"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.BasicScanlineMachine = exports.BasicMachine = exports.BasicHeadlessMachine = exports.NullProbe = void 0; class NullProbe { logClocks() { } logNewScanline() { } logNewFrame() { } logExecute() { } logInterrupt() { } logRead() { } logWrite() { } logIORead() { } logIOWrite() { } logVRAMRead() { } logVRAMWrite() { } logIllegal() { } logData() { } addLogBuffer(src) { } } exports.NullProbe = NullProbe; class BasicHeadlessMachine { constructor() { this.inputs = new Uint8Array(32); this.nullProbe = new NullProbe(); this.probe = this.nullProbe; } setKeyInput(key, code, flags) { this.handler && this.handler(key, code, flags); } connectProbe(probe) { this.probe = probe || this.nullProbe; } reset() { this.cpu.reset(); } loadROM(data, title) { if (!this.rom) this.rom = new Uint8Array(this.defaultROMSize); this.rom.set(data); } loadState(state) { this.cpu.loadState(state.c); this.ram.set(state.ram); this.inputs.set(state.inputs); } saveState() { return { c: this.cpu.saveState(), ram: this.ram.slice(0), inputs: this.inputs.slice(0), }; } loadControlsState(state) { this.inputs.set(state.inputs); } saveControlsState() { return { inputs: this.inputs.slice(0) }; } advanceCPU() { var c = this.cpu; var n = 1; if (this.cpu.isStable()) { this.probe.logExecute(this.cpu.getPC(), this.cpu.getSP()); } if (c.advanceClock) { c.advanceClock(); } else if (c.advanceInsn) { n = c.advanceInsn(1); } this.probe.logClocks(n); return n; } probeMemoryBus(membus) { return { read: (a) => { let val = membus.read(a); this.probe.logRead(a, val); return val; }, write: (a, v) => { this.probe.logWrite(a, v); membus.write(a, v); } }; } connectCPUMemoryBus(membus) { this.cpu.connectMemoryBus(this.probeMemoryBus(membus)); } probeIOBus(iobus) { return { read: (a) => { let val = iobus.read(a); this.probe.logIORead(a, val); return val; }, write: (a, v) => { this.probe.logIOWrite(a, v); iobus.write(a, v); } }; } connectCPUIOBus(iobus) { this.cpu['connectIOBus'](this.probeIOBus(iobus)); } } exports.BasicHeadlessMachine = BasicHeadlessMachine; class BasicMachine extends BasicHeadlessMachine { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.overscan = false; this.rotate = 0; this.aspectRatio = 1.0; } getAudioParams() { return { sampleRate: this.sampleRate, stereo: false }; } connectAudio(audio) { this.audio = audio; } getVideoParams() { return { width: this.canvasWidth, height: this.numVisibleScanlines, aspect: this.aspectRatio, overscan: this.overscan, rotate: this.rotate }; } connectVideo(pixels) { this.pixels = pixels; } } exports.BasicMachine = BasicMachine; class BasicScanlineMachine extends BasicMachine { advanceFrame(trap) { this.preFrame(); var endLineClock = 0; var steps = 0; this.probe.logNewFrame(); this.frameCycles = 0; for (var sl = 0; sl < this.numTotalScanlines; sl++) { endLineClock += this.cpuCyclesPerLine; // could be fractional this.scanline = sl; this.startScanline(); while (this.frameCycles < endLineClock) { if (trap && trap()) { sl = 999; break; } this.frameCycles += this.advanceCPU(); steps++; } this.drawScanline(); this.probe.logNewScanline(); this.probe.logClocks(Math.floor(this.frameCycles - endLineClock)); // remainder of prev. line } this.postFrame(); return steps; // TODO: return steps, not clock? for recorder } preFrame() { } postFrame() { } getRasterY() { return this.scanline; } getRasterX() { return this.frameCycles % this.cpuCyclesPerLine; } } exports.BasicScanlineMachine = BasicScanlineMachine; //# sourceMappingURL=devices.js.map