EVENT__main_init = 1 EVENT__start = 1 EVENT__nextframe = 1 EVENT__resetswitch = 1 EVENT__postframe = 1 EVENT__SetHorizPos = 1 EVENT__preframe = 1 EVENT__kernel = 1 EVENT__kerneldraw = 1 EVENT__kernelsetup = 1 EVENT__joybutton = 1 .scope Main .zeropage PFColor_pfcolor_b0: .res 1 .res 1 TEMP: Local__6__tmp: .res 1 .code KernelSection_lines_b0: .byte 2 .byte 2 .byte 2 .byte 2 .byte 10 .byte 50 .byte 50 .byte 10 BGColor_bgcolor_b0: .byte 24 .byte 22 .byte 20 .byte 18 .byte 20 .byte 20 .byte 22 .byte 24 Playfield_pf_b0: .byte 68 .byte 68 .byte 36 .byte 0 Playfield_pf_b8: .byte 82 .byte 34 .byte 1 .byte 0 Playfield_pf_b16: .byte 18 .byte 17 .byte 0 .byte 0 Main__INITDATA: .byte 0 .byte 0 __Start: ;;; start action Init__main_init__1 .include "vcs-ca65.h" .macpack longbranch .define PAL 0 __NMI: __Reset: __BRK: CLEAN_START ldy #2 : lda Main__INITDATA-1,y sta PFColor_pfcolor_b0-1,y dey bne :- ;;; start action FrameLoop__start__2 FrameLoop__start__2__NextFrame: FRAME_START ;;; start action StaticKernel__preframe__3 ;;; start action StaticKernel__kernelsetup__4 lda #24 sta COLUBK ;;; end action StaticKernel__kernelsetup__4 ;;; start action StaticKernel__kernelsetup__5 ;;; end action StaticKernel__kernelsetup__5 ;;; start action StaticKernel__kernelsetup__6 ;;; end action StaticKernel__kernelsetup__6 ;;; end action StaticKernel__preframe__3 KERNEL_START ;;; start action StaticKernel__kernel__7 ldx #0 StaticKernel__kernel__7____each: sta WSYNC ;;; start action StaticKernel__kernelsetup__8 lda BGColor_bgcolor_b0,x sta COLUBK ;;; end action StaticKernel__kernelsetup__8 ;;; start action StaticKernel__kernelsetup__9 cpx #5+2 jcs StaticKernel__kernelsetup__9____skipxhi cpx #5 jcc StaticKernel__kernelsetup__9____skipxlo lda PFColor_pfcolor_b0-5,x sta COLUPF StaticKernel__kernelsetup__9____skipxlo: StaticKernel__kernelsetup__9____skipxhi: ;;; end action StaticKernel__kernelsetup__9 ;;; start action StaticKernel__kernelsetup__10 cpx #4 jcc StaticKernel__kernelsetup__10____skipxlo lda Playfield_pf_b0-4,x sta PF0 lda Playfield_pf_b8-4,x sta PF1 lda Playfield_pf_b16-4,x sta PF2 StaticKernel__kernelsetup__10____skipxlo: ;;; end action StaticKernel__kernelsetup__10 ;;; start action StaticKernel__kerneldraw__11 ldy KernelSection_lines_b0,x StaticKernel__kerneldraw__11__loop: sta WSYNC dey bne StaticKernel__kerneldraw__11__loop ;;; end action StaticKernel__kerneldraw__11 inx cpx #8 jne StaticKernel__kernel__7____each StaticKernel__kernel__7____exit: ;;; end action StaticKernel__kernel__7 KERNEL_END ;;; start action JoyButton__postframe__12 lda INPT4 ;read button input bmi JoyButton__postframe__12__NotPressed ;;; start action Local__joybutton__13 inc Local__6__tmp+0 inc PFColor_pfcolor_b0 ;;; end action Local__joybutton__13 JoyButton__postframe__12__NotPressed: ;;; end action JoyButton__postframe__12 FRAME_END ;;; start action ResetSwitch__nextframe__14 lsr SWCHB ; test Game Reset switch bcs ResetSwitch__nextframe__14__NoStart ;;; start action ResetConsole__resetswitch__15 jmp Main::__Reset ; jump to Reset handler ;;; end action ResetConsole__resetswitch__15 ResetSwitch__nextframe__14__NoStart: ;;; end action ResetSwitch__nextframe__14 jmp FrameLoop__start__2__NextFrame ; loop to next frame ;;; end action FrameLoop__start__2 ; start main routine .segment "VECTORS" Return: .word $6060 VecNMI: VecReset: .word Main::__Reset VecBRK: .word Main::__BRK ;;; end action Init__main_init__1 .endscope Main__Start = Main::__Start