processor 6502 include "vcs.h" include "macro.h" org $f000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; We're going to try to animate sprites horizontally. ; Remember, we have to pause the CPU until the exact moment the ; scanline hits the desired horizontal position of the sprite. ; Since we can't hard-code the SLEEP macro we'll have to do it ; dynamically somehow. But since the TIA beam is racing so much ; faster than the CPU clock, we'll have to be clever. ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; counter equ $81 start CLEAN_START nextframe VERTICAL_SYNC ; 37 lines of VBLANK ldx #35 lvblank sta WSYNC dex bne lvblank ; This will be the 36th VBLANK. We'll use up some of this scanline's ; time to set up for the next line, where we'll set the sprite position. ; For now the position will be in CPU clocks, not TIA clocks. ; We're going to use 'counter' as the horiz. position, load into A. lda counter ror ; divide frame counter by 4 to slow animation ror and #$3f ; now in range (0-63) sta WSYNC ; wait for next line ; This is the 37th VBLANK where we'll set the sprite position. ; We've got our desired horizontal position in A. ; First we divide it by 4. We'll need it later in our delay loop. ; But we'll use the remainder bits to add cycles. ; The first bit will add either 0 or 1 CPU cycles. lsr ; shift right, bit 0 goes into carry flag bcs delay1 ; branch to next insn if carry set - adds +1 cycle delay1 ; The second bit will add either 0 or 2 CPU cycles. lsr bcc delay2 ; branch if carry clear - subtract -1 cycle bcs delay2 ; guaranteed to succeed - adds +3 cycles delay2 ; So now we've used the remainder of our divide-by-4 operations to ; add between 0 and 3 CPU cycles (0-9 TIA clocks). ; The next loop takes 5 CPU cycles per iteration (15 TIA clocks). tax ; transfer A to X delayx dex ; decrement X bpl delayx ; branch while X is non-negative sta RESP0 ; set position of sprite #1 sta WSYNC ; end of 37th line ; The TIA clocks 3 pixels for every 1 CPU clock. ; So our final sprite position is C + (X%4)*3 + (X/4)*15 ; (C is the fixed # of instruction clocks) ; We've lost a bit of resolution in our positioning, since we ; divided the horizontal position by 4 but our tightest loop takes ; 5 cycles per iteration. We'll achieve finer control later using ; some additional TIA registers. ; Now draw the 192 scanlines, drawing the sprite. ; We've already set its horizontal position for the entire frame. ldx #192 lda #0 ; changes every scanline ldy counter ; changes every frame lvscan sta WSYNC ; wait for next scanline sta COLUBK ; set the background color sta GRP0 ; set sprite 0 pixels adc #1 ; increment A to cycle through colors and bitmaps dex bne lvscan ; Clear the background color and sprites before overscan stx COLUBK stx GRP0 ; 30 lines of overscan ldx #30 lvover sta WSYNC dex bne lvover ; Cycle the sprite colors for the next frame inc counter lda counter sta COLUP0 jmp nextframe org $fffc .word start .word start