//import CodeMirror = require("codemirror"); import { SourceFile, WorkerError, Segment, FileData } from "../common/workertypes"; import { Platform, EmuState, lookupSymbol, BaseDebugPlatform, BaseZ80MachinePlatform, BaseZ80Platform, CpuState } from "../common/baseplatform"; import { hex, lpad, rpad, safeident, rgb2bgr } from "../common/util"; import { CodeAnalyzer } from "../common/analysis"; import { platform, platform_id, compparams, current_project, lastDebugState, projectWindows, runToPC } from "./ui"; import { ProbeRecorder, ProbeFlags } from "../common/recorder"; import { getMousePos, dumpRAM } from "../common/emu"; import * as pixed from "./pixeleditor"; declare var Mousetrap; export interface ProjectView { createDiv(parent:HTMLElement) : HTMLElement; setVisible?(showing : boolean) : void; refresh(moveCursor:boolean) : void; tick?() : void; getPath?() : string; getValue?() : string; setText?(text : string) : void; insertText?(text : string) : void; getCursorPC?() : number; getSourceFile?() : SourceFile; setGutterBytes?(line:number, s:string) : void; markErrors?(errors:WorkerError[]) : void; clearErrors?() : void; setTimingResult?(result:CodeAnalyzer) : void; recreateOnResize? : boolean; undoStep?() : void; }; declare var CodeMirror; declare var VirtualList; // helper function for editor function jumpToLine(ed, i:number) { var t = ed.charCoords({line: i, ch: 0}, "local").top; var middleHeight = ed.getScrollerElement().offsetHeight / 2; ed.scrollTo(null, t - middleHeight - 5); } function createTextSpan(text:string, className:string) : HTMLElement { var span = document.createElement("span"); span.setAttribute("class", className); span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); return span; } // TODO: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10463518/converting-em-to-px-in-javascript-and-getting-default-font-size function getVisibleEditorLineHeight() : number{ return $("#booksMenuButton").first().height(); } function newDiv(parent?, cls? : string) { var div = $(document.createElement("div")); if (parent) div.appendTo(parent) if (cls) div.addClass(cls); return div; } ///// const MAX_ERRORS = 200; const MODEDEFS = { default: { theme: 'mbo' }, // NOTE: Not merged w/ other modes '6502': { isAsm: true }, z80: { isAsm: true }, jsasm: { isAsm: true }, gas: { isAsm: true }, inform6: { theme: 'cobalt' }, markdown: { lineWrap: true }, } export class SourceEditor implements ProjectView { constructor(path:string, mode:string) { this.path = path; this.mode = mode; } path : string; mode : string; editor; dirtylisting = true; sourcefile : SourceFile; currentDebugLine : number; errormsgs = []; errorwidgets = []; inspectWidget; createDiv(parent:HTMLElement) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute("class", "editor"); parent.appendChild(div); var text = current_project.getFile(this.path) as string; var asmOverride = text && this.mode=='verilog' && /__asm\b([\s\S]+?)\b__endasm\b/.test(text); this.newEditor(div, asmOverride); if (text) { this.setText(text); // TODO: this calls setCode() and builds... it shouldn't } this.setupEditor(); return div; } newEditor(parent:HTMLElement, isAsmOverride?:boolean) { var modedef = MODEDEFS[this.mode] || MODEDEFS.default; var isAsm = isAsmOverride || modedef.isAsm; var lineWrap = modedef.lineWrap; var theme = modedef.theme || MODEDEFS.default.theme; this.editor = CodeMirror(parent, { theme: theme, lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets: true, tabSize: 8, indentAuto: true, lineWrapping: lineWrap, gutters: isAsm ? ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "gutter-offset", "gutter-bytes", "gutter-clock", "gutter-info"] : ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "gutter-offset", "gutter-info"], }); } setupEditor() { var timer; // update file in project (and recompile) when edits made this.editor.on('changes', (ed, changeobj) => { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout( () => { current_project.updateFile(this.path, this.editor.getValue()); }, 300); }); // inspect symbol when it's highlighted (double-click) this.editor.on('cursorActivity', (ed) => { var start = this.editor.getCursor(true); var end = this.editor.getCursor(false); if (start.line == end.line && start.ch < end.ch && end.ch-start.ch < 80) { var name = this.editor.getSelection(); this.inspect(name); } else { this.inspect(null); } }); // gutter clicked this.editor.on("gutterClick", (cm, n) => { this.toggleBreakpoint(n); }); // set editor mode for highlighting, etc this.editor.setOption("mode", this.mode); } inspect(ident : string) : void { var result; if (platform.inspect) { result = platform.inspect(ident); } if (this.inspectWidget) { this.inspectWidget.clear(); this.inspectWidget = null; } if (result) { var infospan = createTextSpan(result, "tooltipinfoline"); var line = this.editor.getCursor().line; this.inspectWidget = this.editor.addLineWidget(line, infospan, {above:false}); } } setText(text:string) { var i,j; var oldtext = this.editor.getValue(); if (oldtext != text) { // find minimum range to undo for (i=0; i { this.expandErrors(); }); } addErrorLine(line:number, msg:string) { var errspan = createTextSpan(msg, "tooltiperrorline"); this.errorwidgets.push(this.editor.addLineWidget(line, errspan)); } expandErrors() { var e; while (e = this.errormsgs.shift()) { this.addErrorLine(e.line, e.msg); } } markErrors(errors:WorkerError[]) { // TODO: move cursor to error line if offscreen? this.clearErrors(); var numLines = this.editor.lineCount(); errors = errors.slice(0, MAX_ERRORS); for (var info of errors) { // only mark errors with this filename, or without any filename if (!info.path || this.path.endsWith(info.path)) { var line = info.line-1; if (line < 0 || line >= numLines) line = 0; this.addErrorMarker(line, info.msg); } } } clearErrors() { this.editor.clearGutter("gutter-info"); this.refreshDebugState(false); this.dirtylisting = true; // clear line widgets this.errormsgs = []; while (this.errorwidgets.length) this.errorwidgets.shift().clear(); } getSourceFile() : SourceFile { return this.sourcefile; } updateListing() { // update editor annotations // TODO: recreate editor if gutter-bytes is used (verilog) this.editor.clearGutter("gutter-info"); this.editor.clearGutter("gutter-bytes"); this.editor.clearGutter("gutter-offset"); this.editor.clearGutter("gutter-clock"); var lstlines = this.sourcefile.lines || []; for (var info of lstlines) { if (info.offset >= 0) { this.setGutter("gutter-offset", info.line-1, hex(info.offset&0xffff,4)); } if (info.insns) { var insnstr = info.insns.length > 9 ? ("...") : info.insns; this.setGutter("gutter-bytes", info.line-1, insnstr); if (info.iscode) { // TODO: labels trick this part? if (info.cycles) { this.setGutter("gutter-clock", info.line-1, info.cycles+""); } else if (platform.getOpcodeMetadata) { var opcode = parseInt(info.insns.split(" ")[0], 16); var meta = platform.getOpcodeMetadata(opcode, info.offset); var clockstr = meta.minCycles+""; this.setGutter("gutter-clock", info.line-1, clockstr); } } } } } setGutter(type:string, line:number, text:string) { var lineinfo = this.editor.lineInfo(line); if (lineinfo && lineinfo.gutterMarkers && lineinfo.gutterMarkers[type]) { // do not replace existing marker } else { var textel = document.createTextNode(text); this.editor.setGutterMarker(line, type, textel); } } setGutterBytes(line:number, s:string) { this.setGutter("gutter-bytes", line-1, s); } setTimingResult(result:CodeAnalyzer) : void { this.editor.clearGutter("gutter-bytes"); if (this.sourcefile == null) return; // show the lines for (const line of Object.keys(this.sourcefile.line2offset)) { var pc = this.sourcefile.line2offset[line]; var minclocks = result.pc2minclocks[pc]; var maxclocks = result.pc2maxclocks[pc]; if (minclocks>=0 && maxclocks>=0) { var s; if (maxclocks == minclocks) s = minclocks + ""; else s = minclocks + "-" + maxclocks; if (maxclocks == result.MAX_CLOCKS) s += "+"; this.setGutterBytes(parseInt(line), s); } } } setCurrentLine(line:number, moveCursor:boolean) { var addCurrentMarker = (line:number) => { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.style.color = '#66ffff'; div.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\u25b6")); this.editor.setGutterMarker(line, "gutter-info", div); } this.clearCurrentLine(); if (line>0) { addCurrentMarker(line-1); if (moveCursor) this.editor.setSelection({line:line,ch:0}, {line:line-1,ch:0}, {scroll:true}); this.currentDebugLine = line; } } clearCurrentLine() { if (this.currentDebugLine) { this.editor.clearGutter("gutter-info"); this.editor.setSelection(this.editor.getCursor()); this.currentDebugLine = 0; } } getActiveLine() { var state = lastDebugState; if (state && state.c && this.sourcefile) { var EPC = state.c.EPC || state.c.PC; var res = this.sourcefile.findLineForOffset(EPC, 15); return res && res.line; } else return -1; } refreshDebugState(moveCursor:boolean) { this.clearCurrentLine(); var line = this.getActiveLine(); if (line >= 0) { this.setCurrentLine(line, moveCursor); } } refreshListing() { // lookup corresponding sourcefile for this file, using listing var lst = current_project.getListingForFile(this.path); if (lst && lst.sourcefile && lst.sourcefile !== this.sourcefile) { this.sourcefile = lst.sourcefile; this.dirtylisting = true; } if (!this.sourcefile || !this.dirtylisting) return; this.dirtylisting = false; this.updateListing(); } refresh(moveCursor: boolean) { this.refreshListing(); this.refreshDebugState(moveCursor); } tick() { this.refreshDebugState(false); } getLine(line : number) { return this.editor.getLine(line-1); } getCurrentLine() : number { return this.editor.getCursor().line+1; } getCursorPC() : number { var line = this.getCurrentLine(); while (this.sourcefile && line >= 0) { var pc = this.sourcefile.line2offset[line]; if (pc >= 0) return pc; line--; } return -1; } undoStep() { this.editor.execCommand('undo'); } toggleBreakpoint(lineno: number) { if (this.sourcefile != null) { var targetPC = this.sourcefile.line2offset[lineno+1]; /* TODO: breakpoints var bpid = "pc" + targetPC; platform.setBreakpoint(bpid, () => { return platform.getPC() == targetPC; }); */ runToPC(targetPC); } } } /// const disasmWindow = 1024; // disassemble this many bytes around cursor export class DisassemblerView implements ProjectView { disasmview; getDisasmView() { return this.disasmview; } createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute("class", "editor"); parent.appendChild(div); this.newEditor(div); return div; } newEditor(parent : HTMLElement) { this.disasmview = CodeMirror(parent, { mode: 'z80', // TODO: pick correct one theme: 'cobalt', tabSize: 8, readOnly: true, styleActiveLine: true }); } // TODO: too many globals refresh(moveCursor: boolean) { var state = lastDebugState || platform.saveState(); // TODO? var pc = state.c ? state.c.PC : 0; var curline = 0; var selline = 0; var addr2symbol = (platform.debugSymbols && platform.debugSymbols.addr2symbol) || {}; // TODO: not perfect disassembler var disassemble = (start, end) => { if (start < 0) start = 0; if (end > 0xffff) end = 0xffff; // TODO: use pc2visits var a = start; var s = ""; while (a < end) { var disasm = platform.disassemble(a, platform.readAddress.bind(platform)); /* TODO: look thru all source files var srclinenum = sourcefile && this.sourcefile.offset2line[a]; if (srclinenum) { var srcline = getActiveEditor().getLine(srclinenum); if (srcline && srcline.trim().length) { s += "; " + srclinenum + ":\t" + srcline + "\n"; curline++; } } */ var bytes = ""; var comment = ""; for (var i=0; i { var addr = parseInt(args[1], 16); var sym = addr2symbol[addr]; if (sym) return (args[0] + sym); sym = addr2symbol[addr-1]; if (sym) return (args[0] + sym + "+1"); return substr; }); } if (addr2symbol) { var sym = addr2symbol[a]; if (sym) { comment = "; " + sym; } } var dline = hex(parseInt(a), 4) + "\t" + rpad(bytes,14) + "\t" + rpad(dstr,30) + comment + "\n"; s += dline; if (a == pc) selline = curline; curline++; a += disasm.nbytes || 1; } return s; } var text = disassemble(pc-disasmWindow, pc) + disassemble(pc, pc+disasmWindow); this.disasmview.setValue(text); if (moveCursor) { this.disasmview.setCursor(selline, 0); } jumpToLine(this.disasmview, selline); } getCursorPC() : number { var line = this.disasmview.getCursor().line; if (line >= 0) { var toks = this.disasmview.getLine(line).trim().split(/\s+/); if (toks && toks.length >= 1) { var pc = parseInt(toks[0], 16); if (pc >= 0) return pc; } } return -1; } } /// export class ListingView extends DisassemblerView implements ProjectView { assemblyfile : SourceFile; path : string; constructor(lstfn : string) { super(); this.path = lstfn; } refreshListing() { // lookup corresponding assemblyfile for this file, using listing var lst = current_project.getListingForFile(this.path); // TODO? this.assemblyfile = lst && (lst.assemblyfile || lst.sourcefile); } refresh(moveCursor: boolean) { this.refreshListing(); // load listing text into editor if (!this.assemblyfile) return; var asmtext = this.assemblyfile.text; var disasmview = this.getDisasmView(); disasmview.setValue(asmtext); // go to PC if (!platform.saveState) return; var state = lastDebugState || platform.saveState(); var pc = state.c ? (state.c.EPC || state.c.PC) : 0; if (pc >= 0 && this.assemblyfile) { var res = this.assemblyfile.findLineForOffset(pc, 15); if (res) { // set cursor while debugging if (moveCursor) { disasmview.setCursor(res.line-1, 0); } jumpToLine(disasmview, res.line-1); } } } } /// interface VirtualTextLine { text : string; clas? : string; } class VirtualTextScroller { memorylist; maindiv : HTMLElement; getLineAt : (row:number) => VirtualTextLine; constructor(parent : HTMLElement) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute("class", "memdump"); parent.appendChild(div); this.maindiv = div; } create(workspace : HTMLElement, maxRowCount : number, fn : (row:number) => VirtualTextLine) { this.getLineAt = fn; this.memorylist = new VirtualList({ w: $(workspace).width(), h: $(workspace).height(), itemHeight: getVisibleEditorLineHeight(), totalRows: maxRowCount, // TODO? generatorFn: (row : number) => { var line = fn(row); var linediv = document.createElement("div"); linediv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(line.text)); if (line.clas != null) linediv.className = line.clas; return linediv; } }); $(this.maindiv).append(this.memorylist.container); } // TODO: refactor with elsewhere refresh() { if (this.memorylist) { $(this.maindiv).find('[data-index]').each( (i,e) => { var div = e; var row = parseInt(div.getAttribute('data-index')); var oldtext = div.innerText; var line = this.getLineAt(row); var newtext = line.text; if (oldtext != newtext) { div.innerText = newtext; if (line.clas != null && !div.classList.contains(line.clas)) { var oldclasses = Array.from(div.classList); oldclasses.forEach((c) => div.classList.remove(c)); div.classList.add('vrow'); div.classList.add(line.clas); } } }); } } } /// function ignoreSymbol(sym:string) { return sym.endsWith('_SIZE__') || sym.endsWith('_LAST__') || sym.endsWith('STACKSIZE__') || sym.endsWith('FILEOFFS__') || sym.startsWith('l__') || sym.startsWith('s__') || sym.startsWith('.__.'); } // TODO: make it use debug state // TODO: make it safe (load/restore state?) // TODO: refactor w/ VirtualTextLine export class MemoryView implements ProjectView { memorylist; dumplines; maindiv : HTMLElement; recreateOnResize = true; totalRows = 0x1400; createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute("class", "memdump"); parent.appendChild(div); this.showMemoryWindow(parent, div); return this.maindiv = div; } showMemoryWindow(workspace:HTMLElement, parent:HTMLElement) { this.memorylist = new VirtualList({ w: $(workspace).width(), h: $(workspace).height(), itemHeight: getVisibleEditorLineHeight(), totalRows: this.totalRows, generatorFn: (row : number) => { var s = this.getMemoryLineAt(row); var linediv = document.createElement("div"); if (this.dumplines) { var dlr = this.dumplines[row]; if (dlr) linediv.classList.add('seg_' + this.getMemorySegment(this.dumplines[row].a)); } linediv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s)); return linediv; } }); $(parent).append(this.memorylist.container); this.tick(); if (compparams && this.dumplines) this.scrollToAddress(compparams.data_start); } scrollToAddress(addr : number) { if (this.dumplines) { this.memorylist.scrollToItem(this.findMemoryWindowLine(addr)); } } refresh() { this.dumplines = null; this.tick(); } tick() { if (this.memorylist) { $(this.maindiv).find('[data-index]').each( (i,e) => { var div = $(e); var row = parseInt(div.attr('data-index')); var oldtext = div.text(); var newtext = this.getMemoryLineAt(row); if (oldtext != newtext) div.text(newtext); }); } } getMemoryLineAt(row : number) : string { var offset = row * 16; var n1 = 0; var n2 = 16; var sym; if (this.getDumpLines()) { var dl = this.dumplines[row]; if (dl) { offset = dl.a & 0xfff0; n1 = dl.a - offset; n2 = n1 + dl.l; sym = dl.s; } else { return '.'; } } var s = hex(offset+n1,4) + ' '; for (var i=0; i 8) s += ' '; for (var i=n1; i nextofs) ofs2 = nextofs; //if (ofs < 1000) console.log(ofs, ofs2, nextofs, sym); this.dumplines.push({a:ofs, l:ofs2-ofs, s:sym}); ofs = ofs2; } } sym = nextsym; } } return this.dumplines; } // TODO: use segments list? getMemorySegment(a:number) : string { if (compparams) { if (a >= compparams.data_start && a < compparams.data_start+compparams.data_size) { if (platform.getSP && a >= platform.getSP() - 15) return 'stack'; else return 'data'; } else if (a >= compparams.code_start && a < compparams.code_start+(compparams.code_size||compparams.rom_size)) return 'code'; } var segments = current_project.segments; if (segments) { for (var seg of segments) { if (a >= seg.start && a < seg.start+seg.size) { if (seg.type == 'rom') return 'code'; if (seg.type == 'ram') return 'data'; if (seg.type == 'io') return 'io'; } } } return 'unknown'; } findMemoryWindowLine(a:number) : number { for (var i=0; i= a) return i; } } export class VRAMMemoryView extends MemoryView { totalRows = 0x800; readAddress(n : number) { return platform.readVRAMAddress(n); } getMemorySegment(a:number) : string { return 'video'; } getDumpLines() { return null; } } /// export class BinaryFileView implements ProjectView { vlist : VirtualTextScroller; maindiv : HTMLElement; path:string; data:Uint8Array; recreateOnResize = true; constructor(path:string, data:Uint8Array) { this.path = path; this.data = data; } createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) { this.vlist = new VirtualTextScroller(parent); this.vlist.create(parent, ((this.data.length+15) >> 4), this.getMemoryLineAt.bind(this)); return this.vlist.maindiv; } getMemoryLineAt(row : number) : VirtualTextLine { var offset = row * 16; var n1 = 0; var n2 = 16; var s = hex(offset+n1,4) + ' '; for (var i=0; i 8) s += ' '; for (var i=n1; i=0?hex(read,2):' '); } return {text:s}; } refresh() { this.vlist.refresh(); } getPath() { return this.path; } } /// export class MemoryMapView implements ProjectView { maindiv : JQuery; createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) { this.maindiv = newDiv(parent, 'vertical-scroll'); this.maindiv.css('display', 'grid'); this.maindiv.css('grid-template-columns', '5em 40% 40%'); return this.maindiv[0]; } // TODO: overlapping segments (e.g. ROM + LC) addSegment(seg : Segment, newrow : boolean) { if (newrow) { var offset = $('
'); offset.text('$'+hex(seg.start,4)); this.maindiv.append(offset); } var segdiv = $('
'); if (!newrow) segdiv.css('grid-column-start', 3); // make sure it's on right side if (seg.last) segdiv.text(seg.name+" ("+(seg.last-seg.start)+" / "+seg.size+" bytes used)"); else segdiv.text(seg.name+" ("+seg.size+" bytes)"); if (seg.size >= 256) { var pad = (Math.log(seg.size) - Math.log(256)) * 0.5; segdiv.css('padding-top', pad+'em'); segdiv.css('padding-bottom', pad+'em'); } if (seg.type) { segdiv.addClass('segment-'+seg.type); } this.maindiv.append(segdiv); //var row = $('
').append(offset, segdiv); //var container = $('
').append(row); //this.maindiv.append(container); segdiv.click(() => { var memview = projectWindows.createOrShow('#memory') as MemoryView; memview.scrollToAddress(seg.start); }); } refresh() { this.maindiv.empty(); var segments = current_project.segments; if (segments) { var curofs = 0; var laststart = -1; for (var seg of segments) { //var used = seg.last ? (seg.last-seg.start) : seg.size; if (seg.start > curofs) this.addSegment({name:'',start:curofs, size:seg.start-curofs}, true); this.addSegment(seg, laststart != seg.start); laststart = seg.start; curofs = seg.start + seg.size; } } } } /// // TODO: clear buffer when scrubbing abstract class ProbeViewBaseBase { probe : ProbeRecorder; tooldiv : HTMLElement; abstract tick() : void; addr2str(addr : number) : string { var _addr2sym = (platform.debugSymbols && platform.debugSymbols.addr2symbol) || {}; var sym = _addr2sym[addr]; if (typeof sym === 'string') return '$' + hex(addr) + ' (' + sym + ')'; else return '$' + hex(addr); } showTooltip(s:string) { if (s) { if (!this.tooldiv) { this.tooldiv = document.createElement("div"); this.tooldiv.setAttribute("class", "tooltiptrack"); document.body.appendChild(this.tooldiv); } $(this.tooldiv).text(s).show(); } else { $(this.tooldiv).hide(); } } setVisible(showing : boolean) : void { if (showing) { this.probe = platform.startProbing(); this.tick(); } else { platform.stopProbing(); this.probe = null; } } redraw( eventfn:(op,addr,col,row,clk,value) => void ) { var p = this.probe; if (!p || !p.idx) return; // if no probe, or if empty var row=0; var col=0; var clk=0; for (var i=0; i> 16) & 0xff; var op = word & 0xff000000; switch (op) { case ProbeFlags.SCANLINE: row++; col=0; break; case ProbeFlags.FRAME: row=0; col=0; break; case ProbeFlags.CLOCKS: col += addr; clk += addr; break; default: eventfn(op, addr, col, row, clk, value); break; } } } opToString(op:number, addr?:number, value?:number) { var s = ""; switch (op) { case ProbeFlags.EXECUTE: s = "Exec"; break; case ProbeFlags.MEM_READ: s = "Read"; break; case ProbeFlags.MEM_WRITE: s = "Write"; break; case ProbeFlags.IO_READ: s = "IO Read"; break; case ProbeFlags.IO_WRITE: s = "IO Write"; break; case ProbeFlags.VRAM_READ: s = "VRAM Read"; break; case ProbeFlags.VRAM_WRITE: s = "VRAM Write"; break; case ProbeFlags.INTERRUPT: s = "Interrupt"; break; case ProbeFlags.ILLEGAL: s = "Error"; break; //case ProbeFlags.SP_PUSH: s = "Stack Push"; break; //case ProbeFlags.SP_POP: s = "Stack Pop"; break; default: return ""; } if (typeof addr == 'number') s += " " + this.addr2str(addr); if ((op & ProbeFlags.HAS_VALUE) && typeof value == 'number') s += " = $" + hex(value,2); return s; } getOpRGB(op:number) : number { switch (op) { case ProbeFlags.EXECUTE: return 0x018001; case ProbeFlags.MEM_READ: return 0x800101; case ProbeFlags.MEM_WRITE: return 0x010180; case ProbeFlags.IO_READ: return 0x018080; case ProbeFlags.IO_WRITE: return 0xc00180; case ProbeFlags.VRAM_READ: return 0x808001; case ProbeFlags.VRAM_WRITE: return 0x4080c0; case ProbeFlags.INTERRUPT: return 0xcfcfcf; case ProbeFlags.ILLEGAL: return 0x3f3fff; default: return 0; } } } abstract class ProbeViewBase extends ProbeViewBaseBase { maindiv : HTMLElement; canvas : HTMLCanvasElement; ctx : CanvasRenderingContext2D; recreateOnResize = true; abstract drawEvent(op, addr, col, row); createCanvas(parent:HTMLElement, width:number, height:number) { var div = document.createElement('div'); var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; canvas.classList.add('pixelated'); canvas.style.width = '100%'; canvas.style.height = '90vh'; // i hate css canvas.style.backgroundColor = 'black'; canvas.style.cursor = 'crosshair'; canvas.onmousemove = (e) => { var pos = getMousePos(canvas, e); this.showTooltip(this.getTooltipText(pos.x, pos.y)); $(this.tooldiv).css('left',e.pageX+10).css('top',e.pageY-30); } canvas.onmouseout = (e) => { $(this.tooldiv).hide(); } parent.appendChild(div); div.appendChild(canvas); this.canvas = canvas; this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); this.initCanvas(); return this.maindiv = div; } initCanvas() { } getTooltipText(x:number, y:number) : string { return null; } clear() { } tick() { this.clear(); this.redraw(this.drawEvent.bind(this)); } } abstract class ProbeBitmapViewBase extends ProbeViewBase { imageData : ImageData; datau32 : Uint32Array; recreateOnResize = false; createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) { var width = 160; var height = 262; try { width = Math.ceil(platform['machine']['cpuCyclesPerLine']) || 256; // TODO height = Math.ceil(platform['machine']['numTotalScanlines']) || 262; // TODO } catch (e) { } return this.createCanvas(parent, width, height); } initCanvas() { this.imageData = this.ctx.createImageData(this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); this.datau32 = new Uint32Array(this.imageData.data.buffer); } getTooltipText(x:number, y:number) : string { x = x|0; y = y|0; var s = ""; this.redraw( (op,addr,col,row,clk,value) => { if (y == row && x == col) { s += "\n" + this.opToString(op, addr, value); } } ); return 'X: ' + x + ' Y: ' + y + ' ' + s; } refresh() { this.tick(); this.datau32.fill(0xff000000); } tick() { super.tick(); this.ctx.putImageData(this.imageData, 0, 0); } clear() { this.datau32.fill(0xff000000); } } export class AddressHeatMapView extends ProbeBitmapViewBase implements ProjectView { createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) { return this.createCanvas(parent, 256, 256); } clear() { for (var i=0; i<=0xffff; i++) { var v = platform.readAddress(i); var rgb = (v >> 2) | (v & 0x1f); rgb |= (rgb<<8) | (rgb<<16); this.datau32[i] = rgb | 0xff000000; } } drawEvent(op, addr, col, row) { var rgb = this.getOpRGB(op); if (!rgb) return; var x = addr & 0xff; var y = (addr >> 8) & 0xff; var data = this.datau32[addr & 0xffff]; data = data | rgb | 0xff000000; this.datau32[addr & 0xffff] = data; } getTooltipText(x:number, y:number) : string { var a = (x & 0xff) + (y << 8); var s = this.addr2str(a); var pc = -1; var already = {}; this.redraw( (op,addr,col,row,clk,value) => { if (op == ProbeFlags.EXECUTE) { pc = addr; } var key = op|pc; if (addr == a && !already[key]) { s += "\nPC " + this.addr2str(pc) + " " + this.opToString(op, null, value); already[key] = 1; } } ); return s; } } export class RasterPCHeatMapView extends ProbeBitmapViewBase implements ProjectView { drawEvent(op, addr, col, row) { var iofs = col + row * this.canvas.width; var rgb = this.getOpRGB(op); if (!rgb) return; var data = this.datau32[iofs]; data = data | rgb | 0xff000000; this.datau32[iofs] = data; } } export class ProbeLogView extends ProbeViewBaseBase { vlist : VirtualTextScroller; maindiv : HTMLElement; recreateOnResize = true; dumplines; createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) { this.vlist = new VirtualTextScroller(parent); this.vlist.create(parent, 160*262, this.getMemoryLineAt.bind(this)); return this.vlist.maindiv; } getMemoryLineAt(row : number) : VirtualTextLine { var s : string = ""; var c : string = "seg_data"; var line = this.dumplines && this.dumplines[row]; if (line != null) { var xtra : string = line.info.join(", "); s = "(" + lpad(line.row,3) + ", " + lpad(line.col,3) + ") " + rpad(line.asm||"",20) + xtra; if (xtra.indexOf("Write ") >= 0) c = "seg_io"; // if (xtra.indexOf("Stack ") >= 0) c = "seg_code"; } return {text:s, clas:c}; } refresh() { this.tick(); } tick() { const isz80 = platform instanceof BaseZ80MachinePlatform || platform instanceof BaseZ80Platform; // TODO? // cache each line in frame this.dumplines = {}; this.redraw((op,addr,col,row,clk,value) => { if (isz80) clk >>= 2; var line = this.dumplines[clk]; if (line == null) { line = {op:op, addr:addr, row:row, col:col, asm:null, info:[]}; this.dumplines[clk] = line; } switch (op) { case ProbeFlags.EXECUTE: if (platform.disassemble) { var disasm = platform.disassemble(addr, platform.readAddress.bind(platform)); line.asm = disasm && disasm.line; } break; default: var xtra = this.opToString(op, addr, value); if (xtra != "") line.info.push(xtra); break; } }); this.vlist.refresh(); } } /// export class ProbeSymbolView extends ProbeViewBaseBase { vlist : VirtualTextScroller; keys : string[]; recreateOnResize = true; dumplines; // TODO: auto resize createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) { // TODO: what if symbol list changes? if (platform.debugSymbols && platform.debugSymbols.symbolmap) { this.keys = Array.from(Object.keys(platform.debugSymbols.symbolmap).filter(sym => !ignoreSymbol(sym))); } else { this.keys = ['no symbols defined']; } this.vlist = new VirtualTextScroller(parent); this.vlist.create(parent, this.keys.length, this.getMemoryLineAt.bind(this)); return this.vlist.maindiv; } getMemoryLineAt(row : number) : VirtualTextLine { var sym = this.keys[row]; var line = this.dumplines && this.dumplines[sym]; function getop(op) { var n = line[op] | 0; return lpad(n ? n.toString() : "", 8); } var s : string; var c : string; if (line != null) { s = lpad(sym, 35) + getop(ProbeFlags.MEM_READ) + getop(ProbeFlags.MEM_WRITE); if (line[ProbeFlags.EXECUTE]) c = 'seg_code'; else if (line[ProbeFlags.IO_READ] || line[ProbeFlags.IO_WRITE]) c = 'seg_io'; else c = 'seg_data'; } else { s = lpad(sym, 35); c = 'seg_unknown'; } return {text:s, clas:c}; } refresh() { this.tick(); } tick() { // cache each line in frame this.dumplines = {}; this.redraw((op,addr,col,row,clk,value) => { var sym = platform.debugSymbols.addr2symbol[addr]; if (sym != null) { var line = this.dumplines[sym]; if (line == null) { line = {}; this.dumplines[sym] = line; } line[op] = (line[op] | 0) + 1; } }); this.vlist.refresh(); } } /// const MAX_CHILDREN = 256; const MAX_STRING_LEN = 100; class TreeNode { parent : TreeNode; name : string; _div : HTMLElement; _header : HTMLElement; _inline : HTMLElement; _content : HTMLElement; children : Map; expanded = false; level : number; view : ProjectView; constructor(parent : TreeNode, name : string) { this.parent = parent; this.name = name; this.children = new Map(); this.level = parent ? (parent.level+1) : -1; this.view = parent ? parent.view : null; } getDiv() { if (this._div == null) { this._div = document.createElement("div"); this._div.classList.add("vertical-scroll"); this._div.classList.add("tree-content"); this._header = document.createElement("div"); this._header.classList.add("tree-header"); this._header.classList.add("tree-level-" + this.level); this._header.append(this.name); this._inline = document.createElement("span"); this._inline.classList.add("tree-value"); this._header.append(this._inline); this._div.append(this._header); this.parent._content.append(this._div); this._header.onclick = (e) => { this.toggleExpanded(); }; } if (this.expanded && this._content == null) { this._content = document.createElement("div"); this._div.append(this._content); } else if (!this.expanded && this._content != null) { this._content.remove(); this._content = null; this.children.clear(); } return this._div; } toggleExpanded() { this.expanded = !this.expanded; this.view.tick(); } remove() { this._div.remove(); this._div = null; } update(obj : any) { this.getDiv(); var text = ""; // is it a function? call it first, if we are expanded if (typeof obj == 'function' && this._content != null) { obj = obj(); } // check null first if (obj == null) { text = obj+""; // primitive types } else if (typeof obj == 'number') { text = obj + "\t($" + hex(obj) + ")"; } else if (typeof obj == 'boolean') { text = obj.toString(); } else if (typeof obj == 'string') { if (obj.length < MAX_STRING_LEN) text = obj; else text = obj.substring(0, MAX_STRING_LEN) + "..."; // typed byte array (TODO: other kinds) } else if (obj.buffer && obj.length <= MAX_CHILDREN) { text = dumpRAM(obj, 0, obj.length); // recurse into object? (or function) } else if (typeof obj == 'object' || typeof obj == 'function') { // only if expanded if (this._content != null) { // split big arrays if (obj.slice && obj.length > MAX_CHILDREN) { let newobj = {}; let oldobj = obj; var slicelen = MAX_CHILDREN; while (obj.length / slicelen > MAX_CHILDREN) slicelen *= 2; for (let ofs=0; ofs { return oldobj.slice(ofs, ofs+slicelen); } } obj = newobj; } // get object keys let names = obj instanceof Array ? Array.from(obj.keys()) : Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj); if (names.length > MAX_CHILDREN) { // max # of child objects let newobj = {}; let oldobj = obj; var slicelen = 100; while (names.length / slicelen > 100) slicelen *= 2; for (let ofs=0; ofs { let childnode = this.children.get(name); if (childnode == null) { childnode = new TreeNode(this, name); this.children.set(name, childnode); } childnode.update(obj[name]); orphans.delete(name); }); // remove orphans orphans.forEach((delname) => { let childnode = this.children.get(delname); childnode.remove(); this.children.delete(delname); }); this._header.classList.add("tree-expanded"); this._header.classList.remove("tree-collapsed"); } else { this._header.classList.add("tree-collapsed"); this._header.classList.remove("tree-expanded"); } } else { text = typeof obj; // fallthrough } // change DOM object if needed if (this._inline.innerText != text) { this._inline.innerText = text; } } } function createTreeRootNode(parent : HTMLElement, view : ProjectView) : TreeNode { var mainnode = new TreeNode(null, null); mainnode.view = view; mainnode._content = parent; var root = new TreeNode(mainnode, "/"); root.expanded = true; root.getDiv(); // create it root._div.style.padding = '0px'; return root; // should be cached } export abstract class TreeViewBase implements ProjectView { root : TreeNode; createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) : HTMLElement { this.root = createTreeRootNode(parent, this); return this.root.getDiv(); } refresh() { this.tick(); } tick() { this.root.update(this.getRootObject()); } abstract getRootObject() : Object; } export class StateBrowserView extends TreeViewBase implements ProjectView { getRootObject() { return platform.saveState(); } } export class DebugBrowserView extends TreeViewBase implements ProjectView { getRootObject() { return platform.getDebugTree(); } } // TODO? interface CallGraphNode { count : number; calls : {[id:string] : CallGraphNode}; } export class CallStackView extends ProbeViewBaseBase implements ProjectView { treeroot : TreeNode; graph : CallGraphNode; stack : CallGraphNode[]; lastsp : number; jsr : boolean; createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) : HTMLElement { this.clear(); this.treeroot = createTreeRootNode(parent, this); return this.treeroot.getDiv(); } refresh() { this.tick(); } tick() { this.treeroot.update(this.getRootObject()); } clear() { this.graph = {count:0, calls:{}}; this.reset(); } reset() { this.stack = [this.graph]; // TODO??? should continue across frames this.lastsp = -1; this.jsr = false; } getRootObject() : Object { this.reset(); this.redraw((op,addr,col,row,clk,value) => { switch (op) { case ProbeFlags.SP_PUSH: case ProbeFlags.SP_POP: if ((this.lastsp - addr) == 2) { this.jsr = true; } if ((this.lastsp - addr) == -2 && this.stack.length > 1) { this.stack.pop(); } this.lastsp = addr; break; case ProbeFlags.EXECUTE: if (this.jsr) { var top = this.stack[this.stack.length-1]; var sym = this.addr2str(addr); var child = top.calls[sym]; if (child == null) { child = top.calls[sym] = {count:0, calls:{}}; } //this.stack.forEach((node) => node.count++); this.stack.push(child); child.count++; this.jsr = false; } break; } }); return this.graph; } } /// export class AssetEditorView implements ProjectView, pixed.EditorContext { maindiv : JQuery; cureditordiv : JQuery; cureditelem : JQuery; cureditnode : pixed.PixNode; rootnodes : pixed.PixNode[]; deferrednodes : pixed.PixNode[]; createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) { this.maindiv = newDiv(parent, "vertical-scroll"); return this.maindiv[0]; } clearAssets() { this.rootnodes = []; this.deferrednodes = []; } registerAsset(type:string, node:pixed.PixNode, deferred:number) { this.rootnodes.push(node); if (deferred) { if (deferred > 1) this.deferrednodes.push(node); else this.deferrednodes.unshift(node); } else { node.refreshRight(); } } getPalettes(matchlen : number) : pixed.SelectablePalette[] { var result = []; this.rootnodes.forEach((node) => { while (node != null) { if (node instanceof pixed.PaletteFormatToRGB) { // TODO: move to node class? var palette = node.palette; // match full palette length? if (matchlen == palette.length) { result.push({node:node, name:"Palette", palette:palette}); } // look at palette slices if (node.layout) { node.layout.forEach(([name, start, len]) => { if (start < palette.length) { if (len == matchlen) { var rgbs = palette.slice(start, start+len); result.push({node:node, name:name, palette:rgbs}); } else if (-len == matchlen) { // reverse order var rgbs = palette.slice(start, start-len); rgbs.reverse(); result.push({node:node, name:name, palette:rgbs}); } else if (len+1 == matchlen) { var rgbs = new Uint32Array(matchlen); rgbs[0] = palette[0]; rgbs.set(palette.slice(start, start+len), 1); result.push({node:node, name:name, palette:rgbs}); } } }); } break; } node = node.right; } }); return result; } getTilemaps(matchlen : number) : pixed.SelectableTilemap[] { var result = []; this.rootnodes.forEach((node) => { while (node != null) { if (node instanceof pixed.Palettizer) { var rgbimgs = node.rgbimgs; if (rgbimgs && rgbimgs.length >= matchlen) { result.push({node:node, name:"Tilemap", images:node.images, rgbimgs:rgbimgs}); // TODO } } node = node.right; } }); return result; } isEditing() { return this.cureditordiv != null; } getCurrentEditNode() { return this.cureditnode; } setCurrentEditor(div:JQuery, editing:JQuery, node:pixed.PixNode) { const timeout = 250; if (this.cureditordiv != div) { if (this.cureditordiv) { this.cureditordiv.hide(timeout); this.cureditordiv = null; } if (div) { this.cureditordiv = div; this.cureditordiv.show(); this.cureditordiv[0].scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "center"}); //setTimeout(() => { this.cureditordiv[0].scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "center"}) }, timeout); } } if (this.cureditelem) { this.cureditelem.removeClass('selected'); this.cureditelem = null; } if (editing) { this.cureditelem = editing; this.cureditelem.addClass('selected'); } while (node.left) { node = node.left; } this.cureditnode = node; } scanFileTextForAssets(id : string, data : string) { // scan file for assets // /*{json}*/ or ;;{json};; // TODO: put before ident, look for = { var result = []; var re1 = /[/;][*;]([{].+[}])[*;][/;]/g; var m; while (m = re1.exec(data)) { var start = m.index + m[0].length; var end; // TODO: verilog end if (platform_id == 'verilog') { end = data.indexOf("end", start); // asm } else if (m[0].startsWith(';;')) { end = data.indexOf(';;', start); // asm } else { end = data.indexOf(';', start); // C } //console.log(id, start, end, m[1], data.substring(start,end)); if (end > start) { try { var jsontxt = m[1].replace(/([A-Za-z]+):/g, '"$1":'); // fix lenient JSON var json = JSON.parse(jsontxt); // TODO: name? result.push({fileid:id,fmt:json,start:start,end:end}); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } } // look for DEF_METASPRITE_2x2(playerRStand, 0xd8, 0) // TODO: could also look in ROM var re2 = /DEF_METASPRITE_(\d+)x(\d+)[(](\w+),\s*(\w+),\s*(\w+)/gi; while (m = re2.exec(data)) { var width = parseInt(m[1]); var height = parseInt(m[2]); var ident = m[3]; var tile = parseInt(m[4]); var attr = parseInt(m[5]); var metadefs = []; for (var x=0; x').appendTo(parentdiv); var aeditor = $('
').hide(); // contains editor, when selected // TODO: they need to update when refreshed from right var allrgbimgs = []; pal2rgb.getAllColors().forEach((rgba) => { allrgbimgs.push(new Uint32Array([rgba])); }); // array of array of 1 rgb color (for picker) var atable = $('').appendTo(adual); aeditor.appendTo(adual); // make default layout if not exists var layout = pal2rgb.layout; if (!layout) { var len = pal2rgb.palette.length; var imgsperline = len > 32 ? 8 : 4; // TODO: use 'n'? layout = []; for (var i=0; i { if (start < pal2rgb.palette.length) { // skip row if out of range var arow = $('').appendTo(atable); $('
').text(name).appendTo(arow); var inds = []; for (var k=start; k { var cell = $('').addClass('asset_cell asset_editable').appendTo(arow); updateCell(cell, i); cell.click((e) => { var chooser = new pixed.ImageChooser(); chooser.rgbimgs = allrgbimgs; chooser.width = 1; chooser.height = 1; chooser.recreate(aeditor, (index, newvalue) => { callback(i, index); updateCell(cell, i); }); this.setCurrentEditor(aeditor, cell, pal2rgb); }); }); } }); } addPixelEditor(parentdiv:JQuery, firstnode:pixed.PixNode, fmt:pixed.PixelEditorImageFormat) { // data -> pixels fmt.xform = 'scale(2)'; var mapper = new pixed.Mapper(fmt); // TODO: rotate node? firstnode.addRight(mapper); // pixels -> RGBA var palizer = new pixed.Palettizer(this, fmt); mapper.addRight(palizer); // add view objects palizer.addRight(new pixed.CharmapEditor(this, newDiv(parentdiv), fmt)); } addPaletteEditor(parentdiv:JQuery, firstnode:pixed.PixNode, palfmt?) { // palette -> RGBA var pal2rgb = new pixed.PaletteFormatToRGB(palfmt); firstnode.addRight(pal2rgb); // TODO: refresh twice? firstnode.refreshRight(); // TODO: add view objects // TODO: show which one is selected? this.addPaletteEditorViews(parentdiv, pal2rgb, (index, newvalue) => { console.log('set entry', index, '=', newvalue); // TODO: this forces update of palette rgb colors and file data firstnode.words[index] = newvalue; pal2rgb.words = null; pal2rgb.updateRight(); pal2rgb.refreshLeft(); }); } ensureFileDiv(fileid : string) : JQuery { var divid = this.getFileDivId(fileid); var body = $(document.getElementById(divid)); if (body.length === 0) { var filediv = newDiv(this.maindiv, 'asset_file'); var header = newDiv(filediv, 'asset_file_header').text(fileid); body = newDiv(filediv).attr('id',divid).addClass('disable-select'); } return body; } refreshAssetsInFile(fileid : string, data : FileData) : number { let nassets = 0; // TODO: check fmt w/h/etc limits // TODO: defer editor creation // TODO: only refresh when needed if (platform_id.startsWith('nes') && fileid.endsWith('.chr') && data instanceof Uint8Array) { // is this a NES CHR? let node = new pixed.FileDataNode(projectWindows, fileid); const neschrfmt = {w:8,h:8,bpp:1,count:(data.length>>4),brev:true,np:2,pofs:8,remap:[0,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]}; // TODO this.addPixelEditor(this.ensureFileDiv(fileid), node, neschrfmt); this.registerAsset("charmap", node, 1); nassets++; } else if (platform_id.startsWith('nes') && fileid.endsWith('.pal') && data instanceof Uint8Array) { // is this a NES PAL? let node = new pixed.FileDataNode(projectWindows, fileid); const nespalfmt = {pal:"nes",layout:"nes"}; this.addPaletteEditor(this.ensureFileDiv(fileid), node, nespalfmt); this.registerAsset("palette", node, 0); nassets++; } else if (typeof data === 'string') { let textfrags = this.scanFileTextForAssets(fileid, data); for (let frag of textfrags) { if (frag.fmt) { let label = fileid; // TODO: label let node : pixed.PixNode = new pixed.TextDataNode(projectWindows, fileid, label, frag.start, frag.end); let first = node; // rle-compressed? TODO: how to edit? if (frag.fmt.comp == 'rletag') { node = node.addRight(new pixed.Compressor()); } // is this a nes nametable? if (frag.fmt.map == 'nesnt') { node = node.addRight(new pixed.NESNametableConverter(this)); node = node.addRight(new pixed.Palettizer(this, {w:8,h:8,bpp:4})); const fmt = {w:8*(frag.fmt.w||32),h:8*(frag.fmt.h||30),count:1}; // TODO: can't do custom sizes node = node.addRight(new pixed.MapEditor(this, newDiv(this.ensureFileDiv(fileid)), fmt)); this.registerAsset("nametable", first, 2); nassets++; } // is this a bitmap? else if (frag.fmt.w > 0 && frag.fmt.h > 0) { this.addPixelEditor(this.ensureFileDiv(fileid), node, frag.fmt); this.registerAsset("charmap", first, 1); nassets++; } // is this a palette? else if (frag.fmt.pal) { this.addPaletteEditor(this.ensureFileDiv(fileid), node, frag.fmt); this.registerAsset("palette", first, 0); nassets++; } else { // TODO: other kinds of resources? } } } } return nassets; } getFileDivId(id : string) { return '__asset__' + safeident(id); } // TODO: recreate editors when refreshing // TODO: look for changes, not moveCursor refresh(moveCursor : boolean) { // clear and refresh all files/nodes? if (moveCursor) { this.maindiv.empty(); this.clearAssets(); current_project.iterateFiles((fileid, data) => { try { var nassets = this.refreshAssetsInFile(fileid, data); } catch (e) { console.log(e); this.ensureFileDiv(fileid).text(e+""); // TODO: error msg? } }); console.log("Found " + this.rootnodes.length + " assets"); this.deferrednodes.forEach((node) => { try { node.refreshRight(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); alert(e+""); } }); this.deferrednodes = []; } else { // only refresh nodes if not actively editing // since we could be in the middle of an operation that hasn't been committed for (var node of this.rootnodes) { if (node !== this.getCurrentEditNode()) { node.refreshRight(); } } } } setVisible?(showing : boolean) : void { // TODO: make into toolbar? if (showing) { Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+z', projectWindows.undoStep.bind(projectWindows)); } else { Mousetrap.unbind('ctrl+z'); } } }