import { Platform, BreakpointCallback } from "../common/baseplatform"; import { PLATFORMS, AnimationTimer, EmuHalt } from "../common/emu"; import { loadScript } from "../ide/ui"; import { BASICRuntime } from "../common/basic/runtime"; import { BASICProgram } from "../common/basic/compiler"; const BASIC_PRESETS = [ { id: 'hello.bas', name: 'Hello World' } ]; class TeleType { page: HTMLElement; fixed: boolean; scrolldiv: HTMLElement; curline: HTMLElement; curstyle: number; reverse: boolean; col: number; row: number; lines: HTMLElement[]; ncharsout : number; constructor(page: HTMLElement, fixed: boolean) { = page; this.fixed = fixed; this.clear(); } clear() { this.curline = null; this.curstyle = 0; this.reverse = false; this.col = 0; this.row = -1; this.lines = []; this.ncharsout = 0; $(; } ensureline() { if (this.curline == null) { this.curline = this.lines[++this.row]; if (this.curline == null) { this.curline = $('
')[0];; this.lines[this.row] = this.curline; this.scrollToBottom(); } } } flushline() { this.curline = null; } // TODO: support fixed-width window (use CSS grid?) addtext(line: string, style: number) { this.ensureline(); if (line.length) { // in fixed mode, only do characters if (this.fixed && line.length > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < line.length; i++) this.addtext(line[i], style); return; } var span = $("").text(line); for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (style & (1 << i)) span.addClass("transcript-style-" + (1 << i)); } if (this.reverse) span.addClass("transcript-reverse"); //'vmip', this.vm.pc); // in fixed mode, we can overwrite individual characters if (this.fixed && line.length == 1 && this.col < this.curline.childNodes.length) { this.curline.replaceChild(span[0], this.curline.childNodes[this.col]); } else { span.appendTo(this.curline); } this.col += line.length; this.ncharsout += line.length; //this.movePrintHead(); } } newline() { this.flushline(); this.col = 0; } // TODO: bug in interpreter where it tracks cursor position but maybe doesn't do newlines? print(val: string) { // split by newlines var lines = val.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (i > 0) this.newline(); this.addtext(lines[i], this.curstyle); } } move_cursor(col: number, row: number) { if (!this.fixed) return; // fixed windows only // ensure enough row elements while (this.lines.length <= row) { this.flushline(); this.ensureline(); } // select row element this.curline = this.lines[row]; this.row = row; // get children in row (individual text cells) var children = $(this.curline).children(); // add whitespace to line? if (children.length > col) { this.col = col; } else { while (this.col < col) this.addtext(' ', this.curstyle); } } setrows(size: number) { if (!this.fixed) return; // fixed windows only // truncate rows? var allrows = $(; if (allrows.length > size) { this.flushline(); allrows.slice(size).remove(); this.lines = this.lines.slice(0, size); //this.move_cursor(0,0); } } formfeed() { this.newline(); } scrollToBottom() { this.curline.scrollIntoView(); } movePrintHead() { var x = $( + this.col * ($( / 80); $("#printhead").offset({left: x}); } } class TeleTypeWithKeyboard extends TeleType { input : HTMLInputElement; runtime : BASICRuntime; platform : BASICPlatform; keepinput : boolean = true; focused : boolean = true; scrolling : number = 0; waitingfor : string; resolveInput; constructor(page: HTMLElement, fixed: boolean, input: HTMLInputElement, platform: BASICPlatform) { super(page, fixed); this.input = input; this.platform = platform; this.runtime = platform.runtime; this.runtime.input = async (prompt:string) => { return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { this.addtext(prompt, 0); this.addtext('? ', 0); this.waitingfor = 'line'; this.focusinput(); this.resolveInput = resolve; }); } this.input.onkeypress = (e) => { this.sendkey(e); }; this.input.onfocus = (e) => { this.focused = true; console.log('inputline gained focus'); }; $("#workspace").on('click', (e) => { this.focused = false; console.log('inputline lost focus'); }); = (e) => { this.input.focus(); }; this.hideinput(); } focusinput() { this.ensureline(); // don't steal focus while editing if (this.keepinput) $(this.input).css('visibility', 'visible'); else $(this.input).appendTo(this.curline).show()[0]; this.scrollToBottom(); if (this.focused) { $(this.input).focus(); } // change size if (this.waitingfor == 'char') $(this.input).addClass('transcript-input-char') else $(this.input).removeClass('transcript-input-char') } hideinput() { if (this.keepinput) $(this.input).css('visibility','hidden'); else $(this.input).appendTo($(; } clearinput() { this.input.value = ''; this.waitingfor = null; } sendkey(e: KeyboardEvent) { if (this.waitingfor == 'line') { if (e.key == "Enter") { this.sendinput(this.input.value.toString()); } } else if (this.waitingfor == 'char') { this.sendchar(e.keyCode); e.preventDefault(); } } sendinput(s: string) { if (this.resolveInput) { s = s.toUpperCase(); this.addtext(s, 4); this.flushline(); this.resolveInput(s.split(',')); this.resolveInput = null; } this.clearinput(); this.hideinput(); // keep from losing input handlers } sendchar(code: number) { } ensureline() { if (!this.keepinput) $(this.input).hide(); super.ensureline(); } scrollToBottom() { // TODO: fails when lots of lines are scrolled if (this.scrolldiv) { this.scrolling++; $(this.scrolldiv).stop().animate({scrollTop: $(}, 200, 'swing', () => { this.scrolling = 0; this.ncharsout = 0; }); } else { this.input.scrollIntoView(); } } isBusy() { // stop execution when scrolling and printing non-newlines return this.scrolling > 0 && this.ncharsout > 0; } } class BASICPlatform implements Platform { mainElement: HTMLElement; program: BASICProgram; runtime: BASICRuntime; timer: AnimationTimer; tty: TeleTypeWithKeyboard; ips: number = 500; clock: number = 0; hotReload: boolean = false; constructor(mainElement: HTMLElement) { //super(); this.mainElement = mainElement; = 'auto'; = 'white'; } async start() { await loadScript('./gen/common/basic/runtime.js'); // create runtime this.runtime = new BASICRuntime(); this.runtime.reset(); // create divs var parent = this.mainElement; // TODO: input line should be always flush left var gameport = $('
').appendTo(parent); var windowport = $('
').appendTo(gameport); var inputline = $('').appendTo(parent); //var printhead = $('
').appendTo(parent); this.tty = new TeleTypeWithKeyboard(windowport[0], true, inputline[0] as HTMLInputElement, this); this.tty.scrolldiv = parent; this.timer = new AnimationTimer(60, this.animate.bind(this)); this.resize = () => { // set font size proportional to window width var charwidth = $(gameport).width() * 1.6 / 80; $(windowport).css('font-size', charwidth + 'px'); this.tty.scrollToBottom(); } this.resize(); this.runtime.print = (s:string) => { // TODO: why null sometimes? this.clock = 0; // exit advance loop when printing this.tty.print(s); } this.runtime.resume = this.resume.bind(this); } animate() { if (this.tty.isBusy()) return; this.clock += this.ips/60; while (!this.runtime.exited && this.clock-- > 0) { this.advance(); } } // should not depend on tty state advance(novideo?: boolean) : number { if (this.runtime.running) { var more = this.runtime.step(); if (!more) { this.pause(); if (this.runtime.exited) { this.exitmsg(); } } // TODO: break() when EmuHalt at location? return 1; } else { return 0; } } exitmsg() { this.tty.print("\n\n"); this.tty.addtext("*** END OF PROGRAM ***", 1); } resize: () => void; loadROM(title, data) { var didExit = this.runtime.exited; this.program = data; this.runtime.load(data); // only reset if we exited, otherwise we try to resume if (!this.hotReload || didExit) this.reset(); } getROMExtension() { return ".json"; } reset(): void { var didExit = this.runtime.exited; this.tty.clear(); this.runtime.reset(); // restart program if it's finished, otherwise reset and hold if (didExit) { this.resume(); } } pause(): void { this.timer.stop(); } resume(): void { this.clock = 0; this.timer.start(); } isRunning() { return this.timer.isRunning(); } getDefaultExtension() { return ".bas"; } getToolForFilename() { return "basic"; } getPresets() { return BASIC_PRESETS; } getPC() { return this.runtime.curpc; } getSP() { return 0x1000 - this.runtime.returnStack.length; } isStable() { return true; } getCPUState() { return { PC: this.getPC(), SP: this.getSP() } } saveState() { return { c: this.getCPUState(), rt: $.extend(true, {}, this.runtime) // TODO: don't take all } } loadState(state) { $.extend(true, this.runtime, state); } getDebugTree() { return this.runtime; } inspect(sym: string) { var o = this.runtime.vars[sym]; if (o != null) { return o.toString(); } } // TODO: debugging (get running state, etc) onBreakpointHit : BreakpointCallback; setupDebug(callback : BreakpointCallback) : void { this.onBreakpointHit = callback; } clearDebug() { this.onBreakpointHit = null; } step() { this.pause(); this.advance(); this.break(); } break() { // TODO: don't highlight text in editor if (this.onBreakpointHit) { //TODO: this.onBreakpointHit(this.saveState()); } } } // PLATFORMS['basic'] = BASICPlatform;