import { convertDataToUint8Array, getBasePlatform } from "../common/util"; import { WorkerBuildStep, WorkerError, WorkerErrorResult, WorkerMessage, WorkerResult, WorkingStore } from "../common/workertypes"; import { PLATFORM_PARAMS } from "./platforms"; import { TOOLS } from "./workertools"; /// working file store and build steps const PSRC = "../../src/"; export const PWORKER = PSRC + "worker/"; export type FileData = string | Uint8Array; export type FileEntry = { path: string encoding: string data: FileData ts: number }; export type BuildOptions = { mainFilePath: string, processFn?: (s: string, d: FileData) => FileData }; // TODO export type BuildStepResult = WorkerResult | WorkerNextToolResult; export interface WorkerNextToolResult { nexttool?: string linktool?: string path?: string args: string[] files: string[] bblines?: boolean } export interface BuildStep extends WorkerBuildStep { files?: string[] args?: string[] nextstep?: BuildStep linkstep?: BuildStep params? result?: BuildStepResult code? prefix? maxts? debuginfo? }; /// export class FileWorkingStore implements WorkingStore { workfs: { [path: string]: FileEntry } = {}; workerseq: number = 0; items: {}; constructor() { this.reset(); } reset() { this.workfs = {}; this.newVersion(); } currentVersion() { return this.workerseq; } newVersion() { let ts = new Date().getTime(); if (ts <= this.workerseq) ts = ++this.workerseq; return ts; } putFile(path: string, data: FileData): FileEntry { var encoding = (typeof data === 'string') ? 'utf8' : 'binary'; var entry = this.workfs[path]; if (!entry || !compareData(, data) || entry.encoding != encoding) { this.workfs[path] = entry = { path: path, data: data, encoding: encoding, ts: this.newVersion() }; console.log('+++', entry.path, entry.encoding,, entry.ts); } return entry; } hasFile(path: string) { return this.workfs[path] != null; } getFileData(path: string): FileData { return this.workfs[path] && this.workfs[path].data; } getFileAsString(path: string): string { let data = this.getFileData(path); if (data != null && typeof data !== 'string') throw new Error(`${path}: expected string`) return data as string; // TODO } getFileEntry(path: string): FileEntry { return this.workfs[path]; } setItem(key: string, value: object) { this.items[key] = value; } } export var store = new FileWorkingStore(); /// export function errorResult(msg: string): WorkerErrorResult { return { errors: [{ line: 0, msg: msg }] }; } export class Builder { steps: BuildStep[] = []; startseq: number = 0; // returns true if file changed during this build step wasChanged(entry: FileEntry): boolean { return entry.ts > this.startseq; } async executeBuildSteps(): Promise { this.startseq = store.currentVersion(); var linkstep: BuildStep = null; while (this.steps.length) { var step = this.steps.shift(); // get top of array var platform = step.platform; var [tool, remoteTool] = step.tool.split(':', 2); var toolfn = TOOLS[tool]; if (!toolfn) { throw Error(`no tool named "${tool}"`); } if (remoteTool) { step.tool = remoteTool; } step.params = PLATFORM_PARAMS[getBasePlatform(platform)]; try { step.result = await toolfn(step); } catch (e) { console.log("EXCEPTION", e, e.stack); return errorResult(e + ""); // TODO: catch errors already generated? } if (step.result) { (step.result as any).params = step.params; // TODO: type check if (step.debuginfo) { let r = step.result as any; // TODO if (!r.debuginfo) r.debuginfo = {}; Object.assign(r.debuginfo, step.debuginfo); } // errors? return them if ('errors' in step.result && step.result.errors.length) { applyDefaultErrorPath(step.result.errors, step.path); return step.result; } // if we got some output, return it immediately if ('output' in step.result && step.result.output) { return step.result; } // combine files with a link tool? if ('linktool' in step.result) { // add to existing link step if (linkstep) { linkstep.files = linkstep.files.concat(step.result.files); linkstep.args = linkstep.args.concat(step.result.args); } else { linkstep = { tool: step.result.linktool, platform: platform, files: step.result.files, args: step.result.args }; } linkstep.debuginfo = step.debuginfo; // TODO: multiple debuginfos } // process with another tool? if ('nexttool' in step.result) { var asmstep: BuildStep = { tool: step.result.nexttool, platform: platform, ...step.result } this.steps.push(asmstep); } // process final step? if (this.steps.length == 0 && linkstep) { this.steps.push(linkstep); linkstep = null; } } } } async handleMessage(data: WorkerMessage): Promise { this.steps = []; // file updates if (data.updates) { data.updates.forEach((u) => store.putFile(u.path,; } // object update if (data.setitems) { data.setitems.forEach((i) => store.setItem(i.key, i.value)); } // build steps if (data.buildsteps) { this.steps.push.apply(this.steps, data.buildsteps); } // single-file if (data.code) { this.steps.push(data as BuildStep); // TODO: remove cast } // execute build steps if (this.steps.length) { var result = await this.executeBuildSteps(); return result ? result : { unchanged: true }; } // TODO: cache results // message not recognized console.log("Unknown message", data); } } function applyDefaultErrorPath(errors: WorkerError[], path: string) { if (!path) return; for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) { var err = errors[i]; if (!err.path && err.line) err.path = path; } } function compareData(a: FileData, b: FileData): boolean { if (a.length != b.length) return false; if (typeof a === 'string' && typeof b === 'string') { return a == b; } else { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { //if (a[i] != b[i]) console.log('differ at byte',i,a[i],b[i]); if (a[i] != b[i]) return false; } return true; } } export const builder = new Builder(); var _t1; export function starttime() { _t1 = new Date(); } export function endtime(msg) { var _t2 = new Date(); console.log(msg, _t2.getTime() - _t1.getTime(), "ms"); } /// export function putWorkFile(path: string, data: FileData) { return store.putFile(path, data); } export function getWorkFileAsString(path: string): string { return store.getFileAsString(path); } export function populateEntry(fs, path: string, entry: FileEntry, options: BuildOptions) { var data =; if (options && options.processFn) { data = options.processFn(path, data); } // create subfolders var toks = path.split('/'); if (toks.length > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < toks.length - 1; i++) try { fs.mkdir(toks[i]); } catch (e) { } } // write file fs.writeFile(path, data, { encoding: entry.encoding }); var time = new Date(entry.ts); fs.utime(path, time, time); console.log("<<<", path,; } // can call multiple times (from populateFiles) export function gatherFiles(step: BuildStep, options?: BuildOptions): number { var maxts = 0; if (step.files) { for (var i = 0; i < step.files.length; i++) { var path = step.files[i]; var entry = store.workfs[path]; if (!entry) { throw new Error("No entry for path '" + path + "'"); } else { maxts = Math.max(maxts, entry.ts); } } } else if (step.code) { var path = step.path ? step.path : options.mainFilePath; // TODO: what if options null if (!path) throw Error("need path or mainFilePath"); var code = step.code; var entry = putWorkFile(path, code); step.path = path; step.files = [path]; maxts = entry.ts; } else if (step.path) { var path = step.path; var entry = store.workfs[path]; maxts = entry.ts; step.files = [path]; } if (step.path && !step.prefix) { step.prefix = getPrefix(step.path); } step.maxts = maxts; return maxts; } export function getPrefix(s: string): string { var pos = s.lastIndexOf('.'); return (pos > 0) ? s.substring(0, pos) : s; } export function populateFiles(step: BuildStep, fs, options?: BuildOptions) { gatherFiles(step, options); if (!step.files) throw Error("call gatherFiles() first"); for (var i = 0; i < step.files.length; i++) { var path = step.files[i]; populateEntry(fs, path, store.workfs[path], options); } } export function populateExtraFiles(step: BuildStep, fs, extrafiles) { if (extrafiles) { for (var i = 0; i < extrafiles.length; i++) { var xfn = extrafiles[i]; // is this file cached? if (store.workfs[xfn]) { fs.writeFile(xfn, store.workfs[xfn].data, { encoding: 'binary' }); continue; } // fetch from network var xpath = "lib/" + getBasePlatform(step.platform) + "/" + xfn; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';"GET", PWORKER + xpath, false); // synchronous request xhr.send(null); if (xhr.response && xhr.status == 200) { var data = new Uint8Array(xhr.response); fs.writeFile(xfn, data, { encoding: 'binary' }); putWorkFile(xfn, data); console.log(":::", xfn, data.length); } else { throw Error("Could not load extra file " + xpath); } } } } export function staleFiles(step: BuildStep, targets: string[]) { if (!step.maxts) throw Error("call populateFiles() first"); // see if any target files are more recent than inputs for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { var entry = store.workfs[targets[i]]; if (!entry || step.maxts > entry.ts) return true; } console.log("unchanged", step.maxts, targets); return false; } export function anyTargetChanged(step: BuildStep, targets: string[]) { if (!step.maxts) throw Error("call populateFiles() first"); // see if any target files are more recent than inputs for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { var entry = store.workfs[targets[i]]; if (!entry || entry.ts > step.maxts) return true; } console.log("unchanged", step.maxts, targets); return false; } export function fixParamsWithDefines(path: string, params) { var libargs = params.libargs; if (path && libargs) { var code = getWorkFileAsString(path); if (code) { var oldcfgfile = params.cfgfile; var ident2index = {}; // find all lib args "IDENT=VALUE" for (var i = 0; i < libargs.length; i++) { var toks = libargs[i].split('='); if (toks.length == 2) { ident2index[toks[0]] = i; } } // find #defines and replace them var re = /^[;]?#define\s+(\w+)\s+(\S+)/gmi; // TODO: empty string? var m; while (m = re.exec(code)) { var ident = m[1]; var value = m[2]; var index = ident2index[ident]; if (index >= 0) { libargs[index] = ident + "=" + value; console.log('Using libargs', index, libargs[index]); // TODO: MMC3 mapper switch if (ident == 'NES_MAPPER' && value == '4') { params.cfgfile = 'nesbanked.cfg'; console.log("using config file", params.cfgfile); } } else if (ident == 'CFGFILE' && value) { params.cfgfile = value; } else if (ident == 'LIBARGS' && value) { params.libargs = value.split(',').filter((s) => { return s != ''; }); console.log('Using libargs', params.libargs); } else if (ident == 'CC65_FLAGS' && value) { params.extra_compiler_args = value.split(',').filter((s) => { return s != ''; }); console.log('Using compiler flags', params.extra_compiler_args); } } } } } export function processEmbedDirective(code: string) { let re3 = /^\s*#embed\s+"(.+?)"/gm; // find #embed "filename.bin" and replace with C array data return code.replace(re3, (m, m1) => { let filename = m1; let filedata = store.getFileData(filename); let bytes = convertDataToUint8Array(filedata); if (!bytes) throw new Error('#embed: file not found: "' + filename + '"'); let out = ''; for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { out += bytes[i].toString() + ','; } return out.substring(0, out.length-1); }); }