import { C64, C64_WASMMachine } from "../machine/c64"; import { Platform, Base6502MachinePlatform, getToolForFilename_6502, getOpcodeMetadata_6502 } from "../common/baseplatform"; import { PLATFORMS } from "../common/emu"; const C64_PRESETS = [ {id:'hello.dasm', name:'Hello World (ASM)'}, {id:'sidtune.dasm', name:'SID Tune (ASM)'}, {id:'eliza.c', name:'Eliza (C)'}, {id:'tgidemo.c', name:'TGI Graphics Demo (C)'}, {id:'upandaway.c', name:'Up, Up and Away (C)'}, {id:'joymove.c', name:'Joystick Movement (C)'}, ]; const C64_MEMORY_MAP = { main:[ {name:'6510 Registers',start:0x0, size:0x2,type:'io'}, {name:'RAM', start:0x2, size:0x7ffe,type:'ram'}, {name:'Cartridge ROM',start:0x8000,size:0x2000,type:'rom'}, {name:'BASIC ROM', start:0xa000,size:0x2000,type:'rom'}, {name:'RAM', start:0xc000,size:0x1000,type:'ram'}, {name:'VIC-II I/O', start:0xd000,size:0x0400,type:'io'}, {name:'Color RAM', start:0xd800,size:0x0400,type:'io'}, {name:'CIA 1', start:0xdc00,size:0x0100,type:'io'}, {name:'CIA 2', start:0xdd00,size:0x0100,type:'io'}, {name:'KERNAL ROM', start:0xe000,size:0x2000,type:'rom'}, ] } class C64Platform extends Base6502MachinePlatform implements Platform { newMachine() { return new C64(); } getPresets() { return C64_PRESETS; } getDefaultExtension() { return ".c"; }; readAddress(a) { return this.machine.readConst(a); } loadBIOS(bios) { this.machine.loadBIOS(bios); } getMemoryMap() { return C64_MEMORY_MAP; } } class C64WASMPlatform extends Base6502MachinePlatform implements Platform { newMachine() { return new C64_WASMMachine('c64'); } async start() { // TODO: start() needs to block await this.machine.loadWASM(); super.start(); } getPresets() { return C64_PRESETS; } getDefaultExtension() { return ".c"; }; readAddress(a) { return this.machine.readConst(a); } getMemoryMap() { return C64_MEMORY_MAP; } } PLATFORMS['c64'] = C64WASMPlatform; PLATFORMS['c64.wasm'] = C64WASMPlatform; PLATFORMS['c64.js'] = C64Platform;