import DOMPurify from "dompurify"; import { getCookie, getFilenameForPath, getFilenamePrefix, loadScript } from "../common/util"; import { gaEvent } from "./analytics"; import { alertError, alertInfo, setWaitDialog, setWaitProgress } from "./dialogs"; import { createNewPersistentStore } from "./project"; import { GHSession, GithubService, getRepos, parseGithubURL } from "./services"; import { getCurrentMainFilename, getCurrentOutput, getCurrentProject, getPlatformStore, gotoNewLocation, projectWindows, repo_id } from "./ui"; declare var Octokat; var githubService: GithubService; export async function getGithubService() { if (!githubService) { // load github API client await loadScript('lib/octokat.js'); // load firebase await loadScript(''); await loadScript(''); await loadScript(''); // get github API key from cookie // TODO: move to service? var ghkey = getCookie('__github_key'); githubService = new GithubService(Octokat, ghkey, getPlatformStore(), getCurrentProject()); console.log("loaded github service"); } return githubService; } export function getBoundGithubURL(): string { var toks = (repo_id || '').split('/'); if (toks.length != 2) { alertError("You are not in a GitHub repository. Choose one from the pulldown, or Import or Publish one."); return null; } return '' + toks[0] + '/' + toks[1]; } // GITHUB stuff (TODO: move) export async function importProjectFromGithub(githuburl: string, replaceURL: boolean) { var sess: GHSession; var urlparse = parseGithubURL(githuburl); if (!urlparse) { alertError('Could not parse Github URL.'); return; } // redirect to repo if exists var existing = getRepos()[urlparse.repopath]; if (existing && !confirm("You've already imported " + urlparse.repopath + " -- do you want to replace all local files?")) { return; } // create new store for imported repository setWaitDialog(true); var newstore = createNewPersistentStore(urlparse.repopath); // import into new store setWaitProgress(0.25); var gh = await getGithubService(); return gh.import(githuburl).then((sess1: GHSession) => { sess = sess1; setWaitProgress(0.75); return gh.pull(githuburl, newstore); }).then((sess2: GHSession) => { // TODO: only first session has mainPath? // reload repo setWaitDialog(false); gaEvent('sync', 'import', githuburl); gotoNewLocation(replaceURL, { repo: urlparse.repopath }); // file:sess.mainPath, platform:sess.platform_id}; }).catch((e) => { setWaitDialog(false); console.log(e); alertError("Could not import " + githuburl + "." + e); }); } export async function _loginToGithub(e) { var gh = await getGithubService(); gh.login().then(() => { alertInfo("You are signed in to Github."); }).catch((e) => { alertError("Could not sign in." + e); }); } export async function _logoutOfGithub(e) { var gh = await getGithubService(); gh.logout().then(() => { alertInfo("You are logged out of Github."); }); } export function _importProjectFromGithub(e) { var modal = $("#importGithubModal"); var btn = $("#importGithubButton"); modal.modal('show');'click').on('click', () => { var githuburl = $("#importGithubURL").val() + ""; modal.modal('hide'); importProjectFromGithub(githuburl, false); }); } export function _publishProjectToGithub(e) { if (repo_id) { if (!confirm("This project (" + getCurrentProject().mainPath + ") is already bound to a Github repository. Do you want to re-publish to a new repository? (You can instead choose 'Push Changes' to update files in the existing repository.)")) return; } var modal = $("#publishGithubModal"); var btn = $("#publishGithubButton"); $("#githubRepoName").val(getFilenamePrefix(getFilenameForPath(getCurrentProject().mainPath))); modal.modal('show');'click').on('click', async () => { var name = $("#githubRepoName").val() + ""; var desc = $("#githubRepoDesc").val() + ""; var priv = $("#githubRepoPrivate").val() == 'private'; var license = $("#githubRepoLicense").val() + ""; var sess; if (!name) { alertError("You did not enter a project name."); return; } modal.modal('hide'); setWaitDialog(true); var gh = await getGithubService(); gh.login().then(() => { setWaitProgress(0.25); return gh.publish(name, desc, license, priv); }).then((_sess) => { sess = _sess; setWaitProgress(0.5); //repo_id = qs.repo = sess.repopath; return pushChangesToGithub('initial import from'); }).then(() => { gaEvent('sync', 'publish', priv ? "" : name); importProjectFromGithub(sess.url, false); }).catch((e) => { setWaitDialog(false); console.log(e); alertError("Could not publish GitHub repository: " + e); }); }); } export function _pushProjectToGithub(e) { var ghurl = getBoundGithubURL(); if (!ghurl) return; var modal = $("#pushGithubModal"); var btn = $("#pushGithubButton"); modal.modal('show');'click').on('click', () => { var commitMsg = $("#githubCommitMsg").val() + ""; modal.modal('hide'); pushChangesToGithub(commitMsg); }); } export function _pullProjectFromGithub(e) { var ghurl = getBoundGithubURL(); if (!ghurl) return; bootbox.confirm("Pull from repository and replace all local files? Any changes you've made will be overwritten.", async (ok) => { if (ok) { setWaitDialog(true); var gh = await getGithubService(); gh.pull(ghurl).then((sess: GHSession) => { setWaitDialog(false); projectWindows.updateAllOpenWindows(getPlatformStore()); }); } }); } function confirmCommit(sess): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var files = sess.commit.files; console.log(files); // anything changed? if (files.length == 0) { setWaitDialog(false); alertInfo("No files changed."); return; } // build commit confirm message var msg = ""; for (var f of files) { msg += DOMPurify.sanitize(f.filename) + ": " + f.status; if (f.additions || f.deletions || f.changes) { msg += " (" + f.additions + " additions, " + f.deletions + " deletions, " + f.changes + " changes)"; }; msg += "
"; } // show dialog, continue when yes bootbox.confirm(msg, (ok) => { if (ok) { resolve(sess); } else { setWaitDialog(false); } }); }); } async function pushChangesToGithub(message: string) { var ghurl = getBoundGithubURL(); if (!ghurl) return; // build file list for push var files = []; for (var path in getCurrentProject().filedata) { var newpath = getCurrentProject().stripLocalPath(path); var data = getCurrentProject().filedata[path]; if (newpath && data) { files.push({ path: newpath, data: data }); } } // include built ROM file in bin/[mainfile].rom if (getCurrentOutput() instanceof Uint8Array) { let binpath = "bin/" + getCurrentMainFilename() + ".rom"; files.push({ path: binpath, data: getCurrentOutput() }); } // push files setWaitDialog(true); var gh = await getGithubService(); return gh.login().then(() => { setWaitProgress(0.5); return gh.commit(ghurl, message, files); }).then((sess) => { return confirmCommit(sess); }).then((sess) => { return gh.push(sess); }).then((sess) => { setWaitDialog(false); alertInfo("Pushed files to " + ghurl); return sess; }).catch((e) => { setWaitDialog(false); console.log(e); alertError("Could not push GitHub repository: " + e); }); } export function _removeRepository() { var ghurl = getBoundGithubURL(); if (!ghurl) return; bootbox.prompt("

Are you sure you want to delete this repository (" + DOMPurify.sanitize(ghurl) + ") from browser storage?

All changes since last commit will be lost.

Type DELETE to proceed.

", (yes) => { if (yes.trim().toUpperCase() == "DELETE") { removeRepository(); } }); } async function removeRepository() { var ghurl = getBoundGithubURL(); setWaitDialog(true); let gh = await getGithubService(); let sess = await gh.getGithubSession(ghurl); gh.bind(sess, false); // delete all keys in (repo) storage await getPlatformStore().keys().then((keys: string[]) => { return Promise.all( => { return getPlatformStore().removeItem(key); })); }); setWaitDialog(false); // leave repository gotoNewLocation(false, { repo: '/' }); }