, x, S, z, C = 0, E = new I.Buf8(4), A = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]; if (!e2 || !e2.state || !e2.output || !e2.input && e2.avail_in !== 0) return U; (r2 = e2.state).mode === 12 && (r2.mode = 13), a2 = e2.next_out, i2 = e2.output, h2 = e2.avail_out, s2 = e2.next_in, n2 = e2.input, o2 = e2.avail_in, u2 = r2.hold, l2 = r2.bits, f2 = o2, c2 = h2, x = N; e: for (; ; ) switch (r2.mode) { case P: if (r2.wrap === 0) { r2.mode = 13; break; } for (; l2 < 16; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } if (2 & r2.wrap && u2 === 35615) { E[r2.check = 0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 2, 0), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 2; break; } if (r2.flags = 0, r2.head && (r2.head.done = false), !(1 & r2.wrap) || (((255 & u2) << 8) + (u2 >> 8)) % 31) { e2.msg = "incorrect header check", r2.mode = 30; break; } if ((15 & u2) != 8) { e2.msg = "unknown compression method", r2.mode = 30; break; } if (l2 -= 4, k = 8 + (15 & (u2 >>>= 4)), r2.wbits === 0) r2.wbits = k; else if (k > r2.wbits) { e2.msg = "invalid window size", r2.mode = 30; break; } r2.dmax = 1 << k, e2.adler = r2.check = 1, r2.mode = 512 & u2 ? 10 : 12, l2 = u2 = 0; break; case 2: for (; l2 < 16; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } if (r2.flags = u2, (255 & r2.flags) != 8) { e2.msg = "unknown compression method", r2.mode = 30; break; } if (57344 & r2.flags) { e2.msg = "unknown header flags set", r2.mode = 30; break; } r2.head && (r2.head.text = u2 >> 8 & 1), 512 & r2.flags && (E[0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 2, 0)), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 3; case 3: for (; l2 < 32; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } r2.head && (r2.head.time = u2), 512 & r2.flags && (E[0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, E[2] = u2 >>> 16 & 255, E[3] = u2 >>> 24 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 4, 0)), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 4; case 4: for (; l2 < 16; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } r2.head && (r2.head.xflags = 255 & u2, r2.head.os = u2 >> 8), 512 & r2.flags && (E[0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 2, 0)), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 5; case 5: if (1024 & r2.flags) { for (; l2 < 16; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } r2.length = u2, r2.head && (r2.head.extra_len = u2), 512 & r2.flags && (E[0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 2, 0)), l2 = u2 = 0; } else r2.head && (r2.head.extra = null); r2.mode = 6; case 6: if (1024 & r2.flags && (o2 < (d = r2.length) && (d = o2), d && (r2.head && (k = r2.head.extra_len - r2.length, r2.head.extra || (r2.head.extra = new Array(r2.head.extra_len)), I.arraySet(r2.head.extra, n2, s2, d, k)), 512 & r2.flags && (r2.check = B(r2.check, n2, d, s2)), o2 -= d, s2 += d, r2.length -= d), r2.length)) break e; r2.length = 0, r2.mode = 7; case 7: if (2048 & r2.flags) { if (o2 === 0) break e; for (d = 0; k = n2[s2 + d++], r2.head && k && r2.length < 65536 && (r2.head.name += String.fromCharCode(k)), k && d < o2; ) ; if (512 & r2.flags && (r2.check = B(r2.check, n2, d, s2)), o2 -= d, s2 += d, k) break e; } else r2.head && (r2.head.name = null); r2.length = 0, r2.mode = 8; case 8: if (4096 & r2.flags) { if (o2 === 0) break e; for (d = 0; k = n2[s2 + d++], r2.head && k && r2.length < 65536 && (r2.head.comment += String.fromCharCode(k)), k && d < o2; ) ; if (512 & r2.flags && (r2.check = B(r2.check, n2, d, s2)), o2 -= d, s2 += d, k) break e; } else r2.head && (r2.head.comment = null); r2.mode = 9; case 9: if (512 & r2.flags) { for (; l2 < 16; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } if (u2 !== (65535 & r2.check)) { e2.msg = "header crc mismatch", r2.mode = 30; break; } l2 = u2 = 0; } r2.head && (r2.head.hcrc = r2.flags >> 9 & 1, r2.head.done = true), e2.adler = r2.check = 0, r2.mode = 12; break; case 10: for (; l2 < 32; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } e2.adler = r2.check = L(u2), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 11; case 11: if (r2.havedict === 0) return e2.next_out = a2, e2.avail_out = h2, e2.next_in = s2, e2.avail_in = o2, r2.hold = u2, r2.bits = l2, 2; e2.adler = r2.check = 1, r2.mode = 12; case 12: if (t2 === 5 || t2 === 6) break e; case 13: if (r2.last) { u2 >>>= 7 & l2, l2 -= 7 & l2, r2.mode = 27; break; } for (; l2 < 3; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } switch (r2.last = 1 & u2, l2 -= 1, 3 & (u2 >>>= 1)) { case 0: r2.mode = 14; break; case 1: if (j(r2), r2.mode = 20, t2 !== 6) break; u2 >>>= 2, l2 -= 2; break e; case 2: r2.mode = 17; break; case 3: e2.msg = "invalid block type", r2.mode = 30; } u2 >>>= 2, l2 -= 2; break; case 14: for (u2 >>>= 7 & l2, l2 -= 7 & l2; l2 < 32; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } if ((65535 & u2) != (u2 >>> 16 ^ 65535)) { e2.msg = "invalid stored block lengths", r2.mode = 30; break; } if (r2.length = 65535 & u2, l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 15, t2 === 6) break e; case 15: r2.mode = 16; case 16: if (d = r2.length) { if (o2 < d && (d = o2), h2 < d && (d = h2), d === 0) break e; I.arraySet(i2, n2, s2, d, a2), o2 -= d, s2 += d, h2 -= d, a2 += d, r2.length -= d; break; } r2.mode = 12; break; case 17: for (; l2 < 14; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } if (r2.nlen = 257 + (31 & u2), u2 >>>= 5, l2 -= 5, r2.ndist = 1 + (31 & u2), u2 >>>= 5, l2 -= 5, r2.ncode = 4 + (15 & u2), u2 >>>= 4, l2 -= 4, 286 < r2.nlen || 30 < r2.ndist) { e2.msg = "too many length or distance symbols", r2.mode = 30; break; } r2.have = 0, r2.mode = 18; case 18: for (; r2.have < r2.ncode; ) { for (; l2 < 3; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } r2.lens[A[r2.have++]] = 7 & u2, u2 >>>= 3, l2 -= 3; } for (; r2.have < 19; ) r2.lens[A[r2.have++]] = 0; if (r2.lencode = r2.lendyn, r2.lenbits = 7, S = { bits: r2.lenbits }, x = T(0, r2.lens, 0, 19, r2.lencode, 0, r2.work, S), r2.lenbits = S.bits, x) { e2.msg = "invalid code lengths set", r2.mode = 30; break; } r2.have = 0, r2.mode = 19; case 19: for (; r2.have < r2.nlen + r2.ndist; ) { for (; g = (C = r2.lencode[u2 & (1 << r2.lenbits) - 1]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !((_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } if (b < 16) u2 >>>= _, l2 -= _, r2.lens[r2.have++] = b; else { if (b === 16) { for (z = _ + 2; l2 < z; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } if (u2 >>>= _, l2 -= _, r2.have === 0) { e2.msg = "invalid bit length repeat", r2.mode = 30; break; } k = r2.lens[r2.have - 1], d = 3 + (3 & u2), u2 >>>= 2, l2 -= 2; } else if (b === 17) { for (z = _ + 3; l2 < z; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } l2 -= _, k = 0, d = 3 + (7 & (u2 >>>= _)), u2 >>>= 3, l2 -= 3; } else { for (z = _ + 7; l2 < z; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } l2 -= _, k = 0, d = 11 + (127 & (u2 >>>= _)), u2 >>>= 7, l2 -= 7; } if (r2.have + d > r2.nlen + r2.ndist) { e2.msg = "invalid bit length repeat", r2.mode = 30; break; } for (; d--; ) r2.lens[r2.have++] = k; } } if (r2.mode === 30) break; if (r2.lens[256] === 0) { e2.msg = "invalid code -- missing end-of-block", r2.mode = 30; break; } if (r2.lenbits = 9, S = { bits: r2.lenbits }, x = T(D, r2.lens, 0, r2.nlen, r2.lencode, 0, r2.work, S), r2.lenbits = S.bits, x) { e2.msg = "invalid literal/lengths set", r2.mode = 30; break; } if (r2.distbits = 6, r2.distcode = r2.distdyn, S = { bits: r2.distbits }, x = T(F, r2.lens, r2.nlen, r2.ndist, r2.distcode, 0, r2.work, S), r2.distbits = S.bits, x) { e2.msg = "invalid distances set", r2.mode = 30; break; } if (r2.mode = 20, t2 === 6) break e; case 20: r2.mode = 21; case 21: if (6 <= o2 && 258 <= h2) { e2.next_out = a2, e2.avail_out = h2, e2.next_in = s2, e2.avail_in = o2, r2.hold = u2, r2.bits = l2, R(e2, c2), a2 = e2.next_out, i2 = e2.output, h2 = e2.avail_out, s2 = e2.next_in, n2 = e2.input, o2 = e2.avail_in, u2 = r2.hold, l2 = r2.bits, r2.mode === 12 && (r2.back = -1); break; } for (r2.back = 0; g = (C = r2.lencode[u2 & (1 << r2.lenbits) - 1]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !((_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } if (g && (240 & g) == 0) { for (v = _, y = g, w = b; g = (C = r2.lencode[w + ((u2 & (1 << v + y) - 1) >> v)]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !(v + (_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } u2 >>>= v, l2 -= v, r2.back += v; } if (u2 >>>= _, l2 -= _, r2.back += _, r2.length = b, g === 0) { r2.mode = 26; break; } if (32 & g) { r2.back = -1, r2.mode = 12; break; } if (64 & g) { e2.msg = "invalid literal/length code", r2.mode = 30; break; } r2.extra = 15 & g, r2.mode = 22; case 22: if (r2.extra) { for (z = r2.extra; l2 < z; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } r2.length += u2 & (1 << r2.extra) - 1, u2 >>>= r2.extra, l2 -= r2.extra, r2.back += r2.extra; } r2.was = r2.length, r2.mode = 23; case 23: for (; g = (C = r2.distcode[u2 & (1 << r2.distbits) - 1]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !((_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } if ((240 & g) == 0) { for (v = _, y = g, w = b; g = (C = r2.distcode[w + ((u2 & (1 << v + y) - 1) >> v)]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !(v + (_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } u2 >>>= v, l2 -= v, r2.back += v; } if (u2 >>>= _, l2 -= _, r2.back += _, 64 & g) { e2.msg = "invalid distance code", r2.mode = 30; break; } r2.offset = b, r2.extra = 15 & g, r2.mode = 24; case 24: if (r2.extra) { for (z = r2.extra; l2 < z; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } r2.offset += u2 & (1 << r2.extra) - 1, u2 >>>= r2.extra, l2 -= r2.extra, r2.back += r2.extra; } if (r2.offset > r2.dmax) { e2.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r2.mode = 30; break; } r2.mode = 25; case 25: if (h2 === 0) break e; if (d = c2 - h2, r2.offset > d) { if ((d = r2.offset - d) > r2.whave && r2.sane) { e2.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r2.mode = 30; break; } p = d > r2.wnext ? (d -= r2.wnext, r2.wsize - d) : r2.wnext - d, d > r2.length && (d = r2.length), m = r2.window; } else m = i2, p = a2 - r2.offset, d = r2.length; for (h2 < d && (d = h2), h2 -= d, r2.length -= d; i2[a2++] = m[p++], --d; ) ; r2.length === 0 && (r2.mode = 21); break; case 26: if (h2 === 0) break e; i2[a2++] = r2.length, h2--, r2.mode = 21; break; case 27: if (r2.wrap) { for (; l2 < 32; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 |= n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } if (c2 -= h2, e2.total_out += c2, r2.total += c2, c2 && (e2.adler = r2.check = r2.flags ? B(r2.check, i2, c2, a2 - c2) : O(r2.check, i2, c2, a2 - c2)), c2 = h2, (r2.flags ? u2 : L(u2)) !== r2.check) { e2.msg = "incorrect data check", r2.mode = 30; break; } l2 = u2 = 0; } r2.mode = 28; case 28: if (r2.wrap && r2.flags) { for (; l2 < 32; ) { if (o2 === 0) break e; o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; } if (u2 !== (4294967295 & r2.total)) { e2.msg = "incorrect length check", r2.mode = 30; break; } l2 = u2 = 0; } r2.mode = 29; case 29: x = 1; break e; case 30: x = -3; break e; case 31: return -4; case 32: default: return U; } return e2.next_out = a2, e2.avail_out = h2, e2.next_in = s2, e2.avail_in = o2, r2.hold = u2, r2.bits = l2, (r2.wsize || c2 !== e2.avail_out && r2.mode < 30 && (r2.mode < 27 || t2 !== 4)) && Z(e2, e2.output, e2.next_out, c2 - e2.avail_out) ? (r2.mode = 31, -4) : (f2 -= e2.avail_in, c2 -= e2.avail_out, e2.total_in += f2, e2.total_out += c2, r2.total += c2, r2.wrap && c2 && (e2.adler = r2.check = r2.flags ? B(r2.check, i2, c2, e2.next_out - c2) : O(r2.check, i2, c2, e2.next_out - c2)), e2.data_type = r2.bits + (r2.last ? 64 : 0) + (r2.mode === 12 ? 128 : 0) + (r2.mode === 20 || r2.mode === 15 ? 256 : 0), (f2 == 0 && c2 === 0 || t2 === 4) && x === N && (x = -5), x); }, r.inflateEnd = function(e2) { if (!e2 || !e2.state) return U; var t2 = e2.state; return t2.window && (t2.window = null), e2.state = null, N; }, r.inflateGetHeader = function(e2, t2) { var r2; return e2 && e2.state ? (2 & (r2 = e2.state).wrap) == 0 ? U : ((r2.head = t2).done = false, N) : U; }, r.inflateSetDictionary = function(e2, t2) { var r2, n2 = t2.length; return e2 && e2.state ? (r2 = e2.state).wrap !== 0 && r2.mode !== 11 ? U : r2.mode === 11 && O(1, t2, n2, 0) !== r2.check ? -3 : Z(e2, t2, n2, n2) ? (r2.mode = 31, -4) : (r2.havedict = 1, N) : U; }, r.inflateInfo = "pako inflate (from Nodeca project)"; }, { "../utils/common": 41, "./adler32": 43, "./crc32": 45, "./inffast": 48, "./inftrees": 50 }], 50: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var D = e("../utils/common"), F = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0], N = [16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 72, 78], U = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0], P = [16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 29, 29, 64, 64]; t.exports = function(e2, t2, r2, n, i, s, a, o) { var h, u, l, f, c, d, p, m, _, g = o.bits, b = 0, v = 0, y = 0, w = 0, k = 0, x = 0, S = 0, z = 0, C = 0, E = 0, A = null, I = 0, O = new D.Buf16(16), B = new D.Buf16(16), R = null, T = 0; for (b = 0; b <= 15; b++) O[b] = 0; for (v = 0; v < n; v++) O[t2[r2 + v]]++; for (k = g, w = 15; 1 <= w && O[w] === 0; w--) ; if (w < k && (k = w), w === 0) return i[s++] = 20971520, i[s++] = 20971520, o.bits = 1, 0; for (y = 1; y < w && O[y] === 0; y++) ; for (k < y && (k = y), b = z = 1; b <= 15; b++) if (z <<= 1, (z -= O[b]) < 0) return -1; if (0 < z && (e2 === 0 || w !== 1)) return -1; for (B[1] = 0, b = 1; b < 15; b++) B[b + 1] = B[b] + O[b]; for (v = 0; v < n; v++) t2[r2 + v] !== 0 && (a[B[t2[r2 + v]]++] = v); if (d = e2 === 0 ? (A = R = a, 19) : e2 === 1 ? (A = F, I -= 257, R = N, T -= 257, 256) : (A = U, R = P, -1), b = y, c = s, S = v = E = 0, l = -1, f = (C = 1 << (x = k)) - 1, e2 === 1 && 852 < C || e2 === 2 && 592 < C) return 1; for (; ; ) { for (p = b - S, _ = a[v] < d ? (m = 0, a[v]) : a[v] > d ? (m = R[T + a[v]], A[I + a[v]]) : (m = 96, 0), h = 1 << b - S, y = u = 1 << x; i[c + (E >> S) + (u -= h)] = p << 24 | m << 16 | _ | 0, u !== 0; ) ; for (h = 1 << b - 1; E & h; ) h >>= 1; if (h !== 0 ? (E &= h - 1, E += h) : E = 0, v++, --O[b] == 0) { if (b === w) break; b = t2[r2 + a[v]]; } if (k < b && (E & f) !== l) { for (S === 0 && (S = k), c += y, z = 1 << (x = b - S); x + S < w && !((z -= O[x + S]) <= 0); ) x++, z <<= 1; if (C += 1 << x, e2 === 1 && 852 < C || e2 === 2 && 592 < C) return 1; i[l = E & f] = k << 24 | x << 16 | c - s | 0; } } return E !== 0 && (i[c + E] = b - S << 24 | 64 << 16 | 0), o.bits = k, 0; }; }, { "../utils/common": 41 }], 51: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; t.exports = { 2: "need dictionary", 1: "stream end", 0: "", "-1": "file error", "-2": "stream error", "-3": "data error", "-4": "insufficient memory", "-5": "buffer error", "-6": "incompatible version" }; }, {}], 52: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; var i = e("../utils/common"), o = 0, h = 1; function n(e2) { for (var t2 = e2.length; 0 <= --t2; ) e2[t2] = 0; } var s = 0, a = 29, u = 256, l = u + 1 + a, f = 30, c = 19, _ = 2 * l + 1, g = 15, d = 16, p = 7, m = 256, b = 16, v = 17, y = 18, w = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0], k = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13], x = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7], S = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15], z = new Array(2 * (l + 2)); n(z); var C = new Array(2 * f); n(C); var E = new Array(512); n(E); var A = new Array(256); n(A); var I = new Array(a); n(I); var O, B, R, T = new Array(f); function D(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) { this.static_tree = e2, this.extra_bits = t2, this.extra_base = r2, this.elems = n2, this.max_length = i2, this.has_stree = e2 && e2.length; } function F(e2, t2) { this.dyn_tree = e2, this.max_code = 0, this.stat_desc = t2; } function N(e2) { return e2 < 256 ? E[e2] : E[256 + (e2 >>> 7)]; } function U(e2, t2) { e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = 255 & t2, e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = t2 >>> 8 & 255; } function P(e2, t2, r2) { e2.bi_valid > d - r2 ? (e2.bi_buf |= t2 << e2.bi_valid & 65535, U(e2, e2.bi_buf), e2.bi_buf = t2 >> d - e2.bi_valid, e2.bi_valid += r2 - d) : (e2.bi_buf |= t2 << e2.bi_valid & 65535, e2.bi_valid += r2); } function L(e2, t2, r2) { P(e2, r2[2 * t2], r2[2 * t2 + 1]); } function j(e2, t2) { for (var r2 = 0; r2 |= 1 & e2, e2 >>>= 1, r2 <<= 1, 0 < --t2; ) ; return r2 >>> 1; } function Z(e2, t2, r2) { var n2, i2, s2 = new Array(g + 1), a2 = 0; for (n2 = 1; n2 <= g; n2++) s2[n2] = a2 = a2 + r2[n2 - 1] << 1; for (i2 = 0; i2 <= t2; i2++) { var o2 = e2[2 * i2 + 1]; o2 !== 0 && (e2[2 * i2] = j(s2[o2]++, o2)); } } function W(e2) { var t2; for (t2 = 0; t2 < l; t2++) e2.dyn_ltree[2 * t2] = 0; for (t2 = 0; t2 < f; t2++) e2.dyn_dtree[2 * t2] = 0; for (t2 = 0; t2 < c; t2++) e2.bl_tree[2 * t2] = 0; e2.dyn_ltree[2 * m] = 1, e2.opt_len = e2.static_len = 0, e2.last_lit = e2.matches = 0; } function M(e2) { 8 < e2.bi_valid ? U(e2, e2.bi_buf) : 0 < e2.bi_valid && (e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = e2.bi_buf), e2.bi_buf = 0, e2.bi_valid = 0; } function H(e2, t2, r2, n2) { var i2 = 2 * t2, s2 = 2 * r2; return e2[i2] < e2[s2] || e2[i2] === e2[s2] && n2[t2] <= n2[r2]; } function G(e2, t2, r2) { for (var n2 = e2.heap[r2], i2 = r2 << 1; i2 <= e2.heap_len && (i2 < e2.heap_len && H(t2, e2.heap[i2 + 1], e2.heap[i2], e2.depth) && i2++, !H(t2, n2, e2.heap[i2], e2.depth)); ) e2.heap[r2] = e2.heap[i2], r2 = i2, i2 <<= 1; e2.heap[r2] = n2; } function K(e2, t2, r2) { var n2, i2, s2, a2, o2 = 0; if (e2.last_lit !== 0) for (; n2 = e2.pending_buf[e2.d_buf + 2 * o2] << 8 | e2.pending_buf[e2.d_buf + 2 * o2 + 1], i2 = e2.pending_buf[e2.l_buf + o2], o2++, n2 === 0 ? L(e2, i2, t2) : (L(e2, (s2 = A[i2]) + u + 1, t2), (a2 = w[s2]) !== 0 && P(e2, i2 -= I[s2], a2), L(e2, s2 = N(--n2), r2), (a2 = k[s2]) !== 0 && P(e2, n2 -= T[s2], a2)), o2 < e2.last_lit; ) ; L(e2, m, t2); } function Y(e2, t2) { var r2, n2, i2, s2 = t2.dyn_tree, a2 = t2.stat_desc.static_tree, o2 = t2.stat_desc.has_stree, h2 = t2.stat_desc.elems, u2 = -1; for (e2.heap_len = 0, e2.heap_max = _, r2 = 0; r2 < h2; r2++) s2[2 * r2] !== 0 ? (e2.heap[++e2.heap_len] = u2 = r2, e2.depth[r2] = 0) : s2[2 * r2 + 1] = 0; for (; e2.heap_len < 2; ) s2[2 * (i2 = e2.heap[++e2.heap_len] = u2 < 2 ? ++u2 : 0)] = 1, e2.depth[i2] = 0, e2.opt_len--, o2 && (e2.static_len -= a2[2 * i2 + 1]); for (t2.max_code = u2, r2 = e2.heap_len >> 1; 1 <= r2; r2--) G(e2, s2, r2); for (i2 = h2; r2 = e2.heap[1], e2.heap[1] = e2.heap[e2.heap_len--], G(e2, s2, 1), n2 = e2.heap[1], e2.heap[--e2.heap_max] = r2, e2.heap[--e2.heap_max] = n2, s2[2 * i2] = s2[2 * r2] + s2[2 * n2], e2.depth[i2] = (e2.depth[r2] >= e2.depth[n2] ? e2.depth[r2] : e2.depth[n2]) + 1, s2[2 * r2 + 1] = s2[2 * n2 + 1] = i2, e2.heap[1] = i2++, G(e2, s2, 1), 2 <= e2.heap_len; ) ; e2.heap[--e2.heap_max] = e2.heap[1], function(e3, t3) { var r3, n3, i3, s3, a3, o3, h3 = t3.dyn_tree, u3 = t3.max_code, l2 = t3.stat_desc.static_tree, f2 = t3.stat_desc.has_stree, c2 = t3.stat_desc.extra_bits, d2 = t3.stat_desc.extra_base, p2 = t3.stat_desc.max_length, m2 = 0; for (s3 = 0; s3 <= g; s3++) e3.bl_count[s3] = 0; for (h3[2 * e3.heap[e3.heap_max] + 1] = 0, r3 = e3.heap_max + 1; r3 < _; r3++) p2 < (s3 = h3[2 * h3[2 * (n3 = e3.heap[r3]) + 1] + 1] + 1) && (s3 = p2, m2++), h3[2 * n3 + 1] = s3, u3 < n3 || (e3.bl_count[s3]++, a3 = 0, d2 <= n3 && (a3 = c2[n3 - d2]), o3 = h3[2 * n3], e3.opt_len += o3 * (s3 + a3), f2 && (e3.static_len += o3 * (l2[2 * n3 + 1] + a3))); if (m2 !== 0) { do { for (s3 = p2 - 1; e3.bl_count[s3] === 0; ) s3--; e3.bl_count[s3]--, e3.bl_count[s3 + 1] += 2, e3.bl_count[p2]--, m2 -= 2; } while (0 < m2); for (s3 = p2; s3 !== 0; s3--) for (n3 = e3.bl_count[s3]; n3 !== 0; ) u3 < (i3 = e3.heap[--r3]) || (h3[2 * i3 + 1] !== s3 && (e3.opt_len += (s3 - h3[2 * i3 + 1]) * h3[2 * i3], h3[2 * i3 + 1] = s3), n3--); } }(e2, t2), Z(s2, u2, e2.bl_count); } function X(e2, t2, r2) { var n2, i2, s2 = -1, a2 = t2[1], o2 = 0, h2 = 7, u2 = 4; for (a2 === 0 && (h2 = 138, u2 = 3), t2[2 * (r2 + 1) + 1] = 65535, n2 = 0; n2 <= r2; n2++) i2 = a2, a2 = t2[2 * (n2 + 1) + 1], ++o2 < h2 && i2 === a2 || (o2 < u2 ? e2.bl_tree[2 * i2] += o2 : i2 !== 0 ? (i2 !== s2 && e2.bl_tree[2 * i2]++, e2.bl_tree[2 * b]++) : o2 <= 10 ? e2.bl_tree[2 * v]++ : e2.bl_tree[2 * y]++, s2 = i2, u2 = (o2 = 0) === a2 ? (h2 = 138, 3) : i2 === a2 ? (h2 = 6, 3) : (h2 = 7, 4)); } function V(e2, t2, r2) { var n2, i2, s2 = -1, a2 = t2[1], o2 = 0, h2 = 7, u2 = 4; for (a2 === 0 && (h2 = 138, u2 = 3), n2 = 0; n2 <= r2; n2++) if (i2 = a2, a2 = t2[2 * (n2 + 1) + 1], !(++o2 < h2 && i2 === a2)) { if (o2 < u2) for (; L(e2, i2, e2.bl_tree), --o2 != 0; ) ; else i2 !== 0 ? (i2 !== s2 && (L(e2, i2, e2.bl_tree), o2--), L(e2, b, e2.bl_tree), P(e2, o2 - 3, 2)) : o2 <= 10 ? (L(e2, v, e2.bl_tree), P(e2, o2 - 3, 3)) : (L(e2, y, e2.bl_tree), P(e2, o2 - 11, 7)); s2 = i2, u2 = (o2 = 0) === a2 ? (h2 = 138, 3) : i2 === a2 ? (h2 = 6, 3) : (h2 = 7, 4); } } n(T); var q = false; function J(e2, t2, r2, n2) { P(e2, (s << 1) + (n2 ? 1 : 0), 3), function(e3, t3, r3, n3) { M(e3), n3 && (U(e3, r3), U(e3, ~r3)), i.arraySet(e3.pending_buf, e3.window, t3, r3, e3.pending), e3.pending += r3; }(e2, t2, r2, true); } r._tr_init = function(e2) { q || (function() { var e3, t2, r2, n2, i2, s2 = new Array(g + 1); for (n2 = r2 = 0; n2 < a - 1; n2++) for (I[n2] = r2, e3 = 0; e3 < 1 << w[n2]; e3++) A[r2++] = n2; for (A[r2 - 1] = n2, n2 = i2 = 0; n2 < 16; n2++) for (T[n2] = i2, e3 = 0; e3 < 1 << k[n2]; e3++) E[i2++] = n2; for (i2 >>= 7; n2 < f; n2++) for (T[n2] = i2 << 7, e3 = 0; e3 < 1 << k[n2] - 7; e3++) E[256 + i2++] = n2; for (t2 = 0; t2 <= g; t2++) s2[t2] = 0; for (e3 = 0; e3 <= 143; ) z[2 * e3 + 1] = 8, e3++, s2[8]++; for (; e3 <= 255; ) z[2 * e3 + 1] = 9, e3++, s2[9]++; for (; e3 <= 279; ) z[2 * e3 + 1] = 7, e3++, s2[7]++; for (; e3 <= 287; ) z[2 * e3 + 1] = 8, e3++, s2[8]++; for (Z(z, l + 1, s2), e3 = 0; e3 < f; e3++) C[2 * e3 + 1] = 5, C[2 * e3] = j(e3, 5); O = new D(z, w, u + 1, l, g), B = new D(C, k, 0, f, g), R = new D(new Array(0), x, 0, c, p); }(), q = true), e2.l_desc = new F(e2.dyn_ltree, O), e2.d_desc = new F(e2.dyn_dtree, B), e2.bl_desc = new F(e2.bl_tree, R), e2.bi_buf = 0, e2.bi_valid = 0, W(e2); }, r._tr_stored_block = J, r._tr_flush_block = function(e2, t2, r2, n2) { var i2, s2, a2 = 0; 0 < e2.level ? (e2.strm.data_type === 2 && (e2.strm.data_type = function(e3) { var t3, r3 = 4093624447; for (t3 = 0; t3 <= 31; t3++, r3 >>>= 1) if (1 & r3 && e3.dyn_ltree[2 * t3] !== 0) return o; if (e3.dyn_ltree[18] !== 0 || e3.dyn_ltree[20] !== 0 || e3.dyn_ltree[26] !== 0) return h; for (t3 = 32; t3 < u; t3++) if (e3.dyn_ltree[2 * t3] !== 0) return h; return o; }(e2)), Y(e2, e2.l_desc), Y(e2, e2.d_desc), a2 = function(e3) { var t3; for (X(e3, e3.dyn_ltree, e3.l_desc.max_code), X(e3, e3.dyn_dtree, e3.d_desc.max_code), Y(e3, e3.bl_desc), t3 = c - 1; 3 <= t3 && e3.bl_tree[2 * S[t3] + 1] === 0; t3--) ; return e3.opt_len += 3 * (t3 + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4, t3; }(e2), i2 = e2.opt_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3, (s2 = e2.static_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3) <= i2 && (i2 = s2)) : i2 = s2 = r2 + 5, r2 + 4 <= i2 && t2 !== -1 ? J(e2, t2, r2, n2) : e2.strategy === 4 || s2 === i2 ? (P(e2, 2 + (n2 ? 1 : 0), 3), K(e2, z, C)) : (P(e2, 4 + (n2 ? 1 : 0), 3), function(e3, t3, r3, n3) { var i3; for (P(e3, t3 - 257, 5), P(e3, r3 - 1, 5), P(e3, n3 - 4, 4), i3 = 0; i3 < n3; i3++) P(e3, e3.bl_tree[2 * S[i3] + 1], 3); V(e3, e3.dyn_ltree, t3 - 1), V(e3, e3.dyn_dtree, r3 - 1); }(e2, e2.l_desc.max_code + 1, e2.d_desc.max_code + 1, a2 + 1), K(e2, e2.dyn_ltree, e2.dyn_dtree)), W(e2), n2 && M(e2); }, r._tr_tally = function(e2, t2, r2) { return e2.pending_buf[e2.d_buf + 2 * e2.last_lit] = t2 >>> 8 & 255, e2.pending_buf[e2.d_buf + 2 * e2.last_lit + 1] = 255 & t2, e2.pending_buf[e2.l_buf + e2.last_lit] = 255 & r2, e2.last_lit++, t2 === 0 ? e2.dyn_ltree[2 * r2]++ : (e2.matches++, t2--, e2.dyn_ltree[2 * (A[r2] + u + 1)]++, e2.dyn_dtree[2 * N(t2)]++), e2.last_lit === e2.lit_bufsize - 1; }, r._tr_align = function(e2) { P(e2, 2, 3), L(e2, m, z), function(e3) { e3.bi_valid === 16 ? (U(e3, e3.bi_buf), e3.bi_buf = 0, e3.bi_valid = 0) : 8 <= e3.bi_valid && (e3.pending_buf[e3.pending++] = 255 & e3.bi_buf, e3.bi_buf >>= 8, e3.bi_valid -= 8); }(e2); }; }, { "../utils/common": 41 }], 53: [function(e, t, r) { "use strict"; t.exports = function() { this.input = null, this.next_in = 0, this.avail_in = 0, this.total_in = 0, this.output = null, this.next_out = 0, this.avail_out = 0, this.total_out = 0, this.msg = "", this.state = null, this.data_type = 2, this.adler = 0; }; }, {}], 54: [function(e, t, r) { (function(e2) { !function(r2, n) { "use strict"; if (!r2.setImmediate) { var i, s, t2, a, o = 1, h = {}, u = false, l = r2.document, e3 = Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(r2); e3 = e3 && e3.setTimeout ? e3 : r2, i = {}.toString.call(r2.process) === "[object process]" ? function(e4) { process.nextTick(function() { c(e4); }); } : function() { if (r2.postMessage && !r2.importScripts) { var e4 = true, t3 = r2.onmessage; return r2.onmessage = function() { e4 = false; }, r2.postMessage("", "*"), r2.onmessage = t3, e4; } }() ? (a = "setImmediate$" + Math.random() + "$", r2.addEventListener ? r2.addEventListener("message", d, false) : r2.attachEvent("onmessage", d), function(e4) { r2.postMessage(a + e4, "*"); }) : r2.MessageChannel ? ((t2 = new MessageChannel()).port1.onmessage = function(e4) { c(e4.data); }, function(e4) { t2.port2.postMessage(e4); }) : l && "onreadystatechange" in l.createElement("script") ? (s = l.documentElement, function(e4) { var t3 = l.createElement("script"); t3.onreadystatechange = function() { c(e4), t3.onreadystatechange = null, s.removeChild(t3), t3 = null; }, s.appendChild(t3); }) : function(e4) { setTimeout(c, 0, e4); }, e3.setImmediate = function(e4) { typeof e4 != "function" && (e4 = new Function("" + e4)); for (var t3 = new Array(arguments.length - 1), r3 = 0; r3 < t3.length; r3++) t3[r3] = arguments[r3 + 1]; var n2 = { callback: e4, args: t3 }; return h[o] = n2, i(o), o++; }, e3.clearImmediate = f; } function f(e4) { delete h[e4]; } function c(e4) { if (u) setTimeout(c, 0, e4); else { var t3 = h[e4]; if (t3) { u = true; try { !function(e5) { var t4 = e5.callback, r3 = e5.args; switch (r3.length) { case 0: t4(); break; case 1: t4(r3[0]); break; case 2: t4(r3[0], r3[1]); break; case 3: t4(r3[0], r3[1], r3[2]); break; default: t4.apply(n, r3); } }(t3); } finally { f(e4), u = false; } } } } function d(e4) { e4.source === r2 && typeof e4.data == "string" && e4.data.indexOf(a) === 0 && c(+e4.data.slice(a.length)); } }(typeof self == "undefined" ? e2 === void 0 ? this : e2 : self); }).call(this, typeof global != "undefined" ? global : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {}); }, {}] }, {}, [10])(10); }); } }); // src/common/util.ts function hex(v, nd) { if (!nd) nd = 2; if (nd == 8) { return hex(v >> 16 & 65535, 4) + hex(v & 65535, 4); } else { return toradix(v, nd, 16); } } function toradix(v, nd, radix) { try { var s = v.toString(radix).toUpperCase(); while (s.length < nd) s = "0" + s; return s; } catch (e) { return v + ""; } } function stringToByteArray(s) { var a = new Uint8Array(s.length); for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) a[i] = s.charCodeAt(i); return a; } function byteArrayToString(data) { var str = ""; if (data != null) { var charLUT = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) charLUT[i] = String.fromCharCode(i); var len = data.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) str += charLUT[data[i]]; } return str; } function getBasePlatform(platform) { return platform.split(".")[0]; } function getRootPlatform(platform) { return platform.split("-")[0]; } function getRootBasePlatform(platform) { return getRootPlatform(getBasePlatform(platform)); } function convertDataToUint8Array(data) { return typeof data === "string" ? stringToByteArray(data) : data; } var XMLParseError = class extends Error { }; function escapeXML(s) { if (s.indexOf("&") >= 0) { return s.replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/&/g, "&"); } else { return s; } } function parseXMLPoorly(s, openfn, closefn) { const tag_re = /[<]([/]?)([?a-z_-]+)([^>]*)[>]+|(\s*[^<]+)/gi; const attr_re = /\s*(\w+)="(.*?)"\s*/gi; var fm; var stack = []; var top; function closetop() { top = stack.pop(); if (top == null || top.type != ident) throw new XMLParseError("mismatch close tag: " + ident); if (closefn) { top.obj = closefn(top); } if (stack.length == 0) throw new XMLParseError("close tag without open: " + ident); stack[stack.length - 1].children.push(top); } function parseattrs(as) { var am; var attrs2 = {}; if (as != null) { while (am = attr_re.exec(as)) { attrs2[am[1]] = escapeXML(am[2]); } } return attrs2; } while (fm = tag_re.exec(s)) { var [_m0, close, ident, attrs, content] = fm; if (close) { closetop(); } else if (ident) { var node = { type: ident, text: null, children: [], attrs: parseattrs(attrs), obj: null }; stack.push(node); if (attrs) { parseattrs(attrs); } if (openfn) { node.obj = openfn(node); } if (attrs && attrs.endsWith("/")) closetop(); } else if (content != null) { if (stack.length == 0) throw new XMLParseError("content without element"); var txt = escapeXML(content).trim(); if (txt.length) stack[stack.length - 1].text = txt; } } if (stack.length != 1) throw new XMLParseError("tag not closed"); if (stack[0].type != "?xml") throw new XMLParseError("?xml needs to be first element"); return top; } // src/common/basic/compiler.ts var CompileError = class extends Error { constructor(msg, loc) { super(msg); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, CompileError.prototype); this.$loc = loc; } }; var re_toks = /([0-9.]+[E][+-]?\d+|\d+[.][E0-9]*|[.][E0-9]+)|[0]*(\d+)|&([OH][0-9A-F]+)|(['].*)|([A-Z_]\w*[$]?)|(".*?")|([<>]?[=<>#])|(\*\*)|([-+*/^,;:()\[\]\?\\])|(\S+)|(\s+)/gi; var TokenType; (function(TokenType3) { TokenType3[TokenType3["EOL"] = 0] = "EOL"; TokenType3[TokenType3["Float"] = 1] = "Float"; TokenType3[TokenType3["Int"] = 2] = "Int"; TokenType3[TokenType3["HexOctalInt"] = 3] = "HexOctalInt"; TokenType3[TokenType3["Remark"] = 4] = "Remark"; TokenType3[TokenType3["Ident"] = 5] = "Ident"; TokenType3[TokenType3["String"] = 6] = "String"; TokenType3[TokenType3["Relational"] = 7] = "Relational"; TokenType3[TokenType3["DoubleStar"] = 8] = "DoubleStar"; TokenType3[TokenType3["Operator"] = 9] = "Operator"; TokenType3[TokenType3["CatchAll"] = 10] = "CatchAll"; TokenType3[TokenType3["Whitespace"] = 11] = "Whitespace"; TokenType3[TokenType3["_LAST"] = 12] = "_LAST"; })(TokenType || (TokenType = {})); var OPERATORS = { "IMP": { f: "bimp", p: 4 }, "EQV": { f: "beqv", p: 5 }, "XOR": { f: "bxor", p: 6 }, "OR": { f: "bor", p: 7 }, "AND": { f: "band", p: 8 }, "||": { f: "lor", p: 17 }, "&&": { f: "land", p: 18 }, "=": { f: "eq", p: 50 }, "==": { f: "eq", p: 50 }, "<>": { f: "ne", p: 50 }, "><": { f: "ne", p: 50 }, "!=": { f: "ne", p: 50 }, "#": { f: "ne", p: 50 }, "<": { f: "lt", p: 50 }, ">": { f: "gt", p: 50 }, "<=": { f: "le", p: 50 }, ">=": { f: "ge", p: 50 }, "MIN": { f: "min", p: 75 }, "MAX": { f: "max", p: 75 }, "+": { f: "add", p: 100 }, "-": { f: "sub", p: 100 }, "%": { f: "mod", p: 140 }, "MOD": { f: "mod", p: 140 }, "\\": { f: "idiv", p: 150 }, "*": { f: "mul", p: 200 }, "/": { f: "div", p: 200 }, "^": { f: "pow", p: 300 }, "**": { f: "pow", p: 300 } }; function getOperator(op) { return OPERATORS[op]; } function getPrecedence(tok) { switch (tok.type) { case 9: case 8: case 7: case 5: let op = getOperator(tok.str); if (op) return op.p; } return -1; } function isEOS(tok) { return tok.type == 0 || tok.type == 4 || tok.str == ":" || tok.str == "ELSE"; } function stripQuotes(s) { return s.substr(1, s.length - 2); } function isLiteral(arg) { return arg.value != null; } function isLookup(arg) { return arg.name != null; } function isBinOp(arg) { return arg.op != null && arg.left != null && arg.right != null; } function isUnOp(arg) { return arg.op != null && arg.expr != null; } function mergeLocs(a, b) { return { line: Math.min(a.line, b.line), start: Math.min(a.start, b.start), end: Math.max(a.end, b.end), label: a.label || b.label, path: a.path || b.path }; } var BASICParser = class { constructor() { this.opts = DIALECTS["DEFAULT"]; this.maxlinelen = 255; this.optionCount = 0; this.lineno = 0; this.curlabel = null; this.stmts = []; this.labels = {}; this.targets = {}; this.errors = []; this.listings = {}; this.vardefs = {}; this.varrefs = {}; this.fnrefs = {}; this.scopestack = []; this.elseifcount = 0; } addError(msg, loc) { var tok = this.lasttoken || this.peekToken(); if (!loc) loc = tok.$loc; this.errors.push({ path: loc.path, line: loc.line, label: this.curlabel, start: loc.start, end: loc.end, msg }); } compileError(msg, loc, loc2) { this.addError(msg, loc); throw new CompileError(msg, loc); } dialectError(what, loc) { this.compileError(`${what} in this dialect of BASIC (${this.opts.dialectName}).`, loc); } dialectErrorNoSupport(what, loc) { this.compileError(`You can't use ${what} in this dialect of BASIC (${this.opts.dialectName}).`, loc); } consumeToken() { var tok = this.lasttoken = this.tokens.shift() || this.eol; return tok; } expectToken(str, msg) { var tok = this.consumeToken(); var tokstr = tok.str; if (str != tokstr) { this.compileError(msg || `There should be a "${str}" here.`); } return tok; } expectTokens(strlist, msg) { var tok = this.consumeToken(); var tokstr = tok.str; if (strlist.indexOf(tokstr) < 0) { this.compileError(msg || `There should be a ${strlist.map((s) => `"${s}"`).join(" or ")} here.`); } return tok; } peekToken(lookahead) { var tok = this.tokens[lookahead || 0]; return tok ? tok : this.eol; } pushbackToken(tok) { this.tokens.unshift(tok); } parseOptLabel() { let tok = this.consumeToken(); switch (tok.type) { case 5: if (this.opts.optionalLabels || tok.str == "OPTION") { if (this.peekToken().str == ":" && !this.supportsCommand(tok.str)) { this.consumeToken(); } else { this.pushbackToken(tok); break; } } else this.dialectError(`Each line must begin with a line number`); case 2: this.addLabel(tok.str); return; case 3: case 1: this.compileError(`Line numbers must be positive integers.`); break; case 9: if (this.supportsCommand(tok.str) && this.validKeyword(tok.str)) { this.pushbackToken(tok); break; } default: if (this.opts.optionalLabels) this.compileError(`A line must start with a line number, command, or label.`); else this.compileError(`A line must start with a line number.`); case 4: break; } this.addLabel("#" + this.lineno); } getPC() { return this.stmts.length; } addStatement(stmt, cmdtok, endtok) { if (endtok == null) endtok = this.peekToken(); stmt.$loc = { path: cmdtok.$loc.path, line: cmdtok.$loc.line, start: cmdtok.$loc.start, end: endtok.$loc.start, label: this.curlabel, offset: this.stmts.length }; this.modifyScope(stmt); this.stmts.push(stmt); } addLabel(str, offset) { if (this.labels[str] != null) this.compileError(`There's a duplicated label named "${str}".`); this.labels[str] = this.getPC() + (offset || 0); this.curlabel = str; this.tokens.forEach((tok) => tok.$loc.label = str); } parseFile(file, path) { this.path = path; var txtlines = file.split(/\n|\r\n?/); txtlines.forEach((line) => this.parseLine(line)); var program = { opts: this.opts, stmts: this.stmts, labels: this.labels }; this.checkAll(program); this.listings[path] = this.generateListing(file, program); return program; } parseLine(line) { try { this.tokenize(line); this.parse(); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof CompileError)) throw e; } } _tokenize(line) { let splitre = this.opts.optionalWhitespace && new RegExp("(" + this.opts.validKeywords.map((s) => `${s}`).join("|") + ")"); var lastTokType = 10; var m; while (m = re_toks.exec(line)) { for (var i = 1; i <= lastTokType; i++) { let s = m[i]; if (s != null) { let loc = { path: this.path, line: this.lineno, start: m.index, end: m.index + s.length }; if (this.opts.asciiOnly && !/^[\x00-\x7F]*$/.test(s)) this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`non-ASCII characters`); if (i == 5 || i == 3 || this.opts.uppercaseOnly) { s = s.toUpperCase(); if (s == "DATA") lastTokType = 11; if (s == "DATA") splitre = null; if (s == "OPTION") splitre = null; if (lastTokType == 10 && s.startsWith("REM")) { s = "REM"; lastTokType = 0; } } if (s == "[" || s == "]") { if (!this.opts.squareBrackets) this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`square brackets`); if (s == "[") s = "("; if (s == "]") s = ")"; } if (splitre && i == 5) { var splittoks = s.split(splitre).filter((s2) => s2 != ""); if (splittoks.length > 1) { splittoks.forEach((ss) => { if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(ss)) i = 2; else if (/^[A-Z_]\w*[$]?$/.test(ss)) i = 5; else this.compileError(`Try adding whitespace before "${ss}".`); this.tokens.push({ str: ss, type: i, $loc: loc }); }); s = null; } } if (s) this.tokens.push({ str: s, type: i, $loc: loc }); break; } } } } tokenize(line) { this.lineno++; this.tokens = []; this.eol = { type: 0, str: "", $loc: { path: this.path, line: this.lineno, start: line.length } }; if (line.length > this.maxlinelen) this.compileError(`A line should be no more than ${this.maxlinelen} characters long.`); this._tokenize(line); } parse() { if (this.tokens.length) { this.parseOptLabel(); if (this.tokens.length) { this.parseCompoundStatement(); } var next = this.peekToken(); if (!isEOS(next)) this.compileError(`Expected end of line or ':'`, next.$loc); this.curlabel = null; } } parseCompoundStatement() { if (this.opts.multipleStmtsPerLine) { this.parseList(this.parseStatement, ":"); } else { this.parseList(this.parseStatement, "\0"); if (this.peekToken().str == ":") this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`multiple statements on a line`); } } validKeyword(keyword) { return this.opts.validKeywords && this.opts.validKeywords.indexOf(keyword) < 0 ? null : keyword; } validFunction(funcname) { return this.opts.validFunctions && this.opts.validFunctions.indexOf(funcname) < 0 ? null : funcname; } supportsCommand(cmd) { if (cmd == "?") return this.stmt__PRINT; else return this["stmt__" + cmd]; } parseStatement() { if (this.opts.optionalWhitespace && this.peekToken().str == ":") return null; var cmdtok = this.consumeToken(); var cmd = cmdtok.str; var stmt; switch (cmdtok.type) { case 4: if (cmdtok.str.startsWith("'") && !this.opts.tickComments) this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`tick comments`); return null; case 9: if (cmd == this.validKeyword("?")) cmd = "PRINT"; case 5: if (cmd == "REM") return null; if (cmd == "GO" && this.peekToken().str == "TO") { this.consumeToken(); cmd = "GOTO"; } else if (cmd == "GO" && this.peekToken().str == "SUB") { this.consumeToken(); cmd = "GOSUB"; } var fn = this.supportsCommand(cmd); if (fn) { if (this.validKeyword(cmd) == null) this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`the ${cmd} statement`); stmt = fn.bind(this)(); break; } else if (this.peekToken().str == "=" || this.peekToken().str == "(") { if (!this.opts.optionalLet) this.dialectError(`Assignments must have a preceding LET`); this.pushbackToken(cmdtok); stmt = this.stmt__LET(); break; } else { this.compileError(`I don't understand the command "${cmd}".`); } case 0: if (this.opts.optionalWhitespace) return null; default: this.compileError(`There should be a command here.`); return null; } if (stmt != null) this.addStatement(stmt, cmdtok); return stmt; } modifyScope(stmt) { if (this.opts.compiledBlocks) { var cmd = stmt.command; if (cmd == "FOR" || cmd == "WHILE" || cmd == "SUB") { this.scopestack.push(this.getPC()); } else if (cmd == "NEXT") { this.popScope(stmt, "FOR"); } else if (cmd == "WEND") { this.popScope(stmt, "WHILE"); } } } popScope(close, open) { var popidx = this.scopestack.pop(); var popstmt = popidx != null ? this.stmts[popidx] : null; if (popstmt == null) this.compileError(`There's a ${close.command} without a matching ${open}.`, close.$loc); else if (popstmt.command != open) this.compileError(`There's a ${close.command} paired with ${popstmt.command}, but it should be paired with ${open}.`, close.$loc, popstmt.$loc); else if (close.command == "NEXT" && !this.opts.optionalNextVar && close.lexpr.name != popstmt.lexpr.name) this.compileError(`This NEXT statement is matched with the wrong FOR variable (${close.lexpr.name}).`, close.$loc, popstmt.$loc); close.startpc = popidx; popstmt.endpc = this.getPC(); } popIfThenScope(nextpc) { var popidx = this.scopestack.pop(); var popstmt = popidx != null ? this.stmts[popidx] : null; if (popstmt == null) this.compileError(`There's an END IF without a matching IF or ELSE.`); if (popstmt.command == "ELSE") { popstmt.endpc = this.getPC(); this.popIfThenScope(popidx + 1); } else if (popstmt.command == "IF") { popstmt.endpc = nextpc != null ? nextpc : this.getPC(); } else { this.compileError(`There's an END IF paired with a ${popstmt.command}, not IF or ELSE.`, this.lasttoken.$loc, popstmt.$loc); } } parseVarSubscriptOrFunc() { var tok = this.consumeToken(); switch (tok.type) { case 5: let args = null; if (this.peekToken().str == "(") { this.expectToken("("); args = this.parseExprList(); this.expectToken(")", `There should be another expression or a ")" here.`); } var loc = mergeLocs(tok.$loc, this.lasttoken.$loc); var valtype = this.exprTypeForSubscript(tok.str, args, loc); return { valtype, name: tok.str, args, $loc: loc }; default: this.compileError(`There should be a variable name here.`); break; } } parseLexpr() { var lexpr = this.parseVarSubscriptOrFunc(); this.vardefs[lexpr.name] = lexpr; this.validateVarName(lexpr); return lexpr; } parseForNextLexpr() { var lexpr = this.parseLexpr(); if (lexpr.args || lexpr.name.endsWith("$")) this.compileError(`A FOR ... NEXT loop can only use numeric variables.`, lexpr.$loc); return lexpr; } parseList(parseFunc, delim) { var sep; var list = []; do { var el = parseFunc.bind(this)(); if (el != null) list.push(el); sep = this.consumeToken(); } while (sep.str == delim); this.pushbackToken(sep); return list; } parseLexprList() { return this.parseList(this.parseLexpr, ","); } parseExprList() { return this.parseList(this.parseExpr, ","); } parseLabelList() { return this.parseList(this.parseLabel, ","); } parseLabel() { if (this.opts.computedGoto) { var expr = this.parseExpr(); if (isLiteral(expr)) this.targets[expr.value] = this.lasttoken.$loc; return expr; } else { var tok = this.consumeToken(); switch (tok.type) { case 5: if (!this.opts.optionalLabels) this.dialectError(`All labels must be line numbers`); case 2: var label = tok.str; this.targets[label] = tok.$loc; return { valtype: "label", value: label }; default: var what = this.opts.optionalLabels ? "label or line number" : "line number"; this.compileError(`There should be a ${what} here.`); } } } parseDatumList() { return this.parseList(this.parseDatum, ","); } parseDatum() { var tok = this.consumeToken(); while (tok.type == 11) tok = this.consumeToken(); if (isEOS(tok)) this.compileError(`There should be a datum here.`); if (tok.type <= 3) { return this.parseValue(tok); } if (tok.str == "-" && this.peekToken().type <= 3) { tok = this.consumeToken(); return { valtype: "number", value: -this.parseValue(tok).value }; } if (tok.str == "+" && this.peekToken().type <= 3) { tok = this.consumeToken(); return this.parseValue(tok); } var s = ""; while (!isEOS(tok) && tok.str != ",") { s += this.parseValue(tok).value; tok = this.consumeToken(); } this.pushbackToken(tok); return { valtype: "string", value: s }; } parseValue(tok) { switch (tok.type) { case 3: if (!this.opts.hexOctalConsts) this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`hex/octal constants`); let base = tok.str.startsWith("H") ? 16 : 8; return { valtype: "number", value: parseInt(tok.str.substr(1), base) }; case 2: case 1: return { valtype: "number", value: this.parseNumber(tok.str) }; case 6: return { valtype: "string", value: stripQuotes(tok.str) }; default: return { valtype: "string", value: tok.str }; } } parsePrimary() { let tok = this.consumeToken(); switch (tok.type) { case 3: case 2: case 1: case 6: return this.parseValue(tok); case 5: if (tok.str == "NOT") { let expr = this.parsePrimary(); return { valtype: "number", op: this.opts.bitwiseLogic ? "bnot" : "lnot", expr }; } else { this.pushbackToken(tok); return this.parseVarSubscriptOrFunc(); } case 9: if (tok.str == "(") { let expr = this.parseExpr(); this.expectToken(")", `There should be another expression or a ")" here.`); return expr; } else if (tok.str == "-") { let expr = this.parsePrimary(); return { valtype: "number", op: "neg", expr }; } else if (tok.str == "+") { return this.parsePrimary(); } default: this.compileError(`The expression is incomplete.`); return; } } parseNumber(str) { var n = parseFloat(str); if (isNaN(n)) this.compileError(`The number ${str} is not a valid floating-point number.`); if (this.opts.checkOverflow && !isFinite(n)) this.compileError(`The number ${str} is too big to fit into a floating-point value.`); return n; } parseExpr1(left, minPred) { let look = this.peekToken(); while (getPrecedence(look) >= minPred) { let op = this.consumeToken(); if (this.opts.validOperators && this.opts.validOperators.indexOf(op.str) < 0) this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`the "${op.str}" operator`); let right = this.parsePrimary(); look = this.peekToken(); while (getPrecedence(look) > getPrecedence(op)) { right = this.parseExpr1(right, getPrecedence(look)); look = this.peekToken(); } var opfn = getOperator(op.str).f; if (!this.opts.bitwiseLogic && op.str == "AND") opfn = "land"; if (!this.opts.bitwiseLogic && op.str == "OR") opfn = "lor"; var valtype = this.exprTypeForOp(opfn, left, right, op); left = { valtype, op: opfn, left, right }; } return left; } parseExpr() { var startloc = this.peekToken().$loc; var expr = this.parseExpr1(this.parsePrimary(), 0); var endloc = this.lasttoken.$loc; expr.$loc = mergeLocs(startloc, endloc); return expr; } parseExprWithType(expecttype) { var expr = this.parseExpr(); if (expr.valtype != expecttype) this.compileError(`There should be a ${expecttype} here, but this expression evaluates to a ${expr.valtype}.`, expr.$loc); return expr; } validateVarName(lexpr) { switch (this.opts.varNaming) { case "A": if (!/^[A-Z]$/i.test(lexpr.name)) this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`variable names other than a single letter`); break; case "A1": if (lexpr.args == null && !/^[A-Z][0-9]?[$]?$/i.test(lexpr.name)) this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`variable names other than a letter followed by an optional digit`); if (lexpr.args != null && !/^[A-Z]?[$]?$/i.test(lexpr.name)) this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`array names other than a single letter`); break; case "A1$": if (!/^[A-Z][0-9]?[$]?$/i.test(lexpr.name)) this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`variable names other than a letter followed by an optional digit`); break; case "AA": if (lexpr.args == null && !/^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]?[$]?$/i.test(lexpr.name)) this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`variable names other than a letter followed by an optional letter or digit`); break; case "*": break; } } visitExpr(expr, callback) { if (isBinOp(expr)) { this.visitExpr(expr.left, callback); this.visitExpr(expr.right, callback); } if (isUnOp(expr)) { this.visitExpr(expr.expr, callback); } if (isLookup(expr) && expr.args != null) { for (var arg of expr.args) this.visitExpr(arg, callback); } callback(expr); } exprTypeForOp(fnname, left, right, optok) { if (left.valtype == "string" || right.valtype == "string") { if (fnname == "add") { if (this.opts.stringConcat) return "string"; else this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`the "+" operator to concatenate strings`, optok.$loc); } else if (fnname.length != 2) this.compileError(`You can't do math on strings until they're converted to numbers.`, optok.$loc); } return "number"; } exprTypeForSubscript(fnname, args, loc) { args = args || []; var defs = BUILTIN_MAP[fnname]; if (defs != null) { if (!this.validFunction(fnname)) this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`the ${fnname} function`, loc); for (var def of defs) { if (args.length == def.args.length) return def.result; } this.compileError(`The ${fnname} function takes ${def.args.length} arguments, but ${args.length} are given.`, loc); } this.varrefs[fnname] = loc; return fnname.endsWith("$") ? "string" : "number"; } stmt__LET() { var lexprs = [this.parseLexpr()]; this.expectToken("="); while (this.opts.chainAssignments && this.peekToken().type == 5 && this.peekToken(1).str == "=") { lexprs.push(this.parseLexpr()); this.expectToken("="); } var right = this.parseExprWithType(lexprs[0].valtype); return { command: "LET", lexprs, right }; } stmt__PRINT() { var sep, lastsep; var list = []; do { sep = this.peekToken(); if (isEOS(sep)) { break; } else if (sep.str == ";") { this.consumeToken(); lastsep = sep; } else if (sep.str == ",") { this.consumeToken(); list.push({ value: " " }); lastsep = sep; } else { list.push(this.parseExpr()); lastsep = null; } } while (true); if (!(lastsep && (lastsep.str == ";" || sep.str != ","))) { list.push({ value: "\n" }); } return { command: "PRINT", args: list }; } stmt__GOTO() { return this.__GO("GOTO"); } stmt__GOSUB() { return this.__GO("GOSUB"); } __GO(cmd) { var expr = this.parseLabel(); if (this.peekToken().str == this.validKeyword("OF")) { this.expectToken("OF"); let newcmd = cmd == "GOTO" ? "ONGOTO" : "ONGOSUB"; return { command: newcmd, expr, labels: this.parseLabelList() }; } else { return { command: cmd, label: expr }; } } stmt__IF() { var cmdtok = this.lasttoken; var cond = this.parseExprWithType("number"); var ifstmt = { command: "IF", cond }; this.addStatement(ifstmt, cmdtok); var thengoto = this.expectTokens(["THEN", "GOTO", "GO"]); if (thengoto.str == "GO") this.expectToken("TO"); if (this.opts.multilineIfThen && isEOS(this.peekToken())) { this.scopestack.push(this.getPC() - 1); } else { this.parseGotoOrStatements(); if (this.peekToken().str == "ELSE") { this.expectToken("ELSE"); ifstmt.endpc = this.getPC() + 1; this.stmt__ELSE(); } else { ifstmt.endpc = this.getPC(); } } } stmt__ELSE() { var elsestmt = { command: "ELSE" }; this.addStatement(elsestmt, this.lasttoken); var nexttok = this.peekToken(); if (this.opts.multilineIfThen && isEOS(nexttok)) { this.scopestack.push(this.getPC() - 1); } else if (this.opts.multilineIfThen && nexttok.str == "IF") { this.scopestack.push(this.getPC() - 1); this.parseGotoOrStatements(); this.elseifcount++; } else { this.parseGotoOrStatements(); elsestmt.endpc = this.getPC(); } } parseGotoOrStatements() { var lineno = this.peekToken(); if (lineno.type == 2) { this.parseLabel(); var gotostmt = { command: "GOTO", label: { valtype: "label", value: lineno.str } }; this.addStatement(gotostmt, lineno); } else { this.parseCompoundStatement(); } } stmt__FOR() { var lexpr = this.parseForNextLexpr(); this.expectToken("="); var init = this.parseExprWithType("number"); this.expectToken("TO"); var targ = this.parseExprWithType("number"); if (this.peekToken().str == "STEP") { this.consumeToken(); var step = this.parseExprWithType("number"); } return { command: "FOR", lexpr, initial: init, target: targ, step }; } stmt__NEXT() { var lexpr = null; if (!this.opts.optionalNextVar || !isEOS(this.peekToken())) { lexpr = this.parseForNextLexpr(); if (this.opts.multipleNextVars && this.peekToken().str == ",") { this.consumeToken(); this.tokens.unshift({ type: 5, str: "NEXT", $loc: this.peekToken().$loc }); this.tokens.unshift({ type: 9, str: ":", $loc: this.peekToken().$loc }); } } return { command: "NEXT", lexpr }; } stmt__WHILE() { var cond = this.parseExprWithType("number"); return { command: "WHILE", cond }; } stmt__WEND() { return { command: "WEND" }; } stmt__DIM() { var lexprs = this.parseLexprList(); lexprs.forEach((arr) => { if (arr.args == null || arr.args.length == 0) this.compileError(`An array defined by DIM must have at least one dimension.`); else if (arr.args.length > this.opts.maxDimensions) this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`arrays with more than ${this.opts.maxDimensions} dimensionals`); for (var arrdim of arr.args) { if (arrdim.valtype != "number") this.compileError(`Array dimensions must be numeric.`, arrdim.$loc); if (isLiteral(arrdim) && typeof arrdim.value === "number" && arrdim.value < this.opts.defaultArrayBase) this.compileError(`An array dimension cannot be less than ${this.opts.defaultArrayBase}.`, arrdim.$loc); } }); return { command: "DIM", args: lexprs }; } stmt__INPUT() { var prompt = this.consumeToken(); var promptstr; if (prompt.type == 6) { this.expectTokens([";", ","]); promptstr = stripQuotes(prompt.str); } else { this.pushbackToken(prompt); promptstr = ""; } return { command: "INPUT", prompt: { valtype: "string", value: promptstr }, args: this.parseLexprList() }; } stmt__ENTER() { var timeout = this.parseExpr(); this.expectToken(","); var elapsed = this.parseLexpr(); this.expectToken(","); return { command: "INPUT", prompt: null, args: this.parseLexprList(), timeout, elapsed }; } stmt__DATA() { return { command: "DATA", datums: this.parseDatumList() }; } stmt__READ() { return { command: "READ", args: this.parseLexprList() }; } stmt__RESTORE() { var label = null; if (this.opts.restoreWithLabel && !isEOS(this.peekToken())) label = this.parseLabel(); return { command: "RESTORE", label }; } stmt__RETURN() { return { command: "RETURN" }; } stmt__STOP() { return { command: "STOP" }; } stmt__END() { if (this.opts.multilineIfThen && this.scopestack.length) { let endtok = this.expectTokens(["IF", "SUB"]); if (endtok.str == "IF") { this.popIfThenScope(); while (this.elseifcount--) this.popIfThenScope(); this.elseifcount = 0; } else if (endtok.str == "SUB") { this.addStatement({ command: "RETURN" }, endtok); this.popScope({ command: "END" }, "SUB"); } } else { return { command: "END" }; } } stmt__ON() { var expr = this.parseExprWithType("number"); var gotok = this.consumeToken(); var cmd = { GOTO: "ONGOTO", THEN: "ONGOTO", GOSUB: "ONGOSUB" }[gotok.str]; if (!cmd) this.compileError(`There should be a GOTO or GOSUB here.`); var labels = this.parseLabelList(); return { command: cmd, expr, labels }; } stmt__DEF() { var lexpr = this.parseVarSubscriptOrFunc(); if (lexpr.args && lexpr.args.length > this.opts.maxDefArgs) this.compileError(`There can be no more than ${this.opts.maxDefArgs} arguments to a function or subscript.`, lexpr.$loc); if (!lexpr.name.startsWith("FN")) this.compileError(`Functions defined with DEF must begin with the letters "FN".`, lexpr.$loc); this.markVarDefs(lexpr); this.expectToken("="); var func = this.parseExpr(); this.visitExpr(func, (expr) => { if (isLookup(expr) && expr.name.startsWith("FN")) { if (!this.fnrefs[lexpr.name]) this.fnrefs[lexpr.name] = []; this.fnrefs[lexpr.name].push(expr.name); } }); this.checkCallGraph(lexpr.name, new Set()); return { command: "DEF", lexpr, def: func }; } stmt__SUB() { var lexpr = this.parseVarSubscriptOrFunc(); this.markVarDefs(lexpr); this.addLabel(lexpr.name, 1); return { command: "SUB", lexpr }; } stmt__CALL() { return { command: "CALL", call: this.parseVarSubscriptOrFunc() }; } markVarDefs(lexpr) { this.vardefs[lexpr.name] = lexpr; if (lexpr.args != null) for (let arg of lexpr.args) { if (isLookup(arg) && arg.args == null) this.vardefs[arg.name] = arg; else this.compileError(`A definition can only define symbols, not expressions.`); } } checkCallGraph(name, visited) { if (visited.has(name)) this.compileError(`There was a cycle in the function definition graph for ${name}.`); visited.add(name); var refs = this.fnrefs[name] || []; for (var ref of refs) this.checkCallGraph(ref, visited); visited.delete(name); } stmt__POP() { return { command: "POP" }; } stmt__GET() { var lexpr = this.parseLexpr(); return { command: "GET", lexpr }; } stmt__CLEAR() { return { command: "CLEAR" }; } stmt__RANDOMIZE() { return { command: "RANDOMIZE" }; } stmt__CHANGE() { var src = this.parseExpr(); this.expectToken("TO"); var dest = this.parseLexpr(); if (dest.valtype == src.valtype) this.compileError(`CHANGE can only convert strings to numeric arrays, or vice-versa.`, mergeLocs(src.$loc, dest.$loc)); return { command: "CHANGE", src, dest }; } stmt__CONVERT() { var src = this.parseExpr(); this.expectToken("TO"); var dest = this.parseLexpr(); if (dest.valtype == src.valtype) this.compileError(`CONVERT can only convert strings to numbers, or vice-versa.`, mergeLocs(src.$loc, dest.$loc)); return { command: "CONVERT", src, dest }; } stmt__OPTION() { this.optionCount++; var tokname = this.consumeToken(); var optname = tokname.str.toUpperCase(); if (tokname.type != 5) this.compileError(`There must be a name after the OPTION statement.`); var tokarg = this.consumeToken(); var arg = tokarg.str.toUpperCase(); switch (optname) { case "DIALECT": if (this.optionCount > 1) this.compileError(`OPTION DIALECT must be the first OPTION statement in the file.`, tokname.$loc); let dname = arg || ""; if (dname == "") this.compileError(`OPTION DIALECT requires a dialect name.`, tokname.$loc); let dialect = DIALECTS[dname.toUpperCase()]; if (dialect) this.opts = dialect; else this.compileError(`${dname} is not a valid dialect.`); break; case "BASE": let base = parseInt(arg); if (base == 0 || base == 1) this.opts.defaultArrayBase = base; else this.compileError("OPTION BASE can only be 0 or 1."); break; case "CPUSPEED": if (!(this.opts.commandsPerSec = Math.min(1e7, arg == "MAX" ? Infinity : parseFloat(arg)))) this.compileError(`OPTION CPUSPEED takes a positive number or MAX.`); break; default: let propname = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.opts).find((n) => n.toUpperCase() == optname); if (propname == null) this.compileError(`${optname} is not a valid option.`, tokname.$loc); if (arg == null) this.compileError(`OPTION ${optname} requires a parameter.`); switch (typeof this.opts[propname]) { case "boolean": this.opts[propname] = arg.toUpperCase().startsWith("T") || arg > 0; return; case "number": this.opts[propname] = parseFloat(arg); return; case "string": this.opts[propname] = arg; return; case "object": if (Array.isArray(this.opts[propname]) && arg == "ALL") { this.opts[propname] = null; return; } this.compileError(`OPTION ${optname} ALL is the only option supported.`); } break; } return { command: "OPTION", optname, optargs: [arg] }; } generateListing(file, program) { var srclines = []; var laststmt; program.stmts.forEach((stmt, idx) => { laststmt = stmt; srclines.push(stmt.$loc); }); if (this.opts.endStmtRequired && (laststmt == null || laststmt.command != "END")) this.dialectError(`All programs must have a final END statement`); return { lines: srclines }; } getListings() { return this.listings; } checkAll(program) { this.checkLabels(); this.checkScopes(); this.checkVarRefs(); } checkLabels() { for (let targ in this.targets) { if (this.labels[targ] == null) { var what = this.opts.optionalLabels && isNaN(parseInt(targ)) ? "label named" : "line number"; this.addError(`There isn't a ${what} ${targ}.`, this.targets[targ]); } } } checkScopes() { if (this.opts.compiledBlocks && this.scopestack.length) { var open = this.stmts[this.scopestack.pop()]; var close = { FOR: "NEXT", WHILE: "WEND", IF: "END IF", SUB: "END SUB" }; this.compileError(`Don't forget to add a matching ${close[open.command]} statement.`, open.$loc); } } checkVarRefs() { if (!this.opts.defaultValues) { for (var varname in this.varrefs) { if (this.vardefs[varname] == null) this.compileError(`The variable ${varname} isn't defined anywhere in the program.`, this.varrefs[varname]); } } } }; var ECMA55_MINIMAL = { dialectName: "ECMA55", asciiOnly: true, uppercaseOnly: true, optionalLabels: false, optionalWhitespace: false, multipleStmtsPerLine: false, varNaming: "A1", staticArrays: true, sharedArrayNamespace: true, defaultArrayBase: 0, defaultArraySize: 11, defaultValues: false, stringConcat: false, maxDimensions: 2, maxDefArgs: 255, maxStringLength: 255, tickComments: false, hexOctalConsts: false, validKeywords: [ "BASE", "DATA", "DEF", "DIM", "END", "FOR", "GO", "GOSUB", "GOTO", "IF", "INPUT", "LET", "NEXT", "ON", "OPTION", "PRINT", "RANDOMIZE", "READ", "REM", "RESTORE", "RETURN", "STEP", "STOP", "THEN", "TO" ], validFunctions: [ "ABS", "ATN", "COS", "EXP", "INT", "LOG", "RND", "SGN", "SIN", "SQR", "TAB", "TAN" ], validOperators: [ "=", "<>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "+", "-", "*", "/", "^" ], printZoneLength: 15, numericPadding: true, checkOverflow: true, testInitialFor: true, optionalNextVar: false, multipleNextVars: false, bitwiseLogic: false, checkOnGotoIndex: true, computedGoto: false, restoreWithLabel: false, squareBrackets: false, arraysContainChars: false, endStmtRequired: true, chainAssignments: false, optionalLet: false, compiledBlocks: true }; var DARTMOUTH_4TH_EDITION = { dialectName: "DARTMOUTH4", asciiOnly: true, uppercaseOnly: true, optionalLabels: false, optionalWhitespace: false, multipleStmtsPerLine: false, varNaming: "A1", staticArrays: true, sharedArrayNamespace: false, defaultArrayBase: 0, defaultArraySize: 11, defaultValues: false, stringConcat: false, maxDimensions: 2, maxDefArgs: 255, maxStringLength: 255, tickComments: true, hexOctalConsts: false, validKeywords: [ "BASE", "DATA", "DEF", "DIM", "END", "FOR", "GO", "GOSUB", "GOTO", "IF", "INPUT", "LET", "NEXT", "ON", "OPTION", "PRINT", "RANDOMIZE", "READ", "REM", "RESTORE", "RETURN", "STEP", "STOP", "THEN", "TO", "CHANGE", "MAT", "RANDOM", "RESTORE$", "RESTORE*" ], validFunctions: [ "ABS", "ATN", "COS", "EXP", "INT", "LOG", "RND", "SGN", "SIN", "SQR", "TAB", "TAN", "TRN", "INV", "DET", "NUM", "ZER" ], validOperators: [ "=", "<>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "+", "-", "*", "/", "^" ], printZoneLength: 15, numericPadding: true, checkOverflow: true, testInitialFor: true, optionalNextVar: false, multipleNextVars: false, bitwiseLogic: false, checkOnGotoIndex: true, computedGoto: false, restoreWithLabel: false, squareBrackets: false, arraysContainChars: false, endStmtRequired: true, chainAssignments: true, optionalLet: false, compiledBlocks: true }; var TINY_BASIC = { dialectName: "TINY", asciiOnly: true, uppercaseOnly: true, optionalLabels: false, optionalWhitespace: false, multipleStmtsPerLine: false, varNaming: "A", staticArrays: false, sharedArrayNamespace: true, defaultArrayBase: 0, defaultArraySize: 0, defaultValues: true, stringConcat: false, maxDimensions: 0, maxDefArgs: 255, maxStringLength: 255, tickComments: false, hexOctalConsts: false, validKeywords: [ "OPTION", "PRINT", "IF", "THEN", "GOTO", "INPUT", "LET", "GOSUB", "RETURN", "CLEAR", "END" ], validFunctions: [], validOperators: [ "=", "<>", "><", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "+", "-", "*", "/" ], printZoneLength: 1, numericPadding: false, checkOverflow: false, testInitialFor: false, optionalNextVar: false, multipleNextVars: false, bitwiseLogic: false, checkOnGotoIndex: false, computedGoto: true, restoreWithLabel: false, squareBrackets: false, arraysContainChars: false, endStmtRequired: false, chainAssignments: false, optionalLet: false, compiledBlocks: false }; var HP_TIMESHARED_BASIC = { dialectName: "HP2000", asciiOnly: true, uppercaseOnly: true, optionalLabels: false, optionalWhitespace: false, multipleStmtsPerLine: true, varNaming: "A1$", staticArrays: true, sharedArrayNamespace: false, defaultArrayBase: 1, defaultArraySize: 11, defaultValues: false, stringConcat: false, maxDimensions: 2, maxDefArgs: 255, maxStringLength: 255, tickComments: false, hexOctalConsts: false, validKeywords: [ "BASE", "DATA", "DEF", "DIM", "END", "FOR", "GO", "GOSUB", "GOTO", "IF", "INPUT", "LET", "NEXT", "OPTION", "PRINT", "RANDOMIZE", "READ", "REM", "RESTORE", "RETURN", "STEP", "STOP", "THEN", "TO", "ENTER", "MAT", "CONVERT", "OF", "IMAGE", "USING" ], validFunctions: [ "ABS", "ATN", "BRK", "COS", "CTL", "EXP", "INT", "LEN", "LIN", "LOG", "NUM", "POS", "RND", "SGN", "SIN", "SPA", "SQR", "TAB", "TAN", "TIM", "TYP", "UPS$", "NFORMAT$" ], validOperators: [ "=", "<>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "**", "#", "NOT", "AND", "OR", "MIN", "MAX" ], printZoneLength: 15, numericPadding: true, checkOverflow: false, testInitialFor: true, optionalNextVar: false, multipleNextVars: false, bitwiseLogic: false, checkOnGotoIndex: false, computedGoto: true, restoreWithLabel: true, squareBrackets: true, arraysContainChars: true, endStmtRequired: true, chainAssignments: true, optionalLet: true, compiledBlocks: true, maxArrayElements: 5e3 }; var DEC_BASIC_11 = { dialectName: "DEC11", asciiOnly: true, uppercaseOnly: true, optionalLabels: false, optionalWhitespace: false, multipleStmtsPerLine: false, varNaming: "A1", staticArrays: true, sharedArrayNamespace: false, defaultArrayBase: 0, defaultArraySize: 11, defaultValues: true, stringConcat: true, maxDimensions: 2, maxDefArgs: 255, maxStringLength: 255, tickComments: false, hexOctalConsts: false, validKeywords: [ "OPTION", "DATA", "DEF", "DIM", "END", "FOR", "STEP", "GOSUB", "GOTO", "GO", "TO", "IF", "THEN", "INPUT", "LET", "NEXT", "ON", "PRINT", "RANDOMIZE", "READ", "REM", "RESET", "RESTORE", "RETURN", "STOP" ], validFunctions: [ "ABS", "ATN", "COS", "EXP", "INT", "LOG", "LOG10", "PI", "RND", "SGN", "SIN", "SQR", "TAB", "ASC", "BIN", "CHR$", "CLK$", "DAT$", "LEN", "OCT", "POS", "SEG$", "STR$", "TRM$", "VAL", "NFORMAT$" ], validOperators: [ "=", "<>", "><", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "+", "-", "*", "/", "^" ], printZoneLength: 14, numericPadding: true, checkOverflow: true, testInitialFor: true, optionalNextVar: false, multipleNextVars: false, bitwiseLogic: false, checkOnGotoIndex: true, computedGoto: false, restoreWithLabel: false, squareBrackets: false, arraysContainChars: false, endStmtRequired: false, chainAssignments: false, optionalLet: true, compiledBlocks: true }; var DEC_BASIC_PLUS = { dialectName: "DECPLUS", asciiOnly: true, uppercaseOnly: false, optionalLabels: false, optionalWhitespace: false, multipleStmtsPerLine: true, varNaming: "A1", staticArrays: true, sharedArrayNamespace: false, defaultArrayBase: 0, defaultArraySize: 11, defaultValues: true, stringConcat: true, maxDimensions: 2, maxDefArgs: 255, maxStringLength: 255, tickComments: true, hexOctalConsts: false, validKeywords: [ "OPTION", "REM", "LET", "DIM", "RANDOM", "RANDOMIZE", "IF", "THEN", "ELSE", "FOR", "TO", "STEP", "WHILE", "UNTIL", "NEXT", "DEF", "ON", "GOTO", "GOSUB", "RETURN", "CHANGE", "READ", "DATA", "RESTORE", "PRINT", "USING", "INPUT", "LINE", "NAME", "AS", "ERROR", "RESUME", "CHAIN", "STOP", "END", "MAT", "UNLESS", "SLEEP", "WAIT" ], validFunctions: [ "ABS", "ATN", "COS", "EXP", "INT", "LOG", "LOG10", "PI", "RND", "SGN", "SIN", "SQR", "TAB", "TAN", "POS", "TAB", "ASCII", "CHR$", "CVT%$", "CVTF$", "CVT$%", "CVT$F", "LEFT$", "RIGHT$", "MID$", "LEN", "INSTR", "SPACE$", "NUM$", "VAL", "XLATE", "DATE$", "TIME$", "TIME", "ERR", "ERL", "SWAP%", "RAD$", "NFORMAT$" ], validOperators: [ "=", "<>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "**", "==", "NOT", "AND", "OR", "XOR", "IMP", "EQV" ], printZoneLength: 14, numericPadding: true, checkOverflow: true, testInitialFor: true, optionalNextVar: false, multipleNextVars: false, bitwiseLogic: false, checkOnGotoIndex: true, computedGoto: false, restoreWithLabel: false, squareBrackets: false, arraysContainChars: false, endStmtRequired: false, chainAssignments: false, optionalLet: true, compiledBlocks: true }; var BASICODE = { dialectName: "BASICODE", asciiOnly: true, uppercaseOnly: false, optionalLabels: false, optionalWhitespace: true, multipleStmtsPerLine: true, varNaming: "AA", staticArrays: true, sharedArrayNamespace: false, defaultArrayBase: 0, defaultArraySize: 11, defaultValues: false, stringConcat: true, maxDimensions: 2, maxDefArgs: 255, maxStringLength: 255, tickComments: false, hexOctalConsts: false, validKeywords: [ "BASE", "DATA", "DEF", "DIM", "END", "FOR", "GO", "GOSUB", "GOTO", "IF", "INPUT", "LET", "NEXT", "ON", "OPTION", "PRINT", "READ", "REM", "RESTORE", "RETURN", "STEP", "STOP", "THEN", "TO", "AND", "NOT", "OR" ], validFunctions: [ "ABS", "ASC", "ATN", "CHR$", "COS", "EXP", "INT", "LEFT$", "LEN", "LOG", "MID$", "RIGHT$", "SGN", "SIN", "SQR", "TAB", "TAN", "VAL" ], validOperators: [ "=", "<>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "AND", "NOT", "OR" ], printZoneLength: 15, numericPadding: true, checkOverflow: true, testInitialFor: true, optionalNextVar: false, multipleNextVars: false, bitwiseLogic: false, checkOnGotoIndex: true, computedGoto: false, restoreWithLabel: false, squareBrackets: false, arraysContainChars: false, endStmtRequired: false, chainAssignments: false, optionalLet: true, compiledBlocks: false }; var ALTAIR_BASIC41 = { dialectName: "ALTAIR41", asciiOnly: true, uppercaseOnly: true, optionalLabels: false, optionalWhitespace: true, multipleStmtsPerLine: true, varNaming: "*", staticArrays: false, sharedArrayNamespace: true, defaultArrayBase: 0, defaultArraySize: 11, defaultValues: true, stringConcat: true, maxDimensions: 128, maxDefArgs: 255, maxStringLength: 255, tickComments: false, hexOctalConsts: false, validKeywords: [ "OPTION", "CONSOLE", "DATA", "DEF", "DEFUSR", "DIM", "END", "ERASE", "ERROR", "FOR", "GOTO", "GOSUB", "IF", "THEN", "ELSE", "INPUT", "LET", "LINE", "PRINT", "LPRINT", "USING", "NEXT", "ON", "OUT", "POKE", "READ", "REM", "RESTORE", "RESUME", "RETURN", "STOP", "SWAP", "TROFF", "TRON", "WAIT", "TO", "STEP", "AND", "NOT", "OR", "XOR", "IMP", "EQV", "MOD", "RANDOMIZE" ], validFunctions: [ "ABS", "ASC", "ATN", "CDBL", "CHR$", "CINT", "COS", "ERL", "ERR", "EXP", "FIX", "FRE", "HEX$", "INP", "INSTR", "INT", "LEFT$", "LEN", "LOG", "LPOS", "MID$", "OCT$", "POS", "RIGHT$", "RND", "SGN", "SIN", "SPACE$", "SPC", "SQR", "STR$", "STRING$", "TAB", "TAN", "USR", "VAL", "VARPTR" ], validOperators: [ "=", "<>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "\\", "AND", "NOT", "OR", "XOR", "IMP", "EQV", "MOD" ], printZoneLength: 15, numericPadding: true, checkOverflow: true, testInitialFor: false, optionalNextVar: true, multipleNextVars: true, bitwiseLogic: true, checkOnGotoIndex: false, computedGoto: false, restoreWithLabel: false, squareBrackets: false, arraysContainChars: false, endStmtRequired: false, chainAssignments: false, optionalLet: true, compiledBlocks: false }; var APPLESOFT_BASIC = { dialectName: "APPLESOFT", asciiOnly: true, uppercaseOnly: false, optionalLabels: false, optionalWhitespace: true, multipleStmtsPerLine: true, varNaming: "*", staticArrays: false, sharedArrayNamespace: false, defaultArrayBase: 0, defaultArraySize: 11, defaultValues: true, stringConcat: true, maxDimensions: 88, maxDefArgs: 1, maxStringLength: 255, tickComments: false, hexOctalConsts: false, validKeywords: [ "OPTION", "CLEAR", "LET", "DIM", "DEF", "GOTO", "GOSUB", "RETURN", "ON", "POP", "FOR", "NEXT", "IF", "THEN", "END", "STOP", "ONERR", "RESUME", "PRINT", "INPUT", "GET", "HOME", "HTAB", "VTAB", "INVERSE", "FLASH", "NORMAL", "TEXT", "GR", "COLOR", "PLOT", "HLIN", "VLIN", "HGR", "HGR2", "HPLOT", "HCOLOR", "AT", "DATA", "READ", "RESTORE", "REM", "TRACE", "NOTRACE", "TO", "STEP", "AND", "NOT", "OR" ], validFunctions: [ "ABS", "ATN", "COS", "EXP", "INT", "LOG", "RND", "SGN", "SIN", "SQR", "TAN", "LEN", "LEFT$", "MID$", "RIGHT$", "STR$", "VAL", "CHR$", "ASC", "FRE", "SCRN", "PDL", "PEEK", "POS" ], validOperators: [ "=", "<>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "AND", "NOT", "OR" ], printZoneLength: 16, numericPadding: false, checkOverflow: true, testInitialFor: false, optionalNextVar: true, multipleNextVars: true, bitwiseLogic: false, checkOnGotoIndex: false, computedGoto: false, restoreWithLabel: false, squareBrackets: false, arraysContainChars: false, endStmtRequired: false, chainAssignments: false, optionalLet: true, compiledBlocks: false }; var BASIC80 = { dialectName: "BASIC80", asciiOnly: true, uppercaseOnly: false, optionalLabels: false, optionalWhitespace: true, multipleStmtsPerLine: true, varNaming: "*", staticArrays: false, sharedArrayNamespace: true, defaultArrayBase: 0, defaultArraySize: 11, defaultValues: true, stringConcat: true, maxDimensions: 255, maxDefArgs: 255, maxStringLength: 255, tickComments: true, hexOctalConsts: true, validKeywords: [ "OPTION", "CONSOLE", "DATA", "DEF", "DEFUSR", "DIM", "END", "ERASE", "ERROR", "FOR", "GOTO", "GOSUB", "IF", "THEN", "ELSE", "INPUT", "LET", "LINE", "PRINT", "LPRINT", "USING", "NEXT", "ON", "OUT", "POKE", "READ", "REM", "RESTORE", "RESUME", "RETURN", "STOP", "SWAP", "TROFF", "TRON", "WAIT", "CALL", "CHAIN", "COMMON", "WHILE", "WEND", "WRITE", "RANDOMIZE", "TO", "STEP", "AND", "NOT", "OR", "XOR", "IMP", "EQV", "MOD" ], validFunctions: [ "ABS", "ASC", "ATN", "CDBL", "CHR$", "CINT", "COS", "CSNG", "CVI", "CVS", "CVD", "EOF", "EXP", "FIX", "FRE", "HEX$", "INP", "INPUT$", "INSTR", "INT", "LEFT$", "LEN", "LOC", "LOG", "LPOS", "MID$", "MKI$", "MKS$", "MKD$", "OCT$", "PEEK", "POS", "RIGHT$", "RND", "SGN", "SIN", "SPACE$", "SPC", "SQR", "STR$", "STRING$", "TAB", "TAN", "USR", "VAL", "VARPTR" ], validOperators: [ "=", "<>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "\\", "AND", "NOT", "OR", "XOR", "IMP", "EQV", "MOD" ], printZoneLength: 14, numericPadding: true, checkOverflow: false, testInitialFor: true, optionalNextVar: true, multipleNextVars: true, bitwiseLogic: true, checkOnGotoIndex: false, computedGoto: false, restoreWithLabel: true, squareBrackets: false, arraysContainChars: false, endStmtRequired: false, chainAssignments: false, optionalLet: true, compiledBlocks: false }; var MODERN_BASIC = { dialectName: "MODERN", asciiOnly: false, uppercaseOnly: false, optionalLabels: true, optionalWhitespace: false, multipleStmtsPerLine: true, varNaming: "*", staticArrays: false, sharedArrayNamespace: false, defaultArrayBase: 0, defaultArraySize: 0, defaultValues: false, stringConcat: true, maxDimensions: 255, maxDefArgs: 255, maxStringLength: 2048, tickComments: true, hexOctalConsts: true, validKeywords: null, validFunctions: null, validOperators: null, printZoneLength: 16, numericPadding: false, checkOverflow: true, testInitialFor: true, optionalNextVar: true, multipleNextVars: true, bitwiseLogic: true, checkOnGotoIndex: true, computedGoto: false, restoreWithLabel: true, squareBrackets: true, arraysContainChars: false, endStmtRequired: false, chainAssignments: true, optionalLet: true, compiledBlocks: true, multilineIfThen: true }; var BUILTIN_DEFS = [ ["ABS", ["number"], "number"], ["ASC", ["string"], "number"], ["ATN", ["number"], "number"], ["CHR$", ["number"], "string"], ["CINT", ["number"], "number"], ["COS", ["number"], "number"], ["COT", ["number"], "number"], ["CTL", ["number"], "string"], ["EXP", ["number"], "number"], ["FIX", ["number"], "number"], ["HEX$", ["number"], "string"], ["INSTR", ["number", "string", "string"], "number"], ["INSTR", ["string", "string"], "number"], ["INT", ["number"], "number"], ["LEFT$", ["string", "number"], "string"], ["LEN", ["string"], "number"], ["LIN", ["number"], "string"], ["LOG", ["number"], "number"], ["LOG10", ["number"], "number"], ["MID$", ["string", "number"], "string"], ["MID$", ["string", "number", "number"], "string"], ["OCT$", ["number"], "string"], ["PI", [], "number"], ["POS", ["number"], "number"], ["POS", ["string", "string"], "number"], ["RIGHT$", ["string", "number"], "string"], ["RND", [], "number"], ["RND", ["number"], "number"], ["ROUND", ["number"], "number"], ["SGN", ["number"], "number"], ["SIN", ["number"], "number"], ["SPACE$", ["number"], "string"], ["SPC", ["number"], "string"], ["SQR", ["number"], "number"], ["STR$", ["number"], "string"], ["STRING$", ["number", "number"], "string"], ["STRING$", ["number", "string"], "string"], ["TAB", ["number"], "string"], ["TAN", ["number"], "number"], ["TIM", ["number"], "number"], ["TIMER", [], "number"], ["UPS$", ["string"], "string"], ["VAL", ["string"], "number"], ["LPAD$", ["string", "number"], "string"], ["RPAD$", ["string", "number"], "string"], ["NFORMAT$", ["number", "number"], "string"] ]; var BUILTIN_MAP = {}; BUILTIN_DEFS.forEach((def, idx) => { let [name, args, result] = def; if (!BUILTIN_MAP[name]) BUILTIN_MAP[name] = []; BUILTIN_MAP[name].push({ args, result }); }); var DIALECTS = { "DEFAULT": MODERN_BASIC, "DARTMOUTH": DARTMOUTH_4TH_EDITION, "DARTMOUTH4": DARTMOUTH_4TH_EDITION, "ALTAIR": ALTAIR_BASIC41, "ALTAIR4": ALTAIR_BASIC41, "ALTAIR41": ALTAIR_BASIC41, "TINY": TINY_BASIC, "ECMA55": ECMA55_MINIMAL, "MINIMAL": ECMA55_MINIMAL, "HP": HP_TIMESHARED_BASIC, "HPB": HP_TIMESHARED_BASIC, "HPTSB": HP_TIMESHARED_BASIC, "HP2000": HP_TIMESHARED_BASIC, "HPBASIC": HP_TIMESHARED_BASIC, "HPACCESS": HP_TIMESHARED_BASIC, "DEC11": DEC_BASIC_11, "DEC": DEC_BASIC_PLUS, "DECPLUS": DEC_BASIC_PLUS, "BASICPLUS": DEC_BASIC_PLUS, "BASICODE": BASICODE, "APPLESOFT": APPLESOFT_BASIC, "BASIC80": BASIC80, "MODERN": MODERN_BASIC }; // src/worker/platforms.ts var PLATFORM_PARAMS = { "vcs": { arch: "6502", code_start: 4096, code_size: 61440, data_start: 128, data_size: 128, wiz_rom_ext: ".a26", wiz_inc_dir: "2600", cfgfile: "atari2600.cfg", libargs: ["crt0.o", "atari2600.lib"], extra_link_files: ["crt0.o", "atari2600.cfg"], define: ["__ATARI2600__"] }, "mw8080bw": { arch: "z80", code_start: 0, rom_size: 8192, data_start: 8192, data_size: 1024, stack_end: 9216 }, "vicdual": { arch: "z80", code_start: 0, rom_size: 16416, data_start: 58368, data_size: 1024, stack_end: 59392 }, "galaxian": { arch: "z80", code_start: 0, rom_size: 16384, data_start: 16384, data_size: 1024, stack_end: 18432 }, "galaxian-scramble": { arch: "z80", code_start: 0, rom_size: 20512, data_start: 16384, data_size: 1024, stack_end: 18432 }, "williams": { arch: "6809", code_start: 0, rom_size: 49152, data_start: 38912, data_size: 10240, stack_end: 49152, set_stack_end: 49152, extra_link_files: ["williams.scr", "libcmoc-crt-vec.a", "libcmoc-std-vec.a"], extra_link_args: ["-swilliams.scr", "-lcmoc-crt-vec", "-lcmoc-std-vec"], extra_compile_files: ["assert.h", "cmoc.h", "stdarg.h", "stdlib.h"] }, "williams-defender": { arch: "6809", code_start: 0, rom_size: 49152, data_start: 38912, data_size: 10240, stack_end: 49152 }, "williams-z80": { arch: "z80", code_start: 0, rom_size: 38912, data_start: 38912, data_size: 10240, stack_end: 49152 }, "vector-z80color": { arch: "z80", code_start: 0, rom_size: 32768, data_start: 57344, data_size: 8192, stack_end: 0 }, "vector-ataricolor": { arch: "6502", define: ["__VECTOR__"], cfgfile: "vector-color.cfg", libargs: ["crt0.o", "none.lib"], extra_link_files: ["crt0.o", "vector-color.cfg"] }, "sound_williams-z80": { arch: "z80", code_start: 0, rom_size: 16384, data_start: 16384, data_size: 1024, stack_end: 32768 }, "base_z80": { arch: "z80", code_start: 0, rom_size: 32768, data_start: 32768, data_size: 32768, stack_end: 0 }, "coleco": { arch: "z80", rom_start: 32768, code_start: 33024, rom_size: 32768, data_start: 28672, data_size: 1024, stack_end: 32768, extra_preproc_args: ["-I", "/share/include/coleco", "-D", "CV_CV"], extra_link_args: ["-k", "/share/lib/coleco", "-l", "libcv", "-l", "libcvu", "crt0.rel"] }, "msx": { arch: "z80", rom_start: 16384, code_start: 16384, rom_size: 32768, data_start: 49152, data_size: 12288, stack_end: 65535, extra_link_args: ["crt0-msx.rel"], extra_link_files: ["crt0-msx.rel", "crt0-msx.lst"], wiz_sys_type: "z80", wiz_inc_dir: "msx" }, "msx-libcv": { arch: "z80", rom_start: 16384, code_start: 16384, rom_size: 32768, data_start: 49152, data_size: 12288, stack_end: 65535, extra_preproc_args: ["-I", ".", "-D", "CV_MSX"], extra_link_args: ["-k", ".", "-l", "libcv-msx", "-l", "libcvu-msx", "crt0-msx.rel"], extra_link_files: ["libcv-msx.lib", "libcvu-msx.lib", "crt0-msx.rel", "crt0-msx.lst"], extra_compile_files: ["cv.h", "cv_graphics.h", "cv_input.h", "cv_sound.h", "cv_support.h", "cvu.h", "cvu_c.h", "cvu_compression.h", "cvu_f.h", "cvu_graphics.h", "cvu_input.h", "cvu_sound.h"] }, "sms-sg1000-libcv": { arch: "z80", rom_start: 0, code_start: 256, rom_size: 49152, data_start: 49152, data_size: 1024, stack_end: 57344, extra_preproc_args: ["-I", ".", "-D", "CV_SMS"], extra_link_args: ["-k", ".", "-l", "libcv-sms", "-l", "libcvu-sms", "crt0-sms.rel"], extra_link_files: ["libcv-sms.lib", "libcvu-sms.lib", "crt0-sms.rel", "crt0-sms.lst"], extra_compile_files: ["cv.h", "cv_graphics.h", "cv_input.h", "cv_sound.h", "cv_support.h", "cvu.h", "cvu_c.h", "cvu_compression.h", "cvu_f.h", "cvu_graphics.h", "cvu_input.h", "cvu_sound.h"] }, "nes": { arch: "6502", define: ["__NES__"], cfgfile: "neslib2.cfg", libargs: [ "crt0.o", "nes.lib", "neslib2.lib", "-D", "NES_MAPPER=0", "-D", "NES_PRG_BANKS=2", "-D", "NES_CHR_BANKS=1", "-D", "NES_MIRRORING=0" ], extra_link_files: ["crt0.o", "neslib2.lib", "neslib2.cfg", "nesbanked.cfg"], wiz_rom_ext: ".nes" }, "apple2": { arch: "6502", define: ["__APPLE2__"], cfgfile: "apple2.cfg", libargs: ["--lib-path", "/share/target/apple2/drv", "apple2.lib"], __CODE_RUN__: 16384, code_start: 2051, acmeargs: ["-f", "apple"] }, "apple2-e": { arch: "6502", define: ["__APPLE2__"], cfgfile: "apple2.cfg", libargs: ["apple2.lib"], acmeargs: ["-f", "apple"] }, "atari8-800xl.disk": { arch: "6502", define: ["__ATARI__"], cfgfile: "atari.cfg", libargs: ["atari.lib"], fastbasic_cfgfile: "fastbasic-cart.cfg" }, "atari8-800xl": { arch: "6502", define: ["__ATARI__"], cfgfile: "atari-cart.cfg", libargs: ["atari.lib", "-D", "__CARTFLAGS__=4"], fastbasic_cfgfile: "fastbasic-cart.cfg" }, "atari8-800": { arch: "6502", define: ["__ATARI__"], cfgfile: "atari-cart.cfg", libargs: ["atari.lib", "-D", "__CARTFLAGS__=4"], fastbasic_cfgfile: "fastbasic-cart.cfg" }, "atari8-5200": { arch: "6502", define: ["__ATARI5200__"], cfgfile: "atari5200.cfg", libargs: ["atari5200.lib", "-D", "__CARTFLAGS__=255"], fastbasic_cfgfile: "fastbasic-cart.cfg" }, "verilog": { arch: "verilog", extra_compile_files: ["8bitworkshop.v"] }, "astrocade": { arch: "z80", code_start: 8192, rom_size: 8192, data_start: 19984, data_size: 496, stack_end: 20480 }, "astrocade-arcade": { arch: "z80", code_start: 0, rom_size: 16384, data_start: 32224, data_size: 544, stack_end: 32768 }, "astrocade-bios": { arch: "z80", code_start: 0, rom_size: 8192, data_start: 20430, data_size: 50, stack_end: 20430 }, "atari7800": { arch: "6502", define: ["__ATARI7800__"], cfgfile: "atari7800.cfg", libargs: ["crt0.o", "none.lib"], extra_link_files: ["crt0.o", "atari7800.cfg"] }, "c64": { arch: "6502", define: ["__CBM__", "__C64__"], cfgfile: "c64.cfg", libargs: ["c64.lib"], acmeargs: ["-f", "cbm"] }, "vic20": { arch: "6502", define: ["__CBM__", "__VIC20__"], cfgfile: "vic20.cfg", libargs: ["vic20.lib"], acmeargs: ["-f", "cbm"] }, "kim1": { arch: "6502" }, "vectrex": { arch: "6809", code_start: 0, rom_size: 32768, data_start: 51328, data_size: 896, stack_end: 52224, extra_compile_files: ["assert.h", "cmoc.h", "stdarg.h", "vectrex.h", "stdlib.h", "bios.h"], extra_link_files: ["vectrex.scr", "libcmoc-crt-vec.a", "libcmoc-std-vec.a"], extra_compile_args: ["--vectrex"], extra_link_args: ["-svectrex.scr", "-lcmoc-crt-vec", "-lcmoc-std-vec"] }, "x86": { arch: "x86" }, "zx": { arch: "z80", code_start: 23755, rom_size: 65368 - 23755, data_start: 61440, data_size: 65024 - 61440, stack_end: 65368, extra_link_args: ["crt0-zx.rel"], extra_link_files: ["crt0-zx.rel", "crt0-zx.lst"] }, "devel-6502": { arch: "6502", cfgfile: "devel-6502.cfg", libargs: ["crt0.o", "none.lib"], extra_link_files: ["crt0.o", "devel-6502.cfg"] }, "cpc.rslib": { arch: "z80", code_start: 16384, rom_size: 45312 - 16384, data_start: 45312, data_size: 45312 - 49152, stack_end: 49152, extra_compile_files: ["cpcrslib.h"], extra_link_args: ["crt0-cpc.rel", "cpcrslib.lib"], extra_link_files: ["crt0-cpc.rel", "crt0-cpc.lst", "cpcrslib.lib", "cpcrslib.lst"] }, "cpc": { arch: "z80", code_start: 16384, rom_size: 45312 - 16384, data_start: 45312, data_size: 45312 - 49152, stack_end: 49152, extra_compile_files: ["cpctelera.h"], extra_link_args: ["crt0-cpc.rel", "cpctelera.lib"], extra_link_files: ["crt0-cpc.rel", "crt0-cpc.lst", "cpctelera.lib", "cpctelera.lst"] }, "pce": { arch: "huc6280", define: ["__PCE__"], cfgfile: "pce.cfg", libargs: ["pce.lib", "-D", "__CARTSIZE__=0x8000"] } }; PLATFORM_PARAMS["sms-sms-libcv"] = PLATFORM_PARAMS["sms-sg1000-libcv"]; PLATFORM_PARAMS["sms-gg-libcv"] = PLATFORM_PARAMS["sms-sms-libcv"]; // src/worker/builder.ts var PSRC = "../../src/"; var PWORKER = PSRC + "worker/"; var FileWorkingStore = class { constructor() { this.workfs = {}; this.workerseq = 0; this.reset(); } reset() { this.workfs = {}; this.newVersion(); } currentVersion() { return this.workerseq; } newVersion() { let ts = new Date().getTime(); if (ts <= this.workerseq) ts = ++this.workerseq; return ts; } putFile(path, data) { var encoding = typeof data === "string" ? "utf8" : "binary"; var entry = this.workfs[path]; if (!entry || !compareData(entry.data, data) || entry.encoding != encoding) { this.workfs[path] = entry = { path, data, encoding, ts: this.newVersion() }; console.log("+++", entry.path, entry.encoding, entry.data.length, entry.ts); } return entry; } hasFile(path) { return this.workfs[path] != null; } getFileData(path) { return this.workfs[path] && this.workfs[path].data; } getFileAsString(path) { let data = this.getFileData(path); if (data != null && typeof data !== "string") throw new Error(`${path}: expected string`); return data; } getFileEntry(path) { return this.workfs[path]; } setItem(key, value) { this.items[key] = value; } }; var store = new FileWorkingStore(); function errorResult(msg) { return { errors: [{ line: 0, msg }] }; } var Builder = class { constructor() { this.steps = []; this.startseq = 0; } wasChanged(entry) { return entry.ts > this.startseq; } async executeBuildSteps() { this.startseq = store.currentVersion(); var linkstep = null; while (this.steps.length) { var step = this.steps.shift(); var platform = step.platform; var [tool, remoteTool] = step.tool.split(":", 2); var toolfn = TOOLS[tool]; if (!toolfn) { throw Error(`no tool named "${tool}"`); } if (remoteTool) { step.tool = remoteTool; } step.params = PLATFORM_PARAMS[getBasePlatform(platform)]; try { step.result = await toolfn(step); } catch (e) { console.log("EXCEPTION", e, e.stack); return errorResult(e + ""); } if (step.result) { step.result.params = step.params; if (step.debuginfo) { let r = step.result; if (!r.debuginfo) r.debuginfo = {}; Object.assign(r.debuginfo, step.debuginfo); } if ("errors" in step.result && step.result.errors.length) { applyDefaultErrorPath(step.result.errors, step.path); return step.result; } if ("output" in step.result && step.result.output) { return step.result; } if ("linktool" in step.result) { if (linkstep) { linkstep.files = linkstep.files.concat(step.result.files); linkstep.args = linkstep.args.concat(step.result.args); } else { linkstep = { tool: step.result.linktool, platform, files: step.result.files, args: step.result.args }; } linkstep.debuginfo = step.debuginfo; } if ("nexttool" in step.result) { var asmstep = __spreadValues({ tool: step.result.nexttool, platform }, step.result); this.steps.push(asmstep); } if (this.steps.length == 0 && linkstep) { this.steps.push(linkstep); linkstep = null; } } } } async handleMessage(data) { this.steps = []; if (data.updates) { data.updates.forEach((u) => store.putFile(u.path, u.data)); } if (data.setitems) { data.setitems.forEach((i) => store.setItem(i.key, i.value)); } if (data.buildsteps) { this.steps.push.apply(this.steps, data.buildsteps); } if (data.code) { this.steps.push(data); } if (this.steps.length) { var result = await this.executeBuildSteps(); return result ? result : { unchanged: true }; } console.log("Unknown message", data); } }; function applyDefaultErrorPath(errors, path) { if (!path) return; for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) { var err = errors[i]; if (!err.path && err.line) err.path = path; } } function compareData(a, b) { if (a.length != b.length) return false; if (typeof a === "string" && typeof b === "string") { return a == b; } else { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] != b[i]) return false; } return true; } } var builder = new Builder(); var _t1; function starttime() { _t1 = new Date(); } function endtime(msg) { var _t2 = new Date(); console.log(msg, _t2.getTime() - _t1.getTime(), "ms"); } function putWorkFile(path, data) { return store.putFile(path, data); } function getWorkFileAsString(path) { return store.getFileAsString(path); } function populateEntry(fs, path, entry, options) { var data = entry.data; if (options && options.processFn) { data = options.processFn(path, data); } var toks = path.split("/"); if (toks.length > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < toks.length - 1; i++) try { fs.mkdir(toks[i]); } catch (e) { } } fs.writeFile(path, data, { encoding: entry.encoding }); var time = new Date(entry.ts); fs.utime(path, time, time); console.log("<<<", path, entry.data.length); } function gatherFiles(step, options) { var maxts = 0; if (step.files) { for (var i = 0; i < step.files.length; i++) { var path = step.files[i]; var entry = store.workfs[path]; if (!entry) { throw new Error("No entry for path '" + path + "'"); } else { maxts = Math.max(maxts, entry.ts); } } } else if (step.code) { var path = step.path ? step.path : options.mainFilePath; if (!path) throw Error("need path or mainFilePath"); var code = step.code; var entry = putWorkFile(path, code); step.path = path; step.files = [path]; maxts = entry.ts; } else if (step.path) { var path = step.path; var entry = store.workfs[path]; maxts = entry.ts; step.files = [path]; } if (step.path && !step.prefix) { step.prefix = getPrefix(step.path); } step.maxts = maxts; return maxts; } function getPrefix(s) { var pos = s.lastIndexOf("."); return pos > 0 ? s.substring(0, pos) : s; } function populateFiles(step, fs, options) { gatherFiles(step, options); if (!step.files) throw Error("call gatherFiles() first"); for (var i = 0; i < step.files.length; i++) { var path = step.files[i]; populateEntry(fs, path, store.workfs[path], options); } } function populateExtraFiles(step, fs, extrafiles) { if (extrafiles) { for (var i = 0; i < extrafiles.length; i++) { var xfn = extrafiles[i]; if (store.workfs[xfn]) { fs.writeFile(xfn, store.workfs[xfn].data, { encoding: "binary" }); continue; } var xpath = "lib/" + getBasePlatform(step.platform) + "/" + xfn; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.open("GET", PWORKER + xpath, false); xhr.send(null); if (xhr.response && xhr.status == 200) { var data = new Uint8Array(xhr.response); fs.writeFile(xfn, data, { encoding: "binary" }); putWorkFile(xfn, data); console.log(":::", xfn, data.length); } else { throw Error("Could not load extra file " + xpath); } } } } function staleFiles(step, targets) { if (!step.maxts) throw Error("call populateFiles() first"); for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { var entry = store.workfs[targets[i]]; if (!entry || step.maxts > entry.ts) return true; } console.log("unchanged", step.maxts, targets); return false; } function anyTargetChanged(step, targets) { if (!step.maxts) throw Error("call populateFiles() first"); for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { var entry = store.workfs[targets[i]]; if (!entry || entry.ts > step.maxts) return true; } console.log("unchanged", step.maxts, targets); return false; } function fixParamsWithDefines(path, params) { var libargs = params.libargs; if (path && libargs) { var code = getWorkFileAsString(path); if (code) { var oldcfgfile = params.cfgfile; var ident2index = {}; for (var i = 0; i < libargs.length; i++) { var toks = libargs[i].split("="); if (toks.length == 2) { ident2index[toks[0]] = i; } } var re = /^[;]?#define\s+(\w+)\s+(\S+)/gmi; var m; while (m = re.exec(code)) { var ident = m[1]; var value = m[2]; var index = ident2index[ident]; if (index >= 0) { libargs[index] = ident + "=" + value; console.log("Using libargs", index, libargs[index]); if (ident == "NES_MAPPER" && value == "4") { params.cfgfile = "nesbanked.cfg"; console.log("using config file", params.cfgfile); } } else if (ident == "CFGFILE" && value) { params.cfgfile = value; } else if (ident == "LIBARGS" && value) { params.libargs = value.split(",").filter((s) => { return s != ""; }); console.log("Using libargs", params.libargs); } else if (ident == "CC65_FLAGS" && value) { params.extra_compiler_args = value.split(",").filter((s) => { return s != ""; }); console.log("Using compiler flags", params.extra_compiler_args); } } } } } // src/worker/wasmutils.ts var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = typeof window === "object"; var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = typeof importScripts === "function"; var emglobal = ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER ? self : ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB ? window : global; if (!emglobal["require"]) { emglobal["require"] = (modpath) => { if (modpath.endsWith(".js")) modpath = modpath.slice(-3); var modname = modpath.split("/").slice(-1)[0]; var hasNamespace = emglobal[modname] != null; console.log("@@@ require", modname, modpath, hasNamespace); if (!hasNamespace) { exports = {}; importScripts(`${modpath}.js`); } if (emglobal[modname] == null) { emglobal[modname] = exports; } return emglobal[modname]; }; } var _WASM_module_cache = {}; var CACHE_WASM_MODULES = true; var wasmMemory; function getWASMMemory() { if (wasmMemory == null) { wasmMemory = new WebAssembly.Memory({ "initial": 1024, "maximum": 16384 }); } return wasmMemory; } function getWASMModule(module_id) { var module = _WASM_module_cache[module_id]; if (!module) { starttime(); module = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmBlob[module_id]); if (CACHE_WASM_MODULES) { _WASM_module_cache[module_id] = module; delete wasmBlob[module_id]; } endtime("module creation " + module_id); } return module; } function moduleInstFn(module_id) { return function(imports, ri) { var mod = getWASMModule(module_id); var inst = new WebAssembly.Instance(mod, imports); ri(inst); return inst.exports; }; } function execMain(step, mod, args) { starttime(); var run = mod.callMain || mod.run; run(args); endtime(step.tool); } var fsMeta = {}; var fsBlob = {}; var wasmBlob = {}; function loadFilesystem(name) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = "blob"; xhr.open("GET", PWORKER + "fs/fs" + name + ".data", false); xhr.send(null); fsBlob[name] = xhr.response; xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = "json"; xhr.open("GET", PWORKER + "fs/fs" + name + ".js.metadata", false); xhr.send(null); fsMeta[name] = xhr.response; console.log("Loaded " + name + " filesystem", fsMeta[name].files.length, "files", fsBlob[name].size, "bytes"); } var loaded = {}; function load(modulename, debug3) { if (!loaded[modulename]) { importScripts(PWORKER + "asmjs/" + modulename + (debug3 ? "." + debug3 + ".js" : ".js")); loaded[modulename] = 1; } } function loadWASMBinary(modulename) { if (!loaded[modulename]) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.open("GET", PWORKER + "wasm/" + modulename + ".wasm", false); xhr.send(null); if (xhr.response) { wasmBlob[modulename] = new Uint8Array(xhr.response); console.log("Loaded " + modulename + ".wasm (" + wasmBlob[modulename].length + " bytes)"); loaded[modulename] = 1; } else { throw Error("Could not load WASM file " + modulename + ".wasm"); } } return wasmBlob[modulename]; } function loadWASM(modulename, debug3) { if (!loaded[modulename]) { importScripts(PWORKER + "wasm/" + modulename + (debug3 ? "." + debug3 + ".js" : ".js")); loadWASMBinary(modulename); } } function loadNative(modulename) { if (CACHE_WASM_MODULES && typeof WebAssembly === "object") { loadWASM(modulename); } else { load(modulename); } } function setupFS(FS, name) { var WORKERFS = FS.filesystems["WORKERFS"]; if (name === "65-vector") name = "65-none"; if (name === "65-atari7800") name = "65-none"; if (name === "65-devel") name = "65-none"; if (name === "65-vcs") name = "65-atari2600"; if (!fsMeta[name]) throw Error("No filesystem for '" + name + "'"); FS.mkdir("/share"); FS.mount(WORKERFS, { packages: [{ metadata: fsMeta[name], blob: fsBlob[name] }] }, "/share"); var reader = WORKERFS.reader; var blobcache = {}; WORKERFS.stream_ops.read = function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) { if (position >= stream.node.size) return 0; var contents = blobcache[stream.path]; if (!contents) { var ab = reader.readAsArrayBuffer(stream.node.contents); contents = blobcache[stream.path] = new Uint8Array(ab); } if (position + length > contents.length) length = contents.length - position; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { buffer[offset + i] = contents[position + i]; } return length; }; } var print_fn = function(s) { console.log(s); }; function setupStdin(fs, code) { var i = 0; fs.init(function() { return i < code.length ? code.charCodeAt(i++) : null; }); } // src/worker/listingutils.ts var re_msvc = /[/]*([^( ]+)\s*[(](\d+)[)]\s*:\s*(.+?):\s*(.*)/; var re_msvc2 = /\s*(at)\s+(\d+)\s*(:)\s*(.*)/; function msvcErrorMatcher(errors) { return function(s) { var matches = re_msvc.exec(s) || re_msvc2.exec(s); if (matches) { var errline = parseInt(matches[2]); errors.push({ line: errline, path: matches[1], msg: matches[4] }); } else { console.log(s); } }; } function makeErrorMatcher(errors, regex, iline, imsg, mainpath, ifilename) { return function(s) { var matches = regex.exec(s); if (matches) { errors.push({ line: parseInt(matches[iline]) || 1, msg: matches[imsg], path: ifilename ? matches[ifilename] : mainpath }); } else { console.log("??? " + s); } }; } function extractErrors(regex, strings, path, iline, imsg, ifilename) { var errors = []; var matcher = makeErrorMatcher(errors, regex, iline, imsg, path, ifilename); for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { matcher(strings[i]); } return errors; } var re_crlf = /\r?\n/; var re_lineoffset = /\s*(\d+)\s+[%]line\s+(\d+)\+(\d+)\s+(.+)/; function parseListing(code, lineMatch, iline, ioffset, iinsns, icycles, funcMatch, segMatch) { var lines = []; var lineofs = 0; var segment = ""; var func = ""; var funcbase = 0; code.split(re_crlf).forEach((line, lineindex) => { let segm = segMatch && segMatch.exec(line); if (segm) { segment = segm[1]; } let funcm = funcMatch && funcMatch.exec(line); if (funcm) { funcbase = parseInt(funcm[1], 16); func = funcm[2]; } var linem = lineMatch.exec(line); if (linem && linem[1]) { var linenum = iline < 0 ? lineindex : parseInt(linem[iline]); var offset = parseInt(linem[ioffset], 16); var insns = linem[iinsns]; var cycles = icycles ? parseInt(linem[icycles]) : null; var iscode = cycles > 0; if (insns) { lines.push({ line: linenum + lineofs, offset: offset - funcbase, insns, cycles, iscode, segment, func }); } } else { let m = re_lineoffset.exec(line); if (m) { lineofs = parseInt(m[2]) - parseInt(m[1]) - parseInt(m[3]); } } }); return lines; } function parseSourceLines(code, lineMatch, offsetMatch, funcMatch, segMatch) { var lines = []; var lastlinenum = 0; var segment = ""; var func = ""; var funcbase = 0; for (var line of code.split(re_crlf)) { let segm = segMatch && segMatch.exec(line); if (segm) { segment = segm[1]; } let funcm = funcMatch && funcMatch.exec(line); if (funcm) { funcbase = parseInt(funcm[1], 16); func = funcm[2]; } var linem = lineMatch.exec(line); if (linem && linem[1]) { lastlinenum = parseInt(linem[1]); } else if (lastlinenum) { var linem = offsetMatch.exec(line); if (linem && linem[1]) { var offset = parseInt(linem[1], 16); lines.push({ line: lastlinenum, offset: offset - funcbase, segment, func }); lastlinenum = 0; } } } return lines; } // src/worker/tools/misc.ts function translateShowdown(step) { setupRequireFunction(); load("showdown.min"); var showdown = emglobal["showdown"]; var converter = new showdown.Converter({ tables: "true", smoothLivePreview: "true", requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText: "true", emoji: "true" }); var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path); var html = converter.makeHtml(code); delete emglobal["require"]; return { output: html }; } function compileInform6(step) { loadNative("inform"); var errors = []; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.inf" }); var objpath = step.prefix + ".z5"; if (staleFiles(step, [objpath])) { var errorMatcher = msvcErrorMatcher(errors); var lstout = ""; var match_fn = (s) => { if (s.indexOf("Error:") >= 0) { errorMatcher(s); } else { lstout += s; lstout += "\n"; } }; var args = ["-afjnops", "-v5", "-Cu", "-E1", "-k", "+/share/lib", step.path]; var inform = emglobal.inform({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("inform"), noInitialRun: true, print: match_fn, printErr: match_fn }); var FS = inform.FS; setupFS(FS, "inform"); populateFiles(step, FS); execMain(step, inform, args); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "binary" }); putWorkFile(objpath, objout); if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [objpath])) return; var symbolmap = {}; var segments = []; var entitymap = { "object": {}, "property": {}, "attribute": {}, "constant": {}, "global-variable": {}, "routine": {} }; var dbgout = FS.readFile("gameinfo.dbg", { encoding: "utf8" }); var xmlroot = parseXMLPoorly(dbgout); var segtype = "ram"; xmlroot.children.forEach((node) => { switch (node.type) { case "global-variable": case "routine": var ident = node.children.find((c, v) => c.type == "identifier").text; var address = parseInt(node.children.find((c, v) => c.type == "address").text); symbolmap[ident] = address; entitymap[node.type][address] = ident; break; case "object": case "property": case "attribute": var ident = node.children.find((c, v) => c.type == "identifier").text; var value = parseInt(node.children.find((c, v) => c.type == "value").text); entitymap[node.type][value] = ident; break; case "story-file-section": var name = node.children.find((c, v) => c.type == "type").text; var address = parseInt(node.children.find((c, v) => c.type == "address").text); var endAddress = parseInt(node.children.find((c, v) => c.type == "end-address").text); if (name == "grammar table") segtype = "rom"; segments.push({ name, start: address, size: endAddress - address, type: segtype }); } }); var listings = {}; var lines = parseListing(lstout, /\s*(\d+)\s+[+]([0-9a-f]+)\s+([<*>]*)\s*(\w+)\s+(.+)/i, -1, 2, 4); var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst"; listings[lstpath] = { lines: [], asmlines: lines, text: lstout }; return { output: objout, listings, errors, symbolmap, segments, debuginfo: entitymap }; } } function compileBASIC(step) { var jsonpath = step.path + ".json"; gatherFiles(step); if (staleFiles(step, [jsonpath])) { var parser = new BASICParser(); var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path); try { var ast = parser.parseFile(code, step.path); } catch (e) { console.log(e); if (parser.errors.length == 0) throw e; } if (parser.errors.length) { return { errors: parser.errors }; } var json = JSON.stringify(ast, (key, value) => { return key == "$loc" ? void 0 : value; }); putWorkFile(jsonpath, json); if (anyTargetChanged(step, [jsonpath])) return { output: ast, listings: parser.getListings() }; } } function compileWiz(step) { loadNative("wiz"); var params = step.params; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.wiz" }); var destpath = step.prefix + (params.wiz_rom_ext || ".bin"); var errors = []; if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) { var wiz = emglobal.wiz({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("wiz"), noInitialRun: true, print: print_fn, printErr: makeErrorMatcher(errors, /(.+?):(\d+):\s*(.+)/, 2, 3, step.path, 1) }); var FS = wiz.FS; setupFS(FS, "wiz"); populateFiles(step, FS); populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_compile_files); const FWDIR = "/share/common"; var args = [ "-o", destpath, "-I", FWDIR + "/" + (params.wiz_inc_dir || getRootBasePlatform(step.platform)), "-s", "wla", "--color=none", step.path ]; args.push("--system", params.wiz_sys_type || params.arch); execMain(step, wiz, args); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var binout = FS.readFile(destpath, { encoding: "binary" }); putWorkFile(destpath, binout); var dbgout = FS.readFile(step.prefix + ".sym", { encoding: "utf8" }); var symbolmap = {}; for (var s of dbgout.split("\n")) { var toks = s.split(/ /); if (toks && toks.length >= 2) { var tokrange = toks[0].split(":"); var start = parseInt(tokrange[1], 16); var sym = toks[1]; symbolmap[sym] = start; } } return { output: binout, errors, symbolmap }; } } // src/worker/tools/cc65.ts function parseCA65Listing(asmfn, code, symbols, segments, params, dbg, listings) { var _a; var segofs = 0; var offset = 0; var dbgLineMatch = /^([0-9A-F]+)([r]?)\s+(\d+)\s+[.]dbg\s+(\w+), "([^"]+)", (.+)/; var funcLineMatch = /"(\w+)", (\w+), "(\w+)"/; var insnLineMatch = /^([0-9A-F]+)([r]?)\s{1,2}(\d+)\s{1,2}([0-9A-Frx ]{11})\s+(.*)/; var segMatch = /[.]segment\s+"(\w+)"/i; var origlines = []; var lines = origlines; var linenum = 0; let curpath = asmfn || ""; for (var line of code.split(re_crlf)) { var dbgm = dbgLineMatch.exec(line); if (dbgm && dbgm[1]) { var dbgtype = dbgm[4]; offset = parseInt(dbgm[1], 16); curpath = dbgm[5]; if (curpath && listings) { let l = listings[curpath]; if (!l) l = listings[curpath] = { lines: [] }; lines = l.lines; } if (dbgtype == "func") { var funcm = funcLineMatch.exec(dbgm[6]); if (funcm) { var funcofs = symbols[funcm[3]]; if (typeof funcofs === "number") { segofs = funcofs - offset; } } } } if (dbg && dbgm && dbgtype == "line") { lines.push({ path: dbgm[5], line: parseInt(dbgm[6]), offset: offset + segofs, insns: null }); } let linem = insnLineMatch.exec(line); let topfile = linem && linem[3] == "1"; if (topfile) { let insns = ((_a = linem[4]) == null ? void 0 : _a.trim()) || ""; if (!(insns != "" && linem[5] == "")) { linenum++; } if (linem[1]) { var offset = parseInt(linem[1], 16); if (insns.length) { if (!dbg) { lines.push({ path: curpath, line: linenum, offset: offset + segofs, insns, iscode: true }); } } else { var sym = null; var label = linem[5]; if (label == null ? void 0 : label.endsWith(":")) { sym = label.substring(0, label.length - 1); } else if (label == null ? void 0 : label.toLowerCase().startsWith(".proc")) { sym = label.split(" ")[1]; } if (sym && !sym.startsWith("@")) { var symofs = symbols[sym]; if (typeof symofs === "number") { segofs = symofs - offset; } } } } } } return origlines; } function assembleCA65(step) { loadNative("ca65"); var errors = []; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.s" }); var objpath = step.prefix + ".o"; var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst"; if (staleFiles(step, [objpath, lstpath])) { var objout, lstout; var CA65 = emglobal.ca65({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("ca65"), noInitialRun: true, print: print_fn, printErr: makeErrorMatcher(errors, /(.+?):(\d+): (.+)/, 2, 3, step.path, 1) }); var FS = CA65.FS; setupFS(FS, "65-" + getRootBasePlatform(step.platform)); populateFiles(step, FS); fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, step.params); var args = ["-v", "-g", "-I", "/share/asminc", "-o", objpath, "-l", lstpath, step.path]; args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D", "__8BITWORKSHOP__=1"]); if (step.mainfile) { args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D", "__MAIN__=1"]); } execMain(step, CA65, args); if (errors.length) { let listings = {}; return { errors, listings }; } objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "binary" }); lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); putWorkFile(objpath, objout); putWorkFile(lstpath, lstout); } return { linktool: "ld65", files: [objpath, lstpath], args: [objpath] }; } function linkLD65(step) { var _a, _b; loadNative("ld65"); var params = step.params; gatherFiles(step); var binpath = "main"; if (staleFiles(step, [binpath])) { var errors = []; var LD65 = emglobal.ld65({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("ld65"), noInitialRun: true, print: print_fn, printErr: function(s2) { errors.push({ msg: s2, line: 0 }); } }); var FS = LD65.FS; setupFS(FS, "65-" + getRootBasePlatform(step.platform)); populateFiles(step, FS); populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_link_files); if (store.hasFile(params.cfgfile)) { populateEntry(FS, params.cfgfile, store.getFileEntry(params.cfgfile), null); } var libargs = params.libargs || []; var cfgfile = params.cfgfile; var args = [ "--cfg-path", "/share/cfg", "--lib-path", "/share/lib", "-C", cfgfile, "-Ln", "main.vice", "-o", "main", "-m", "main.map" ].concat(step.args, libargs); execMain(step, LD65, args); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var aout = FS.readFile("main", { encoding: "binary" }); var mapout = FS.readFile("main.map", { encoding: "utf8" }); var viceout = FS.readFile("main.vice", { encoding: "utf8" }); if (step.platform == "pce" && aout.length > 8192) { let newrom = new Uint8Array(aout.length); newrom.set(aout.slice(aout.length - 8192), 0); newrom.set(aout.slice(0, aout.length - 8192), 8192); aout = newrom; } putWorkFile("main", aout); putWorkFile("main.map", mapout); putWorkFile("main.vice", viceout); if (!anyTargetChanged(step, ["main", "main.map", "main.vice"])) return; var symbolmap = {}; for (var s of viceout.split("\n")) { var toks = s.split(" "); if (toks[0] == "al") { let ident = toks[2].substr(1); if (ident.length != 5 || !ident.startsWith("L")) { let ofs = parseInt(toks[1], 16); symbolmap[ident] = ofs; } } } var segments = []; let re_seglist = /(\w+)\s+([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F]+)/; let parseseglist = false; let m; for (let s2 of mapout.split("\n")) { if (parseseglist && (m = re_seglist.exec(s2))) { let seg = m[1]; let start = parseInt(m[2], 16); let size = parseInt(m[4], 16); let type = ""; if (seg.startsWith("CODE") || seg == "STARTUP" || seg == "RODATA" || seg.endsWith("ROM")) type = "rom"; else if (seg == "ZP" || seg == "DATA" || seg == "BSS" || seg.endsWith("RAM")) type = "ram"; segments.push({ name: seg, start, size, type }); } if (s2 == "Segment list:") parseseglist = true; if (s2 == "") parseseglist = false; } var listings = {}; for (var fn of step.files) { if (fn.endsWith(".lst")) { var lstout = FS.readFile(fn, { encoding: "utf8" }); lstout = lstout.split("\n\n")[1] || lstout; putWorkFile(fn, lstout); let isECS = ((_b = (_a = step.debuginfo) == null ? void 0 : _a.systems) == null ? void 0 : _b.Init) != null; if (isECS) { var asmlines = []; var srclines = parseCA65Listing(fn, lstout, symbolmap, segments, params, true, listings); listings[fn] = { lines: [], text: lstout }; } else { var asmlines = parseCA65Listing(fn, lstout, symbolmap, segments, params, false); var srclines = parseCA65Listing("", lstout, symbolmap, segments, params, true); listings[fn] = { asmlines: srclines.length ? asmlines : null, lines: srclines.length ? srclines : asmlines, text: lstout }; } } } return { output: aout, listings, errors, symbolmap, segments }; } } function processIncbin(code) { let re3 = /^\s*#embed\s+"(.+?)"/gm; return code.replace(re3, (m, m1) => { let filename = m1; let filedata = store.getFileData(filename); let bytes = convertDataToUint8Array(filedata); if (!bytes) throw new Error('#embed: file not found: "' + filename + '"'); let out = ""; for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { out += bytes[i].toString() + ","; } return out; }); } function compileCC65(step) { loadNative("cc65"); var params = step.params; var re_err1 = /(.*?):(\d+): (.+)/; var errors = []; var errline = 0; function match_fn(s) { console.log(s); var matches = re_err1.exec(s); if (matches) { errline = parseInt(matches[2]); errors.push({ line: errline, msg: matches[3], path: matches[1] }); } } gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.c" }); var destpath = step.prefix + ".s"; if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) { var CC65 = emglobal.cc65({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("cc65"), noInitialRun: true, print: print_fn, printErr: match_fn }); var FS = CC65.FS; setupFS(FS, "65-" + getRootBasePlatform(step.platform)); populateFiles(step, FS, { mainFilePath: step.path, processFn: (path, code) => { if (typeof code === "string") { code = processIncbin(code); } return code; } }); fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, params); var args = [ "-I", "/share/include", "-I", ".", "-D", "__8BITWORKSHOP__" ]; if (params.define) { params.define.forEach((x) => args.push("-D" + x)); } if (step.mainfile) { args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D", "__MAIN__"]); } var customArgs = params.extra_compiler_args || ["-T", "-g", "-Oirs", "-Cl", "-W", "-pointer-sign,-no-effect"]; args = args.concat(customArgs, args); args.push(step.path); execMain(step, CC65, args); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var asmout = FS.readFile(destpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); putWorkFile(destpath, asmout); } return { nexttool: "ca65", path: destpath, args: [destpath], files: [destpath] }; } // src/common/wasi/wasishim.ts var use_debug = true; var debug = use_debug ? console.log : () => { }; var warning = console.log; var FDType; (function(FDType2) { FDType2[FDType2["UNKNOWN"] = 0] = "UNKNOWN"; FDType2[FDType2["BLOCK_DEVICE"] = 1] = "BLOCK_DEVICE"; FDType2[FDType2["CHARACTER_DEVICE"] = 2] = "CHARACTER_DEVICE"; FDType2[FDType2["DIRECTORY"] = 3] = "DIRECTORY"; FDType2[FDType2["REGULAR_FILE"] = 4] = "REGULAR_FILE"; FDType2[FDType2["SOCKET_DGRAM"] = 5] = "SOCKET_DGRAM"; FDType2[FDType2["SOCKET_STREAM"] = 6] = "SOCKET_STREAM"; FDType2[FDType2["SYMBOLIC_LINK"] = 7] = "SYMBOLIC_LINK"; })(FDType || (FDType = {})); var FDRights; (function(FDRights2) { FDRights2[FDRights2["FD_DATASYNC"] = 1] = "FD_DATASYNC"; FDRights2[FDRights2["FD_READ"] = 2] = "FD_READ"; FDRights2[FDRights2["FD_SEEK"] = 4] = "FD_SEEK"; FDRights2[FDRights2["FD_FDSTAT_SET_FLAGS"] = 8] = "FD_FDSTAT_SET_FLAGS"; FDRights2[FDRights2["FD_SYNC"] = 16] = "FD_SYNC"; FDRights2[FDRights2["FD_TELL"] = 32] = "FD_TELL"; FDRights2[FDRights2["FD_WRITE"] = 64] = "FD_WRITE"; FDRights2[FDRights2["FD_ADVISE"] = 128] = "FD_ADVISE"; FDRights2[FDRights2["FD_ALLOCATE"] = 256] = "FD_ALLOCATE"; FDRights2[FDRights2["PATH_CREATE_DIRECTORY"] = 512] = "PATH_CREATE_DIRECTORY"; FDRights2[FDRights2["PATH_CREATE_FILE"] = 1024] = "PATH_CREATE_FILE"; FDRights2[FDRights2["PATH_LINK_SOURCE"] = 2048] = "PATH_LINK_SOURCE"; FDRights2[FDRights2["PATH_LINK_TARGET"] = 4096] = "PATH_LINK_TARGET"; FDRights2[FDRights2["PATH_OPEN"] = 8192] = "PATH_OPEN"; FDRights2[FDRights2["FD_READDIR"] = 16384] = "FD_READDIR"; FDRights2[FDRights2["PATH_READLINK"] = 32768] = "PATH_READLINK"; FDRights2[FDRights2["PATH_RENAME_SOURCE"] = 65536] = "PATH_RENAME_SOURCE"; FDRights2[FDRights2["PATH_RENAME_TARGET"] = 131072] = "PATH_RENAME_TARGET"; FDRights2[FDRights2["PATH_FILESTAT_GET"] = 262144] = "PATH_FILESTAT_GET"; FDRights2[FDRights2["PATH_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE"] = 524288] = "PATH_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE"; FDRights2[FDRights2["PATH_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES"] = 1048576] = "PATH_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES"; FDRights2[FDRights2["FD_FILESTAT_GET"] = 2097152] = "FD_FILESTAT_GET"; FDRights2[FDRights2["FD_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE"] = 4194304] = "FD_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE"; FDRights2[FDRights2["FD_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES"] = 8388608] = "FD_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES"; FDRights2[FDRights2["PATH_SYMLINK"] = 16777216] = "PATH_SYMLINK"; FDRights2[FDRights2["PATH_REMOVE_DIRECTORY"] = 33554432] = "PATH_REMOVE_DIRECTORY"; FDRights2[FDRights2["PATH_UNLINK_FILE"] = 67108864] = "PATH_UNLINK_FILE"; FDRights2[FDRights2["POLL_FD_READWRITE"] = 134217728] = "POLL_FD_READWRITE"; FDRights2[FDRights2["SOCK_SHUTDOWN"] = 268435456] = "SOCK_SHUTDOWN"; FDRights2[FDRights2["FD_ALL"] = 536870911] = "FD_ALL"; })(FDRights || (FDRights = {})); var FDFlags; (function(FDFlags2) { FDFlags2[FDFlags2["APPEND"] = 1] = "APPEND"; FDFlags2[FDFlags2["DSYNC"] = 2] = "DSYNC"; FDFlags2[FDFlags2["NONBLOCK"] = 4] = "NONBLOCK"; FDFlags2[FDFlags2["RSYNC"] = 8] = "RSYNC"; FDFlags2[FDFlags2["SYNC"] = 16] = "SYNC"; })(FDFlags || (FDFlags = {})); var FDOpenFlags; (function(FDOpenFlags2) { FDOpenFlags2[FDOpenFlags2["CREAT"] = 1] = "CREAT"; FDOpenFlags2[FDOpenFlags2["DIRECTORY"] = 2] = "DIRECTORY"; FDOpenFlags2[FDOpenFlags2["EXCL"] = 4] = "EXCL"; FDOpenFlags2[FDOpenFlags2["TRUNC"] = 8] = "TRUNC"; })(FDOpenFlags || (FDOpenFlags = {})); var WASIErrors; (function(WASIErrors2) { WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["SUCCESS"] = 0] = "SUCCESS"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["TOOBIG"] = 1] = "TOOBIG"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["ACCES"] = 2] = "ACCES"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["ADDRINUSE"] = 3] = "ADDRINUSE"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["ADDRNOTAVAIL"] = 4] = "ADDRNOTAVAIL"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["AFNOSUPPORT"] = 5] = "AFNOSUPPORT"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["AGAIN"] = 6] = "AGAIN"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["ALREADY"] = 7] = "ALREADY"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["BADF"] = 8] = "BADF"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["BADMSG"] = 9] = "BADMSG"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["BUSY"] = 10] = "BUSY"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["CANCELED"] = 11] = "CANCELED"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["CHILD"] = 12] = "CHILD"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["CONNABORTED"] = 13] = "CONNABORTED"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["CONNREFUSED"] = 14] = "CONNREFUSED"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["CONNRESET"] = 15] = "CONNRESET"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["DEADLK"] = 16] = "DEADLK"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["DESTADDRREQ"] = 17] = "DESTADDRREQ"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["DOM"] = 18] = "DOM"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["DQUOT"] = 19] = "DQUOT"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["EXIST"] = 20] = "EXIST"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["FAULT"] = 21] = "FAULT"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["FBIG"] = 22] = "FBIG"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["HOSTUNREACH"] = 23] = "HOSTUNREACH"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["IDRM"] = 24] = "IDRM"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["ILSEQ"] = 25] = "ILSEQ"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["INPROGRESS"] = 26] = "INPROGRESS"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["INTR"] = 27] = "INTR"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["INVAL"] = 28] = "INVAL"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["IO"] = 29] = "IO"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["ISCONN"] = 30] = "ISCONN"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["ISDIR"] = 31] = "ISDIR"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["LOOP"] = 32] = "LOOP"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["MFILE"] = 33] = "MFILE"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["MLINK"] = 34] = "MLINK"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["MSGSIZE"] = 35] = "MSGSIZE"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["MULTIHOP"] = 36] = "MULTIHOP"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NAMETOOLONG"] = 37] = "NAMETOOLONG"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NETDOWN"] = 38] = "NETDOWN"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NETRESET"] = 39] = "NETRESET"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NETUNREACH"] = 40] = "NETUNREACH"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NFILE"] = 41] = "NFILE"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOBUFS"] = 42] = "NOBUFS"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NODEV"] = 43] = "NODEV"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOENT"] = 44] = "NOENT"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOEXEC"] = 45] = "NOEXEC"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOLCK"] = 46] = "NOLCK"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOLINK"] = 47] = "NOLINK"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOMEM"] = 48] = "NOMEM"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOMSG"] = 49] = "NOMSG"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOPROTOOPT"] = 50] = "NOPROTOOPT"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOSPC"] = 51] = "NOSPC"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOSYS"] = 52] = "NOSYS"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOTCONN"] = 53] = "NOTCONN"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOTDIR"] = 54] = "NOTDIR"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOTEMPTY"] = 55] = "NOTEMPTY"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOTRECOVERABLE"] = 56] = "NOTRECOVERABLE"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOTSOCK"] = 57] = "NOTSOCK"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOTSUP"] = 58] = "NOTSUP"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOTTY"] = 59] = "NOTTY"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NXIO"] = 60] = "NXIO"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["OVERFLOW"] = 61] = "OVERFLOW"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["OWNERDEAD"] = 62] = "OWNERDEAD"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["PERM"] = 63] = "PERM"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["PIPE"] = 64] = "PIPE"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["PROTO"] = 65] = "PROTO"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["PROTONOSUPPORT"] = 66] = "PROTONOSUPPORT"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["PROTOTYPE"] = 67] = "PROTOTYPE"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["RANGE"] = 68] = "RANGE"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["ROFS"] = 69] = "ROFS"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["SPIPE"] = 70] = "SPIPE"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["SRCH"] = 71] = "SRCH"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["STALE"] = 72] = "STALE"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["TIMEDOUT"] = 73] = "TIMEDOUT"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["TXTBSY"] = 74] = "TXTBSY"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["XDEV"] = 75] = "XDEV"; WASIErrors2[WASIErrors2["NOTCAPABLE"] = 76] = "NOTCAPABLE"; })(WASIErrors || (WASIErrors = {})); var WASIFileDescriptor = class { constructor(name, type, rights) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.rights = rights; this.fdindex = -1; this.data = new Uint8Array(16); this.flags = 0; this.size = 0; this.offset = 0; this.rights = -1; } ensureCapacity(size) { if (this.data.byteLength < size) { const newdata = new Uint8Array(size * 2); newdata.set(this.data); this.data = newdata; } } write(chunk) { this.ensureCapacity(this.offset + chunk.byteLength); this.data.set(chunk, this.offset); this.offset += chunk.byteLength; this.size = Math.max(this.size, this.offset); } read(chunk) { const len = Math.min(chunk.byteLength, this.size - this.offset); chunk.set(this.data.subarray(this.offset, this.offset + len)); this.offset += len; return len; } truncate() { this.size = 0; this.offset = 0; } llseek(offset, whence) { switch (whence) { case 0: this.offset = offset; break; case 1: this.offset += offset; break; case 2: this.offset = this.size + offset; break; } if (this.offset < 0) this.offset = 0; if (this.offset > this.size) this.offset = this.size; } getBytes() { return this.data.subarray(0, this.size); } getBytesAsString() { return new TextDecoder().decode(this.getBytes()); } toString() { return `FD(${this.fdindex} "${this.name}" 0x${this.type.toString(16)} 0x${this.rights.toString(16)} ${this.offset}/${this.size}/${this.data.byteLength})`; } }; var WASIStreamingFileDescriptor = class extends WASIFileDescriptor { constructor(fdindex, name, type, rights, stream) { super(name, type, rights); this.stream = stream; this.fdindex = fdindex; } write(chunk) { this.stream.write(chunk); } }; var WASIMemoryFilesystem = class { constructor() { this.parent = null; this.files = new Map(); this.dirs = new Map(); this.putDirectory("/"); } setParent(parent) { this.parent = parent; } putDirectory(name, rights) { if (!rights) rights = 8192 | 512 | 1024; const dir = new WASIFileDescriptor(name, 3, rights); this.dirs.set(name, dir); return dir; } putFile(name, data, rights) { if (typeof data === "string") { data = new TextEncoder().encode(data); } if (!rights) rights = 2 | 64; const file = new WASIFileDescriptor(name, 4, rights); file.write(data); file.offset = 0; this.files.set(name, file); return file; } getFile(name) { var _a; let file = this.files.get(name); if (!file) { file = (_a = this.parent) == null ? void 0 : _a.getFile(name); } return file; } }; var _instance, _memarr8, _memarr32, _args, _envvars; var WASIRunner = class { constructor() { __privateAdd(this, _instance, void 0); __privateAdd(this, _memarr8, void 0); __privateAdd(this, _memarr32, void 0); __privateAdd(this, _args, []); __privateAdd(this, _envvars, []); this.fds = []; this.exited = false; this.errno = -1; this.fs = new WASIMemoryFilesystem(); this.createStdioBrowser(); } exports() { return __privateGet(this, _instance).exports; } createStdioNode() { this.stdin = new WASIStreamingFileDescriptor(0, "", 2, 2, process.stdin); this.stdout = new WASIStreamingFileDescriptor(1, "", 2, 64, process.stdout); this.stderr = new WASIStreamingFileDescriptor(2, "", 2, 64, process.stderr); this.fds[0] = this.stdin; this.fds[1] = this.stdout; this.fds[2] = this.stderr; } createStdioBrowser() { this.stdin = new WASIFileDescriptor("", 2, 2); this.stdout = new WASIFileDescriptor("", 2, 64); this.stderr = new WASIFileDescriptor("", 2, 64); this.stdin.fdindex = 0; this.stdout.fdindex = 1; this.stderr.fdindex = 2; this.fds[0] = this.stdin; this.fds[1] = this.stdout; this.fds[2] = this.stderr; } initSync(wasmModule) { __privateSet(this, _instance, new WebAssembly.Instance(wasmModule, this.getImportObject())); } loadSync(wasmSource) { let wasmModule = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmSource); this.initSync(wasmModule); } async loadAsync(wasmSource) { let wasmModule = await WebAssembly.compile(wasmSource); __privateSet(this, _instance, await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmModule, this.getImportObject())); } setArgs(args) { __privateSet(this, _args, args.map((arg) => new TextEncoder().encode(arg + "\0"))); } addPreopenDirectory(name) { return this.openFile(name, 2 | 1); } openFile(path, o_flags, mode) { let file = this.fs.getFile(path); mode = typeof mode == "undefined" ? 438 : mode; if (o_flags & 1) { if (file == null) { if (o_flags & 2) { file = this.fs.putDirectory(path); } else { file = this.fs.putFile(path, new Uint8Array(), 536870911); } } else { if (o_flags & 8) { file.truncate(); } else return 28; } } else { if (file == null) return 52; if (o_flags & 2) { if (file.type !== 3) return 52; } if (o_flags & 4) return 28; if (o_flags & 8) { file.truncate(); } else { file.llseek(0, 0); } } file.fdindex = this.fds.length; this.fds.push(file); return file; } mem8() { var _a; if (!((_a = __privateGet(this, _memarr8)) == null ? void 0 : _a.byteLength)) { __privateSet(this, _memarr8, new Uint8Array(__privateGet(this, _instance).exports.memory.buffer)); } return __privateGet(this, _memarr8); } mem32() { var _a; if (!((_a = __privateGet(this, _memarr32)) == null ? void 0 : _a.byteLength)) { __privateSet(this, _memarr32, new Int32Array(__privateGet(this, _instance).exports.memory.buffer)); } return __privateGet(this, _memarr32); } run() { try { __privateGet(this, _instance).exports._start(); if (!this.exited) { this.exited = true; this.errno = 0; } } catch (err) { if (!this.exited) throw err; } return this.getErrno(); } initialize() { __privateGet(this, _instance).exports._initialize(); return this.getErrno(); } getImportObject() { return { "wasi_snapshot_preview1": this.getWASISnapshotPreview1(), "env": this.getEnv() }; } peek8(ptr) { return this.mem8()[ptr]; } peek16(ptr) { return this.mem8()[ptr] | this.mem8()[ptr + 1] << 8; } peek32(ptr) { return this.mem32()[ptr >>> 2]; } poke8(ptr, val) { this.mem8()[ptr] = val; } poke16(ptr, val) { this.mem8()[ptr] = val; this.mem8()[ptr + 1] = val >> 8; } poke32(ptr, val) { this.mem32()[ptr >>> 2] = val; } poke64(ptr, val) { this.mem32()[ptr >>> 2] = val; this.mem32()[(ptr >>> 2) + 1] = 0; } pokeUTF8(str, ptr, maxlen) { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const bytes = enc.encode(str); const len = Math.min(bytes.length, maxlen); this.mem8().set(bytes.subarray(0, len), ptr); } peekUTF8(ptr, maxlen) { const bytes = this.mem8().subarray(ptr, ptr + maxlen); const dec = new TextDecoder(); return dec.decode(bytes); } getErrno() { return this.errno; } poke_str_array_sizes(strs, count_ptr, buf_size_ptr) { this.poke32(count_ptr, strs.length); this.poke32(buf_size_ptr, strs.reduce((acc, arg) => acc + arg.length, 0)); } poke_str_args(strs, argv_ptr, argv_buf_ptr) { let argv = argv_ptr; let argv_buf = argv_buf_ptr; for (let arg of __privateGet(this, _args)) { this.poke32(argv, argv_buf); argv += 4; for (let i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) { this.poke8(argv_buf, arg[i]); argv_buf++; } } } args_sizes_get(argcount_ptr, argv_buf_size_ptr) { debug("args_sizes_get", argcount_ptr, argv_buf_size_ptr); this.poke_str_array_sizes(__privateGet(this, _args), argcount_ptr, argv_buf_size_ptr); return 0; } args_get(argv_ptr, argv_buf_ptr) { debug("args_get", argv_ptr, argv_buf_ptr); this.poke_str_args(__privateGet(this, _args), argv_ptr, argv_buf_ptr); return 0; } environ_sizes_get(environ_count_ptr, environ_buf_size_ptr) { debug("environ_sizes_get", environ_count_ptr, environ_buf_size_ptr); this.poke_str_array_sizes(__privateGet(this, _envvars), environ_count_ptr, environ_buf_size_ptr); return 0; } environ_get(environ_ptr, environ_buf_ptr) { debug("environ_get", environ_ptr, environ_buf_ptr); this.poke_str_args(__privateGet(this, _envvars), environ_ptr, environ_buf_ptr); return 0; } fd_write(fd, iovs, iovs_len, nwritten_ptr) { const stream = this.fds[fd]; const iovecs = this.mem32().subarray(iovs >>> 2, iovs + iovs_len * 8 >>> 2); let total = 0; for (let i = 0; i < iovs_len; i++) { const ptr = iovecs[i * 2]; const len = iovecs[i * 2 + 1]; const chunk = this.mem8().subarray(ptr, ptr + len); total += len; stream.write(chunk); } this.poke32(nwritten_ptr, total); debug("fd_write", fd, iovs, iovs_len, "->", total); return 0; } fd_read(fd, iovs, iovs_len, nread_ptr) { const stream = this.fds[fd]; const iovecs = this.mem32().subarray(iovs >>> 2, iovs + iovs_len * 8 >>> 2); let total = 0; for (let i = 0; i < iovs_len; i++) { const ptr = iovecs[i * 2]; const len = iovecs[i * 2 + 1]; const chunk = this.mem8().subarray(ptr, ptr + len); total += stream.read(chunk); } this.poke32(nread_ptr, total); debug("fd_read", fd, iovs, iovs_len, "->", total); return 0; } fd_seek(fd, offset, whence, newoffset_ptr) { const file = this.fds[fd]; if (typeof offset == "bigint") offset = Number(offset); debug("fd_seek", fd, offset, whence, file + ""); if (file != null) { file.llseek(offset, whence); this.poke64(newoffset_ptr, file.offset); return 0; } return 8; } fd_close(fd) { debug("fd_close", fd); const file = this.fds[fd]; if (file != null) { this.fds[fd] = null; return 0; } return 8; } proc_exit(errno) { debug("proc_exit", errno); this.errno = errno; this.exited = true; } fd_prestat_get(fd, prestat_ptr) { const file = this.fds[fd]; debug("fd_prestat_get", fd, prestat_ptr, file == null ? void 0 : file.name); if (file && file.type === 3) { const enc_name = new TextEncoder().encode(file.name); this.poke8(prestat_ptr + 0, 0); this.poke64(prestat_ptr + 8, enc_name.length); return 0; } return 8; } fd_fdstat_get(fd, fdstat_ptr) { const file = this.fds[fd]; debug("fd_fdstat_get", fd, fdstat_ptr, file + ""); if (file != null) { this.poke16(fdstat_ptr + 0, file.type); this.poke16(fdstat_ptr + 2, file.flags); this.poke64(fdstat_ptr + 8, file.rights); this.poke64(fdstat_ptr + 16, file.rights); return 0; } return 8; } fd_prestat_dir_name(fd, path_ptr, path_len) { const file = this.fds[fd]; debug("fd_prestat_dir_name", fd, path_ptr, path_len); if (file != null) { this.pokeUTF8(file.name, path_ptr, path_len); return 0; } return 28; } path_open(dirfd, dirflags, path_ptr, path_len, o_flags, fs_rights_base, fs_rights_inheriting, fd_flags, fd_ptr) { const dir = this.fds[dirfd]; if (dir == null) return 8; if (dir.type !== 3) return 54; const filename = this.peekUTF8(path_ptr, path_len); const path = dir.name + "/" + filename; const fd = this.openFile(path, o_flags, fd_flags); debug("path_open", path, dirfd, dirflags, o_flags, fd_flags, fd_ptr, "->", fd + ""); if (typeof fd === "number") return fd; this.poke32(fd_ptr, fd.fdindex); return 0; } random_get(ptr, len) { debug("random_get", ptr, len); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { this.poke8(ptr + i, Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)); } return 0; } path_filestat_get(dirfd, dirflags, path_ptr, path_len, filestat_ptr) { const dir = this.fds[dirfd]; if (dir == null) return 8; if (dir.type !== 3) return 54; const filename = this.peekUTF8(path_ptr, path_len); const path = dir.name + "/" + filename; const fd = this.fs.getFile(path); console.log("path_filestat_get", dir + "", path, filestat_ptr, "->", fd + ""); if (!fd) return 44; this.poke64(filestat_ptr, fd.fdindex); this.poke64(filestat_ptr + 8, 0); this.poke8(filestat_ptr + 16, fd.type); this.poke64(filestat_ptr + 24, 1); this.poke64(filestat_ptr + 32, fd.size); this.poke64(filestat_ptr + 40, 0); this.poke64(filestat_ptr + 48, 0); this.poke64(filestat_ptr + 56, 0); } getWASISnapshotPreview1() { return { args_sizes_get: this.args_sizes_get.bind(this), args_get: this.args_get.bind(this), environ_sizes_get: this.environ_sizes_get.bind(this), environ_get: this.environ_get.bind(this), proc_exit: this.proc_exit.bind(this), path_open: this.path_open.bind(this), fd_prestat_get: this.fd_prestat_get.bind(this), fd_prestat_dir_name: this.fd_prestat_dir_name.bind(this), fd_fdstat_get: this.fd_fdstat_get.bind(this), fd_read: this.fd_read.bind(this), fd_write: this.fd_write.bind(this), fd_seek: this.fd_seek.bind(this), fd_close: this.fd_close.bind(this), path_filestat_get: this.path_filestat_get.bind(this), random_get: this.random_get.bind(this), fd_fdstat_set_flags() { warning("TODO: fd_fdstat_set_flags"); return 58; }, fd_readdir() { warning("TODO: fd_readdir"); return 58; }, path_unlink_file() { warning("TODO: path_unlink_file"); return 58; }, clock_time_get() { warning("TODO: clock_time_get"); return 58; }, fd_tell() { warning("TODO: fd_tell"); return 58; } }; } getEnv() { return { __syscall_unlinkat() { warning("TODO: unlink"); return 58; } }; } }; _instance = new WeakMap(); _memarr8 = new WeakMap(); _memarr32 = new WeakMap(); _args = new WeakMap(); _envvars = new WeakMap(); // src/worker/tools/dasm.ts function parseDASMListing(lstpath, lsttext, listings, errors, unresolved) { let lineMatch = /\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+([?0-9a-f][?0-9a-f ]+)?\s+(.+)?/i; let equMatch = /\bequ\b/i; let macroMatch = /\bMAC\s+(\S+)?/i; let lastline = 0; let macros = {}; let lstline = 0; let lstlist = listings[lstpath]; for (let line of lsttext.split(re_crlf)) { lstline++; let linem = lineMatch.exec(line + " "); if (linem && linem[1] != null) { let linenum = parseInt(linem[1]); let filename = linem[2]; let offset = parseInt(linem[3], 16); let insns = linem[4]; let restline = linem[5]; if (insns && insns.startsWith("?")) insns = null; if (lstlist && lstlist.lines) { lstlist.lines.push({ line: lstline, offset, insns, iscode: true }); } let lst = listings[filename]; if (lst) { var lines = lst.lines; let macmatch = macroMatch.exec(restline); if (macmatch) { macros[macmatch[1]] = { line: parseInt(linem[1]), file: linem[2].toLowerCase() }; } else if (insns && restline && !restline.match(equMatch)) { lines.push({ line: linenum, offset, insns, iscode: restline[0] != "." }); } lastline = linenum; } else { let mac = macros[filename.toLowerCase()]; if (mac && linenum == 0) { lines.push({ line: lastline + 1, offset, insns, iscode: true }); } if (insns && mac) { let maclst = listings[mac.file]; if (maclst && maclst.lines) { maclst.lines.push({ path: mac.file, line: mac.line + linenum, offset, insns, iscode: true }); } } else { if (insns && linem[3] && lastline > 0) { lines.push({ line: lastline + 1, offset, insns: null }); } } } for (let key in unresolved) { let l = restline || line; let pos = l.indexOf(key); if (pos >= 0) { let cmt = l.indexOf(";"); if (cmt < 0 || cmt > pos) { if (new RegExp("\\b" + key + "\\b").exec(l)) { errors.push({ path: filename, line: linenum, msg: "Unresolved symbol '" + key + "'" }); } } } } } let errm = re_msvc.exec(line); if (errm) { errors.push({ path: errm[1], line: parseInt(errm[2]), msg: errm[4] }); } } } var re_usl = /(\w+)\s+0000\s+[?][?][?][?]/; function parseSymbolMap(asym) { var symbolmap = {}; for (var s of asym.split("\n")) { var toks = s.split(/\s+/); if (toks && toks.length >= 2 && !toks[0].startsWith("-")) { symbolmap[toks[0]] = parseInt(toks[1], 16); } } return symbolmap; } function assembleDASM(step) { load("dasm"); var unresolved = {}; var errors = []; var errorMatcher = msvcErrorMatcher(errors); function match_fn(s) { var matches = re_usl.exec(s); if (matches) { var key = matches[1]; if (key != "NO_ILLEGAL_OPCODES") { unresolved[matches[1]] = 0; } } else if (s.startsWith("Warning:")) { errors.push({ line: 0, msg: s.substr(9) }); } else if (s.startsWith("unable ")) { errors.push({ line: 0, msg: s }); } else if (s.startsWith("segment: ")) { errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "Segment overflow: " + s.substring(9) }); } else if (s.toLowerCase().indexOf("error:") >= 0) { errors.push({ line: 0, msg: s.trim() }); } else { errorMatcher(s); } } var Module = emglobal.DASM({ noInitialRun: true, print: match_fn }); var FS = Module.FS; populateFiles(step, FS, { mainFilePath: "main.a" }); var binpath = step.prefix + ".bin"; var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst"; var sympath = step.prefix + ".sym"; execMain(step, Module, [ step.path, "-f3", "-l" + lstpath, "-o" + binpath, "-s" + sympath ]); var alst = FS.readFile(lstpath, { "encoding": "utf8" }); var listings = {}; for (let path of step.files) { listings[path] = { lines: [] }; } parseDASMListing(lstpath, alst, listings, errors, unresolved); if (errors.length) { return { errors }; } var aout, asym; aout = FS.readFile(binpath); try { asym = FS.readFile(sympath, { "encoding": "utf8" }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "No symbol table generated, maybe segment overflow?" }); return { errors }; } putWorkFile(binpath, aout); putWorkFile(lstpath, alst); putWorkFile(sympath, asym); if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [binpath])) return; const symbolmap = parseSymbolMap(asym); if (step["bblines"]) { let lst = listings[step.path]; if (lst) { lst.asmlines = lst.lines; lst.text = alst; lst.lines = []; } } return { output: aout, listings, errors, symbolmap }; } // src/worker/tools/mcpp.ts function makeCPPSafe(s) { return s.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/g, "_"); } function preprocessMCPP(step, filesys) { load("mcpp"); var platform = step.platform; var params = PLATFORM_PARAMS[getBasePlatform(platform)]; if (!params) throw Error("Platform not supported: " + platform); var errors = []; var match_fn = makeErrorMatcher(errors, /:(\d+): (.+)/, 1, 2, step.path); var MCPP = emglobal.mcpp({ noInitialRun: true, noFSInit: true, print: print_fn, printErr: match_fn }); var FS = MCPP.FS; if (filesys) setupFS(FS, filesys); populateFiles(step, FS); populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_compile_files); var args = [ "-D", "__8BITWORKSHOP__", "-D", "__SDCC_z80", "-D", makeCPPSafe(platform.toUpperCase()), "-I", "/share/include", "-Q", step.path, "main.i" ]; if (step.mainfile) { args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D", "__MAIN__"]); } let platform_def = platform.toUpperCase().replaceAll(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "_"); args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D", `__PLATFORM_${platform_def}__`]); if (params.extra_preproc_args) { args.push.apply(args, params.extra_preproc_args); } execMain(step, MCPP, args); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var iout = FS.readFile("main.i", { encoding: "utf8" }); iout = iout.replace(/^#line /gm, "\n# "); try { var errout = FS.readFile("mcpp.err", { encoding: "utf8" }); if (errout.length) { var errors = extractErrors(/([^:]+):(\d+): (.+)/, errout.split("\n"), step.path, 2, 3, 1); if (errors.length == 0) { errors = errorResult(errout).errors; } return { errors }; } } catch (e) { } return { code: iout }; } // src/worker/tools/sdcc.ts function hexToArray(s, ofs) { var buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length / 2); var arr = new Uint8Array(buf); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = parseInt(s.slice(i * 2 + ofs, i * 2 + ofs + 2), 16); } return arr; } function parseIHX(ihx, rom_start, rom_size, errors) { var output = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(rom_size)); var high_size = 0; for (var s of ihx.split("\n")) { if (s[0] == ":") { var arr = hexToArray(s, 1); var count = arr[0]; var address = (arr[1] << 8) + arr[2] - rom_start; var rectype = arr[3]; if (rectype == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var b = arr[4 + i]; output[i + address] = b; } if (i + address > high_size) high_size = i + address; } else if (rectype == 1) { break; } else { console.log(s); } } } if (high_size > rom_size) { } return output; } function assembleSDASZ80(step) { loadNative("sdasz80"); var objout, lstout, symout; var errors = []; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" }); var objpath = step.prefix + ".rel"; var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst"; if (staleFiles(step, [objpath, lstpath])) { var match_asm_re1 = / in line (\d+) of (\S+)/; var match_asm_re2 = / <\w> (.+)/; var errline = 0; var errpath = step.path; var match_asm_fn = (s) => { var m = match_asm_re1.exec(s); if (m) { errline = parseInt(m[1]); errpath = m[2]; } else { m = match_asm_re2.exec(s); if (m) { errors.push({ line: errline, path: errpath, msg: m[1] }); } } }; var ASZ80 = emglobal.sdasz80({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("sdasz80"), noInitialRun: true, print: match_asm_fn, printErr: match_asm_fn }); var FS = ASZ80.FS; populateFiles(step, FS); execMain(step, ASZ80, ["-plosgffwy", step.path]); if (errors.length) { return { errors }; } objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); putWorkFile(objpath, objout); putWorkFile(lstpath, lstout); } return { linktool: "sdldz80", files: [objpath, lstpath], args: [objpath] }; } function linkSDLDZ80(step) { loadNative("sdldz80"); var errors = []; gatherFiles(step); var binpath = "main.ihx"; if (staleFiles(step, [binpath])) { var match_aslink_re = /\?ASlink-(\w+)-(.+)/; var match_aslink_fn = (s2) => { var matches = match_aslink_re.exec(s2); if (matches) { errors.push({ line: 0, msg: matches[2] }); } }; var params = step.params; var LDZ80 = emglobal.sdldz80({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("sdldz80"), noInitialRun: true, print: match_aslink_fn, printErr: match_aslink_fn }); var FS = LDZ80.FS; setupFS(FS, "sdcc"); populateFiles(step, FS); populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_link_files); if (step.platform.startsWith("coleco")) { FS.writeFile("crt0.rel", FS.readFile("/share/lib/coleco/crt0.rel", { encoding: "utf8" })); FS.writeFile("crt0.lst", "\n"); } var args = [ "-mjwxyu", "-i", "main.ihx", "-b", "_CODE=0x" + params.code_start.toString(16), "-b", "_DATA=0x" + params.data_start.toString(16), "-k", "/share/lib/z80", "-l", "z80" ]; if (params.extra_link_args) args.push.apply(args, params.extra_link_args); args.push.apply(args, step.args); execMain(step, LDZ80, args); var hexout = FS.readFile("main.ihx", { encoding: "utf8" }); var noiout = FS.readFile("main.noi", { encoding: "utf8" }); putWorkFile("main.ihx", hexout); putWorkFile("main.noi", noiout); if (!anyTargetChanged(step, ["main.ihx", "main.noi"])) return; var binout = parseIHX(hexout, params.rom_start !== void 0 ? params.rom_start : params.code_start, params.rom_size, errors); if (errors.length) { return { errors }; } var listings = {}; for (var fn of step.files) { if (fn.endsWith(".lst")) { var rstout = FS.readFile(fn.replace(".lst", ".rst"), { encoding: "utf8" }); var asmlines = parseListing(rstout, /^\s*([0-9A-F]{4})\s+([0-9A-F][0-9A-F r]*[0-9A-F])\s+\[([0-9 ]+)\]?\s+(\d+) (.*)/i, 4, 1, 2, 3); var srclines = parseSourceLines(rstout, /^\s+\d+ ;:(\d+):/i, /^\s*([0-9A-F]{4})/i); putWorkFile(fn, rstout); listings[fn] = { asmlines: srclines.length ? asmlines : null, lines: srclines.length ? srclines : asmlines, text: rstout }; } } var symbolmap = {}; for (var s of noiout.split("\n")) { var toks = s.split(" "); if (toks[0] == "DEF" && !toks[1].startsWith("A$")) { symbolmap[toks[1]] = parseInt(toks[2], 16); } } var seg_re = /^s__(\w+)$/; var segments = []; for (let ident in symbolmap) { let m = seg_re.exec(ident); if (m) { let seg = m[1]; let segstart = symbolmap[ident]; let segsize = symbolmap["l__" + seg]; if (segstart >= 0 && segsize > 0) { var type = null; if (["INITIALIZER", "GSINIT", "GSFINAL"].includes(seg)) type = "rom"; else if (seg.startsWith("CODE")) type = "rom"; else if (["DATA", "INITIALIZED"].includes(seg)) type = "ram"; if (type == "rom" || segstart > 0) segments.push({ name: seg, start: segstart, size: segsize, type }); } } } return { output: binout, listings, errors, symbolmap, segments }; } } function compileSDCC(step) { gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.c" }); var outpath = step.prefix + ".asm"; if (staleFiles(step, [outpath])) { var errors = []; var params = step.params; loadNative("sdcc"); var SDCC = emglobal.sdcc({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("sdcc"), noInitialRun: true, noFSInit: true, print: print_fn, printErr: msvcErrorMatcher(errors) }); var FS = SDCC.FS; populateFiles(step, FS); var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path); var preproc = preprocessMCPP(step, "sdcc"); if (preproc.errors) { return { errors: preproc.errors }; } else code = preproc.code; setupStdin(FS, code); setupFS(FS, "sdcc"); var args = [ "--vc", "--std-sdcc99", "-mz80", "--c1mode", "--less-pedantic", "-o", outpath ]; if (!/^\s*#pragma\s+opt_code/m.exec(code)) { args.push.apply(args, [ "--oldralloc", "--no-peep", "--nolospre" ]); } if (params.extra_compile_args) { args.push.apply(args, params.extra_compile_args); } execMain(step, SDCC, args); if (errors.length) { return { errors }; } var asmout = FS.readFile(outpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); asmout = " .area _HOME\n .area _CODE\n .area _INITIALIZER\n .area _DATA\n .area _INITIALIZED\n .area _BSEG\n .area _BSS\n .area _HEAP\n" + asmout; putWorkFile(outpath, asmout); } return { nexttool: "sdasz80", path: outpath, args: [outpath], files: [outpath] }; } // src/worker/assembler.ts var isError = (o) => o.error !== void 0; function hex2(v, nd) { try { if (!nd) nd = 2; if (nd == 8) { return hex2(v >> 16 & 65535, 4) + hex2(v & 65535, 4); } var s = v.toString(16).toUpperCase(); while (s.length < nd) s = "0" + s; return s; } catch (e) { return v + ""; } } function stringToData(s) { var data = []; for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { data[i] = s.charCodeAt(i); } return data; } var Assembler = class { constructor(spec) { this.ip = 0; this.origin = 0; this.linenum = 0; this.symbols = {}; this.errors = []; this.outwords = []; this.asmlines = []; this.fixups = []; this.width = 8; this.codelen = 0; this.aborted = false; this.spec = spec; if (spec) { this.preprocessRules(); } } rule2regex(rule, vars) { var s = rule.fmt; if (!s || !(typeof s === "string")) throw Error('Each rule must have a "fmt" string field'); if (!rule.bits || !(rule.bits instanceof Array)) throw Error('Each rule must have a "bits" array field'); var varlist = []; rule.prefix = s.split(/\s+/)[0]; s = s.replace(/\+/g, "\\+"); s = s.replace(/\*/g, "\\*"); s = s.replace(/\s+/g, "\\s+"); s = s.replace(/\[/g, "\\["); s = s.replace(/\]/g, "\\]"); s = s.replace(/\(/g, "\\("); s = s.replace(/\)/g, "\\)"); s = s.replace(/\./g, "\\."); s = s.replace(/~\w+/g, (varname) => { varname = varname.substr(1); var v = vars[varname]; varlist.push(varname); if (!v) throw Error('Could not find variable definition for "~' + varname + '"'); else if (v.toks) return "(\\w+)"; else return "([0-9]+|[$][0-9a-f]+|\\w+)"; }); try { rule.re = new RegExp("^" + s + "$", "i"); } catch (e) { throw Error('Bad regex for rule "' + rule.fmt + '": /' + s + "/ -- " + e); } rule.varlist = varlist; return rule; } preprocessRules() { if (this.spec.width) { this.width = this.spec.width || 8; } for (var rule of this.spec.rules) { this.rule2regex(rule, this.spec.vars); } } warning(msg, line) { this.errors.push({ msg, line: line ? line : this.linenum }); } fatal(msg, line) { this.warning(msg, line); this.aborted = true; } fatalIf(msg, line) { if (msg) this.fatal(msg, line); } addBytes(result) { this.asmlines.push({ line: this.linenum, offset: this.ip, nbits: result.nbits }); var op = result.opcode; var nb = result.nbits / this.width; for (var i = 0; i < nb; i++) { if (this.width < 32) this.outwords[this.ip++ - this.origin] = op >> (nb - 1 - i) * this.width & (1 << this.width) - 1; else this.outwords[this.ip++ - this.origin] = op; } } addWords(data) { this.asmlines.push({ line: this.linenum, offset: this.ip, nbits: this.width * data.length }); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (this.width < 32) this.outwords[this.ip++ - this.origin] = data[i] & (1 << this.width) - 1; else this.outwords[this.ip++ - this.origin] = data[i]; } } parseData(toks) { var data = []; for (var i = 0; i < toks.length; i++) { data[i] = this.parseConst(toks[i]); } return data; } alignIP(align) { if (align < 1 || align > this.codelen) this.fatal("Invalid alignment value"); else this.ip = Math.floor((this.ip + align - 1) / align) * align; } parseConst(s, nbits) { if (s && s[0] == "$") return parseInt(s.substr(1), 16); else return parseInt(s); } swapEndian(x, nbits) { var y = 0; while (nbits > 0) { var n = Math.min(nbits, this.width); var mask = (1 << n) - 1; y <<= n; y |= x & mask; x >>>= n; nbits -= n; } return y; } buildInstruction(rule, m) { var opcode = 0; var oplen = 0; for (let b of rule.bits) { let n, x; if (typeof b === "string") { n = b.length; x = parseInt(b, 2); } else { var index = typeof b === "number" ? b : b.a; var id = m[index + 1]; var v = this.spec.vars[rule.varlist[index]]; if (!v) { return { error: `Could not find matching identifier for '${m[0]}' index ${index}` }; } n = v.bits; var shift = 0; if (typeof b !== "number") { n = b.n; shift = b.b; } if (v.toks) { x = v.toks.indexOf(id); if (x < 0) return { error: "Can't use '" + id + "' here, only one of: " + v.toks.join(", ") }; } else { x = this.parseConst(id, n); if (isNaN(x)) { this.fixups.push({ sym: id, ofs: this.ip, size: v.bits, line: this.linenum, dstlen: n, dstofs: oplen, srcofs: shift, endian: v.endian, iprel: !!v.iprel, ipofs: v.ipofs + 0, ipmul: v.ipmul || 1 }); x = 0; } else { var mask = (1 << v.bits) - 1; if ((x & mask) != x) return { error: "Value " + x + " does not fit in " + v.bits + " bits" }; } } if (v.endian == "little") x = this.swapEndian(x, v.bits); if (typeof b !== "number") { x = x >>> shift & (1 << b.n) - 1; } } opcode = opcode << n | x; oplen += n; } if (oplen == 0) this.warning("Opcode had zero length"); else if (oplen > 32) this.warning("Opcodes > 32 bits not supported"); else if (oplen % this.width != 0) this.warning("Opcode was not word-aligned (" + oplen + " bits)"); return { opcode, nbits: oplen }; } loadArch(arch) { if (this.loadJSON) { var json = this.loadJSON(arch + ".json"); if (json && json.vars && json.rules) { this.spec = json; this.preprocessRules(); } else { return "Could not load arch file '" + arch + ".json'"; } } } parseDirective(tokens) { var cmd = tokens[0].toLowerCase(); if (cmd == ".define") this.symbols[tokens[1].toLowerCase()] = { value: tokens[2] }; else if (cmd == ".org") this.ip = this.origin = parseInt(tokens[1]); else if (cmd == ".len") this.codelen = parseInt(tokens[1]); else if (cmd == ".width") this.width = parseInt(tokens[1]); else if (cmd == ".arch") this.fatalIf(this.loadArch(tokens[1])); else if (cmd == ".include") this.fatalIf(this.loadInclude(tokens[1])); else if (cmd == ".module") this.fatalIf(this.loadModule(tokens[1])); else if (cmd == ".data") this.addWords(this.parseData(tokens.slice(1))); else if (cmd == ".string") this.addWords(stringToData(tokens.slice(1).join(" "))); else if (cmd == ".align") this.alignIP(this.parseConst(tokens[1])); else this.warning("Unrecognized directive: " + tokens); } assemble(line) { this.linenum++; line = line.replace(/[;].*/g, "").trim(); if (line[0] == ".") { var tokens = line.split(/\s+/); this.parseDirective(tokens); return; } line = line.toLowerCase(); line = line.replace(/(\w+):/, (_label, label) => { this.symbols[label] = { value: this.ip }; return ""; }); line = line.trim(); if (line == "") return; if (!this.spec) { this.fatal("Need to load .arch first"); return; } var lastError; for (var rule of this.spec.rules) { var m = rule.re.exec(line); if (m) { var result = this.buildInstruction(rule, m); if (!isError(result)) { this.addBytes(result); return result; } else { lastError = result.error; } } } this.warning(lastError ? lastError : "Could not decode instruction: " + line); } applyFixup(fix, sym) { var ofs = fix.ofs + Math.floor(fix.dstofs / this.width); var mask = (1 << fix.size) - 1; var value = this.parseConst(sym.value + "", fix.dstlen); if (fix.iprel) value = (value - fix.ofs) * fix.ipmul - fix.ipofs; if (fix.srcofs == 0 && (value > mask || value < -mask)) this.warning("Symbol " + fix.sym + " (" + value + ") does not fit in " + fix.dstlen + " bits", fix.line); if (fix.srcofs > 0) value >>>= fix.srcofs; value &= (1 << fix.dstlen) - 1; if (this.width == 32) { var shift = 32 - fix.dstofs - fix.dstlen; value <<= shift; } if (fix.size <= this.width) { this.outwords[ofs - this.origin] ^= value; } else { if (fix.endian == "big") value = this.swapEndian(value, fix.size); while (value) { if (value & this.outwords[ofs - this.origin]) { this.warning("Instruction bits overlapped: " + hex2(this.outwords[ofs - this.origin], 8), hex2(value, 8)); } else { this.outwords[ofs - this.origin] ^= value & (1 << this.width) - 1; } value >>>= this.width; ofs++; } } } finish() { for (var i = 0; i < this.fixups.length; i++) { var fix = this.fixups[i]; var sym = this.symbols[fix.sym]; if (sym) { this.applyFixup(fix, sym); } else { this.warning("Symbol '" + fix.sym + "' not found"); } } for (var i = 0; i < this.asmlines.length; i++) { var al = this.asmlines[i]; al.insns = ""; for (var j = 0; j < al.nbits / this.width; j++) { var word = this.outwords[al.offset + j - this.origin]; if (j > 0) al.insns += " "; al.insns += hex2(word, this.width / 4); } } while (this.outwords.length < this.codelen) { this.outwords.push(0); } this.fixups = []; return this.state(); } assembleFile(text) { var lines = text.split(/\n/g); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length && !this.aborted; i++) { try { this.assemble(lines[i]); } catch (e) { console.log(e); this.fatal("Exception during assembly: " + e); } } return this.finish(); } state() { return { ip: this.ip, line: this.linenum, origin: this.origin, codelen: this.codelen, intermediate: {}, output: this.outwords, lines: this.asmlines, errors: this.errors, fixups: this.fixups }; } }; // src/common/hdl/hdltypes.ts function isVarDecl(arg) { return typeof arg.isParam !== "undefined"; } function isConstExpr(arg) { return typeof arg.cvalue === "number"; } // src/common/hdl/vxmlparser.ts var CompileError2 = class extends Error { constructor($loc, msg) { super(msg); this.$loc = $loc; Object.setPrototypeOf(this, CompileError2.prototype); } }; var VerilogXMLParser = class { constructor() { this.files = {}; this.dtypes = {}; this.modules = {}; this.hierarchies = {}; this.cur_deferred = []; this.dtypes["QData"] = { left: 63, right: 0, signed: false }; this.dtypes["IData"] = { left: 31, right: 0, signed: false }; this.dtypes["SData"] = { left: 15, right: 0, signed: false }; this.dtypes["CData"] = { left: 7, right: 0, signed: false }; this.dtypes["byte"] = { left: 7, right: 0, signed: true }; this.dtypes["shortint"] = { left: 15, right: 0, signed: true }; this.dtypes["int"] = { left: 31, right: 0, signed: true }; this.dtypes["integer"] = { left: 31, right: 0, signed: true }; this.dtypes["longint"] = { left: 63, right: 0, signed: true }; this.dtypes["time"] = { left: 63, right: 0, signed: false }; } defer(fn) { this.cur_deferred.unshift(fn); } defer2(fn) { this.cur_deferred.push(fn); } run_deferred() { this.cur_deferred.forEach((fn) => fn()); this.cur_deferred = []; } name2js(s) { if (s == null) throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `no name`); return s.replace(/[^a-z0-9_]/gi, "$"); } findChildren(node, type, required) { var arr = node.children.filter((n) => n.type == type); if (arr.length == 0 && required) throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `no child of type ${type}`); return arr; } parseSourceLocation(node) { var loc = node.attrs["loc"]; if (loc) { if (loc == this.cur_loc_str) { return this.cur_loc; } else { var [fileid, line, col, end_line, end_col] = loc.split(","); var $loc = { hdlfile: this.files[fileid], path: this.files[fileid].filename, line: parseInt(line), start: parseInt(col) - 1, end_line: parseInt(end_line), end: parseInt(end_col) - 1 }; this.cur_loc = $loc; this.cur_loc_str = loc; return $loc; } } else { return null; } } open_module(node) { var module = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), name: node.attrs["name"], origName: node.attrs["origName"], blocks: [], instances: [], vardefs: {} }; if (this.cur_module) throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `nested modules not supported`); this.cur_module = module; return module; } deferDataType(node, def) { var dtype_id = node.attrs["dtype_id"]; if (dtype_id != null) { this.defer(() => { def.dtype = this.dtypes[dtype_id]; if (!def.dtype) { throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `Unknown data type ${dtype_id} for ${node.type}`); } }); } } parseConstValue(s) { const re_const = /(\d+)'([s]?)h([0-9a-f]+)/i; var m = re_const.exec(s); if (m) { var numstr = m[3]; if (numstr.length <= 8) return parseInt(numstr, 16); else return BigInt("0x" + numstr); } else { throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `could not parse constant "${s}"`); } } resolveVar(s, mod) { var def = mod.vardefs[s]; if (def == null) throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `could not resolve variable "${s}"`); return def; } resolveModule(s) { var mod = this.modules[s]; if (mod == null) throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `could not resolve module "${s}"`); return mod; } visit_verilator_xml(node) { } visit_package(node) { } visit_module(node) { this.findChildren(node, "var", false).forEach((n) => { if (isVarDecl(n.obj)) { this.cur_module.vardefs[n.obj.name] = n.obj; } }); this.modules[this.cur_module.name] = this.cur_module; this.cur_module = null; } visit_var(node) { var name = node.attrs["name"]; name = this.name2js(name); var vardef = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), name, origName: node.attrs["origName"], isInput: node.attrs["dir"] == "input", isOutput: node.attrs["dir"] == "output", isParam: node.attrs["param"] == "true", dtype: null }; this.deferDataType(node, vardef); var const_nodes = this.findChildren(node, "const", false); if (const_nodes.length) { vardef.constValue = const_nodes[0].obj; } var init_nodes = this.findChildren(node, "initarray", false); if (init_nodes.length) { vardef.initValue = init_nodes[0].obj; } return vardef; } visit_const(node) { var name = node.attrs["name"]; var cvalue = this.parseConstValue(name); var constdef = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), dtype: null, cvalue: typeof cvalue === "number" ? cvalue : null, bigvalue: typeof cvalue === "bigint" ? cvalue : null }; this.deferDataType(node, constdef); return constdef; } visit_varref(node) { var name = node.attrs["name"]; name = this.name2js(name); var varref = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), dtype: null, refname: name }; this.deferDataType(node, varref); var mod = this.cur_module; return varref; } visit_sentree(node) { } visit_always(node) { var sentree; var expr; if (node.children.length == 2) { sentree = node.children[0].obj; expr = node.children[1].obj; } else { sentree = null; expr = node.children[0].obj; } var always = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), blocktype: node.type, name: null, senlist: sentree, exprs: [expr] }; this.cur_module.blocks.push(always); return always; } visit_begin(node) { var exprs = []; node.children.forEach((n) => exprs.push(n.obj)); return { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), blocktype: node.type, name: node.attrs["name"], exprs }; } visit_initarray(node) { return this.visit_begin(node); } visit_inititem(node) { this.expectChildren(node, 1, 1); return { index: parseInt(node.attrs["index"]), expr: node.children[0].obj }; } visit_cfunc(node) { if (this.cur_module == null) { return; } var block = this.visit_begin(node); block.exprs = []; node.children.forEach((n) => block.exprs.push(n.obj)); this.cur_module.blocks.push(block); return block; } visit_cuse(node) { } visit_instance(node) { var instance = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), name: node.attrs["name"], origName: node.attrs["origName"], ports: [], module: null }; node.children.forEach((child) => { instance.ports.push(child.obj); }); this.cur_module.instances.push(instance); this.defer(() => { instance.module = this.resolveModule(node.attrs["defName"]); }); return instance; } visit_iface(node) { throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `interfaces not supported`); } visit_intfref(node) { throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `interfaces not supported`); } visit_port(node) { this.expectChildren(node, 1, 1); var varref = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), name: node.attrs["name"], expr: node.children[0].obj }; return varref; } visit_netlist(node) { } visit_files(node) { } visit_module_files(node) { node.children.forEach((n) => { if (n.obj) { var file = this.files[n.obj.id]; if (file) file.isModule = true; } }); } visit_file(node) { return this.visit_file_or_module(node, false); } visit_scope(node) { } visit_topscope(node) { } visit_file_or_module(node, isModule) { var file = { id: node.attrs["id"], filename: node.attrs["filename"], isModule }; this.files[file.id] = file; return file; } visit_cells(node) { this.expectChildren(node, 1, 9999); var hier = node.children[0].obj; if (hier != null) { var hiername = hier.name; this.hierarchies[hiername] = hier; } } visit_cell(node) { var hier = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), name: node.attrs["name"], module: null, parent: null, children: node.children.map((n) => n.obj) }; if (node.children.length > 0) throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `multiple non-flattened modules not yet supported`); node.children.forEach((n) => n.obj.parent = hier); this.defer(() => { hier.module = this.resolveModule(node.attrs["submodname"]); }); return hier; } visit_basicdtype(node) { let id = node.attrs["id"]; var dtype; var dtypename = node.attrs["name"]; switch (dtypename) { case "logic": case "integer": case "bit": let dlogic = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), left: parseInt(node.attrs["left"] || "0"), right: parseInt(node.attrs["right"] || "0"), signed: node.attrs["signed"] == "true" }; dtype = dlogic; break; case "string": let dstring = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), jstype: "string" }; dtype = dstring; break; default: dtype = this.dtypes[dtypename]; if (dtype == null) { throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `unknown data type ${dtypename}`); } } this.dtypes[id] = dtype; return dtype; } visit_refdtype(node) { } visit_enumdtype(node) { } visit_enumitem(node) { } visit_packarraydtype(node) { return this.visit_unpackarraydtype(node); } visit_memberdtype(node) { throw new CompileError2(null, `structs not supported`); } visit_constdtype(node) { } visit_paramtypedtype(node) { } visit_unpackarraydtype(node) { let id = node.attrs["id"]; let sub_dtype_id = node.attrs["sub_dtype_id"]; let range = node.children[0].obj; if (isConstExpr(range.left) && isConstExpr(range.right)) { var dtype = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), subtype: null, low: range.left, high: range.right }; this.dtypes[id] = dtype; this.defer(() => { dtype.subtype = this.dtypes[sub_dtype_id]; if (!dtype.subtype) throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `Unknown data type ${sub_dtype_id} for array`); }); return dtype; } else { throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `could not parse constant exprs in array`); } } visit_senitem(node) { var edgeType = node.attrs["edgeType"]; if (edgeType != "POS" && edgeType != "NEG") throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, "POS/NEG required"); return { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), edgeType, expr: node.obj }; } visit_text(node) { } visit_cstmt(node) { } visit_cfile(node) { } visit_typetable(node) { } visit_constpool(node) { } visit_comment(node) { } expectChildren(node, low, high) { if (node.children.length < low || node.children.length > high) throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `expected between ${low} and ${high} children`); } __visit_unop(node) { this.expectChildren(node, 1, 1); var expr = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), op: node.type, dtype: null, left: node.children[0].obj }; this.deferDataType(node, expr); return expr; } visit_extend(node) { var unop = this.__visit_unop(node); unop.width = parseInt(node.attrs["width"]); unop.widthminv = parseInt(node.attrs["widthminv"]); if (unop.width != 32) throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `extends width ${unop.width} != 32`); return unop; } visit_extends(node) { return this.visit_extend(node); } __visit_binop(node) { this.expectChildren(node, 2, 2); var expr = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), op: node.type, dtype: null, left: node.children[0].obj, right: node.children[1].obj }; this.deferDataType(node, expr); return expr; } visit_if(node) { this.expectChildren(node, 2, 3); var expr = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), op: "if", dtype: null, cond: node.children[0].obj, left: node.children[1].obj, right: node.children[2] && node.children[2].obj }; return expr; } visit_while(node) { this.expectChildren(node, 2, 4); var expr = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), op: "while", dtype: null, precond: node.children[0].obj, loopcond: node.children[1].obj, body: node.children[2] && node.children[2].obj, inc: node.children[3] && node.children[3].obj }; return expr; } __visit_triop(node) { this.expectChildren(node, 3, 3); var expr = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), op: node.type, dtype: null, cond: node.children[0].obj, left: node.children[1].obj, right: node.children[2].obj }; this.deferDataType(node, expr); return expr; } __visit_func(node) { var expr = { $loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node), dtype: null, funcname: node.attrs["func"] || "$" + node.type, args: node.children.map((n) => n.obj) }; this.deferDataType(node, expr); return expr; } visit_not(node) { return this.__visit_unop(node); } visit_negate(node) { return this.__visit_unop(node); } visit_redand(node) { return this.__visit_unop(node); } visit_redor(node) { return this.__visit_unop(node); } visit_redxor(node) { return this.__visit_unop(node); } visit_initial(node) { return this.__visit_unop(node); } visit_ccast(node) { return this.__visit_unop(node); } visit_creset(node) { return this.__visit_unop(node); } visit_creturn(node) { return this.__visit_unop(node); } visit_contassign(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_assigndly(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_assignpre(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_assignpost(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_assign(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_arraysel(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_wordsel(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_eq(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_neq(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_lte(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_gte(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_lt(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_gt(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_and(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_or(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_xor(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_add(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_sub(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_concat(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_shiftl(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_shiftr(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_shiftrs(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_mul(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_div(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_moddiv(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_muls(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_divs(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_moddivs(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_gts(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_lts(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_gtes(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_ltes(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_range(node) { return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_cond(node) { return this.__visit_triop(node); } visit_condbound(node) { return this.__visit_triop(node); } visit_sel(node) { return this.__visit_triop(node); } visit_changedet(node) { if (node.children.length == 0) return null; else return this.__visit_binop(node); } visit_ccall(node) { return this.__visit_func(node); } visit_finish(node) { return this.__visit_func(node); } visit_stop(node) { return this.__visit_func(node); } visit_rand(node) { return this.__visit_func(node); } visit_time(node) { return this.__visit_func(node); } visit_display(node) { return null; } visit_sformatf(node) { return null; } visit_scopename(node) { return null; } visit_readmem(node) { return this.__visit_func(node); } xml_open(node) { this.cur_node = node; var method = this[`open_${node.type}`]; if (method) { return method.bind(this)(node); } } xml_close(node) { this.cur_node = node; var method = this[`visit_${node.type}`]; if (method) { return method.bind(this)(node); } else { throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `no visitor for ${node.type}`); } } parse(xmls) { parseXMLPoorly(xmls, this.xml_open.bind(this), this.xml_close.bind(this)); this.cur_node = null; this.run_deferred(); } }; // src/worker/tools/verilog.ts function detectModuleName(code) { var m = /^\s*module\s+(\w+_top)\b/m.exec(code) || /^\s*module\s+(top|t)\b/m.exec(code) || /^\s*module\s+(\w+)\b/m.exec(code); return m ? m[1] : null; } function detectTopModuleName(code) { var topmod = detectModuleName(code) || "top"; var m = /^\s*module\s+(\w+?_top)/m.exec(code); if (m && m[1]) topmod = m[1]; return topmod; } var jsasm_module_top; var jsasm_module_output; var jsasm_module_key; function compileJSASM(asmcode, platform, options, is_inline) { var asm = new Assembler(null); var includes = []; asm.loadJSON = (filename) => { var jsontext = getWorkFileAsString(filename); if (!jsontext) throw Error("could not load " + filename); return JSON.parse(jsontext); }; asm.loadInclude = (filename) => { if (!filename.startsWith('"') || !filename.endsWith('"')) return 'Expected filename in "double quotes"'; filename = filename.substr(1, filename.length - 2); includes.push(filename); }; var loaded_module = false; asm.loadModule = (top_module) => { loaded_module = true; var key = top_module + "/" + includes; if (jsasm_module_key != key) { jsasm_module_key = key; jsasm_module_output = null; } jsasm_module_top = top_module; var main_filename = includes[includes.length - 1]; var voutput = compileVerilator({ platform, files: includes, path: main_filename, tool: "verilator" }); if (voutput) jsasm_module_output = voutput; return null; }; var result = asm.assembleFile(asmcode); if (loaded_module && jsasm_module_output) { if (jsasm_module_output.errors && jsasm_module_output.errors.length) return jsasm_module_output; var asmout = result.output; result.output = jsasm_module_output.output; result.output.program_rom = asmout; result.output.program_rom_variable = jsasm_module_top + "$program_rom"; result.listings = {}; result.listings[options.path] = { lines: result.lines }; return result; } else { return result; } } function compileJSASMStep(step) { gatherFiles(step); var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path); var platform = step.platform || "verilog"; return compileJSASM(code, platform, step, false); } function compileInlineASM(code, platform, options, errors, asmlines) { code = code.replace(/__asm\b([\s\S]+?)\b__endasm\b/g, function(s, asmcode, index) { var firstline = code.substr(0, index).match(/\n/g).length; var asmout = compileJSASM(asmcode, platform, options, true); if (asmout.errors && asmout.errors.length) { for (var i = 0; i < asmout.errors.length; i++) { asmout.errors[i].line += firstline; errors.push(asmout.errors[i]); } return ""; } else if (asmout.output) { let s2 = ""; var out = asmout.output; for (var i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { s2 += ","; if ((i & 255) == 0) s2 += "\n"; } s2 += 0 | out[i]; } if (asmlines) { var al = asmout.lines; for (var i = 0; i < al.length; i++) { al[i].line += firstline; asmlines.push(al[i]); } } return s2; } }); return code; } function compileVerilator(step) { loadNative("verilator_bin"); var platform = step.platform || "verilog"; var errors = []; gatherFiles(step); if (staleFiles(step, [xmlPath])) { var match_fn = makeErrorMatcher(errors, /%(.+?): (.+?):(\d+)?[:]?\s*(.+)/i, 3, 4, step.path, 2); var verilator_mod = emglobal.verilator_bin({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("verilator_bin"), noInitialRun: true, noExitRuntime: true, print: print_fn, printErr: match_fn, wasmMemory: getWASMMemory() }); var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path); var topmod = detectTopModuleName(code); var FS = verilator_mod.FS; var listings = {}; populateFiles(step, FS, { mainFilePath: step.path, processFn: (path, code2) => { if (typeof code2 === "string") { let asmlines = []; code2 = compileInlineASM(code2, platform, step, errors, asmlines); if (asmlines.length) { listings[path] = { lines: asmlines }; } } return code2; } }); starttime(); var xmlPath = `obj_dir/V${topmod}.xml`; try { var args = [ "--cc", "-O3", "-DEXT_INLINE_ASM", "-DTOPMOD__" + topmod, "-D__8BITWORKSHOP__", "-Wall", "-Wno-DECLFILENAME", "-Wno-UNUSED", "-Wno-EOFNEWLINE", "-Wno-PROCASSWIRE", "--x-assign", "fast", "--noassert", "--pins-sc-biguint", "--debug-check", "--top-module", topmod, step.path ]; execMain(step, verilator_mod, args); } catch (e) { console.log(e); errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "Compiler internal error: " + e }); } endtime("compile"); errors = errors.filter(function(e) { return !/Exiting due to \d+/.exec(e.msg); }, errors); errors = errors.filter(function(e) { return !/Use ["][/][*]/.exec(e.msg); }, errors); if (errors.length) { return { errors }; } starttime(); var xmlParser = new VerilogXMLParser(); try { var xmlContent = FS.readFile(xmlPath, { encoding: "utf8" }); var xmlScrubbed = xmlContent.replace(/ fl=".+?" loc=".+?"/g, ""); putWorkFile(xmlPath, xmlScrubbed); if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [xmlPath])) return; xmlParser.parse(xmlContent); } catch (e) { console.log(e, e.stack); if (e.$loc != null) { let $loc = e.$loc; errors.push({ msg: "" + e, path: $loc.path, line: $loc.line }); } else { errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "" + e }); } return { errors, listings }; } finally { endtime("parse"); } return { output: xmlParser, errors, listings }; } } function compileYosys(step) { loadNative("yosys"); var code = step.code; var errors = []; var match_fn = makeErrorMatcher(errors, /ERROR: (.+?) in line (.+?[.]v):(\d+)[: ]+(.+)/i, 3, 4, step.path); starttime(); var yosys_mod = emglobal.yosys({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("yosys"), noInitialRun: true, print: print_fn, printErr: match_fn }); endtime("create module"); var topmod = detectTopModuleName(code); var FS = yosys_mod.FS; FS.writeFile(topmod + ".v", code); starttime(); try { execMain(step, yosys_mod, ["-q", "-o", topmod + ".json", "-S", topmod + ".v"]); } catch (e) { console.log(e); endtime("compile"); return { errors }; } endtime("compile"); if (errors.length) return { errors }; try { var json_file = FS.readFile(topmod + ".json", { encoding: "utf8" }); var json = JSON.parse(json_file); console.log(json); return { output: json, errors }; } catch (e) { console.log(e); return { errors }; } } function compileSilice(step) { loadNative("silice"); var params = step.params; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.ice" }); var destpath = step.prefix + ".v"; var errors = []; var errfile; var errline; if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) { var match_fn = (s) => { s = s.replaceAll(/\033\[\d+\w/g, ""); var mf = /file:\s*(\w+)/.exec(s); var ml = /line:\s+(\d+)/.exec(s); var preproc = /\[preprocessor\] (\d+)\] (.+)/.exec(s); if (mf) errfile = mf[1]; else if (ml) errline = parseInt(ml[1]); else if (preproc) { errors.push({ path: step.path, line: parseInt(preproc[1]), msg: preproc[2] }); } else if (errfile && errline && s.length > 1) { if (s.length > 2) { errors.push({ path: errfile + ".ice", line: errline, msg: s }); } else { errfile = null; errline = null; } } else console.log(s); }; var silice = emglobal.silice({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("silice"), noInitialRun: true, print: match_fn, printErr: match_fn }); var FS = silice.FS; setupFS(FS, "Silice"); populateFiles(step, FS); populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_compile_files); const FWDIR = "/share/frameworks"; var args = [ "-D", "NTSC=1", "--frameworks_dir", FWDIR, "-f", `/8bitworkshop.v`, "-o", destpath, step.path ]; execMain(step, silice, args); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var vout = FS.readFile(destpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); putWorkFile(destpath, vout); } return { nexttool: "verilator", path: destpath, args: [destpath], files: [destpath] }; } // src/worker/tools/m6809.ts function assembleXASM6809(step) { load("xasm6809"); var alst = ""; var lasterror = null; var errors = []; function match_fn(s) { alst += s; alst += "\n"; if (lasterror) { var line = parseInt(s.slice(0, 5)) || 0; errors.push({ line, msg: lasterror }); lasterror = null; } else if (s.startsWith("***** ")) { lasterror = s.slice(6); } } var Module = emglobal.xasm6809({ noInitialRun: true, print: match_fn, printErr: print_fn }); var FS = Module.FS; populateFiles(step, FS, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" }); var binpath = step.prefix + ".bin"; var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst"; execMain(step, Module, ["-c", "-l", "-s", "-y", "-o=" + binpath, step.path]); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var aout = FS.readFile(binpath, { encoding: "binary" }); if (aout.length == 0) { errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "Empty output file" }); return { errors }; } putWorkFile(binpath, aout); putWorkFile(lstpath, alst); var symbolmap = {}; var asmlines = parseListing(alst, /^\s*([0-9]+) .+ ([0-9A-F]+)\s+\[([0-9 ]+)\]\s+([0-9A-F]+) (.*)/i, 1, 2, 4, 3); var listings = {}; listings[step.prefix + ".lst"] = { lines: asmlines, text: alst }; return { output: aout, listings, errors, symbolmap }; } function compileCMOC(step) { loadNative("cmoc"); var params = step.params; var re_err1 = /^[/]*([^:]*):(\d+): (.+)$/; var errors = []; var errline = 0; function match_fn(s) { var matches = re_err1.exec(s); if (matches) { errors.push({ line: parseInt(matches[2]), msg: matches[3], path: matches[1] || step.path }); } else { console.log(s); } } gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.c" }); var destpath = step.prefix + ".s"; if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) { var args = [ "-S", "-Werror", "-V", "-I/share/include", "-I.", step.path ]; var CMOC = emglobal.cmoc({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("cmoc"), noInitialRun: true, print: match_fn, printErr: match_fn }); var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path); var preproc = preprocessMCPP(step, null); if (preproc.errors) { return { errors: preproc.errors }; } else code = preproc.code; var FS = CMOC.FS; populateFiles(step, FS); FS.writeFile(step.path, code); fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, params); if (params.extra_compile_args) { args.unshift.apply(args, params.extra_compile_args); } execMain(step, CMOC, args); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var asmout = FS.readFile(destpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); if (step.params.set_stack_end) asmout = asmout.replace("stack space in bytes", ` lds #${step.params.set_stack_end} `); putWorkFile(destpath, asmout); } return { nexttool: "lwasm", path: destpath, args: [destpath], files: [destpath] }; } function assembleLWASM(step) { loadNative("lwasm"); var errors = []; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.s" }); var objpath = step.prefix + ".o"; var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst"; const isRaw = step.path.endsWith(".asm"); if (staleFiles(step, [objpath, lstpath])) { var objout, lstout; var args = ["-9", "-I/share/asminc", "-o" + objpath, "-l" + lstpath, step.path]; args.push(isRaw ? "-r" : "--obj"); var LWASM = emglobal.lwasm({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("lwasm"), noInitialRun: true, print: print_fn, printErr: msvcErrorMatcher(errors) }); var FS = LWASM.FS; populateFiles(step, FS); fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, step.params); execMain(step, LWASM, args); if (errors.length) return { errors }; objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "binary" }); lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); putWorkFile(objpath, objout); putWorkFile(lstpath, lstout); if (isRaw) { return { output: objout }; } } return { linktool: "lwlink", files: [objpath, lstpath], args: [objpath] }; } function linkLWLINK(step) { loadNative("lwlink"); var params = step.params; gatherFiles(step); var binpath = "main"; if (staleFiles(step, [binpath])) { var errors = []; var LWLINK = emglobal.lwlink({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("lwlink"), noInitialRun: true, print: print_fn, printErr: function(s2) { if (s2.startsWith("Warning:")) console.log(s2); else errors.push({ msg: s2, line: 0 }); } }); var FS = LWLINK.FS; populateFiles(step, FS); populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_link_files); var libargs = params.extra_link_args || []; var args = [ "-L.", "--entry=program_start", "--raw", "--output=main", "--map=main.map" ].concat(libargs, step.args); console.log(args); execMain(step, LWLINK, args); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var aout = FS.readFile("main", { encoding: "binary" }); var mapout = FS.readFile("main.map", { encoding: "utf8" }); putWorkFile("main", aout); putWorkFile("main.map", mapout); if (!anyTargetChanged(step, ["main", "main.map"])) return; var symbolmap = {}; var segments = []; for (var s of mapout.split("\n")) { var toks = s.split(" "); if (toks[0] == "Symbol:") { let ident = toks[1]; let ofs = parseInt(toks[4], 16); if (ident && ofs >= 0 && !ident.startsWith("l_") && !ident.startsWith("funcsize_") && !ident.startsWith("funcend_")) { symbolmap[ident] = ofs; } } else if (toks[0] == "Section:") { let seg = toks[1]; let segstart = parseInt(toks[5], 16); let segsize = parseInt(toks[7], 16); segments.push({ name: seg, start: segstart, size: segsize }); } } const re_segment = /\s*SECTION\s+(\w+)/i; const re_function = /\s*([0-9a-f]+).+?(\w+)\s+EQU\s+[*]/i; var listings = {}; for (var fn of step.files) { if (fn.endsWith(".lst")) { var lstout = FS.readFile(fn, { encoding: "utf8" }); var asmlines = parseListing(lstout, /^([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F]+)\s+[(]\s*(.+?)[)]:(\d+) (.*)/i, 4, 1, 2, 3, re_function, re_segment); for (let l of asmlines) { l.offset += symbolmap[l.func] || 0; } var srclines = parseSourceLines(lstout, /Line .+?:(\d+)/i, /^([0-9A-F]{4})/i, re_function, re_segment); for (let l of srclines) { l.offset += symbolmap[l.func] || 0; } putWorkFile(fn, lstout); lstout = lstout.split("\n").map((l) => l.substring(0, 15) + l.substring(56)).join("\n"); listings[fn] = { asmlines: srclines.length ? asmlines : null, lines: srclines.length ? srclines : asmlines, text: lstout }; } } return { output: aout, listings, errors, symbolmap, segments }; } } // src/worker/tools/m6502.ts function assembleNESASM(step) { loadNative("nesasm"); var re_filename = /\#\[(\d+)\]\s+(\S+)/; var re_insn = /\s+(\d+)\s+([0-9A-F]+):([0-9A-F]+)/; var re_error = /\s+(.+)/; var errors = []; var state = 0; var lineno = 0; var filename; function match_fn(s2) { var m2; switch (state) { case 0: m2 = re_filename.exec(s2); if (m2) { filename = m2[2]; } m2 = re_insn.exec(s2); if (m2) { lineno = parseInt(m2[1]); state = 1; } break; case 1: m2 = re_error.exec(s2); if (m2) { errors.push({ path: filename, line: lineno, msg: m2[1] }); state = 0; } break; } } var Module = emglobal.nesasm({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("nesasm"), noInitialRun: true, print: match_fn }); var FS = Module.FS; populateFiles(step, FS, { mainFilePath: "main.a" }); var binpath = step.prefix + ".nes"; var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst"; var sympath = step.prefix + ".fns"; execMain(step, Module, [step.path, "-s", "-l", "2"]); var listings = {}; try { var alst = FS.readFile(lstpath, { "encoding": "utf8" }); var asmlines = parseListing(alst, /^\s*(\d+)\s+([0-9A-F]+):([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F ]+?) (.*)/i, 1, 3, 4); putWorkFile(lstpath, alst); listings[lstpath] = { lines: asmlines, text: alst }; } catch (e) { } if (errors.length) { return { errors }; } var aout, asym; aout = FS.readFile(binpath); try { asym = FS.readFile(sympath, { "encoding": "utf8" }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "No symbol table generated, maybe missing ENDM or segment overflow?" }); return { errors }; } putWorkFile(binpath, aout); putWorkFile(sympath, asym); if (alst) putWorkFile(lstpath, alst); if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [binpath, sympath])) return; var symbolmap = {}; for (var s of asym.split("\n")) { if (!s.startsWith(";")) { var m = /(\w+)\s+=\s+[$]([0-9A-F]+)/.exec(s); if (m) { symbolmap[m[1]] = parseInt(m[2], 16); } } } return { output: aout, listings, errors, symbolmap }; } function assembleMerlin32(step) { loadNative("merlin32"); var errors = []; var lstfiles = []; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.lnk" }); var objpath = step.prefix + ".bin"; if (staleFiles(step, [objpath])) { var args = ["-v", step.path]; var merlin32 = emglobal.merlin32({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("merlin32"), noInitialRun: true, print: (s) => { var m = /\s*=>\s*Creating Output file '(.+?)'/.exec(s); if (m) { lstfiles.push(m[1]); } var errpos = s.indexOf("Error"); if (errpos >= 0) { s = s.slice(errpos + 6).trim(); var mline = /\bline (\d+)\b/.exec(s); var mpath = /\bfile '(.+?)'/.exec(s); errors.push({ line: parseInt(mline[1]) || 0, msg: s, path: mpath[1] || step.path }); } }, printErr: print_fn }); var FS = merlin32.FS; populateFiles(step, FS); execMain(step, merlin32, args); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var errout = null; try { errout = FS.readFile("error_output.txt", { encoding: "utf8" }); } catch (e) { } var objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "binary" }); putWorkFile(objpath, objout); if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [objpath])) return; var symbolmap = {}; var segments = []; var listings = {}; lstfiles.forEach((lstfn) => { var lst = FS.readFile(lstfn, { encoding: "utf8" }); lst.split("\n").forEach((line) => { var toks = line.split(/\s*\|\s*/); if (toks && toks[6]) { var toks2 = toks[1].split(/\s+/); var toks3 = toks[6].split(/[:/]/, 4); var path = toks2[1]; if (path && toks2[2] && toks3[1]) { var lstline = { line: parseInt(toks2[2]), offset: parseInt(toks3[1].trim(), 16), insns: toks3[2], cycles: null, iscode: false }; var lst2 = listings[path]; if (!lst2) listings[path] = lst2 = { lines: [] }; lst2.lines.push(lstline); } } }); }); return { output: objout, listings, errors, symbolmap, segments }; } } function compileFastBasic(step) { loadNative("fastbasic-int"); var params = step.params; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.fb" }); var destpath = step.prefix + ".s"; var errors = []; if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) { var fastbasic = emglobal.fastbasic({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("fastbasic-int"), noInitialRun: true, print: print_fn, printErr: makeErrorMatcher(errors, /(.+?):(\d+):(\d+):\s*(.+)/, 2, 4, step.path, 1) }); var FS = fastbasic.FS; populateFiles(step, FS); var libfile = "fastbasic-int.lib"; params.libargs = [libfile]; params.cfgfile = params.fastbasic_cfgfile; params.extra_link_files = [libfile, params.cfgfile]; var args = [step.path, destpath]; execMain(step, fastbasic, args); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var asmout = FS.readFile(destpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); putWorkFile(destpath, asmout); } return { nexttool: "ca65", path: destpath, args: [destpath], files: [destpath] }; } // src/worker/tools/z80.ts function assembleZMAC(step) { loadNative("zmac"); var hexout, lstout, binout; var errors = []; var params = step.params; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" }); var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst"; var binpath = step.prefix + ".cim"; if (staleFiles(step, [binpath])) { var ZMAC = emglobal.zmac({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("zmac"), noInitialRun: true, print: print_fn, printErr: makeErrorMatcher(errors, /([^( ]+)\s*[(](\d+)[)]\s*:\s*(.+)/, 2, 3, step.path) }); var FS = ZMAC.FS; populateFiles(step, FS); execMain(step, ZMAC, ["-z", "-c", "--oo", "lst,cim", step.path]); if (errors.length) { return { errors }; } lstout = FS.readFile("zout/" + lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); binout = FS.readFile("zout/" + binpath, { encoding: "binary" }); putWorkFile(binpath, binout); putWorkFile(lstpath, lstout); if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [binpath, lstpath])) return; var lines = parseListing(lstout, /\s*(\d+):\s*([0-9a-f]+)\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+(.+)/i, 1, 2, 3); var listings = {}; listings[lstpath] = { lines }; var symbolmap = {}; var sympos = lstout.indexOf("Symbol Table:"); if (sympos > 0) { var symout = lstout.slice(sympos + 14); symout.split("\n").forEach(function(l) { var m = l.match(/(\S+)\s+([= ]*)([0-9a-f]+)/i); if (m) { symbolmap[m[1]] = parseInt(m[3], 16); } }); } return { output: binout, listings, errors, symbolmap }; } } // src/worker/tools/x86.ts function compileSmallerC(step) { loadNative("smlrc"); var params = step.params; var re_err1 = /^Error in "[/]*(.+)" [(](\d+):(\d+)[)]/; var errors = []; var errline = 0; var errpath = step.path; function match_fn(s) { var matches = re_err1.exec(s); if (matches) { errline = parseInt(matches[2]); errpath = matches[1]; } else { errors.push({ line: errline, msg: s, path: errpath }); } } gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.c" }); var destpath = step.prefix + ".asm"; if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) { var args = [ "-seg16", "-no-externs", step.path, destpath ]; var smlrc = emglobal.smlrc({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("smlrc"), noInitialRun: true, print: match_fn, printErr: match_fn }); var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path); var preproc = preprocessMCPP(step, null); if (preproc.errors) { return { errors: preproc.errors }; } else code = preproc.code; var FS = smlrc.FS; populateFiles(step, FS); FS.writeFile(step.path, code); fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, params); if (params.extra_compile_args) { args.unshift.apply(args, params.extra_compile_args); } execMain(step, smlrc, args); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var asmout = FS.readFile(destpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); putWorkFile(destpath, asmout); } return { nexttool: "yasm", path: destpath, args: [destpath], files: [destpath] }; } function assembleYASM(step) { loadNative("yasm"); var errors = []; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" }); var objpath = step.prefix + ".exe"; var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst"; var mappath = step.prefix + ".map"; if (staleFiles(step, [objpath])) { var args = [ "-X", "vc", "-a", "x86", "-f", "dosexe", "-p", "nasm", "-D", "freedos", "-o", objpath, "-l", lstpath, "--mapfile=" + mappath, step.path ]; var YASM = emglobal.yasm({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("yasm"), noInitialRun: true, print: print_fn, printErr: msvcErrorMatcher(errors) }); var FS = YASM.FS; populateFiles(step, FS); execMain(step, YASM, args); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var objout, lstout, mapout; objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "binary" }); lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); mapout = FS.readFile(mappath, { encoding: "utf8" }); putWorkFile(objpath, objout); putWorkFile(lstpath, lstout); if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [objpath])) return; var symbolmap = {}; var segments = []; var lines = parseListing(lstout, /\s*(\d+)\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+(.+)/i, 1, 2, 3); var listings = {}; listings[lstpath] = { lines, text: lstout }; return { output: objout, listings, errors, symbolmap, segments }; } } // src/worker/tools/arm.ts function assembleARMIPS(step) { loadNative("armips"); var errors = []; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" }); var objpath = "main.bin"; var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst"; var sympath = step.prefix + ".sym"; var error_fn = makeErrorMatcher(errors, /^(.+?)\((\d+)\)\s+(fatal error|error|warning):\s+(.+)/, 2, 4, step.path, 1); if (staleFiles(step, [objpath])) { var args = [step.path, "-temp", lstpath, "-sym", sympath, "-erroronwarning"]; var armips = emglobal.armips({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("armips"), noInitialRun: true, print: error_fn, printErr: error_fn }); var FS = armips.FS; var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path); code = `.arm.little :: .create "${objpath}",0 :: ${code} .close`; putWorkFile(step.path, code); populateFiles(step, FS); execMain(step, armips, args); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "binary" }); putWorkFile(objpath, objout); if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [objpath])) return; var symbolmap = {}; var segments = []; var listings = {}; var lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); var lines = lstout.split(re_crlf); var re_asmline = /^([0-9A-F]+) (.+?); [/](.+?) line (\d+)/; var lastofs = -1; for (var line of lines) { var m; if (m = re_asmline.exec(line)) { var path = m[3]; var path2 = getPrefix(path) + ".lst"; var lst = listings[path2]; if (lst == null) { lst = listings[path2] = { lines: [] }; } var ofs = parseInt(m[1], 16); if (lastofs == ofs) { lst.lines.pop(); } else if (ofs > lastofs) { var lastline = lst.lines[lst.lines.length - 1]; if (lastline && !lastline.insns) { var insns = objout.slice(lastofs, ofs).reverse(); lastline.insns = Array.from(insns).map((b) => hex(b, 2)).join(""); } } lst.lines.push({ path, line: parseInt(m[4]), offset: ofs }); lastofs = ofs; } } var symout = FS.readFile(sympath, { encoding: "utf8" }); var re_symline = /^([0-9A-F]+)\s+(.+)/; for (var line of symout.split(re_crlf)) { var m; if (m = re_symline.exec(line)) { symbolmap[m[2]] = parseInt(m[1], 16); } } return { output: objout, listings, errors, symbolmap, segments }; } } function assembleVASMARM(step) { loadNative("vasmarm_std"); var re_err1 = /^(fatal error|error|warning)? (\d+) in line (\d+) of "(.+)": (.+)/; var re_err2 = /^(fatal error|error|warning)? (\d+): (.+)/; var re_undefsym = /symbol <(.+?)>/; var errors = []; var undefsyms = []; function findUndefinedSymbols(line2) { undefsyms.forEach((sym) => { if (line2.indexOf(sym) >= 0) { errors.push({ path: curpath, line: curline, msg: "Undefined symbol: " + sym }); } }); } function match_fn(s) { let matches = re_err1.exec(s); if (matches) { errors.push({ line: parseInt(matches[3]), path: matches[4], msg: matches[5] }); } else { matches = re_err2.exec(s); if (matches) { let m2 = re_undefsym.exec(matches[3]); if (m2) { undefsyms.push(m2[1]); } else { errors.push({ line: 0, msg: s }); } } else { console.log(s); } } } gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" }); var objpath = step.prefix + ".bin"; var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst"; if (staleFiles(step, [objpath])) { var args = ["-Fbin", "-m7tdmi", "-x", "-wfail", step.path, "-o", objpath, "-L", lstpath]; var vasm = emglobal.vasm({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("vasmarm_std"), noInitialRun: true, print: match_fn, printErr: match_fn }); var FS = vasm.FS; populateFiles(step, FS); execMain(step, vasm, args); if (errors.length) { return { errors }; } if (undefsyms.length == 0) { var objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "binary" }); putWorkFile(objpath, objout); if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [objpath])) return; } var lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); var symbolmap = {}; var segments = []; var listings = {}; var re_asmline = /^(\d+):([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F ]+)\s+(\d+)([:M])/; var re_secline = /^(\d+):\s+"(.+)"/; var re_nameline = /^Source:\s+"(.+)"/; var re_symline = /^(\w+)\s+(\d+):([0-9A-F]+)/; var re_emptyline = /^\s+(\d+)([:M])/; var curpath = step.path; var curline = 0; var sections = {}; var lines = lstout.split(re_crlf); var lstlines = []; for (var line of lines) { var m; if (m = re_secline.exec(line)) { sections[m[1]] = m[2]; } else if (m = re_nameline.exec(line)) { curpath = m[1]; } else if (m = re_symline.exec(line)) { symbolmap[m[1]] = parseInt(m[3], 16); } else if (m = re_asmline.exec(line)) { if (m[5] == ":") { curline = parseInt(m[4]); } else { } lstlines.push({ path: curpath, line: curline, offset: parseInt(m[2], 16), insns: m[3].replaceAll(" ", "") }); findUndefinedSymbols(line); } else if (m = re_emptyline.exec(line)) { curline = parseInt(m[1]); findUndefinedSymbols(line); } else { } } listings[lstpath] = { lines: lstlines, text: lstout }; if (undefsyms.length && errors.length == 0) { errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "Undefined symbols: " + undefsyms.join(", ") }); } return { output: objout, listings, errors, symbolmap, segments }; } } // src/common/tokenizer.ts var CompileError3 = class extends Error { constructor(msg, loc) { super(msg); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, CompileError3.prototype); this.$loc = loc; } }; function mergeLocs2(a, b) { return { line: Math.min(a.line, b.line), start: Math.min(a.start, b.start), end: Math.max(a.end, b.end), label: a.label || b.label, path: a.path || b.path }; } var TokenType2; (function(TokenType3) { TokenType3["EOF"] = "eof"; TokenType3["EOL"] = "eol"; TokenType3["Ident"] = "ident"; TokenType3["Comment"] = "comment"; TokenType3["Ignore"] = "ignore"; TokenType3["CatchAll"] = "catch-all"; })(TokenType2 || (TokenType2 = {})); var CATCH_ALL_RULES = [ { type: TokenType2.CatchAll, regex: /.+?/ } ]; function re_escape(rule) { return `(${rule.regex.source})`; } var TokenizerRuleSet = class { constructor(rules) { this.rules = rules.concat(CATCH_ALL_RULES); var pattern = this.rules.map(re_escape).join("|"); this.regex = new RegExp(pattern, "gs"); } }; var Tokenizer = class { constructor() { this.errorOnCatchAll = false; this.deferred = []; this.errors = []; this.lineno = 0; this.lineindex = []; this.tokens = []; } setTokenRuleSet(ruleset) { this.ruleset = ruleset; } setTokenRules(rules) { this.setTokenRuleSet(new TokenizerRuleSet(rules)); } tokenizeFile(contents, path) { this.path = path; let m; let re = /\n|\r\n?/g; this.lineindex.push(0); while (m = re.exec(contents)) { this.lineindex.push(m.index); } this._tokenize(contents); this.eof = { type: TokenType2.EOF, str: "", eol: true, $loc: { path: this.path, line: this.lineno } }; this.pushToken(this.eof); } _tokenize(text) { let m; this.lineno = 0; while (m = this.ruleset.regex.exec(text)) { let found = false; while (m.index >= this.lineindex[this.lineno]) { this.lineno++; } let rules = this.ruleset.rules; for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { let s = m[i + 1]; if (s != null) { found = true; let col = m.index - (this.lineindex[this.lineno - 1] || -1) - 1; let loc = { path: this.path, line: this.lineno, start: col, end: col + s.length }; let rule = rules[i]; switch (rule.type) { case TokenType2.CatchAll: if (this.errorOnCatchAll) { this.compileError(`I didn't expect the character "${m[0]}" here.`, loc); } default: this.pushToken({ str: s, type: rule.type, $loc: loc, eol: false }); break; case TokenType2.EOL: if (this.tokens.length) this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1].eol = true; case TokenType2.Comment: case TokenType2.Ignore: break; } break; } } if (!found) { this.compileError(`Could not parse token: <<${m[0]}>>`); } } } pushToken(token) { this.tokens.push(token); } addError(msg, loc) { let tok = this.lasttoken || this.peekToken(); if (!loc) loc = tok.$loc; this.errors.push({ path: loc.path, line: loc.line, label: this.curlabel, start: loc.start, end: loc.end, msg }); } internalError() { return this.compileError("Internal error."); } notImplementedError() { return this.compileError("Not yet implemented."); } compileError(msg, loc, loc2) { this.addError(msg, loc); let e = new CompileError3(msg, loc); throw e; return e; } peekToken(lookahead) { let tok = this.tokens[lookahead || 0]; return tok ? tok : this.eof; } consumeToken() { let tok = this.lasttoken = this.tokens.shift() || this.eof; return tok; } ifToken(match) { if (this.peekToken().str == match) return this.consumeToken(); } expectToken(str, msg) { let tok = this.consumeToken(); let tokstr = tok.str; if (str != tokstr) { this.compileError(msg || `There should be a "${str}" here.`); } return tok; } expectTokens(strlist, msg) { let tok = this.consumeToken(); let tokstr = tok.str; if (!strlist.includes(tokstr)) { this.compileError(msg || `These keywords are valid here: ${strlist.join(", ")}`); } return tok; } parseModifiers(modifiers) { let result = {}; do { var tok = this.peekToken(); if (modifiers.indexOf(tok.str) < 0) return result; this.consumeToken(); result[tok.str] = true; } while (tok != null); } expectIdent(msg) { let tok = this.consumeToken(); if (tok.type != TokenType2.Ident) this.compileError(msg || `There should be an identifier here.`); return tok; } pushbackToken(tok) { this.tokens.unshift(tok); } isEOF() { return this.tokens.length == 0 || this.peekToken().type == "eof"; } expectEOL(msg) { let tok = this.consumeToken(); if (tok.type != TokenType2.EOL) this.compileError(msg || `There's too much stuff on this line.`); } skipBlankLines() { this.skipTokenTypes(["eol"]); } skipTokenTypes(types) { while (types.includes(this.peekToken().type)) this.consumeToken(); } expectTokenTypes(types, msg) { let tok = this.consumeToken(); if (!types.includes(tok.type)) this.compileError(msg || `There should be a ${types.map((s) => `"${s}"`).join(" or ")} here. not a "${tok.type}".`); return tok; } parseList(parseFunc, delim) { var sep; var list = []; do { var el = parseFunc.bind(this)(); if (el != null) list.push(el); sep = this.consumeToken(); } while (sep.str == delim); this.pushbackToken(sep); return list; } runDeferred() { while (this.deferred.length) { this.deferred.shift()(); } } }; // src/common/ecs/binpack.ts var debug2 = false; var BoxPlacement; (function(BoxPlacement2) { BoxPlacement2[BoxPlacement2["TopLeft"] = 0] = "TopLeft"; BoxPlacement2[BoxPlacement2["TopRight"] = 1] = "TopRight"; BoxPlacement2[BoxPlacement2["BottomLeft"] = 2] = "BottomLeft"; BoxPlacement2[BoxPlacement2["BottomRight"] = 3] = "BottomRight"; })(BoxPlacement || (BoxPlacement = {})); function boxesIntersect(a, b) { return !(b.left >= a.right || b.right <= a.left || b.top >= a.bottom || b.bottom <= a.top); } function boxesContain(a, b) { return b.left >= a.left && b.top >= a.top && b.right <= a.right && b.bottom <= a.bottom; } var Bin = class { constructor(binbounds) { this.binbounds = binbounds; this.boxes = []; this.free = []; this.extents = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }; this.free.push(binbounds); } getBoxes(bounds, limit, boxes) { let result = []; if (!boxes) boxes = this.boxes; for (let box of boxes) { if (boxesIntersect(bounds, box)) { result.push(box); if (result.length >= limit) break; } } return result; } fits(b) { if (!boxesContain(this.binbounds, b)) { if (debug2) console.log("out of bounds!", b.left, b.top, b.right, b.bottom); return false; } if (this.getBoxes(b, 1).length > 0) { if (debug2) console.log("intersect!", b.left, b.top, b.right, b.bottom); return false; } return true; } bestFit(b) { let bestscore = 0; let best = null; for (let f of this.free) { if (b.left != null && b.left < f.left) continue; if (b.left != null && b.left + b.width > f.right) continue; if (b.top != null && b.top < f.top) continue; if (b.top != null && b.top + b.height > f.bottom) continue; let dx = f.right - f.left - b.width; let dy = f.bottom - f.top - b.height; if (dx >= 0 && dy >= 0) { let score = 1 / (1 + dx + dy + f.left * 1e-3); if (score > bestscore) { best = f; bestscore = score; if (score == 1) break; } } } return best; } anyFit(b) { let bestscore = 0; let best = null; for (let f of this.free) { let box = { left: b.left != null ? b.left : f.left, right: f.left + b.width, top: b.top != null ? b.top : f.top, bottom: f.top + b.height }; if (this.fits(box)) { let score = 1 / (1 + box.left + box.top); if (score > bestscore) { best = f; if (score == 1) break; } } } return best; } add(b) { if (debug2) console.log("add", b.left, b.top, b.right, b.bottom); if (!this.fits(b)) { throw new Error(`bad fit ${b.left} ${b.top} ${b.right} ${b.bottom}`); } this.boxes.push(b); this.extents.right = Math.max(this.extents.right, b.right); this.extents.bottom = Math.max(this.extents.bottom, b.bottom); for (let p of b.parents) { let i = this.free.indexOf(p); if (i < 0) throw new Error("cannot find parent"); if (debug2) console.log("removed", p.left, p.top, p.right, p.bottom); this.free.splice(i, 1); this.addFree(p.left, p.top, b.left, p.bottom); this.addFree(b.right, p.top, p.right, p.bottom); this.addFree(b.left, p.top, b.right, b.top); this.addFree(b.left, b.bottom, b.right, p.bottom); } } addFree(left, top, right, bottom) { if (bottom > top && right > left) { let b = { left, top, right, bottom }; if (debug2) console.log("free", b.left, b.top, b.right, b.bottom); this.free.push(b); } } }; var Packer = class { constructor() { this.bins = []; this.boxes = []; this.defaultPlacement = 0; } pack() { for (let bc of this.boxes) { let box = this.bestPlacement(bc); if (!box) return false; box.bin.add(box); bc.box = box; } return true; } bestPlacement(b) { for (let bin of this.bins) { let parent = bin.bestFit(b); let approx = false; if (!parent) { parent = bin.anyFit(b); approx = true; if (debug2) console.log("anyfit", parent == null ? void 0 : parent.left, parent == null ? void 0 : parent.top); } if (parent) { let place = this.defaultPlacement; let box = { left: parent.left, top: parent.top, right: parent.left + b.width, bottom: parent.top + b.height }; if (b.left != null) { box.left = b.left; box.right = b.left + b.width; } if (b.top != null) { box.top = b.top; box.bottom = b.top + b.height; } if (place == 2 || place == 3) { let h = box.bottom - box.top; box.top = parent.bottom - h; box.bottom = parent.bottom; } if (place == 1 || place == 3) { let w = box.right - box.left; box.left = parent.right - w; box.right = parent.right; } if (debug2) console.log("place", b.label, box.left, box.top, box.right, box.bottom, parent == null ? void 0 : parent.left, parent == null ? void 0 : parent.top); let parents = [parent]; if (approx) parents = bin.getBoxes(box, 100, bin.free); return __spreadValues({ parents, place, bin }, box); } } if (debug2) console.log("cannot place!", b.left, b.top, b.width, b.height); return null; } toSVG() { let s = ""; let r = { width: 100, height: 70 }; for (let bin of this.bins) { r.width = Math.max(r.width, bin.binbounds.right); r.height = Math.max(r.height, bin.binbounds.bottom); } s += ``; for (let bin of this.bins) { let be = bin.extents; s += ""; s += ``; let textx = be.right + 1; let texty = 0; for (let box of this.boxes) { let b = box.box; if (b) { if (b.bin == bin) s += ``; if (b.top == texty) textx += 10; else textx = be.right + 1; texty = b.top; if (box.label) s += `${box.label}`; } } s += ""; } s += ``; return s; } toSVGUrl() { return `data:image/svg+xml;base64,${btoa(this.toSVG())}`; } }; // src/common/ecs/ecs.ts var ECSError = class extends Error { constructor(msg, obj) { super(msg); this.$sources = []; Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ECSError.prototype); if (obj) this.$loc = obj.$loc || obj; } }; function mksymbol(c, fieldName) { return c.name + "_" + fieldName; } function mkscopesymbol(s, c, fieldName) { return s.name + "_" + c.name + "_" + fieldName; } var SystemStats = class { }; var SELECT_TYPE = ["once", "foreach", "join", "with", "if", "select", "unroll"]; function isLiteral2(arg) { return arg.value != null; } function isLiteralInt(arg) { return isLiteral2(arg) && arg.valtype.dtype == "int"; } function isBinOp2(arg) { return arg.op != null && arg.left != null && arg.right != null; } function isUnOp2(arg) { return arg.op != null && arg.expr != null; } function isBlockStmt(arg) { return arg.stmts != null; } function isInlineCode(arg) { return arg.code != null; } function isQueryExpr(arg) { return arg.query != null; } var Dialect_CA65 = class { constructor() { this.ASM_ITERATE_EACH_ASC = ` ldx #0 @__each: {{%code}} inx cpx #{{%ecount}} jne @__each @__exit: `; this.ASM_ITERATE_EACH_DESC = ` ldx #{{%ecount}}-1 @__each: {{%code}} dex jpl @__each @__exit: `; this.ASM_ITERATE_JOIN_ASC = ` ldy #0 @__each: ldx {{%joinfield}},y {{%code}} iny cpy #{{%ecount}} jne @__each @__exit: `; this.ASM_ITERATE_JOIN_DESC = ` ldy #{{%ecount}}-1 @__each: ldx {{%joinfield}},y {{%code}} dey jpl @__each @__exit: `; this.ASM_FILTER_RANGE_LO_X = ` cpx #{{%xofs}} jcc @__skipxlo {{%code}} @__skipxlo: `; this.ASM_FILTER_RANGE_HI_X = ` cpx #{{%xofs}}+{{%ecount}} jcs @__skipxhi {{%code}} @__skipxhi: `; this.ASM_LOOKUP_REF_X = ` ldx {{%reffield}} {{%code}} `; this.INIT_FROM_ARRAY = ` ldy #{{%nbytes}} : lda {{%src}}-1,y sta {{%dest}}-1,y dey bne :- `; } comment(s) { return ` ;;; ${s} `; } absolute(ident, offset) { return this.addOffset(ident, offset || 0); } addOffset(ident, offset) { if (offset > 0) return `${ident}+${offset}`; if (offset < 0) return `${ident}-${-offset}`; return ident; } indexed_x(ident, offset) { return this.addOffset(ident, offset) + ",x"; } indexed_y(ident, offset) { return this.addOffset(ident, offset) + ",y"; } fieldsymbol(component, field, bitofs) { return `${component.name}_${field.name}_b${bitofs}`; } datasymbol(component, field, eid, bitofs) { return `${component.name}_${field.name}_e${eid}_b${bitofs}`; } debug_file(path) { return `.dbg file, "${path}", 0, 0`; } debug_line(path, line) { return `.dbg line, "${path}", ${line}`; } startScope(name) { return `.scope ${name}`; } endScope(name) { return `.endscope ${this.scopeSymbol(name)} = ${name}::__Start`; } scopeSymbol(name) { return `${name}__Start`; } align(value) { return `.align ${value}`; } alignSegmentStart() { return this.label("__ALIGNORIGIN"); } warningIfPageCrossed(startlabel) { return ` .assert >(${startlabel}) = >(*), error, "${startlabel} crosses a page boundary!"`; } warningIfMoreThan(bytes, startlabel) { return ` .assert (* - ${startlabel}) <= ${bytes}, error, .sprintf("${startlabel} does not fit in ${bytes} bytes, it took %d!", (* - ${startlabel}))`; } alignIfLessThan(bytes) { return ` .if <(* - __ALIGNORIGIN) > 256-${bytes} .align $100 .endif`; } segment(segtype) { if (segtype == "bss") { return `.zeropage`; } else if (segtype == "rodata") { return ".rodata"; } else { return `.code`; } } label(sym) { return `${sym}:`; } export(sym) { return `.export _${sym} = ${sym}`; } byte(b) { if (b === void 0) { return `.res 1`; } else if (typeof b === "number") { if (b < 0 || b > 255) throw new ECSError(`out of range byte ${b}`); return `.byte ${b}`; } else { if (b.bitofs == 0) return `.byte <${b.symbol}`; else if (b.bitofs == 8) return `.byte >${b.symbol}`; else return `.byte ((${b.symbol} >> ${b.bitofs})&255)`; } } tempLabel(inst) { return `${inst.system.name}__${inst.id}__tmp`; } equate(symbol, value) { return `${symbol} = ${value}`; } define(symbol, value) { if (value) return `.define ${symbol} ${value}`; else return `.define ${symbol}`; } call(symbol) { return ` jsr ${symbol}`; } jump(symbol) { return ` jmp ${symbol}`; } return() { return " rts"; } }; var SourceFileExport = class { constructor() { this.lines = []; } line(s) { this.text(s); } text(s) { for (let l of s.split("\n")) this.lines.push(l); } toString() { return this.lines.join("\n"); } }; var CodeSegment = class { constructor() { this.codefrags = []; } addCodeFragment(code) { this.codefrags.push(code); } dump(file) { for (let code of this.codefrags) { file.text(code); } } }; var DataSegment = class { constructor() { this.symbols = {}; this.equates = {}; this.ofs2sym = new Map(); this.fieldranges = {}; this.size = 0; this.initdata = []; } allocateBytes(name, bytes) { let ofs = this.symbols[name]; if (ofs == null) { ofs = this.size; this.declareSymbol(name, ofs); this.size += bytes; } return ofs; } declareSymbol(name, ofs) { var _a; this.symbols[name] = ofs; if (!this.ofs2sym.has(ofs)) this.ofs2sym.set(ofs, []); (_a = this.ofs2sym.get(ofs)) == null ? void 0 : _a.push(name); } findExistingInitData(bytes) { for (let i = 0; i < this.size - bytes.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++) { if (this.initdata[i + j] !== bytes[j]) break; } if (j == bytes.length) return i; } return -1; } allocateInitData(name, bytes) { let ofs = this.findExistingInitData(bytes); if (ofs >= 0) { this.declareSymbol(name, ofs); } else { ofs = this.allocateBytes(name, bytes.length); for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { this.initdata[ofs + i] = bytes[i]; } } } dump(file, dialect, doExport) { for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) { let syms = this.ofs2sym.get(i); if (syms) { for (let sym of syms) { if (doExport) file.line(dialect.export(sym)); file.line(dialect.label(sym)); } } file.line(dialect.byte(this.initdata[i])); } for (let [symbol, value] of Object.entries(this.equates)) { file.line(dialect.equate(symbol, value)); } } getFieldRange(component, fieldName) { return this.fieldranges[mksymbol(component, fieldName)]; } getByteOffset(range, access, entityID) { if (entityID < range.elo) throw new ECSError(`entity ID ${entityID} too low for ${access.symbol}`); if (entityID > range.ehi) throw new ECSError(`entity ID ${entityID} too high for ${access.symbol}`); let ofs = this.symbols[access.symbol]; if (ofs !== void 0) { return ofs + entityID - range.elo; } throw new ECSError(`cannot find field access for ${access.symbol}`); } getOriginSymbol() { let a = this.ofs2sym.get(0); if (!a) throw new ECSError("getOriginSymbol(): no symbol at offset 0"); return a[0]; } }; var UninitDataSegment = class extends DataSegment { }; var ConstDataSegment = class extends DataSegment { }; function getFieldBits(f) { let n = f.hi - f.lo + 1; return Math.ceil(Math.log2(n)); } function getFieldLength(f) { if (f.dtype == "int") { return f.hi - f.lo + 1; } else { return 1; } } function getPackedFieldSize(f, constValue) { if (f.dtype == "int") { return getFieldBits(f); } if (f.dtype == "array" && f.index) { return 0; } if (f.dtype == "array" && constValue != null && Array.isArray(constValue)) { return constValue.length * getPackedFieldSize(f.elem); } if (f.dtype == "ref") { return 8; } return 0; } var EntitySet = class { constructor(scope, query, e) { this.scope = scope; if (query) { if (query.entities) { this.entities = query.entities.slice(0); } else { this.atypes = scope.em.archetypesMatching(query); this.entities = scope.entitiesMatching(this.atypes); } if (query.limit) { this.entities = this.entities.slice(0, query.limit); } } else if (e) { this.entities = e; } else { throw new ECSError("invalid EntitySet constructor"); } if (!this.atypes) { let at = new Set(); for (let e2 of this.entities) at.add(e2.etype); this.atypes = Array.from(at.values()); } } contains(c, f, where) { return this.scope.em.singleComponentWithFieldName(this.atypes, f.name, where); } intersection(qr) { let ents = this.entities.filter((e) => qr.entities.includes(e)); return new EntitySet(this.scope, void 0, ents); } union(qr) { let ents = this.entities.concat(qr.entities); let atypes = this.atypes.concat(qr.atypes); return new EntitySet(this.scope, void 0, ents); } isContiguous() { if (this.entities.length == 0) return true; let id = this.entities[0].id; for (let i = 1; i < this.entities.length; i++) { if (this.entities[i].id != ++id) return false; } return true; } }; var IndexRegister = class { constructor(scope, eset) { this.scope = scope; this.elo = 0; this.ehi = scope.entities.length - 1; this.lo = null; this.hi = null; if (eset) { this.narrowInPlace(eset); } } entityCount() { return this.ehi - this.elo + 1; } clone() { return Object.assign(new IndexRegister(this.scope), this); } narrow(eset, action) { let i = this.clone(); return i.narrowInPlace(eset, action) ? i : null; } narrowInPlace(eset, action) { if (this.scope != eset.scope) throw new ECSError(`scope mismatch`, action); if (!eset.isContiguous()) throw new ECSError(`entities are not contiguous`, action); if (this.eset) { this.eset = this.eset.intersection(eset); } else { this.eset = eset; } if (this.eset.entities.length == 0) { return false; } let newelo = this.eset.entities[0].id; let newehi = this.eset.entities[this.eset.entities.length - 1].id; if (this.lo === null || this.hi === null) { this.lo = 0; this.hi = newehi - newelo; this.elo = newelo; this.ehi = newehi; } else { this.lo += newelo - this.elo; this.hi += newehi - this.ehi; } return true; } offset() { return this.lo || 0; } }; var ActionCPUState = class { constructor() { this.xreg = null; this.yreg = null; } }; var ActionEval = class { constructor(scope, instance, action, eventargs) { this.scope = scope; this.instance = instance; this.action = action; this.eventargs = eventargs; this.tmplabel = ""; this.em = scope.em; this.dialect = scope.em.dialect; this.tmplabel = this.dialect.tempLabel(this.instance); this.seq = this.em.seq++; this.label = `${this.instance.system.name}__${action.event}__${this.seq}`; } begin() { } end() { } codeToString() { let code = this.exprToCode(this.action.expr); return code; } replaceTags(code, action, props) { const tag_re = /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g; code = code.replace(tag_re, (entire, group) => { let toks = group.split(/\s+/); if (toks.length == 0) throw new ECSError(`empty command`, action); let cmd = group.charAt(0); let arg0 = toks[0].substring(1).trim(); let args = [arg0].concat(toks.slice(1)); switch (cmd) { case "!": return this.__emit(args); case "$": return this.__local(args); case "^": return this.__use(args); case "#": return this.__arg(args); case "&": return this.__eid(args); case "<": return this.__get([arg0, "0"]); case ">": return this.__get([arg0, "8"]); default: let value = props[toks[0]]; if (value) return value; let fn = this["__" + toks[0]]; if (fn) return fn.bind(this)(toks.slice(1)); throw new ECSError(`unrecognized command {{${toks[0]}}}`, action); } }); return code; } replaceLabels(code) { const label_re = /@(\w+)\b/g; let seq = this.em.seq++; let label = `${this.instance.system.name}__${this.action.event}__${seq}`; code = code.replace(label_re, (s, a) => `${label}__${a}`); return code; } __get(args) { return this.getset(args, false); } __set(args) { return this.getset(args, true); } getset(args, canwrite) { let fieldName = args[0]; let bitofs = parseInt(args[1] || "0"); return this.generateCodeForField(fieldName, bitofs, canwrite); } parseFieldArgs(args) { let fieldName = args[0]; let bitofs = parseInt(args[1] || "0"); let component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName(this.scope.state.working.atypes, fieldName, this.action); let field = component.fields.find((f) => f.name == fieldName); if (field == null) throw new ECSError(`no field named "${fieldName}" in component`, this.action); return { component, field, bitofs }; } __base(args) { let { component, field, bitofs } = this.parseFieldArgs(args); return this.dialect.fieldsymbol(component, field, bitofs); } __data(args) { let { component, field, bitofs } = this.parseFieldArgs(args); let entities = this.scope.state.working.entities; if (entities.length != 1) throw new ECSError(`data operates on exactly one entity`, this.action); let eid = entities[0].id; return this.dialect.datasymbol(component, field, eid, bitofs); } __const(args) { let { component, field, bitofs } = this.parseFieldArgs(args); let entities = this.scope.state.working.entities; if (entities.length != 1) throw new ECSError(`const operates on exactly one entity`, this.action); let constVal = entities[0].consts[mksymbol(component, field.name)]; if (constVal === void 0) throw new ECSError(`field is not constant`, this.action); if (typeof constVal !== "number") throw new ECSError(`field is not numeric`, this.action); return constVal << bitofs; } __index(args) { let ident = args[0]; let index = parseInt(args[1] || "0"); let entities = this.scope.state.working.entities; if (entities.length == 1) { return this.dialect.absolute(ident); } else { return this.dialect.indexed_x(ident, index); } } __eid(args) { let e = this.scope.getEntityByName(args[0] || "?"); if (!e) throw new ECSError(`can't find entity named "${args[0]}"`, this.action); return e.id.toString(); } __use(args) { return this.scope.includeResource(args[0]); } __emit(args) { let event = args[0]; let eventargs = args.slice(1); try { return this.scope.generateCodeForEvent(event, eventargs); } catch (e) { if (e.$sources) e.$sources.push(this.action); throw e; } } __local(args) { let tempinc = parseInt(args[0]); let tempbytes = this.instance.system.tempbytes; if (isNaN(tempinc)) throw new ECSError(`bad temporary offset`, this.action); if (!tempbytes) throw new ECSError(`this system has no locals`, this.action); if (tempinc < 0 || tempinc >= tempbytes) throw new ECSError(`this system only has ${tempbytes} locals`, this.action); this.scope.updateTempLiveness(this.instance); return `${this.tmplabel}+${tempinc}`; } __arg(args) { let argindex = parseInt(args[0] || "0"); let argvalue = this.eventargs[argindex] || ""; return argvalue; } __start(args) { let startSymbol = this.dialect.scopeSymbol(args[0]); return this.dialect.jump(startSymbol); } generateCodeForField(fieldName, bitofs, canWrite) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const action = this.action; const qr = this.scope.state.working; var component; var baseLookup = false; var entityLookup = false; let entities; if (fieldName.indexOf(".") > 0) { let [entname, fname] = fieldName.split("."); let ent = this.scope.getEntityByName(entname); if (ent == null) throw new ECSError(`no entity named "${entname}" in this scope`, action); component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName([ent.etype], fname, action); fieldName = fname; entities = [ent]; entityLookup = true; } else if (fieldName.indexOf(":") > 0) { let [cname, fname] = fieldName.split(":"); component = this.em.getComponentByName(cname); if (component == null) throw new ECSError(`no component named "${cname}"`, action); entities = this.scope.state.working.entities; fieldName = fname; baseLookup = true; } else { component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName(qr.atypes, fieldName, action); entities = this.scope.state.working.entities; } let field = component.fields.find((f) => f.name == fieldName); if (field == null) throw new ECSError(`no field named "${fieldName}" in component`, action); let ident = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(component, field, bitofs); let constValues = new Set(); let isConst = false; for (let e of entities) { let constVal = e.consts[mksymbol(component, fieldName)]; if (constVal !== void 0) isConst = true; constValues.add(constVal); } if (isConst && canWrite) throw new ECSError(`can't write to constant field ${fieldName}`, action); if (constValues.size == 1) { let value = constValues.values().next().value; if (typeof value === "number") { return `#${value >> bitofs & 255}`; } } let range = this.scope.getFieldRange(component, field.name); if (!range) throw new ECSError(`couldn't find field for ${component.name}:${fieldName}, maybe no entities?`); if (baseLookup) { return this.dialect.absolute(ident); } else if (entities.length == 1) { let eidofs = entities[0].id - range.elo; return this.dialect.absolute(ident, eidofs); } else { let ir; let int; let eidofs; let xreg = this.scope.state.xreg; let yreg = this.scope.state.yreg; if (xreg && (int = (_a = xreg.eset) == null ? void 0 : _a.intersection(qr))) { ir = xreg.eset; eidofs = xreg.elo - range.elo; } else if (yreg && (int = (_b = yreg.eset) == null ? void 0 : _b.intersection(qr))) { ir = yreg.eset; eidofs = yreg.elo - range.elo; } else { ir = null; eidofs = 0; } if (!ir) { throw new ECSError(`no intersection for index register`, action); } if (ir.entities.length == 0) throw new ECSError(`no common entities for index register`, action); if (!ir.isContiguous()) throw new ECSError(`entities in query are not contiguous`, action); if (ir == ((_c = this.scope.state.xreg) == null ? void 0 : _c.eset)) return this.dialect.indexed_x(ident, eidofs); if (ir == ((_d = this.scope.state.yreg) == null ? void 0 : _d.eset)) return this.dialect.indexed_y(ident, eidofs); throw new ECSError(`cannot find "${component.name}:${field.name}" in state`, action); } } getJoinField(action, atypes, jtypes) { let refs = Array.from(this.scope.iterateArchetypeFields(atypes, (c, f) => f.dtype == "ref")); if (refs.length == 0) throw new ECSError(`cannot find join fields`, action); if (refs.length > 1) throw new ECSError(`cannot join multiple fields (${refs.map((r) => r.f.name).join(" ")})`, action); return refs[0]; } isSubroutineSized(code) { if (code.length > 2e4) return false; if (code.split("\n ").length >= 4) return true; return false; } exprToCode(expr) { if (isQueryExpr(expr)) { return this.queryExprToCode(expr); } if (isBlockStmt(expr)) { return this.blockStmtToCode(expr); } if (isInlineCode(expr)) { return this.evalInlineCode(expr.code); } throw new ECSError(`cannot convert expression to code`, expr); } evalInlineCode(code) { let props = this.scope.state.props || {}; code = this.replaceLabels(code); code = this.replaceTags(code, this.action, props); return code; } blockStmtToCode(expr) { return expr.stmts.map((node) => this.exprToCode(node)).join("\n"); } queryExprToCode(qexpr) { let q = this.startQuery(qexpr); const allowEmpty = ["if", "foreach", "join"]; if (q.working.entities.length == 0 && allowEmpty.includes(qexpr.select)) { this.endQuery(q); return ""; } else { this.scope.state.working = q.working; this.scope.state.props = q.props; q.code = this.evalInlineCode(q.code); let body = this.blockStmtToCode(qexpr); this.endQuery(q); body = q.code.replace("%%CODE%%", body); return body; } } queryWorkingSet(qexpr) { const scope = this.scope; const instance = this.instance; let select = qexpr.select; let q = qexpr.query; let qr = new EntitySet(scope, q); if (!(qexpr.all || q.entities)) { let ir = qr.intersection(scope.state.working); if (ir.entities.length || select == "if") { qr = ir; } } if (instance.params.refEntity && instance.params.refField) { let rf = instance.params.refField; if (rf.f.dtype == "ref") { let rq = rf.f.query; qr = qr.intersection(new EntitySet(scope, rq)); } } else if (instance.params.query) { qr = qr.intersection(new EntitySet(scope, instance.params.query)); } return qr; } updateIndexRegisters(qr, jr, select) { const action = this.action; const scope = this.scope; const instance = this.instance; const state = this.scope.state; if (qr.entities.length > 1) { switch (select) { case "once": break; case "foreach": case "unroll": if (state.xreg && state.yreg) throw new ECSError("no more index registers", action); if (state.xreg) state.yreg = new IndexRegister(scope, qr); else state.xreg = new IndexRegister(scope, qr); break; case "join": if (state.xreg || state.yreg) throw new ECSError("no free index registers for join", action); if (jr) state.xreg = new IndexRegister(scope, jr); state.yreg = new IndexRegister(scope, qr); break; case "if": case "with": if (state.xreg && state.xreg.eset) { state.xreg = state.xreg.narrow(qr, action); } else if (select == "with") { if (instance.params.refEntity && instance.params.refField) { if (state.xreg) state.xreg.eset = qr; else state.xreg = new IndexRegister(scope, qr); } } break; } } } getCodeAndProps(qexpr, qr, jr, oldState) { const entities = qr.entities; const select = qexpr.select; let code = "%%CODE%%"; let props = {}; if (select == "join" && jr) { if (qr.entities.length) { let joinfield = this.getJoinField(this.action, qr.atypes, jr.atypes); code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, qexpr, qr.entities, joinfield); props["%joinfield"] = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(joinfield.c, joinfield.f, 0); } } let fullEntityCount = qr.entities.length; if (select == "with") { if (this.instance.params.refEntity && this.instance.params.refField) { let re = this.instance.params.refEntity; let rf = this.instance.params.refField; code = this.wrapCodeInRefLookup(code); let range = this.scope.getFieldRange(rf.c, rf.f.name); let eidofs = re.id - range.elo; props["%reffield"] = `${this.dialect.fieldsymbol(rf.c, rf.f, 0)}+${eidofs}`; } else { code = this.wrapCodeInFilter(code, qr, oldState, props); } } if (select == "if") { code = this.wrapCodeInFilter(code, qr, oldState, props); } if (select == "foreach" && entities.length > 1) { code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, qexpr, qr.entities); } if (select == "unroll" && entities.length > 1) { throw new ECSError("unroll is not yet implemented"); } if (entities.length) { props["%elo"] = entities[0].id.toString(); props["%ehi"] = entities[entities.length - 1].id.toString(); } props["%ecount"] = entities.length.toString(); props["%efullcount"] = fullEntityCount.toString(); return { code, props }; } startQuery(qexpr) { const scope = this.scope; const action = this.action; const select = qexpr.select; const oldState = this.scope.state; this.scope.state = Object.assign(new ActionCPUState(), oldState); const qr = this.queryWorkingSet(qexpr); const jr = qexpr.join && qr.entities.length ? new EntitySet(scope, qexpr.join) : null; this.updateIndexRegisters(qr, jr, select); const { code, props } = this.getCodeAndProps(qexpr, qr, jr, oldState); let working = jr ? qr.union(jr) : qr; return { working, oldState, props, code }; } endQuery(q) { this.scope.state = q.oldState; } wrapCodeInLoop(code, qexpr, ents, joinfield) { let dir = qexpr.direction; let s = dir == "desc" ? this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_EACH_DESC : this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_EACH_ASC; if (joinfield) s = dir == "desc" ? this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_JOIN_DESC : this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_JOIN_ASC; s = s.replace("{{%code}}", code); return s; } wrapCodeInFilter(code, qr, oldState, props) { var _a, _b; const ents = qr.entities; const ents2 = (_b = (_a = oldState.xreg) == null ? void 0 : _a.eset) == null ? void 0 : _b.entities; if (ents && ents.length && ents2) { let lo = ents[0].id; let hi = ents[ents.length - 1].id; let lo2 = ents2[0].id; let hi2 = ents2[ents2.length - 1].id; if (lo != lo2) { code = this.dialect.ASM_FILTER_RANGE_LO_X.replace("{{%code}}", code); props["%xofs"] = lo - lo2; } if (hi != hi2) { code = this.dialect.ASM_FILTER_RANGE_HI_X.replace("{{%code}}", code); } } return code; } wrapCodeInRefLookup(code) { code = this.dialect.ASM_LOOKUP_REF_X.replace("{{%code}}", code); return code; } }; var EventCodeStats = class { constructor(inst, action, eventcode) { this.inst = inst; this.action = action; this.eventcode = eventcode; this.labels = []; this.count = 0; } }; var EntityScope = class { constructor(em, dialect, name, parent) { this.em = em; this.dialect = dialect; this.name = name; this.parent = parent; this.childScopes = []; this.instances = []; this.entities = []; this.fieldtypes = {}; this.sysstats = new Map(); this.bss = new UninitDataSegment(); this.rodata = new ConstDataSegment(); this.code = new CodeSegment(); this.componentsInScope = new Set(); this.resources = new Set(); this.isDemo = false; this.filePath = ""; this.inCritical = 0; parent == null ? void 0 : parent.childScopes.push(this); this.state = new ActionCPUState(); this.state.working = new EntitySet(this, void 0, this.entities); } newEntity(etype, name) { if (name && this.getEntityByName(name)) throw new ECSError(`already an entity named "${name}"`); let id = this.entities.length; etype = this.em.addArchetype(etype); let entity = { id, etype, consts: {}, inits: {} }; for (let c of etype.components) { this.componentsInScope.add(c.name); } entity.name = name; this.entities.push(entity); return entity; } newSystemInstance(inst) { if (!inst) throw new Error(); inst.id = this.instances.length + 1; this.instances.push(inst); this.em.registerSystemEvents(inst.system); return inst; } newSystemInstanceWithDefaults(system) { return this.newSystemInstance({ system, params: {}, id: 0 }); } getSystemInstanceNamed(name) { return this.instances.find((sys) => sys.system.name == name); } getEntityByName(name) { return this.entities.find((e) => e.name == name); } *iterateEntityFields(entities) { for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { let e = entities[i]; for (let c of e.etype.components) { for (let f of c.fields) { yield { i, e, c, f, v: e.consts[mksymbol(c, f.name)] }; } } } } *iterateArchetypeFields(arch, filter) { for (let i = 0; i < arch.length; i++) { let a = arch[i]; for (let c of a.components) { for (let f of c.fields) { if (!filter || filter(c, f)) yield { i, c, f }; } } } } *iterateChildScopes() { for (let scope of this.childScopes) { yield scope; } } entitiesMatching(atypes) { let result = []; for (let e of this.entities) { for (let a of atypes) { if (e.etype === a) { result.push(e); break; } } } return result; } hasComponent(ctype) { return this.componentsInScope.has(ctype.name); } buildSegments() { let iter = this.iterateEntityFields(this.entities); for (var o = iter.next(); o.value; o = iter.next()) { let { i, e, c, f, v } = o.value; let cfname = mksymbol(c, f.name); let ftype = this.fieldtypes[cfname]; let isConst = ftype == "const"; let segment = isConst ? this.rodata : this.bss; if (v === void 0 && isConst) throw new ECSError(`no value for const field ${cfname}`, e); let array = segment.fieldranges[cfname]; if (!array) { array = segment.fieldranges[cfname] = { component: c, field: f, elo: i, ehi: i }; } else { array.ehi = i; if (array.ehi - array.elo + 1 >= 256) throw new ECSError(`too many entities have field ${cfname}, limit is 256`); } if (!isConst) { if (f.dtype == "int" && f.defvalue !== void 0) { let ecfname = mkscopesymbol(this, c, f.name); if (e.inits[ecfname] == null) { this.setInitValue(e, c, f, f.defvalue); } } } } } allocateSegment(segment, alloc, type) { let fields = Object.values(segment.fieldranges); for (let f of fields) { if (this.fieldtypes[mksymbol(f.component, f.field.name)] == type) { let rangelen = f.ehi - f.elo + 1; let bits = getPackedFieldSize(f.field); if (bits == 0) bits = 16; let bytesperelem = Math.ceil(bits / 8); let access = []; for (let i = 0; i < bits; i += 8) { let symbol = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(f.component, f.field, i); access.push({ symbol, bit: i, width: 8 }); if (alloc) { segment.allocateBytes(symbol, rangelen); } } f.access = access; } } } allocateROData(segment) { let iter = this.iterateEntityFields(this.entities); for (var o = iter.next(); o.value; o = iter.next()) { let { i, e, c, f, v } = o.value; let cfname = mksymbol(c, f.name); if (this.fieldtypes[cfname] == "const") { let range = segment.fieldranges[cfname]; let entcount = range ? range.ehi - range.elo + 1 : 0; if (v == null && f.dtype == "int") v = 0; if (v == null && f.dtype == "ref") v = 0; if (v == null && f.dtype == "array") throw new ECSError(`no default value for array ${cfname}`, e); if (v instanceof Uint8Array && f.dtype == "array") { let ptrlosym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 0); let ptrhisym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 8); let loofs = segment.allocateBytes(ptrlosym, entcount); let hiofs = segment.allocateBytes(ptrhisym, entcount); let datasym = this.dialect.datasymbol(c, f, e.id, 0); segment.allocateInitData(datasym, v); if (f.baseoffset) datasym = `(${datasym}+${f.baseoffset})`; segment.initdata[loofs + e.id - range.elo] = { symbol: datasym, bitofs: 0 }; segment.initdata[hiofs + e.id - range.elo] = { symbol: datasym, bitofs: 8 }; } else if (typeof v === "number") { { if (!range.access) throw new ECSError(`no access for field ${cfname}`); for (let a of range.access) { segment.allocateBytes(a.symbol, entcount); let ofs = segment.getByteOffset(range, a, e.id); if (e.id < range.elo) throw new ECSError("entity out of range " + c.name + " " + f.name, e); if (segment.initdata[ofs] !== void 0) throw new ECSError("initdata already set " + ofs), e; segment.initdata[ofs] = v >> a.bit & 255; } } } else if (v == null && f.dtype == "array" && f.index) { let datasym = this.dialect.datasymbol(c, f, e.id, 0); let databytes = getFieldLength(f.index); let offset = this.bss.allocateBytes(datasym, databytes); let ptrlosym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 0); let ptrhisym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 8); let loofs = segment.allocateBytes(ptrlosym, entcount); let hiofs = segment.allocateBytes(ptrhisym, entcount); if (f.baseoffset) datasym = `(${datasym}+${f.baseoffset})`; segment.initdata[loofs + e.id - range.elo] = { symbol: datasym, bitofs: 0 }; segment.initdata[hiofs + e.id - range.elo] = { symbol: datasym, bitofs: 8 }; } else { throw new ECSError(`unhandled constant ${e.id}:${cfname} -- ${typeof v}`); } } } } allocateInitData(segment) { if (segment.size == 0) return ""; let initbytes = new Uint8Array(segment.size); let iter = this.iterateEntityFields(this.entities); for (var o = iter.next(); o.value; o = iter.next()) { let { i, e, c, f, v } = o.value; let scfname = mkscopesymbol(this, c, f.name); let initvalue = e.inits[scfname]; if (initvalue !== void 0) { let range = segment.getFieldRange(c, f.name); if (!range) throw new ECSError(`no init range for ${scfname}`, e); if (!range.access) throw new ECSError(`no init range access for ${scfname}`, e); if (typeof initvalue === "number") { for (let a of range.access) { let offset = segment.getByteOffset(range, a, e.id); initbytes[offset] = initvalue >> a.bit & (1 << a.width) - 1; } } else if (initvalue instanceof Uint8Array) { let datasym = this.dialect.datasymbol(c, f, e.id, 0); let ofs = this.bss.symbols[datasym]; initbytes.set(initvalue, ofs); } else { throw new ECSError(`cannot initialize ${scfname} = ${initvalue}`); } } } let bufsym = this.name + "__INITDATA"; let bufofs = this.rodata.allocateInitData(bufsym, initbytes); let code = this.dialect.INIT_FROM_ARRAY; code = code.replace("{{%nbytes}}", initbytes.length.toString()); code = code.replace("{{%src}}", bufsym); code = code.replace("{{%dest}}", segment.getOriginSymbol()); return code; } getFieldRange(c, fn) { return this.bss.getFieldRange(c, fn) || this.rodata.getFieldRange(c, fn); } setConstValue(e, component, field, value) { this.setConstInitValue(e, component, field, value, "const"); } setInitValue(e, component, field, value) { this.setConstInitValue(e, component, field, value, "init"); } setConstInitValue(e, component, field, value, type) { this.checkFieldValue(field, value); let fieldName = field.name; let cfname = mksymbol(component, fieldName); let ecfname = mkscopesymbol(this, component, fieldName); if (e.consts[cfname] !== void 0) throw new ECSError(`"${fieldName}" is already defined as a constant`, e); if (e.inits[ecfname] !== void 0) throw new ECSError(`"${fieldName}" is already defined as a variable`, e); if (type == "const") e.consts[cfname] = value; if (type == "init") e.inits[ecfname] = value; this.fieldtypes[cfname] = type; } isConstOrInit(component, fieldName) { return this.fieldtypes[mksymbol(component, fieldName)]; } getConstValue(entity, fieldName) { let component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName([entity.etype], fieldName, entity); let cfname = mksymbol(component, fieldName); return entity.consts[cfname]; } checkFieldValue(field, value) { if (field.dtype == "array") { if (!(value instanceof Uint8Array)) throw new ECSError(`This "${field.name}" value should be an array.`); } else if (typeof value !== "number") { throw new ECSError(`This "${field.name}" ${field.dtype} value should be an number.`); } else { if (field.dtype == "int") { if (value < field.lo || value > field.hi) throw new ECSError(`This "${field.name}" value is out of range, should be between ${field.lo} and ${field.hi}.`); } else if (field.dtype == "ref") { let eset = new EntitySet(this, field.query); if (value < 0 || value >= eset.entities.length) throw new ECSError(`This "${field.name}" value is out of range for this ref type.`); } } } generateCodeForEvent(event, args, codelabel) { let systems = this.em.event2systems[event]; if (!systems || systems.length == 0) { console.log(`warning: no system responds to "${event}"`); return ""; } this.eventSeq++; let code = ""; if (codelabel) { code += this.dialect.label(codelabel) + "\n"; } if (event == "start") { code += this.allocateInitData(this.bss); } let eventCount = 0; let instances = this.instances.filter((inst) => systems.includes(inst.system)); for (let inst of instances) { let sys = inst.system; for (let action of sys.actions) { if (action.event == event) { eventCount++; let codeeval = new ActionEval(this, inst, action, args || []); codeeval.begin(); if (action.critical) this.inCritical++; let eventcode = codeeval.codeToString(); if (action.critical) this.inCritical--; if (!this.inCritical && codeeval.isSubroutineSized(eventcode)) { let normcode = this.normalizeCode(eventcode, action); let estats = this.eventCodeStats[normcode]; if (!estats) { estats = this.eventCodeStats[normcode] = new EventCodeStats(inst, action, eventcode); } estats.labels.push(codeeval.label); estats.count++; if (action.critical) estats.count++; } let s = ""; s += this.dialect.comment(`start action ${codeeval.label}`); s += eventcode; s += this.dialect.comment(`end action ${codeeval.label}`); code += s; codeeval.end(); } } } if (eventCount == 0) { console.log(`warning: event ${event} not handled`); } return code; } normalizeCode(code, action) { code = code.replace(/\b(\w+__\w+__)(\d+)__(\w+)\b/g, (z, a, b, c) => a + c); return code; } getSystemStats(inst) { let stats = this.sysstats.get(inst); if (!stats) { stats = new SystemStats(); this.sysstats.set(inst, stats); } return stats; } updateTempLiveness(inst) { let stats = this.getSystemStats(inst); let n = this.eventSeq; if (stats.tempstartseq && stats.tempendseq) { stats.tempstartseq = Math.min(stats.tempstartseq, n); stats.tempendseq = Math.max(stats.tempendseq, n); } else { stats.tempstartseq = stats.tempendseq = n; } } includeResource(symbol) { this.resources.add(symbol); return symbol; } allocateTempVars() { let pack = new Packer(); let maxTempBytes = 128 - this.bss.size; let bssbin = new Bin({ left: 0, top: 0, bottom: this.eventSeq + 1, right: maxTempBytes }); pack.bins.push(bssbin); for (let instance of this.instances) { let stats = this.getSystemStats(instance); if (instance.system.tempbytes && stats.tempstartseq && stats.tempendseq) { let v = { inst: instance, top: stats.tempstartseq, bottom: stats.tempendseq + 1, width: instance.system.tempbytes, height: stats.tempendseq - stats.tempstartseq + 1, label: instance.system.name }; pack.boxes.push(v); } } if (!pack.pack()) console.log("cannot pack temporary local vars"); if (bssbin.extents.right > 0) { let tempofs = this.bss.allocateBytes("TEMP", bssbin.extents.right); for (let b of pack.boxes) { let inst = b.inst; if (b.box) this.bss.declareSymbol(this.dialect.tempLabel(inst), tempofs + b.box.left); } } console.log(pack.toSVGUrl()); } analyzeEntities() { this.buildSegments(); this.allocateSegment(this.bss, true, "init"); this.allocateSegment(this.bss, true, void 0); this.allocateSegment(this.rodata, false, "const"); this.allocateROData(this.rodata); } isMainScope() { return this.parent == null; } generateCode() { this.eventSeq = 0; this.eventCodeStats = {}; let start; let initsys = this.em.getSystemByName("Init"); if (this.isMainScope() && initsys) { this.newSystemInstanceWithDefaults(initsys); start = this.generateCodeForEvent("main_init"); } else { start = this.generateCodeForEvent("start"); } start = this.replaceSubroutines(start); this.code.addCodeFragment(start); for (let sub of Array.from(this.resources.values())) { if (!this.getSystemInstanceNamed(sub)) { let sys = this.em.getSystemByName(sub); if (!sys) throw new ECSError(`cannot find resource named "${sub}"`); this.newSystemInstanceWithDefaults(sys); } let code = this.generateCodeForEvent(sub, [], sub); this.code.addCodeFragment(code); } } replaceSubroutines(code) { let allsubs = []; for (let stats of Object.values(this.eventCodeStats)) { if (stats.count > 1) { if (allsubs.length == 0) { allsubs = [ this.dialect.segment("rodata"), this.dialect.alignSegmentStart() ]; } else if (stats.action.fitbytes) { allsubs.push(this.dialect.alignIfLessThan(stats.action.fitbytes)); } let subcall = this.dialect.call(stats.labels[0]); for (let label of stats.labels) { let startdelim = this.dialect.comment(`start action ${label}`).trim(); let enddelim = this.dialect.comment(`end action ${label}`).trim(); let istart = code.indexOf(startdelim); let iend = code.indexOf(enddelim, istart); if (istart >= 0 && iend > istart) { code = code.substring(0, istart) + subcall + code.substring(iend + enddelim.length); } } let substart = stats.labels[0]; let sublines = [ this.dialect.segment("rodata"), this.dialect.label(substart), stats.eventcode, this.dialect.return() ]; if (stats.action.critical) { sublines.push(this.dialect.warningIfPageCrossed(substart)); } if (stats.action.fitbytes) { sublines.push(this.dialect.warningIfMoreThan(stats.action.fitbytes, substart)); } allsubs = allsubs.concat(sublines); } } code += allsubs.join("\n"); return code; } showStats() { for (let inst of this.instances) { console.log(inst.system.name, this.getSystemStats(inst)); } } dumpCodeTo(file) { let shouldExport = this.instances.length == 0; let dialect = this.dialect; file.line(dialect.startScope(this.name)); file.line(dialect.segment("bss")); this.bss.dump(file, dialect, shouldExport); file.line(dialect.segment("code")); this.rodata.dump(file, dialect, shouldExport); file.line(dialect.label("__Start")); this.code.dump(file); for (let subscope of this.childScopes) { subscope.dump(file); } file.line(dialect.endScope(this.name)); } dump(file) { this.analyzeEntities(); this.generateCode(); this.allocateTempVars(); this.dumpCodeTo(file); } }; var EntityManager = class { constructor(dialect) { this.dialect = dialect; this.archetypes = {}; this.components = {}; this.systems = {}; this.topScopes = {}; this.event2systems = {}; this.name2cfpairs = {}; this.mainPath = ""; this.imported = {}; this.seq = 1; } newScope(name, parent) { let existing = this.topScopes[name]; if (existing && !existing.isDemo) throw new ECSError(`scope ${name} already defined`, existing); let scope = new EntityScope(this, this.dialect, name, parent); if (!parent) this.topScopes[name] = scope; return scope; } deferComponent(name) { this.components[name] = { name, fields: [] }; } defineComponent(ctype) { let existing = this.components[ctype.name]; if (existing && existing.fields.length > 0) throw new ECSError(`component ${ctype.name} already defined`, existing); if (existing) { existing.fields = ctype.fields; ctype = existing; } for (let field of ctype.fields) { let list = this.name2cfpairs[field.name]; if (!list) list = this.name2cfpairs[field.name] = []; list.push({ c: ctype, f: field }); } this.components[ctype.name] = ctype; return ctype; } defineSystem(system) { let existing = this.systems[system.name]; if (existing) throw new ECSError(`system ${system.name} already defined`, existing); return this.systems[system.name] = system; } registerSystemEvents(system) { for (let a of system.actions) { let event = a.event; let list = this.event2systems[event]; if (list == null) list = this.event2systems[event] = []; if (!list.includes(system)) list.push(system); } } addArchetype(atype) { let key = atype.components.map((c) => c.name).join(","); if (this.archetypes[key]) return this.archetypes[key]; else return this.archetypes[key] = atype; } componentsMatching(q, etype) { var _a; let list = []; for (let c of etype.components) { if ((_a = q.exclude) == null ? void 0 : _a.includes(c)) { return []; } if (q.include.length == 0 || q.include.includes(c)) { list.push(c); } } return list.length == q.include.length ? list : []; } archetypesMatching(q) { let result = new Set(); for (let etype of Object.values(this.archetypes)) { let cmatch = this.componentsMatching(q, etype); if (cmatch.length > 0) { result.add(etype); } } return Array.from(result.values()); } componentsWithFieldName(atypes, fieldName) { let comps = new Set(); for (let at of atypes) { for (let c of at.components) { for (let f of c.fields) { if (f.name == fieldName) comps.add(c); } } } return Array.from(comps); } getComponentByName(name) { return this.components[name]; } getSystemByName(name) { return this.systems[name]; } singleComponentWithFieldName(atypes, fieldName, where) { let cfpairs = this.name2cfpairs[fieldName]; if (!cfpairs) throw new ECSError(`cannot find field named "${fieldName}"`, where); let filtered = cfpairs.filter((cf) => atypes.find((a) => a.components.includes(cf.c))); if (filtered.length == 0) { throw new ECSError(`cannot find component with field "${fieldName}" in this context`, where); } if (filtered.length > 1) { throw new ECSError(`ambiguous field name "${fieldName}"`, where); } return filtered[0].c; } toJSON() { return JSON.stringify({ components: this.components, systems: this.systems }); } exportToFile(file) { for (let event of Object.keys(this.event2systems)) { file.line(this.dialect.equate(`EVENT__${event}`, "1")); } for (let scope of Object.values(this.topScopes)) { if (!scope.isDemo || scope.filePath == this.mainPath) { scope.dump(file); } } } *iterateScopes() { for (let scope of Object.values(this.topScopes)) { yield scope; scope.iterateChildScopes(); } } getDebugTree() { let scopes = this.topScopes; let components = this.components; let fields = this.name2cfpairs; let systems = this.systems; let events = this.event2systems; let entities = {}; for (let scope of Array.from(this.iterateScopes())) { for (let e of scope.entities) entities[e.name || "#" + e.id.toString()] = e; } return { scopes, components, fields, systems, events, entities }; } evalExpr(expr, scope) { if (isLiteral2(expr)) return expr; if (isBinOp2(expr) || isUnOp2(expr)) { var fn = this["evalop__" + expr.op]; if (!fn) throw new ECSError(`no eval function for "${expr.op}"`); } if (isBinOp2(expr)) { expr.left = this.evalExpr(expr.left, scope); expr.right = this.evalExpr(expr.right, scope); let e = fn(expr.left, expr.right); return e || expr; } if (isUnOp2(expr)) { expr.expr = this.evalExpr(expr.expr, scope); let e = fn(expr.expr); return e || expr; } return expr; } evalop__neg(arg) { if (isLiteralInt(arg)) { let valtype = { dtype: "int", lo: -arg.valtype.hi, hi: arg.valtype.hi }; return { valtype, value: -arg.value }; } } evalop__add(left, right) { if (isLiteralInt(left) && isLiteralInt(right)) { let valtype = { dtype: "int", lo: left.valtype.lo + right.valtype.lo, hi: left.valtype.hi + right.valtype.hi }; return { valtype, value: left.value + right.value }; } } evalop__sub(left, right) { if (isLiteralInt(left) && isLiteralInt(right)) { let valtype = { dtype: "int", lo: left.valtype.lo - right.valtype.hi, hi: left.valtype.hi - right.valtype.lo }; return { valtype, value: left.value - right.value }; } } }; // src/common/ecs/decoder.ts var LineDecoder = class { constructor(text) { this.curline = 0; this.lines = text.split("\n").map((s) => s.trim()).filter((s) => !!s).map((s) => s.split(/\s+/)); } decodeBits(s, n, msbfirst) { if (s.length != n) throw new ECSError(`Expected ${n} characters`); let b = 0; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { let bit; let ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch == "x" || ch == "X" || ch == "1") bit = 1; else if (ch == "." || ch == "0") bit = 0; else throw new ECSError("need x or . (or 0 or 1)"); if (bit) { if (msbfirst) b |= 1 << n - 1 - i; else b |= 1 << i; } } return b; } assertTokens(toks, count) { if (toks.length != count) throw new ECSError(`Expected ${count} tokens on line.`); } hex(s) { let v = parseInt(s, 16); if (isNaN(v)) throw new ECSError(`Invalid hex value: ${s}`); return v; } getErrorLocation($loc) { $loc.line += this.curline + 1; return $loc; } }; var VCSSpriteDecoder = class extends LineDecoder { parse() { let height = this.lines.length; let bitmapdata = new Uint8Array(height); let colormapdata = new Uint8Array(height); for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) { this.curline = height - 1 - i; let toks = this.lines[this.curline]; this.assertTokens(toks, 2); bitmapdata[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0], 8, true); colormapdata[i] = this.hex(toks[1]); } return { properties: { bitmapdata, colormapdata, height: height - 1 } }; } }; var VCSBitmapDecoder = class extends LineDecoder { parse() { let height = this.lines.length; let bitmapdata = new Uint8Array(height); for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) { this.curline = height - 1 - i; let toks = this.lines[this.curline]; this.assertTokens(toks, 1); bitmapdata[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0], 8, true); } return { properties: { bitmapdata, height: height - 1 } }; } }; var VCSPlayfieldDecoder = class extends LineDecoder { parse() { let height = this.lines.length; let pf = new Uint32Array(height); for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) { this.curline = height - 1 - i; let toks = this.lines[this.curline]; this.assertTokens(toks, 1); let pf0 = this.decodeBits(toks[0].substring(0, 4), 4, false) << 4; let pf1 = this.decodeBits(toks[0].substring(4, 12), 8, true); let pf2 = this.decodeBits(toks[0].substring(12, 20), 8, false); pf[i] = pf0 << 0 | pf1 << 8 | pf2 << 16; } return { properties: { pf } }; } }; var VCSVersatilePlayfieldDecoder = class extends LineDecoder { parse() { let height = this.lines.length; let data = new Uint8Array(height * 2); data.fill(63); const regs = [13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 10, 63]; let prev = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; let cur = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) { let dataofs = height * 2 - i * 2; this.curline = i; let toks = this.lines[this.curline]; if (toks.length == 2) { data[dataofs - 1] = this.hex(toks[0]); data[dataofs - 2] = this.hex(toks[1]); continue; } this.assertTokens(toks, 4); cur[0] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].substring(0, 4), 4, false) << 4; cur[1] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].substring(4, 12), 8, true); cur[2] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].substring(12, 20), 8, false); if (toks[1] != "..") cur[3] = this.hex(toks[1]); if (toks[2] != "..") cur[4] = this.hex(toks[2]); if (toks[3] != "..") cur[5] = this.hex(toks[3]); let changed = []; for (let j = 0; j < cur.length; j++) { if (cur[j] != prev[j]) changed.push(j); } if (changed.length > 1) { console.log(changed, cur, prev); throw new ECSError(`More than one register change in line ${i + 1}: [${changed}]`); } let chgidx = changed.length ? changed[0] : regs.length - 1; data[dataofs - 1] = regs[chgidx]; data[dataofs - 2] = cur[chgidx]; prev[chgidx] = cur[chgidx]; } return { properties: { data } }; } }; var VCSBitmap48Decoder = class extends LineDecoder { parse() { let height = this.lines.length; let bitmap0 = new Uint8Array(height); let bitmap1 = new Uint8Array(height); let bitmap2 = new Uint8Array(height); let bitmap3 = new Uint8Array(height); let bitmap4 = new Uint8Array(height); let bitmap5 = new Uint8Array(height); for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) { this.curline = height - 1 - i; let toks = this.lines[this.curline]; this.assertTokens(toks, 1); bitmap0[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].slice(0, 8), 8, true); bitmap1[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].slice(8, 16), 8, true); bitmap2[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].slice(16, 24), 8, true); bitmap3[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].slice(24, 32), 8, true); bitmap4[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].slice(32, 40), 8, true); bitmap5[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].slice(40, 48), 8, true); } return { properties: { bitmap0, bitmap1, bitmap2, bitmap3, bitmap4, bitmap5, height: height - 1 } }; } }; function newDecoder(name, text) { let cons = DECODERS[name]; if (cons) return new cons(text); } var DECODERS = { "vcs_sprite": VCSSpriteDecoder, "vcs_bitmap": VCSBitmapDecoder, "vcs_playfield": VCSPlayfieldDecoder, "vcs_versatile": VCSVersatilePlayfieldDecoder, "vcs_bitmap48": VCSBitmap48Decoder }; // src/common/ecs/compiler.ts var ECSTokenType; (function(ECSTokenType2) { ECSTokenType2["Ellipsis"] = "ellipsis"; ECSTokenType2["Operator"] = "operator"; ECSTokenType2["Relational"] = "relational"; ECSTokenType2["QuotedString"] = "quoted-string"; ECSTokenType2["Integer"] = "integer"; ECSTokenType2["CodeFragment"] = "code-fragment"; ECSTokenType2["Placeholder"] = "placeholder"; })(ECSTokenType || (ECSTokenType = {})); var OPERATORS2 = { "IMP": { f: "bimp", p: 4 }, "EQV": { f: "beqv", p: 5 }, "XOR": { f: "bxor", p: 6 }, "OR": { f: "bor", p: 7 }, "AND": { f: "band", p: 8 }, "||": { f: "lor", p: 17 }, "&&": { f: "land", p: 18 }, "=": { f: "eq", p: 50 }, "==": { f: "eq", p: 50 }, "<>": { f: "ne", p: 50 }, "><": { f: "ne", p: 50 }, "!=": { f: "ne", p: 50 }, "#": { f: "ne", p: 50 }, "<": { f: "lt", p: 50 }, ">": { f: "gt", p: 50 }, "<=": { f: "le", p: 50 }, ">=": { f: "ge", p: 50 }, "MIN": { f: "min", p: 75 }, "MAX": { f: "max", p: 75 }, "+": { f: "add", p: 100 }, "-": { f: "sub", p: 100 } }; function getOperator2(op) { return OPERATORS2[op]; } function getPrecedence2(tok) { switch (tok.type) { case ECSTokenType.Operator: case ECSTokenType.Relational: case TokenType2.Ident: let op = getOperator2(tok.str); if (op) return op.p; } return -1; } var ECSCompiler = class extends Tokenizer { constructor(em, isMainFile) { super(); this.em = em; this.isMainFile = isMainFile; this.currentScope = null; this.currentContext = null; this.includeDebugInfo = false; this.setTokenRules([ { type: ECSTokenType.Ellipsis, regex: /\.\./ }, { type: ECSTokenType.QuotedString, regex: /".*?"/ }, { type: ECSTokenType.CodeFragment, regex: /---.*?---/ }, { type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /0[xX][A-Fa-f0-9]+/ }, { type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /\$[A-Fa-f0-9]+/ }, { type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /[%][01]+/ }, { type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /\d+/ }, { type: ECSTokenType.Relational, regex: /[=<>][=<>]?/ }, { type: ECSTokenType.Operator, regex: /[.#,:(){}\[\]\-\+]/ }, { type: TokenType2.Ident, regex: /[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*/ }, { type: TokenType2.Ignore, regex: /\/\/.*?[\n\r]/ }, { type: TokenType2.Ignore, regex: /\/\*.*?\*\// }, { type: TokenType2.EOL, regex: /[\n\r]+/ }, { type: TokenType2.Ignore, regex: /\s+/ } ]); this.errorOnCatchAll = true; } annotate(fn) { let start = this.peekToken(); let obj = fn(); let end = this.lasttoken; let $loc = end ? mergeLocs2(start.$loc, end.$loc) : start.$loc; if (obj) obj.$loc = $loc; return obj; } parseFile(text, path) { this.tokenizeFile(text, path); while (!this.isEOF()) { let top = this.parseTopLevel(); if (top) { let t = top; this.annotate(() => t); } } this.runDeferred(); } importFile(path) { if (!this.em.imported[path]) { let text = this.getImportFile && this.getImportFile(path); if (!text) this.compileError(`I can't find the import file "${path}".`); this.em.imported[path] = true; let comp = new ECSCompiler(this.em, false); comp.includeDebugInfo = this.includeDebugInfo; try { comp.parseFile(text, path); } catch (e) { for (var err of comp.errors) this.errors.push(err); throw e; } } } parseTopLevel() { let tok = this.expectTokens(["component", "system", "scope", "resource", "import", "demo", "comment"]); if (tok.str == "component") { return this.em.defineComponent(this.parseComponentDefinition()); } if (tok.str == "system") { return this.em.defineSystem(this.parseSystem()); } if (tok.str == "scope") { return this.parseScope(); } if (tok.str == "resource") { return this.em.defineSystem(this.parseResource()); } if (tok.str == "import") { let tok2 = this.expectTokenTypes([ECSTokenType.QuotedString]); let path = tok2.str.substring(1, tok2.str.length - 1); return this.importFile(path); } if (tok.str == "demo") { if (this.isMainFile) { let scope = this.parseScope(); scope.isDemo = true; this.expectToken("demo"); return scope; } else { this.skipDemo(); return; } } if (tok.str == "comment") { this.expectTokenTypes([ECSTokenType.CodeFragment]); return; } this.compileError(`Unexpected top-level keyword: ${tok.str}`); } skipDemo() { var tok; while ((tok = this.consumeToken()) && !this.isEOF()) { if (tok.str == "end" && this.peekToken().str == "demo") { this.consumeToken(); return; } } throw new ECSError(`Expected "end demo" after a "demo" declaration.`); } parseComponentDefinition() { let name = this.expectIdent().str; let fields = []; this.em.deferComponent(name); while (this.peekToken().str != "end") { fields.push(this.parseComponentField()); } this.expectToken("end"); return { name, fields }; } parseComponentField() { let name = this.expectIdent(); this.expectToken(":", 'I expected either a ":" or "end" here.'); let type = this.parseDataType(); return __spreadValues({ name: name.str, $loc: name.$loc }, type); } parseDataType() { if (this.peekToken().type == "integer") { let lo = this.parseIntegerConstant(); this.expectToken(".."); let hi = this.parseIntegerConstant(); this.checkLowerLimit(lo, -2147483648, "lower int range"); this.checkUpperLimit(hi, 2147483647, "upper int range"); this.checkUpperLimit(hi - lo, 4294967295, "int range"); this.checkLowerLimit(hi, lo, "int range"); let defvalue; if (this.ifToken("default")) { defvalue = this.parseIntegerConstant(); } return { dtype: "int", lo, hi, defvalue }; } if (this.peekToken().str == "[") { return { dtype: "ref", query: this.parseQuery() }; } if (this.ifToken("array")) { let index = void 0; if (this.peekToken().type == ECSTokenType.Integer) { index = this.parseDataType(); } this.expectToken("of"); let elem = this.parseDataType(); let baseoffset; if (this.ifToken("baseoffset")) { baseoffset = this.parseIntegerConstant(); this.checkLowerLimit(baseoffset, -32768, "base offset"); this.checkUpperLimit(baseoffset, 32767, "base offset"); } return { dtype: "array", index, elem, baseoffset }; } if (this.ifToken("enum")) { this.expectToken("["); let enumtoks = this.parseList(this.parseEnumIdent, ","); this.expectToken("]"); if (enumtoks.length == 0) this.compileError(`must define at least one enum`); let lo = 0; let hi = enumtoks.length - 1; this.checkLowerLimit(hi, 0, "enum count"); this.checkUpperLimit(hi, 255, "enum count"); let enums = {}; for (let i = 0; i <= hi; i++) enums[enumtoks[i].str] = i; let defvalue; if (this.ifToken("default")) { defvalue = this.parseIntegerConstant(); } return { dtype: "int", lo, hi, defvalue, enums }; } throw this.compileError(`I expected a data type here.`); } parseEnumIdent() { let tok = this.expectTokenTypes([TokenType2.Ident]); return tok; } parseEnumValue(tok, field) { if (!field.enums) throw new ECSError(`field is not an enum`); let value = field.enums[tok.str]; if (value == null) throw new ECSError(`unknown enum "${tok.str}"`); return value; } parseDataValue(field) { var _a, _b; let tok = this.peekToken(); if (tok.type == TokenType2.Ident && field.dtype == "int") { return this.parseEnumValue(this.consumeToken(), field); } if (tok.type == TokenType2.Ident) { let entity = (_a = this.currentScope) == null ? void 0 : _a.getEntityByName(tok.str); if (!entity) this.compileError('no entity named "${tok.str}"'); else { this.consumeToken(); this.expectToken("."); let fieldName = this.expectIdent().str; let constValue = (_b = this.currentScope) == null ? void 0 : _b.getConstValue(entity, fieldName); if (constValue == null) throw new ECSError(`"${fieldName}" is not defined as a constant`, entity); else return constValue; } } if (tok.str == "[") { return new Uint8Array(this.parseDataArray()); } if (tok.str == "#") { this.consumeToken(); let reftype = field.dtype == "ref" ? field : void 0; return this.parseEntityForwardRef(reftype); } return this.parseIntegerConstant(); } parseEntityForwardRef(reftype) { let token = this.expectIdent(); return { reftype, token }; } parseDataArray() { this.expectToken("["); let arr = this.parseList(this.parseIntegerConstant, ","); this.expectToken("]"); return arr; } expectInteger() { let s = this.consumeToken().str; let i; if (s.startsWith("$")) i = parseInt(s.substring(1), 16); else if (s.startsWith("%")) i = parseInt(s.substring(1), 2); else i = parseInt(s); if (isNaN(i)) this.compileError("There should be an integer here."); return i; } parseSystem() { let name = this.expectIdent().str; let actions = []; let system = { name, actions }; let cmd; while ((cmd = this.expectTokens(["on", "locals", "end"]).str) != "end") { if (cmd == "on") { let action = this.annotate(() => this.parseAction(system)); actions.push(action); } else if (cmd == "locals") { system.tempbytes = this.parseIntegerConstant(); } else { this.compileError(`Unexpected system keyword: ${cmd}`); } } return system; } parseResource() { let name = this.expectIdent().str; let tempbytes; if (this.peekToken().str == "locals") { this.consumeToken(); tempbytes = this.parseIntegerConstant(); } let system = { name, tempbytes, actions: [] }; let expr = this.annotate(() => this.parseBlockStatement()); let action = { expr, event: name }; system.actions.push(action); return system; } parseAction(system) { const event = this.expectIdent().str; this.expectToken("do"); let fitbytes = void 0; let critical = void 0; if (this.ifToken("critical")) critical = true; if (this.ifToken("fit")) fitbytes = this.parseIntegerConstant(); let expr = this.annotate(() => this.parseBlockStatement()); let action = { expr, event, fitbytes, critical }; return action; } parseQuery() { let q = { include: [] }; let start = this.expectToken("["); this.parseList(() => this.parseQueryItem(q), ","); this.expectToken("]"); q.$loc = mergeLocs2(start.$loc, this.lasttoken.$loc); return q; } parseQueryItem(q) { let prefix = this.peekToken(); if (prefix.type != TokenType2.Ident) { this.consumeToken(); } if (prefix.type == TokenType2.Ident) { let cref = this.parseComponentRef(); q.include.push(cref); } else if (prefix.str == "-") { let cref = this.parseComponentRef(); if (!q.exclude) q.exclude = []; q.exclude.push(cref); } else if (prefix.str == "#") { const scope = this.currentScope; if (scope == null) { throw this.compileError("You can only reference specific entities inside of a scope."); } let eref = this.parseEntityForwardRef(); this.deferred.push(() => { let refvalue = this.resolveEntityRef(scope, eref); if (!q.entities) q.entities = []; q.entities.push(scope.entities[refvalue]); }); } else { this.compileError(`Query components may be preceded only by a '-'.`); } } parseEventName() { return this.expectIdent().str; } parseEventList() { return this.parseList(this.parseEventName, ","); } parseCode() { let tok = this.expectTokenTypes([ECSTokenType.CodeFragment]); let code = tok.str.substring(3, tok.str.length - 3); let lines = code.split("\n"); if (this.includeDebugInfo) this.addDebugInfo(lines, tok.$loc.line); code = lines.join("\n"); return code; } addDebugInfo(lines, startline) { const re = /^\s*(;|\/\/|$)/; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (!lines[i].match(re)) lines[i] = this.em.dialect.debug_line(this.path, startline + i) + "\n" + lines[i]; } } parseScope() { let name = this.expectIdent().str; let scope = this.em.newScope(name, this.currentScope || void 0); scope.filePath = this.path; this.currentScope = scope; let cmd; while ((cmd = this.expectTokens(["end", "using", "entity", "scope", "comment", "system"]).str) != "end") { if (cmd == "using") { this.parseScopeUsing(); } if (cmd == "entity") { this.annotate(() => this.parseEntity()); } if (cmd == "scope") { this.annotate(() => this.parseScope()); } if (cmd == "comment") { this.expectTokenTypes([ECSTokenType.CodeFragment]); } if (cmd == "system") { let sys = this.annotate(() => this.parseSystem()); this.em.defineSystem(sys); this.currentScope.newSystemInstanceWithDefaults(sys); } } this.currentScope = scope.parent || null; return scope; } parseScopeUsing() { var _a; let instlist = this.parseList(this.parseSystemInstanceRef, ","); let params = {}; if (this.peekToken().str == "with") { this.consumeToken(); params = this.parseSystemInstanceParameters(); } for (let inst of instlist) { inst.params = params; (_a = this.currentScope) == null ? void 0 : _a.newSystemInstance(inst); } } parseEntity() { if (!this.currentScope) { throw this.internalError(); } const scope = this.currentScope; let entname = ""; if (this.peekToken().type == TokenType2.Ident) { entname = this.expectIdent().str; } let etype = this.parseEntityArchetype(); let entity = this.currentScope.newEntity(etype, entname); let cmd2; while ((cmd2 = this.expectTokens(["const", "init", "var", "decode", "end"]).str) != "end") { let cmd = cmd2; if (cmd == "var") cmd = "init"; if (cmd == "init" || cmd == "const") { this.parseInitConst(cmd, scope, entity); } else if (cmd == "decode") { this.parseDecode(scope, entity); } } return entity; } parseInitConst(cmd, scope, entity) { let name = this.expectIdent().str; let { c, f } = this.getEntityField(entity, name); let symtype = scope.isConstOrInit(c, name); if (symtype && symtype != cmd) this.compileError(`I can't mix const and init values for a given field in a scope.`); this.expectToken("="); let valueOrRef = this.parseDataValue(f); if (valueOrRef.token != null) { this.deferred.push(() => { this.lasttoken = valueOrRef.token; let refvalue = this.resolveEntityRef(scope, valueOrRef); if (cmd == "const") scope.setConstValue(entity, c, f, refvalue); if (cmd == "init") scope.setInitValue(entity, c, f, refvalue); }); } else { if (cmd == "const") scope.setConstValue(entity, c, f, valueOrRef); if (cmd == "init") scope.setInitValue(entity, c, f, valueOrRef); } } parseDecode(scope, entity) { let decoderid = this.expectIdent().str; let codetok = this.expectTokenTypes([ECSTokenType.CodeFragment]); let code = codetok.str; code = code.substring(3, code.length - 3); let decoder = newDecoder(decoderid, code); if (!decoder) { throw this.compileError(`I can't find a "${decoderid}" decoder.`); } let result; try { result = decoder.parse(); } catch (e) { throw new ECSError(e.message, decoder.getErrorLocation(codetok.$loc)); } for (let entry of Object.entries(result.properties)) { let { c, f } = this.getEntityField(entity, entry[0]); scope.setConstValue(entity, c, f, entry[1]); } } getEntityField(e, name) { if (!this.currentScope) { throw this.internalError(); } let comps = this.em.componentsWithFieldName([e.etype], name); if (comps.length == 0) this.compileError(`I couldn't find a field named "${name}" for this entity.`); if (comps.length > 1) this.compileError(`I found more than one field named "${name}" for this entity.`); let component = comps[0]; let field = component.fields.find((f) => f.name == name); if (!field) { throw this.internalError(); } return { c: component, f: field }; } parseEntityArchetype() { this.expectToken("["); let components = this.parseList(this.parseComponentRef, ","); this.expectToken("]"); return { components }; } parseComponentRef() { let name = this.expectIdent().str; let cref = this.em.getComponentByName(name); if (!cref) this.compileError(`I couldn't find a component named "${name}".`); return cref; } findEntityByName(scope, token) { let name = token.str; let eref = scope.entities.find((e) => e.name == name); if (!eref) { throw this.compileError(`I couldn't find an entity named "${name}" in this scope.`, token.$loc); } return eref; } resolveEntityRef(scope, ref) { let id = this.findEntityByName(scope, ref.token).id; if (ref.reftype) { let atypes = this.em.archetypesMatching(ref.reftype.query); let entities = scope.entitiesMatching(atypes); if (entities.length == 0) throw this.compileError(`This entity doesn't seem to fit the reference type.`, ref.token.$loc); id -= entities[0].id; } return id; } parseSystemInstanceRef() { let name = this.expectIdent().str; let system = this.em.getSystemByName(name); if (!system) throw this.compileError(`I couldn't find a system named "${name}".`, this.lasttoken.$loc); let params = {}; let inst = { system, params, id: 0 }; return inst; } parseSystemInstanceParameters() { let scope = this.currentScope; if (scope == null) throw this.internalError(); if (this.peekToken().str == "[") { return { query: this.parseQuery() }; } this.expectToken("#"); let entname = this.expectIdent(); this.expectToken("."); let fieldname = this.expectIdent(); let entity = this.findEntityByName(scope, entname); let cf = this.getEntityField(entity, fieldname.str); return { refEntity: entity, refField: cf }; } exportToFile(src) { this.em.exportToFile(src); } export() { let src = new SourceFileExport(); src.line(this.em.dialect.debug_file(this.path)); for (let path of Object.keys(this.em.imported)) src.line(this.em.dialect.debug_file(path)); this.exportToFile(src); return src.toString(); } checkUpperLimit(value, upper, what) { if (value > upper) this.compileError(`This ${what} is too high; must be ${upper} or less`); } checkLowerLimit(value, lower, what) { if (value < lower) this.compileError(`This ${what} is too low; must be ${lower} or more`); } parseConstant() { let expr = this.parseExpr(); expr = this.em.evalExpr(expr, this.currentScope); if (isLiteral2(expr)) return expr.value; throw this.compileError("This expression is not a constant."); } parseIntegerConstant() { let value = this.parseConstant(); if (typeof value === "number") return value; throw this.compileError("This expression is not an integer."); } parseExpr() { var startloc = this.peekToken().$loc; var expr = this.parseExpr1(this.parsePrimary(), 0); var endloc = this.lasttoken.$loc; expr.$loc = mergeLocs2(startloc, endloc); return expr; } parseExpr1(left, minPred) { let look = this.peekToken(); while (getPrecedence2(look) >= minPred) { let op = this.consumeToken(); let right = this.parsePrimary(); look = this.peekToken(); while (getPrecedence2(look) > getPrecedence2(op)) { right = this.parseExpr1(right, getPrecedence2(look)); look = this.peekToken(); } var opfn = getOperator2(op.str).f; if (op.str == "and") opfn = "land"; if (op.str == "or") opfn = "lor"; var valtype = this.exprTypeForOp(opfn, left, right, op); left = { valtype, op: opfn, left, right }; } return left; } parsePrimary() { let tok = this.consumeToken(); switch (tok.type) { case ECSTokenType.Integer: this.pushbackToken(tok); let value = this.expectInteger(); let valtype = { dtype: "int", lo: value, hi: value }; return { valtype, value }; case TokenType2.Ident: if (tok.str == "not") { let expr = this.parsePrimary(); let valtype2 = { dtype: "int", lo: 0, hi: 1 }; return { valtype: valtype2, op: "lnot", expr }; } else { this.pushbackToken(tok); return this.parseVarSubscriptOrFunc(); } case ECSTokenType.Operator: if (tok.str == "(") { let expr = this.parseExpr(); this.expectToken(")", `There should be another expression or a ")" here.`); return expr; } else if (tok.str == "-") { let expr = this.parsePrimary(); let valtype2 = expr.valtype; if ((valtype2 == null ? void 0 : valtype2.dtype) == "int") { let hi = Math.abs(valtype2.hi); let negtype = { dtype: "int", lo: -hi, hi }; return { valtype: negtype, op: "neg", expr }; } } else if (tok.str == "+") { return this.parsePrimary(); } default: throw this.compileError(`The expression is incomplete.`); } } parseVarSubscriptOrFunc() { var tok = this.consumeToken(); switch (tok.type) { case TokenType2.Ident: if (this.ifToken(":")) { let ftok = this.consumeToken(); let component = this.em.getComponentByName(tok.str); if (!component) throw this.compileError(`A component named "${tok.str}" has not been defined.`); let field = component.fields.find((f) => f.name == ftok.str); if (!field) throw this.compileError(`There is no "${ftok.str}" field in the ${tok.str} component.`); if (!this.currentScope) throw this.compileError(`This operation only works inside of a scope.`); let atypes = this.em.archetypesMatching({ include: [component] }); let entities = this.currentScope.entitiesMatching(atypes); return { entities, field }; } if (this.ifToken(".")) { let ftok = this.consumeToken(); if (!this.currentScope) throw this.compileError(`This operation only works inside of a scope.`); let entity = this.currentScope.getEntityByName(tok.str); if (!entity) throw this.compileError(`An entity named "${tok.str}" has not been defined.`); let component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName([entity.etype], ftok.str, ftok); let field = component.fields.find((f) => f.name == ftok.str); if (!field) throw this.compileError(`There is no "${ftok.str}" field in this entity.`); let entities = [entity]; return { entities, field }; } let args = []; if (this.ifToken("(")) { args = this.parseExprList(); this.expectToken(")", `There should be another expression or a ")" here.`); } var loc = mergeLocs2(tok.$loc, this.lasttoken.$loc); var valtype = this.exprTypeForSubscript(tok.str, args, loc); return { valtype, name: tok.str, args, $loc: loc }; default: throw this.compileError(`There should be a variable name here.`); } } parseLexpr() { var lexpr = this.parseVarSubscriptOrFunc(); return lexpr; } exprTypeForOp(fnname, left, right, optok) { return { dtype: "int", lo: 0, hi: 255 }; } exprTypeForSubscript(fnname, args, loc) { return { dtype: "int", lo: 0, hi: 255 }; } parseLexprList() { return this.parseList(this.parseLexpr, ","); } parseExprList() { return this.parseList(this.parseExpr, ","); } parseBlockStatement() { let valtype = { dtype: "int", lo: 0, hi: 0 }; if (this.peekToken().type == ECSTokenType.CodeFragment) { return { valtype, code: this.parseCode() }; } if (this.ifToken("begin")) { let stmts = []; while (this.peekToken().str != "end") { stmts.push(this.annotate(() => this.parseBlockStatement())); } this.expectToken("end"); return { valtype, stmts }; } let cmd = this.peekToken(); if (SELECT_TYPE.includes(cmd.str)) { return this.parseQueryStatement(); } throw this.compileError(`There should be a statement or "end" here.`, cmd.$loc); } parseQueryStatement() { const select = this.expectTokens(SELECT_TYPE).str; let all = this.ifToken("all") != null; let query = void 0; let join = void 0; if (select == "once") { if (this.peekToken().str == "[") this.compileError(`A "${select}" action can't include a query.`); } else { query = this.parseQuery(); } if (select == "join") { this.expectToken("with"); join = this.parseQuery(); } if (this.ifToken("limit")) { if (!query) { this.compileError(`A "${select}" query can't include a limit.`); } else query.limit = this.parseIntegerConstant(); } const all_modifiers = ["asc", "desc"]; const modifiers = this.parseModifiers(all_modifiers); let direction = void 0; if (modifiers["asc"]) direction = "asc"; else if (modifiers["desc"]) direction = "desc"; let body = this.annotate(() => this.parseBlockStatement()); return { select, query, join, direction, all, stmts: [body], loop: select == "foreach" }; } }; // src/worker/tools/ecs.ts function assembleECS(step) { let em = new EntityManager(new Dialect_CA65()); let compiler = new ECSCompiler(em, true); compiler.getImportFile = (path) => { return getWorkFileAsString(path); }; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.ecs" }); if (step.mainfile) em.mainPath = step.path; var destpath = step.prefix + ".ca65"; if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) { let code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path); fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, step.params); try { compiler.includeDebugInfo = true; compiler.parseFile(code, step.path); let outtext = compiler.export().toString(); putWorkFile(destpath, outtext); var listings = {}; listings[destpath] = { lines: [], text: outtext }; var debuginfo = compiler.em.getDebugTree(); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ECSError) { compiler.addError(e.message, e.$loc); for (let obj of e.$sources) { let name = obj.event; if (name == "start") break; compiler.addError(`... ${name}`, obj.$loc); } return { errors: compiler.errors }; } else if (e instanceof CompileError3) { return { errors: compiler.errors }; } else { throw e; } } return { nexttool: "ca65", path: destpath, args: [destpath], files: [destpath].concat(step.files), listings, debuginfo }; } } // src/common/workertypes.ts function isUnchanged(result) { return "unchanged" in result; } function isErrorResult(result) { return "errors" in result; } function isOutputResult(result) { return "output" in result; } // src/worker/tools/remote.ts var sessionID = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15); async function buildRemote(step) { const { REMOTE_URL } = await (await fetch("../../remote.json")).json(); if (typeof REMOTE_URL !== "string") throw new Error("No REMOTE_URL in remote.json"); gatherFiles(step); var binpath = "a.out"; if (staleFiles(step, [binpath])) { let updates = []; for (var i = 0; i < step.files.length; i++) { let path = step.files[i]; let entry = store.workfs[path]; let data = typeof entry.data === "string" ? entry.data : btoa(byteArrayToString(entry.data)); updates.push({ path, data }); } let cmd = { buildStep: step, updates, sessionID }; console.log("POST", cmd); let result = await fetch(REMOTE_URL, { method: "POST", mode: "cors", body: JSON.stringify(cmd), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } }); let json = await result.json(); if (isUnchanged(json)) return json; if (isErrorResult(json)) return json; if (isOutputResult(json)) { json.output = stringToByteArray(atob(json.output)); return json; } throw new Error(`Unexpected result from remote build: ${JSON.stringify(json)}`); } } // src/worker/tools/acme.ts function parseACMESymbolTable(text) { var symbolmap = {}; var lines = text.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { var line = lines[i].trim(); var m = line.match(/(\w+)\s*=\s*[$]([0-9a-f]+)/i); if (m) { symbolmap[m[1]] = parseInt(m[2], 16); } } return symbolmap; } function parseACMEReportFile(text) { var listings = {}; var listing; var lines = text.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { var line = lines[i].trim(); var m1 = line.match(/^;\s*[*]+\s*Source: (.+)$/); if (m1) { var file = m1[1]; listings[file] = listing = { lines: [] }; continue; } var m2 = line.match(/^(\d+)\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+([0-9a-f]+)/i); if (m2) { if (listing) { listing.lines.push({ line: parseInt(m2[1]), offset: parseInt(m2[2], 16), insns: m2[3] }); } } } return listings; } function assembleACME(step) { var _a; loadNative("acme"); var errors = []; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.acme" }); var binpath = step.prefix + ".bin"; var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst"; var sympath = step.prefix + ".sym"; if (staleFiles(step, [binpath])) { var binout, lstout, symout; var ACME = emglobal.acme({ instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("acme"), noInitialRun: true, print: print_fn, printErr: msvcErrorMatcher(errors) }); var FS = ACME.FS; populateFiles(step, FS); fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, step.params); var args = ["--msvc", "--initmem", "0", "-o", binpath, "-r", lstpath, "-l", sympath, step.path]; if ((_a = step.params) == null ? void 0 : _a.acmeargs) { args.unshift.apply(args, step.params.acmeargs); } else { args.unshift.apply(args, ["-f", "plain"]); } args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D__8BITWORKSHOP__=1"]); if (step.mainfile) { args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D__MAIN__=1"]); } execMain(step, ACME, args); if (errors.length) { let listings = {}; return { errors, listings }; } binout = FS.readFile(binpath, { encoding: "binary" }); lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" }); symout = FS.readFile(sympath, { encoding: "utf8" }); putWorkFile(binpath, binout); putWorkFile(lstpath, lstout); putWorkFile(sympath, symout); return { output: binout, listings: parseACMEReportFile(lstout), errors, symbolmap: parseACMESymbolTable(symout) }; } } // src/worker/wasiutils.ts var import_jszip = __toModule(require_jszip_min()); function loadBlobSync(path) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = "blob"; xhr.open("GET", path, false); xhr.send(null); return xhr.response; } async function loadWASIFilesystemZip(zippath) { const jszip = new import_jszip.default(); const path = "../../src/worker/fs/" + zippath; const zipdata = loadBlobSync(path); console.log(zippath, zipdata); await jszip.loadAsync(zipdata); let fs = new WASIMemoryFilesystem(); let promises = []; jszip.forEach(async (relativePath, zipEntry) => { if (zipEntry.dir) { fs.putDirectory(relativePath); } else { let path2 = "./" + relativePath; let prom = zipEntry.async("uint8array").then((data) => { fs.putFile(path2, data); }); promises.push(prom); } }); await Promise.all(promises); return fs; } // src/worker/tools/cc7800.ts var cc7800_fs = null; var wasiModule = null; async function compileCC7800(step) { const errors = []; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.c" }); const destpath = "./a.out"; if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) { if (!cc7800_fs) { cc7800_fs = await loadWASIFilesystemZip("cc7800-fs.zip"); } if (!wasiModule) { wasiModule = new WebAssembly.Module(loadWASMBinary("cc7800")); } const wasi = new WASIRunner(); wasi.initSync(wasiModule); wasi.fs.setParent(cc7800_fs); for (let file of step.files) { wasi.fs.putFile("./" + file, store.getFileData(file)); } wasi.addPreopenDirectory("headers"); wasi.addPreopenDirectory("."); wasi.setArgs(["cc7800", "-v", "-g", "-S", "-I", "headers", step.path]); try { wasi.run(); } catch (e) { errors.push(e); } let stdout = wasi.fds[1].getBytesAsString(); let stderr = wasi.fds[2].getBytesAsString(); console.log("stdout", stdout); console.log("stderr", stderr); if (stderr.indexOf("Syntax error:") >= 0) { const matcher = makeErrorMatcher(errors, /^Syntax error: (.+?) on line (\d+) of (.+)/, 2, 1, step.path, 3); for (let line of stderr.split("\n")) { matcher(line); } } if (errors.length) { return { errors }; } const combinedasm = wasi.fs.getFile(destpath).getBytesAsString(); putWorkFile(destpath, combinedasm); } return { nexttool: "dasm", path: destpath, args: [destpath], files: [destpath] }; } // src/worker/tools/bataribasic.ts function preprocessBatariBasic(code) { load("bbpreprocess"); var bbout = ""; function addbbout_fn(s) { bbout += s; bbout += "\n"; } var BBPRE = emglobal.preprocess({ noInitialRun: true, print: addbbout_fn, printErr: print_fn, noFSInit: true }); var FS = BBPRE.FS; setupStdin(FS, code); BBPRE.callMain([]); console.log("preprocess " + code.length + " -> " + bbout.length + " bytes"); return bbout; } function compileBatariBasic(step) { load("bb2600basic"); var params = step.params; var asmout = ""; function addasmout_fn(s) { asmout += s; asmout += "\n"; } var re_err1 = /[(](\d+)[)]:?\s*(.+)/; var errors = []; var errline = 0; function match_fn(s) { console.log(s); var matches = re_err1.exec(s); if (matches) { errline = parseInt(matches[1]); errors.push({ line: errline, msg: matches[2] }); } } gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.bas" }); var destpath = step.prefix + ".asm"; if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) { var BB = emglobal.bb2600basic({ noInitialRun: true, print: addasmout_fn, printErr: match_fn, noFSInit: true, TOTAL_MEMORY: 64 * 1024 * 1024 }); var FS = BB.FS; populateFiles(step, FS); var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path); code = preprocessBatariBasic(code); setupStdin(FS, code); setupFS(FS, "2600basic"); execMain(step, BB, ["-i", "/share", step.path]); if (errors.length) return { errors }; var includesout = FS.readFile("includes.bB", { encoding: "utf8" }); var redefsout = FS.readFile("2600basic_variable_redefs.h", { encoding: "utf8" }); var includes = includesout.trim().split("\n"); var combinedasm = ""; var splitasm = asmout.split("bB.asm file is split here"); for (var incfile of includes) { var inctext; if (incfile == "bB.asm") inctext = splitasm[0]; else if (incfile == "bB2.asm") inctext = splitasm[1]; else inctext = FS.readFile("/share/includes/" + incfile, { encoding: "utf8" }); console.log(incfile, inctext.length); combinedasm += "\n\n;;;" + incfile + "\n\n"; combinedasm += inctext; } putWorkFile(destpath, combinedasm); putWorkFile("2600basic.h", FS.readFile("/share/includes/2600basic.h")); putWorkFile("2600basic_variable_redefs.h", redefsout); } return { nexttool: "dasm", path: destpath, args: [destpath], files: [destpath, "2600basic.h", "2600basic_variable_redefs.h"], bblines: true }; } // src/worker/workertools.ts var TOOLS = { "dasm": assembleDASM, "acme": assembleACME, "cc65": compileCC65, "ca65": assembleCA65, "ld65": linkLD65, "sdasz80": assembleSDASZ80, "sdldz80": linkSDLDZ80, "sdcc": compileSDCC, "xasm6809": assembleXASM6809, "cmoc": compileCMOC, "lwasm": assembleLWASM, "lwlink": linkLWLINK, "verilator": compileVerilator, "yosys": compileYosys, "jsasm": compileJSASMStep, "zmac": assembleZMAC, "nesasm": assembleNESASM, "smlrc": compileSmallerC, "yasm": assembleYASM, "bataribasic": compileBatariBasic, "markdown": translateShowdown, "inform6": compileInform6, "merlin32": assembleMerlin32, "fastbasic": compileFastBasic, "basic": compileBASIC, "silice": compileSilice, "wiz": compileWiz, "armips": assembleARMIPS, "vasmarm": assembleVASMARM, "ecs": assembleECS, "remote": buildRemote, "cc7800": compileCC7800 }; var TOOL_PRELOADFS = { "cc65-apple2": "65-apple2", "ca65-apple2": "65-apple2", "cc65-c64": "65-c64", "ca65-c64": "65-c64", "cc65-vic20": "65-vic20", "ca65-vic20": "65-vic20", "cc65-nes": "65-nes", "ca65-nes": "65-nes", "cc65-atari8": "65-atari8", "ca65-atari8": "65-atari8", "cc65-vector": "65-none", "ca65-vector": "65-none", "cc65-atari7800": "65-none", "ca65-atari7800": "65-none", "cc65-devel": "65-none", "ca65-devel": "65-none", "cc65-vcs": "65-atari2600", "ca65-vcs": "65-atari2600", "cc65-pce": "65-pce", "ca65-pce": "65-pce", "sdasz80": "sdcc", "sdcc": "sdcc", "sccz80": "sccz80", "bataribasic": "2600basic", "inform6": "inform", "fastbasic": "65-atari8", "silice": "Silice", "wiz": "wiz", "ecs-vcs": "65-atari2600", "ecs-nes": "65-nes", "ecs-c64": "65-c64" }; // src/worker/workermain.ts function setupRequireFunction() { var exports2 = {}; exports2["jsdom"] = { JSDOM: function(a, b) { this.window = {}; } }; emglobal["require"] = (modname) => { console.log("require", modname, exports2[modname] != null); return exports2[modname]; }; } async function handleMessage(data) { if (data.preload) { var fs = TOOL_PRELOADFS[data.preload]; if (!fs && data.platform) fs = TOOL_PRELOADFS[data.preload + "-" + getBasePlatform(data.platform)]; if (!fs && data.platform) fs = TOOL_PRELOADFS[data.preload + "-" + getRootBasePlatform(data.platform)]; if (fs && !fsMeta[fs]) loadFilesystem(fs); return; } if (data.reset) { store.reset(); return; } return builder.handleMessage(data); } var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER2 = typeof importScripts === "function"; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER2) { lastpromise = null; onmessage = async function(e) { await lastpromise; lastpromise = handleMessage(e.data); var result = await lastpromise; lastpromise = null; if (result) { try { postMessage(result); } catch (e2) { console.log(e2); postMessage(errorResult(`${e2}`)); } } }; } var lastpromise; })(); /*! JSZip v3.10.1 - A JavaScript class for generating and reading zip files (c) 2009-2016 Stuart Knightley Dual licenced under the MIT license or GPLv3. See https://raw.github.com/Stuk/jszip/main/LICENSE.markdown. JSZip uses the library pako released under the MIT license : https://github.com/nodeca/pako/blob/main/LICENSE */ //# sourceMappingURL=bundle.js.map