processor 6502 include "vcs.h" include "macro.h" include "xmacro.h" seg.u Variables org $80 Temp byte WriteOfs byte ; offset into dest. array FontBuf WriteShift byte ; which nibble to write into LoopCount byte ; counts scanline when drawing StrPtr word ; pointer to text string StrLen byte ; counts chars when building string FontBuf ds 30 ; 30-byte buffer for generated bitmap THREE_COPIES equ %011 ; for NUSIZ registers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; seg Code org $f000 Start CLEAN_START NextFrame VERTICAL_SYNC TIMER_SETUP 37 lda #4 sta LoopCount lda #$80 sta COLUBK lda #$18 sta COLUP0 lda #$28 sta COLUP1 lda #THREE_COPIES sta NUSIZ0 sta NUSIZ1 sta WSYNC SLEEP 20 sta RESP0 sta RESP1 lda #$10 sta HMP1 sta WSYNC sta HMOVE SLEEP 24 sta HMCLR lda #1 sta VDELP0 sta VDELP1 TIMER_WAIT TIMER_SETUP 192 ; Build the 48x5 bitmap in memory lda #String0 sta StrPtr+1 jsr BuildLine ; Display the resulting 48x5 bitmap sta WSYNC SLEEP 40 ; start near end of scanline BigLoop ldy LoopCount ; counts backwards lda FontBuf+0,y ; load B0 (1st sprite byte) sta GRP0 ; B0 -> [GRP0] lda FontBuf+5,y ; load B1 -> A sta GRP1 ; B1 -> [GRP1], B0 -> GRP0 sta WSYNC ; sync to next scanline lda FontBuf+10,y ; load B2 -> A sta GRP0 ; B2 -> [GRP0], B1 -> GRP1 lda FontBuf+25,y ; load B5 -> A sta Temp ; B5 -> temp ldx FontBuf+20,y ; load B4 -> X lda FontBuf+15,y ; load B3 -> A ldy Temp ; load B5 -> Y sta GRP1 ; B3 -> [GRP1]; B2 -> GRP0 stx GRP0 ; B4 -> [GRP0]; B3 -> GRP1 sty GRP1 ; B5 -> [GRP1]; B4 -> GRP0 sta GRP0 ; ?? -> [GRP0]; B5 -> GRP1 dec LoopCount ; go to next line bpl BigLoop ; repeat until < 0 lda #0 sta GRP0 sta GRP1 sta GRP0 sta GRP1 TIMER_WAIT TIMER_SETUP 30 TIMER_WAIT jmp NextFrame ; Create the 48x5 bitmap of a line of text, using ; 8 characters pointed to by StrPtr. ; The bitmap is stored in a 30-byte array starting at FontBuf. BuildLine subroutine lda #0 sta WriteOfs ; offset into dest. array FontBuf sta WriteShift ; which nibble to write to (0=hi, $FF=lo) lda #11 sta StrLen ; start at 11th character, go in reverse .CharLoop ldy StrLen lda (StrPtr),y ; load next character sec sbc #32 ; subtract 32 (1st char is Space) ; Get offset into FontTable. ; We use the Carry flag to track which nibble we ; read from. It alternates with every line. sta Temp asl asl adc Temp ; multiply by 5 ror ; divide by 2 and set carry flag tay ; font table byte offset -> Y ; and bit offset -> Carry flag ; Write the character to FontBuf lda #5 sta Temp ; write 5 lines ldx WriteOfs ; starting offset into FontBuf ; We use the earlier carry bit from the division by 2 ; to track which nibble (4-bit half) we're in. .Loop lda FontTable,y bcc .CClear ; carry clear, so low nibble lsr lsr lsr lsr ; shift high nibble into low nibble iny ; go to next font table byte clc ; clear carry bit hex 04 ; NOP aa (skips next instruction) .CClear sec ; set carry bit .CSet and #$0f ; isolate low nibble ; Now we have to write the nibble we just loaded. ; Depending on the value of WriteShift, we may store this ; directly in memory or we may combine it with a previously ; stored value. bit WriteShift bpl .Shift ; WriteShift clear, so shift output ora FontBuf,x ; combine with previously stored nibble jmp .NoShift .Shift php ; save flags (we only care about Carry flag) asl asl asl asl ; shift low nibble to high nibble plp ; restore flags .NoShift sta FontBuf,x ; store result inx ; go to next output line dec Temp bne .Loop ; repeat until all lines done .SkipChar ; Our next write target will be the next nibble (4 bits). ; If we've already done the high nibble, skip ahead 5 bytes. lda WriteShift eor #$FF sta WriteShift bne .NoIncOfs lda WriteOfs clc adc #5 sta WriteOfs .NoIncOfs ; Repeat until we run out of characters. dec StrLen bpl .CharLoop rts align $100 ; make sure data doesn't cross page boundary ; Packed font table. Each character consists of 5 nibbles ; (4 bits each) packed into bytes. So each character is ; actually 2.5 bytes long. FontTable: hex 00004040445500505757626313244153 hex 67460400424442224225052027002400 hex 70000004004024115655232226471266 hex 21611157656174574743247157576771 hex 75040440020221247170002421242071 hex 43575275255656364434565576747444 hex 47377534555775227252115165554744 hex 54755775772555254456365725655766 hex 21342222375555225555775555522522 hex 55471277447421047011712500700000 String0: dc "UOY EREHT IH" ; Epilogue org $fffc .word Start .word Start